The Pro-Life Movie & Soundtrack


(c) Brian Fusonie 2024


This page contains my movie script and its soundtrack of songs from my albums Radio Volumes 1 to 9th.

All songs were written and recorded by me.  I compiled the soundtrack of fourteen songs to correspond to the discussions in each scene of the movie.

You can download and listen to each song at this page.  The lyrics for each song are on the pages for the album that song was originally recorded and posted at this same web site.  The soundtrack for this movie lists the song name, the original album for which it was recorded, and the movie chapter (scene) that song is to be played during.  Example: American Faith, RV 2nd (RV stands for "Radio Volume"), in Chapter 1 (of the movie).




1. American Faith, RV 2nd, in movie Chapter 1.

2. Make America, RV 6th, in movie Chapter 2.

3. PredestiNation, RV 4th, in movie Chapter 3.

4. Rainbow, RV 3rd, in movie Chapter 4.

5. Rachel Weeps, RV 1, in movie Chapter 5.

6. In The Eyes Of God, RV 5th, in movie Chapter 7.

7. Bridge Builders, RV 7th, in movie Chapter 9.

8. Universe, RV 1, in movie Chapter 12.

9. Climate Control, RV 5th, in movie Chapter 14.

10. God's Nation, RV 6th, in movie Chapter 15.

11. Friend Of Mine, RV 8th, in movie Chapter 16.

12. Honor Your Promise, RV 9th, in movie Chapter 17.

13. Fire Sky, RV 3rd, in movie Chapter 18.

14. Did Not Know Your Name, RV 2nd, in movie Chapter 19.


*The links to each song to download will be posted here soon. Faith (Master).m4a America.m4a (Master).m4a (Master).m4a Weeps (Master).m4a The Eyes Of God (Master).m4a Builders (Master).m4a (Master) 1.m4a Control (Master).m4a's Nation.m4a Of Mine (Master).m4a Your Promise (Master).m4a Sky (Master).m4a Not Know Your Name (Master).m4a



THE MOVIE SCRIPT: American Faith: The Pro-Life Movie.


Table Of Contents:

Introduction: Statement appearing on the screen at the beginning.

Chapter 1: Men in a room discussing the 4th of July.

Chapter 2: Men fishing in a boat on the 4th.

Chapter 3: Family watching fireworks.

Chapter 4: Janitors at a ballpark on the 4th.

Chapter 5: Same fishermen now at one's house.

Chapter 6: Father and son read the Declaration Of Independence.

Chapter 7: Two law school students discussing Contract Law and the 4th.

Chapter 8: A Jew and a Catholic discussing religion.

Chapter 9: Two ironworkers building a bridge discuss God's laws.

Chapter 10: A death penalty case courtroom discussion.

Chapter 11: United States Supreme Court Oral Arguments.

Chapter 12: Man and woman making a marital vow.

Chapter 13: A political advertisement by the current President discussed.

Chapter 14: Man and wife discuss climate change and God's laws.

Chapter 15: Teacher refuses to let the Declaration be read in class.

Chapter 16: Two WWII veterans discuss the world and military.

Chapter 17: Hospital birth of a daughter and discussion.

Chapter 18: Youth reads the Bible in prayer.

Chapter 19: Songwriter writes a pro-life song.

Chapter 20: The soundtrack songs listed.



The year is 2024.  It is the 4th of July in American.  A day to remember and celebrate our founding vows as a nation in the Declaration Of Independence made in Congress on this same day of July 4th, 1776.  That was the day of our nation's birth.  At that time we vowed to obey the unalienable natural right to Life endowed by the Creator to each child equally.  While we celebrate our nation's birth, we must not forget nor become callous to the fact that today millions of American children are being deprived of their births by abortion.  Today many States tried by statutes to re-define "conception," the moment a child is "created," to various different fraudulent and often religious based definitions.  That is not "created equal" as promised by our founders in the Declaration Of Independence. Nor is it "equal protection of the laws" as required under various provisions of our Constitution.  And often States have violated the "Establishment Clause" of the First Amendment in doing so.  The only definition of "conception" ("created") that is biological, not religious, is the moment of fertilization, when there is no longer the woman's egg, nor the man's sperm, but there is a newly "created" ("conceived") unique genetic human child.  That also must be ruled by the United States Supreme Court to be "the singular definition in all States of this Nation for all children to be created equally under law."

This movie presents that basic truth from both an American legal perspective and with religious proofs and discussions. It calls that sacred trust of the promised "created equal unalienable right to Life endowed by the Creator to all children" to be our sacred vow of "American Faith."  I pray God helps all who are willing to work for that purpose; that He work with and along side of them.  Help them, Lord, to complete the tasks necessary to restore both the inalienable right to Life and all Your truth.  Help them in that purpose as we work to reform and reclaim this nation, and as we hope for the new earth You will create. Isaiah 65:17-18; 66:22.



Two men sit on a couch in a room watching intently the television set.  It is the 4th of July.  The television is on a news station that is discussing the fireworks that will be set off that night and that will be able to be viewed by the people then gathered at the White House for the President's speech celebrating the 4th. The show a flashback of the celebration the prior year with a woman singing at that ceremony: "God bless America, land that I love, stand beside her and guide her through the night with a light from above ..." 

At that moment one of the men changes the channel and says: "What does the President know about this day?  What does he know about its sacred oath and meaning?  He cannot even quote the Declaration Of Independence straight without fumbling it.  He always skips over the mention of God in it and the right to Life endowed by the Creator. All he remembers is the phrase "created equal," but even that the President misuses to say that murderous abortive swine are equal to the virtuous in God's eyes. He is wrong!  He pretends those who hate God's laws are somehow equal in God's eyes to those who fully love ad obey God's laws."  He stands up, walks to a picture frame hanging on his wall over a table.  It is the framed Declaration Of Independence.  He is silent for a second, then he reads it out loud to his friend in the room. "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."  He stops for a moment, then continues reading it out loud. "That whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter and abolish it."

Then he turns to his friend and says: "What does the President know about each child's created equal God endowed unalienable and certain right to Life?  Tell me, what does he know other than his selfish political prostitution to a murderous sinful coalition of Planned Parenthood?  He does not protect what God endowed as certain and unalienable, each child's created equal right to Life!  He is a political tramp and swine!  A prostitute who is not only destructive of those righteous ends -- the guaranteed right to Life -- as he has trampled on the Declaration Of Independence from day one of his presidency, but his administration has done it worse than any prior administration.  So much so that Jefferson's warnings have come true: it is the right of We The People to alter or abolish the current anti-life regime ruining our nation!  God help us."

Suddenly on television you see men at hot-dog eating contest in New York shoving dozens of hot-dogs down their throats.  Then the man starts speaking again: "You see!  We are not a good people, not anymore.  They glutton on hot-dogs o this solemn day of remembrance and celebration, while others are at parties chugging beers and becoming intoxicated.  And the President pretends we fought the Revolutionary War for our independence to establish an anti-life murderous child-killing regime against God!  How many today have actually thought about and recited anew the vows, the sacred promises, we made as a nation on this day as we promised in the Declaration Of Independence.  It is God's right to determine inalienable laws, thus inalienable rights.  How many of the people today have read that sacred trust document of our American Faith!  They have instead made its promises empty and meaningless. God help us."  He stares again at the document on the wall and begins to read it out loud once more. "We, therefore, the representatives of the United States of America, in General Congress, assembled, appealing to the Supreme Judge of the world ... solemnly publish and declare, that these United Colonies are, and of right ought to be free and independent States; that they are absolved from all allegiance to the British crown, and that all political connection between them and the State of Great Britain, is and ought to be totally dissolved."  Then he concludes his speech to his friend saying: "The current President is more of an evil empire, an immoral tyrannical regime, than was the king of Great Britain.  We should should hear the words of Jefferson in the Declaration Of Independence, and dissolve all political ties with his party also."

