Additional Books By Brian Fusonie, written between 2018 and 2023:
The following books of my meditation essays are handwritten already, copyrighted then on each day they were handwritten. I am in the process of now typing each of them to post here at my site. Each of these books shown on this page will have a paragraph detailing its contents, and as they are typed, a link will be provided were the text of that book can be read or downloaded.
These are of various lengths. Most of them are short books that can be read in a single day. The book on "Due Process," however, is a much longer book, and will take some time for me to type, as I type slowly.
Book 1: Echo In The Wilderness; Brief Essays On The Sound Of Silence.
Preview Meditation: "'But if you will not (forgive the people's sins), then blot me out of the book you have written.' The Lord answered Moses: Only the one who has sinned against me will I blot out of my book." Exodus 32:32-33. "Yet, Lord, you are our father; we are the clay and you our potter: we are all the work of you hand." Isaiah 64:7.
Promo: Is God an Author or Potter, or both? What is a contractual covenant nation? What is true democracy versus 'democratic' idolatry? Will God create a new earth for our bodily afterlife? What is real monotheism? What is the metaphysics of animating creatures versus cartoons? Did God have a beginning and how to prove this? What is true scripture versus apocryphal texts? Why all attempts to 'substitute performance' for the contractual Covenant are necessarily black-magic hoaxes? Are there more than ten required commandments as the laws of God? These are ten questions that echo in the wilderness, and the answers are heard in the sound of silence. In Wilderness.htm In Wilderness.pdf
Book 2: The Lone Cypress; A Compilations Of Prose And Prayers.
Preview Meditation: "In place of the thornbush, the cypress shall grow ..." Isaiah 55:13. "Blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked ... Rather, the law of the Lord is his joy; and on his law he meditates day and night. He is like a tree planted near streams of water, that yields its fruit in season; its leaves never wither; whatever he does prospers." Psalm 1:1-3. We are called to daily meditate on God's book of laws, His only contractual agreement Covenant of laws, in order to daily prosper for God.
Promo: While I do not claim to be a lone cypress, nor reached that stage yet, I do have glimpses of what that stage of honesty with God in prayer requires; an honesty in the face of harsh world pressures and environs that do not want what you have to teach them about the only true God's Single Person Nature, how He creates, the new earth, and His only contractual agreement Covenant of all His laws that cannot change. This book is a compilation of fifty-two short meditation essays and a few intercessory prayers at the end that I wrote and pray daily. (Links to text will be provided).
Book 3: Creator Or Cartoonist? The Metaphysics Of Creating By Animation.
Preview Meditation: "' ... then blot me out of the book you have written.' The Lord answered Moses: Only the one who has sinned against me will I blot out of my book." Exodus 32:32-33. "I know, Lord, that no one chooses their way, nor determines their course nor directs their own step." Jeremiah 10:23. "As for the prophet, if he speaks deceiving words, I the Lord am the one who deceives that prophet." Ezekiel 14:9.
Promo: If God intelligently designs a robot, its hardware and software, but then draws it disobey that intelligent design, or if God inputs a lie into its software, then God draws a cartoon parody, and not the robot's "self." The same metaphysical truth applies to God creating any creature by animation in His Mind daily. When God draws a creature obey His intelligent design for that specie, that creature truly exists to God. But if God draws it do the opposite of His intelligent design for that specie, then God draws a cartoon parody, and not a real creature to God. That is the metaphysical reality about creating by mental imagery in His Mind. This short book is a meditation on why you must want God to always author you daily obedient to all His natural law and to worship Him as He truly Is, Single Person, instead of a false 'trinity.' You want your software data to be the truth, not a cartoon lie. And you want your body authored to always obey its God intelligently designed nature. You want to metaphysically truly exist as a creature, human being, to God. Not be discarded as a disobedient cartoon parody who hated human nature law as God designed it. You want to be metaphysically "real" to God. (Links to text will be provided).
Book 4: The Last Human; A Story About The End Time.
