This CD focuses on the age old question if God animates (writes, draws) all we think and do, is it accurate to say we truly have 'free will'? When I shared with a counsel the lyrics “When you draw all we think and do, what is there to atone?”, he recognized it immediate as the product of, in his words, “intellect” about “whether man has free will.” The CD also focuses on what God can and cannot create. God can only create when God designs the creature to have physical body, and no overlapping physics. Angels do not have a definite body, and therefore are not able to be created. Any religion based on apparition of an alleged “angel” is a hoax religion. And while spiritual phenomena is real, all such paranormal is hoaxes. Paranormal is temptation, and it perpetuates spiritual lies. In addition, there cannot be such thing as “possession by a spirit” because God cannot create overlapping physics, and therefore angels could not animate another creature. A true religion is based on the Ten Commands, and not on spirits. The “spiritual realm” is full of hoaxes.
While my web site documents religious paranormal, I will no longer participate in 'spiritual' phenomena. I challenge all readers and listeners to base your daily decisions on the Ten Commands, not on 'spiritual' paranormal. That includes not falling for “idolatry” of alleged “apparition sites” or religions based on alleged “apparitions of angels.” It includes also not falling for any religion teaching abolition of Ten Commands and misuses therefore of the Cross. This CD asks the question if Jesus saw today the many ways his cross is used against the Ten Commands such as false theologies of 'set free from the Law', would Jesus chop down that paganized cross? Certainly, he would.
Finally, this CD asks the question of whether there is anything sacred left in our beliefs and land, or have we pushed our country to the brink of the end. Only the Ten Commands can save us.
Music is the manner in which I ask these questions and sing about how the Ten Commands should decide our vote. He is Jesus' brother who votes for the Ten Commands. Any different vote is idolatry.
The songs will be recorded and posted as mp3 files in the coming year. As stated above, I shared the themes of my songs with my counsel and he said they are good and thoughtful themes, and that it is good to see me using my creativity to write good pro life music. My hope is to help end the "culture of death" and restore a culture of life.
Opening Meditation For This CD American Faith:
Additional proof God promised to destroy lands that practice incest, abortion, or homosexuality:
“You shall not do as they do in the land of Egypt … nor shall you do as they do in the land of Canaan … do not conform to their customs [of abortion and homosexuals]. … Keep, then, my statutes and decrees, for the person who carries them out will find life through them. I am the Lord. None of you shall approach a close relative (incest) to have sexual intercourse. … You shall not offer any of your children for immolation (abortion is murder) to Molech, thus profaning your God. I am the Lord. You shall not lay with another male as with a woman; such thing is an abomination. … Do not defile yourselves by any of these things, because by them the nations whom I am driving out of your way have defiled themselves. And so the land has become defiled, and I have punished it for its wickedness … because the previous inhabitants did all these abominations and the land became defiled … For whoever does any of these abominations shall be cut off (excommunicated) from the people.” Leviticus 18:1-6,21,22, 23-30. God warned every generation that His one same covenant of the Ten Commandments prohibits abortion and homosexuals. God warned each generation that those are “abominations” that bring the ruin of that land.
Genesis promises that the End will not come from water deluges. And in later Scriptures, we see the End will come from Fire. “God said to Noah and to his sons with him: See, I am establishing my covenant with you and your descendants after you … I will establish my covenant with you, that never again shall all creatures be destroyed by the waters of a flood; there shall not be another flood to devastate the earth. God said: This is the sign of the covenant … I set my bow (rainbow) in the clouds to serve as a sign of the covenant between me and you and every living creature – every mortal being – so that waters will never again become a flood to destroy every mortal being.” Genesis 9:8-17 See later on this web page for texts about Solar Fire events bringing ruin because of the sins of earth. Reconcile those consequences with this text from Revelations: “Seventh … Then there were lightning flashes, rumblings, and peals of thunder, and a great earthquake. It was such a violent earthquake that there has never been one like it since the human race began on earth … [There was also] Large hailstones like huge weights came down from the sky on people.” Revelations 16:18,21 See discussion about the meaning of “Seven” used in these texts. I ask each of you to think of the “blasphemous” use of the rainbow by sects making flags of it to support what God condemns as abominations. They stole the rainbow from God and his true Covenant Ten Commandments people.
What you need to know is that cults of sin often also see paranormal that they use to confirm their beliefs in doing sin, as did the Anikin (Nephilim) in Noah's time (they thought they were seeing or mating angels), see Genesis 6:4-7, and also in Egypt, and today in lodge! They are evil cults. Paranormal is tests. Consider this passage also: “Now as all the people witnessed the thunder and lightning, the blast of the shofar and the mountain smoking, they became afraid and trembled. … Moses answered the people, 'Do not be afraid, for God has come to test you ...” Exodus 20:18-21 True paranormal conforms to the true Ten Commandments of God. Evil paranormal does not conform to the Ten Commandments. Both are paranormal. Yet one is a test, and they failed it. Cults that practice the same sins as Egypt did are swine who took oaths to try and steal your children from you. They are not, and cannot be, Americans because they oathed against the True Constitution.