His friend standing next to him then begins half-hearted hand clapping as if in part  mockery.  Then he replies: "Do not let your honest belief in what was our American Faith -- as you call it -- let you dare begin to believe you could change the way things have become in our society today.  I doubt the people today care to read or remember that dusty old document, nor would it be taught in most classrooms of today's political leftist climate, because that Declaration proves our rights come from God, not from men. God is not allowed to run or govern anything any more. Not in this God-forsaken century!  The President, I agree, is a political prostitute who sold himself to that coalition of sin -- to homosexuals and to abortion -- all for their pagan votes.  But you and your American Faith will never be heard by them!  They are too far gone beyond wanting to return to God's laws, to those unalienable rights He endowed as our founders wrote when forming this nation, when they wrote those vows of our independence from tyrants as our current President.  The founders would turn in their graves if they saw the world today!"

The first man agrees, nodding his head, and saying: "Perhaps, you are right. But at least we know that they would never tolerate the situation as it has become today, the blood of the innocent spilt on the alter of no love!  They would not tolerate it.  They did not tolerate it."

*(The soundtrack begins to play "American Faith," from Radio Volume 2nd, by Brian Fusonie).


The scene changes to two men fishing on a small boat in a pond.  They are silently casting their fishing lines into the water as the sun begins to set, and the sound of the crickets permeate the air. One of the men begins to whistle the music for "My country tis of thee, sweet land of liberty, of thee I sing." Suddenly the first man says: "I got one!"  His pole is clearly bending from a fish on the line.  The other man says: "Reel it closer so I can net it."  The first man reels in the fish, and the other man places the net around it in the water.  He scoops up the net and pulls the fish out into the boat.  He says: "Man, that s one nice trout!  Don't catch many of those in this pond.  Mostly perch and bass.  You want to keep this fish, or throw it back?"  The fist man replies: "Not much on killing something today.  Have not the heart to kill one of God's creatures on this day.  Throw it back.  Release it to live another day.  After all, today is a solemn day about Life and Liberty given by our Creator.  I know it is only a fish, but this day has gotten me al riled up against killing.  On this day our founders vowed to raise arms to protect the God endowed right to Life of all God's children equally. Created equal, with a certain and unalienable right to Life.  This day has gotten me thinking about the evils of killing, of killing the innocent, the vulnerable and helpless that need to be defended, of killing one of God's unborn children!  How can a land that promised to protect God endowed right to Life dare murder His unborn children?  Let the fish go free! Put it back into the water to live.  I want no part of killing on this sacred day."  The other man releases the fish back into the pond and they watch it swim back under the water.

Then there is a loud sound like a thunderclap resonant in the distance.  The second man says: "Looks as if the fireworks are just getting ready to start.  That must be the first of them."  The first man the says: "Yep.  The first of man, like gunfire and canons blasting off in the distance of our nation's memories.  There was a time when we actually remembered the vows for which we fought for our nation's first independence -- our American Faith -- the promise of our Declaration Of Independence.  Now it sees all forgotten.  Empty canon blasts erupting as fireworks to entertain and amuse; but not to read it, to pray it, and remember the words of our independence vows.  You can feel the emptiness of their hearts today in the air as the fireworks explode around them.  The founders would turn in their graves at the vanity this day has become!  No one cares to honestly remember.  The vows of our independence fight have been desecrated and forgotten."

*(The soundtrack begins to play "Make America," from Radio Volume 6th, by Brian Fusonie).


*(The soundtrack shifts to play "PredestiNation," from Radio Volume 4th, by Brian Fusonie, at the Star Spangled Banner into the lyrics of the song. Fireworks are heard growing in volume as the soundtrack plays).

The scene changes to a field of families with their children all gazing up at the fireworks exploding in array of colorful bursts lighting up the early night sky.  The fireworks increase in frequency and the size of the blasts until reaching a climax.  Then there is silence.  The gathered families begin to clap their hands in favorable applause. A man standing with his young son says to him: "Son, that was the finale.  Just in time to get you home for your bedtime so you can get some rest for your busy day tomorrow." 

The son replies: "Do I have to go to school tomorrow?  Why do they not give us that day off also.  Summer school should be easier than normal school.  Don't they know we will be out late watching the fireworks?" 

The father says to his son: "We enrolled you in a summer school for your benefit.  Perhaps they should take tomorrow to teach you why we watch fireworks in the first place. Maybe school should be that important, a real education, not a mere playground.  Did they discuss the vows our nation made on the first day of our declared independence?  Has your school had you recite that American Faith of our first vows to God and to each other as a nation?  Our nation's vows of its birth?" 

The son the says: "It is our day off from reading today, Dad.  It is my day off." 

Then the father responds: "There can be no days off from our nation's founding vows.  When we get home tonight I will show you a book with the Declaration Of Independence in it with those vows.  We will read and recite that pledge together.  We will pray it as our family prayer tonight."

Then the son replies: "Do we have to?  Today is my day off from reading!"

The father says to him: "God does not give you any days off from prayer, none from having to obey our nation's vows to Him and one another.  We will read and pay it together."


The scene changes to a baseball park.  It is early evening.  Two janitors are sweeping th stadium bleachers after an afternoon 4th of July baseball game. The crowd has left, and there is a stillness in the air.  The janitors' brooms are heard sweeping in the evening silence.  There is a flagpole in the distance in the corner of the ballpark, and you can see there is another man at it taking down two flags that were on the flagpole during the game's opening ceremony for the 4th of July.  One of the flags is the American Flag which was raised highest on that flagpole during the game. The flag on the pole beneath it was the sinful 'gay-pride flag,' or rainbow flag, which the owners of the field decided to raise on the same pole as the American Flag to, as they announced during the game, 'celebrate the independence of gays.' 

One of the janitors says to the other: "Look!  Thank God they are finally taking down that blasphemous rainbow flag!  It never should have been raised on that flagpole with our American Flag!  Who do they think Americans have become, daring to raise such a sinful flag on the same pole as our Stars And Stripes!"

The other janitor replies: "I agree.  That sinful flag should never have been raise on any pole, let alone with our American Flag.  It desecrated Old Glory!"

The first janitor then says: "I have been praying and reading God's word, and how God destroyed the cities of Sodom because it had homosexuals in it.  I read that in Genesis 19.  And how God commanded Moses that all homosexuals are excommunicated, cut off from the people by God, as God commands in Leviticus 18.  And how God even commanded the death penalty for all homosexuals in Leviticus 20.  God does not tolerate gays!  How can a nation that made sacred vows to God and each other in our Declaration Of Independence, on our first 4th of July, now refuse to obey those vowed self-evident right of our Creator to command what is law?  How can we today as a people ignore God's plain scriptural laws, His commands, and defy Him by raising a gay-pride rainbow flag on the same pole as our American Flag?  It makes no sense!"

The second janitor then replies: "You remember the Bible well.  I too have read those commandments of God.  But in this ballpark God is not welcome.  Of all the people who gathered on this 4th today to watch a game be played, probably few of them remember the God who made those commanded laws.  They do not worship that God, the God of His laws in scripture, and the God of the Declaration Of Independence, the one we promised to respect as Author our real unalienable rights..  Today, they instead worship their modern opinions -- themselves -- not God!  They do not pray the Pledge Of Allegiance.  They may recite it, but they do not honestly obey it. 'I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation under God!"  They no longer pray the meaning of those words.  As if God were dead.  He is forgotten!"

