"In place of the thornbush, the cypress shall grow ..." Isaiah 55:13
http://brianfusonie.com/Lone Cypress Meditations CD Booklet.pdf
About This Music CD:
Alone with God is the better place to write lyrics, poems, and music, in solace, resting in His creative thoughtful embrace. He shares His creative artistry and speaks when you are willing to block out the world and attentively listen. This album focuses mainly on the Nature of God as Creator, His authorship of creatures by animation in His Mind, and His right to the daily sharing of our lives with Him in humble obedience. In addition, it focuses on my meditation on the poetic image of the lone cypress in California that has its roots in rock, all alone on the ocean edge, while there are no remaining trees around it. The lone cypress became a meditation about how we are demanded by God to stand firm and speak His laws and truth when we must do so in a world that has largely fallen and eroded away from God. We must be as that lone cypress, rooted in the rock of God's truth and laws, unmoved by the storms of the world's pressures, able to obey God and continue growing even in harsh or disagreeing environs of 'popular opinions.'
I believe there are four stages of prayer, and becoming as that lone cypress is the last stage we must all try to attain by daily and prayerful obedience to all God's laws, both when it is easy to do, and when it is difficult to do. It is my hope that imagery of the lone cypress will have fruitful meaning for each listener. Becoming as that lone cypress rooted in rock should be the goal of each of us. I do not claim to have attained that stage, but it is my goal, and hope that we all do it for God's glory.
I publish this album of song lyrics prior to the recording of the songs as music, as I have done in the past. I am praying for the right sound engineer again and drummer, and trust that God will eventually provide the right persons to work for me in recording this album project.
All songs written by Brian Fusonie, (c) 2023.
Where Are You?
First, you must begin to pray the truth, to be as a seedling planted in the soil that begins to grow roots and spring up to the daylight. Second, as you grow in prayerfully obeying truth you begin to blossom as a flower in the sunlight, but your roots are weak and you have not become firm to withstand the wind and storms, which might ruin your petals if you let them. Third, you have prayerfully obeyed truth when it was difficult to obey; your roots are secure and when others fell away you remained faithfully obedient as a lone pine in a withering forest. You are not yet tested by the harsh conditions of tempests of ocean edge storms. You grow as a pine in fertile yet somewhat harsh soil. Fourth, you have weathered the harsh conditions of the ocean winds and storms, when you had to stand firm in obedience to truth all alone. You have prayerfully rooted yourself in rock daily, in the laws of God, and cannot be removed from obedience to all His laws. You are as the lone cypress growing out of rock on the ocean edge, able to stand firm alone and speak the truth for God.
The CD Booklet Insert will be posted soon also, with the song lyrics and these three graphic illustrations in it.
Lone Cypress: See the lone cypress growing out of rock, standing firm as the other people talk; wind and the waves, they taunt like a storm; but he did not listen, because he wanted to learn. See the lone cypress, roots cemented in that rock; standing firm as their laughter mocks; the wind and the rain could not erode his resolve to understand the mystery he needed to solve. Standing firm in a world gone mad; praying for the people, feeling very sad, because of what has happened to this land; standing on rock, instead of their quicksand. See the lone cypress roots planted in solid rock, he resisted the temptation to follow the wide path others walk. The wind and the waves keep rolling in; but the ways of the world could not topple him. See the lone cypress, standing firm, willing to share with all what he has learned. The wind and the waves erode the earth away, but he stands strong because he learned to pray. Standing firm as the world around erodes away; praying for the right words to say to a generation that has lost the way; a lone voice hopeful of a new day.
Good Things Come: Good things come to those who wait, for when the time is right they do not hesitate to seek from You a course that is good; to perform the right, what they should. Good things come to those who participate in Your plan, not merely wait on fate; for those who do Your bidding here, You have promised to hold near. Speak the truth when the time is right, and God will enter the fight. Do not hide the truth from the crowd, but sing it with all your voice out loud. Speak the facts when the time is right, and daylight will overtake the night. Do not run away from His plan, but let your voice reach every man. Good things come to those who wait, then know the time, they are not late to take the steps that become necessary; when the time arrives they are not weary. Good things come to those who pray, that God will provide them a way to finish each task the Creator asks, to seize each day and not be last.
