BACK TO EDEN (songs written (c) 2016, recorded 2017)
The next music CD that I will record is titled “BACK TO EDEN”. It will meditate on the truth contained in the following brief article. It will be about the beginning, then fall, then rise of man.
Back To Eden: How The Afterlife Restores The Good Order Of Paradise Garden
“God blessed them and God said to them … 'I give you every seed-bearing plant on all the earth and every tree that has seed bearing fruit on it to be your food [not animals]. … I give you all the green plants for food.'” Genesis 1: 28-30. This was the First Command of Eden to man and woman: eat only plants, not animals. Yet there was a condition of “not eating from the tree of unlawful knowledge.” If man or woman disobeyed, they would be cut off from the Garden of Eden.
Good knowledge will be our only memories, while unlawful knowledge of sins will not be allowed to be our memories in the afterlife. This is the true meaning of the parable condition about “if you eat from the fruit of unlawful knowledge (knowledge of good and of evil acts),”-- for such knowledge of evil cannot be allowed to be in your mind when in the resurrection of your bodies. For example, obviously memories of fornication, adultery, incest, rape, murder cannot be allowed to be in your memories if God is to have a just and sin free afterlife world. In the same way, God cannot allow you to have memories of eating meat because from the beginning in Eden man was made purely herbivore (vegetarian).
When we awake one day on the New Earth (scripture calls it also 'the new heaven and earth') we will not have memories of sins that violate the Original Justice of the Garden Of Eden. It will be restored. Therefore, why waste your time doing sins against the Ten Commandments? Those actions and inactions that violate the justice of God's commandments cannot be your “real person” that will exist on the New Earth! Instead, you should spend your time doing good, and having relations only monogamous with your husband or wife, because those alone can be real memories. And in the same way, you should want to eat as much exclusively fruits and vegetables, not meats, because only those foods that conform to the Original Justice of the Garden Of Eden (Paradise) will be in your memories.Meditate On These Texts:
The tree and fruit of unlawful knowledge (knowledge of both good and of evil).
“If you eat it … you will be like God, who knows good and evil.” Genesis 3:5
The new heaven and new earth will not have abortion, nor untimely deaths, nor will animals eat animals. All will be vegetarian. And prior unlawful knowledge will not be in your memories.
“See, I am creating new heavens and a new earth; the former things shall not be remembered nor shall they come to mind. … no longer will there be in it an infant who lives but a few days, nor anyone who does not live a full lifetime. … The wolf and the lamb shall pasture together, and the lion shall eat hay [not other animals] like the ox … None shall harm or destroy on all my holy mountain, says the Lord.” Isaiah 65:17-18, 25.
We know that on the Ark there was only herbivores (lions ate hay as in Isaiah) because the first command “to eat only seed bearing plants and fruits” was in effect – since it was not until after the great flood that it is reported God made a concession to allow mankind to eat animals also: “Any living creature that moves about shall be yours to eat; I give them all to you as I did the green plants.” Genesis 9:3 It is arguable that this later text was altered to allow meat because clearly Noah and his family stored only grains and dried fruits for themselves and the animals on the ark, and there would be scarcity of animals to eat when the ark landed! “Of all living creatures you shall bring two of every kind into the ark, one male and one female, to keep them alive with you. … Moreover, you are to provide yourself with all the food that is to be eaten, and store it away that it may serve as provisions for you and for them [the animals].” Genesis 6:19-21
Finally, we know that the new heaven and new earth is reported in revelations to have fruit to eat, not a barren land! “Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth. The former heaven and the former earth had passed away. … On either side of the river grew the tree of life that produces fruit twelve times a year, once each month” Revelations 21:1; 22:2 The sin of Adam and Eve is undone, the tree of unlawful knowledge and death is replaced with the new tree and fruit of life. This is more than metaphorical, it is an earth that has the First Command of Eden restored, and the fruit is supplied on trees by God.
Consequences of sin: “On that day of the great slaughter, when the towers fall, the light of the moon will be like the light of the sun, and the light of the sun will be seven times greater, like the light of seven days (one day of sun will be as seven days of sunlight intensity).” Isaiah 30:25-26 “For see, the Lord will come as fire, … like a stormwind; to wreak his anger in burning rage and his rebuke in fiery flames. … Just as the new heaven and the new earth which I am making.” Isaiah 66:15, 22
These are designed to be ink jet friendly to print.
1. Back To Eden
“Eat from the fruits of Eden” (Gen 1:28-31)
That was your first command:
To do no evil, kill no calf nor lamb.
This original justice will be restored one day
And can be our only true memories.
Return to it now, we pray.