The first janitor then says: "The God of the commanded laws in scripture is not dead.  The people who have forgotten Him -- they are dead.  And when they die He will say to them, 'Because you each pretended not to know Me and My laws, now I do not know each of you!'"

The second janitor then responds: "The God of our Declaration Of Independence is not dead.  He is the same God always, now and forever.  His laws will never change.  But the people today have changed.  They have lost their way.  He is forgotten and replaced by their pagan rainbow flag!"

The first janitor then says: "They pretend it is their 'pursuit of happiness' now, when it is the pursuit of miseries in Hell!"

The second janitor replies: "And the end will come for certain, it will come because of homosexuals and because of abortions.  Those will bring the end!"

The first janitor concludes: "The earth is ripe for that end to come, as God warns in scripture!  It is ripe for that end."

*(The soundtrack begins to play "Rainbow," from Radio Volume 3rd, by Brian Fusonie).


The scene changes back to the two fishermen.  They are pulling the boat out of the water and up onto one of the man's property under a flood light shining from his house.  They walk to the front door and stop. The first man says: "Come in.  I want to show you some prayer notes I wrote down from quotes of God's words in scripture.  It is all there in scripture how God is against abortion.  I have had enough of this country's killing!"  They go inside and the first man walks to a desk and opens its drawer and lifts out a piece of paper with his handwritten notes from scripture on it.  He says again: "It is all in there.  God condemns and hates abortion.  He condemns any land that allows abortion.  It says it clear that He will author the land will vomit you out if you murder your offspring.  Let me read to some of my notes about those scripture laws." 

He then reads: "You shall not kill." Exodus 20:13. "You shall not murder your offspring or you become excommunicated cut off from the people." Leviticus 18.  "They murdered their own sons and daughters, shedding innocent blood, desecrating the land with bloodshed." Psalm 37-41. "You formed my inmost being; you knit me in my mother's womb." Psalm 139:13.  "The life of the mother is equal to the life of the child, both are mine." Ezekiel 18:4."  He stops there reading his notes and says: "How dare they pretend that God allows the murder of His unborn children!  They know He condemns all who do it!"

The second man says: "They worship their selfish uteruses, not the God of sacred scripture laws!  And therefore not the Creator we vow to in the Declaration Of Independence who guarantees and endows all His children with the self-evident certain unalienable right to Life."

The first man replies: "All the killing must stop!  I have had enough of their lies, their population control propaganda.  Recent studies show that most lands have such reduced birth-rates that soon they will have serious problems. And how dare they say 'population control' as an end to justify their evil abortive means, when they let in an invasion of over ten million illegal aliens at our southern border in the past four years!  They are liars!"

The second man responds: "They only use that population control excuse when it is politically convenient for them to try and justify contraception and abortion."

The first man then says: "Yes.  They use any excuse to justify their selfish sins against human life.  As I was saying, scripture clearly has God condemning all those sins, including contraception.  In Genesis 38:9-10, God condemns all attempts to avoid giving offspring -- contraception.  God even put Onan to death for withdrawing and spilling his sperm on the ground when having sex with his deceased brother's wife in order to avoid giving offspring.  Onan did not want her to get pregnant, so God took his life because of his contraceptive use of the withdrawal method.  It says there in Genesis 38, 'What Onan did greatly offended the Lord, and the Lord took his life.'"  In Leviticus 18 and Leviticus 20 it is clearly stated that the murder of offspring and homosexuality are deadly sin 'abominations' that excommunicate 'cut off' that person from the people.  My favorite warning is when God compares how sinful the daughters of Israel had become to the sinful abominations committed by the earlier daughters of Sodom, which God destroyed.  Here I wrote in my notes it says in Ezekiel 16:46-50, '[Israel], your younger sister was Sodom and her daughters, south of you.  Not only did you walk in their ways and act as abominably as they did, but in a very short time you became more corrupt in all your ways than they were. ... I swear that your sister Sodom with her daughters have done the things you and your daughters have done! ... They became arrogant and committed abominations before me, then as you have seen, I destroyed them.'"

The second man then says: "The abominations of today's American daughters would make the daughters of Israel and Sodom blush in shame for them! Today's generation commits every abomination that God lists and condemns in the Bible without blinking.  They are the worst generation, since perhaps the great flood!  They care nothing for God and His laws."

The first man replies: "We are nearing the end, I fear.  God warned in Leviticus 20 that the 'land will vomit out any nations or people who allow such abominations in their territory.  I fear we are at the end soon -- while we are supposed to be celebrating our nation's birth with the Declaration Of Independence today -- the 4th of July.  I fear the real fireworks will not be of our own making, but will be the fire of God's wrath!"


The scene changes to the room of the boy who was at the fireworks with his father earlier.  His father enters the room carrying a book in his hands.  It is a book about the Constitution and Declaration Of Independence.  The father says: "I am sorry we never prayed this law document together before.  My fault.  But I want to teach you the meaning of this day, the 4th of July.  Here is the Declaration Of Independence that is the birth of our nation on July 4th, 1776. Here, let us read and pray this part together."

He then reads out loud to his son: "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."  He then says to him: "This is our vow that the right to Life is 'certain,' and thus not subject to being changed. The definition of 'self-evident truth' are truths that are uncontestable and must be respected by all people for all generations as truths established by God.  It is a self-evident truth that God creates all babies equally at a single equal defined time of created -- conception -- at the moment of fertilization. That is a self-evident biological truth.  At that moment they all have an unalienable equal right to Life. All things are really and properly defined by God.  That is the fact.  He alone decided the definitions of what is real versus what is not real.  A rock exists because God wrote the definition of what is a real rock. A piece of clay exists because God wrote that definition of what is a real piece of clay.  And God defined that biological fertilization is the moment a child is created -- conceived.  God is the Author of self-evident truths, not governments!"

The son replies: "But many people today do not obey God's created right to Life.  Those people murder God's babies in the womb.  They think women have the right to define for themselves what is a created life, and what is not a created life!  They did not pray the Declaration, Dad.  How can they be Americans then?  They do not obey the 4th of July you just read to me.  They are not in agreement with God."

The father the says: "Yes, son, they do not make that necessary agreement our founders unanimously signed in this Declaration Of Independence, our nation's birth, as you correctly noticed.  They do not agree with that required American Faith as written in this text.  You are right to point out that in God's eyes they did not make this agreement to be valid Americans of the Revolution."

The son then responds: "What did they agree to?  Anything?  Or do they have no faith in self-evident rights created by God?  Do they think everyone decides what is truth for themselves, instead of God's definitions of what is the truth?  His definition of what is biological fact."

The father then says: "They are the opposite of our founding fathers and this document.  The Declaration Of Independence says all unalienable rights such as the right to Life come from God, not from government, not from courts nor kings.  But those who want to abort children argue instead that rights come only from government, from courts, and not from God.  That is a pagan belief that our founders rejected when writing the Declared birth of our nation."

The son then replies: "Courts do not create children.  God creates children."

The father says: "This Declaration Of Independence also says that whenever government violates the self-evident certain unalienable right to Life, the people have a right to reform it or to abolish it.  Let us pray this nation abolishes abortion, before God decides to abolish this nation."

The son responds: "Dad, are we near the end?  I mean, God must be angry.  Is He going to punish America for being so disobedient because of abortions?

