This page does have some religious presentations,
among studio updates and general news comments.
Radio Volumes: Best Of (16 Songs, 4 from each) Volumes Best Of.htm
"The evil understand nothing of justice, but those who seek the Lord understand everything."
Proverbs 28:5
"If a wise person disputes with a fool, there is railing and ridicule but no resolution."
Proverbs 29:9
"On the way of wisdom I direct you, I lead you on straight paths. ... Let your eyes look straight ahead ...
Turn neither to right nor left, keep your foot far from evil." Proverbs 4:11,25-27
"Keep, then, my statutes and decrees, for the person who carries them out will find life through them. I am the Lord." Leviticus 18:5
"Be careful to observe ALL MY STATUTES and ALL MY DECREES" Leviticus 20:22. "Be careful, therefore, to do as the Lord,
your God, has commanded you, NOT TURNING ASIDE TO THE RIGHT OR TO THE LEFT, but following EXACTLY the way
that the Lord, your God, commanded" Deuteronomy 5:32. "Be careful to observe this WHOLE commandment that I enjoin on you"
Deuteronomy 8:1. "EVERY WORD that I command you, you shall CAREFULLY OBEY, NEITHER ADDING TO IT NOR
SUBTRACTING from it." Deuteronomy 13:1. "Be careful, then, to OBEY them WITH YOUR WHOLE HEART and WITH YOUR
WHOLE BEING." Deuteronomy 26:16. See my Radio Volume 4th for the integration of these into songs.
*Notes on this page discuss both Legal Political and Religious topics, especially as they naturally intersect; inescapably they are inextricably one
same topic. God's rights over the Nation. Example at the top of this page is the example from 8/12/19 on "Voting" and "Accountability":
A note on PERSONAL ACCOUNTABILITY FOR "VOTING." You are what you vote for IN THE EYES OF GOD. If you vote for ABORTION,
you are a MURDERER in the EYES OF GOD. If you vote for HOMOSEXUALS, you are a homosexual IN THE EYES OF GOD. And when the
Lutheran denominations, as reported by Fox News yesterday, "voted to be a sanctuary against deportations," and you intend to harbor criminals, you are
a Criminal IN THE EYES OF GOD. What you "vote" can be MORTAL SIN. Note from 8/12/19 this page.
A. "You have an Inalienable Fundamental Constitutional Right to know and therefore to discover by inquiry any and all personal, religious, spiritual, or
financial BIASES of any ACCUSER and EVALUATOR, including police, doctors, judges, and witnesses, in any and all matters, whether sealed or
unsealed cases." See fuller note for 8/12/19 on this page. Yet today PPF 'courts' of LODGE impersonating judges, clerks, doctors, police, jurors,
and witnesses dare across this country to pretend that BIAS information mentioned above is "IRRELEVANT." ABSURD. They are not U.S. CITIZENS;
they are Lodge; they do not obey the Constitution, nor do they obey the Rules Of Evidence of America.
B. "In any and all investigations, matters, cases, claims, you have an Inalienable Fundamental Constitutional right to have presented openly and fully any
FAVORABLE RULING (such as the full evidence in evidence at trial in 814 NE2d 393 -- which NH did not do)." See various notes this page.
C. The HYPOCRISY and DOUBLE STANDARD of DEMOCRATS on the need for VALID JUDGE "WARRANTS" before you need to open
the door to police. Nancy Pelosi stated "to all illegal immigrants" on AMERICAN TELEVISION as part of her "TAX PAID" office: "If NO WARRANT
issued by a Judge validly, DO NOT OPEN THE DOOR TO POLICE." Yet when I had the Police tell me they had "NO WARRANT" at my door in
April of 2012, I did as trained as a lawyer and told them to leave, and they BROKE DOWN THE DOOR, BREAKING ENTRY INTO MY HOME.
Nancy Pelosi and PPF want to protect illegal aliens more than HONOR THE CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS of AMERICAN CITIZENS. ABSURD.
See various notes about this below, and the notes on 8/13/19.
D. On William Barr's efforts as Attorney General to ENFORCE THE DEATH PENALTIES. GOD WAS WISE ENOUGH TO IMPOSE
DEATH PENALTIES AS THE LAW. It is IDOLATRY to pretend 'God does not want death penalties.' The First Commandment is to "have no other
god beside the only true God," and "to make no false god (no strange idol, no false nature of God)" that you prefer instead of the Real God. Exodus 20:
3-4. God warned prophets to teach the Law to the people: "You have profaned me ... killing those who should not be killed, and keeping alive those who
should not live, lying to my people, who listen to lies." Ezekiel 13:19. "You will not accept compensation in place of the life of a murderer who deserves to
die, but that person MUST BE PUT TO DEATH." Numbers 35:31-34. "Whoever takes the life of any human being shall be put to death." Leviticus 24:
17-21; See also Leviticus 20:13. Primary Note: Because of the special and required heightened duty of integrity and public trust, there should be death
penalties, as commanded by God, for (1) persons who murder a public official, judge, police, doctors of the court, juror; and (2) for the same reason, death
penalties of any person who is found a criminal amongst the ranks of public officials, judges, police, doctors of the court, jurors. If they are found corrupt,
they get the death penalty IN GOD'S EYES. See this note also as the 8/14/19 note.
page how those seeking to 'legalize abortion (murder)' pretend their 'grounds, and reason of alleged public interest is in Population Control.' They are wrong.
In this note I will summarize those briefly again: (1) If they really wanted Population Control as their goal, THEY WOULD MAKE UNLAWFUL AGAIN
ANY AND ALL NON-MARITAL SEX!; (2) They would make ILLEGAL any and all IMMIGRATION (I write in several notes this page the hyperbole:
PERSONS OVER 70 or 80 YEARS OF AGE -- BUT NEVER DARE HARM ANY UNBORN CHILD. I don't really believe that we should end
medical treatment of old persons. I say it above as a HIERARCHY of "POPULATION CONTROL" if you pretend you want such control.
today, I watched "Obama's former religious advisor" lie to the American public again. When asked "how he could be part of a party that votes for murder
(ABORTION)," he replied: "Religious views certainly touch upon the dignity of the human being, including ABORTION. I am 'pro-life.' But our elections
are always between two imperfect options, and you have to make a decision." To which the Fox News anchor said: "THERE IS A HIERARCHY of duty.
Treating illegal aliens with dignity, is not as weighty as Abortion, and Trump's offensive language does NOT OUTWEIGH ABORTION." She is right.
And the Dems are trying to overwhelm your conscience with threats of "Climate Change," YET CLIMATE DOES NOT OUTWEIGH ABORTION!
I tell you, BECAUSE OF ABORTION, God will, has, and does PUNISH EARTH with GREATER INTENSITY STORMS and CLIMATE. See the
Scriptures about that fact at the Storm Surge music CD page, link at this page and at my main page. Note 8/16/19.
G. On FALSE MYSTICISMS and FAKE 'DUAL-NATURE.' At each of my web sites and in the case 814 NE2d 393 there was proof of
THE "NEW EARTH." Read this page. Let me give you two examples of false dogma that sadden me. On 7/28/19 Fox News had on a false 'mystic'
promoting her book. She said: "She is in contact with the dead," and that "when we die we leave our bodies and become pure light energy able to manipulate
metal objects such as pennies and other coins, to put them in the path of others." ABSURD. CARTOON. It is Idolatry, blasphemous hoax. Then there is
the seemingly good hearted mother telling her children such blasphemy: In an advertisement for Tunnel To Towers - a good purposed organization - the
mother of a "fallen police officer who died while on duty" tells her daughters that "THEIR FATHER BECAME AN ANGEL." Also Idolatry, blasphemous
hoax. Equally a CARTOON. It is demonically irresponsible to teach youth such false 'dual-nature' of man -- because they later become SLAVES TO
SPIRITISM. Read this page for the answer to what happens when we die and that your BODY is your ONLY (SOLE, SOUL) PROPRIETARY
COPYRIGHT EXISTENCE, and that GOD WILL REMAKE US ON NEW EARTH. Isaiah 65:17-18; Isaiah 66:15-22; Rev. 21:1 As I write in
create "Others" (Creatures) by DESIGNING A DEFINITE MATH MACHINE (MECHANICAL) BODY for each creature. 'Spirit' is not designable. It
would have no definite body shape, size, no machinery, nothing but God playing games is what it would be -- NOT REAL MATH MACHINERY. See
the Exam Meditation for ANIMATION THEOLOGY (INTELLIGENT DESIGN with ANIMATION). I give you some helpful thoughts about it. If you
were a computer robot programmer trying to create electrical life, you would need to create a definite math program and math body, instead of some barely
a body type 'robot' that you merely remote control! You need it complex enough that it has its own math, not your own mind controlling each movement.
'Spirit' would be merely God 'remote controlling' every detail, thought, and movement. NOT LIFE. NOT CREATING. God wants to CREATE, not
be merely deciding every action and movement like puppets or 'remote control.' And the only way a programmer can do that is to create a machinery with
a detailed math of its own, its own computer software COPYRIGHT design, that makes the decisions for the Animator.
H. Summary of the prior note and various notes throughout this page on "ENSOULMENT" IS MORTAL SIN. The "two-natures" dogma of
"man" is MORTAL SIN. God cannot do what is against MATH. "You shall not have other gods beside me. You shall not make for yourself an idol."
create 'spirit;' 3) 'Ensoulment' is a Mortal Sin dogma; it is Heresy, Blasphemy, Idolatry; 4) God CANNOT CREATE 'OVERLAPPING BODIES,' two things
cannot share one space -- God cannot create 'overlapping physics;' 5) Hence, there is no 'spiritual' 'soul' in man; 6) Your BODY is your ONLY (SOLE, SOUL)
THE "NEW EARTH." Isaiah 65:17-18; Isaiah 66:15-22; Rev. 21:1
I. On GOD'S "CONTRACT WITH CREATION" and SEPTEMBER 11, 2001 Bombing of the Twin Towers in New York. In my song called
PredestiNation I have in lyrics (not posted in the CD Booklet) the line: "I am waiting for You to renew the Contract with Creation ... Let us be your Nation."