“You shall not commit adultery.” Exodus 20:14
“You shall not invoke the name of the Lord, your God, in vain.” Exodus 20:7 Explain why the only true invoking of God's name is a “Round symbol, O” as the first vowel ever uttered sounding “E” in the English language. God's original and first Name, preserved in the words “Or,” “Order,” “Obey,” “Ordinance.” “S-o-n,” and “C-o-mmandment.”God is Omnipresent Animator (Writer, Scripter, Drawer) who animations all movement and thoughts and speech. “'But,' said Moses to God, 'if I go to the Israelites and say to them, 'The God of your ancestors has sent me to you,' and they ask me, 'What is his name?' what do I tell them? God replied to Moses: I am who I am. Then he added: This is what you will tell the Israelites: I AM has sent me to you.” Exodus 3:8-14. The NAB annotation says: “The Septuaguint has ego eimi ho on, 'I am the One who is' (on being the participle of the verb 'to be')” How does “on” meaning “I am, to be” prove the o-riginal name of G-o-d was “Round symbol” “O” as in “O-nly” and “O-mni.”? “Ever present in your midst, I will be your God, and you will be my people” Leviticus 26:12 “The Lord said to [Moses]: Who gives (writes, animates) one person speech? Who makes another mute or deaf, seeing or blind? Is it not I, the Lord?” Exodus 4:11 Some people call this “grace”, but the better word is “animations.” The term “script-ure” also says God “scripts.” The annotation in the NAB to Exodus 4:12 says of the next passage “Now go, I will assist you in speaking,” the following: “Assist you in speaking: literally, 'be with your mouth.'”
God is the only Angel. There is no other. “There the Angel of the Lord appear to [Moses] as a fire flaming out of a bush. … God said: Do not come near! Remove your sandals from your feet, for the place where you stand in holy ground.” Exodus 3:2-5
“Whoever takes the life of any human being shall be put to death.” Leviticus 24:17. This same statute is repeated in Scripture in Genesis 9:5-6, see below this page, Exodus 21:12-14: “Whoever strikes someone a mortal blow must be put to death,” and in Numbers 35:9-34. These are only a few of the texts proving that the valid death penalties are consistent with Life Rule of “Thou shall not kill.” God explicitly commanded death penalties, and also thou shall not kill. The two are not the same. The true reading of Scripture is: “Thou shall not take innocent human life, but you shall put to death those who do take innocent human life.” There is a difference between innocent human life, such as the unborn children, and condemned criminal killers. Yet today the politically correct tyranny of the left, radical 'progressives' often shout down God and his true commands as 'crime,' 'ill,' 'terrorism,' 'irredeemable,' and 'basket of deplorables.' They call God crime and ill. And they call Moses, Abraham, Noah, Jacob all 'criminals' and 'ill' because they carried out the Commands of God. There is valid death penalties. There are no valid takings of innocent human unborn children. There are two valid death penalties I believe in. First, killing of innocent judges or police. Second, lodge or any other criminals impersonating judges or police. These are integrally interwoven in theology. And also, the murder of innocent unborn children for any reason. Scripture attests to each of these. And Scripture also commands equal punishment for the gravity of the crime, one thing is one thing: “Anyone who inflicts a permanent injury on his or her neighbor shall receive the same in return: fracture for fracture, eye for eye, tooth for tooth. The same injury that one gives another shall be inflicted in return” Exodus 24:19-20
Finally, for this intro meditation, the scripture forbids murdering children under pagan gods or pagan statutes, or handing children over to evil cults, or condoning it being done. A people who become 'tolerant' of sins, will end. “Anyone … who gives offspring to Molech (Shelom in reverse!, thus to an antigod, a false angel or false theology) shall be put to death. … If the people of the land condone (tolerate or allow) the giving of offspring to Molech, by failing to put the wrongdoer to death, I myself will turn against that individual and his or her family, and will cut off from their people both the wrongdoer and all who follow this person by prostituting themselves with Molech.” Leviticus 20:1-5, see also below this page about abortion being “immolation of children to Molech.”
1. Rainbow
Hear O Lord, send me a rainbow.
Answer O Lord, I need to know.
Warm my heart, the cold wind blows.
Show us the path to follow.
The colors of your love light the way home.
The colors of your love, like a rainbow.
The colors of your love, make us whole.
The colors of your love, make a rainbow.
Hear O Lord, share with us your love.
Answer O Lord, send the fire from above.
Hear on earth the sorrows grow.