Preview Meditation: "For see, the Lord will come in fire ... like a stormwind; to wreak his anger in burning rage and his rebuke in fiery flames ... as the new heavens and the new earth which I am making." Isaiah 66:15-22. "Thus says the Lord God to the land of Israel: An end! The end is upon you; I will unleash my anger against you; judge you according to your ways, and hold against you all your abominations. ... An end is coming, the end is coming; it is ripe for you! See it is coming." Ezekiel 7:2-6.
Promo: Building on what we proved in "Creator Or Cartoonist?," this short book is a fictional story about one obedient family at the end of time. An honest man finds himself in a world where most 'people' did not obey God's laws for the specie human being. He alone and his family remained faithfully obedient to all God's laws for humans. He is surrounded by cartoons that did not want to obey God's laws for humanity. He had to stand firm and prepare himself and his family for the end of earth, and for his afterlife bodily on the new earth God will create. This story details his short conversations with God, and with his family, etc. It also discusses God's laws, and the creation of the new earth at the end and how he awakes there with his family. (Links to text will be provided).
Book 5: "The Lying Pen Of The Scribes!" ; Brief Essays On Why Some Bible Texts Cannot Be True Scripture.
Preview Meditation: "But my people do not know the law of the Lord. How can you say, 'We are wise, we have the law of the Lord'? See, that (law) has been changed into falsehood by the lying pen of the scribes! ... prophet and priest, all practice fraud." Jeremiah 8:7-10. "Something shocking and horrible has happened in the land: the prophets prophecy falsely, and the priests teach on their own authority ... What will you do when the end comes?" Jeremiah 5:30-31. "Every word that I command you, you shall be careful to observe, neither adding to it nor subtracting from it." Deuteronomy 13:1.
Promo: In Jeremiah 8:7-10, God is angered that His "laws" had been wrongly "changed into falsehoods by the lying pen of the scribes!" Hence we know from God that some texts have been altered, and some are easily provable such as scribes changing "servants" to "slaves" in God's Ten Commandments, or they simply added in those portions about "slaves," as example. Obviously, God had just ended slavery of the Jews in Egypt and would never have allowed slavery in His commandments. It is absurd that the word "slave" is mentioned in the Ten Commandments, there beside the right commandment that follows shortly after that text in Exodus to "not oppress any resident aliens, for you were once oppressed as aliens in Egypt." Most likely, the lying pen of the scribes added partial or entire paragraphs about "slaves," which cannot be reconciled with God's true commanded laws in Exodus 21:16; Exodus 22:20; Exodus 23:9; and Deuteronomy 23:16-17, which forbid "kidnapping" or "oppression" or "affliction" of anyone, and forbid the Jews from handing over foreign slaves that sought refuge among the Jews. God commanded, "Do not oppress them." Moreover, Exodus 21 is a blatant parody of the Sabbath commandment concerning "six days" and "seventh day," which it changed into "six years and seventh year." There are also texts in the Bible that contradict God's true Nature as Single Person, and thus those cannot be true scripture texts. Other texts were errantly written centuries after the alleged events, or were altered when they were orally spread or translated into other languages wrongly. We still have that problem today, as you can easily prove that the many versions of the Bible sold in stores do not have the same translations, and some of them are completely erroneous translations. Other texts in the Bible are simply cartoons, and cannot be truthful. We need to preserve the true texts in scripture, and weed out the false texts. (Links to text will be provided).
Book 6: Book Of Blasphemous Sayings; Phrases That Are Forbidden As Idolatry.
Preview Meditation: "You shall not invoke the name of the Lord, your God, in vain. For the Lord will not leave unpunished anyone who invokes his name in vain." Exodus 20:7.
Promo: This is a short book that details many phrases that contradict God's true Nature, and how He creates. As such they are against God, and are blasphemous sayings and idolatrous. This is a quick read with each topic discussed in a single paragraph or two. They are commonly said phrases that blaspheme against the true Single Person God.
Book 7: The New American Plantation; Meditation On God's Required Single Standard Of Due Process In Scripture.