Back To Eden, return to man's youth:
“Only seed bearing and trees of fruit”
Was our sacred limit to our freedom truth
You forbid “unlawful knowledge”
Yet man did ignore that and sinned
And “dominion” became “destruction”
Reverence for all lives did end.
“Stewards,” not killers was that first command:
To do no evil, kill no calf nor lamb.
What happened to that vow, what happened to our land?
In the end, the calves and lions will lay down with the lambs,
And death and destruction will come to an end.
Our real memories will be our only guidance then,
It will be the law of Eden.
2. No Original Sin
There cannot be a child born stained with original sin,
Nor tainted by the sins of their parents.
All are conceived immaculate, and there cannot be
any idolatry of one person more immaculate at conception
than all other children! All are made and born stainless.
All are conceived equally innocent.
3. My Brother's Keeper
The first command included love of humanity
No dominion over one another, no fighting in history.
Until Cain detested Abel, and asked rhetorically:
“Am I my brother's keeper”?
I ask you to think this deeper:
What Cain brought was desolation
Slavery begot a nation
Because in arms one man subjugated another
And the world forgot to be lovers.
There is only one path, no other:
In an arms race to be dominion
And truth replaced with 'opinions'
“Am I my brother's keeper”
Let us pray on this much deeper.
4. Primal Rhythm
As the first man and woman, primal rhythm is our dance and song,
So tell me what went wrong?
In Mesopotamia they danced in sun and moonlight
By the Tigris and Euphrates with nothing to hide,
Until the fruit of hades made the first lie.
Primal rhythm was their dance,
“Bone of my bone, flesh of my flesh”
God ordered them to unite
And she begot his pride, she became his wife.
My side ached for that tribe.
In green pasture to unite.
Primal rhythm was the method of Mesopotamia.
It is the only real Life story.
Natural law is our only future, it is our only memories.
5. No Lies
Don't tell me lies. I cannot believe my eyes.
Do not wear disguises, on the road that's winding …
Home … is where the heart lays.
I cannot let my mind stray … from Home.
Time to run so fast … It cannot be the last
second of time … the clock unwinds …
Our lives intertwined. Will you be mine?
Running uphill, it feels like we are standing still.
Each turn we make, feels like one more mistake.
6. Shaded Dream
In the beginning, our eyes meet.
If I told you, you would not believe.
Times have changed and so have we.
I'm holding on now to a safer dream.
The cold wind blows, in my memories.
The shoreline, the waves carry me …
On this shaded dream.
The time will come, I believe,
The night will fade, there will be no misery.
And the sunlight to answer our need
will heal all our shaded dreams.
7. Risen Or Redrawn
Risen or redrawn, the scandal of it all.
From dusk to dawn, I cried out for your love.
Risen or redrawn, the cavern open now.
As empty as my heart
I waited on your love
I wanted that new start.
I cry out, but you don't hear me now.
I cry out, but you don't see me how?
I cry out, with danger all around. Can you hear me shout?
I cry out, when will the world find out?
Risen or redrawn, the scandal of it all.
Risen or redrawn, an idol when we were wrong.
Return to the Sacred Song, where you waited all along.
“Make no strange god.” That is the meaning of love.
“Put none before Thee.” Your honest Name makes us free.
There is no holy 'tree', Only you alone can Be.
Your honest Name is a round symbol.
All else is a clashing cymbal.
Risen or redrawn. You know the meaning of love.
8. O Happy Days
O happy days, are here to stay.
These happy days, while the world is passing away.
O happy days, warm as the sun's rays.
These happy days, sunshine on my face.
In the beginning all was made right.
Original intent is our solemn fight.
God's design for man is our sacred plight.
Now it comes to pass light to shine over night.
O happy days, is what we pray.
These happy days, with each word we say.
These are the end days, all sin is passing away.
O happy days, the sun will shine in its place.
9. One Day At A Time
One day at a time, I'm feeling fine
Staying on the right side of the line
To rest in peace each night.
One day at a time, the faces we meet in life
Let's end every moment of strife
Carry the weight of innocent life
One day at time.
In the end it all comes back to you.
And the measure you give returns to you.
One day at a time, be each minute a light
Until the sun fades into night.
10. Lightning
In a brief glance, the night is pierced.
And for a moment in time I see clear.
It is like lightning,
the night can be frightening.
As a camera flash in the dark
We see the right path to walk.
In a brief glance, the next step clear.
There is no time to waste,
the end draws near.
It is like thunder,
The sound rushes to my ear
It breaks the veil of silence,
They wanted none to hear.
But when the time comes, we wake to morning light.
Our courage beside us, we will have made it through the night.
When the time comes, our steps make secure.
We did not fall for idols, no lies did we procure.