The father concludes by saying: "It may be so, my son. It may be soon.  God's wrath will either end all abortions, or He will end this nation -- and the earth.  Let us pray that God ends the murder of any unborn children in the womb.  Let us pray for that to prevent the end."


(*The soundtrack begins to play "In The Eyes Of God," from Radio Volume 5th, by Brian Fusonie).

The scene changes to a summer law school classroom the next day.  It is a class in "Contract Law."  The students are listening to the professor teach the class.  He says to them: "There must be full and informed mutually binding consent -- an actual agreement -- mutually exchanged promises to obey all the terms and conditions, thus the laws, of th contract or it is not a valid legal agreement and thus not an enforceable contact in law."

The bell rings.  The class has ended. The professor says: "Be prepared to discuss a valid quid pro quo of valuable consideration tomorrow.  We will be discussing how any disagreement as to any of an alleged contract's terms and conditions thereby nullifies the attempted contract as not an actual valid agreement.  It is null.  Be prepared."

The students close their notebooks and begin leaving the room.  One student says to another student: "You know, I have been thinking since yesterday that there are many people who disagree with one or more laws of God, and they pretend to be in His contractual Covenant agreement of all His laws. There are many who disagree on what time a child is created by God, the moment of conception, which we know is at fertilization.  They instead pretend there is no child until implanted or even later, until viable outside of the womb, instead of the obvious fact that life is conceived when there is no longer an egg of the woman, nor sperm of the man, but a new created child at the moment of fertilization. Those who disagree are selfish lunatics!  They fail to agree with God about His law of conception, while they pretend they are in His agreement -- His contractual Covenant of all His laws.  How absurd!  They should have taken a class in contractual Covenant law!"

The other student replies: "Yes, I agree with you.  Those who disagree with God about the creation of Life are invalid, they are not in His agreement, but are invalid.  They are not part of His true contractual Covenant agreement people!  I was read in Deuteronomy in the Bible where God explicitly defined His Covenant as a legal 'agreement.'  In Deuteronomy 26:16-19 God required the people to make an 'agreement' to obey all His commanded laws.  It is a quid pro quo.  It says the people 'accepted' God's agreement promising to obey all His laws in exchange for God's 'agreement' to provide for them and protect and prosper them as a nation. They had to 'accept' God defined agreement, and God said He 'accepted' their promises as a legal Covenant agreement.  It is a contract, not some type of whimsical or magical document.  God did not say to 'have faith' in Him, but instead He commanded us to validly agree to the laws of His only contractual Covenant agreement.  There is no other!  I agree that the people should have to study a course in basic contract law, probably by middle school.  They need to know what a valid agreement is, because today few are validly contracting with God His only Covenant agreement of all His laws!"

The first student then says: "They should also have to publicly sign the Declaration Of Independence and Constitution in an informed consent legal agreement to be valid citizens of America!  Today there are few who validly contract the agreement our founders vowed in the founding document of our nation, the Declaration Of Independence.  To me, they are an uninformed and disagreeing people who God will not recognize as citizens.  They failed to make informed consent to obey the laws endowed by our Creator to be certain, self-evident, and unalienable, as the right to created equal Life, expressly enumerated by our founding document, the Declaration Of Independence.  Those who disagree with is cannot claim to be valid citizens of  America!  Our nation was founded on those sacred vows of our American Faith!"

The second student replies: "As our contracts professor said today, any disagreement with the self-evident rights endowed by God as stated in that Declaration to be unalienable is a disagreement that makes those persons invalid, not actual citizens. They fail to make the necessary agreement with God and with nation.  I agree, God does not see those persons who disagree with any of His laws as citizens.  This includes those who disagree with His legal definition of biological conception at fertilization as the moment He created, thus conceives, a child.  Those persons who disagree with that self-evident truth He does not see as actual citizens of the United States.  They are invalid."


The scene changes to two men sitting on a park bench.  They meet regularly to talk about life and religion as ecumenical friends.  On man is Jewish and the other man is Catholic.  It is the day after the 4th of July.  The Jewish man says: "Did you watch the fireworks last night?  I think they were fairly decent this year."

The Catholic man replies: "Yes.  I saw a little of them from near my house.  You could see them from there.  Not bad.  Better than last year's fireworks."

The Jewish man then says: "If only it had the meaning today as in the first document giving birth to America on the first 4th of July."

The Catholic man says: "The Declaration Of Independence?"

The Jewish man responds: "Yes.  The founding document that mentions God in it as the Creator of our rights, not tyrant governments nor courts nor kings.  Only God has that right to endow us with the enumerated unalienable rights to Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."

The Catholic man says: "Agreed.  Our nation was founded on faith in God."

The Jewish man replies: "Not on faith, but on faithful obedience to His contractual Covenant agreement of all His laws.  Faith without obedience is not real faith, after all."

The Catholic man responds: "You mistake me for a Protestant.  I am a Catholic, and we believe you must faithfully obey every letter of God's laws."

The Jewish man says: "No you don't!  Catholics have many tactics of traditions they call sacraments to try and obtain God's mercy and forgiveness without having to personally agree with God as to all His contractual Covenant laws!  Your sacraments nullify His agreement!"

The Catholic man says: "We believe what the popes teach, about forgiveness by our sacramental rites.  God's mercy is for those who believe in our sacraments even if they do not agree to obey all God's laws.  The sacraments substitute for obedience.  Obedience is not required because Jesus in proxy performed obedience even unto death for us.  He substitutes for us, for our lack of obedience to God's laws.  We are saved by Jesus in our sacraments, not by obedience to God's contractual Covenant agreement laws.  Jesus took our place on the cross."

The Jewish man replies: "You believe what popes teach.  I believe what God commanded as law.  As I said, your in proxy performance sacraments nullify and make void the contractual Covenant agreement of all God's laws!  In contractual Covenant law each person must agree to all the contract's laws and perform the promised full obedience to those laws themselves personally.  No one can substitute for that required personal performance of obedience!  There is not allowed any in proxy substitute performance by thrid party as Jesus.  Moreover, Jesus is not God."

The Catholic man responds: "I know you Jews do not believe that Jesus is God.  We Catholics do.  He exists because, as Thomas Aquinas taught and as the Vatican teaches, God is infinite and in His Mind He sees an infinite perfect image reflection of Himself, which begets His son, the second persons, and from their love proceeds the holy ghost as the third person of a trinity.  God is three equally infinite divine persons, the father, son, and holy ghost.  That is what we are taught, that Jesus is the incarnate son of the father, eternally begotten by the father's infinite reflection on himself."

The Jewish man replies: "Eternally begotten is an oxymoron!  To beget, to be begotten, means to have been generated by the Father.  There cannot be eternally begotten.  And moreover, your belief that God's alleged son Jesus is begotten by an infinite God, the father, who thinks and reflect infinitely about himself, somehow producing an infinite image of himself that is somehow a separate living person, the son, is totally irrational, and it would in any event be the product of the Father's own mental activity, thus generating no other person.  Nor could some other person be one-in-being with the true Father.  Yet there is another proof, and that is that God is not infinite.  He has a definite shape and size to be a living Being.  God has not the power to cause Himself to stop existing.  Therefore we can know that God is bound in existence by some physics forces that He does not control, and thus He did not make those primal physics forces that hold him bound in existence.  They made Him.  He did not author them.  Thus forces exist outside of God and independent of Him.  He is therefore not infinite, and your whole dogma of the trinity is a hoax.  A blasphemous fiction. Idolatry."

