This page does have some religious presentations,
among studio updates and general news comments.
Radio Volumes: Best Of (16 Songs, 4 from each) Volumes Best Of.htm
"Keep, then, my statutes and decrees, for the person who carries them out will find life through them. I am the Lord." Leviticus 18:5
"Be careful to observe ALL MY STATUTES and ALL MY DECREES" Leviticus 20:22. "Be careful, therefore, to do as the Lord,
your God, has commanded you, NOT TURNING ASIDE TO THE RIGHT OR TO THE LEFT, but following EXACTLY the way
that the Lord, your God, commanded" Deuteronomy 5:32. "Be careful to observe this WHOLE commandment that I enjoin on you"
Deuteronomy 8:1. "EVERY WORD that I command you, you shall CAREFULLY OBEY, NEITHER ADDING TO IT NOR
SUBTRACTING from it." Deuteronomy 13:1. "Be careful, then, to OBEY them WITH YOUR WHOLE HEART and WITH YOUR
WHOLE BEING." Deuteronomy 26:16. See my Radio Volume 4th for the integration of these into songs.
You pretended you 'did not have to obey each and all of God's Laws' to still be in the 'Covenant of Life,' and that is IDOLATRY. The Covenant
is a CONTRACT, and CONTRACT LAW is what God wants taught to each youth, starting at a young age; because your generation FAILED
"This day the Lord, your God, is commanding you to obey these statutes and ordinances. Be careful, then, to obey them with your whole
heart and with your whole being. Today you have ACCEPTED (Consented to) the Lord's AGREEMENT (Contract, Covenant): he will
be your God and you will walk in his ways, obey his statutes, commandments, and ordinances, and obey his voice. And today the Lord
has ACCEPTED (Consented to) your AGREEMENT: you will be a people specially his own, as he promised you, you will keep ALL
his commandments, and he will set you high in praise and renown and glory above all nations ..." Deuteronomy 26:16-19
This is CONTRACT LAW of "OFFER and ACCEPTANCE" ("Mutual Meeting Of The Minds," "Identical Consent") REQUIRED TO FORM
from GOD. You cannot negotiate the CONDITIONS (TERMS) to some lesser obedience. YOU MUST ACCEPT THE COVENANT
can only make the Covenant (Contract) IF, AND ONLY WHEN, you AGREE (CONSENT TO) FULLY "WITH YOUR WHOLE BEING"
TO OBEY EACH AND EVERY LETTER OF GOD'S LAWS. So precious few dared be men enough to make that Contract of Life.
See also my songs Take What You Offer on Radio Volume 4th, and In The Eyes Of God on upcoming Radio Volume 5th. And most of
the songs on Radio Volume 4th provide lyrics listing the commands above to "obey ALL," "neither veer to the right nor left," "in their entirety,
exactly as I commanded you obey them," etc. It is an experimental CD for me, because it is a Dialogue between God and the person. God
Commands and we respond.
*Notes on this page discuss both Legal Political and Religious topics, especially as they naturally intersect; inescapably they are inextricably one
same topic. God's rights over the Nation. Example at the top of this page is the example from 8/12/19 on "Voting" and "Accountability":
A note on PERSONAL ACCOUNTABILITY FOR "VOTING." You are what you vote for IN THE EYES OF GOD. If you vote for ABORTION,
you are a MURDERER in the EYES OF GOD. If you vote for HOMOSEXUALS, you are a homosexual IN THE EYES OF GOD. And when the
Lutheran denominations, as reported by Fox News yesterday, "voted to be a sanctuary against deportations," and you intend to harbor criminals, you are
a Criminal IN THE EYES OF GOD. What you "vote" can be MORTAL SIN. Note from 8/12/19.
About this page, News And Notes PART 2nd:
Notes on this page will take up where News And Notes end on the original page, linked here: And Notes.htm
Those notes are fully integrated with the new page, and the new page is a continuation of the original News And Notes page. Notes on this new page will
begin September 1st, 2019. That will be the first full entry. The reason I make this second page of notes is that the original page sometimes opened fully
at high speeds, and sometimes the speeds were not the same and the images did not all open that fast. So a second linked page was necessary.
Fox News today reported that in one 'survey' "NEARLY HALF of all college students surveyed want the motto IN GOD WE TRUST to me removed
from our currency." Fox had on Jonathan Morris who commented this was because "inclusivity and tolerance are the only values those youth want."
They have made it IDOL WORSHIP, a SUBSTITUTE FOR THE REAL GOD AND HIS COMMANDMENTS. Their minds were molded to
I turned on The Weather Channel yesterday to follow the updates on Hurricane Dorian, and The Weather Channel was advertising "Ghost Hunters finds its
new home at the Weather Channel this Fall." Read my prior notes about Scripture warnings of God that "turning to Ghosts and Spirits is MORTAL SIN."
And that "belief in Ghosts or Spirits is an OXYMORON against the TRUE CONTRACT OF GOD." I explain it in detail in those prior notes and Exams
posted. Here, let it be said only that The Weather Channel has decided to FIND A NEW HOME FOR ITSELF ALSO, and IT IS NOT WITH GOD.
Fox News reported yesterday that "Bernie Sanders says CHINA has done a lot for its people." Really? This is proof that what I wrote in prior published notes
is true that "If Bernie and the other 'progressives' get their way, America will become SOCIALIST DEMOCRATIC PARTY CHINA." See notes.
Here are two images, one was designed to go with the original News And Notes page and is about every man's duty to be a "shepherd of life," in fact
"shepherd for God of the life of their wife and of the child in the womb," the law of FOUR ROUND: GOD ROUND, man round in God, and wife round womb
in God, and baby inside the wife's womb -- all in God. It also goes with the Paragraphs discussing Pro-Life versus "pornea." Pornea (por-na) is the End.
I made the shepherd image from my name, because that is the only Good Name a man can have: being a shepherd of life (pro-life) for God.
As for the discussion of the name "Dorian," you can do a better job translating God's Hand than I did in that image.
I am planning to write a book, including about my home life, and especially about 814 NE2d 393 and all that was in evidence. Here are two
concerns I will include in that book.
A. When a teenager, as I wrote in the original page, my mother broke down crying one day and told me: "Your father (Doug) had a (sexual) affair when
he was in Vietnam, and he told me he ONLY CAME BACK FOR THE KIDS." In recent years, now he is 84, and my Dad is blaming my mother
when she "does not want to get together with a friend (of my Dad) who was in Vietnam (with him), or she did not want to look at a photograph a friend's
wife gave him that was taken by his friend when they were together in Vietnam." He, my Dad, said: "I do not think your mother has ever forgiven me for
leaving her alone for a year with the kids when I had to go to Vietnam." THAT IS NOT IT. It is instead that he had a sexual affair in Vietnam and told
her he "only came back for the kids," not for her. He has been like that all his life. I never heard him say "sorry" to anyone, nor truly be contrite and
repent. He never took accountability for anything. And now he is 84, and that is a sad fate. This next part continues from that personality type.
B. When I was detained unlawfully without a prior trial (and no credible hearing) based on a cartoony false-affidavit of Dr. SHIRAZI, see prior notes,
they tortured me that time, 2002, with Risperdal -- which caused such terrible 'side effects' of seizures, twitchings, insomnia, non-stop pacing back and
forth all day and night, etc, so Massachusetts had to get me off of Risperdal near immediately. That is testimony and evidence in trial in 814 NE2d 393.
I won that trial and was found "Not Ill." See notes. When later in 2006 (actually Dec. 2005 detained) Vermont unlawfully detained me BASED UP
a PHONE CALL WITH MY FATHER, DOUG, WHO LIED: "Brian did so much better on RISPERDAL." He also lied about the entire case
814 NE2d 393 and what was the issue and what was in evidence at trial. He lies to get his way. Doug lied because he lost and wanted Vermont
to 're-trial that issue,' (DOUBLE JEOPARDY) and 'undo it' (DOUBLE JEOPARDY) and torture is son with Risperdal (DOUBLE JEOPARDY).
Vermont then against the CONSTITUTION put me on Risperdal, and then injections of Risperdal, and, as they knew it would, it caused the same
terrible 'side effects' of INSOMNIA, PACING BACK AND FORTH ALL DAY AND NIGHT, seizures and twitchings, (Akethesia they call it).
They had to get me off Risperdal which caused a traumatic episode that they concluded: "Risperdal did it to Brian." They ceased that medication.
When later in 2012 New Hampshire unlawfully detained me, they did so after Phone Call with my father, Doug, who lied again: "Brian did so much
better on Risperdal." MORTAL SIN. Let me tell you about him, he always defends Homosexuals they discuss on TV. I hate it. He is the son of
an alcoholic mother who died when he was in college, and he chain smoked and also drank routinely most of his life. In evidence in 814 NE2d 393
I had posted his confession at my web site that the judge admitted all into trial evidence, and I testified at trial on the stand: "My father, Doug Fusonie,
confessed to me HE PRESCRIBED ABORTIFACIENT BIRTH CONTROL PILLS AS A DOCTOR." And that I had filed legal case against
D. SHIRAZI. See prior notes. And it was Dr. Patrick who while I was detained unlawful in 2002 threatened me: "You are not getting out unless and
until you promise never to file legal cases against PLANNED PARENTHOOD again." They are all PPF.
Summary: I will write that book because (1) He never did take accountability, and (2) as self protection right, and (3) to report the truth, and (4)
for God. To help end Planned Parenthood. I pray.
Fox News last night had on a segment about "possible paranormal Ghost filmed on camera with its dog," which is Lodge, a hoax God draws to test
people. See notes and Animation Theology Exam Meditation. Today Fox had on these: "The DEMOCRATIC PARTY decided its platform should
reach out to and embrace NON-RELIGIOUS 'voters.'" It wants to be the Party of 'atheists.' (Abortion and Homosexuals always do that). There
'do not have to believe in God.' Really? Well, then, GOD WILL NOT KNOW YOU WHEN YOU DIE. Read Scripture. Make the Contract.
Finally, today, Fox News had on a segment: "The New York Times and a number of DEMOCRATIC PARTY CANDIDATES (Socialists) want to
ELIMINATE THE ELECTORAL COLLEGE and have mob rule." This I know: God is a REPUBLICAN. God hates the party of Abortion,
Gays, Transgenders, and coalition of all other MORTAL SINS. But also, GOD WANTS the Mid-West to have EQUAL SAY in governance; not
let large abortion-mill non-straight cities in New York and California decide and dictate for the rest of the Country. Make the Agreement.
More fun reading the Hand of God writing our existence and in Scripture God reserves the right "to name each child."
God Authors all, and is specific often when naming a person in the womb. You should try and read your names. Maybe
God reveals His plan for you in your names. Or what His design or fondness for you He may have had when designing you.
God's naming of a child is important in Hebrew tradition. God delights in naming a child with you in prayer. More important:
A play on words.
The Weather Channel and Fox News reported today: "Dorian is now a CAT 5 Hurricane." "Aimed direct hit at the Bahamas, then possibly the
East Coast." I already wrote my notes attempting to translate the name "Dorian." You can do the same to "BA-ham-AS." On another note: Fox News
had on Kathy Barnette a veteran who said: "Do you think the Government wants to take over health care because it honestly cares about your health?"
No, they want control. They want a subservient, dependent, public that will not take them down. They want ABORTION funded by all of you. Also:
Fox News aired a video of MSNBC saying: "If the ELECTORAL COLLEGE was not specifically IN THE CONSTITUTION, it would be
'unconstitutional.'" What an OXYMORON. Fox concluded: "What Democrats want is TYRANNY OF THE MAJORITY, they want New York and
California deciding for all other states." See notes.
"Dorian is now a 185 mph storm with pressure of 910 mb, making it the strongest storm on record for that region, and the 2nd strongest storm ever
recorded in the Atlantic Basin, it now is up there with Wilma, Irma, Katrina." It is a CAT 5 storm. That is The Weather Channel quoted from today.