Set Me Free: I have been slave to the system, they silence Your laws; They call You outdated, no longer applicable. They role-reverse Your sacred decrees with their system of lying degrees. They garnish their walls with hollow prints of indoctrinations, not true educational stints. Set me free to follow You true, to speak Your thoughts, not the ways they misconstrue; to have the courage to sing the plain truth. Set me free from the fear of obeying You. I have been chained and locked away to silence You from singing Your laws that are truth. They call you outdated, not modern in Your thoughts; but Your laws are timeless; and their lies are not. They try to alter the dialogue, but their famed logic is all a fraud. I would not listen to them for a minute; because there is a contract, and they are not in it.
Poisonous Fruit: They drank their wine made from poisonous fruit; drunken on ambitions that contradict the truth; their evidence tainted, a test for mankind; while the facts they disdain they try to hide. Their fruit of the poisonous tree used to vandal, to steal from the Maker because they could not handle the timeless, unchanging, the facts they refuse to tell, all for their regime of their slavery pills. No more fruit of the poisonous tree; no more stain from Adam and Eve; no more allegiance to allegories of feigned glory; the time has come to speak the truth, not a story. They ingested the lies that bring ruin of nations, the poisonous fruit fermented in their fomented libations, to discredit the Author who enacted true law, they pervert with in proxy false substitutes for their flaws. Their dogmas of addiction, the lies that they tell, sold as slaves in pews they betray and sell; all for a coffer, they would hide any truth that contradicts their narratives they used to confuse. Truth or a story, which do you want? There are no demons that can haunt; no angels amorphous that could exist; let us count their errors and make a list. Truth not their lies or earth in demise, weighed down by fables, illusions, in disguise, sold as inerrant when it plainly contradicts the intellect of the Creator and His design for us to live.
Keep The Faith: Treading the water just to stay afloat, nearly drowning in the depth of what You wrote, that revealed the shallowness of their fictions, to let me see clearer Your plain intentions. You had me question all I had been told, to answer Your questions ancient and old. If you cannot change Your own endless situation, then all they have taught were baseless iterations. Keep the faith, one that is certain secure. Hold onto only what can be proven for sure. Keep the faith that true logic confirms. There can be only one truth; for that I yearn. Running on land, not treading in sand, we learn of the true fate of every man; physical location on a pristine earth, opened my eyes to renounce their dearth. Your promise is bounty, I long to meet You there, after faithful observance of what You did share; the keys that unlock Your treasure of wisdom not to hide, to undo the shackles forged by the enemy that lied.
Carry Me Home: When I am weak, make me strong. When the words escape me, let Your voice be heard. For with reason we are never alone. Hear this plea to carry me home. When doubts creep in, make certain Your truth. When darkness surrounds, light the way to bear fruit. For with wisdom the path is sure. Hear this plea to make my steps secure. Carry me home when I am tired and weak. Carry me home, for it is Your love that I seek. Carry me home when my steps almost fall. Carry me home safely inside Your gates and walls. When I am alone, be with me near. When all is quiet, let me Your voice hear. In the stillness let me rest close to You. Help me to remain faithful and true. When doubts creep in, make the path clear. With You I will not fear. For Your might will be my guiding light. I am ready to stand and fight.
Time With You: In the morning when I awake I cannot wait to share the time with You, to not be late to greet You as the sun rises, to meditate on Your beauty You have promised to be our fate. And when the sun sets, there again I turn to remember with grateful heart all You gave, I consider that my life evolves around You as the giver of each breath I take, my tears flow like a river. Time with You makes the world fade away into the logic of all You have made. Time with You sets my path straight. In the waking hours I cannot wait. When I awake I look forward to what You teach about Yourself, Your thoughts are not out of reach, but You share the reasons for all Your ways that prepared for us much better days. And when the night comes, I rest in that light of the wisdom with which You govern the world right, that we would know Your thoughts on each subject. To Your logic I will not object.
Single Hearted: Be one thing, not multiplicity. Be single hearted in all you do and breathe. Do not divide yourself between light and dark, but with all your being perform the good work. Accomplish what is set before you each day, that in that way others will see and say, you devoted your all to what truly matters, and a strong arm will guide you through any troubled waters. Grant me a single heart. Of double-speak I want no part. Give me that loyal ambition of an agreement without sedition. Be one thing, not duplicity. A multiplicity is not for me. I will not divide my time in dark and light, but will resist all else but Your good fight. To accomplish the goal You laid at my feet, to sing Your praise from every street, and to fulfill each of the responsibilities that You placed on my heart for my abilities. Grant me a single heart, to strive each day to make a start in fulfilling the dream You have for me. I want that dream to live and breathe.