Preview Meditation: "You shall not act dishonestly in rendering a judgment." Leviticus 19:15. " must inquire carefully into the matter and investigate it thoroughly. If you find that it is true and an established fact that this abomination has been committed ..." Deuteronomy 13:15. "... you must investigate it thoroughly. If you find the truth of the matter is established that this abomination has been committed ... on the testimony of two or three witnesses ... you purge the evil from your midst." Deuteronomy 17:4-7. "One witness alone shall not stand against someone in regard to any crime or any offense that may have been committed; a charge shall stand only on the testimony of two or three witnesses." Deuteronomy 19:15. "You must not distort justice ... so that you may live and possess the land the Lord, your God, is giving you." Deuteronomy 16:19-20.
Promo: Life, liberty, and property are "inalienable rights" endowed by God. The Bill Of Rights says, "No life, liberty, or property shall be deprived without due process of law." Obviously that means a single standard of due process for each of those, life, liberty, and property. In scripture, the taking of life, liberty, or property required proof that a crime had been committed by the accused, proven by a standard of beyond a moral or reasonable doubt. There did not exist in God's law any two-tier system of due process depending on whether "life or liberty is at stake" versus "merely property of money damages is at stake." All had to be proven by the same legal standard. Also, there cannot exist in God's law any 'sealed' or 'secrecy' courts. All cases must be exposed to the full light of the public purview to ensure that true burdens of proof are met and true justice is served. Equal due process under the law. This is a long book about law, and discusses each topic of life, liberty, and property rights in separate chapters, along with the contractual agreement Covenant of God's laws and required due process for each case. (Links to text will be provided).
Book 8: Moral I.Q. ; Meditation On Moral Reasoning.
Preview Meditation: "Thus says the Lord God: Have you come to consult me? As I live, I will not allow myself to be consulted by you!" Ezekiel 20:2-3. "For thus says the Lord, the creator of the heavens, who is God, the designer and maker of earth ... designing it to be lived in: I am the Lord, and there is no other." Isaiah 45:18-22.
Promo: Moral reasoning is simply agreeing with the intelligent design God made as the laws for humans. God's wisdom is the definition of "rational moral thought." Any disagreement with His laws is therefore not rational thought, but is illogical. This is a short book that can be read easily in a single day. (Links to text will be provided).
Book 9: The Contractual Agreement Priest: Meditation On The Nature Of True Contractual Agency Agreement With God As Priest.
Preview Meditation: "Now, go! I am sending you ..." Exodus 3:10. "I went to Pharaoh to speak in your name ..." Exodus 5:22-23. "Anyone who will not listen to my words which the prophet speaks in my name, I myself will hold accountable for it." Deuteronomy 18:19-20. Study the meaning in contractual agency law of what it means to "be sent in the name of a person, to speak in the name of that person as if they were there present." The phrase "in my name" is a contractual term, and proves that contractual Covenant agency is the true nature of the priest to speak in the name of God about His every law. But contractual agencies have limits and are broken by breach of contractual agency by disobeying any law.
Promo: The priesthood is a contractual agency covenant within the larger contractual agreement Covenant of all God's laws that cannot be changed. The priest is in fact a contractual agent of God to obey, teach, and enforce all God's laws of the contractual Covenant of God. There is no 'indelible' mark of the priesthood that survives mortal sins against that agency contract. Any person excommunicated cannot be an agent of God, they are not His true priests. Only those who fully recognize the agency of God as a contractual covenant agreement with God to enforce all His laws can be valid priests of God. They cannot teach lies and be His legal agent priests. They must obey His laws, and teach those laws properly and fully, or they are frauds and not validly priests. This also is a fairly short book. (Links to text will be provided).
Book 10: The Marriage Contract As True Sex Law ; Meditation On The Intelligent Design Of Marriage Versus Unlawful Sex.