I was thinking about my song On Vinyl: "Spinning records over the ocean, the Lord is at it again." And "Narrow Door." More word examination:
As you probably all know, ab is also ba, but "Ab/ba" or "Abba" is Lodge double deceit of a 'dual natured God both positive and negative,' a 'yin yang' lie.
They mirror opposite everything as gay lodge games. They won't say God's real name unless they negate it with the mirror opposite. Finally, single
syllable and single symbols were first to survive in dialects: "ab" could be "a" or also "b." You can think of many examples.
On PRAYER and BEING HEARD. "I hear those who OBEY MY LAWS." The videos from the Bahamas of the destruction of lives is heart-
wrenching. Yet it makes no sense to sin in ways that Scripture warns "cuts you off from God and His people" (MORTAL SINS), and then when God does
as warned and sends a storm to punish that land that they 'ASK FOR PRAYERS' instead of REPENTING WITH YOUR WHOLE BEING. Fox News today
twice showed a woman in the Bahamas asking on video "Pray for us ...", and then the Fox News commentators said: "Our prayers are with the Bahamas." Prayer
is a RELATIONSHIP WITH THE LAW GIVER. Not some 'personal savior that lets you sin and get away with it.' Then what is INTERCESSORY PRAYER?
It is from person(s) who HAVE LEGAL CONTRACT STANDING WITH THE LORD because they OBEY HIS LAWS, thus they will be HEARD. God warns
sinners in Scripture: "I WILL NOT HEAR YOU." And in prayer: "I hear those who obey and pray MY LAWS, who recite each letter of MY LAWS to their youth."
Jeremiah 44:4-10 can be summarized: "They did not incline their ears to repent and OBEY MY LAWS, therefore I will destroy them." "I will neither spare nor pity,
but I will destroy them." Jeremiah 12:13-14. "I will set my face against them ... and cut them off ..." Ezekiel 14:6-8. It is sad to see what is going on in the
Bahamas. Yet God must take back an earth that has lost its way and refused to repent. Read Scripture.
On GOD'S WILL versus sinners' 'thoughts about God.' There are sins that are Mortal (Death Penalty), and Storms are God often carrying out that Justice.
When the earth has become filled with deadly sins, especially ABORTION, for which God commanded the "death penalty," what do you think God will draw!
And when a sin is Mortal, meaning for which God promised "to cut them off" or "give them the death penalty," clearly THEY CANNOT MARRY (NULL).
Even Jesus taught that "PORNEA" INVALIDATES ANY ATTEMPTED MARRIAGE. Moses was stronger on that subject. See my prior Booklet pdf on
"Premarital Due Process" on the subject of "pornea invalidates."
Read these as a few proofs that GOD HATES ABORTION (MURDER, POR-NH):
On the DUTY TO TEACH the youth about the FACT GOD HATES "PORNEA" AND THAT IT INVALIDATES. Fox News last night had
on an advertisement saying: "Kayla (a young black girl) just beat cancer!" Thankfully. Yet the road ahead for today's youth, let alone a black girl is statistically
the worst era of abortion, homosexuals, orgyists, contraceptives (pornea), among other Mortal Sins. See Scripture. And much higher rates of broken homes
because of those sins. God will not hold them together. See notes. It is sad to me that a young black girl beats cancer only to later fall into the trap of one or
more of those Mortal Sins against GOD'S LAWS. But that is what PPF wants, a cycle of generational exponential increase of Mortal Sins against God. And
PPF uses that to promote eugenics -- as its founder Sanger did openly -- and as Fox News several months ago showed an LA Black 'Legislator' say in public
State House hearing: "It is better to kill them when young than to electric chair them later." He is wrong. He is a traitor against his own skin color. I pray for
Kayla. She has won one victory, now may she have the Lord's help to win the final victory: Make the Contract Of Life (The Covenant Of All God's Laws).
On how PPF GAY LODGE calls TRUE FEAR OF THE LORD to be "PHOBia ILLNESS." Throughout history, the same cult that was Egypt
also was in every country trying to subvert God's ORIGINAL INTENT use of symbols and thus words, to role-opposite their meaning in public usage
against the TRUE GOD. It used to be that the Medical Profession defined "homosexual as a crime," then an "illness," and now "health" -- while STRAIGHTS
they now define as "PHOBES (PHOBia)," because we "FEAR" THE LORD GOD OF THE COMMANDMENTS. See notes. Can you read this:
On another note, I was saddened to see a boat called "CONCEPTION" burst into flames off the California coast and 34 persons on board died.
Remember, each molecule, God draws (authors, writes, animates). God draws each hair on your head, and knows the number. Each fire He authors.
Think of reasons God might cause a fire and death to persons on "The CONCEPTION"? Was it to punish Abortifacient use by person(s) on board?
Was it to give a larger warning? Or did God merely animate the natural events that would have happened that day? You think about it. "Pornea."
See my prior notes on the subject. Any time you tried to make God into what you wanted instead of WHAT GOD AUTHORED AND OFFERED
As I wrote in earlier notes, you cannot negotiate with God, you must ACCEPT THE LAWS AS AUTHORED AND OFFERED BY HIM. And
accept that GOD AUTHORS ALL CREATION, each and every molecular movement. See notes.
Fox News yesterday showed a video of Bernie Sanders talking about his plan to prevent CLIMATE CHANGE through ABORTION (MURDER).
He, a Democrat (SOCIALIST) Party 'candidate' for 'President' wants to end the Mexico City Policy in order to have U.S. TAX PAYERS pay for abortions
of Third World women to prevent Climate Change. ABSURD. And UNCONSTITUTIONAL. See prior notes. Bernie sees those babies as future users
of fossil fuels, etc, and thus by his perverse 'logic' it makes more 'sense' to first ABORT (murder) each adult who uses fossil fuels, burns wood, drives a gas
car, LONG BEFORE you dare propose murdering innocent unborn CHILDREN OF GOD. Or how about the aged and infirm, they use fossil fuels, and
that means Bernie Sanders, who flies in Jet Planes, drives in cars, and has some three houses, should be among the first aborted by his 'logic.' You cannot
TAX to pay for what is AGAINST GOD'S LAWS. You cannot Tax to pay for PORN-IA (pornea). And you cannot Tax to pay for MURDER. It is
the math: without discussing abortifacients (which many alleged 'contraceptives' are), 'contraceptives' led to a world wide 'sex-revolution' against GOD'S
LAWS that resulted in so much non-marital sex, that led to the mass murder of countless MILLIONS OF UNBORN BABIES. If you were serious
about Population Control, they would ENFORCE GOD'S LAWS AGAINST PORNIA (pornea) AGAIN, AS WE USED TO DO. Less non-marital
sex means less unwanted babies, thus less abortions (less murders), and a lower Population. They would rather talk about STRAWS, than about GOD.
The death count in ABACO BAHAMAS alone is expected to be "STAGGERING." Just watched an emotional report from Steve Herrigan of Fox News
from ABACO Island who said: "Dead bodies are everywhere and you see arms and legs sticking out from the rubble all over this Island. It smells like dead
bodies, like it did in Haiti after the earthquake, and after the slaughter in Rwanda." (AB-aco, "Father's war", BA-ham-AS "be as the Father") Steve was
visibly shaken on television by the number of dead bodies; while the 'government' says there is '30 confirmed deaths.' Yet Fox reports that some Bahamas
official said: "Expect the total death count to be STAGGERING." "Thousand missing." See earlier notes on why they will not report the full death count
from a STORM THAT GOD SENDS. Nor did they in the Japanese 2011 Tsunami, nor in America press from prior Hurricanes, etc. They hate God. You
see the COST OF PORNEA (Por-nia). Word play of God? "Ab" is "Father" and "co" is "together with," and "a-co" is "against, at war with, etc." Abaco.
say 'God did not design NFP,' or that 'NFP does not work' YOU MADE AN IDOL (IDOLATRY). "You shall not have other gods beside me. You shall not
make for yourself an idol." Exodus 20:3-4. "MY INTELLECT carefully designed Natural Law Family Planning. I thought of everything about population when
I designed woman's body for Natural Family Planning with her husband. I AM THE CREATOR." It is MORTAL SIN to reject what GOD DESIGNED.
I posted the WAV file CD for Radio Volume 4th. But each time I was uploading a song, someone stopped the upload, then I would try again and it would upload.
Except for New Beginnings, the last song, I tried seven times and it would get to near the end of the upload and someone was manually stopping it. It does not
do that by coincidence that many times. I will try and post the entirety of that song later. For now the entirety of 11 songs and most of the 12th song are posted
at this WAVE DOWNLOAD link. DOWNLOAD.htm The Standard Audio CD Files.
In prayer it comes to me to remind some of you "It is MORTAL SIN to dare say 'a Covenant is not a Contract.'" Read the notes and Scripture. Covenant
is a Legally Binding Contract, a quid pro quo Agreement between God and man, between God and the individual person, making the Contract. It has requirements.
See notes and Contract (Covenant) Law. This weekend I went to the store and saw a book-shelf giving away old books, and one of them was March's Thesaurus
and Dictionary. I looked up for you: "COVENANT." It said: "Covenant is a legal pact, a CONTRACT." On another note: The song they attempted to block
the WAV file upload of as reported in yesterday's note, New Beginnings, is also the same song that someone on the producer John's system deleted its main recording
program tracks. Thankfully we had an m4a to make that WAV from. But it also proved to me that he has been making WAV file final CD versions by converting the
lesser quality m4a files back into WAV files, instead of burning the original recording program tracks (great quality) into WAV files. They still sound good quality.
Finally, Fox News has reported these past few days: 9/9/19: "Tax dollars funding includes all TAX EXEMPT 'Charities' that are promoting Abortions (Murders) and
are counseling Illegal Aliens' rights over the Rights Of AMERICANS, and one 'charity' that ripped down the American Flag and raised in its place the Mexico flag."
9/6/19: "The reason less people are getting hitched is because there are less 'economically attractive' 'males' for women." Really? They have it opposite of God's Law:
First you seek a man who will raise the children to Obey All Of God's Laws, and secondly, a man who is genetically compatible for having children. Both are for the
Good Of The Specie. Fox News wants 'love' for the shilling (money) which is PROSTITUTION. God wants REAL MARRIAGES. Natural Law. 9/7/19: Fox
Reports 'Mayor' Pete BUTT-i-gie-g was at it again saying, 'Life does not begin at conception, but at the first breath, because God breathed into the nostrils of Adam.'
Really? That is the worst Fundamentalist reading of scripture I have ever heard. Coming from a gay, it is even harder to take. And then Drew Brees crumbled to
pressure saying he was 'anti-gay' for promoting 'bring your Bible to school.' He supports the program, but said they misunderstood him. Really? I read Scripture
and I know why GAYS HATE TRUE MOSAIC LAWS IN SCRIPTURE because they "cut them off" and require the "death penalty" of homosexuals. Read notes.
That brings me to one last complaint about Jedodiah who said on Fox And Friends, she "supports whole-hearted the LGBTQ community." She said that pregnant.
Do you know what they want for that child? They do not want for that child what GOD WANTS AND NEEDS for that child. You are what you support, Jed.
ALL MY LAWS, THEN I will PROTECT you from foreign invasion and wars. IF you do not obey ALL MY LAWS, THEN I will Author (draw) your invasion and
war as punishment." Deuteronomy 8:1,19; 11:26-28; 26:16-19; 28:15,49; 30:1-10; 31:20-21; and see prior notes, and see Animation Nation Exam Meditation.
In prior notes, I wrote of an email I sent in the summer of 2001, about two months before 9/11/01 that said: "If George Bush signs the embryo (stem cell) MURDER
research TAX FUNDING Bill, the TWIN TOWERS in NY would be bombed and collapse," in what looked to me in vision as a "Nuclear explosion." I sent that
email to the U.S. Justice Department and Fox News et al, including to some 200 legislators and media outlets, etc. Testimony about that was in evidence at trial
in the case I won, 814 NE2d 393, which found "Jackson (Brian Fusonie) is involved in religious beliefs that include tongues, prophecies, and healings." They did not
summarize that evidence, but it was part of the Dr. Affidavit, as I wrote in my prior note. And it was at the web site the Judge said he saw and admitted into evidence.