The Catholic man responds: "Our faith is that Jesus is God incarnate as the infinite second person of a trinity. That is what our creed of the Vatican teaches us."

The Jewish man says: "You believe in a hoax.  There is no infinite God, no matter what the Vatican pretends.  There is only a finite round shaped enormously large God who is Single Person!  He is alone and He creates His creatures in His Mind by mental imagery animation.  He draws the universe He created in His Mind.  He draws and animates all His creatures.  But what He draws cannot be Himself.  God draws all. But all God draws is not Himself!  God cannot draw Himself to become an electron, nor therefore an electron body cat, dog, nor human!  There is no incarnation.  All belief in an incarnation is idolatry. There is only the Single Person God who is alone.  He authored His Covenant of laws. Those laws must be obeyed in agreement with Him to be saved, not some pretend faith in a fictional trinity."

The Catholic man says: "But we have an abundance of miracles that only God could make and which prove there is an incarnate God who is a trinity. If you believed in miracles, you would accept our faith as proven by our many confirmed miracles!"

The Jewish man responds: "Miracles do not prove your case.  God warned us in Deuteronomy 13 that He would author miracle signs or wonders for false-gods as Jesus and for false-prophets as Jesus to test mankind's obedience to His true Single Person and His laws.  The fact that you have such miracles does not prove your dogma.  Miracles prove nothing.  They are most often God testing the earth.  Logic, however, proves there is no infinite God, nor a trinity, nor any incarnation.  God is Single Person and cannot draw Himself to be incarnate any more than an artist can actually draw their true living person in their art.  What they draw is not themselves!  Stan Lee cannot draw himself to actually be a living person action figure in one of his scripted comic books either.  Your incarnation is a cartoon god.  Not the real God.  Miracles are not proof of the veracity of an alleged dogma it purports to prove.  Logic is what is required.  And logic proves God is alone as Single Person.  He commanded in the Ten Commandments that you shall not have other gods beside Him!  Logic and obedience to His laws, that is life.  Not miracles!"

The Catholic man replies: "You want logic, instead of faith.  You want to understand everything by logic, while we Catholics accept that some things must be accepted on faith as mystery."

The Jewish man says: "If it does not conform to real logic, then it is not true.  And if it sounds too good to be true, then it is not true.  Do you really think God would circumvent His contractual agreement Covenant to allow you to avoid having to validly agree to obey all His laws by giving you a substitute for having to actually personally obey His laws? Christianity is a complete hoax.  It worships a fictional cartoon deity with cartoon illogical doctrines!"

There is a silence and the pause lasts a few quiet seconds.  Then the Jewish man says: "But we started our discussion today talking about the 4th of July and the fireworks. And since you are my ecumenical friend maybe we should conclude on a matter I think we both can agree on.  It has to do with the vows our nation made on its first birthday in the Declaration Of Independence and its vow to defend God's endowed unalienable right to Life.  Tell me, what do you Catholics do when a persons procures an abortion pill and uses it?  God clearly commands in Leviticus 18 and Leviticus 20 that the persons is 'cut off from the people,' what you call 'excommunicated'?"

The Catholic man replies: "You are right. On that much we can agree on this day.  The Catholic Code Of Canon Law requires in Canon 1398 of the canons promulgated by John Paul II that whoever procures any abortion pill is excommunicated."

The Jewish man concludes: "Then we agree on that law of God.  See, we do agree on something.  That is a beginning. A starting point."


*(The soundtrack begins to play "Bridge Builders," from Radio Volume 7th, by Brian Fusonie).

The scene changes to an iron worker working on a bridge.  It is being reconstructed after the former bridge was hit by a large cargo ship.  That bridge collapsed.  The iron workers have been rebuilding it for several months.  It is the day after the 4th of July.  The iron worker then takes his lunch break.  He is sitting on the bank of the river alone and pulls out from a cloth bag a Bible.  Every day at lunch he reads and prays a scripture paragraph or two.  Then he eats lunch usually when finished praying. 

The ironworker opens the Bible to Deuteronomy 5:32 and reads: "Be careful, therefore, to do as the Lord, your God, has commanded you, not turning aside to the right or to the left, but following exactly the way that the Lord, your God, commanded you."  Then he turns the pages to Joshua 1:1-9 and reads: "Only be strong and steadfast, being careful to observe the entire law which Moses my servant enjoined on you.  Do not swerve from it either to the right or to the left ... this book of law ... carefully observe all that is written in it."  He closes the Bible, puts it back in the cloth bad and begins to eat his lunch.

There is a co-worker who comes and sits near to him to share their lunch break together. The first iron worker then says to his co-worker who just arrived: "You know, I was thinking how we are building this bridge to help people get from one side of the river to the other.  I was thinking how God's laws are like this bridge.  They are the path, the route, we must travel to get from one side of a river of life to the other side to be with God bodily on the new earth He promises to create in Isaiah 65 and 66.  If we stay carefully obedient to that path as He defined it, we make it safe to the other side.  But if we swerve to the right or to the left, we go off the sides of the bridge into doom in the waters below."

The second man says: "Makes sense, when you put it like that."

The first man says: "We are called to be bridge builders.  To be the ironworkers for God helping Him to build His bridge to get others to safety on the other side of life."

The second man responds: "God is counting on us, like He is counting on us to finish constructing this bridge over this river.  We have to build it properly, exactly as the design specifications commands according to His definitions, or it will collapse."

The first man replies: "Yes, exactly as He commanded, or everything will collapse and crumble.  God's designs specifications are perfect.  For example, God defined a single definition of the moment a new baby is created.  One equal definition for all babies.  But today there are many different definition in the many States of when there is a created baby in the womb. It is not right!  The arrogance of it. It is murder!  God's specification for when there is a human child is obvious. At fertilization.  There cannot exist different definitions!  States have not the right to play God as they are doing trying to change the definition of when as child is conceived.

They pause for a minute to continue eating their lunch.  Then the silence is broken when the first man says: "God's laws are the center. His laws are the middle point, the actual safe middle path on a straight and narrow road over the bridge to safety.  You are not to veer off to the right nor to the left, not add to His laws, nor subtract from those laws, as it says in Deuteronomy 5 and 13.  God said to obey and build only according to His intelligent design of His every law, or all will be ruined and destroyed.  His laws are the center. The safe and narrow path.  The actual radical right are those lands as Iran that add laws beyond what God actually commanded, such as by adding that women must cover their hair! God did not require that. They made that up.  God would never command that a woman has to cover her head. God's laws are the center point.  Anything more or anything less is forbidden!  The left tries to subtract and eliminate God's laws. The right tries to add burdensome fake-laws to them.  Neither is good.  Both are forbidden by God.  We must build according to God's actual specifications, not try to subtract from them, nor try to add to them.

The second man says: "Takes builders to understand and know the plans of the Master Builder!"

The first man says: "You cannot alter any of His laws, or the whole bridge collapses."


The scene changes to a courtroom in a Southern State that still honors the death penalty for premeditated murderers.  There is a robed judge sitting on the bench and there are people gathered in the courtroom wanting to be heard at the sentencing of a man found guilty by a jury of premeditated capital murder of a young minor girl.  The jury has found the man deserves the death penalty. But there is a motion by the defendant's attorney to set aside the jury verdict and to spare the man's life from death on grounds that the death penalty has been declared unlawful in some States and he agues it is an "antiquated and cruel and unusual punishment in today's modern world of growing legal consensus against the death penalty."  The judge then indicates he wants to hear from the young victim's family.