Preview Meditation: " ... male and female he created them. God blessed them and God said to them: Be fertile and multiply ..." Genesis 1:27-28. "Onan ... whenever he had intercourse ... he wasted (contracepted) his seed on the ground, to avoid giving offspring ... What he did greatly offended the Lord, and the Lord took his life too." Genesis 38:9-10. "You shall not kill." Exodus 20:13. "You formed my inmost being; you knit me in my mother's womb." Psalm 139:13-14.
Promo: Marriage is a contractual agreement covenant between only a man and woman within the greater contractual agreement Covenant of all God's laws. The very nature of the marriage contract is for the procreation, raising, and education of law obeying children for God. The man and woman must be agreeing to be monogamous for life and to obey all of God's other laws of His greater contractual Covenant. Persons who do not obey God's laws are not in His contractual agreement Covenant of laws, and thus they cannot validly marry in God's law. The marriage contract precludes any use of contraceptives, abortifacients, including it forbids the often murderous practice of IVF (in vitro fertilization). All such practices invalidate a marriage in God's law, and they are null, not validly married. You must agree with God to make a valid agreement with God. (Links to text will be provided).
Book 11: The New Earth ; The Nature Of God's Repentance When He End All "Tests" And Makes The New Earth As Our Afterlife Bodily.
Preview Meditation: "See, I am creating new heavens and a new earth ... the new earth which I am making." Isaiah 65:17-18; 66:22. This is a Jewish scriptural promise, but even Christians believe God will make a "new earth" as stated in Revelations 21:1. There cannot be a 'spiritualized heaven.' God has promised to make for our bodily afterlife a real physical new earth. A 'spiritual heaven' and a bodily physical afterlife on a real new earth cannot both exist. Only the promise of a bodily afterlife on a physical new earth is real.
Promo: What is God's promise for our bodily physical afterlife? When will God create the new earth He promised in scripture when we will be re-created bodily to live anew? Who will live again on that new earth? Will there be marriage and childbirth? How will God structure the population of that new earth? How old will be your bodily physical appearance on that earth? This text meditates on and discusses the relevant scripture references to God creating the new earth and its practicalities. (Link to text will be provided).
Book 12: The True Jews ; God's Contractual Agreement Covenant Of All His Laws Versus Ancestral Lineage Consanguinity.
Preview Meditation: "Today you have accepted the Lord's agreement: he will be your God, and you will walk in his ways, observe his statutes, commandments, and ordinances, and obey his voice. And today the Lord has accepted your agreement: you will be a people specially his own, as he promise you, you will keep all his commandments, and he will set you high in praise ... above all nations ..." Deuteronomy 26:16-19. "Taking the book of the covenant, he read it out loud to the people, who answered, 'All that the Lord has said, we will hear and do.'" Exodus 24:7. "Only be strong and steadfast, be careful to observe the entire law which Moses my servant enjoined on you. ... this book of law ... Recite it by day and by night, that you may carefully observe all that is written in it." Joshua 1:1-9. "For whoever does any of these abominations shall be cut off from the (Jewish) people." Leviticus 18:29.
Promo: This is a very short meditation essay booklet on God's contractual Covenant definition of "Jew." God's people are only those who validly make and remain in His contractual agreement Covenant of all His laws. To be a valid "Jew" is to be in that agreement with God, and therefore to never disagree with any of God's laws in scripture. This booklet explains that contractual fact definition of the true Jews, and briefly discusses some of the laws that many people claiming to be "Jews" do not today obey, and thus they are not valid "Jews" in God's only contractual Covenant definition of His people "specially His own" by virtue of a contractual Covenant agreement of laws with Him. (Links to text will be provided).
On Prophecies That Are Posted Infrequently:
I have a past that has numerous good prophecies that came true, and many false-prophecies that did not come true. Therefore I stay away from most prophecies, unless they are clear and urgent, and the public right to know what God is warning seems credible and important. After all, God shares prophecies from time to time with many people in order to warn what He will do in advance. Most of the time, I will not publish the prophecies. But there is more than one that seem important, because they are of the similar type that came true in the past.