That Contract is really the COVENANT which warns CONSEQUENCES when we SIN. God promised to AUTHOR (Draw, Write, Script) only Normal
prayer each day are Leviticus 20:22 and 26:1-13, which warn the Consequence of Sin is "the land will vomit us out," compared to if we do not sin "God will
provide normal rains for normal crops to grow abundantly." God also promised the Consequence of Sin would be "WAR," and "LOSS OF NATIONAL
PROTECTION FROM ATTACKS." See Scripture and the Exam ANIMATION NATION and various notes this page. September 11, 2001 was one
CLEAR EXAMPLE and it WAS FORETOLD IN PROPHECY filed with the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT that SUMMER 2001 before it came true. The
rest of this note is a PUBLIC OPEN LETTER TO PRESIDENT TRUMP and ATTORNEY GENERAL WILLIAM BARR. In the Summer of 2001 I filed
by numerous emails to YOUR OFFICE, the ATTORNEY GENERAL OFFICE then to John Ashcroft et al., and that same email sent to over 200 PUBLIC
of that email the Prophecy from GOD THE FATHER: "If George Bush (President) SIGNS EMBRYO (Stem Cell) MURDER RESEARCH TAX FUNDING
BILL THE TWIN TOWERS WILL BE BOMBED AND WILL COLLAPSE in what looked to me in vision like a Nuclear Bombing." Most of the email, other
than that prophecy were preaching about Jesus rather Cartoonily. BUT THE PROPHECY proved to be NO CARTOON. It came true within 2 months. Bush
signed that Embryo (Stem Cell) Tax FUNDING BILL anyway, and then quickly after THE TWIN TOWERS were BOMBED -- by Planes and collapsed. A.
This prophecy was part of the case 814 NE2d 393 in evidence prior and at Trial, in which I was EXONERATED and FOUND to have "tongues, healings, and
prophecies." See that case and see its complete file (they sealed it). The 'Doctor's' AFFIDAVIT filed to begin that case MENTIONS my prophecy and belief
AMERICA: In 2005 I was detained unlawfully by Vermont, who first STEPPED ON MY CD-ROM DISC HAVING MIRACLES and PROOF OF THAT
CASE on that CD, as they testified in Court "They thought it was possibly a bomb." They testified they destroyed it in its envelope packaging under such belief.
They showed me in 'sealed hearing' the CD-ROM ALL SHATTERED to pieces by them. The doctor in court testified when I asked him: "They perjured
themselves saying they thought it was a BOMB in that envelope." He agreed "Yes, they perjured themselves as Police." Helen Toor as 'Judge' later said:
"Vermont need not look up or get the CASE 814 NE2d 393 because we conclude IT IS NOT ABOUT MR. FUSONIE because it says JACKSON." She is
NOT A CITIZEN. They knew the case was about 9/11 and paranormal. WHEN I got out of Vermont, I had a lawyer write a letter TESTIFYING: "Brian
Fusonie is JACKSON in the case 814 NE2d 393 (Massachusetts' case I won on APPEAL ALSO)." These were posted and are still posted at my web site
in the 159 Page PDF of Evidence. But NH twice WRONGFULLY VIOLATED THE LAW AGAINST DOUBLE JEOPARDY. C. The NH police "guards"
when I told them the original case 814 NE2d 393 was started by an AFFIDAVIT from Dr. SHIRAZI who CONFESSED TO ME HE "IS THE FATHER-IN-
a case with John Ashcroft, ha! ha!," and they immediately RAPED ME, Stripping me naked and putting me in a "burrito suit" and throwing me into a cell. I
testified at the "arraignment" that "I WAS RAPED WHEN I TOLD THEM THE TRUTH THAT I HAD A PRIOR CASE 814 NE2d 393 and about Dr. Shirazi's
CONFESSION." All the judge did was reduce my bail. D. Judge O'Neil was then told by me under oath with prosecutor present in a 'sealed hearing' that I
had a PRIOR CASE and that I had won that case about PROPHECY IN ADVANCE ABOUT THE TWIN TOWERS BEING BOMBED." She called it "ill."
There are many more abuses they committed against the law documented at this page, including HOW VERMONT sent back my APPELLATE COMPLAINT
TORN IN HALF! I opened that package with my complaint in it IN FRONT OF TWO WITNESSES and they saw IT WAS TORN! Ripped down the middle
like someone tearing in half a phone book. They are not police. They are not citizens. THEY ARE "FRATERNAL ORDER OF PPF GAY LODGE."
including ALL WEATHER. "His wrath breaks out in a whirling storm that bursts upon the heads of the wicked." Jeremiah 30:23-24. "I will bring down flooding
rain .. (and) let loose stormwinds; because of my anger ... with destructive wrath." Ezekiel 13:8-14. Remember, YOU MADE AN IDOL (IDOLATRY) WHEN
YOU PRETENDED 'God does not make those storms.' That was MORTAL SIN against the FIRST COMMANDMENT. Ask yourself, therefore, Why did
God AUTHOR each of the following storms? I tell you, it was because of ABORTION, HOMOSEXUALS, and SINS AGAINST MONOTHEISM. I do not
claim any of this was about me -- IT IS ABOUT GOD; when God chooses to give a warning to or through someone, GOD WANTS TO BE HEARD, NOT
SILENCED. 1) Katrina: In 814 NE2d 393 I had prepared and spoke of "a song called KATERI" -- which the judge never listened to, said he did not need to --
but which I wrote years before 2003 Trial in that case and had gone to a NH recording studio with Tania to record it in 2002 before Trial, and we only finished
the piano part -- not my lyrics which I had ready. Like my songs CONCH and CEILING FAN it speaks about destruction by WAVES (Funnel Cloud in
Ceiling Fan) of a City (Cities). In 2004 I posted a demo of that song with singing of the lyrics in it: "Kateri, you are a waterfall ..." Then in 2005, KATRINA
happened. Coincidence? Or GOD-INCIDENT. The 2004 demo had prophecy in it. It came true. But I do not like all of that demo because of the 'Jesus'
paranormal in it, etc. Interesting to me then, the song Kateri is about having a daughter by abortion from abortifacients disguised as 'contraceptives.' I named
her Kateri, and the song is about her right to "NH" or "NA" (LIFE in Hebrew). Kateri-NA is consonantly the name: KATRINA. 2) Wilma: In 2005 I posted
prophecy before the Hurricane Wilma hit Cancun -- which said: "God will cancel the MTV MUSIC AWARDS IN CANCUN BY STORM." That Hurricane
hit exactly at the MTV AWARDS date and stayed there spinning onto Cancun for a day. They had to "postpone" the MTV Awards a day. I wish they had
cancelled them. 3) Irene: While wrongfully imprisoned at VSH in VERMONT, see other notes, I said: "God will punish VSH with a FLOOD." That was in
2006. 5 years later, in 2011, GOD DESTROYED VSH CAMPUS WITH A HURRICANE FLOOD CALLED IRENE. 4) Ike: In summer of 2008 I finished
Spiral Staircase finally, and while making its CD COVER, I heard in prayer "Make the CRYSTAL VASE the HURRICANE IMAGE on it." I did. Then after
releasing that CD, a month or two later came HURRICANE IKE that DIRECT HIT and DESTROYED "CRYSTAL BEACH" Galveston, TX. and 5) Sandy:
While unlawfully imprisoned in New Hampshire, I told a number of witnesses: "Watch, GOD WILL HIT NEW YORK CITY with the next Hurricane." God did.
It was Hurricane SANDY in 2012 while I was detained. Then there was more recently Florence, Michael, and of course MARIAH (Because there is NO 'VIRGO
MARIAH'). When it is FACT that GOD ANIMATES (AUTHORS) ALL CREATION, including ALL WEATHER, you must be honest and ask WHY DID
GOD PUNISH THOSE CITIES and ISLANDS with such STORMS? The answer you all know is: "BECAUSE OF THEIR SINS."
K. In various notes throughout this page I write about the many STAGES OF MY CONVERSION, which I summarize in Brief Overview here. When I
have told some of these to others, they often agree. A. Legally trained in CONTRACT LAW, including SOCIAL CONTRACT LAW OF CONSTITUTIONAL
GOVERNANCE; which lead me to realize the following: B. INFANTS CANNOT BE 'BAPTIZED;' they do not have Contractual Capacity. C. NO ONE
WITH INSTEAD SPIRITISMS, SEANTISMS, INCANTATIONS ('blessings,' 'absolutions,' 'ritual phrases of the cleric'), and DONATIONS. E. Then later I
'one-in-being' with God. No two things can be one thing. And the ANIMATOR must design any "son," but cannot be the "son." I realized also that MOSES was
RIGHT ABOUT CONTRACT LAW, not 'Jesus.' The God of Israel became to me the closer TRUTH. But the Jews do not follow that God, the AUTHOR OF
LAW, any more. To me, they are not "Jews" of the Mosaic teachings. And finally, F. I LEARNED of the PROMISED "NEW EARTH," See other notes. Then
I realized their could not be any 'spiritualized heaven,' only the REAL MATH PHYSICAL EARTH where we will be re-created BODILY. You cannot have two
worlds. One precludes the other. There cannot exist a 'spiritual heaven,' and a NEW EARTH. You must go to one place, or the other. Only one can be REAL.
And I had years earlier realized there CANNOT EXIST "ENSOULMENT" at any time other than the exact moment of conception AT FERTILIZATION; then
L. In various notes at this page I write about the "Secret Society" CONSPIRACY in each town called LODGE (PD/PPF), also known as "GAYS." I write
in one such note about Norma Jean (Marilyn Monroe) who was as Fox News reported: "raised by several Foster homes in which she was ABUSED." And how
PPF uses her as its 'role model' as 'the most famous woman in the world,' as its harlot. Fox reported she did not want children or to stay home and raise them,
and infuriated Joe with her longing to be lusted by other men. She was Planned Parenthood. But it is worse and predictable. As I write in various notes: A.
Lodge PD/PPF (GAYS) oath to pedophile and to promote their own 'slaves' (members) and to protect their members from prosecutions; B. they oath to
Lodge, not to our Country; C. they oath to promote the 'memories' and 'fame' of its DAMNED members, and to block out the fame and voices of Straight males;
D. they oath to make their Reich of the Damned treated as if the 'CITIZENS,' and to punish, defame, harass Straights as if 'NOT CITIZENS.' And finally, E.
they oath to get all other on earth DAMNED with them in Lodge. When you see them hand-slap accused pedophiles, they are not police, they are not
'judges,' -- they are PPF Lodge. When you see them "shuffle pedophiles" or dare call them still 'priests,' they are not Bishops, they are not clergy, they are PPF
GAY LODGE. And when in uniforms they harass STRAIGHTS, they are not 'police,' they are GAY PPF LODGE. See this page for more about them.