He even asked for a CD-ROM be made of the web site and put that into evidence. It saddens me that when God obviously Authored that bombing of the Twin Towers,
(some would say, 'God allowed it,' but that absence of protection from it is also a deliberate ACT BY GOD, and is PART OF THE CONTRACT), that WE DID
NOT REPENT. Instead we forgot GOD'S LAWS further and became worse by the next generation. End Planned Parenthood. On this day, 9/11, I think also of my
songs PredestiNation and Cosmic Consequence on Radio Volume 4th. DOWNLOAD.htm The Standard Audio CD Files.
Catching up on some News from yesterday. Fox News reports the following: 9/10/19, "North Carolina 'English teacher' asked students to fill out a 'Diversity
Inventory Work-sheet' that asked them what race, ethnicity, religion, gender and (of course) sexual orientation they are, and which of those makes them most
'privileged.'" That is not a Tax Payable "English course." And it is theft. Worse, it is IDOLATRY of DIVERSITY. And it wrongly included 'sexual orientation'
in "Diversity." God made the skin colors and divided the peoples by languages. That is diversity. God did not make homosexuals. They sinned against the LAW
OF BODY GOD INTELLIGENTLY DESIGNED. It is Mortal Sin. 9/10/19, "Nearly 500 detainers from ICE were refused by NC which released the criminal
illegal aliens, among them were rapists, domestic violence, and murders, etc." Those refusing ICE detainers are NOT AMERICAN CITIZENS. They oathed to
aide and abet illegal alien criminals, instead of protect the AMERICAN CITIZENS. 9/10/19: "San Francisco City Council declared the NRA a 'Domestic Terrorist
Group.'" England tried that. Fox replied that "Only the FBI can designate a Terror Group, and only if it is actually engaged in criminal terrorist activities." San Francisco
left the NATION long ago. And it seems they have no plans on becoming AMERICAN CONTRACT CITIZENS. They are gays. Not a true City Council.
An open letter to Attorney General William Barr, et al., ON THE U.S. CONSTITUTION instead of MOSCOW 'CONSTITUTION.' Last night on
Fox News there was a professor from Suffolk County Community College who said he "gave his students the Russia Constitution but replaced the name 'United
States' for 'Russia,' and told them to read it in order to write an essay about it." He said: "Only two students were able to recognize it was not the United States
Constitution." He said they also "all failed the Citizenship Test," and on average, nation-wide "college students have only a 22% proficiency in American Civics and
and MOSCOW'S 'CONSTITUTION.' They have not faired any better than those students. The facts: The United States Constitution necessarily integrates the
protections of INALIENABLE FUNDAMENTAL RIGHTS ENDOWED BY GOD, THE CREATOR, that are enumerated in The Declaration Of Independence
Those are INALIENABLE RIGHTS, and as such, there must be a SINGLE STANDARD for possible jeopardy of one or more of those rights. It cannot be "mere
preponderance of the evidence" (some 51% probability rule), it must be in each and all cases "Beyond a MORAL (reason-able) DOUBT." Examples: I have been
unlawfully detained 4 times (and tortured 3 of those times) in (a) SECRECY (SEALED) 'HEARINGS,' using (b) PREPONDERANCE OF THE EVIDENCE, and
(c) WITHOUT A JURY OF MY PEERS, and in all of those cases it was (d) DOUBLE JEOPARDY, and also (e) PERJURIES BY THE STATE(S). That is MOSCOW.
NOT COURTS in the EYES OF GOD, they are CRIMINAL RICO. UNCONSTITUTIONAL. But I think of another example: Athletes in the news accused of
"the lesser standard of mere Preponderance Of The Evidence." The right to PROPERTY IS INALIENABLE AND FUNDAMENTAL. It must also be protected by
the SINGLE STANDARD for Inalienable rights: Beyond a MORAL (Reasonable) DOUBT. Anything less is CRIME IN THE EYES OF GOD. "You will not accept
compensation in place of the life of the murderer ..." Numbers 35:31-34. The same LAW OF GOD dictates: "You shall not receive Compensation in place of jail for
the rapists." The proper COURT for all matters is open public TRIAL BY JURY OF PEERS using BEYOND A MORAL DOUBT as the legal standard, and if the
accused rapist is found guilty, and there are monetary damages proven also, then he goes to jail and pays the victim. GOD HAS A CONTRACT (COVENANT,
CONSTITUTIONAL CONTRACT) also, and if you fail to conform the United States 'courts' TO THE LAW OF GOD, GOD WILL REPLY. That also is part of the
CONTRACT (quid pro quo) WITH GOD. Read Scripture and see prior notes.
Additional note from Fox News last night. Fox Reported a photograph showing a "COMFORT ROOM" in a California 'hospital' where they put BABIES who survived
an attempted ABORTION, where they leave them to die in that room. INFANTICIDE. One of the commentators, I think her name is Rose, said: "When you allow murder
of a child in the womb it leads to murder outside of the womb." Those hospitals are not TAX EXEMPT, they are not 'Charities,' Nor can they claim to be 'Hospitals.' All
tax breaks should be removed from them if any abortion, let alone infanticide. 9/11/19: Fox reported a survey of Democrats finding: "28% of DEMOCRATS (Socialists,
Communists) want to ban membership to the NRA -- a group that advocates for an inalienable right (to bare arms)." Read the Constitution. It is sad that people do not know
what "INALIENABLE RIGHT" means; and they pretend they can peer pressure 'vote' to extinguish Inalienable rights to "Life" and to "bare arms." They are Not Citizens.
"Congress shall make no law infringing on ..." means it is "inalienable." And the Declaration Of Independence claimed the right to bare arms to protect Inalienable rights
"endowed by the Creator" including the "right to Life," means the right to "bare arms" itself is INALIENABLE and ENDOWED BY THE CREATOR.
On the DEMOCRATIC PARTY (Socialist Communist) Party 'DEBATE' last night. Fox News today reported that "the Democratic Party debate last night was
superficial, at best, since it did not ask the 'candidates' about ABORTION (MURDER), nor about Impeachment, and other issues that plainly divide them from most of
the American public." And that "Joe Biden plainly LIED that the Obama Administration with him as VP did not hold illegal aliens in cages." Fox showed a photograph
from 2014 proving the Obama Administration in fact held illegal aliens in cages. And Biden's other claims were lies also. He lies to seek an office. BUTTigieg claims
that "Trump uses military troops as props for his own personal enrichment." Really? BUTTigieg misused more than once 'Scripture' as a GAY PROP against the
Creator. He did that to seek an office, his own personal enrichment. That is Mortal Sin. And he did it as a Gay, also Mortal Sin. See prior note. But the Democratic
(Socialist Communist) Party did want to talk about "guns" -- as if there was no Second Amendment. Beto O'Rourke vowed to confiscate and take away every AK47
and AR-15 from the public. That is UNCONSTITUTIONAL. Natural Law on the subject: We the public, as our founders and Second Amendment recognized,
have an inalienable fundamental EQUAL RIGHT to have and to bare EQUAL ARMS. That means that if the political or potentially corrupted forces have AR-15
guns, we the public -- as required check and balance against potentially corrupt government -- have the right to Equal guns as them, namely AR-15s. This was the main
reason for the Second Amendment and the many State Constitutions preserving that same right of we the public. See my prior note open letter to AG William Barr on
the subject of the Second Amendment versus the gun confiscation plan of the Democratic Party. It is a Right not subject to debate or political peer pressure. It is an
inalienable right, and cannot be voted away by 'popular opinion' or whims of that Party. It is a foundational principle of our Nation, and how the U.S. came to exist.
Fox News reported this morning that years ago the "FBI and James Comey were brought before the FISA Court because that court was concerned that Comey and
FBI were NOT PRODUCING EXCULPATORY (POTENTIALLY EXONERATING) EVIDENCE to that Court." I have seen worse from the various Justice
Departments, including and especially the United States Justice Department. They hid each time EXONERATING (EXCULPATORY) EVIDENCE. They do to others
what cannot be done in AMERICA. They are CHINA, not American Citizens, yet they sit in the highest offices of the land. Pray for their repentance and end.
I posted a Studio Note for my song In The Eyes Of God at the Radio Volume 5th page. The song is intended to promote an honest dialogue with God, so that the
listener will then look God Eye to eye and honestly confess whether they in fact have made the CONTRACT (COVENANT) OF ALL GOD'S LAWS, in the Eyes of
God. Or whether they "never had the courage to live the Contract." In the same way, it is also about whether you have honestly made the Constitutional Contract
required to be real American CITIZENS? Or whether you are "mere occupant who never did make the Agreement"? Your honesty with God about that could change
your fate. "God will witness to the fact that you never made the Contract." That will be the answer for most of you, in this the worst generation of ABORTION and
other MORTAL SINS. Pretending you 'did not know you had to make true Agreement to all of God's LAWS' is itself MORTAL SIN. Become real with God. Volume 5th.htm
More information about an entire generation(s) that DO NOT KNOW THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN RUSSIA AND THE UNITED STATES.
In prior note this past week I quoted a study of a professor of a college who gave his students the Russian Constitution, but with the name 'Russia' replaced with 'United
States,' and only two of his students could tell it was not the United States Constitution. The conclusion then was "the Educational System has FAILED." Today on Fox
News they quoted another study of 'American' students that found 63% of them CANNOT name a right protected by the First Amendment. And 74% CANNOT
name the three branches of Government. They concluded: "Our educational system is a miserable failure." Worse than that, those 'students' CANNOT be valid
AMERICAN CITIZENS of the CONSTITUTIONAL CONTRACT. See prior notes. They know less than people who really want to become American Citizens
of the Constitutional Contract. The 'government' run public 'education' system STOLE your TAX MONEY. That is repeatedly proven in studies, yet no one has
changed the system to ensure schools are producing REAL CONTRACT CITIZENS, instead of uneducated, immoral misfits, unable to make the Contract.
More on "GRACE," "Praying for WISDOM," and "DREAMS while you sleep" as proofs God AUTHORS (Animates, Draws) ALL. In prior notes
I wrote how "if you pray for Grace, or Divine Providence, or for Wisdom, you are a believer that GOD ANIMATES (Animation Theology)." The same is true of
nightly dreams. Most believe dreams while you sleep are God communicating with you, or warning you, or punishing you. They know on logic that Dreams that detailed
cannot be the 'human subconscious doing it;' rather they know it is GOD AUTHORING those dreams. Grace, Infused Wisdom, and Dreams all cannot exist unless
God is in Control AUTHORING (ANIMATING) us in God's Mind. They are not 'free-will' events. They prove there is no free-will. God makes many proofs now
in this world that God is drawing all, that God is in Control. On the New Earth (real Math Earth), however, God will not draw Grace, nor infuse Wisdom, nor draw dreams
while we sleep. Instead, God will talk to us externally, and respect at all times our autonomy, making no proofs that contradict our copyright existence as individual persons.
I went through a number of years when I would lay my head down to sleep at night and then awoke in the morning having had no dreams. It will be as that. See notes.
On the Constitutional OATHS of WE THE PUBLIC. They are the same Oaths as Our Servants. They only have authority that we allow them, but they are our
SERVANTS, NOT OUR SUBSTITUTES. They have no powers that do not belong to WE THE PEOPLE. Today on Fox News, they aired an interview with a person
I will not mention here, but he cited his Oath to defend the Constitution, saying: "We oath to defend the Constitution in all matters, against all enemies, foreign and
DOMESTIC." That Oath belongs to each and every American, We the Public. Yet so few have honestly made it. The most insidious enemies of our Constitution are the
"secret society" members, Lodge, who oathed to overthrow Real Law and to conspire to put only their members in positions of trust. There are books on that subject. And
the fact that the "office holders" do not speak out about it proves their complicity in that conspiracy; or they are not trained enough to be in those uniforms and offices. Either
way, they cannot be paid with our TAX money. They are either silent because they are in Lodge, or they are not trained enough to be public office holders paid by our Taxes.