The first speaker is the mother of the young girl who was murdered.  She says to the judge and courtroom: "I have prayed about this hard, Your Honor.  I have consulted a Catholic priest and he has advised me that God is all about mercy and forgiveness.  He said the pope is against the death penalty.  He told me to forgive my daughter's murderer, and to ask you not to sentence him to death."

Then the young victim's father begins to speak. He says: "Your Honor, my wife has been lied to.  When she was consulting a Catholic priest and the pope's opinion, I went straight to God's own commanded laws about the death penalty in scripture, to God's own words.  Let me read to you a summary of those commandments by God.  He pulls out a paper from a folder he is holding and begins to read: "You will not accept compensation in place of the life of the murderer who deserves to die, but that person must be put to death." Numbers 35:31-34.  "Whoever takes the life of any human being shall be put to death." Leviticus 24:17-22.  "Anyone who sheds the blood of a human being, by a human being shall that one's blood be shed." Genesis 9:6.  Then he says to the judge: "Your Honor, the commandment of 'You shall not kill' must be read in conjunction with, and consistent to, these laws for the death penalty by the same God, the same Author of law.  Therefore that commandment must be read as 'You shall not kill an innocent person, but you shall put to death any premeditated or deliberate murderer.'  That is God's real law. His own word. The pope is not in agreement with the God of sacred scripture!  I ask that you put to death the murderer of my precious young beautiful daughter, as God requires and as this State's law mandates."

The judge then says: "I will decide this matter not by what a pope's opinion on the matter is, nor based on anyone else's subjective opinions.  In keeping with God's laws in scripture, as the historical bedrock of our own laws of this nation, recognizing as stated in our Declaration Of Independence that God alone endows and defines the natural right to life, whereby He limited that right to only innocent persons who by His words have not committed a capital murder or other heinous deadly offence -- we in this State do recognize the death penalty for murderers.  The defendant being found guilty of capital murder of a young minor girl is hereby sentenced to death.  He will not harm any other girl. So ordered."

The camera then shifts to a television set in a home in that same Southern State.  The news is on the television screen, with a newscaster announcing: "Breaking news.  The State will seek the death penalty in the case of the illegal alien who stabbed an obviously pregnant woman in the stomach and killed her baby.  The woman was treated for her injuries and survived.  But the baby was murdered.  The State will prosecute the illegal alien for capital murder of a minor." 

On the television newscast they then show a segment of a news interview with the State's Attorney General saying: "This case was a heinous deliberate assault with a deadly weapon of a woman who was obviously known to be pregnant which killed the baby in her womb.  It is  an evil act of premeditated murder for which we are seeking the death penalty -- not deportation.  The defendant will not harm any other woman or child again!  The circumstances of this case qualify for the death penalty because it was the premeditated murder of the baby by an illegal alien who is the baby's biological father.  He was dating the woman he stabbed in effort to kill their unborn child in the womb.  It is a classic case for the death penalty, which we will seek in this case."


The scene changes to the United States Supreme Court, to the day for Oral Argument in an original jurisdiction case involving a Petition For Writs Of Mandamus to order the United States Attorney General and Justice Department to do their job to prevent and to prosecute "abortive (abortifacient) drugs and devices disguised as only contraception," and for the Supreme Court to define for all inferior agencies and courts in the nation that "human life is conceived (created) only at the moment of biological fertilization." 

The Justices are seated at their seats in robes.  The Chief Justice is the first to ask a question of the Petitioners' attorney.  He asks him: "What standing do Petitioners have to bring the Petition on their own behalf or on the behalf of We The People?"

The Petitioners' attorney responds: "Chief Justice, each of said Petitioners are pro-life people who know that human life is conceived, and thus created, at the time of biological fertilization, at which time there is no longer an egg of the woman, nor the sperm of a man, but a newly created, thus conceived, unique genetic human child exists.  Each of the Petitioners were deceived to use or rely on methods of so-called birth control that were sold to them as only 'contraception,' when the companies including Planned Parenthood knew they were abortive as abortifacients. These Petitioners, both women and men, had a constitutional right not to be deceived to use or rely on what can abort a conceived child. In this very Supreme Court, in Oral Arguments in the case of 'Webster v. Reproductive Health Services' it was legally admitted and confessed by Reproductive Health Services that, as they testified to this court then, 'Most forms of contraception today are abortifacients, including birth control pills and IUDs.'  I read from their legal admission testimony in that case: 'The most common forms of what we call contraception today, IUDs, low dose birth control pills act as abortifacients.  They are correctly labeled both.  Under this statute, which defines fertilization as the point of beginning, those forms are also abortifacients.'"

The Chief Justice interrupts to ask: "They admitted that because Missouri has a statute codifying the definition of human conception as taking place at the moment of fertilization, which this court upheld as constitutional.  But what about a State that has defined by statute that human life is conceived not until implanted into the uterus or even later than that?  What is your argument there?"

The Petitioners' attorney replies: "Chief Justice, the answer is two-fold. If States can define conception at a later date, what is to stop them from defining, for example, that conception for White babies is at fertilization, but that conception for Black babies in defined at the later point of implantation. Or that the definition for Asian babies is that conception does not take place until the point of viable outside the womb.  Clearly that is not 'created equal' as the founders promised is law in the Declaration Of Independence, nor therefore 'equal protection of the laws' as required by our Constitution. First, all such attempts to re-defined human conception -- the point a child is created equal --to after fertilization to the points of implantation are not biological definitions of conception, which occurs only at fertilization.  Such attempts deal rather with viability of an already conceived child.  Those statutes attempting to re-define conception on viability type standard, such as implantation, are deceptive, misleading, erroneous, and therefore unconstitutional.  There can be only one moment of conception and that is at fertilization.  Any other definitional attempts by a State, such as at implantation, are based, as I said, not on the biological created moment, but often on a religious and erroneous notion of 'ensoulment,' which is a religious heresy, but a religion definition nonetheless. It is therefore an unconstitutional establishment of a religion under the Establishment Clause.  The only moment that is not a religious inspired definition is the biological moment of when there is no longer the woman's egg, nor the man's sperm, but a newly created, a newly conceived, human child!  If the States can decide for themselves different definitions of conception than that biological moment of created equal, then children in the various states are not 'created equal,' but differently!  That is unconstitutional.  It cannot be that a child in the State of Missouri, and a child in New Hampshire are created at different times of the pregnancy.  This court cannot allow a child in New York to be less created than a child in Alabama.  The Declaration Of Independence and Constitution require equal protection of each child's equally created moment we call conception.  This Supreme Court must define conception for all the nation's State to be at fertilization!"