Surrender: I will not fight You, I know You are right. Who can argue with Your words that enlighten? You are the meaning of logical thought. All who disagree with You come to naught. You offer an agreement, I will not disagree. No substitute performance will ever succeed. I know what You require, my faithful obedience, so I am attentive, Your loyal audience. I surrender to You my trust. I surrender to You my love. There is only one agreement to which we must agree. I surrender to You in exchange for Your decree. I will not fight You, the Author of true law. I will not find in Your contract any flaw. You are the Author of that agreement. No man can alter it, no man can dissent. No one makes the agreement when they disagree with any of Your laws, those people are invalidities. So I want to be valid, a true member of Your tribe. I will agree to obey all You subscribe.
A World Without You: You at long last awoke, able to reason. How improbable is thought in that ancient season. Maddening to the brink to be all alone forever. You had to find a way to create others. A world of primal forces You never made, that You cannot alter, nor cause You to grave. That world of natural physics is independent of You; it holds You in existence, that much we can prove. No peers, none like Yourself, there are no others. Alone forever, no infinite cohort. You are the only member of Your specie. That is a lonely fate, but why do You grieve? A world without You is a sterile world, no beauty, no creatures, nothing to be heard. A world without You is empty of life. Why be bitter that You must bear that price? You cannot cause Yourself to cease to exist. The forces that bind You in existence own that decision. You had a beginning, but likely no end. Forevermore is longer than comprehension. Why are You bitter to be the only one who can create in Your Mind the universe, earth, and sun? And author by animation countless creatures; tell us why You complain of Your exclusive feature?
* All songs written by Brian Fusonie, (c) 2023.
I will also post soon a short book called "The Lone Cypress," which is short meditations on numerous topics and some prayers I wrote. It is already handwritten, but will be typed and posted at the main page. The image shown of the cartoon cypress being crumpled up is meaningful about my journey, and having thought I had made in to a stage in years past because of certain paranormal. I had to start over and learn that I had learned many wrong dogmas that do not hold up under the weight of logic as truth. And it is meaningful about learning how God creates by mental imagery authoring by animation in His Mind daily. God draws all. I want real, not fiction. I pray that for everyone.
Read this book linked here. http://brianfusonie.com/Additional Books.htm
A FEW THOUGHTS ON PAYER: It Starts With Validly Making The Daily Agreement With God.
"He guides the humble in righteousness, and teaches the humble his way. All the paths of the Lord are mercy and truth toward those who honor his covenant and decrees. ... The counsel of the Lord belongs to those who fear him; and his covenant instructs them." Psalm 25:9-21.
Prayer is obedience to God. It is about friendship with our Divine Parent, having daily time of conversation with Him, attentively listening to what He teaches about Himself and His Covenant laws. He wants to also share your life with you, your needs, hopes, and ambitions. Talk to Him as friend and Parent. He will teach. It starts with validly making the contractual agreement Covenant of all His laws with Him, and daily remaining in that agreement. When you do so humbly, He will respond in kind, and He will teach you and provide all your needs.
Meditation on His laws and true Divine Nature as Single Person is the source of all creativity. With daily devoted meditation, you develop a friendship with God, and that friendship will bear fruit. Ask yourself: "What fruit will grow on my tree for our Creator?"
Why Is Your Tree Barren Of Fruit Still?
"Give thanks to the Lord on the harp; on the ten-stringed lyre offer praise. Sing to him a new song; skillfully play with joyful chant." Psalm 33:2-3.
"Give praise with ... harp and lyre ... tambourines and dance ... strings and pipes." Psalm 150:3-5.
Every person has a talent God wants to share with them and teach them. Ask Him to help you to discover your talent that you can use for His glory. My tree grew guitars. What will your tree grow on it as the fruit of your meditation time daily with God. He enjoys teaching you to play a musical instrument, to sing, write poems, and other creative forms of artistry for Him and to share with His people. He is waiting to teach you.
Here are a few meditations to consider.
When The Pillars Crumble: Short Poems On Obedience To God's Contractual Agreement Covenant Of Laws.
by Brian Fusonie, (c) 2023
"Today you have accepted the Lord's agreement (contractual Covenant) ... And today the Lord has accepted your agreement ..." Deuteronomy 26:16-19.