11. Treasure Trove
Where is your treasure?
Where is your heart?
I've been trying to make real music,
Trying to give love a kick-start.
Where are the answers,
Where is the proper trust?
Do as they 'prosper', or do as we must.
Where is your treasure?
It is more than mere pleasure.
And more than empty paper,
That does not make the world safer.
A good measure overflows,
Pressed down and now exposed.
Tell me where is your treasure trove?
That stands the test when the strong wind blows.
12. No Angels
There are no angels among us,
No angel can be designed.
And the sound and fury is fiction every time.
Who wrote the grand illusion,
hidden from our sight.
In the darkness of our senses,
Betrayed by the night.
In this hour, write as you may.
I have forgotten the 'glory'
Of your evil day.
In this hour, stand as you may.
All our time forsaken,
Was that the way?
There are no spirits among us,
No spirits in material earth.
The best and the worst of time,
No spirit has given birth.
Who writes the grand illusion
Passed along as 'light,'
In the darkness of our senses,
You pretended it was 'might.'
13. Water Then Fire
Love gave life from the water,
The origin of every specie,
Of every son and daughter.
The scriptures bare this truth,
The end will come from fire.
What happened to our youth?
14. Noah's Wood Guitar
Noah gave a piece of wood
That he saved from a ship so good,
To preserve all he understood.
He carried and carved that wood into a guitar
to teach us to play like John B. Good,
To sing the same song that he would.
In hope that all the earth would be good.
Hear my song on this guitar of wood:
“Light The Fire”
Let it rain.
Pour down again. Wash away the lands of sin.
Let it rain!
(c) All songs are copyrighted by Brian Fusonie 2016.
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The Nature Of Prayer:
The most important rule for prayer is "intellectual honesty with God."
This arises as part of the First Commandment to "make no idolatrous god."
We must approach God as God is; not as we want God to be instead.
This rule requires an Honest Relationship with God.
The Psalms Exam and Each Other Exam meditation will be linked here in the future.
For now you can find each of those in htm and pdf versions at the following link below.
Closing Meditation For This Music CD: Back To Eden:
God will restore the Garden of Eden in the time of the resurrection of our bodies. God's people will live on the new earth ripe with fruit and crops, in which there is no cold or frost. Again, this is more than metaphorical – it is a real promised land for the good at the time God promises to raise us from our graves and give us new life. “I will be your God. I will deliver you from all your impurities. … I will increase the fruit on your trees and the crops in your fields so that you no longer endure [ ] famine. [No meat mentioned in this end time text] They will say, 'This once-desolate land has become like the garden of Eden. … I am going to open your graves; I will make you come up out of your graves, my people, and bring you back to the land of Israel. You shall know that I am the Lord, when I open your graves and make you come out of them, my people! I will put my spirit in you that you may come to life, and I will settle you in your land. … I will do it.” Ezekiel 36:28-35; 37:12-14 “On that day there will no longer be cold or frost ...This will be so in summer and winter.” Zechariah 14:6-9
In Malachi this promised end time will be ushered in with “the sun of justices” “before the day of the Lord comes, the great and terrible day.” Malachi 3:20-23 There is in Zechariah a similar promise of a bright moon at night reporting: “On that day … there will be continuous day – it is known to the Lord – not day and night, for in the evening there will be light.” Zechariah 14:6-7 I ask the scientists if it is possible to reconcile the above texts about the sun at this site with the following promise in Joel: “I will set signs in the heavens and on earth, blood, fire, and columns of smoke; the sun will darken, the moon turn blood-red, Before the day of the Lord arrives, that great and terrible day.” Joel 3:3-4 How can the end time solar events be both “a sun seven times brighter as if seven days in one day” and still “the sun will darken and the moon turn blood-red with columns of smoke and fire.” Could another clue be in Revelations where there is reported: “The sun and the air were darkened by smoke … At that moment there was a great earthquake. .. Seven thousand people were killed.” Revelations 9:2; 11:13 Could there be another clue in the repeated use of the number “seven” in both texts, since Hebrews used numbers metaphorically, to signify some code. Seven (has a meaning) and thousand (has a meaning). I ask the scientists to think.Our salvation will be “bodily,” not “spirit,” for Scripture attests that God's renowned heroes were taken up in “body,” not some spiritualized afterlife. Enoch was among the first we read was saved in his body. “Few on earth have been created like Enoch; he also was taken up bodily.” Sirach 49:14 “By faith Enoch was taken up so that he should not see death, and 'he was found no more because God had taken him.' Before he was taken up, he was attested to have pleased God.” Hebrews 11:5 “Enoch walked with the Lord and was taken, that succeeding generations might learn by his example.” Sirach 44:16 “Enoch walked with God, and he was no longer here, for God took him.” Genesis 5:21-24 The annotation in the NAB reads: “Enoch: because of his friendship with God and his unusual disappearance from the earth, this prophet's renown was great among the chosen people. Gn 5:21-24; Heb 11-5.” Elijah was also taken up bodily. Jesus was also taken up bodily. They are the firstfruits of salvation history proving as Ezekiel wrote: “God will raise us up bodily,” not as some spiritual afterlife, rather a truly physical bodily afterlife. Explain why God cannot create 'spirits', because they have no definite body, and there cannot be overlapping physics, and all is animationed. There is not spiritual salvation, no spirit afterlife. There can only be body salvation. A spirit afterlife does not exist. There is no “legion” – that is an apocryphal text, or a test from God. There cannot be “legion spirit indwelling pigs and running them off a cliff.” Those are paganized revision texts put into Scripture. A spirit could not animate (possess, move, own) pigs, nor human beings. Explain why “spiritual possession” cannot exist, they are not designable by God, rather they are spiritual tests from God. Also explain why the “New Earth” is where they live, not in some spirtualized afterlife. The “New Earth” cannot be reconciled with a spiritual afterlife. The Scripture promises the Restoration of Eden, not some spiritual 'heaven.' You cannot have it both ways; both a 'heaven' and 'the new earth.' Paradise is the New Earth, where our bodies will live.