There is a pause as the attorney searches for a paper for a second, then he begins speaking his answer further saying: "Secondly, even if you allow a State to define conception as after implantation, which we have just argued is unconstitutional, these Petitioners all themselves believe ad know that a human child is conceived at fertilization. Therefore they had a legal right to informed consent, to never be deceived to use or rely on any drug that may terminate the life of a conceived child, thus by an abortifacient disguised and sold to them as only contraception.  I make two points here about informed consent compared to deception.  Many of the companies that dispense or market the abortifacients as contraception are registered charities in their States.  The Attorney General of New Hampshire has repeatedly represented that a charity as that has a heightened duty of candor, which he said requires the charity to exercise at all times not only honesty but 'the punctilio of honor the most sensitive' in its dealings and representations to others.  Surely deceiving people who can be rationally foreseen believe in the traditional biological definition of conception at fertilization into using a drug sold to them as a contraceptive when in fact it is also an abortifacient is not the punctilio of honor most sensitive, nor is it honesty alone!  And finally, I refer this court to the FTC's Policy Statement On Deception, which in short provides that 'the nature, appearance, or intended use of a product may create the impression on the mind of the consumer, and if the impression is false, and if the seller does not correct it, he is responsible for unlawful deception.' The issue, it said, is 'whether the act or practice is likely to deceive.'  Every person has a fundamental right to the truth; not to a lie.  There is no right of States or companies to deceive pro-life people to abort their conceived children.  I conclude my response by reminding this court in 'Planned Parenthood v. Casey' upheld a State statute requiring informed consent for abortions.  While abortion law has been changed by the recent overturning of 'Roe v. Wade,' the requirement of informed consent is valid.  Moreover, this court in 'Virginia State Board Of Pharmacy v. Virginia Citizens Consumer Council' said 'the right to advertise contraception methods means there is a reciprocal right to received the advertising' which it said was to prevent recipients from being 'kept in ignorance.'  Clearly, not being told that a method is also a abortifacient keeps the public in ignorance about their abortive effects and is plainly illegal deception."

The Chief Justice interrupts then and asks: "Thank you for that.  We have held that human life can be defied by State statute as at fertilization in 'Webster,' and thus people have a right to believe that definition of fertilization.  But what about the standing of men to petition this court?  Our prior cases deal mostly with alleged women's reproductive rights, some of which we recently overturned when we overturned 'Roe v. Wade.'  But tell me how does a man have a right to the remedies sought?"

The Petitioner's attorney responds: "Each man and woman have and equal right under the Constitution to be pro-life, and to never be deceived to use a pill that could abort a child against their God endowed right of moral conscience on the unalienable issue of human Life.  They have a right as men to equally object to relying on a method of birth control with their female partner that is represented to them as contraception, when in fact it is also an abortifacient!  A man has an equal right, as I said, to be pro-life. Moreover, this Supreme Court in the 'Little Sisters Of The Poor' case recently held as constitutional religious exemption from the ACA for a group of religious sisters who objected, as they filed to this court, to paying for or providing contraceptive services because, as they said, most forms of contraception are actually also abortifacients.  This court also upheld that same right of conscience to object to alleged contraception methods that instead prevent the child from implanting into the uterus in the case of 'Burwell v. Hobby Lobby Stores,' whereby Hobby Lobby filed that such methods are abortifacients because they believe a child is conceived at the moment of fertilization."

The Chief Justice then says: "Thank you.  As I read you clients' Petition, they are asking us to issue Writ Of Mandamus to order the Attorney General to prosecute all of the abortifacient deceptions in this country that you have discussed.  Is that right?"

The Petitioners' attorney responds: "Yes, Chief Justice.  The Constitution requires both that order to the United States law enforcement agencies as a whole to prosecute those frauds, and also for this Supreme Court to define and declare for all agencies and States that human life is conceived, and thus created, only at the moment of biological fertilization."

The Chief Justice then says: "I understand your arguments and claims of right."

The camera then shifts to the attorney representing the government, who steps to the microphone ready to be questioned by the Justices.  The Chief Justice then asks her: "Is it the Government's position that every woman has the right to decide for herself what is a life inside her womb, and what is not a life?"

The attorney for the Government replies: "Yes, Chief Justice.  It is the woman's right to define when a child is created or not created, as long as that child is inside of her body.  Moreover, while a State can define the timing of conception, it cannot impose that definition on any woman, who is free to decide for herself when a child is created as a life or not inside of her own body."

The camera then shows the many protesters outside the Supreme Court steps.  Many are holding posters.  Some abortion posters read: "A woman's right to choose!"  Another reads: "A woman decides what is a life!"  And also: "The States cannot decide for a woman when a child exists!"  There are also pro-life posters which read: "All are created equal at one equal time of conception!" "Women are not God! Conception is at fertilization!"  And also: "The created equal right to life is self-evident and unalienable!"


*(The soundtrack begins to play "Universe," from Radio Volume 1, by Brian Fusonie).

The scene changes to a man and a woman scantily dressed in their bedroom on their wedding day.  The man picks up a Bible from the shelf and then they both kneel together at the edge of the bed in prayer, their hands pressed together on the Bible. 

The man prays to God out loud and says: "God of the ages, the Author of man and woman and of the marriage contract, we promise to obey all your laws in agreement with how you commanded those laws by Your words in scripture.  We promise to at all hours be open to the conception of a child who you might grant us, and to never harm any unborn child.  We realize that the marriage contract exists within Your larger contractual agreement Covenant of all Your laws.  And we see that today most couples do not obey all those laws, and that You are refusing to hold them together, instead of separate them with divorces.  You are not holding together couples who refuse to obey all Your pro-life laws, and today broken homes and divorces have become the norm as a national epidemic. Few are validly making a real marriage contract, as You, Lord, defined the natural laws terms and conditions of the marriage agreement.  We do not want that to happen to us. We make these promises with confidence that if we validly marry, you will hold us together in that contractual bond of love, which we consummate in legal contractual agreement with all Your laws this night. Amen."


The scene changes to a room with a television set broadcasting a political advertisement by the current President against his political opponent.  The President says on television in that advertisement: "My opponent is responsible for ending 'Roe v. Wade,' and sending the rights of women over their bodies back to the respective States to decide.  He is the reason women in many States have lost their reproductive freedom to abort a child.  A vote for me is a vote for your right to abortion."

Then the camera pans to an elderly man sitting in a chair watching the television advertisement.  He turns off the television buy remote.  Then he says out loud to his wife standing nearby in the adjacent room: "That President made the sign of the cross at an abortion clinic.  We do not believe in that sign, but he often pretends that he does!  He has no reverence of God nor of His unborn children.  He wants it to be a right to rip a near fully term pregnancy out of the womb to murder a late term child at seven, eight, nine moths!  They are radical monsters who smile when they say the words 'a woman's right to abortion.'  They have the smiles of Hitler or Stalin, killing millions of babies, like the Nazis killed eleven million and six million Jews!  Those are not human smiles.  God help us.  We need an honest President, a man with real moral character.  Not the current murderous tramp as President!  He cannot even figure out at what time a child is created.  He pretends there is no life until born.  There is one single definition of when a child is conceived and that is they are all created equally at the moment of fertilization!  That pagan President cannot even say that biological fact!"


*(The soundtrack begins to play "Climate Control," from Radio Volume 5th, by Brian Fusonie).

The scene changes to a man boarding up the windows of his house on the Florida coast.  He is almost finished as the winds are picking up stronger as the rain begins to come down.  He finishes screwing in the last board and runs inside the house.  He turns on the news channel on the television to get a last minute weather update.

The news anchor says: "These hurricanes are getting more frequent and more powerful, with more destructive force, because of climate change.  This is the largest hurricane we have seen approaching the Florida coast this early in the season since hurricanes have been recorded.  We are clearly experiencing the effects of climate change from our use of fossil fuels."

The man sits down in a chair and his wife comes into the room.  She says to him: "How long before the worst of the hurricane arrives?"

The man replies: "About an hour or so.  Hunker down and pray that God protects us.  After all, He is the Divine Author of every storm."

The woman says: "I was listening from the other room as the news said it is climate change, not God's Hand doing it, making the storms stronger."