"For whoever does any of these abominations shall be cut off from the people." Leviticus 18:29.
These are twenty-five short poems and a few prayers. http://brianfusonie.com/Pillars Crumble.pdf
This book of short poems and prayers is about making the required contractual agreement Covenant of all God's laws with Him. These are poems about obeying those laws daily to remain in that agreement. Moreover, it is also about how 'faith' does not substitute for your loyal obedience to all God's laws of His only Covenant agreement that will never change. It is about how my prior 'faith' in dogmas taught as alleged 'pillars of faith' collapsed and crumbled under the scrutiny of prayerful logic. It is my hope that the readers will be encouraged to validly agree with God as to all His laws, so that they will become valid members of His only contractual agreement Covenant people. At the conclusion, I also wrote a few prayers for that hope and purpose.
Introduction Prayer: It is my prayer that God encourages others to write poems with and for Him. Why write poetry? I learned to write poems in order to write song lyrics, but I later began to write poetry that is almost prose on topics, yet with a beat and measure, a rhythm and cadence to its rhymes. I did so as prayer to share with God His creativity. I am certain that He enjoys helping us to write logical poems for Him. He is the Master Artist, the Author of all good works. I enjoyed writing these twenty-five short poems thinking abut the trials and difficulties we face today to remain humbly obedient to all God's laws. God made us intelligently designed to be able to obey Him at all times, when it is popular, or when it is unpopular. That is, after all, His contractual agreement Covenant of all His laws. He is the Master Designer, and He did not design human nature to be unable to obey all His laws for humanity. He designed us perfectly, able to obey all His laws daily. Again, I enjoyed writing these short poems, and hope that you read them as a measure of assistance in your own prayers. That is my hope in publishing them.
1. When The Pillars Crumble: There is no place to hide from truth when the pillars of prior 'faith' collapse and crumble under the weight of logic humble. All the years of pursuing to try and prove what reason could not confirm, were years infirmly drifting in vain in the fables they taught as dogmatic staples. When the pillars collapsed and crumbled, I saw them for what they are, those who sold as dogmas their addiction to fictions, to disobeying the true laws, men with flaws who want someone else to pay their duty of obedience, and who want some 'substitute observance' to replace the laws that are binding on us all as the terms and conditions of an agreement that forbids their addictions. They are not pure motives and intentions. They want a way to avoid having to fully agree with God as to all His laws in order to by another method pretend they are in the Covenant. Their disagreement is not a valid agreement. When the pillars collapsed and crumbled, all that remained was the true God staring eye to eye demanding a true "meeting of the minds" in agreement to His never changing laws. The walls caved in of my prior 'faith' and I stood alone with no place to hide any longer from the reality of His true contractual Covenant that exists, indeed it is the same contractual agreement with Him our elders had to agree with an enforce. Of course, that sacred compact is your only hope. No 'substitutes' exist for having to make and remain in it. There cannot be any 'new covenant,' no matter what dogmas of addiction they rant. There is only one same contractual agreement Covenant that God offered all generations, and it is the only agreement that defines a valid nation.
2. Wind And Waves: You sense the storm coming, and make your preparations to ride it out until the next daylight breaks through its ominous presence. The moments are tense. Have you done enough to securely hold your place through the wind and the waves, the rain and the lightening? It can be sometimes frightening to be huddled all alone to ride out each storm. But you must do it; for this we are born, to survive the onslaught of the storm's taunting laughter. There is a hereafter. You must be strong and remain firmly where you rest, secure in knowing you can pass that test by being resilient in obeying the knowledge of what brought you there, the knowledge of God, the one you must fear. He is near. Then after the storm passes you can momentarily breathe a sigh of relief and rejoice, because your choice was solid and good, you remained faithfully obedient through the dark night of wind and waves of howling laughter. You wanted more the promised hereafter.
3. Measure Of Success: Not in the world's eyes will you see the accurate measure of what you do, but in the eyes of the Creator who is true, and knows if you gave your full effort to that which He commands from each of us. If you do, then you will be His treasure. But if you fail to obey, then the world will love you for becoming as they, if you avoid to pray, if you renounce the laws God gave. The world will like you if you become like them, the disobedient and dishonest who sold this world into sin. You will not find acceptance from them if you agree with God's words, but you will remain one of His beloved herd. The world will hate you for speaking His true laws; for exposing their flaws and the plain fact that their disagreement is not a valid agreement at all, that they are not contractual members of His herd because they hated His true words about Himself and His commandments. They will lament you for telling them they are invalid, because they failed to cement in binding promises the agreement to obey God's laws. They want you to fall. Dare not do as they did. Make the agreement and live.