You should want your body sacred to the Lord. Our body is our life, our sole (soul) existence. The “rhythm method of Mesopotamia” is our natural law Constitutional right to marry exclusive, and there is no right in Scripture to adultery, nor to abortion, nor to contraceptives. The blood of the unborn “pollutes and defiles our land.” So does the “spilling of seed” in contraceptive (Onanism) acts against the natural law rhythm method of our first creation. “You will not accept compensation (nor bribes, nor fines) in place of the life of a murderer who deserves to die, but that person must be put to death. … You will not pollute the land where you live. For bloodshed (of the innocent) pollutes the land, and the land can have no expiation for the bloodshed (of innocent) on it except through the blood of the one who shed it. Do not defile the land in which you live and in the midst of which I dwell; for I the Lord dwell in the midst of the Israelites.” Numbers 35:31-34 “Onan … whenever he had intercourse with his brother's wife, he wasted (withdrawal, spilled) his seed (sperm) on the ground, to avoid giving offspring … What he did greatly offended the Lord, and the Lord took his life.” Genesis 38:9-10
As for Cain's question after murdering his brother Abel, “Am I my brother's keeper,” Genesis 4:9, and how that begot the subjugation of one man to another, including the selling of Joseph by his brothers into slavery in Egypt for 20 pieces of silver, Genesis 37:28, and the selling of Jesus for silver coins by Judas, and the selling of blacks into slavery in this country – I ask what is the legitimate arms race, not for dominion, nor opinions, but for the real true laws of God? Any good nation should neither be isolationist, nor imposing sinful culture on another nation. It is better to be isolationists, than to be mocking or making war with other cultures that follow the true Ten Commands of God. What is the role of nuclear arms? When we are in an arms race for our opinions, instead of for real solid Truth, the End will result. If we use them exclusively to restore and preserve peace of the Ten Commandments, then they will not result in the End. We must be our brother's keeper, not our brother's defilement or ruin. We must export true justice, not export sin. It is hard to argue that a nation that tolerates abortion has any moral authority left on the world stage.
Here is a handwritten scribble on the subject of "O" being the "O-rigin" of all creation, and the "Or-iginal Name of God. The O is somewhat cut off at top, looking like a "U". You each can do a better job at this than I can. Look at Hebrew, Semitic, and English word dictionaries for the meanings of the roots to words. Most all two letter words are actually double words, redundant, such a "Or" = "O" plus "Are," or "I AM." Another example is "On" = "I Am." And "Ab" = "God Is." The same is true of English words, we built up longer repetitions of roots, because we forgot what the earlier root in a word meant. Gab about this with your friends.
Explain why "On" is "to be" and "No" is "to not be." And "Oui" is "yes," and "No" is "to not exist." "Chelom" = peace, and "Molech" is no peace. The early tribes reversed words to make the opposite meaning. Why then is "Ab" much better than the term "Abba"? Evil cults often negated God's name by a double mirror game as "Ab/ba." "Ba-al." The names of antigods, or false angels often are God's name in reverse, or God's Covenant Peace written in reverse, as "Shelom" turned into the pagan god "Molech." The opposite of peace is worship of Molech in scriptures, which brings ruin to the land. The opposite of Love is Evol; the opposite of Live is Evil. The d-evil is an evil parody of love.