Either way it is TAX THEFT. When books report it, but there are no criminal prosecutions of that mob (Lodge), you know the answer.
On "CITIZENSHIP DAY," Fox News announced it this morning as "CONSTITUTION DAY," the same thing. I watched a humorous video on Fox News
this morning celebrating today, showing clips of Fox News asking people questions about the U.S. Constitution, and a few clips from movies on that subject. Two movie
clips were: (1) "Do you know what the Bill Of Rights is?" to which a youth replies: "Something you pay for." (2) "Is the Second Amendment clear enough?" To which a
cartoon character replies: "Yes, it means all people have an inalienable right to hang BEAR ARMS hunting trophies on their walls." Yet it was also sad, not humorous, when
they asked a woman about: "What is the First Amendment?" She replied: "TO LOVE ONE ANOTHER." Worse is when you ask people: "What is God's FIRST
COMMANDMENT?" They would reply the same, "To love one another." Wrong. That is the 'feel good' fake Bible. The FIRST AND MOST IMPORTANT
COMMANDMENT OF GOD IS: "You shall not have other gods beside me. You shall not make for yourself an idol (false god)." When you substitute your own preferred
version of Scripture you MAKE AN IDOL (a false god). The COMMANDMENTS in context of the Scripture warnings that go with them make clear: God does not
tolerate 'tolerance of sins.' God wants sin ended, corrected, rebuked, reproved, cut off from the community. "Tolerance" is not in the DICTIONARY OF GOD.
Summary of Reports on Fox News yesterday, and my reply. "In South Bend, Indiana, an Abortionist was found to have over 2,000 jars of fetal remains (babies) in
his basement, and Mayor Pete refuses to say anything publicly about it." "Mayor Pete ... and Ilhan Omar say that 'God wants you to vote for the Democratic Party.'
And Fox News' professed 'theologian' and 'ethicist' replied with the standard Gay LODGE propaganda line: 'God does not see either the Democratic or Republican
Parties as the ethically pure party. They both are flawed.' Really? God is the Author of the REPUBLIC, and is REPUBLICAN, having a REQUIRED MORAL
avail -- all will be lost. Read Scripture and the Contract (Covenant) with all its warnings. See notes. There were better moral Hispanic theologians and ethicists who
attended President Trump's rally in New Mexico, who Fox interviewed: "We Hispanics are Conservatives," one said, because they believe in God's laws and are PRO-
LIFE. "We Hispanics are definitely not liberals." Yet Fox also interviewed Hispanic Liberal women outside the rally, one of whom said: "Hispanics for Trump are like
insects for the insecticide Raid," or "chickens for Kentucky Fried Chicken." She called them 'oxymorons.' She has it backward. She is the Oxymoron. She is: 'Human
beings for the murder of other unborn human beings.' That is MORTAL SIN. If God were visible, God would vote HIS HIERARCHY OF MORAL CONSCIENCE:
ABORTION (MURDER) would be at the top of His list to vote to End. He would not vote for the Democrats, He would vote REPUBLICAN. And you are what
you vote, see notes. If you vote for an Abortion Party (Democratic, Socialist, Communist) you are a Murderer in the Eyes Of God.
On Fox News' repeated use of its PAGAN 'Commandment' that end all True Commandments: The 'Lord's' Prayer. Last night Tucker said again: "The 'lord's'
prayer teaches you have to give forgiveness if you hope to receive forgiveness." Really? Is that one of the TEN COMMANDMENTS and their explicit COMMANDED
PUNISHMENTS? They made that a 'dogma of forgiveness,' and sold it to all of you until you forgot the TRUE COMMANDMENTS of the CONTRACT OF LIFE
(COVENANT) with all its explicit LAWS AND REQUIRED PUNISHMENT for MORTAL SINS. I have already written about this in prior notes, but Tucker said it
again, so I am reiterating again a true doctrine of forgiveness: (1) Venial (minor) sins can be forgiven, but you have no authority to forgive such sins committed against
other persons than yourself; (2) MORTAL SINS you cannot forgive, but God has specific punishments for those crimes; yet you can say you "forgive" a murderer
(Mortal Sin) only IF and WHEN that murderer ACCEPTS PUBLIC BLAME FOR THE CRIME and thus ACCEPTS ITS REQUIRED PUNISHMENT, thus when
they are TRUE CONTRITE (TRUE CONTRITION). The same is true about Venial sins requiring contrition for actual forgiveness, but the punishments are minor.
Many have made an IDOL (Idolatry) out of 'forgive others so that you will be forgiven.' It lead to 'tolerance' of Mortal Sins, and thus itself is MORTAL SIN.
Again, 'Tolerance of sin' IS NOT IN THE DICTIONARY AND LAW BOOK OF GOD. Such 'forgiveness' that is 'tolerance' is FORBIDDEN. See Scripture.
More replies to Fox News yesterday. Fox reported that "NBC News has a segment now called 'CLIMATE CONFESSIONS,'" which Fox commentators said:
"Only shows you more that CLIMATE CHANGE has become a RELIGION." Another Fox News commentator later said: "Her child's school gave them a worksheet
that said, 'Be good to your friends, be good to yourself, and be good to the Environment.'" She said: "They have replaced LOVE OF GOD with the Environment."
NBC and Climate Change Religion activists refuse to accept or confess the SCRIPTURAL THREATS GOD MAKES TO EARTH and THE ENVIRONMENTS
as a CONSEQUENCE OF MORTAL SINS including ABORTION. See notes. You make an IDOL (Idolatry) when you put the Environment ABOVE OBEYING
ALL OF GOD'S LAWS, i.e. ABOVE ENDING ABORTION. This is because God promises as part of the CONTRACT (COVENANT) OF GOD'S LAWS to
punish and even to END the Earth because of ABORTION (MURDER). See Exams (Scripture Meditations). IF all the lands RESTORE ALL GOD'S LAWS AS
is the CONTRACT (COVENANT). If you were really concerned about planet Earth, you would do all in your power to END ABORTION.
REAL REASON (Purpose, Original Intent) of the Second Amendment right to keep and bare arms. See notes and State Constitutions. Its first and historically
intended purpose was to Prevent Corrupt Governance and thus to secure all our other inalienable fundamental rights.
Tucker Carlson of Fox News was at it again with GAY LODGE false 'moralisms' on television. Tucker had on a Gay author of a book, and Tucker said:
"People are telling others to hate people because of things they CANNOT CONTROL." Really Tucker? Why did God explicitly make COMMANDMENTS to
FORBID HOMOSEXUALS and to PUNISH THEM SEVERELY? See New Earth Exam Scripture Meditation. Thankfully, God writes the LAWS, not Tucker.
God is Right, and Tucker is Mortal Sin. Remember, what you tolerate or promote is what you will be judged as. In Tucker's case, he is a Gay in God's Eyes.
Posted a Studio Note for my song Sound The Alarm at the Radio Volume 5th page. On another note: Fox News reported today that "Alabama students defy
a prayer ban and pray the Our Father in the stands of a football game as the students led over the loudspeaker." "Alabama has passed a law that protects student led
prayer, including over the loudspeaker at games." Fox commented: "All the ESTABLISHMENT CLAUSE was originally intended to do was to prevent Theocracy,
not to infringe upon people's right and desire to pray in public." In prior notes I wrote about both the Establishment Clause and the Free Exercise Clause. Here I
have a country. LEGAL FACT: There cannot exist a Constitution (Contract) that forbids OBJECTIVE TRUTH including any OBJECTIVE LAW OF GOD.
That is to say, an 'Agreement' to Forbid Truth and thus to Forbid True Law is an UNCONSTITUTIONAL 'AGREEMENT.' It cannot be a valid Contract.
Finally on Prayer about the Weather Events: Fox News showed a video of Marianne Williamson, 'candidate' for the Democratic Party, saying: "You think that
everyone who prayed for Dorian to be steered away and prayed 'Dear God' turn this Hurricane around is stupid? That they believe in a God who is powerful, that
they are crazy? I believe in a powerful God and in science." Fox News commentator Jonathan Morris added: "You bet you we pray for God to steer Hurricanes
away." But if you told them some of us pray "GOD SEND MORE AND WORSE HURRICANES UNTIL AMERICA REPENTS," they would call that crazy.
You cannot have it double-tongued as that! If you can pray for God to steer a Hurricane away, you can also pray God steer a Hurricane at sinful Cities and Lands.
There is no right to speech to COMMIT MURDER. That 'speech' is FORBIDDEN as UNLAWFUL. It is UNCONSTITUTIONAL TO PROTECT such
criminal 'speech' to commit murder. If a 'judge' writes an 'opinion' saying that 'it is lawful to commit MURDER,' are they still a 'judge'? NO. They are NOT
CITIZENS, nor therefore are they 'judges.' They are CRIMINAL MURDERERS IN THE EYES OF GOD. That is why they pretend 'Abortion' 'is not
murder.' Pretending does not change the Objective Law Truth Fact. THEY ARE MURDERERS. Not 'judges.' Read Scripture as to what will happen to
any land that tolerates such fake 'judges.' Or that tolerates, therefore, murder. Scripture has numerous examples.
On Reading the Scripture and Constitution as an INTEGRATED WHOLE, and President Trump at the United Nations today. President Trump again
reiterated in front of the United Nations today that "Our rights do not come from Government; they come from God." He said protecting the inalienable Right of
Conscience is perhaps his highest duty as President. As I wrote in earlier notes, the Right of Conscience is the INALIENABLE RIGHT TO KNOW AND OBEY
OBJECTIVE TRUE LAWS. All the Constitution with its Bill Of Rights read consistent with the Declaration Of Independence make it clear the founders' original
intent was to secure and protect that inalienable right of conscience to know and obey Objective Truth, including all Objective Truth LAWS. Scripture also must
be read as a Consistent Whole LAW GIVER. Example: "You shall not kill (an innocent human being). You shall not accept compensation in place of the life of a
murderer who deserves to die, but that person must be put to death." Exodus 20:13 and Numbers 35:31-34 read together as one consistent integrated Objective
Truth LAW. Today, Fox News commented that "one third (1/3) of the DEMOCRATIC PARTY identify themselves as 'Non-Believers.'" There is no such thing
as an 'atheist,' they all know there is God and God's Laws, but they are not mature enough to accept and obey God's Laws, so they pretend He does not exist.
Such persons are sitting on 'courts,' and in offices of public trust, and they cannot be trusted to read the Constitution in context of Objective Truth LAWS.
The Media's Double-Standard on Biden's Video CONFESSION of Blackmailing the Ukraine, vs. Trump's Alleged Blackmail of the Ukraine.
Fox News commentator yesterday said: "If the Democratic Party did not have double-standards, it would have no standards at all." And concerning the media:
"If you are a Democrat as Biden, the media will call you 'innocent' (despite video recorded Confession by Biden of his guilt!); while if you are a Republican as
Trump, the media will call you guilty for mere allegations without substantive proof." They have broken the Constitutional Social CONTRACT purpose for a
"Free Press." They are liars and manipulators of the public, which they call 'social engineering,' not an honest Free Press. They do not inform the public. They
try daily to manipulate the public. That is CRIME, and BREACH OF CONSTITUTIONAL CONTRACT by the 'media.' Yesterday, ABC News did not
mention, nor air, the video recorded confession of Joe Biden that he blackmailed the Ukraine for his son. Yet Fox News did air that video of Biden.
A brief summary of points made by President Trump speaking at the United Nations again today. "Conflicts are cause by the divide between those
who want to rule over others, and those who want to rule and govern themselves." "Our founders sought a form of Government that would prevent tyranny."