4. Rooted In Rock: You must make yourself firmly rooted in rock as the cypress tree alone docked on the cliff of the ocean spray, obedient to the laws of God each day. Only then can you stay faithful when the storms of peer pressure weather at your resolve; when the rains pour against your side in the darkest nights. You must resist their lie to 'evolve' and make the good fight to withstand their seductive lies; obey the true God who made you right. The world will erode your conscience if you let it. It will try to drain you of your confidence that you can obey Him. On that you can bet. They will lie that 'human nature is to sin,' when you know that God intelligently designed humans to obey all His laws for human nature. Be mature. Have good stature. Make your roots in His rock secure, and do not be lured by the ways of the pack; but agree with God and validly remain daily in His contract.
5. When Others Talk: God's true laws are not opinions. They are the Mind of the Creator about how He designed man to be obedient to His dominion. You can and must obey His only plan for man, the laws He carefully thought and commands. He did not design you to fail, but to pass His "tests" and prevail; designing you to obey, not to disagree with Him about His commandments. He made us to be able to validly make with Him the only offer He will make for His contractual Covenant agreement. Others will talk of their opinions, but they do not agree with God's dominion. When others talk against God's laws, walk away from them all, and remain eye to eye with the Creator of life. He will help you survive and to thrive to have life.
6. Stop Complaining: Cease waning your ambition with complaining and indecision. God is counting on you each to reach a world that is amounting to overt rebellion against His laws by hellions. He needs us all to daily perform due diligence to counter with prayer their arguments of indifference, and to restore to the world sanity and sense, to obey all His laws that He designed for humanity, for all men. Stop complaining that 'you alone cannot make a difference,' because you can help reach and teach to reprimand the world's dissonance. One voice is all God needs to reach another; so be ready and available to confront your brother with the facts. It is always time to prayerfully act. Obeying God's laws is the definition of a real lover. There is no other definition that He will see. Believe me that anything different is not true love. Be willing to always obey and share the laws commanded of us from above.
7. Disagreement Is Not Valid Agreement: The perfection of God's commanded laws cannot be questioned. There cannot be any suggestion that 'God's laws are flawed.' They were designed for all humanity to obey each day to avoid calamities, for the entirety of our lives, every day as our only way. Perfectly crafted is each law to enforce the nature God designed for all men and women that we would not sin. You cannot disagree with God's offer of that legally binding agreement, for if you dissent from any of His laws, then you do not validly make that necessary agreement. Heed all His commandments. There is no 'substitute performance' that He will see. No substitute appeasement and no alternative easement. You must obey to walk only the path the contractual Covenant prescribes, all His laws, not try to decide for yourself what is wrong and right. If you disagree, God will fight, He will chastise, because you reject His only contract of good blessings. Stop your lies and obsessions with trying to find a different path than the laws of the Creator. Do not be a hater of His only plan for every man. Because 'faith' alone can never be a 'substitute' for your required obedience to all His laws. If you do not make His agreement, you will fall.
8. Man An Oar: The wooden ship is adrift from rifts and risks sinking from lack of men with heart sufficient to bring it back from the brink of almost capsizing, to man the oars to push it safely to shore; to faithfully perform and sing the duties of the Lord and all His commandments. Few are manning the oars of truth; and even fewer from among the youth. God's agreement calls on each able body to be the ones who take duty seriously, not as a mere hobby, who will labor and sweat to row the ship to harbor. He will not beg nor barter. All God wants is your honest labor to daily obey His every law and He will favor. That is all He requires for the ship to make it home, before it crashes and wrecks on the jagged stones.
9. Trials And Tribulations: God warned He would "test" our obedience. That much is understood by His loyal and attentive audience. They know that His demand is that we pass each test by remaining obedient to all His same laws for every generation, even when it others contest and have stolen our nation with dogmas of 'substitutes to obedience' they sell and yell from every street corner and pulpit, as the blind leading the blind into an abyss, a pit. They fell for the test of a false-god with a 'way out of having to obey.' They wanted it, many of the public today, as their preferred path of 'salvation from faith instead of obedience to all God's laws,' and they dare say it is a 'new covenant.' It is not valid at all. Ignore their baseless rants. The greatest commandment is to "have no other god than the true Single Person God." Thus we can foresee that the largest test God will author will be about that greatest command, and, in fact, it stole away from Him many lands. But heed this fact, you cannot make a fragment of His legal agreement contractual Covenant. There are no incarnations, and no incantations that can substitute for that. You must fully agree with all God's laws to be in agreement with God's only pact. There will never be another. He requires obedience to be His lovers.