M. In various notes this page and throughout this web site I show proofs that our words come from a common ancient single dialect of symbols about
God and God's design for man. In Genesis we read: "The whole world had the same language and the same words." Genesis 11:1. Obviously, the
first dialect, the very first words, were taught to Adam and Eve, and would have been about the "Name and Existence of God," and about "God's intelligent
design for man and woman." The introduction of God to man would have been in simple single syllables and consisted of SINGLE SYMBOLS for each such
word and name. God would have known how man's mouth would construct sounds, and made it simple on Adam and Eve to learn His Name and theirs, as
well as their nature roles. For example, God's Name is pronounced "E," but the symbol is ROUND "O." The round symbol made with the mouth makes an
"O" sound. "O-b," "O-be," "O-am," "E-xist," "I AM," "I Exist." "Obey." "You preserve your round nature by law also, you were designed to obey My Laws."
"Obey" also has in it "ey(e), eye to eye LAW," of "making and staying in the CONTRACT OF COMMANDMENTS eye to eye, heart to heart, round to round."
You see that symbol of "preserve your round to round law" in "rool" (rule), "room" (the legal space they meet,"), "food" (meet together to nourish), "greet" (eye to
eye meet), etc. In modern longer words, consisting of groupings -- often redundant over time -- of syllable words from the past, we see preserved the LAW OF
THE ROUND NATURE OF MAN and the ROUND NATURE OF GOD -- a legal term -- in Command, Commandment, Comman, Common, Contract, and
Constitution. When read right left, you also see the roots of the AGENCY OF GOD LAW (CONTRACT LAW) in the meaning of "nam(e)." "Together in
God's Name." Obey the laws God taught, not what they taught. Even today, the prefixes of words retain the same Law Of The Round, first syllables, C-O-M,
C-O-N, C-O-L, C-O, as in the words: Commandment, colleagues, college, community, CONTRACT, CONDITIONS, CONSTITUTION, CONSISTENT,
CONSENT. Legal contractual language of a people preserving and obeying the original LAWS OF GOD. Commandments are the legal communal cement
that contract us as one people under God. This is a simple overview, and not intended to be complete. You can research and prove it better than me.
N. In various notes this page I write about the Scriptural proven types of "Paranormal" the Lodge 'slaves' are trapped in -- demonic type paranormal.
Scripture records ancient warnings against these, and records the "test" and "temptation" (lures of Lodge) that trapped the Homosexuals, who because they did
not OBEY THE LAW OF BODY, therefore GOD DID NOT OBEY THEIR BODY PHYSICS and drew alterations, demonic type alterations. I will let you
read the Scriptures: "He shall smash the obelisk ... and destroy with fire the temples of the Egyptian gods." Jeremiah 43:13. "You served as a prostitute with the
Egyptians, your BIG-MEMBERED (Genital paranormal larger or smaller than NATURAL LAW) neighbor, and multiplied your prostitutions to provoke me ...
I will bring on you bloody wrath and jealous anger." Ezekiel 16:15-38. "But she increased her prostitutions ... She lusted for the lechers of Egypt, whose
MEMBERS (Genital paranormal) are like those of DONKEYS, whose THRUSTS ARE LIKE THOSE OF STALLIONS ... Therefore ... thus says the Lord
God: ... I will direct my jealous anger against you." Ezekiel 23:19-25. "You shall not degrade your daughter by making a prostitute of her." Leviticus 19:29.
"Do not tattoo yourselves. I am the Lord." Leviticus 19:28. "Do not turn to ghosts or consult spirits." Leviticus 19:31. "Should anyone turn to ghosts and
spirits and prostitute oneself with them, I will turn against that person ..." Leviticus 20:6. "Let there not be found among you anyone who ... practices divination,
or is a soothsayer, augur, or sorcerer, or who casts spells, consults ghosts and spirits, or seeks oracles from the dead. Anyone who does such things is an
abomination to the Lord ..." Deuteronomy 18:10-14. "You shall not lay with a male as with a woman; such a thing is an abomination." Leviticus 18:22. "If a
man lays with a male as with a woman, they have committed an abomination; the two of them shall be put to death ..." Leviticus 20:13. "[E]very curse written
in this book will pounce on them ... doom, in keeping with all the CURSES OF THE COVENANT written in this book of the law. ..." Deuteronomy 29:19-26.
"You shall not kill. You shall not commit adultery." Deuteronomy 5:17-18. "You shall not offer any of your offspring for immolation to Molech (false deity whose
name is "Shelom", "Chelom," in mirror reverse games of lodge)." Leviticus 18:21. END ABORTION. AND END GAY LODGE.
O. In various notes throughout this page I repeat Scripture warnings of "punishments" in Hell for those who refuse to OBEY GOD'S LAWS. I will not
repeat those Scripture passages here, but will merely focus on one example that they used WRONGFULLY to call it a "threat" by me -- when I wrote publicly for
all to read back then that "GOD WOULD DO IT." The point for this and those notes is this: Reiterating GOD'S WARNINGS of punishments in Scripture or
oral traditions is NOT THREATS made by the person who reiterated those threats from God. The example: "God will REMOVE THEIR TONGUES if they
misuse them, lie, or refuse to speak the Truth." Obviously, the warning is about GOD DOING IT TO THEM IN HELL. But it could also mean God doing so by
Cancer, or an operation, or an accident -- God Incidents. For example, I was watching a telethon summary the other day, and it had on a famous sports caster
whose daughter lost part of her tongue to CANCER. The father thinks it was probably caused by "toxins in food." Doubtful. The first thing I would look at is did
she OBEY EACH AND ALL OF GOD'S LAWS, especially those about use of the tongue: was she a liar, or a lesbian, or voted for making lesbians 'lawful,' etc.
God does things for a purpose, and DRAWS (ANIMATES, SCRIPTS) all Creation. Remember if you merely "vote" to make lesbians 'lawful,' you become a
lesbian IN THE EYES OF GOD. You are what you vote.
P. There are various notes on this page discussing ANIMATION THEOLOGY as the same thing as "Divine Grace," and "Divine Providence." If you
believe in "Grace" or "Divine Providence" you are a believer in Animation Theology, my REALigion. In various notes I discuss how "Grace and Divine Providence
are the 'opposite of Free-Will,'" and therefore proof GOD does AUTHOR our existence, including American History. The lyrics of my new song PredestiNation
quote Scripture passage from Jeremiah 10:23: "I know, Lord, that no one chooses their way; nor determines their course through the days, nor directs their own
step to the minute." Then I add another quote: "You promised to Author to fulfill it." In several notes I then conclude and explain, there cannot be a 'Divine Jesus'
if there exists "Grace," "Divine Providence," "Animation," "Authoring," "Scripting," "Describing," "Drawing" of Creation History or any moment of our lives. If you
pray for "Grace," you believe in Animation Theology -- that God Authors your "thoughts and movements." If you pray for God "to give you Wisdom" or "clean
thoughts," you are an ANIMATIONIST who believes God Intervenes over Free-Will and AUTHORS YOUR "GOOD THOUGHTS," AND "GOOD ACTS."
You are in my REAL-igion (religion). Grace prevents Free-Will. And without Free-Will, there cannot be sin, nor atonements, nor 'redeemer.' See Animation
Theology Exam Meditation. The only difference between me and most of you is that you probably still pretend there is 'free-will,' WHILE YOU PRAY
DAILY FOR "GRACE" AND "WISDOM." Oxymoron. Finally, in at least one note I discuss the STIGMATA. It is paranormal, but without an honest
purpose -- other than to demonstrate that God AUTHORS OUR BODY PHYSICS, or LACK OF PHYSICS IN THE CASE OF STIGMATA. If you
believe in "Stigmata" while you pray for "grace," or "wisdom," or believe in "free-will," you are an OXYMORON; not true logical consistent thought. The fact
is that Stigmata and Grace and Divine Providence and praying for Wisdom all prove that everyone knew GOD IS IN CONTROL. We are Animations IN
THE MIND OF GOD. See Animation Theology Exam and this notes page.
Q. In various notes I discuss how "CELIBACY FOR THE SAKE OF THE KINGDOM" is SIN against God's NUPTIAL DESIGN FOR MAN;
but 'Celibacy (or Virginity) to play act 'married to Jesus the divine bridegroom or husband' is MORTAL SIN OF IDOLATRY and BLASPHEMY. Here is
as Summary of those notes: God draws all and cannot be a drawing. God cannot marry. Jesus the drawing (authored by God) cannot be God. He cannot be
'one-in-being' with God. God is a Singular PERSON: Mother (Father) O (Ab) the Drawer (Creator). God cannot be a 'trinity.' Jesus is contrary to the
possible math reality of God the Creator: Jesus cannot be designed a 'divine' son. Jesus therefore is a hoax 'deity.' 'Marriage to Jesus' is Mortal Sin. I also point
out that there may be times when postponing marriage to a later age is desirable because of adverse circumstances that may endanger a wife and children.
R. False 'Judges,' 'clerks,' 'police,' and PPF 'doctors' oathed to LODGE, not to the PUBLIC RIGHTS OF WE THE PEOPLE; they want 'Secrecy
hearings,' 'Secrecy courts,' 'closed meetings,' 'sealed hearings.' Sealed HEARINGS ARE AGAINST THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES.
You can tell them by their antics. In Massachusetts, Vermont, and New Hampshire they refused to let a LAWYER STRAIGHT MALE PRO-LIFER ROCKER to
REPRESENT MYSELF. They oathed to do that as Lodge which oaths to do hits against straight males they do not like in 'secrecy courts.' They are colluded, often
very scripted, as I write about in various notes. They are playing all sides: the prosecutor and the 'public defender.' They are rehearsed before each 'hearing.' And
that 'Secret Society' knows which ones in the legal and law enforcement arenas are its own Lodge members. They appoint each other to 'courts,' especially to the
'Supreme Court.' They will play both sides, so as to not get caught, and they talk about preserving a 'pendulum swing' of the 'moral climate,' 'while moving the ball
further down the field' toward each of LODGE PLANNED PARENTHOOD'S ABORTION and GAY AGENDAS. Here are a few antics they did to me in those
'secrecy courts and their doctors' that I write about: "You are not getting out of detention unless you confess (unless you stipulate) you are mentally ill." "Unless you
show INSIGHT INTO YOUR 'illness' by CONFESSING YOU ARE ILL." CRIME. And to make it more obvious who they work for, they threatened me: "You
That was George Patrick saying that last threat to me while detained before and without proper trial in Massachusetts. And when it went to trial I WAS FOUND TO
BE "NOT ILL." 814 NE2d 393. Helen Toor in Vermont knew I was a lawyer, but she schemed: "While you are legally trained, it is VERMONT'S OPINION that
S. This note is a summary of some of the notes on this page about "HITS" OF "GAY LODGE POLICE" AGAINST MY PERSON AND NAME.