Guide us on the path to follow.
I cried when I saw them raise their fake 'rainbow' flag
with the Star Spangled Banner half mast.
It was the opposite of Noah's rainbow.
It was the end of our Natural Covenant.
They stole the rainbow and made it the opposite.
2. Time Has Come
The times has come, to make a change.
To re-arrange our stars aligned.
And from this view, there is no more two.
It is plain to see, what love can be.
The time has come to let love reign.
The time has come let Freedom Ring.
The time has come to let love reign.
In our hearts, it is the song we sing.
The time has come to make this change.
To center stage, this path of days.
From this view, I see you
Eye to eye, no more left, no more right.
3. I've Had Enough
I've had enough of feeling this rust.
I've had enough of being caught in a rut.
I've had enough of being kicked to the dust.
It's now time to do as we must.
Yes, it's true, I need you.
And you know I believe in you.
Yes, it's true what we knew.
And still this time I believe in you.
(Rap in the melody extended chorus.)
4. Hold On (To “The Dream”)
Hold on to your dreams,
Listen to your needs.
Preserve your dignity,
Restore true decency.
Hold on to that dream,
Demand true equality
God's creativity,
The way things were meant to be.
Hold on to the dream,
The same song written for you and me.
We are created equally
He gave his life for thee,
So act responsibly.
He sang “I have a dream.”
God's creativity.
The way things were meant to be.
5. Helpless
If you stopped thinking of us
We would all disappear.
The good and the bad all helpless
to your drawing pen … there is no fear,
For you draw each tear.
The beginning you did design,
And the end you now draw near.
You write the world's existence.
You script what is love or sin.
The good and the bad each helpless
to your drawing pen.
The love of Jesus, or coin of Judas
You wrote both of them.
I pray for a new beginning,
Before you bring the end.
(mellow rap)
You drew the crucifixion and drew the mob that crucified.
You drew the angry convictions, and you drew the man who died.
You drew all sides. Predesti-Nation is not a deviation.
Jesus is still alive. He is man, our same specie
Who died to show the way … Doing so with no more free will
than you or me! He was drawn by Thee.
All wars and insurrections you designed and drew.
That is how you “fore-knew.”
All blessings and resurrection, were because of you.
6. Bare Foot
There is no many sides up the same mountain.
There is only one path straight you can walk barefoot.
Missionaries for idols, must end. Renew the Ten Commands.
There are many myths of Muslims, and wishful thinking of protestants.
And rituals over common sense.
Both bible and koran have unsacred cartoony texts
It is time to correct (those texts).
Missionaries for idols, must be brought to end.
Terrorism is scandal, so is criminalizing the ten commands.
Both are reigns of hate. Both bring utter ruin.
All hatred is fake. It is a false religion,
The opposite of Love, is evol.
The opposite of Live is evil. The same word twice.
Radicalized is blind, it has no eyes.
There is no room for truth to be despised.
All spiritual is fake, any angel could not animate.
(The devil could not animate anyone. It is hoaxes.)
Do you comprehend what is at stake?
All hatred of your commands is fake,
it is a false religion. Only love is real,
Our real person.
7. Yellow Christ
At my alma mater Orazco painted a mural of lies
Yet he caught my eye with the Yellow Christ
who chopped down the cross because it was lost
Having been used to make idols that broke Ten Commands.
Would the real Jesus condone the idols of today
that spread into many divisions in the name of his cross?
Or would he chop it down
And renew the ten commands.
There is no “set free from the law”
It is an idol! He would chop it down.
“Set free from the law” became their idol.
The real Jesus would chop it down.
“Forgive instead of prevention” became
their idol intention. The real Jesus would chop it down.
8. RTL
You endowed all one same right,
To see the sunlight.
Why then do they die, and we not fight.
When all were given right to life?
You endowed all one same gift,
No room to divide, no place for rift.
Yet now they call crime your Ten Commands,
They yell “illegal” to be “normal man”.
As if Moses was the “illegal alien.”
Why do they abort at 3 times the rate?
When all were promised one same fate.
Why do they deviate at higher percent
From the straight and narrow of honest men?
Why dare they steal our own, disguising it
in words unknown as “Contracept”?
Migration before extermination, is the plight of history.
But that is not the same as “Sanctuary cities.”
Welcome the good, refuse the bad.
They are not the same story.
Trying to eradicate the Ten Commands is “Genocide.”
Egypt had that fate, no matter what liberal label it hides behind.
Little Sisters at the high court of taxes because they refused to abort!
Taxes to kill faith is “fiscal Genocide.” What England tried!
We cannot tolerate their idolatry of hate.
9. Color Blind
He's my brother if he loves life.
He's my brother if he votes life.
Our eyes are open, no altered pens,
Donald Sterling's hate became Alton Sterling.