10. Recitation Is Not Conversation: What the Creator wants is a friendship of loyal obedience to all His laws. When you obey God as that, then you can call on Him and talk with Him as your Author and Divine Parent, the one who designed you and knows all your thoughts, actions, needs, and memories. He wants conversation; not recitations of litanies of words that you tried to use to replace having to truthfully obey all His laws. Hear me say that what God wants from you is honest dialogue. He will tell you about Himself when He sees you obeying His laws for men. But if you are reciting empty words without obeying Him, then He will not be heard. If you want to be a valid member of His contractual herd, then you need to obey first, then listen. He wants to tell you about His needs, and any effort He wants to commission from you. He wants to share, if you are willing and dare. He will plant good seeds of wisdom, if you obediently listen, and will show you there are more than ten commandments He requires to make validly His only contractual agreement Covenant. You must listen and obey if you want to hear Him speak. Obedience is how you reach His dominion.
11. The Time Is Now: Dare not put off until later that which the Creator asks of you today. He is counting on you to say to others what His demands are of His lone agreement with earth; the contractual Covenant that requires all to give birth to each child He conceives at the moment of fertilization. He is counting on each of you to warn the nations that rejected His only agreement of law, and that defiled the land with the innocent blood of the unborn. You must be His loyal horns. Remember that all "porn" is a mortal flaw that voids the contractual Covenant, and God warns that He will do what He wants to bring the nations to their obedient knees again to respect that He owns the life of each unborn child, and that if you disobey, His wrath, He warned, will not be mild. Porn is the opposite of born. And all porn invalidates. That is His dictate, and it cannot change. Make with Him the binding exchange of promises to protect all unborn lives. That is the only way the nations can eventually survive. But today those lands are in demise. We need to speak out; it is time now that you try.
12. Share Your Needs: When you make the binding contractual agreement Covenant with God to obey all His laws that no one can change, God in exchange promises to love, protect, and provide for you as your Divine Parent. You then can remind Him of His sacred promises of that agreement. He will listen; He will supply; He will love, and will provide. Share with Him your needs then only when you honestly obey; because He also did say and promised in that same Covenant to "ruin those who reject His laws," and to "take from them the shirts off their backs," because they lacked to integrity to agree with Him as to all the laws of His only contract agreement. Those who dissent He will not help. It is about contractual obeying the Covenant, not ancestral descent. Only those who validly make and remain daily in agreement with God can speak to Him as their Covenant Parent and Provider. They are His contractual family on earth, His beloved people who He holds of great worth.
13. Listen And Reply: God will in quiet moment teach and ask you a question to test your response. Dare not be dishonest; dare not lie in reply. For once you try to deceive God, He will leave. Yet if you are truthful to Him, you will receive, and He will respond and teach you of what good He longs to give you for having wanted His true and honest friendship instead of a dishonest reply. He will test whether you want to live with Him in a contractual agreement Covenant, or to die in the dust bin of the disobedient. Study His laws, for He will ask you about them all, and you must not be dishonest with Him, or you lose both His friendship and His only love agreement. Dare not be dishonest with the Creator above, but cement your friendship by humble obedience with your honest response. If you fail, He will reprove you, and instead prove Himself right. Trade not the light of truth for the darkness of a lying night.
14. Faith Requires Obedience: There is no such thing as an 'agreement' to have 'faith' in place of obeying the legal terms and conditions that are the laws of the agreement. You cannot validly make the contractual agreement Covenant with only 'faith' without full obedience to God's every law of the pact, thus all His many commandments. 'Faith' without obedience to God's laws is null, as it lack valuable exchange, and it is therefore invalid and not a real valid contract. Many have died in vain pretending they could 'substitute faith' in place of obedience to laws. God will not change. Their alleged 'faith' was to naught. They lost the solemn opportunity to make a contractual agreement Covenant that God authored and sought. They rejected His true laws, and they wanted an illusory 'easier path' that God will never recognize. They failed to make the necessary legal meeting of the minds; they did not agree with God eye to eye.