When in 2004 I went as instructed in prayer to Hanover, NH, Dartmouth College area to live and recorded there in Faulkner Center: "Fusion 21" with a song named
KATERI on it, before it happened in 2005, I went to the Dartmouth College Housing Office and there was a packet you could look at to rent apartments. Later,
after several hits, not discussed in this note, I told the landlord I was moving when she offered me to re-rent the apartment. She and another later both said to: "Go
to the Dartmouth Housing Office" and one of them went further: "It is nearer to White River." When I got to the Housing Office, no packet was out, but they handed
me a packet, and in it the only apartment of my price range, as stated, happened to be A TWO APARTMENT WOOD HOUSE with Todd Jarry, and IGORE
PAPROTNY, a cop, who invited me to dinner and confessed to me: "I worked as a NATO SNIPER in the Norway forces, before transferring to the United States
JUSTICE DEPARTMENT'S micro-robotics branch at DARTMOUTH COLLEGE." Todd Jarry is an Army Brat, who had on the refrigerator when I moved in
photographs of him with army fatigues on and holding a SNIPER ASSAULT RIFLE. I moved in, then found out that immediately across the street, at Street
Number 591 was another POLICE OFFICER living there. He tried to get me on a staged hit, sending his officer buddies to 'serve' a 'writ of No Trespass,' saying
I had 'knocked on his door,' WHEN I NEVER STEPPED ONTO HIS PROPERTY. I had left a packet leaning on HIS PUBLIC TAX PAID WALK AREA
POSTAGE POLE BOX with INCANTATION GIRL, my song on CD ROM, inside that envelope. The cop who came with the fake 'Writ of No Trespass'
said: "We saw the photographs you made, you filmed them here? Those are MIRACLES." They proved they had my CD-ROM. Then he added, "You also
PLAYED VARSITY HOCKEY FOR DARTMOUTH, right?" He said he also played hockey at "University Of Vermont." That CD-ROM they had, was also
part of the evidence EATON'S 'COURT' POLICE STEPPED ON AND SHATTERED before they unlawfully detained me. See the notes. Now I want you
to think of this list of more recent hits as COPS IN LODGE, PLANNED PARENTHOOD'S BULLY GUARDS trying to make false 'probable causes' to detain
and cause you to back down, etc. Most of these have witnesses, and that is why I choose them for this brief overview. (By the way, I can prove Todd and Igore
ARE GAYS. The first thing after I moved in, they invited me to go with them to a 'cross-dressing' 'miniskirt party' to which Todd wore a miniskirt. I refused to go.
I also have a long list of other proofs that both Todd and Igor are orgyists, gay lodge, 33rds.) They are NOT CITIZENS. See notes. And these more recent
assaults, threats, bullyings, are the same group of LODGE POLICE who as GAY 'Sergeant' McCARTHY kicked off my tape recorder when I asked him in
uniform tax paid to "IDENTIFY YOURSELVES." He said wrongly and against the CONSTITUTION and his tax pay: "Brian, it is unlawful for you to be
taping me." I said: "I went to law school. It is lawful for me to ask you to Identify yourselves on tape." He pulled the plug out repeatedly. Then they GANG
RAPED TACKLED ME and cut my wrist with handcuffs. I posted that AUDIO. They had all that and the AUDIO OF SHIRAZI in trail as part of my
web site that the judge, WILSON, put "in its entirety into evidence" as part of that TRIAL EXONERATION that is 814 NE2d 393. I will shorten the
recent list: When I was released from unlawful detention in 2013, I went to a pond and walking trail with a witness, Tom. As we were walking a police officer
with a teenage male and his mother were walking toward us, and the youth said pointing at me: "That's him. That is the one." We ignored them. But there
was no other persons behind us on that trail. But they did not do anything as we walked past them. Tom then said: "See, they were looking for someone else."
Maybe? Doubtful, because no one else was on that trail. I ignored it. When I moved into my present apartment five years ago, there was shortly after three
police cars with lights flashing down outside my window, and out the other window was a POLICE VAN and two other police cars lights flashing. I ignored it.
They left after about 1 hour. Then later, a car was left outside this apartment, and a police officer came up the stairs, and our hallway has very thin walls. Over
his body radio it said: "If he does not open the door, arrest him." The cop knocked on my door and I opened. All he said was: "Do you know who owns that
car out front?" Then he left. One year later, I was rehearsing music for upcoming CDs at a friends house, as I was often doing. The police knocked on the
door. I heard them say: "There was a break in into a car of a neighbor, and we wanted to see if you want us to check the cars in your parking lot?" Possible
coincidence again. Yes? But later when I was driving to their house to record, a police officer followed behind me at close distance for a lengthy distance.
And later after posting Radio Volume 1, I came home to this apartment, and in my parking lot were two police cars sitting there. I ignored them. After I
parked and took my music gear upstairs, they left. You think these coincidence? Well, when I went for a haircut about a year and a half ago, the police
in unmarked black SUV followed us, I had witnesses, and he turned on his flashing lights. Then he turned them off. I went into the haircut place, and suddenly
a marked police car came and parked outside the haircut place and sat there ten feet from me on the other side of the window for five to ten minutes. Then left.
You still think it coincidence? Then how about this, twice recently with a woman named Laura as witness, they went lights flashing into the store parking lot
while I was in that small store. Then they left after we left. I could list many more, but ask yourselves, "What are they doing?" Obvious.
T. In various notes I discuss how LODGE (Police State-ists) PPF Oath to 'OWN ALL THE POSSIBLE MEDIAS OF COMMUNICATION.'
Whether it be radio, television, newsprint, internet, schools, church pulpits, any and all means of sharing teachings about THE REAL GOD OF THE TEN
COMMANDMENTS WHO HATES PLANNED PARENTHOOD. They oathed to block out the REAL GOD. They do it, as stated in another note,
by playing both sides, 'conservative' and 'liberal' -- while they manipulate public opinion and block out true news and true LAWS OF GOD. If you are a
U. In a note this page, I briefly discuss "THE MEANING OF TRUE PHILANTHROPY IN GOD'S EYES." I say in that note the ways that
David Koch was not a true philanthropist. HE DID AND WAS DONOR OF MONEY TO ACTS AGAINST THE LAWS OF GOD. Fox News
confessed "he was a social liberal who believed in 'same sex marriages,' and was in favor of abortion." All of his alleged 'philanthropic good works'
WERE TO NO AVAIL. He hated the REAL GOD OF THE TEN COMMANDMENTS. You cannot do or fund (which is complicit, doing) any
ACT AGAINST GOD'S LAWS and pretend you are 'philanthropy.' It is lunacy. TRUE PHILANTHROPY is ONLY THAT WHICH OBEYS and
PRESERVES each and every letter of GOD'S LAWS. This includes God's Laws against ABORTION, HOMOSEXUALS, TRANSGENDERS,
such as HIV-AIDS. A person who gets HIV-AIDS should never dare touch and harm or risk harming another person. Period. It is not 'good,' nor
'philanthropic' to teach or fund 'organizations' who teach otherwise. Your are what you fund. Ending AIDS may be a good thing. But pretending that
'God did not intelligently design HIV-AIDS' is HERESY, IDOLATRY, and BLASPHEMY. God Authors all. Including all microbes.
V. In various notes I discuss how PLANNED PARENTHOOD (LODGE) OATHS TO "DIVIDE AND CONQUER" ("Split The Baby").
What I mean here is they oath to splinter PRO-LIFE issues, works, into seemingly opposite agendas, so as to divide the public into fractions against
themselves, so that they will not unite and END PLANNED PARENTHOOD. As example: A true Conserv-ative wants to CONSERVE THE
AGAINST ANY AND ALL ABORTIONS (MURDERS). Lodge manipulated public sentiments so that 'liberals' want part of that agenda, and
'conservatives' want another part of that agenda. That way no unification under one REAL TRUE AND FULL "PRO-LIFE AGENDA." I discuss
in several notes how this relates to 'religious DENOMINATIONS.' They want there to be many factions, each with truths and each with lies.
W. This note is about "World At Peace," my song, and building the Rules (Laws) of the New Earth Now, before God makes it. "See,
I am creating new heavens and a new earth; the former things shall not be remembered nor come to mind." Is 65:17-18. "No infant shall die," and
"The wolf and the lamb shall pasture together, and the lion shall eat hay like the ox." Isaiah 65:20,25. "For see, the Lord will come in fire, ... like a
stormwind; To wreak his anger in burning rage and his rebuke in fiery flames ... Just as the new heavens and the new earth which I am making."
Isaiah 66:15-22. "Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth. The former heaven and the former earth had passed away." Revelations 21:1 Fox
News recently had a cooking contest and the viewers voted on who had the best cooking recipe. THE VOTERS largely selected the "GRILLED
CHEESEBURGERS RECIPE of Pete Hegseth." I tell you, and in Back To Eden Exam Scripture Meditation, there will not be any killing of
animals NOR ANY HAMBURGERS ON THE REAL MATH "NEW EARTH." Read Scripture. I suggest you start eating like you want to live
on NEW EARTH. Fox News also reported on "companies offering PLANT-BASED burgers and nuggets instead of beef and chicken." I am all
for that. I do not believe in HUNTING. I eat VEGETARIAN. The only time I do not, at present, is when at others' houses, etc. That will change.
Only the LAWS OF GOD are our lasting PEACE. And nothing against God's laws will be in your memories on New Earth. See Isaiah. You will
not remember then ever eating any meat, let alone a cheeseburger. I suggest you eat what you will remember on New Earth.
Scripture as taught Moses, the meaning of "excommunication" is an automatic result of sin against the Commandments, by which God promised to
"Cut such person(s) off from amidst the community," and/or also a worse form of "excommunication" which is "to put them to death." In Potter's
Wheel Exam Scripture Meditation I discuss those two forms of excommunication. I will list some of them here: Abortion, Homosexuality,
Incest, Contraceptives, cult behaviors of witchcraft, seances and all attempts to contact the dead or ghosts or spirits, divination, prostitution, etc.
"Anyone who does such things is an abomination to the Lord, and because of such abominations the Lord, your God, IS DISPOSSESSING
THEM BEFORE YOU." Deuteronomy 18:10-13. That term "dispossessing them" means "cutting them off from life." "They shall be publicly
CUT OFF from the people" Leviticus 20:17. "For whoever does any of these abominations (sins) shall be CUT OFF from the people."
Leviticus 18:29; Leviticus 20:4-5. Of those God singles out some for "death penalties." ABORTION: "Whoever takes the life of any human
being SHALL BE PUT TO DEATH." Leviticus 24:17, 21. MEDIUMS or CLAIRVOYANTS OF LODGE: "Shall be put to death." Leviticus
20:27. HOMOSEXUALS: "If a man lays with a male as with a woman, they have committed an ABOMINATION; the TWO OF THEM SHALL
BE PUT TO DEATH; their bloodguilt is upon them." Leviticus 20:13. It is about the LAW, not about some dry pieces of bread. See notes.