There is only one Covenant (Contract) with God. It forbids tolerating customs of sin, including adultery, incest, abortion, homosexuality, and transvestites – all of which God commanded “death penalties.” There is no lesser invasive Covenant with God. “You shall not make a covenant with them (pagan nations practicing those sins) or their gods.” Exodus 23:32 “If a man lies with a male as with a woman, they have committed an abomination; the two of them shall be put to death; … Be careful to observe all my statutes and all my decrees; … Do not conform, therefore, to the customs of the nations I am driving out of your way, because of all these things that they have done have filled me with disgust for them.” Leviticus 20:18, 22-23 Other “death penalties” we have seen were for worship of satanic lodge type behaviors, which included the above sins, and also sins of ghost seances, apparitions, spiritisms, false theologies. “You shall not let a woman who practices sorcery live.” Exodus 22:17 “A man or woman who acts as a medium or clairvoyant shall be put to death.” Leviticus 20:27 And while Onanism which is contraception, znh, pornh, pornea, is reason for God to put to death Onan, other sexual sins prove God wants the rhythm method: “If a man lays with a woman during her menstrual period and has intercourse with her … The two of them shall be cut off from the people.” Leviticus 20:18 God commands pro-life (pro-nh) families, not anti-life sinners (por-nh, porn, pornea, also z-nh, zona, zanut, zenuth, which are all contraceptive or abortive acts of “unlawful sex.”) See Mathew 19:9; Acts 15:19. I tell you that we are in a wicked time, and I had the opportunity to ask a judge of a district court on the witness stand, “Have you ever used seantists (satanists, mediums, clairvoyants, ghost worshippers) as expert witnesses in your court,” and he answered under sworn oath, “Yes, I have.” They use them all the time now calling it “police work,” and “evidence.” We are in the End time. There is no ESP, and they knew it all along. God tests people with false ESP paranormal, to see if they will use that as an excuse to disobey the Ten Commandments.
What we know is that shortly before the End, God will raise up a prophet “like Moses,” who will command “all of the commands” of God, not only some of them. “A prophet like me will the Lord, your God, raise up for you from among your own kindred; that is the one to whom you shall listen … And the Lord said to me … 'I will raise up for them a prophet like you from among your kindred, and I will put my words into the mouth of that prophet; the prophet shall tell them ALL I command.” Deuteronomy 18:15-19 God warned not to alter a single letter of His laws. There is one same Covenant (Contract) of the Ten Commandments “for all generations.” If Jesus altered one letter of God's Covenant laws, he would not be living and raised up. He would not be a prophet. Moreover, the End time prophet will come as Scripture warned, before the End, and will prepare the people for the New Earth. We await that prophet. We await the time of the Restoration of Eden.
Closing Remarks On Preserving The Center Of The Book Of Law Given Moses:
God commanded each generation to “obey the entire Book of Law given Moses.” To “neither swerve to the left, nor to the right.” There are valid commanded “death penalties.” And there are commanded punishments for lesser crimes that do not receive death penalties. The way we know that the Nation serves the Lord, God, is that there will be preserved the Central penalties God commanded, “life for life,” and lesser punishments for “manslaughter,” or other bodily injuries not incurring death. There will be in a good Nation, neither swerving to the left to abolish all death penalties; nor swerving to the right to punish minor offenses with death penalties. “But if injury ensues, you shall give life for life, eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot, burn for burn, wound for wound, stripe for stripe.” Exodus 21:23-25 While this capital punishment law can be justly replaced with prison sentences for those lesser included offenses, the main Central them in the Commandments is, as stated earlier: “Thou shall not kill innocent human life; while thou shall death penalty all who kill innocent human life.” We read in Joshua: “After Moses, the servant of the Lord, had died, the Lord said to Moses' aide Joshua … 'As I was with Moses, I will be with you: I will not leave you nor forsake you … Only be strong and steadfast, be careful to observe the ENTIRE LAW which Moses my servant enjoined on you. DO NOT SWERVE FROM IT EITHER TO THE RIGHT OR TO THE LEFT, that you may succeed wherever you go. Do not let the BOOK OF LAW depart from your lips. Recite it by day and by night; that you may carefully observe all that is written in it; then you will attain your goal; then you will succeed. I command you: be strong and steadfast! Do not fear nor be dismayed, for the Lord, your God, is with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:1-9
There are nations that call “death penalties” “ungodly,” but they have swerved away from the true God because they outlaw the just death penalty of “life for life.” And there are nations that swerve the opposite way and apply death penalties to minor offenses. They also have lost the true God of Moses. The Center is the only path, and it preserves the “life for an innocent life” honest death penalties. In the End the prophet poetically named Elijah will come and “make straight” the way, not allow swerving to the left, nor to the right of the real law of God: “As it is written in the book of the words of the prophet Isaiah: 'A voice of one crying out in the desert: prepare the way of the Lord, MAKE STRAIGHT HIS PATHS. Every valley shall be filled and every mountain and hill made low. The winding road shall be made straight, and the rough ways made smooth, and all flesh shall see the salvation of God.” Luke 3:4-6; See Isaiah 40:3-5. Jesus also warned not to “swerve either to the left or to the right” from the real law.