"As long as I am President of the United States we will always honor the inalienable right to keep and bare arms." "As long as I am President, America will never
become a Socialist nation. Socialism is the wrecker of nations. Socialism and Communism are not about the 'good of the people.' In this past Century, Socialism
and Communism killed 100 MILLION PEOPLE worldwide." "We will uphold the right of Free Speech. Tech giants shall never decide what the people see and
hear." "Every child born and unborn is a precious gift from God." "As long as I am President, we will protect our borders and defend our National Sovereignty."
He also talked about Iran and its "recent attack on Saudi Arabia." And about "Trade with China." And that "We will require the fair share payment of all our
partners for their armed defense." And he spoke against the pseudo "religious pulling of globalism." He said: "the future belongs to Patriots, not globalists."
Mostly it was a good speech. However, he did anger God with his Mortal Sin 'gay rights' agenda in his speech today. Trump said: "'We' call on all nations to
decriminalize homosexual behavior. And 'we' stand with all LGBTQ persons." THAT IS MORTAL SIN and against Our Founder's Intent, and against the long
history of the laws of this Nation, and especially AGAINST GOD'S LAWS IN SCRIPTURE. Read New Earth Exodus Exam Scripture Meditation. See notes.
On the DEMOCRATIC PARTY trying to upside down DUTY into 'CRIME' merely because of POLITICAL (Election) APPEARANCES. IF Joe
Biden did as he CONFESSED ON VIDEO that he told the Ukraine that "Unless the Ukraine Prosecutor (investigating Biden's son's company) is fired, the
Ukraine would not get the Billion Dollars," THEN President Trump as/and AG William Barr had a DUTY to ask the new Ukrainian President to look into that
as corruption. The failure to look into Biden's actions, motives, and CLEAR CONFLICT OF INTEREST would be criminal failure of his OATH OF OFFICE
TO WE THE PUBLIC. The Democrats have tried to turn upside down DUTY into a 'CRIME' because of the election appearances (not facts) that Biden may
become President Trump's election rival in 2020. That rivalry is IRRELEVANT. If Biden did what he Confessed, Trump had a Duty to have it looked into.
If it was President Trump's son, Don Jr., who was a member of that Ukrainian company being investigated by the Ukrainian Prosecutor, and President Trump
did what Biden did to get the Prosecutor fired in order to receive a Billion Dollars, all the Democratic Party would say it was Duty to investigate Trump and his son.
The Double-Standard is too much. They have no integrity at all, yet they sit in the offices of public trust.
Two brief observations from today's hearing of Joseph Maguire, Acting Director Of National Intelligence. Joseph Maguire said: "I view my Oath to
the CONSTITUTION as a sacred COVENANT (CONTRACT) with those I lead and the American public." They all know the Constitution is a Contract
(Covenant). But none of our schools teach the youth that required fact, because they do not want to make CITIZENS, they want 'loyal' Democrat Dependents.
And second, the Chairman Adam Schiff purported to read into the record the transcript of the call between President Trump and the Ukrainian President, but
Schiff was not reading the actual transcript, instead he read his improvised self-written cartoon fiction spy novel putting words and motives into the mouth of the
President, in a Tax Paid Public Hearing -- it is crime what Schiff did to deceive the public. Again, if it had been President Trump's son who did what Hunter
Biden did and President Trump had done and boasted of what Biden did and boasted of on video recording, the Democrats would say it right to ask the
Ukrainian President to investigate it as CORRUPTION. Their double-standard is crime. They are not tax payable, yet they sit in those offices.
Rudy Giuliani read today on Fox News an Affidavit of the Ukrainian Prosecutor who Joe Biden had fired as V.P. The affidavit was written by
the Ukrainian Prosecutor saying that the last President of the Ukraine fired him as prosecutor because he was investigating Hunter Biden and Joe Biden as Vice
President of the United States threatened the President of the Ukraine that he, Biden, would not give the already approved Billion Dollars in U.S. TAX MONEY
fired with the President of the Ukraine telling him directly that he was being fired so that the Ukraine would get the Billion dollars from the U.S. Rudy also said
that the Ukraine is "concerned about the Double-Standard of the FBI, because it refuses to investigate Biden," that the FBI is a political institution now, no longer
serving We The American Public. Once again, if President Trump and his son, Don Jr., had done in the Ukraine what Hunter Biden and Joe Biden his father did
as acting Vice President, Trump would be impeached for it. Biden has impeached himself from running for TAX PAID office. The Double-Standard is criminal.
I posted a brief Studio Note for my song Wake Up Call at the Radio Volume 5th page.
A few updates from Fox News this morning, and the BASIC FUNDAMENTAL QUESTION in the alleged 'Impeachment Inquiry.' Fox News
showed a Tweet from Adam Schiff made before he allegedly saw the whistleblower complaint, in which he says in that tweet the IDENTICAL ALLEGATIONS
that are in the whistleblower complaint. Fox News commentator said: "It calls into question whether the Intelligence Agency was acting in cohorts with Schiff."
And Fox pointed out that "the Intelligence Agency sometime before the whistleblower complaint -- which has no first hand knowledge -- was filed, that Agency
changed the rules for whistleblower complaints from requiring FIRST HAND KNOWLEDGE to instead allowing mere HEARSAY complaints." Under the prior
rule the whistleblower's complaint would have been dismissed. Fox also had on Peter Schweizer who said: "Joe Biden was made by Obama the 'point person' on
the Ukraine just two months before Hunter Biden, his son, got his lucrative shady deal in the Ukraine." THE SIMPLE ANSWER: "Do We the American Public
HAVE THE RIGHT AND DUTY TO KNOW Joe Biden had the Ukraine Prosecutor investigating his son Hunter fired in order for the Ukraine to receive the
Billion Dollars in U.S. TAX MONEY?" You all know that answer is: YES. Therefore, our Chief Executive Branch officer, President Trump, has the same
identical INALIENABLE FUNDAMENTAL RIGHT AND DUTY to have Biden investigated by the Ukraine. Biden is so worried about it, that his campaign
sent around a letter to the media ordering them not to air President Trump's Attorney Rudy Giuliani who has been showing the Affidavit of the Prosecutor Biden
got fired. Fox News did not honor that request of Biden. The Final Answer: If you say President Trump (our Executive Branch Leader) did not have a right
to ask the Ukrainian President to investigate the corruption of the Bidens, YOU FAIL THE CITIZEN TEST. We the people had a right to that issue investigated.
Additional updates from Fox News last night and today about alleged 'Impeachment Inquiry.' Fox News reports: "President Trump also asked the
Australian Prime Minister in a phone call to help AG William Barr investigate the origins of the 2016 Russia Collusion hoax." "AG Barr is investigating the origins
of the Russia Collusion narrative." "Months ago, on May 24th, 2019, on the White House lawn, President Trump announced he wanted Attorney General Barr
to contact England, Australia, and the Ukraine in Barr's investigation of the origins of the Russia Collusion hoax that formed the basis of the Mueller investigation."
And today: "Attorney General William Barr asked President Trump to talk to foreign countries (including the Ukraine) to ask their help in his investigation of the
origins of the Mueller Report, and to introduce them to AG William Barr." These are all consistent with the Call President Trump made to the Ukraine.
Today's remarks from President Trump and Vice President Mike Pence: "Joe and Hunter Biden should be investigated by the Ukraine."
President Trump on the White House lawn today said again to reporters the plain truth that: "The Ukraine and China should both investigate Joe and Hunter
Biden's corrupt dealings in those countries." VP Pence said it right when he added today: "AMERICANS HAVE A RIGHT TO KNOW if the Bidens
unlawfully benefited in the Ukraine from his office. In the case of Joe Biden and the Ukraine, there was a clear quid pro quo. With President Trump's call to
the President of the Ukraine there was no quid pro quo. In Biden's case, there are legitimate concerns." As for Adam Schiff and his staff, Fox News reports:
"The Intel. Chair, Adam Schiff, admits his staff was in contact with the whistleblower before the whistleblower complaint was filed with the IG. Schiff admits his
staff talked with the whistleblower then and instructed the whistleblower to get a lawyer and to file a whistleblower complaint with the IG." "The whistleblower
hired an attorney who donated to Joe Biden's campaign." This confirms, Fox News reported, how Schiff was able to write a tweet (mentioned in an earlier note,
see above) detailing the whistleblower's allegations before the full Committee received the actual whistleblower complaint.
Standard type PROOF that alleged 'Election Crime' IS NOT THE CASE, it is IRRELEVANT that Biden might be Trump's 'political foe.'
When evaluating the DEMS' claim, it is helpful to try the argument with different facts, to see if it really applies. Example: What if Hunter Biden was dealing
drugs or using drugs in the Ukraine, or he murdered or raped someone in that country? And Joe Biden refused to give the Ukraine U.S. Tax Money aide unless
the Ukrainian Prosecutor investigating Hunter Biden was fired? Answer: It would not matter that Biden is a potential election rival of President Trump, the
President would have an Inalienable Fundamental right of WE THE PEOPLE as our Executive Officer to withhold money to the Ukraine unless it agreed to
investigate the Bidens. Trump did not do that, as he eventually released the money. Nor did he demand a quid pro quo. Yet he could have. Trump could have
conditioned the money aide on the Ukraine faithfully obeying its treaty with the U.S. to cooperate with the Attorney General Barr's investigation into crime.
Fox News today: "We have learned that the whistleblower is a REGISTERED DEMOCRAT."
Posted a short Studio Note about my song Red Setting Sun at the Radio Volume 5th page. Additional note: Pelosi pretends she is "prayerfully" pursuing
'impeachment' of President Trump. She is not PRAYING, she is PREYING on a vastly uneducated public. See prior notes. Election law is not relevant. The
issue is simply DO WE THE AMERICAN PUBLIC have a Right To Know of how Joe Biden was corrupt dealing with the Ukraine and China with Hunter?
The answer is: Yes, We have an inalienable fundamental Right To Know how and why Biden used American Tax paid Money as leverage to have the prosecutor
in the Ukraine investigating his son, Hunter Biden, fired. President Trump had a right and duty to have that investigated. Rudy Giuliani said on Fox News over the
weekend what I said: "What if Biden had murdered someone, would you still say Election Law prevents Biden from being investigated?" Obviously, Election Law
does not prevent a candidate from being investigated by a potential opponent, nor at the request of the President. Also: Corporate Morality no longer exists.
While large corporations are leveraging money and potential profits lost to make cities, states, and the nation into ABORTION, HOMOSEXUALS, and
TRANSGENDER BATHROOMS (each Mortal Sins), the NBA monetary interests backed down to China initially when China was upset that an NBA manager
tweeted support for "Hong Kong" Freedom Fighters. The NBA's initial response was to apologize to China in effort not to lose China's NBA business. In each
case, the large corporations are trying to turn American into communist murderous China. They want to fundamentally change America the wrong way.
I posted a brief Studio Note for my song In Jerusalem at the Radio Volume 5th page. Other notes: Fox News showed on 10/12 and today again a video
of Beto, a 'candidate' for the 'DEMOCRATIC' Party, saying that "TAX EXEMPT STATUS should be removed for any Churches or Charities that do not
support Gay 'marriage." He and the DEMOCRATIC Party are lunacy. They want to take away your guns, and to coerce Churches to deny God. Any time
you renounced God's real LAW condemning Homosexuals, you renounced God and made an IDOL (IDOLATRY). They also do not want to give President
Trump fair and full DUE PROCESS PROTECTIONS OF LAW in the Democratic Party's 'impeachment' 'process.' The President is not above the law, but he
sure was not intended by the Founders of the Constitution to be below the law of requirements for fair and fully transparent DUE PROCESS. The letter Trump's
lawyers sent to Pelosi was right, the Democrats have not voted because they do not want full due process protection and subpoena power for the Republicans,
nor do they want OPEN HEARINGS. Nor is it a crime to ask a foreign Government to investigate apparent corruption by Joe Biden and his son, Hunter. Today,
Fox News reported that Hunter Biden has promised to leave the Board of a Chinese "government owned" corporation while his father runs for President. And he
promised to not be on the board of any foreign companies if Joe Biden gets elected. THAT SHOWS THEY KNEW IT IS A "CONFLICT OF INTEREST"
and SHOULD BE CRIMINAL. In other nations, as Fox reported, it is a crime.