Y. My song Last Man Standing is a prayer for all when you feel alone trying to obey God's LAWS in this world now. It also is a play-on-
words using the LEGAL TERM OF ART: "STANDING." That means you have ACCESS AND WILL BE HEARD in GOD'S EYES AND
GOD'S COURT because you obey each and all of the LAWS OF GOD. In some of the notes, I write further about the meaning of "AGENCY
IN THE NAME OF GOD" as a "CONTRACT LAW PRINCIPLE." It means AGENCY IN THE EYES OF GOD to do God's bidding as part
of the CONTRACT (COVENANT) OF LAWS. You have to obey the LAWS to remain "in the scope of AGENCY OF GOD." BE smART,
Z. This final Paragraph to the Intro to my News And Notes is "Z" for "Z-ana" or "Por-ne, por-nh, porna, pornea." The Hebrew LAW
OF GOD always condemned acts "against, contrary to, at war with GIVING LIFE." Noah, Moses, and even Jesus all report that "POR-NH" or
The prefix "por" is the opposite of "PRO." Por-Life is the opposite of PRO-LIFE. And the prefixes "z", and "a", mean the same as "por." A-BORT is
the opposite of BIRTH. A-nus (anus) IS THE WRONG SIDE AND OPPOSITE OF ProNE (prone, the right side to GIVE LIFE.) Pornea is
whenever he had INTERCOURSE ... HE WASTED (withdrew, spilled, contracepted) HIS SEED (sperm) on the ground, to avoid giving offspring ...
I finally took my mother's advice about something; she said the other day when I played for her "Think About You" studio mix,
"I really hope you rerecord your Pro-Life song I like so much and include that in your new CD, record it with John." I was not planning on doing that.
I already included that song, Rachel Weeping, on two prior CDs. I prayed about it, and remembered how much others liked that song as well.
So I did a rough draft recording of it. Now I have decided to record it for the Radio Volume 1 music CD. It is called "Rachel Weeps." (See above)
The following CD Booklet for Radio Volume 1 was made last night. It is posted as a jpeg version also at that music CD page. Most of the lyrics
on Radio Demos: eARTh Is Round CD of my rough drafts are in the Booklet for the studio better versions on Radio Volume 1. Some changes were made to lyrics,
some additions, some minor alterations. Yet I felt it good for the audiophiles out there to be able to compare the rough draft demos with the final
recorded songs. PDF CD Booklet: Volume 1 CD Booklet.pdf
If you read the above CD Booklet you will see that Radio Demos and Radio Volume 1 music CDs are ecumenical, no diatribes, only good common themes.
I played Think About You also for my dad. He seldom praises my music, nor do we agree religiously, and he said the recording is: "Good. Big time."
Those are his words. The producer is aware of my past, and said any concerns about my past are "Silly, everyone is entitled to a new beginning."
That is not meant as a religious note, merely a fact. We both find each other "easy to work with, dude."
In addition to letting audiophiles hear the rough drafts and then the final versions from studio, there were a few other practical reasons I decided to make rough drafts first.
I live on an access road with much traffic, loud, and therefore I could not use the microphones best for recording in quieter environments.
I use a mic that often peaks out and distorted the sound of vocals at times.
Second, I live in an apartment that has other people living in it, and I record all through head phones, except vocals.
I limit the vocals to only a few minutes each day I record. I record only one song. And I usually take only an hour for each song.
Everyone tells me I can be "louder," but I am considerate.
Third, I have a relatively newer style recorder, but the user manual is not complete and I have not figured out how to use it that well.
I don't use reverb or compressors on the rough draft demos. And I rarely play with the tones.
Fourth, studios are better, and working with another professional mixer is good, I enjoy it.
Finally, I am not a drummer. John is a drummer and a mixer, producer.
I have at my studio a small practice electric drum set, very limited, and no cymbals are used. He is much better.
This is where the rough draft demos on Radio Demos, eARTh Is Round were recorded quickly.
This is not the studio that recorded the final versions on Radio Volume 1.
All instruments in my home studio are recorded line out through headphones, quiet.
The rhythm guitars were recorded on the Boogie. Line out.
The lead tones on the past three CDs were on the Marshall. Also line out.
The posted "Exams" were my meditations for each related CD, daily.
The CD Covers for the rough drafts are purposefully sketches, rough.
The CD Cover for the radio versions is photographic quality.
In case you were wondering about the cut out pasted guitar art I made for Radio Volume 1, it is Fair Use.
Explained: A. I had no Sears catalogue from the 1970s. B. Schools daily use publications to cut out as paste art.
C. It does not hinder the marketability of either the seller of Gibson Les Pauls, or the vendors, rather it enhances the marketability,
like Free Advertising. D. I used an outdated older catalogue to cut it out from. E. I altered its coloration some.
F. It tells a story as New Art. If I had a 70s catalogue, I would have used that to cut out from.
I can think of other reasons it is fair use, like the fact I am not in competition selling Les Pauls. I went to law school.
If you asked yourself why I do music instead of practice law? Because I love music. And I have a double disability.
One of those makes reading tedious legal texts difficult. The other is a bad arthritic back. I had a spinal fusion in 1985
while playing varsity ice hockey for Dartmouth College. In the years since, my back has degenerated above and below
the original fusion site. I can only stand or sit for certain lengths of time, and walk only certain distances. As for drawing,
it is tedious also. MUSIC, on the other hand, comes very naturally, easy. The other reason is a promise I made to God,
but that is a religious discussion that I will not have on this page. We all try to use the talents we have been given for good.
Another thing that came to mind when thinking about the CD Booklet for Radio Volume 1, see link to pdf posted above,
is that you may wonder how I write my lyrics? That too is a religious discussion, not for this page, except to say that
I meditate daily on the Exams and the included Scripture passages in each for that CD, the specifics and general themes.
Prayer makes all good things possible. And a little just anger at what has happened to the earth. There is hope.
You may be wondering what the Cover to Radio Volume 1 means? The cut out pasted small guitar represents a dream
to master guitar and a promise I made to God. The guitar grows, develops, toward the sun's light, upright. The waves
represent the journey, the distance to travel, the dream to be realized, to become a stand alone pine tree solid on the earth
upright and also growing to the sun's light.
I finished the rough draft demos for POTTER's WHEEL. Now I take a break.
Instead I will focus on Radio Volume 1.
Why the periodical magazine or children book style illustrations in the CD Booklet for Radio Volume 1, see link above, is easy to answer.
At the Radio Volume 1 web page I tried to make the point that those illustrations are more "Art" than a self portrait. I had people tell me
I "could be a good illustrator for books." It made me think, and I did exactly that for my CD Booklet. Which are more "First Amendment
Free Speech/Art," the illustrations in the Booklet, or the self portrait that won the Boston Globe Art Contest? Which are speech?
I forgot to write yesterday that I test printed on inkjet the Radio Volume 1 CD Booklet. It looks nice. Will be best when fully printed at
the print shop. I realize many of you have inkjet printers, and the Booklet looks great on that as well. It tested it on standard multipurpose
print paper for inkjets.
I posted my studio notes for Potter Wheel on the Radio Volume 1 web page for today.
The song Potter Wheel, I told John, was originally another song I wrote the year after college, 1989. I kept the chorus music, and added
the verse music in 1998. Recently I rewrote the lyrics this year. Sometimes a good song is a long journey in making. Prayer.
Supplement to my studio notes: I rehearsed my songs and did my experimenting when making the Rough Drafts Radio Demos CD,
in that way most of my studio recording this past month were "first takes" on Radio Volume 1 CD. I learned in 1994 that studio recording
time can add up in time and money fast! We spent nearly most of the first day recording one song and setting up in 1994. John picks things
up quicker on drums, and that saves me time and money. Also part of the problem in 1994 was that I experimented in studio, instead of
rehearsing everything first and sticking to what I wanted. Because of the rough drafts, this time I did not have to experiment in studio.
The producer is fitting me in a tight schedule, once a week, on low budget. We record about 1 song and mix it, roughly 2-3 hours
each time. This will be much less costly, and a better production. Being able to stick to "first takes" really helps.
Another consideration, it is always a question as to whether you want another musician you work with or producer to hear Rough Drafts,
or to hear with "fresh ears" the REHEARSED music. I am not a drummer. I hired the producer to mix and play drums on my recording.
But I did not want him to be biased by my bad drumming on my Demos. I wanted instead to see what he comes up with for each song
with his ears. So far I am pleased. A good decision. I like his style of drumming.
For guitarists about strings. I used light gauge strings. I always played with light gauge strings on prior studio recordings. Then I tried
extra-light strings on non-studio recordings. I found that extra-light strings are too thin and whiney and the chords and lead tones do
not sing as much. In studio, tone matters more, and light gauge strings are almost as playable as extra-light strings.
One final note on the song Potter Wheel on Radio Volume 1. The producer said during the recording, "I really like the chords
you use in your songs." I was playing variations on chords, adding open strings to bar chords. That is the chorus for Potter Wheel.
Then I added piano over those chords and somewhat masked the ringing and hypnotic sound of those chords. Yet I love piano.
Some additional studio notes about amps, piano, effects. No effects pedals are used. I use only the gain on the amp. Some reverb
is added after in the amount dictated by that song. The amp I use on Radio Volume 1 is the Marshall, with a 5 watt switch to studio
power setting, instead of its normal 20 watts. Tubes. Line out, clean, no hissing. I heard a studio demo once of an expensive amp
that had a lot of hiss. I like it clean. The Marshall is only a head, no speaker. It is light and easy to carry. No need to mic the amp
today with better amps. However, I lost a Mesa that had great tones, once, and tried to replace it with a cheaper tube amp, it sounded
terrible. I had to purchase a new Mesa, and then the Marshall. Not all tube amps sound good. The cheaper ones don't. As for piano,
I am a guitarist and bassist (by necessity), and I like my bass tone to carry the bass, not the piano. I played right hand only in studio.
That way the piano bass does not fight or overwhelm the better bass line on the guitar bass.
I have not forgotten Pro-Life legal concerns. This page I wanted General News and Notes, primarily studio notes. I have Pro-Life
meditations in the EXAMS for each CD. Including scriptures that call abortion "murder" and that "The child's life is equal to the life
of the parent. Both are mine."
On electronic drum kits, quantizing, versus robots. I saw on television that "robots will take our jobs." Wrong, when it comes to music.
The producer is an excellent drummer. He plays an electronic drum kit, and can quantize any miss hits on drums. Which is cool, because
he is just learning my songs in studio. I can't do that with guitar, and I am not a robot playing guitar. They probably can program a robot
to play my songs, but can they play "with feel," something "human"?