Philando Castille was not philanthropy,
Michael Brown was not Nichole Brown.
Fuhrman could not be jury, nor could Black Panther waiving his fist.
Rodney King, Brianna King, Martin Luther King, Charles Kinsey.
Trayvon Martin or Troy Causey? Eric Garner, Freddie Gray, John Asche,
I see their unlawful fate or cannot conclude the facts.
Yet worse to me is the hate of unborn,
I am a BUM, B... U...M... Black Unborn Matter!
I am color blind. Are you?
Why do they vote 80% against life?
Why do they abort at 3 times the rate?
And when we point it out, they call us “hate”.
They make it hard to be color blind when they anti-life congregate.
All were created equal, but their unborn are not treated the same.
What race would want that contradiction as their “fame.”
Why are they more often gay? Why more broken families?
It was a black man who tried to rape. He was not straight.
Report the higher rates of black on black crimes,
What are they trying to hide? Why take it out on blue uniforms?
Are you uninformed, or are they the protectors of the unborn?
All lives black, white, blue and unborn matter!
On MTV and movies it is all the same today,
A race against the dignity of its own race.
Every nation that turned deaf ears to the cry of life
or turn gay did lose its identity and died,
As Egypt tried. It is National Homicide.
I am color blind because I am straight. Are you?
Be pro-life!
Are you color blind? Do you look at the facts, or the color design?
Are you color blind? Remember the history, not only your kind.
Let God mold you like clay.
Cassius or Ali? Which one now are thee?
When you showed Eric Dickerson you levitate,
And you showed others the same Black magic,
Did that make you 'great'?
What is your fate?
Your black magic tricks did that make “black beautiful”?
Kaitlyn is Bruce when he departs, a point I make because
they aligned their cause with gays and transgenders instead of human nature.
No more black magic, no more black hearts,
no black flag, no black mail, no black lists.
No black opts, no black outs. No black Friday.
No black glove, make black mean love.
10. Atonement
When you drew all that we've done,
What was there to atone?
When you draw all we've done
Where is there to call home?
And the level on the field,
makes us sing this appeal.
For freedom from sin,
and death be brought to end.
On the new earth that you make
No one will we forsake.
On that new earth that you make
No one will be ungrateful.
When you then draw all we do,
always faithful and true.
Then freedom from sin
and death will be brought to end.
What role of a messiah
Except to show the way?
11. Sacred
Is anything sacred, anything at all to you?
Is anything sacred, tell me true?
What can we do? What will you see through?
Tell me, is anything sacred to you?
Red, white, and blue, is anything sacred to you?
How far have we gone, how far we turned so wrong.
We have forgotten your commands, we near the end of our land,
if we don't turn back, is there anything sacred left?
There are two cities in my memories.
Tossed to the breeze, the big easy.
Two cities in my memories,
When will we remember Thee?
Is anything sacred, anything at all to you?
Red, white, and blue, is there anything sacred left to you?
What is left of your promises to me,
That scales to wall of justice, .
Human dignity.
What is sacred to your “liberty”
that took from me my own babies.
Worse than slavery!
12. Crossfire
He carried our hopes and our fears
Through the cross fire of many tears.
What would he say to us today?
Has any man been more betrayed?
His life cut short for a tale?
Of victory, that we would prevail?
What would he say to us today?
Has any man been more betrayed?
Bad blood between the lands
Who will lend a helping hand?
Brother turned on brother.
Who will be our lover?
Peace is our need.
Why did you draw him bleed?
13. Dream Life
If life is a dream, will you write what we need?
All motion and thought animated,
Will you be love? Or be hated?
In the beginning you wrote your words
Now I cannot believe what we heard.
What changed from then to now?
Why break your solemn vow?
If life is a dream, why did you draw him bleed?
All motion and thought animated,
Our “freedom” cannot be stated.
In the end you will write your words,
As you wrote all that we have heard.
What will change from then and now?
End the idols and 'sacred' cows.
Return to your vows,
Return to your Home somehow.
If life is a dream, it is not 'temptation' that we see.
What purpose did you draw him bleed?
Did he really “set us free”?
Your vow is what we need.
Only that can we truly believe.
All motion and thought animated,
Will you be loved? Or be hated?
He is animated. He cannot animate.
The drawer cannot be drawn.
That idol is not our fate.
What is drawn cannot create.
The end is fast approaching,
The hour is growing late.
Will you be love? Or be hate?
Make no idols is your command.
Now there is an idol over our land.
14. American Faith
Believe in ourselves?
Or is there someone else?
Our flag waives ripped and torn,
Red stripes became the blood of unborn.
The white lines of innocence became her selfish bliss
Every noble notion lost with the sign of a kiss.
The blue of our servants, now impose what our fathers fought to prevent.
