Early Drawings By Brian Fusonie, (c) Compiled 2022


1.  My art teacher my senior year of high-school required us to draw self portraits on a toned board.  He selected my drawing to send to the Boston Globe National Scholastic Art Contest and it was awarded that prize for Massachusetts.  



2.  Mother saved this drawing of a ship and the sky I made when 5 years old.



3.  I remember drawing this mountain goat when I was 8 years old, and thinking then that it was a pretty good drawing.



4.  This was my first attempt at drawing a human model.  I drew it in art class in junior high.



5.  I drew this model figure in art class in high school.  The teacher asked us to try and imagine movements.



6.  I also drew this basic hand drawing in the same art class in high school.



7.  This was my first point drawing as assigned by the introductory art teacher in high school.



8.  This also was part of a larger still life the art teacher arranged for us to draw in high school.



9.  This animal skull was also assigned for us to draw in high school, using silver as the medium on a painted white board.



10.  This drawings of boots was around my first attempt at using clay colored chalk in high school.



11.  This drawing of jars was my first attempt at drawing on a toned paper using pencil and white chalk in high school.



12.  This also was an assignment by my high school art teacher who arranged the metal objects on a mirror for us to draw.



13.  This was my first experiment at home one of those years using oil pastel crayons.  I had not used color much before that.  It is a quick sketch.



14.  These last two illustrations I drew more recently as meditations on scriptural themes.  They are meant to be both "child-like" and mature adult art at the same time.  The first of these is a meditation on Isaiah 65 and 66 where God promises to "create a new earth."



15.  This second illustration is a meditation on Genesis and the Ark landing to begin a new day in human history filled with hope.



Closing Thoughts And Prayer: 

As I said in the introduction to this Drawings Scrapbook, these drawings would have been lost to time if my mother did not save them for me in a box.  While I do not consider them to be great drawings, and there are not many of them, they do show some examples of evolution during my early years of drawing.  In addition, I would not have any drawings in high school if it were not for the fact that Deerfield Academy my junior year changed the Architecture Class I signed up for to include one semester of drawing with the art teacher.  That art teacher saw my drawing talent somehow and invited me to take Advanced Placement Art the next year.  That senior year I made at least one drawing good enough to win that art contest I mentioned above.  I also received a 5, the highest grade you could get, on the national Advanced Placement Art Exam.

My prayer is this:  Dear God, the Divine Artist who draws all creation with your Mind, inspire others to participate in your creative will by learning to draw with you.  Inspire young artists to cooperate with you and to seek your divine assistance in their drawings.  May they produce the next pieces of art that win many art contests for your glory.