On digital instruments and sampling sounds. If a studio or musician can afford a real strings or flute player, they should pay for a real
strings or flute player in studio. If a studio or musician cannot afford those players, they should use a digital or synth version of those sounds.
On Not Maybe on Radio Demos, I use the flute sound on a mini synthesizer. I will use that sound on Radio Volume 1 version of that song.
However, I am against sampling other people's sounds or tones. That to me is stealing.
A note on cof-fee, the symbol of the coffee cup for the Radio Volume 1 CD Booklet, the page for Potter Wheel and Spiraling, Rachel Weeps.
It has the word "fee" in it, and is also a "wake up" in the morning symbol. Then there is a personal note, I drink 4 cups of coffee daily. On tv
they repeatedly say that many is "good for your health and longevity." I do it probably because of the med I am taking, makes me a bit tired.
Also, I sleep about 7 to 8 hours a night. On that medication I doze off around 9 PM, earlier than in past years, and sleep until 5. I laugh because
I am on a "9 to 5 schedule." My grandfather used to say: "early to bed, early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise."
On motivation as compared to money. I wrote Radio Volume 1 for God and the public. I want to make it free of charge, but I have to be realistic
and also think about money. Here is my compromise: I will as planned make the m4a files of each song available for FREE at my web site.
The better quality CD of those songs, wave files, will be published and sold. However, I may give out 100 CDs free.
On guitar leads for each song. As the lyrics, I write my guitar leads in prayer, and try to make them appropriate for each song. On the Demos
I explore lead possibilities, and then keep what works or I rewrite it for Radio Volume 1. Sometimes I want the lead to integrate the melody
of the vocals, sometimes I want the lead to speak for itself. Throughout a project I also like to mixture "slow hand" and "fast hand" techniques.
On bass guitar. How do I write my bass lines? Prayer and lead guitar. I wrote most of the bass for Radio Volume 1 on my guitar.
I find I explore different bass lines that way, and in Think About You it lead to a not standard bass line. At the end of the song
during the guitar lead, I removed that line from guitar underlay and bass and played a more standard bass, not to compete with
the lead guitar, and to add variety to the sound of the song at the end of it.
On lyrics and vocals. Also written in prayer. I think of myself more as a medium of the ARTIST ABOVE, a lyricist first, then a vocalist
secondly. I say in Treasure Troved that God writes the songs, not us. On this project I feel God has filled my basket. Sometimes the
songs come to me music first, sometimes lyrics first, but lately they have often come with music line and basic lyrics simultaneously.
On music and religious convictions. Without going into a religious discussion on this page, I want to say that I used to try very
hard to "evangelize" others. Now that I am tired, wiser, and old, I merely want to share the music and God's real positive law, and then
let others make up their own mind. I keep my conversations now very simple.
More religious notes without a religious discussion. (A) I used to integrate "speaking/singing in tongues" into my music productions.
Not any longer, because of change of belief and heart concerning "tongues." (B) I have gotten rid of "religiosity," all that is not real positive law
of God. Better to live God's law than to practice religiosities. (C) In prior booklet I wrote scriptural passage notations in the margins of the
CD Book. Now instead I made meditations as EXAMS including numerous scripture passages for all to read, but do not included those in the
CD Book for Radio Volume 1. (D) I tried to make that project ecumenical, universal appeal to those who want God's real positive law,
One Nation Under God.
On the Disc Label at the Radio Volume 1 web page. The Disc Label there now is obviously a draft, that will not be the Disc Label on the
Wave files CD when it is printed. When I have that made I will use a template and make sure the Disc Label is exact. Gives you a reason to
want the actual Wave files CD in addition to the FREE m4a versions posted at the web site. The actual Disc Label will be different. The
Cover and CD Booklet will not change.
On Art compared to prostituting talents. When I was in college I was in a band and wrote songs. I also wrote a jingle for a company.
I felt like I prostituted my talent when I wrote a jingle for money. It was on the school radio. When I won the Boston Globe National
Scholastic Art Contest, see drawing at Radio Volume 1 page, I felt the same way. Why? Because I thought about the AP judges when
the teacher assigned "self portraits" and I chose clothing that was not me, but was "stereotypical artsy" "artistic" looking. I did not want
to submit that drawing to the Boston Globe Contest, but the teacher said, "Trust me. That is the one." It won first place. Do you think
I won because of my drawing, or because of the clothes?
On piano compared to most of my song writing. The only song on Radio Volume 1 that I wrote on piano is Old Photographs.
I later changed it when I rewrote it some on guitar. Most of my years piano was more intimate, prayer and improvisations. Guitar was
how I wrote most of my songs, then I would add piano later, as on Potter Wheel.
On Art and current events. Often art comments on current events, thus it is important to stay informed. I watch TV for that. I watch
2 different "news" channels to compare their "reporting" of "current events." They are radically different. They are not on the same planet.
Last post for a while. I have written about a number of Recording and Song Writing topics on this page. Now I will wait for more
news before I update this page again.
The studio notes for Spiraling are at the Radio Volume 1 web page.
Supplement to the studio note on the song Spiraling. I wrote the song in 1998 after learning of an alleged "miracle" staircase.
After recording it then, I learned that it is not an actual confirmed miracle. The song was for me always about how God shapes us
like wood in prayer. I rewrote the song this year, 2018, to be more ecumenical with universal themes of how we are the wood
God shapes daily in prayer into that spiral staircase that helps others climb through life. The producer liked the lyrics and music,
especially "the groove."
On betterment compared to mere entertainment. Real art betters the audience. It conforms to real thought, honest law. And
when it conveys a message, it is First Amendment protected Free Speech. Entertainment is not speech. It is not protected. I have
seen a culture that went from trying to "better themselves" with their reading, prayer, movies, music, news, to instead a climate that
seeks only to "entertain themselves." And "obscenity" is neither Speech, nor is it Art. It has no protection under real positive law.
The same is true about false religious beliefs, a lie is not protected, it is not religion, not speech. No one has a right to a lie, nor to lie.
However, religious beliefs are difficult to regulate because of so many real and false "miracles" that seem to confirm so many different
religious beliefs. I pray God straightens out the "miracles" mess. Truth is the only right. The right to the real facts, including in "news."
Additional note about Spiraling on Radio Volume 1. I designed and hand built a boat in 2003. I had to wet the wood first then
bend it into shape and let it dry with wood glue. It was built in prayer. The experience gave me more insight into working with God
to make art. That boat, however, never floated evenly well, because it "rocks." Literally, rocks side to side. Humbling to work
so hard and not have it work perfectly, then again, the experience was well worth it.
On seeking perfection, budget, versus Persian rugs. There are times to seek perfection in making art. There are times you get
the job done the best you can based on time and/or budget constraints. Both are art, only the later might be more "everyday perfection."
On the Cover of Radio Volume 1. Have childlike confidence in God. The journey to make "real art." To become wood and guts
guitar. Rough drafts can become real. Art conveys a message, no matter how simple it looks. A cheap guitar can become a
meaningful guitar. Work toward your dreams to realize them. All good dreams are possible with God. Let the children dream
and grow. Make the daily struggle to stand firm in Truth, to be lone pine trees. Write music that is light, not darkness.
On Rachel Weeps and Universe and the meaning of the word "life" as "conception," an ecumenical truth.
I wrote Rachel Weeping (now Rachel Weeps) in 1994 on guitar, after hearing in prayer about abortion: "Will you run away also?"
I then wrote Universe in 1998 and later added the lyrics about "she thinks she can rewrite the meaning of words." The fact PPF
has repeatedly tried to alter the definition of the word "life" as "conception" to be "after implantation" instead of properly at "fertilization"
is legal admission (proof) that Planned Parenthood knew the chemicals and devices they sold as "contraceptives" are often "abortions."
An additional note about my song Universe. It amazes me that a race of people who once were the victims of efforts to define
them as "less human" ("less than human life") now abort more human babies than they give birth.
Two added notes on Rachel Weeps and Universe. I said above on this page that I will not have "singing in tongues" on Rachel
Weeps, although I did earlier on Rachel Weeping. I felt I should clarify why. "Tongues" is paranormal during which I do not know
what language or message God is speaking. And when I could understand the message or references, it did or could include false
doctrine. I will not be a medium for lies. "Tongues" will not appear in any of my current or future recordings. On Universe, the song
is pro-life, pro-marriage. And it is also against people who casually sin pretending 'someone else will pay their price.' Ecumenically,
Jews and Christians believe that "if a person sins hoping they will later be forgiven, they will not be forgiven." Without a lengthier
religious discussion on this page, I felt that commonality should be mentioned about my song.
My brief studio note for the song Universe is posted at the Radio Volume 1 web page. One additional note here is that I noticed
a glitch in a few songs that will be fixed for the final CD release Wave file version. You have the advance FREE versions. As example,
Universe has a minor glitch near the end of the song where it has "Sh ... She thinks she's the Universe." The double "sh" will be fixed.
My short studio notes for Rachel Weeps and Treasure Troved are at the Radio Volume 1 web page. The producer liked both, but
especially the chords and lyrics of Rachel Weeps. See my earlier notes about both songs above on this same page.
See my additional studio update note at the Radio Volume 1 page. The producer agreed with me on adjusting Rachel Weeps, and also
reducing the cymbal crash work in Treasure Troved, maybe two other songs also. Changes will be on the final CD.
Added note on possible minor change to lyrics in the 2nd chorus of Universe. I may add this line: "She thinks she's the Universe,
all her lies are rehearsed." Because while she tried to alter the definition of 'life' and 'conception,' she did it as a very rehearsed cult.
On my song Maybe Tomorrow. The main song was written in 1989, then later I made changes to it. This past year I rewrote the
chorus and added two lyric verses. It is ecumenical, about not waiting to put your trust in God and the promise of a "New Earth."
Recording session is off this weekend, the producer is going on a trip. Will record Maybe Tomorrow and Peripheral Vision next.
Peripheral Vision was originally written by me on piano without lyrics in 1985, it only became a guitar song with lyrics years later. In
2004 I added verses, and then this year I added the current chorus and two new verse sections.
A meditation on the "midterms" and accountability for what you vote to allow. If Jews voted to allow Nazi concentration
death camps, they would be guilty of the murder of millions of their own race. If you vote for abortion, you vote for murder, and you
are guilty of all the murders that will happen if abortion is upheld. When blacks vote 80% against unborn human babies, they are as
a race guilty of all those murders, and guilty of making their race "80% presumed murderers." (80% presumed evil). If Irish voted
80% to murder Irish babies, they would be guilty of all those murders, and would be rationally "presumed 80% evil." They take away
the "presumption of innocent" as a people when they voted as monolithic cult, instead of as free rational people.