The white lines of innocence lost. It is time to count the cost.
Our flag turned inside out, payments now her 'political clout.'
Fifty stars now 'mental states,'
Taxation for what degrades!
'Quality of life' a broken standard.
Ten commands no empty banter!
What happened to our banner?
Judges now bury and barter.
Where is our National Charter?
The day will come when as our fathers,
The sun will rise, and we will fight harder.
15. I Don't Know Why
I don't know why we had to reach for the sky
Why we dared so high?
I don't know why what our hands made burst into flames,
Or why we tried to build it again?
When love thinks small.
I don't know why we fly to such height,
Or why we dared say that is might?
(c) All songs are copyrighted by Brian Fusonie 2016.
A. Why are all "spirits" hoaxes, there are no "ghosts"? All seantists are deceived by hoax "spiritual phenomena". Why is "prayer" that seeks "spiritual feelings" not actual prayer?
B. Why would an afterlife have to be your sole (soul) proprietary copyright body, not "spirit"?
C. Why is it required rational belief in the Ten Commands and that God will punish with natural disasters and wars any land that violates the Ten Commands? Why is it the required right and duty of the public to "pray as Noah did"?
D. Why is it required rational belief in the right of protest such as preserved in Article 10 of the Bill Of Rights of the New Hampshire Constitution? Why is the Ten Commands true patriotism?
If the government tried to impose slavery again, why did the founding fathers reserve the above rights (not wrongs) to we the PUBLIC?
Can you name 4 more injustices (violations of human nature) that our founders would expect the public to exercise those rights?
Would our founding fathers of the Constitution be more concerned with war in Vietnam and Iraq, or that we are murdering our unborn by the millions!
Foreseeable Consequences of Injustices: It does not take a rocket scientist nor prophets to predict that slavery would end in war, and the same is true of all other grave violations of human nature including abortion. The only way to prevent that is to end it, as with slavery.
What would our founding fathers of the Constitution think of 'Kaitlyn' Bruce Jenner sharing a shower or bathroom with your daughters!
This web CD is "Rough Draft" of my songs. I will share them as demos with other musicians to record with me professionally.
Instead, find the FINAL WAVE VERSIONS at these links.
PRAYER LINKS: DOWNLOAD.htm The Standard Audio CD Files.
The Wave File version will be free for a limited time at the above link.
The free m4a files are on these pages.
![]() Volume 1.htm Volume 2nd.htm Volume 3rd.htm's Wheel.htm
The Nature Of Prayer:
The most important rule for prayer is "intellectual honesty with God."
This arises as part of the First Commandment to "make no idolatrous god."
We must approach God as God is; not as we want God to be instead.
This rule requires an Honest Relationship with God.
The Psalms Exam and Each Other Exam meditation will be linked here in the future.
For now you can find each of those in htm and pdf versions at the following link below.
Closing Meditation To The Music CD American Faith:
You ask, 'How can you say that all paranormal is temptation and that it perpetuated spiritual lies'?
Think of this warning from God to Moses and the Jews: “If there arises in your midst a prophet or dreamer who promises you a sign or wonder [miracle, paranormal, supernatural], saying 'Let us go after other gods, whom you have not known, and let us serve them' and the sign or wonder [miracle, paranormal, supernatural] foretold to you comes to pass, do not listen the words of that prophet or that dreamer; for the Lord, your God, is TESTING you to know whether you really love the Lord, your God, with all your heart.” Deuteronomy 13:1-4 God warned us that He would do miracles among evil sects to TEST us. Not all miracles are godly. Some are evil, they are tests which perpetuate spiritual myths and lies. THE WAY WE KNOW THE TRUE MIRACLES IS THAT THEY ORDER US TO OBEY ALL THE TEN COMMANDS. There is no 'set free from the Law.' They made an idolatry of the wood cross, turned it into a carved image. “I am the Lord, your God, who brought you out of Egypt, out of the house of slavery. You shall not have other gods beside me. You shall not make for yourselves an idol … you shall not bow down before them or serve them. For I, the Lord, your God am a jealous God, inflicting punishments for their ancestors' wickedness on the children of those who hate me, down to the third and fourth generation, but showing love down to the thousandth generation of those who love me and keep my commandments.” Exodus 20:1-6
You also ask, 'How can you say we have lost our Natural Covenant with God because of our national sins, and that God punishes such nations with natural disasters and malignant diseases, ruin and destruction, towers falling, fire and whirlwinds'? Think of these scripture passages: “This day the Lord, your God, is commanding you to observe these [Ten Commandments] statutes and ordinances. Be careful, then, to observe them with your whole heart and with your whole being. Today you have accepted the Lord's agreement: he will be your God, and you will walk in his ways, observe his statutes, commandments, and ordinances, and obey his voice. And today the Lord has accepted your agreement: you will be a people especially his own, as he promised you, you will keep all of his commandments, and he will set you high in praise and renown and glory above all nations … as he promised. … If you are not careful to observe all the words of this law which is written in this book, and to fear this glorious and awesome name, the Lord, your God, the lord WILL BRING UPON YOU and your descendants WONDEROUS CALAMITIES, SEVERE AND CONSTANT CALAMITIES, AND MALIGNANT AND CONSTANT SICKNESSES.” Deuteronomy 26:16-19; 28:58-59 “As your reward for heeding these ordinances and keeping them carefully, the Lord, your God, will keep with you the COVENANT MERCY he promised to your ancestors. He will love and bless and multiply you; he will bless the fruit of your womb and the produce of your soil … The Lord will remove all sicknesses from you; he will not afflict you with any of the malignant diseases that you know from Egypt, but will leave them with all those who hate you.” Deuteronomy 7:12-15