15. The Sabbath Day: "On the seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord, your God." Any other day is a fraud and not His true Sabbath. The seventh day is Saturday by my math. Why much of the world pretends it is Sunday I do not understand. They took the calendar into their own hands, instead of obey God's plain decree and sacred plan, His command. I will worship on the day of the Lord God; not on the day of man.
16. Contractual Performance: I will again say this fact in purposeful repetition, about which there cannot be any division. A legally valid contractual Covenant agreement exists only when there is full agreement to all of its laws. The performance of the contract agreement is the obedience of its laws as its terms and conditions. Have no other supposition; you cannot take a different position. You cannot offer some alternative 'performance' that you prefer instead of obeying all God's laws. You must agree to them all in order to validly make that agreement with God, or you are null and a fraud. Mull that the law is your only hope of being among God's contractual Covenant children, and of being His contracted friend. All else is sin and will end. Do not elope from His legal requirements of honest obedience, because there is only one contractual Covenant agreement.
17. Humble Observance: Humility does not disagree with God as to any of His laws. Stand tall daily and obey them all. You must accept that God's wisdom designed those laws specifically for all men to obey at all hours. Dare not be cowards. Do not find flaws with any of His commanded decrees, because it will not please Him and He will not agree. You must humbly make a true meeting of the minds with Him as to each and every law, or you will find that He rejects you as sin for rejecting His only offered contract. Hear this fact, be humble with the Creator. He is the true Legislator; an honest Dictator; the Author who is not inferior. You are not His superiors able to call Him wrong about any of them. His laws were intelligently designed for all men. Time to begin to fully obey, for obedience is your only way to honestly pray.
18. Thick And Thin: Stay in God's agreement, eye to eye, in true meeting of the minds, through thick and thin. This is how you should begin each day, by thanking God for a mutually binding contractual Covenant agreement, because it requires both you and Him to perform mutual duties of law for each other. Start your day thankful for a contractual relationship with Him as your law abiding lover. There is no other covenant. You want to be validly in it.
19. When You Are Weary: The contractual Covenant is not for the faint who get weary of having to at all times obey very specific legal terms and conditions. They pay dearly when they disobey for other ambitions, and their breach of the agreement makes them null. Sullied by their lack of integrity, the agreement becomes out of their reach, so instead they often preach to 'pray' as a 'substitute for obedience.' They will find no appeasement with God in such deceitful practices. Their tactics are not appreciated by the Author of His only contractual Covenant. Such avoidance practices they preferred instead of obedience make no legal sense. Speak of them in the past tense. They are no longer in the Covenant because they wanted their own 'opinions' instead of God's contractual Dominion. In the end, God will always win.
20. Too 'Good' To Be Truth: Did you really think there was allowed by God any way to substitute 'faith' in someone or something different than actually having to yourself validly agree with God as to all His same laws that never change? How strange a no-god you dared worship instead of making and remaining in the true Single Person God's only contractual Covenant. But lament now the fact you always knew that any such 'substitute' beliefs or practices were 'too good to be truth.' Yet you wanted those lies because you wanted a way out of having to actually agree with God to obey all His same laws that Moses taught. Your preferred and baseless alternative 'faith' comes to naught, because God demands obedience, not haughty practices that try to substitute for that necessary obedience of all His laws. Such false 'faith' and 'substitute performances' are the ruin of nations. God will soon fully enforce again by stern arm the proper station of His only contractual Covenant. That the world will see is the real fact. God wants the earth back.
21. Mental Imagery: God is alone and cannot create from nothing. Yet He could think and make mental imagery drawings in His Mind. Thus He did decide to create by animation the electrons, molecules, earth and the universe. Hear me nations or the times will get worse, He warns, all is authored by God alone. He is writing His Book Of Creation in His Mind daily, by which He intelligently designs then animates each creature, their every sensation. That is His exclusive feature, to be Creator as an animator of all His beloved creatures. If God stopped animating to life, we would suddenly all vanish. Those who disagree, God will banish, as they reject His true Nature of how He creates the earth, how He gives birth to His creatures. Animation is His only way to create, so do not be ungrateful. Be at peace with how He has to animate to create, because it is the only way He can create each of you. Accept that truth.