I posted a short Studio Note for my song America Street at the Radio Volume 5th page. Other notes: Fox News reports that San Francisco "bans business
in 22 states because of their restrictive ABORTION laws." That is only further proof San Francisco has renounced CITIZENSHIP to the United States. While
Fox News' Juan Williams said yesterday that "We need to end all animal cruelty," while he routinely says he is in favor of "a woman's right to abort (murder) an
unborn human child." It is true we need to end animal cruelty, but GOD DEMANDS of much greater importance that we END THE MURDER OF UNBORN
HUMAN BABIES. And: Praying for the end of genocide and wars in the Middle East. There is only one real lasting solution to end centuries of hatred among
its many peoples -- to teach TRUTH. There can be only one True Religion that understands and worships the ONLY (SINGULAR) NATURE OF GOD, THE
CREATOR. There cannot be lasting peace when each have different views about God. Only Truth can bring lasting peace.
The trend of nations 'voting' to 'legalize' MORTAL SINS (CRIMES) is spreading. God will have the last Vote and it will be to VETO the earth. Fox News
yesterday reported: "Ireland has now legalized Abortion (Murder) and Gay (same-sex) 'marriage.' Both were already allowed in the European Union, now Ireland
is in align with the EU." It was not that many years ago that all nations respected God more and punished those as crimes. How fast the road of sin and destruction
spread. Today, Fox News added about San Francisco (see yesterday's note) that, "San Francisco has now also banned city funded travel to 22 States that restrict
Abortion (Murder)." A Fox News commentator said: "San Francisco does business and travel with China, but not with Iowa." Finally, does anyone really think it
a coincidence that God drew an EF3 Tornado last Sunday striking the Dallas Metro during the Dallas Cowboys and Eagles football game? God authors all.
What do these recent events share in common? Fox News reported yesterday and today on a California woman (a 'pediatrician') who sought a judge to order
her sole custody of her seven year old son to have that son undergo hormone 'sex-transition' 'treatments' to turn the boy into a 'girl.' It is crime, and not physically
possible. Mortal Sin. And Fox News reported yesterday on a California 'congresswoman,' Hill, who is "openly 'bi-sexual'" and going through a divorce with her
'husband' (NULL from the start), and she was caught having 'sex' with her female campaign worker, and then with her male congressional aide. They are Mortal
Sin people without a conscience sitting in the offices of public trust. Then ABC last night aired a report on a country that "punishes homosexuals," whereby the ABC
reporter says to them he is homosexual and what are they going to say about that, he asks. ABC is showing its version of 'American foreign policy' -- GAYS with
guns and press rooms pressuring other countries to become tolerant of homosexuals. THAT IS NOT THE FOUNDERS' VISION OF AMERICA and our
proper FOREIGN POLICY. I pray that they lose overwhelming in the next American Election. I pray the American public can find remembrance of some moral
backbone to say, "ENOUGH IS ENOUGH." And throw the gays out of those offices and press rooms.
On the MORTAL SIN of HALLOWEEN and 'GHOSTS and SPIRITS.' God authors (draws, writes) all, including all "tests" ("testing") of human beings.
'Spirit' is not designable, because it would have no definite physics body. Rather, 'spirits' or 'ghosts' are "tests" which God draws to see if we will be "completely
honest (sincere) with God" about the Nature of God and earth. God in Scripture does warn it is "deadly sin (excommunicating, cuts you off)" if you honor, believe
in, or seek consult with the dead. On "Testing" read Deuteronomy 13:2-4: "... for the Lord, your God, is TESTING you to know whether you really love the Lord,
your God ..." "Let there not be found among you anyone who ... consults ghosts and spirits, or seeks oracles from the dead. Anyone who does such things is an
abomination to the Lord, and because of such abominations the Lord, your God, is dispossessing (excommunicating) them before you." Deuteronomy 18:10-14.
"Should anyone turn to ghosts and spirits and prostituting oneself with them, I will turn against that person and cut such a one off (excommunicate) from my people."
Leviticus 20:6-8. Yet the Weather Channel this week is running a series on a "Haunted Hotel in Galveston." It is Mortal Sin.
Fox News "The Five" yesterday proved again they are Hollywood, NOT CONSERVATIVES. Greg Gutfeld on Fox yesterday openly approved of
former 'Representative' Katie Hill's three-party 'sex' orgy with a woman campaign worker and a man she called her 'husband.' He said it sounds "fun." So did
Jessie Watters. And the others on Fox News' "The Five" merely said they "Do not expect elected members of Congress to be MORAL human beings instead of
DEPRAVED LOSERS." The entire Fox News network, including The Five, should have publicly condemned Katie Hill's orgy. They should also insist that the
"Congress be filled with men and women who are MORAL persons, NOT THE DEPRAVED LOSERS that they are." Fox is Hollywood, not Conservatism.
On another note: ISIS leader al-Baghdadi died as President Trump said, "As a coward," killing his own children with him. He was a murderer, rapist, and in the
end he also murdered his own children. The ego of a 'man' who would take three of his children into a cave with him and detonate there his explosive vest to kill
them with himself is a devil, not a man of God. He had a number of concubines he called 'wives,' while he also raped Kayla, Fox says, "repeatedly," and murdered
her, an American. As Representative Kevin McCarthy said today, "Baghdadi was not as the Washington Post wrote 'an austere religious leader.' He was a devil.
The Radio Volume 4th CDs were stolen, the Disc Duplicator says they were "DELIVERED 5 DAYS AGO." I texted the Producer, John, and asked
where the CDs were that we were told were "SHIPPED" over 2 weeks ago. He called them and they said the CDs were shipped and "Delivered" 5 days ago,
but they are sending a new batch of Radio Volume 4th CDs that they say should arrive next week. There are only 2 possibilities, that the Fed Ex delivery man
took them, or they delivered them and someone else took them. But they never showed up at his home. See the other tamperings, such as digital alterations to songs
and deletion of songs, two of which I had to re-record, and there have been many other entrapments and tamperings while recording the Radio Volumes 1 - 5th.
See prior notes and the Studio Notes of each CD page.
Posted a short Studio Note for my song Pocket Change at the Radio Volume 5th page. On another note: I had a conversation and someone mentioned the
phrase 'unconditional love.' I said, "It does not exist. It would not be REAL LOVE." I am tired of the IDOL (IDOLATRY) called 'Unconditional Love.' It is an
OXYMORON. A self-negating phrase. True "love" by its very nature is CONDITIONAL, based on a relationship with a set of Conditions. That is how God
"loves" us, an Agreement conditioned on our obedience to His Commandments, His Laws. And that is how we are to honestly "love" one another, conditioned on
obedience to God's Laws. Anything else is not "Real Love."
On 11/5/19 Fox News showed a video of a Transit Supervisor pulling a man from a train track a second before being hit by the train. He said: "GOD PUT ME
THERE FOR A REASON." He is an ANIMATION THEOLOGY believer by his statement. God Authors. On 11/7/19 Fox News showed Tweets by the
"Attorney for the whistleblower" that said: "A COUP has started" and "impeachment will follow" and "we will get rid of Trump," and "the Coup will occur in many
steps." They were planning to find or fabricate any reason as DEMOCRATS to 'impeach' President Trump. On 11/7/19 Fox News had on again its regular
Lesbian commentator, Tammy Bruce, who said wrongly: "We 'love' this country because it allows us to live lives best suited for us." She says it in sin. The real
purpose of the American Social Contract was and is "That all have the INALIENABLE RIGHT to know and obey OBJECTIVE TRUE LAWS OF GOD."
But their sin coalition does not want nor tolerate that ORIGINAL FOUNDING PURPOSE. Instead they, as reported on 11/6/19, had a "Judge block the rule
allowing workers to refuse to be involved in ABORTION (MURDER)." They are upside down, opposite of REAL LAW.
I posted a short Studio Note for my song Winter Wheat at the Radio Volume 5th page. On another note: Thanks to the 42 Million men and women who
have served in the American Military since the American Revolution. We are grateful. I watched also a Naturalization Ceremony on Fox News today, and the
speaker said of the Candidates to be American Citizens: "Each has been found to be a person of MORAL CHARACTER," and "Each was found to have the
required knowledge of American History, Principles, and our Form Of Government." It occurred to me again that most of our alleged 'American' high-school
and/or college (voting age) students would fail the CITIZEN TEST. We are not making Citizens in our homes and schools today, rather we have made
generations of immoral and uneducated misfits. President Trump welcomed the new Citizens by video, saying: "When you pledge and give your loyalty to
American and our principles, America pledges its loyalty to you." Sad that today there is a pervasive SIN COALITION that has role-reversed that pledge and
instead oaths loyalty to its Sin Coalition, not to Objective Real Law and our Founding purpose to respect and preserve those Original Intent Laws AUTHORED
and "ENDOWED BY THE CREATOR." I do not think most of our Vets over the centuries have fought for that Sin Coalition, instead of for God and real Law.
I posted a short Studio Note for my songs Channel Your Courage and Climate Control at the Radio Volume 5th page. Finished the CD before Thanks-
Giving. Happy Thanksgiving to everyone this Thursday! Remembering the real purpose is to give thanks for God's true Bounty. On another note: Last
Sunday I watched a good summary about the alleged 'impeachment' -- and the founders debated making "mal-administration" a grounds for impeachment but
decided it was too low a standard. Fox News contributor Mark Levin pointed that out, and that is why they decided on much higher requirement of "treason,
bribery, high crimes and misdemeanors." Not mere malfeasance. And "bribery" meant the President taking a bribe from a foreign actor/nation. And
"misdemeanors" was meant back then in the founders' day to be "a very grave offence." Today, Fox News reported a Democratic Congresswoman, probably
other Democrats as well, are wanting not to impeach President Trump, but merely to "censure" him. They do not have enough evidence to do that either.
Finally, Fox News reported on 11/18/19 that a liberal self-described "progressive" was outraged that Attorney General William Barr in recent months said:
"The far left liberal progressives are largely responsible for the MORAL DECLINE OF THE COUNTRY." He is right. I think he was speaking about drug
use, illegitimacy, broken homes, and ABORTION, etc. Praying for God to turn this earth back around to Truth of His every Law. Real reform.
On 12/9/19 Fox News reported "the Supreme Court allows to stand as law a Kentucky law requiring visual ultrasound and audio of a baby's heartbeat to
be shown each woman before an abortion." I am reminded of the story Fox News and Fox Sports did, including during an Ohio State football game, of J.K.
Dobbins, the team's running back. They announced that his mother was pregnant with him at age 18 and went to a 'doctor' to see about an abortion. She
decided not to abort her baby. That baby is now the first string running back for the number 2 college football team in the nation. On 12/9/19 the IG's
report came out, and it found "abuses, altered evidence, and concealing of exculpatory (exonerating) evidence," but he concluded there was not shown him
evidence of political motivation for those abuses, and that the investigation was despite those abuses, proper. That is how it was reported. Yet yesterday
and today Attorney General Barr wrote and spoke that he "does not agree with some of the IG's report" and said the "predication for the Trump-Russia
investigation was flimsy and improper." He said today, "The Trump campaign was definitely spied upon by our Government." And John Durham wrote he
also "does not agree with the findings of the IG as it relates to the predication of the (Trump-Russia) investigation." Finally, today the Democrats stated two
'Articles of Impeachment,' which are "abuse of power," and "obstruction of Congress." Both are losing claims, and the Senate will reject them. The Dems
said 'the facts are not contested,' but the Republicans all stated plainly "the facts are highly contested." But the corruption of the Bidens is plain and obvious.