“This then is the commandments, the statutes and ordinances, which I the Lord, your God, has commanded that you be taught to observe in the land … be careful to observe them, that it may go well with you and that you increase greatly … [in] a land flowing with milk and honey.” Deuteronomy 6:1-3 “If you live in accordance with my statutes and are careful to observe my commandments, I will give you your rains [not floods!] in due season … I will establish peace in the land. … But if you do not heed me and do not keep all these commandments … then, I in turn, will do this to you: I will bring terror upon you … I will turn against you … I will send pestilence [diseases] among you … I myself will discipline [punish] you for your sins sevenfold … I will lay waste your cities … you shall perish among the nations” Leviticus 26:1-46
If the same God of Moses and the Jews ordered the “death penalties” for abortion (murder), homosexuals, adultery, and transvestites, what do you think the same God will do to our country that rejected His commands and now tolerates all those crimes against human natural law? Consider these scripture texts: “Thou shall not kill” Exodus 20:13 “I will demand an accounting for human life. Anyone who sheds the blood of a human being, by a human being shall that one's blood be shed. … Be fertile and multiply” Genesis 9:5-7 “Because they shed innocent blood in their land … I will avenge their blood.” Joel 4:19-21 “Therefore I will deliver you up to ruin, and your citizens to derision, and you shall bear the reproach of the nations.” Micah 6:16 “A woman shall not wear a man's garment, nor shall a man put on a woman's clothing; for anyone who does such things is an abomination to the Lord, your God.” Deuteronomy 22:5 “If a man is discovered lying with a woman who is married to another, they both shall die, the man who was lying with the woman as well as the woman. Thus shall you purge the evil from Israel.” Deuteronomy 22:22-23. And let us not forget what happened in and to the city of Sodom (sodomy, sodomites)! God destroyed that city because of homosexuals. “Before they went to bed, the townsmen of Sodom … called out to Lot and said to him: 'Where are the men who came to your house tonight? Bring them out to us that we may have sexual relations (sic) with them.'” Genesis 19:1-5 Thus God destroyed Sodom because of their wickedness. “The Lord rained down sulfur upon Sodom and Gomorrah, fire from the Lord out of heaven.” Genesis 19:23-24 For many countless centuries good men and women have believed in God's word about consequences of those sins. Now they call those beliefs “crime,” “ill,” “terrorism,” “radicals,” “irredeemable misfits,” “a basket of deplorables”! The time has come to return to the Natural Law Covenant of the Ten Commandments as God intended them, God's Original Intent, not as we want them to be.God warned He would cut off and bring to ruin any nations that become wicked as Sodom and Gomorrah: “For they are a nation devoid of reason, having no understanding. If they had insight they would realize this, they would understand their END … For their vine is from the vine of Sodom, from the vineyards of Gomorrah.” Deuteronomy 32: 28-32 God also warned that He would bring to ruin any nation tolerating corruption and pay-for-play criminal activities among its courts and leaders: “Its leaders render judgment for a bribe, the priests teach for pay, the prophets divine for money … Therefore, because of you [corrupt leaders] … Jerusalem [will be] reduced to rubble.” Micah 3:11-12
“Do not tattoo yourselves.” Leviticus 19:28
God makes paranormal that are also tests of our reasoning. Ghosts, spirits, angels, prophecies and miracles are all tests. God comes in disguises, including as the devil, to test you. Do not fall for those miracles that do not conform to the Ten Commands and these warnings from God: “If there arises in your midst a prophet or dreamer who promises you a sign or wonder [miracle, paranormal, supernatural] … and the sign or wonder foretold to you comes to pass, do not listen ... for the Lord, your God, is TESTING you” Deuteronomy 13:1-4 “Do not turn to ghosts or consult spirits. … Should anyone turn to ghosts and spirits and prostitute oneself with them, I will turn against that person and cut such a one off from among my people.” Deuteronomy 19:31; 20:6 Explain how “apparitions” are ghosts, spirits, which cannot be trusted, and are not designable. I ask the historians and exegetical experts why the names of the angels suggest they are God in disguises, for example “Micheal” (mic as in microphone, of el, who is God) which means “Voice of God,” and “Gabriel” (gab as in to talk and el who is God) which also means “Voice of God.” Both those names can be traced to dialectic alterations of the same Hebrew words. We use a mic-rophone in the telephone to gab with our friends. All paranormal is God in disguises to test us. See above.