As for the End, Peter warned that the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah to “ashes” by the fire from heaven FORESHADOWS “WHAT IS COMING” IN THE END. “If God did not spare the ancient world, even though he preserved Noah, a herald of righteousness, together with seven others, when he brought flood upon the godless world; and if he condemned the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah to destruction, reducing them to ashes, MAKING THEM AN EXAMPLE for the godless people OF WHAT IS COMING.” 2 Peter 2:5-6 Jude wrote that Enoch prophecied about such ruin: “Sodom, Gomorrah, and the surrounding towns, which in the same manner as they, indulged in sexual promiscuity and practiced unnatural vice (homosexuality), serve AS AN EXAMPLE BY UNDERGOING PUNISHMENT of eternal fire. ...They follow the way of Cain … Enoch, of the seventh generation from Adam, prophesied also about them when he said, 'Behold, the Lord has come with his countless holy ones to execute judgment on all and to convict everyone for all the godless deeds that they have committed and for all the harsh words godless sinners have uttered against him.'” Jude 7, 11, 14-15 It is important to note that Jesus' apostles and followers reverenced both Enoch and Elijah, both of whom were taken into heaven bodily, as stated earlier. Enoch should be one of our greatest saints, and yet we hear little about him. “Let us be like Enoch” and knock on heaven's door with honest law, and honest prayers.
Summary: The End will come because of abortion and homosexuality, the same sins of Sodom and Gomorrah, and of Egypt, and of the Nephilim in Noah's day. It will not come from flood. It will come from Fire, which in some way was foreshadowed by the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah to ashes with fire from heaven. The end will come upon us because we have swerved to the left, or to the right of God's true commandments and required punishments for crimes. The only safe path is the Center. The end will come at the time of a “prophet like Moses,” like Enoch, Elijah, and Joshua, who will publicly pray for that end with warnings in advance. “Elijah was human being like us; yet he prayed earnestly that it might not rain, and for three years and six months it did not rain upon the land. Then he prayed again, and the sky gave rain and the earth produced its fruit.” James 5:17-18 “Joshua prayed to the Lord, and said in the presence of Israel: Sun, stand still at Gibeon, Moon, in the valley of Aijalon! The sun stood still, the moon stayed, while the nation took vengeance on its foes. This is recorded in the Book of Jashar. The sun halted halfway across the heavens; not for an entire day did it press on. Never before or since was there a day like this, when the Lord obeyed the voice of a man; for the Lord fought for Israel.” Joshua 10:12-14 And let us not forget how Enoch and Noah prayed, and the natural disaster God drew of a great flood. Or how Moses prayed, and the natural disasters that came upon Egypt. Yet, I believe there is foreshadowing in the miracle of Joshua. It centers around the Sun and moon, similar to other foreshadowings in scripture. A great fire from heaven.
FINAL EXAM on the CDs:
The scriptures do have prophets and even Jesus commanding the valid death penalties from God. If you read scripture consistent with the Ten Commandments, Jesus spoke about the penalty incurred for killing an innocent human life. Now that you have read the above scriptures at this site on (a) the death penalties, and (b) the new earth (when the present earth passes away), please read the following text from Jesus proving he approved of his Father's valid death penalties for those who kill innocent life.
Jesus on obeying all the commands, the entire letters of the least of the laws given Moses:
“I have come not to abolish (the commandments) but to fulfill. Amen, I say to you, until heaven and earth pass away, not the smallest letter or the smallest part of a letter will pass away from the law, until all things have taken place. Therefore, whoever breaks one of the least of these commandments and teaches others to do so will be called least in the kingdom of heaven. But whoever obeys and teaches these commandments will be called great in the kingdom of heaven. I tell you, unless your righteousness surpasses that of the scribes and Pharisees, you will not enter into the kingdom of heaven. You have heard that it was said to your ancestors, 'You shall not kill; and whoever kills shall be liable to judgment (death, see Gn 9:5-7; Ex 21:12-14; Lv 24:17; 20:1-5).' But I say to you, whoever is angry with his brother will be liable to judgment” Matthew 5:18-22. “It is easier for heaven and earth to pass away than for the smallest part of a letter of the law to become invalid.” Luke 16:17. Jesus commanded his disciples to “obey all of the commandments” of his Father. Not alter any of them, not obviate a single letter of the law. In fact, he went further than the commanded penalty of “life for innocent human life,” by saying mere anger or hatred toward your brother is enough to merit judgment.