The man responds: "You believe the Word of God, don't you?  It says in Jeremiah 30:23-24, 'Look! The storm of the Lord! His wrath breaks out in a whirling storm that bursts upon the heads of the wicked.'  And also in Ezekiel 13:8-14, 'I will bring down flooding rain ... and a stormwind shall break forth ... in my fury ... because of my anger.'  The scripture is full of God warning He is making weather events to punish the sins of the land.  It is God's Hand ultimately drawing it.  He is at work.  While I am all for solar, wind, and hydroelectric energy, and for some regular use of fossil fuels, maybe not as much as we use today, but enough, those who worship climate change would end all fossil fuels before they dare end their sins against God's laws!  God is angered."

The woman then says: "Maybe so. Yes, that is what God threatens in scripture.  But you cannot tell that to today's generation.  They all want it to be about climate change instead of God punishing the land because of their sins against His laws.  It is a generation always looking for a scapegoat, something to take away their own personal accountability, their own sin blame.  The current scapegoat is called 'climate change.'  As you said, they would end every fossil fuel before they have the courage to stop their sins against God's commanded moral laws, including the law never to murder one of His unborn children!  Abortion is a bigger cause of God's anger than fossil fuel use."

The man replies: "Agreed.  If the world ended abortion and ended homosexuals, then God would heal the earth and stop the destructive storms.  That is, after all, His Covenant agreement promise.  It is an 'if ... then' agreement.  He promised that 'if we obey all His laws, then He will protect us and provide good weather.  But if we disobey His laws, then He will send curses of destructive weather.'  That is in His only contractual agreement Covenant as part of its terms and conditions listed in scripture, as in Deuteronomy.  You must agree with God, the Author of that Covenant, about those terms of consequences, and about the fact He creates a child at the moment of fertilization, or you do not validly make His contractual agreement Covenant!  It is an all or nothing agreement.  You either agree with God's terms, or you are not validly in the agreement!"


*(The soundtrack begins to play "God's Nation,' from Radio Volume 6th, by Brian Fusonie).

The scene changes to a summer class school room, where the boy who watched fireworks with his father is attending school.  He brought with him to school the book with the Declaration Of Independence his father taught him about the night before on the 4th of July. 

The boy approaches the teacher and asks her: "Is it possible to read a portion of this Declaration Of Independence to the entire class.  My father read it to me last night as the true meaning of the 4th of July?"

The teacher replies: "Oh no, not to the class.  We have students who will not even recite the Pledge Of Allegiance because it mentions God in it.  The Declaration you want to read to them has the word 'God' and 'Creator' in it!  So I cannot let you read it out loud to the other students.  Besides, that is an old document that is not followed by many modern political scholars.  The mention of God is forbidden by the Constitution as an establishment of religion, according to many Justices and cases of the Supreme Court.  So I do not want to get in any trouble over an outdated God-centered Declaration Of Independence, that few still agree to or follow!  You are free to read it silently yourself, but not to the class."

The boy then says: "But it is the history of our nation's birth, what we agreed to a contract agreement to be a free and new nation.  It explains what we agreed to, the rights we saw as self-evident for which to fight for our independence.  It is our nation's birthday vows!  Why is a history document that important not able to be read to the class?"

The teacher replies: "I told you, because it mentions God."


The scene changes back to the day before, the afternoon of the 4th of July.  There was a parade in the town.  The parade has concluded with a woman singing over the loudspeaker: "America! America! God she His grace on thee ..."  The camera then pans to two men who are old World War II veterans attending a ceremony for veterans after the parade.  They look to be about one hundred years old.  They are talking among themselves, commiserating at the loss of moral authority of America and in its military.

The first man says: "That parade was to me a fraud!  Most of the people today are wrapped up in their democratic idolatry, believing they can alter and eliminate God's laws!  How arrogant to think they can vote to get rid of God and any of His laws.  That is what they celebrate and parade in today's generation, their version of 'freedom.'"

The second man says: "I agree.  They have forgotten the meaning of this solemn day, our vows to the Creator and to each other at our nation's birth.  In Deuteronomy 26 it says how God required the people, all of the people, to accept and agree to all of His laws in exchange for God's promised protection as a nation.  But today they think God will still recognize this as a 'nation' when they rejected all of His same laws! I fear we have lost God's favor and Divine protection. I fear for the future."

The first man replies: "When we were young we enlisted in the military with pride in our country because our cause was morally just.  We had moral authority then.  We went to battle knowing God was on our side.  That was before the nation legalized everything God hates, abortion, contraception, homosexuals, adultery, every sin God calls 'abominations' in scripture.  Now you would be a fool to think God is our Friend.  The United States no longer obeys God's laws!"

The second man then says: "And the military has become so sinful, so woke, by recruiting all that our military forbid, drag queens, homosexuals, transvestites, transgenders, and abortionists!  There is no moral authority left.  The military is a son coalition now, not straight.  It aborts children.  It makes transgenders 'admirals.'  There is nothing good in it to enlist for.  It is not on the side of God and His laws!"

The first man responds: "The way we knew we would defeat that murderous Hitler was because we knew we were on God's side.  He did not abandon us in that war!"

The second man says: "It may be much different in the next war because of our country and its military abandoned God first!  I fear God will abandon us in a future war.  God did that to the Israelites because of their sins against Him.  God abandoned them in anger to be defeated by their enemies, because they broke the laws of His only contractual agreement Covenant, therefore He did not protect them, but punished them.  I fear what is going to happen in the next war."

The first man replies: "Now the world has nukes. Russia, China, Pakistan, North Korea, and soon Iran!  More and more hateful countries who do not fear God now have, or will have soon, nukes."

The second man says: "And some of the countries are crazy enough to use them!  It is a dangerous world, and we need God's contractual Covenant protection.  But, as you said, this generation has turned its back against God's laws. Today some States recognize a child is created at fertilization, but others say not until implantation, or later. They are claiming to be gods with the power to redefine biological self-evident truth of when a child is created equally by God. In our day the country warned that 'legalizing contraception would lead to abortions,' but today they outright are calling abortion 'contraception.'  It is madness!  We are heading for nuclear disaster!  A nuclear war authored by God's wrath to punish an arrogant land that has forgotten Him and rejects His laws."

The first man replies: "If only they had our fear of God.  Then all would be certain and peaceful.  Then our nation would be safe.  Germany tried to call Jews not humans.  Now  our land is calling God's babies not humans!  Hate of God's laws has a way of trying to play with definitions!  And our military is guilty.  They want tax dollars to pay for abortions, contraception, and trans-surgeries, and every sin they can think of!  A military that murders the innocent unborn, is not a military of real men!  They have become gays with guns!  They are not valid citizens who are running our military today!  They made their oaths to their false-god 'DEI,' instead of to the God in the Declaration Of Independence!  And they want to register women for the mandatory draft!  They have role-reversed masculinity to be a bunch of violent murderous fems against innocent life!"

The second man says: "I never thought I would see a generation so wicked!  So without morals, as the present generation of the military.  It is not God's army any more.  It belongs to the devil!"

The first man responds: "And the devil will use it for evil.  Or God will destroy it.  Either of those is a bad situation.  If only they had our generation's fear of God and obedience to His laws.  Then we could say our sacrifice in World War II for our nation to grow and thrive was worth it!"

The second man says: "Our time is almost over.  And we do not leave this world with great comfort in the future.

The first man replies: "We saw the best of men back when we fought.  Now the military is the worst of men, a litany of cartoons, not real God-fearing men!  They are not God's friends. And He will not be their Friend."

*(The soundtrack begins to play "Friend Of Mine," from Radio Volume 8th, by Brian Fusonie).




There are 20 chapters to this movie and credits.  I will be typing this movie script from a handwritten original, a few chapters or more each day, and will post each update.  Should be completed soon.  It will then be proof read, and a PDF version will be posted at this page.