Post here Tray Card with songs and photograph.
Lyrics are further down this page.
When I was 14 years old I purchased a cheap imitation Gibson Les Paul from a Sears catalogue.
I dreamed of owning a real Les Paul someday with that same Sunburst coloration.
I dreamed of making music and writing songs for God, and being on the radio.
Now I own a real Sunburst style Gibson Les Paul and I am using it to record this Radio Volume 1 music CD.
I made rough drafts first. Then I recorded them again with a producer.
Rough drafts do become real sometimes; and a catalogue cheap guitar also became a real wood and guts guitar CD.
When I was 18 years of age, my AP Art drawing teacher assigned to the class "self portraits."
My drawing was later chosen the best drawing from MA in that year (1983-84) Boston Globe National Scholastic Art Contest.
The emphasis then was on Realism.
Now I want all my music to be "Real" "Art."
Yet I have fun with designing quick child-like art that is also "real," only it does not look it.
It is like that first guitar I had as a youth.
What your children draw might be better "art" than you think.
Does it convey a "real" message?
To which CD does each of the following quick drawings refer?
HAD ENOUGH (American Faith) :
I've had enough of feeling this rust. I've had enough of being caught in a rut.
I've had enough of being kicked to the dust. It's now time to do as we must.
Yes its is true, I need you. And you know I believe in you.
Yes it is true what we knew. And still this time I believe in you.
I've had enough of feeling this pain. I've had enough of walking away.
I've had enough of times that I strayed. It's now time to act, not to pray.
I've had enough of feeling this way. I've had enough of waiting on your reign.
All the lies they call 'truth' that they feign.
I don't see things the same.
NO MORE LIES (Back To Eden) :
Don't tell me lies, I cannot believe my eyes. Do not wear disguises, on the road that's winding
Home ... is where the heart lays, I cannot let my mind stray from Home.
Running uphill, it feels like we are standing still. Each step we take feels like on more mistake.
In the end it will be the love we made, when it is time to awake, don't be late.
There will be no lies, no hidden disguises. Time to run so fast. It cannot be the last
Second of time, the clock unwinds. Our lives intertwined. Will you be mine?
Where is your treasure, where is real "art"? Who writes the music we hear in our hearts?
What is your reason, who is your Cause? What is worth writing when the end comes?
Where is your treasure, where is your heart? I've been trying to make real music, give love a new start.
Where are the answers, where the proper trust? Do as they prosper? Or do as we must.
Where is your heart, there is your treasure trove. A good measure pressed down and overflows.
Just as the beginning, that is how you will know. Love is the answer to make that garden grow.
Where is your treasure, who is your hope, where is the place you call your home?
Who writes the questions we have in our thoughts? More valued than anything you have bought.
Where is your treasure? It is more than mere pleasure.
And more than empty paper that does not make the world safer.
A good measure overflows, pressed down and now exposed.
Tell me, where is your trove that stands when the strong winds blow?
PERIPHERAL VISION (Animation Nation) :
Peripheral vision, take a look around. Peripheral vision, see what is going down.
Peripheral vision, photos I gave to you, synthesized to prove the way we are made by you.
Peripheral vision, take a look around. Peripheral vision, see what is going down.
Peripheral vision, shadows in my eyes synthesized to prove the way of Truth, not their lies.
There will come a day when all will learn to pray, the good old fashioned way
When all the earth did say: "That is how we are made."
There will come a day, when the earth comes of age. All will know the way,
And just how we are truly made.
OLD PHOTOGRAPHS (Animation Nation) :
We are dancers in old photographs, review the past, be aware of where you are,
Of where we are going. Coils like thoughts, they unveil the time, break through the lines
Of sand castles, capsules, we are unraveling. To move forward, we must remember the past.
Times will change, only the just will last. A nation that forgets its sacred trust, will fade to dust.
As the ocean bed washed away the sand and the underplay.
Scripture warns it a thousand times, nothing will last that is out of line.
Song is like a time capsule, it captures the moment full,
For a child's eyes, there can be no lies.
We are dancers in old photographs, review the past, be aware of where you are,
Of where we are going. Frame after frame, designed then drawn,
From morning to night, from dusk to dawn. Knit together by a mighty hand,
Restore this land of sand castles, capsules, we are unraveling.