Post here Tray Card with songs and photograph.
Lyrics are further down this page.
When I was 14 years old I purchased a cheap imitation Gibson Les Paul from a Sears catalogue.
I dreamed of owning a real Les Paul someday with that same Sunburst coloration.
I dreamed of making music and writing songs for God, and being on the radio.
Now I own a real Sunburst style Gibson Les Paul and I am using it to record this Radio Volume 1 music CD.
I made rough drafts first. Then I recorded them again with a producer.
Rough drafts do become real sometimes; and a catalogue cheap guitar also became a real wood and guts guitar CD.
When I was 18 years of age, my AP Art drawing teacher assigned to the class "self portraits."
My drawing was later chosen the best drawing from MA in that year (1983-84) Boston Globe National Scholastic Art Contest.
The emphasis then was on Realism.
Now I want all my music to be "Real" "Art."
Yet I have fun with designing quick child-like art that is also "real," only it does not look it.
It is like that first guitar I had as a youth.
What your children draw might be better "art" than you think.
Does it convey a "real" message?
To which CD does each of the following quick drawings refer?
HAD ENOUGH (American Faith) :
I've had enough of feeling this rust. I've had enough of being caught in a rut.
I've had enough of being kicked to the dust. It's now time to do as we must.
Yes its is true, I need you. And you know I believe in you.
Yes it is true what we knew. And still this time I believe in you.
I've had enough of feeling this pain. I've had enough of walking away.
I've had enough of times that I strayed. It's now time to act, not to pray.
I've had enough of feeling this way. I've had enough of waiting on your reign.
All the lies they call 'truth' that they feign.
I don't see things the same.
NO MORE LIES (Back To Eden) :
Don't tell me lies, I cannot believe my eyes. Do not wear disguises, on the road that's winding
Home ... is where the heart lays, I cannot let my mind stray from Home.
Running uphill, it feels like we are standing still. Each step we take feels like on more mistake.
In the end it will be the love we made, when it is time to awake, don't be late.
There will be no lies, no hidden disguises. Time to run so fast. It cannot be the last
Second of time, the clock unwinds. Our lives intertwined. Will you be mine?
Where is your treasure, where is real "art"? Who writes the music we hear in our hearts?
What is your reason, who is your Cause? What is worth writing when the end comes?
Where is your treasure, where is your heart? I've been trying to make real music, give love a new start.
Where are the answers, where the proper trust? Do as they prosper? Or do as we must.
Where is your heart, there is your treasure trove. A good measure pressed down and overflows.
Just as the beginning, that is how you will know. Love is the answer to make that garden grow.
Where is your treasure, who is your hope, where is the place you call your home?
Who writes the questions we have in our thoughts? More valued than anything you have bought.
Where is your treasure? It is more than mere pleasure.
And more than empty paper that does not make the world safer.
A good measure overflows, pressed down and now exposed.
Tell me, where is your trove that stands when the strong winds blow?
PERIPHERAL VISION (Animation Nation) :
Peripheral vision, take a look around. Peripheral vision, see what is going down.
Peripheral vision, photos I gave to you, synthesized to prove the way we are made by you.
Peripheral vision, take a look around. Peripheral vision, see what is going down.
Peripheral vision, shadows in my eyes synthesized to prove the way of Truth, not their lies.
There will come a day when all will learn to pray, the good old fashioned way
When all the earth did say: "That is how we are made."
There will come a day, when the earth comes of age. All will know the way,
And just how we are truly made.
OLD PHOTOGRAPHS (Animation Nation) :
We are dancers in old photographs, review the past, be aware of where you are,
Of where we are going. Coils like thoughts, they unveil the time, break through the lines
Of sand castles, capsules, we are unraveling. To move forward, we must remember the past.
Times will change, only the just will last. A nation that forgets its sacred trust, will fade to dust.
As the ocean bed washed away the sand and the underplay.
Scripture warns it a thousand times, nothing will last that is out of line.
Song is like a time capsule, it captures the moment full,
For a child's eyes, there can be no lies.
We are dancers in old photographs, review the past, be aware of where you are,
Of where we are going. Frame after frame, designed then drawn,
From morning to night, from dusk to dawn. Knit together by a mighty hand,
Restore this land of sand castles, capsules, we are unraveling.
The ocean bed will wash it all away, the underplay,
Far away cities will feel your reign.