Added note on the "midterms" and "group accountability" and "presumption." If you joined a gang, you are guilty of all that
gang does. If that gang murders 10 babies, you are guilty of 10 murders. If it murders 1,000 babies, you are guilty of 1,000 murders.
Put it bluntly, who would be stupid enough to vote for abortion? You will be judged for the murder of millions of babies. And if you
think you can vote for abortion then go ask for forgiveness, you will not be forgiven. Jews and Christians agree on that. It is called
"presumption." See my earlier notes on my songs Universe and Rachel Weeps.
On Roe v. Wade as an Establishment of a Religion. It quotes religious texts about theories of timing of "ensoulment" to justify
a trimester outcome. It quotes Thomas Aquinas tri-mester type religious hoax theory of "3 stages in the womb" including "vegetative"
and "animated" stages. It rejects one Religion (pro-life religion) in favor of Satanism (anti-life religion) and Atheism (anti-moral
accountability religion). In doing so, it rejects God's right to the child: "The life of the parent is equal to (like) the life of the child,
both are mine." Ezekiel 18:4. Killing a child is "murder." Ez 16:15-38. "You knit me in my mother's womb." Psalm 139:13.
The rejection of God's right to the child is the Establishment of an Anti-God Religion. They also now fund it with taxes.
On "inalienable" means "inalienable" (not subject to being 'contracted' away, not sellable, not purchasable).
The Constitution is a Contract, guaranteeing inalienable right to the truth, and to tell the truth. That right cannot be sold. Most important
among those rights is the "right to the truth about candidates and office holders." That right belongs to We The People. It is a mockery
and role reversal of law (role reversal of thought) to pretend their can be for Congress or for a Presidential Candidate any alleged
"non-disclosure agreement." They have violated the Constitutional Contract with their own alleged 'contracts' against our right.
They also used taxes to make those payments against our right to the plain truth about them.
On the deceptive use of pills or chemicals to induce "sexual relations," Cosby and PPF. A woman said to me yesterday,
"The important thing is that women stood up to say they would not allow Cosby to harm another woman. ... And maybe it will
prevent any other women from being so harmed in the future." Yes, that is true. But when I filed for men's right not to be
deceived into an abortive (murderous) relationship with a woman, trying in what way I could to prevent it from happening to
any other men, the women/court/AG all mocked and laughed at it and their mandamus responsibilities. That pill is their church.
Cosby's pill was his 'fun,' and women's pill is their 'fun,' all at the expense of others.
On the Objective definition of Conception at Fertilization, compared to the Subjective Religions of "Ensoulment,"
"Implantationism," and "Viability" Schisms. Other than the objective moment of conception at fertilization when there
is no longer the genetics of the woman, nor the genetics of the man, rather their is a unique human baby with his or her own
genetics, -- all other attempts to 'define' 'life'/'conception' are inherently RELIGIONS. Three of those religions Established
by the Government are: 1) "Ensoulment" Schism, 2) "Implantationism" Schism, and 3) "Viability" Schism. Those are
religions. Any statute or case that used one or more of those religions is UNCONSTITUTIONAL. Moreover, if any
alleged 'religion' believed in 'human sacrifice,' the Court would be required to decree that is not a valid 'religion.'
On the inalienable right to the Establishment of Truth as We The People's / Government's DUTY and PURPOSE of
our/its existence. As I wrote earlier on this page, the reason Religion is a fundamental right is because real Religion is a
CREDIBLE CLAIM of TRUTH. Two points: 1) If it is not credible Truth, it cannot be a valid "religion;" and 2) If it is a
Real Religion because it is the Truth, then it is the People's and Government's duty to Establish that TRUTH, not a lie. The
only reason there is no Government Established of Truth in "religious discussions" is because there are multiple "credible
claims of Truth" because God has made many "miracles" that appear to confirm multiple "religious" beliefs. Again, the
INALIENABLE DUTY and RIGHT of the People and our Government is to the TRUTH. The Establishment of TRUTH
is not an unconstitutional establishment of religion. For example, the TEN COMMANDMENTS are recognized as the
TRUTH by EVERY MAJOR RELIGION (Jews, Christians, and Muslims). Yet Government wants to treat them as a "lie."
On civic duty to ask Ms. Ford relevant obvious questions because she asserted PUBLIC KNOWN FACTS as if her
private memories. Mark Judge wrote a book. In it he describes himself as a recovering alcoholic and addict. He also in that
book placed himself working at the grocery store Ms. Ford says she "afterward ran into him working there." She (PPF) placed
a known alcoholic addict in a bedroom with Brett Kavanaugh and herself. They failed to ask her basic questions: She is a
Democrat; She participated in public protest against Donald Trump; She works at PPF/Stamford; Did she know about Judge's
book? Did she know he is a alcoholic addict? How often did she go to that grocery store? Why did she not know then that
he worked there? If she went there often, or more than once, she would have known in advance she would see him there.
Opposition research of Brett Kavanaugh would have focused on Mark Judge's book. Obvious they knew it. She did not
have to see him there herself to invent a memory of seeing him there in 1982 as a "memory for FBI investigation."
Additional notes about my songs Maybe Tomorrow and Peripheral Vision. Both song are ecumenical, with Maybe Tomorrow
looking forward to the new earth (redrawing, resurrection of our body), while Peripheral Vision looks back at how God molded
(animated, drew, authored) "evolution" -- intelligently designing all creatures over time. The "photos" are those proving God
animates (draws) creation in and with God's Mind.
On "life" versus 'quality' of 'life.' A man said to me: "An old doctor once told me that he knew he was snuffing out one life,
but he was 'saving' another 'life.'" It is the old tired argument of gays that killing the baby 'saves' the 'life' of the mother. God does
not allow murder to save the 'quality of life' of someone: 1) to gain a will, 2) life insurance policy, 3) an unwanted spouse, 4) unwanted
baby girls, 5) babies with birth defects, 6) anyone who threatens our quality of life or whose death would 'benefit' us. God commanded:
"For all life is mine. The child's life is equal to (like) the life of the mother; both are mine. Only the one who sins shall die."
Ezekiel 18:4 God favors the innocent sinless unborn child's life over the sinful life of the mother.
On test tube and frozen human children ("embryos") as fully conceived. A 'catholic' 'doctor' with the 'Catholic Medical Ass.'
years ago said to me this lie: "I do not think God would have anything to do with those things in test tubes." He argued wrongly that
they "were not human babies ("human embryos") because 'God would not ensoul them' in test tubes." There is not allowed that
heresy false dogma of 'ensoulment' -- it is a fake religion of the gays. The OBJECTIVE TRUTH is that a child is "CONCEIVED
AT THE MOMENT OF FERTILIZATION" in all cases, no exceptions, no exemptions. Anything else is a FALSE RELIGION.
See my earlier note this page on the heresy schisms of "IMPLANTATIONISM" and "VIABILITY" RELIGIONS.
On my song Had Enough. It was written in 2016 when I decided to write this CD in my old age: "I've had enough of feeling this rust.
I've had enough of being kicked to the dust." In addition to the false doctrines, false religions mentioned above on this page, I've had
enough of the following: 1) The burden of proof being role reversal altered (opposited, turned upside down, backward) from the
"PRESUMPTION OF INNOCENCE" and "BEYOND A REASONABLE DOUBT to detain" into the mere "preponderance of
the evidence," then to "presumed guilty" -- they even invented a 'private' 'closed' 'sealed' 'court' to indoctrinate their sham of
perversions against JUSTICE AND DUE PROCESS; 2) wombs altered from welcoming pro-life to murderous (abortive); 3) Bruce
and Bradley wanting to be role reversal mutilated into 'Kaitlyn' and 'Chelsea;' and 4) Gays pretending they can 'marry.'
On my song Old Photographs. It was written on piano first with lyrics a few months before 9/11/2001. The line "We are dancers in old
photographs" was from a poem I wrote my mother in 1993, it was about a photo of her as a majorette in her youth. The song evolved
from we will all be young again one day, into a social commentary, and a judgment narrative about the state of the nation; that God will
reclaim His reign. Finally, this year I added the emphasis that God animates "frame after frame, designed then drawn, from morning
to night, from dusk to dawn." God is always at work, the Author of all creation.
Something else I've Had Enough of, DOUBLE STANDARDS of PPF. We see in the news this week that a Georgetown 'professor'
wrote on internet that "We FEMINISTS should cut off the Senators' genitals and feed them to the pigs." The cops, courts, and school
all back her up as 'First Amendment right of Speech.' It is obviously Hyperbole. Yet when I wrote scriptural type hyperbole that "God
will cut out their eyes for pretending they could not see truth, cut off their ears for pretending they could not hear truth, cut off their
tongues for refusing to speak truth" -- the cops, courts, and gay PPF all pretended I was threatening myself to cut off people's tongues.
Absurd! They conspired, colluded, orchestrated that trap of trash for an entire year. They still have not apologized either. Whenever you
see that double standard it is LODGE, also known as PPF, oathed to "overthrow LAW / HUMAN NATURE / DUE PROCESS."
On OBJECTIVE "CITIZENS" versus CRIMINALS. Hillary in the news today said Trump voters "have an incredibly constricted
view of country." True if "constricted" means "CONTRACTED." I believe the CONTRACT THEORY of CONSTITUTIONAL
COUNTRY. You must agree to contract the laws of the NATION to be real CITIZENS. Criminals cannot be "citizens." That is why
murderers want to 'vote' to make abortion 'not criminal,' as slave owners wanted to 'vote' to make slavery 'not criminal.' Then when they
get their wrong 'voted' a 'right' they next role reversal the CITIZEN LAW and they prosecute those against murder, slavery, homosexuality
as if we are the 'criminals,' as if we are 'wrong,' as if we are not the real CITIZENS.
On real CONTRACT CITIZENS versus CONTRACT BENEFICIARIES (children). Contract theory of Constitutional Citizenry
requires AGE OF CONTRACTUAL CAPACITY (age of reason) to make a CONTRACT, including the Constitutional Contract.
In contract law children are BENEFICIARIES to the contract with full right to enforce the rights promised in the contract, yet they cannot
actually make the contract until they mature to the age of reason. Hence, children are not actual "citizens," they are "beneficiaries of the
Constitutional Contract for citizenship." The purpose of this point is everyone must agree to and make the Contract to become "citizens."
Those who renounce the NATION laws such as do "secret society," "mob," "drug dealers," are not citizens, they are "enemy combatants."
Enemies of the Constitutional Contract are by definition "terrorists" oathed to "overthrow law and country." So are "implantationists."