22. Realism About Forever: When God awoke able to reason, held bound in existence by forces He cannot change, He realized it would likely be forever that He would exist alone. I tell you that God did not fully want that lonely fate, and was both grateful that life and thought was created, that He was alive able to reason; and at the same time somewhat ungrateful to have a lonely existence forevermore. He is the only member of His specie. There are none like Him; there are no others. No gods to consult with; no infinite cohort; nothing of that sort. So He was desperate to invent in His Mind a way to create others, which resulted in Him creating by animation you and me, that He would not be alone and could give life to the many countless species that are His creatures He daily authors to life. That is the only way we daily survive, by God's animation. We are the product of His Mind. Hear me nations, God will make it clear that He authors by animation the universe. Accept His true Nature and obey all His laws, or it will go much worse for earth.
23. The Definition Of Love: The definition of love that God authored in His Book of the contractual Covenant is to "obey each day all of His laws." No matter what today's pulpits chant, there will never be a different definition of love than to obey all the same laws of God that Moses was told. That is the only contractual agreement Covenant to be in God's true fold. In each situation you find yourself, you must not dare try to make a different definition of love than the definition God Himself authored and commanded as His laws for humanity. His laws are sanity. They are your safety with Him, and the only love agreement He has authored and offered earth. It is of great worth. Those who instead tried to lessen the meaning of love are now dead an gone, forgotten they will be and mentioned no more eventually, because they tried to make a different path of 'faith instead of obeying God's every law,' they did not answer the true God's call that love is obedience to law.
24. "No God But Me": There cannot exist but one Single Person Being who occupies the space that God occupies as Himself. Only one thing can occupy that space; thus God has no race. I will not lie, because it is certain and clear that only one Person can occupy it, and that is God. The forces that generated God's life hold Him bound in existence, and as we said, He cannot alter them. They created Him and He did not create those forces which existed independent of Him. He therefore is not infinite, and there are no others His size. He is alone and cannot change that fate. Sometimes it makes Him a little ungrateful that He must live alone forever without any other members of His same specie. Alone He must be. And that is why He is grateful for being able to animate to create, to make creatures that can be His companions to share with Him the time. He invents them daily in His Mind.
25. Normal God: It is normal to not want to exist all alone forevermore, which is a time longer than the mind can comprehend. It will never end, His loneliness for other of His same specie; but none others exist. Animated creatures are His loves. But they are generated daily by His effort. It is not the same a being able to converse about life with a same specie friend; but none exists, there is just Him. That will never end. Hence, it is normal that God would put Himself into creating creatures, especially intelligent ones with whom He can have a loving intelligent Parental friendship. He wants that love relationship with each of us. Trust, He is a lonely God who wants to give and receive love; but on His terms and conditions, those of His only contractual agreement Covenant that defines love as obeying all His laws. You must respect His exclusive position. He is the Author of that love agreement of laws. Be not in opposition.
First Closing Prayer: Let us pray together that God's demands for honest love of obedience to all His same laws are met by us all. It is my prayer that everyone learns to validly make and remain in His only legal contractual agreement Covenant of laws. There can be no excuses, because God has designed us for Himself to be able to obey all His laws for humans. Disobedience therefore is "inhuman." To disobey His laws is to be drawn a cartoon, a parody, against human nature. I pray for each of you to live a fully mature human life in agreement with God's laws that define human nature. Again, the opposite of human nature is a cartoon to God. You want to be among His contractual Covenant sons and daughters. Be fully "human," not "inhuman."
Thanksgiving For The Contractual Covenant: God, the Author of Your only contractual agreement Covenant, thank You for Your own binding legal promised blessings to those who obey all the laws of Your contractual Covenant agreement. I trust in You to faithfully perform Your promises, as I will perform mine with Your help. The agreement Covenant is a quid pro quo, a mutual exchange of binding legal promises between You and me, as with all the contractual members of Your Covenant of laws. We are counting on Your promised blessings. The world is watching and scoffing, saying among themselves that 'God's covenant is not a contractual agreement.' They laugh at the truth. Prove to all the earth that You are in legally binding agreement only with Your true valid members of Your only contractual agreement Covenant of all You same laws that never change. Amen.
Prayer For Beginners: God, Author of Your contractual Covenant of all Your laws, I ask You to help me to validly make and remain in that agreement with You. I want to be one of Your true contractual Covenant people, and to exchange with You my obedience of all Your laws for Your binding promised blessings and protection. I want to love by Your definition of love, which is the obeying of all Your commanded laws. Amen.
Additional books by Brian Fusonie are linked here.