SALT SHAKERS (Animation Nation) :
Be the earth's salt shakers, sprinkle others with your light.
Be the earth's salt shakers, tenderize the world right.
Be the salt of the earth, help every child be given birth.
Sprinkle the earth with your light. Time to season this world right.
In the darkness, light shines the brightest.
When times are bland, salt makes it finest.
In the desert heat, water is most precious.
When the earth is passing, days are most treasured.
Be the earth's salt shakers, sprinkle the world with your light.
Be real salt shakers, season the world right.
Be the salt of the earth, share the truth that you heard.
Be the earth's salt shaker, stand alone, not be one of the herd.
MAYBE TOMORROW (Animation Nation) :
Maybe tomorrow, we can find the time. Maybe tomorrow, it's always tomorrow,
It is always more lies. Why think of today, when the morning comes.
Maybe tomorrow we will wash our hands in the open tide.
Maybe tomorrow we will look beyond all these endless lies.
Why think of today when the morning comes.
Every night, did I pray to you in vain? Every night, did you hear the things I say?
I'm tired of waiting to see that beautiful day when all our tears will cease and dry away.
Maybe tomorrow, we will see eye to eye. Maybe tomorrow, when we live to never die.
Why think of today when the morning comes.
Maybe tomorrow, we will see the ashes rise. Maybe tomorrow, under a blood red sky.
Why think of today when the morning comes.
THINK ABOUT YOU (Potter's Wheel) :
May we be one people. May we be one family.
Brothers and sisters all are we. Together let us make this history.
Brothers and sisters all are we. Together we can build that story.
May we be one living tree. May we be one living seed.
Brothers and sisters all are we. Together we can make it there, you'll see.
Brothers and sisters all are we. Together we can build that dream.
When I close my eyes I think about you.
When I close my eyes, I dream of an earth that is true.
When I close my eyes, I long to be there with you.
When I close my eyes, I dream of an earth that is new.
UNIVERSE SONG (Potter's Wheel) :
Magazines, paint brush lies, a natural woman on the cover hides behind,
"Be real," she says, "Be yourself." The fabled lines they taught her to sell,
She sold herself to sell her bitter pill. Now she is lost and needing someone else.
Novelties and bad advice, she's worn out about every disguise,
"Be real," she says, "Be yourself." Coins and costumes instead of real math,
The things she does do not add up. Now she's lost and clings to someone else.
Contra-connection, she's thrown out perfection. She thinks she decided 'when there is life.'
'Standard of living,' she's not even giving. Who tries to correct her 'will pay the price.'
"Not by the color of one's skin, but by the quality of your life."
She pretends someone else paid her price. She calls that her 'quality of life.'
She thinks she is the Universe. She's been a curse, thinking she writes the words.
She thinks she is the Universe, have you heard?
She's got her own spin, she spins in reverse.
She thinks she is the Universe. She's been a curse, pretending she defines the words.
She thinks she is the Universe. She's got her own spin,
She spins everything in reverse.
She's been a curse, thinking she is the Universe.
POTTER WHEEL (Potter Wheel) :
Brick by brick, stone by stone, together we lay the foundation.
At the Potter's wheel, hands watered in mud, is the Author of our needs, our sacred Trust.
Brick by brick, in the furnace of love, the clay hardens in your hands for all you need done.
At the Potter's wheel, all your hands have made. Piece by piece, your foundation is laid.
Which way will they turn? Tell me which way will they turn?
Sometimes I hear your voice whisper to me. Sometimes I hear your voice call me in from the cold.
Sometimes I hear your voice, and then you're gone.
Brick by brick, stone by stone, at the Potter's wheel refine earth, make it your home.
Each turn of that wheel, your hands watered in clay, to fashion a love of a brand new day.
Which way will they turn? Tell me which way will they turn?
Sometimes I hear your voice whisper to me. Sometimes I hear your voice call me in from the cold.
Sometimes I hear your voice, not what they have told. Brick by brick in the furnace of your love,
Mold me in your hands watered in mud. At the Potter's wheel make us refined.
Remember the promises you signed.
*More songs and the lyrics will be posted each week.
8/13/18: The song Think About You (see above) was altered from the rough draft, when the producer challenged the sound of my rehearsed lead at the end of that song. I then simply played a new lead from feel in the studio. It came out better, I think. Thanks to the producer, John, on that change.
The CD will be a good project, I feel. 12 of the 16 songs on the Demo. The best ones. It will be recorded one a week - budgeting both of our time and money. The cost of being a poor art-ist. When it is finished, it will be released.
Compare to the rough draft demos at the links below. More songs will be posted.
Here is one draft demo. About You.mp3 (See final up above) (*This is the rough demos link)