Instead, the Democrats are ignoring, whitewashing, and championing the Bidens' corruption to spin their own narrative against President Trump. They are
Double-Tongued, and Double-Standard as usual. And as professor Turley stated during one of the 'hearings': "There are THREE BRANCHES OF
GOVERNMENT, and the Judiciary (the Courts) exists to resolve disputes between the Executive and Congressional Branches. For Congress to impeach
a President for 'obstruction of Congress' while the President has sought guidance from the Courts is premature and an ABUSE OF CONGRESSIONAL
POWER, similar to what they accuse the President of doing." They will lose in the Senate.
On Impeachment and other recent news. 12/18/19: The House Republicans warned: "When the founders decided on Congress having the power to
impeach they feared that power to impeach would be abused. Their fears are today realized." "A completely PARTISAN vote, devoid of any proof of
a crime." "The votes of only a single party." "A sham impeachment." "Not one fact, nor any witness proved any high crime or misdemeanor." Despite
promising they would never seek impeachment "unless it was compelling, overwhelming and bipartisan," the House Democrats voted to impeach President
Trump strictly on party line with no votes from the House Republicans. The Republicans pointed out the case to impeach "was not compelling, nor over-
whelming, nor bipartisan." All of the House Republicans voted in favor of President Trump's innocence -- that he did not commit a crime. They stated
also they fear "The Democrats have so lowered and weakened the standard for impeachment that all future Presidents will be subject to impeachment."
On 12/19/19, Senator Leader Mitch Mcconnell (R-KY) called it a "predetermined outcome of a partisan crusade." Now Pelosi and the Democrats intend
not to send the Articles Of Impeachment over to the Senate for Trial, thus playing games and further showing it is a Partisan Sham, and depriving President
Trump further of Due Process ability to be acquitted. Legal scholars today argued that "There is no impeachment, not until after the Articles are sent over
to the Senate and there is a Trial." 12/16/19: Fox News and ABC News reported on a lawsuit against Candidate Bloomberg by a woman, Sekiko Sekai,
who alleges that when she was pregnant and working for one of Bloomberg's companies, Bloomberg told her to "KILL IT." On the same day, Fox News
reported on a court case between a woman who had Hunter Biden's DNA child (Biden originally denied the child is his but tests proved the child is his).
She is demanding from Biden tax returns and monetary proofs about his "payments from Ukraine and his payments from China." Finally, recently on
Fox News a Democratic Congresswoman from California on the Rules Committee wrongly said: "The Constitution did not come from a Higher Power.
We the People give its words meaning." The foundational document preview to the Constitution, The Declaration Of Independence makes clear objective
true Natural Law RIGHTS COME FROM GOD, as its says, "ENDOWED BY OUR CREATOR." The Constitution only exists if it secures and protects
those "inalienable rights endowed by our Creator." Otherwise it is a null piece of paper IN THE EYES OF GOD.
Happy belated New Year. The Radio Volume 5th CDs have arrived. I will also be posting the WAV files at the Wave Download page. Some news
updates: On 1/1/20 Fox News reported a survey poll finding "1/3rd (36%) of millennials want Communism." Unfortunate. But not surprising because the
DEMOCRATIC PARTY has become a far left SOCIALIST-COMMUNIST Party. 12/22/19: Fox News reported the "Green Bay Packers team of the
NFL donated to Planned Parenthood as one of its annual grants." It received backlash from Pro Life groups. Former NFL black player, Jack Brewer said:
"In NY more black babies are aborted than are actually given birth. Planned Parenthood is involved in Black genocide." "It is unfortunate the Green Bay
Packers chose to support a group involved in such Black genocide of Black babies."
On the feud between President Trump, Nancy Pelosi, and Romney about PRAYER. Some sins, such as Voting for ABORTION or Homosexuals
Excommunicate the person from the COMMUNITY OF PRAYER. In Ezekiel 8:12-18 God warns that Because of the "Abominations" of persons ... "Even
if they cry out in a loud voice for me to hear, I SHALL NOT LISTEN TO THEM." Prayer is conversation with God, it required both speaking and LISTENING.
Let's see which one of those mentioned is "listening to the TRUE PRO-LIFE GOD." On 1/24/20, Trump became the first President to attend the annual March For
Life in Washington, D.C. He spoke of "the sanctity of every unborn child and their GOD given Right To Life." "Every child is a precious gift from God." On 2/5/20,
after trump was Acquitted, as most predicted, 52-48 and 53-47 (A case that was "political" not based on honest facts nor law), President Trump gave his State Of
The Union Address, in which he again promised to be PRO-LIFE, and said: "God is the AUTHOR of all life ... Every child is a precious gift from God. ... Every child
is made Equal by the Creator, God." Nancy Pelosi, standing behind the President then, immediately after the speech, tore up (ripped up) the House's official copy of
the President's Speech on view of the Television cameras pointed at him and her. Immature, and not worthy of Congress. As to his ACQUITTAL, the only
Republican Senator to vote to "convict" was Mitt Romney of Utah, who said, "His oath to God made him convict." Interestingly, the other more sincere Republican
PRO-LIFE Senators all voted to "Acquit." And many predicted in advance Romney's hatred of Trump would cause him to vote to convict -- a prediction that came
true. Yesterday, Trump and Pelosi both attended the annual Prayer Breakfast. Trump spoke and said: "I do not like people who use their faith as a justification to
do what they know is wrong. And I do not like people who say they pray for me when they do not." Pelosi replied later that day, "President Trump was speaking
on what he knows little about -- faith and prayer." Really? He may or may not talk to God, but President Trump is listening to God by being Pro Life. Pelosi
was so arrogant she also dared say: "Prayer includes a woman's 'right to choose'" as "an appropriate topic for a prayer breakfast." Really? That is upside-down
and insanity. Idolatry. An example: IT IS NOT PRAYER, but is heresy and idolatry, to say: 'God, please make all people pro-choice.' But IT IS PRAYER
and TRUE FAITH, INTELLECTUAL HONESTY to say: "GOD, PLEASE MAKE ALL PEOPLE PRO LIFE." As to the warning given to Ezekiel, see above,
God warned that "because of their abominations ... I will not listen to them" when they attempt to pray. The word "Abomination" is used by God speaking to Moses
about homosexuality in Leviticus 18:22 and Leviticus 20:13. And it also applies to murder, because both God says shall receive the "death penalty." See Leviticus
above, and also Leviticus 20:1-5 and Leviticus 24:17. While you may pretend not to agree with God about the "death penalties," you must agree that such strong
language in Scripture shows such persons are Excommunicated from the Community, including the Community Of Prayer. Trump is listening; Pelosi is not.
I started my meditations on Scripture for the writing of this CD. I focused on the "abominations" of "abortion and homosexuals" in Scripture. How God condemns
those as mortal sins. You can find that "Meditation On Abominations" at the Radio Volume 6th page, linked here. Volume 6th.htm
After proof reading the pdf printout linked here, I noticed a few typos, or alterations. I list them here, and provide the booklet with those few typos
still in it as proof. On Abominations Booklet.pdf
Note: Somehow in the text there were a few alterations I noticed. Section 1 "let it be say that God ..." should read "let it be said that God ..."
Section 2 the Ezekiel quote should read "Ezekiel 20:13-38" not "2013-38". Section 6 should read "then as you have seen," not "the as you have seen."
Section 7 should read "caused surgically," not "cause surgically." Section 11 should read "according to your beliefs" not "you beliefs."
And Section 11 should read "turn back to God" and not "turn by to God."
This text is also posted at the Prayer Links page. See the bottom of the Radio Volume music CDs pages for that Payer Link. On Monotheism.pdf
Typos found, Section 1 should read: "not trying to alter," and "look at Thesauruses."
Section 6 should read: "not consult," "the dead," "then kill Saul's sons," "entire event was God"
Section 8 should read: "seems not logical" and Section 10 should read: "not as some 'spirit'"
This text is also posted at the Prayer Links page. See the bottom of the Radio Volume music CDs pages for that Payer Link. On Ten Commandments.pdf
Typos or alterations noticed when proof reading:
Introduction should read "no less than" (not "then")
Section 2 "if you are not planning" (not "is"). Section 3 "does not mean"
Section 6 "is easier than" (not "if"). Section 10 "honest labor."
This text is also posted at the Prayer Links page. See the bottom of the Radio Volume music CDs pages for that Payer Link.
Typos or alterations I noticed proof reading the text:
Introduction: "at the" not "as"; 18th: "defiled" not "defiles"; 21st: "temple" not "temples"; 26th: "they had seen" not "has"
28th: "but they" not "the"; 31st: "meal" not "mean"; 33rd: "commandment of" not "or"
35th: "intend" not "intent"; 36th: "for scribes to"; Closing Thoughts: "And" not "Ad" Commandments Meditation.pdf
Black Lives Matter does not promote goals that ensure all Black lives really matter. Every rational person agrees with the slogan that "Black lives matter"
equally, because God commands we are all "created equal." But the political group Black Lives Matter does not and cannot represent the majority of Blacks
because it has posted at its web site the goals of chaos: "to end the Western nuclear family" structure, "to legalize sex work" prostitution, and to end or defund
all police. Shelby Steele a Black author and professor said on Fox News: "The problems Black people face today are our own problems. 75% of Black children
are born out of wedlock without a father in the home." "I will take Blacks seriously when we stop blaming the past and take a hard look at ourselves. We need
to restore the institution of marriage." "What does Black Lives Matter say about the disintegration of the family among Blacks?" It says it wants to end the family.
Chaos. Dr. Wilfred Reilly a Black author and professor also said on Fox News: "First and foremost (among the problems African Americans face) is the
breakdown of the family." Dr. Carol Swain a Black former professor who was a Democrat until 2009 said on Fox: "The Democrat Party is using Blacks to
promote a radical left agenda that is going to hurt all people." Bob Woodson also a Black commentator on Fox said the same. Lara Logan read the Black
Lives Matter web page on Fox: "to end the Western nuclear family" structure. What happened to George Floyd was a tragedy and murder, and should not have
happened in America. But radical liberal politicians are now endorsing Black Lives Matter without telling you what BLM actually represents. It is time to tell those
liberals that God is the solution; not the problem. What the country needs is Fear Of God; not loss of the Fear Of God and broken families.
I recently read my mother's research genealogy book, Descendents Of Richard Higgins, and it traces my lineage on her side back to the Mayflower. William
White with wife Susannah and son Resolved White were on the Mayflower and were part of the Mayflower Compact. William White died the first winter after
landing in Plymouth, MA, and there is a memorial of those who died that first winter with his name on it. His son Resolved White married Judith Vassal White and
their daughter Elizabeth White married Obediah Wheeler, who had a son Benjamin Wheeler. He married Hannah and they had a daughter Beulah Wheeler who
married Nehemiah Howe, and they had a daughter Phebe who married William Ashley. They had a daughter Parnell Ashley, who married John Higgins, and they
had a son Thomas Higgins who married Isabel (Wade) Higgins, and they had a daughter Muriel Higgins, who married August Oyer. They had a daughter Isabel
Oyer who married my grandfather, and they had my mother, who married my father -- obviously. I have relatives who also fought in the American Revolutionary
War and later in the Civil War to end slavery.
I share with you a few quotes from Democratic leaders: "All are children of God," said Rep. Sylvia Garcia; "We have no expendables in our community," said Al
Green; "I am not going to adopt the premise that human life is disposable. We are going to do everything we can to protect each and every life. That is what it
means to be Americans," said Governor Cuomo. They said these about the death of George Floyd, and about Covid-19 patients and the public. However, they
did not really mean what they said, because all of them are in favor of abortions, or are in a political party that promotes abortions.