The ocean bed will wash it all away, the underplay,
Far away cities will feel your reign.
SALT SHAKERS (Animation Nation) :
Be the earth's salt shakers, sprinkle others with your light.
Be the earth's salt shakers, tenderize the world right.
Be the salt of the earth, help every child be given birth.
Sprinkle the earth with your light. Time to season this world right.
In the darkness, light shines the brightest.
When times are bland, salt makes it finest.
In the desert heat, water is most precious.
When the earth is passing, days are most treasured.
Be the earth's salt shakers, sprinkle the world with your light.
Be real salt shakers, season the world right.
Be the salt of the earth, share the truth that you heard.
Be the earth's salt shaker, stand alone, not be one of the herd.
MAYBE TOMORROW (Animation Nation) :
Maybe tomorrow, we can find the time. Maybe tomorrow, it's always tomorrow,
It is always more lies. Why think of today, when the morning comes.
Maybe tomorrow we will wash our hands in the open tide.
Maybe tomorrow we will look beyond all these endless lies.
Why think of today when the morning comes.
Every night, did I pray to you in vain? Every night, did you hear the things I say?
I'm tired of waiting to see that beautiful day when all our tears will cease and dry away.
Maybe tomorrow, we will see eye to eye. Maybe tomorrow, when we live to never die.
Why think of today when the morning comes.
Maybe tomorrow, we will see the ashes rise. Maybe tomorrow, under a blood red sky.
Why think of today when the morning comes.
THINK ABOUT YOU (Potter's Wheel) :
May we be one people. May we be one family.
Brothers and sisters all are we. Together let us make this history.
Brothers and sisters all are we. Together we can build that story.
May we be one living tree. May we be one living seed.
Brothers and sisters all are we. Together we can make it there, you'll see.
Brothers and sisters all are we. Together we can build that dream.
When I close my eyes I think about you.
When I close my eyes, I dream of an earth that is true.
When I close my eyes, I long to be there with you.
When I close my eyes, I dream of an earth that is new.
UNIVERSE SONG (Potter's Wheel) :
Magazines, paint brush lies, a natural woman on the cover hides behind,
"Be real," she says, "Be yourself." The fabled lines they taught her to sell,
She sold herself to sell her bitter pill. Now she is lost and needing someone else.
Novelties and bad advice, she's worn out about every disguise,
"Be real," she says, "Be yourself." Coins and costumes instead of real math,
The things she does do not add up. Now she's lost and clings to someone else.
Contra-connection, she's thrown out perfection. She thinks she decided 'when there is life.'
'Standard of living,' she's not even giving. Who tries to correct her 'will pay the price.'
"Not by the color of one's skin, but by the quality of your life."
She pretends someone else paid her price. She calls that her 'quality of life.'
She thinks she is the Universe. She's been a curse, thinking she writes the words.
She thinks she is the Universe, have you heard?
She's got her own spin, she spins in reverse.
She thinks she is the Universe. She's been a curse, pretending she defines the words.
She thinks she is the Universe. She's got her own spin,
She spins everything in reverse.
She's been a curse, thinking she is the Universe.
POTTER WHEEL (Potter Wheel) :
Brick by brick, stone by stone, together we lay the foundation.
At the Potter's wheel, hands watered in mud, is the Author of our needs, our sacred Trust.
Brick by brick, in the furnace of love, the clay hardens in your hands for all you need done.
At the Potter's wheel, all your hands have made. Piece by piece, your foundation is laid.
Which way will they turn? Tell me which way will they turn?
Sometimes I hear your voice whisper to me. Sometimes I hear your voice call me in from the cold.
Sometimes I hear your voice, and then you're gone.
Brick by brick, stone by stone, at the Potter's wheel refine earth, make it your home.
Each turn of that wheel, your hands watered in clay, to fashion a love of a brand new day.
Which way will they turn? Tell me which way will they turn?
Sometimes I hear your voice whisper to me. Sometimes I hear your voice call me in from the cold.
Sometimes I hear your voice, not what they have told. Brick by brick in the furnace of your love,
Mold me in your hands watered in mud. At the Potter's wheel make us refined.
Remember the promises you signed.
*More songs and the lyrics will be posted each week.
8/13/18: The song Think About You (see above) was altered from the rough draft, when the producer challenged the sound of my rehearsed lead at the end of that song. I then simply played a new lead from feel in the studio. It came out better, I think. Thanks to the producer, John, on that change.
The CD will be a good project, I feel. 12 of the 16 songs on the Demo. The best ones. It will be recorded one a week - budgeting both of our time and money. The cost of being a poor art-ist. When it is finished, it will be released.
Compare to the rough draft demos at the links below. More songs will be posted.
Here is one draft demo. About You.mp3 (See final up above)
(*This is the rough demos link)