A Pattern Of Judicial Deceit -- Conspiracy Or Coincidence? I ask again why is it that whenever a "conservative Republican President" nominates an alleged
"conservative judge" to the Supreme Court, that judge turns out to actually be an activist liberal in disguise of a 'conservative'? While the Democrats always get
what they think they are nominating, liberal activists judges. It cannot be a coincidence. Fool the American People one time, shame on you. Fool us twice, shame
on us. But fool us three times and we know it is a conspiracy. Roberts and Gorsuch proved they were wolves in sheep clothing. They abandoned conservatism
to instead side with the radical leftist 'justices' to say that "Federal law protects gays, lesbians, and transgender persons from discrimination in work." It did so by
re-writing the prior Civil Rights Law that "prevented discrimination on the basis of sex," of which the Legislative History made certain only applied to biological
gender, male or female, and not to 'sexual orientation.' Roberts and Gorsuch assumed unlawfully the role of Legislators -- not Supreme Court Justices. When a
court steps beyond its authority it makes itself illegitimate. And in God's Eyes, they are what they voted for: homosexuals and transgenders. They are morally
accountable for their votes. Moreover, God warns repeatedly in Scripture all the land will be punished for the votes of our courts. They did not listen to God.
At his rally in Tulsa Saturday, President Trump said in summary: "We watched recently all the rioters, anarchists, and looters destroy and loot stores
in many cities. Now you understands why the Second Amendment." "How about Seattle? How is that turning out?" "All the worst rioting and looting was in
Democrat run cities. 20 of 20 of the worst violent cities are all radical left Democrat run cities." "And they want to get rid of your Second Amendment."
"They want to hand the nation over to its radical left wing. They want you to submissively bow before its radical angry mob. No way are we going to bow."
On Socialism of the radical left: Fox News had a show on "Socialism" and its origins. It started in north mid-west America in the 1800s by a man whose
last name was Owen, who wrote a charter which he called "Socialism" which banned what he called the "trinity of evils" which were to him "religion, traditional
marriage, and property." They created a Godless commune that ultimately fell apart and failed. But it was picked up later by Marx and Lenin. Today, the
radical left policies and 'courts' have tried to attain the goals of Owen and Marx by eroding Religious Liberty, destroying Traditional Marriage, and radically
taking private property or lootings under the guise of some greater 'good.' It is not. In recent days, the Marxist group Black Lives Matter is calling for the
end of Religion and Judeo-Christian values (it wants to legalize prostitution, etc.), and the end of Traditional Marriage (it calls the "Western nuclear family"
which it wants to end), and the taking of private property, including the recent taking of an entire section of Seattle. They have it upside down. History has
proven that the Pillars of a functional and good society are Religion, Traditional Marriage, and Private Property. Not the opposite of them.
Fox News yesterday had on the Greater New York leader of Black Lives Matter, Hawk Newsome, who said this threat: "If we do not get what
we want, we will burn it all down. ... What I want is Black sovereignty by any means necessary." "To save Black lives sometimes you need to invoke
violence." Imagine if Pro-Life activists said on Fox News: "If we do not get what we want, we will burn it all down ... by any means necessary ...
including by violence." They would be in jail. Or what if Jews, Christians, and Muslims joined together to tear down all statues, monuments, or
buildings having satanic Lodge freemasonic symbols. The police would arrest them. What is the difference? The police and mayors either fear BLM,
or they want BLM to win. One or the other. But Black Lives Matter leaders inciting arson, destruction, and violence on national TV should send them
to jail. Senator John Kennedy (R-LA) said on Fox today: "I saw the interview with Mr. Newsome and heard what he said." Kennedy then said of those
inciting violence and the destruction of statues: "I think they should be in jail." On the radical left indoctrination in our schools: Fox recently had on
California professor John Ellis who said: "There is about an 8 to 1 ratio of liberal left professors to conservative right professors in America. And that
number goes to a 50 to 1 ratio among next generation junior professors." Other commentators have said that ratio is worse in media rooms. Ellis said:
"The public needs to know its money is going to fund what it does not want." "Why do students on those campuses hate free speech and shout down
speakers who do not agree with their leftists views? They are being taught to do that by radical liberal left professors."
What is an objectively true "Nation"? A nation is a social contract that must by its terms be lawful and valid in the Eyes of God. Anything unlawful
as the murder of Jews, abortion, or slavery makes it invalid and null. True Patriotism wants God's favor. The 4th of July celebrates our Declaration of
Independence which recognized God is sovereign and that He endowed all with equal and inalienable right to life and liberty. It was a profound and
noble beginning preamble. But sadly it was a false-start running the race because the founders unlawfully left out Black people from its enforcement.
Conversely, today is also a sad and absurdly inconsistent day when thousands protested the murder of a Black man, yet they do not show the same
outrage for the millions of Black babies murdered by abortion. Whether slavery or abortion, evil cannot be a valid "nation" in God's Eyes. In Scripture,
the Jews had to obey "all" of God's commandments to be, and to remain, a protected "nation." What was born with our Declaration of Independence
was a noble preamble -- the idea for America. It is up to us to enforce it equally that God will recognize us as a nation and protect us. The opposite
is ruin. On that point: John Roberts last week sided with the radical liberal wing of the Supreme Court to issue a 5-4 decision striking down LA's
law requiring admitting privileges at a nearby hospital for a 'doctor' to perform an abortion. He proved again he is no conservative; nor fears God.
Clarence Thomas wrote in his dissent: "The court's abortion decisions created a right to an abortion out of whole cloth -- without a shred of support
from the text of our Constitution. Those cases should be entirely overturned." The nation depends on us doing so.
On the Marxist war of BLM against civilization. President Trump recently said that painting "Black Lives Matter" on a road "is a symbol of
hate." He is right if it references the Marxist militant group Black Lives Matter (BLM). Last Sunday Fox News had on Black military veteran Allen
West who said: "Black Lives Matter is a Marxist organization; a Marxist mob." "What we are seeing is an ideological civil war ... We know who the
enemy is and what BLM represents, what they want to do. It is up to all of us to stand up to them and to speak out. It is either going to be
Constitutional Conservatism or it will be Liberal Socialism. That is the choice we must make." "Black Lives Matter is an oxymoron. They do not
even mention the issues that face the lives of most Black people ... such as fatherlessness. Black Lives Matter calls the Tradition Marital Family a
relic of white supremacy." As I stated in earlier notes, Black Lives Matter -- as a Socialist Marxist group -- wants to end Religion and Morality,
Traditional Marriage (the nuclear family), and your private Property, all under the guise of 'black lives matter.' They have turned that phrase upside
down, making it as Trump said, "a symbol of hate." The answer to the issues of our day is God; not the absence of God. Truth, not Marxism.
Religious and Moral Right to Object to Contraceptives and Abortifacients 'Coverage.' Yesterday the Supreme Court issued a 7 to 2 decision
upholding Religious and Moral Exemptions to Obama Care's 'contraception' coverage requirement, ruling in favor of the Little Sisters Of The Poor
that people or organizations with Religious or Moral objections to contraceptives (and/or abortifacients) do not have to provide such coverage. The
Little Sisters also argued that some forms of alleged 'contraception' are in fact "abortifacients" (potentially abortive each time they are used). On Fox
News the Little Sisters said: "It is a contradiction to our mission to in any way facilitate the taking of an unborn human life." And again yesterday on
Fox they said: "We in good conscience cannot provide contraceptives and abortifacients. ... We sought to protect our own Religious Liberty." The
Court also ruled on another case in favor of Religious Institutions and Schools finding that they can fire employees who fail to obey the precepts of
their Religious faith. Both cases are obvious findings, and the rulings should have been such.
The Communist Marxist roots of Black Lives Matter were on display on the 4th of July when its supported group "Revcom" which means
"Revolutionary Communist Party" burned the American Flag. Imagine if there was a Marxist Communist group called "All Lives Matter." No one
would support it, despite its name being a truthful statement that "all lives matter." Yet many today appear to be supporting Black Lives Matter
without looking into the Marxism and violence and destruction of the nuclear family Black Lives Matter promotes as its cause. Former NYPD
official Bernie Kerik was on Fox News yesterday and he said: "Before 2015 I was saying that Black Lives Matter is a revolutionary Marxist
group." "Black Lives Matter has working for it a convicted revolutionary communist woman involved in bombings of police ... who Bill Clinton
commuted her sentence on the last day of his term in office." Fox and Kerik agreed: "The Justice Department should do something about BLM."
Fox News also recently had on Black sports commentator Jason Whitlock who said: "Black Lives Matter is a Marxist political group -- a
Communist political group. I do not think that many Black athletes who claim to be Religious really looked into what Black Lives Matter stands
for. Black Lives Matter is Anti-Religion." Again, the slogan "black lives matter" is truthful, but BLM is a slogan of Marxist propaganda and hate.
I started recording Radio Volume 6th and posting Studio Notes at that page. Volume 6th.htm
On Government, proper protests, compared to pagan riots. The government philosophy of our founders: "Rights are created and endowed
by God, and government exists to secure those rights. Whenever government ceases to perform that function, it is the right of the people to
form a new government." See The Declaration Of Independence and NH Constitution Article 10 of Bill Of Rights. On the other hand, the
'philosophy' of the radical left mob of socialists (Marxists) rejects God and says that 'rights are created by men' and 'the people should revolt
to impose a government of godless socialism.' These two philosophies have irreconcilable differences. Those who believe rights are created by
God will fight against those who say 'rights are created by men.' And those who say false 'rights' such as abortion and homosexuals are 'created
by men' will fight to impose those 'rights' by oppressive socialist regimes against the conscience of those who obey the rights created by God.
The two cannot co-exist. Only one of them is true government. You all know which it is. On another note: Fox News aired on 7/12/20 an
interview by Mark Levin with Black scholar Dr. Thomas Sowell, who said: "I never believed we would come to this day. People are caving
into the most outrageous demands. ... I hope we don't reach a point of no return. ... If Biden wins the election and the Democrats (Socialists)
control the House and Senate, with the types of things the Democrats are proposing, that may well be the point of no return for this country."
"You shall not have other gods beside me. You shall not make for yourself an idol." Exodus 20:3-4
Songs praising the cosmic Author-ity of God over all creation.
Scripture Meditation:
"All the fountains of the great abyss burst forth, and the floodgates of the sky were opened. ... The flood continued
upon the earth for forty days." Genesis 7:11-17 "I am going to rain down such fierce hail ..." Exodus 3:20; 9:16-18
"[T]he Lord hurled great stones from the heavens above them ... these hailstones ..." Joshua 10:11-14
"The Lord will make his glorious voice heard, and reveal his arm coming down in raging fury and flame of consuming fire,
in tempest, and rainstorm, and hail ... And the breath of the Lord, like a stream of sulfur, setting it afire." Isaiah 30:25-33
"Look! The storm of the Lord! His wrath breaks out in whirling storm that bursts upon the heads of the wicked." Jeremiah 30:23-24
"I will bring down a flooding rain; hailstones shall fall, and a stormwind shall break forth ... In my fury I will let loose stormwinds;
because of my anger there will be flooding rain, and hailstones will fall with destructive wrath." Ezekiel 13:8-14
"Whatever the Lord desires he does in heaven and on earth, in the seas and all the depths. It is he who raises storm clouds
from the end of earth, makes lightning for the rain, and brings forth wind." Psalm 135:1-7 "But on that day ... my fury will flare
up in my anger, and in my jealousy, with fiery wrath ... I will execute judgment ... disease and bloodshed; flooding rain and hailstones,
fire and brimstone, I will rain down ..." Ezekiel 38:18-23
QUESTION: Do you make an IDOL (IDOLATRY) when you dared say 'God does not make those storms'?
ANSWER: Yes. It was IDOLATRY, MORTAL SIN. "You shall not have other gods beside me. You shall not make for yourself
an idol." Exodus 20:3-4 You made a false god when you pretended 'God does not make those storms.' It gravely offends God
when you deny God punishes sin with weather and cosmic events.