See above earlier notes on false religions of "Ensoulmentists," "Implantationists," and "Viabilityists."
An ecumenical fact: similar to all Constitutional Contracts, you cannot disagree with one or more of GOD's OBJECTIVE TRUE
LAWS and remain a CITIZEN OF NEW EARTH. (About New Earth read Isaiah 65:17-18, 20, 25; Isaiah 66:15-22; Rev 21:1) Can
you imagine if someone on New Earth decided they 'disagree with one of God's laws'? Obviously all would immediately recognize that
person renounced their citizenship. Covenant is a Contract. You must remain obedient to the contract to remain a citizen of life.
Added ecumenical note to the previous note above. Can you imagine if someone on New Earth said they 'wanted to make abortion
legal'? Obviously all would immediately know that person renounced their CITIZENSHIP to NEW EARTH.
On real political party versus CRIMINAL COALITION of CRIMES. Can you imagine if persons on New Earth said they 'would
make a political party of a coalition of murder (abortion), homosexuals, gay marriage, adulterers, fornicators, transsexuals'? Obviously
all would know immediately they renounced their CITIZENSHIP to NEW EARTH.
On the meaning of MANDAMUS responsibilities in an earlier note above. By a Writ of Mandamus the higher court orders an
inferior official/office such as the Attorney General to perform their tax paid CONSTITUTIONAL DUTIES to persons or the public.
In October 2000 I filed a Petition for Writ of Mandamus to the NH Supreme Court to "order the Attorney General to do his tax paid
job to protect women and men from being deceived into abortive (abortifacient) sexual relationships." The Court spit at my
petition and the RIGHTS OF WE THE PEOPLE. The pill and IUDs are their ESTABLISHED RELIGION, their SACRED COWS.
It is IDOLATRY. The reason they will not do their jobs is they are NOT CITIZENS because they oathed to PPF not to WE THE
RELIGION which they used to murder millions of babies and violate millions of men and women.
the OBJECTIVE TRUTH FACT that "All life is mine. The life of the child is equal to the life of the mother ... only the one who
sins shall die." Ezekiel 18:4 If 'population control' was so important there is a HIERARCHY OF RIGHT TO LIFE which they would
follow, whereby God has authored that "murderers should be put to death," and then there are violent criminals, drug dealers, and then old
persons, they would all be put to death before any unborn innocent child was allowed to be murdered. "You have profaned me among
my people ... killing those who should not be killed, and keeping alive those who should not live ..." Ezekiel 13:19 "You will not
accept compensation in place of the life of a murderer who deserves to die, but that person must be put to death." Numbers 35:31-34.
President Trump's speech at a rally last night: "You do not give matches to an arsonist. And you do not give power to a left-wing mob."
True. CITIZENS of New Earth be the INTELLIGENTLY DESIGNED men and women God designed you to be. As for Justice Kavanaugh,
I have this concern: he has only women in his life and his mother was a judge who he calls his 'role model.' He will have to become more than
a 'social justice' type jurist and become a REAL OBJECTIVE TEN COMMANDMENTS MAN, able to say "NO" to both angry women
and that mob rule. END PLANNED PARENTHOOD. Pray Justice Kavanaugh becomes a Lone Pine with spine.
Listened to the early mix of Had Enough today and called the producer to ask that the vocal track be made louder. As for the meaning of that
song read the numerous above notes about that song and all the things about which I've HAD ENOUGH. It integrates some of my early blues
rock influence. I thought about having harmonica on that song, but felt it was better without it. Had Enough is the first song on Radio Volume 1
on which the songs are ordered chronologically. The producer and I have had so much fun making this project and he likes the music so that
when I called he offered again to do another project of my songs after this one, it will be called Radio Volume 2nd.
An ecumenical explanation on Jesus and the meaning of an "OXYMORON" in certain creeds. Without a religious discussion on this
page, it is appropriate for me to give a short list of my conclusions about some creeds as being "oxymoronic." An "oxymoron" is a word or phrase
that "negates itself, null, impossible, cannot exist." I had this conversation with the producer's family before we began recording, and we agreed
we do not know where each other stand on religious issues, but that as friends and with common ecumenical ground we could work together.
In any event, the first OXYMORON to me is "INFINITE BEING," because a being has to have a definite size and shape to exist. Secondly,
another related OXYMORON is "ETERNALLY BEGOTTEN" and similarly "BEGOTTEN, NOT MADE." Aquinas relied on "INFINITE
THOUGHTS ABOUT SELF, self awareness, self knowledge of God" to say that "INFINITE THOUGHTS OF SELF would be a son" and that
"son would be equally infinite, one-in-being with the THINKER FATHER." "One-in-being" is also an OXYMORON and cannot exist. The Father
ANIMATES WITH HIS THOUGHTS all creation, and THOUGHT itself is a creative act, which would be needed to "BEGET, BEGOTTEN, MAKE,
MADE" something or someone. The Father, Originator, would "think (create, animate, author) any "Son" into existence. "Made, not made" cannot exist.
"Consubstantial" is also a similar (same) OXYMORON, because no two beings can be ONE SAME THING, ONE SAME SUBSTANCE.
a photo of a black students' band during a football game half-time show holding semi-automatic rifles pointed down at police laying on the ground. Yet 'courts'
forbid PRAYING FOR SOCIAL CHANGE during pre-game, half-time, and post-game on field activities. It is an UNCONSTITUTIONAL double
On "going backward" versus "moving forward." In the news are women yelling they 'will not go back to the days when abortion was illegal.' Yet
real FORWARD THINKERS have SALVATION as the OBJECTIVE of their votes. I ask again, can you imagine if someone said at the door of the
New Earth that they 'do not want to go backward to an earth where abortion is illegal'? We all know immediately where that person will end.
As stated in earlier notes this page, the REJECTION OF A RELIGION IS ALSO A RELIGION. If PPF says 'there is no God,' or that
'it does not want God deciding Life Issues,' then they made a RELIGION. If PPF says 'their god allows abortion (murder),' then they also confess
Added note on the DOUBLE STANDARD and MOCKERY OF THOUGH (LAW) that is PPF. Today on the news Fox showed the
10/6/18 Twitter posting of an alleged 'teacher' that stated: "So who is gonna take one for the team and kill Kavanaugh?" Yet when I wrote that
"God will take the life of (someone)" by natural causes, the 'police,' 'courts,' and 'doctors' pretended I threatened to kill that person myself. ABSURD!
They conspired, colluded, orchestrated that CARTOONY LIE for an entire year, and still have not yet apologized. For example: If I prayed and
wrote: "Pray that God end the life of Ginsburg, that we can put another CONSERVATIVE JUSTICE on the court," OBVIOUSLY I did not
threaten to kill Ginsburg. I prayed "God will do it by natural causes." It is time to end PPF's role reversing of thought and law.
John Meyer a 'guitarist' said as reported on Fox this morning, "We need a new Male Contract." Yes. Ten Commandments. That is the Contract
we need. Not an alleged guitarist who saddles along with those calling themselves 'grateful dead.' Contract of Life, not death.
A clarification about the note above on the POWER OF PRAYER. It was moral during the 1940s in Germany for Jews and others to "pray that
God end the life of Hitler, and end the murder of Jews." And it is moral to "pray God end the life of a murderous (abortive) 'clerk' or 'judge' who 'legalized'
the HOLOCAUST of innocent unborn babies." We can "pray God do it by NATURAL CAUSES to prove the Hand of God did it."
On Michael and on the UNCONSTITUTIONAL ESTABLISHMENT of anti-God RELIGION as 'GOVERNMENT.' Anytime you call God's
REAL OBJECTIVE LAWS 'crazy,' 'mean,' 'barbaric,' 'unjust,' 'old fashioned nonsense,' 'antithetical to our form of government,' YOU ESTABLISHED
in about every town. "Michael Row your boat ashore ..." to END ROE v. WADE. And anytime you said 'God does not make storms,' YOU ESTABLISHED
A RELIGION AS 'GOVERNMENT' UNCONSTITUTIONALLY. See the Exams for the CDs and notes above.
On DOUBLE STANDARDS of the PPF LODGE ESTABLISHED RELIGION 'GOVERNMENT.' Hillary said in the news today, "You cannot
be CIVIL with Republicans who are trying to take away all you believe in." If I said in the news: "You cannot be CIVIL with murderous (abortive)
Democrats who are trying to kill all we believe in," -- the 'police,' 'courts,' 'news,' 'doctors,' would say I 'threatened to do harm to Democrats.' ABSURD.
On the DOUBLE STANDARD of Democrats compared to Republicans. Fox News showed today a video of Eric Holder promoting violence
against Republicans when he said on video: "When they go low, we KICK THEM." That is the former 'Attorney General' (PPF) saying that. If Donald
Trump or Fox News said on video: "When Eric Holder goes low, KICK HIM," the media would go nuts saying it was 'inciting violence against Democrats.'
On my song Salt Shakers. It was written in 2001 before 9/11. It originally was written two parts, one for my future wife "be my salt shaker, share with me
your hourglass," and another part for all people. I later dropped the hourglass reference and made it ecumenical for everyone to contemplate being real law
Salt Shakers to "season the world right." The demo was called "Earth Shakers," about which I make this comment on the power of our prayers: Did you
see how Michael broke records because the USA broke God's law to protect and favor the life of EVERY UNBORN CHILD.
On the DOUBLE STANDARD of DEMOCRATS about "ESTABLISHED" "PRECEDENT." Today when Jim Brown and Kanye meet with President
Trump, I think to write how the DEMOCRATIC PARTY wanted to preserve SLAVERY during the CIVIL WAR, calling it "ESTABLISHED PRECEDENT."
It was a RELIGION of "Established" religious belief in slavery -- hence, an "ESTABLISHED RELIGION as PRECEDENT." Today Roe v. Wade is an
"ESTABLISHED" religion "PRECEDENT" by the Democrats and 'courts' own ADMISSIONS: "ESTABLISHED RELIGION." It is Unconstitutional.
Today I went through some of the remaining demos and earlier recorded songs and first chose about 20 songs as possible songs for Radio Volume 2nd.
Then I narrowed that to a 12 song CD. Again, the producer and I had fun making Radio Volume 1 (still in production), so he asked to do another CD.
I am grateful for his help in recording, his producing, and for his excellent drumming on my CDs. Look forward to recording the 2nd CD in winter or spring.
The tentative 12 song list for upcoming Radio Volume 2nd. Some of these have to be substantially rewritten to make them more "radio" style, and to
correct some of them. Best Is Yet, World At Peace, Windmill, Did Not Know Your Name, Sacred, Lightning, Let Love Abide, Conch, No Cartoons,
O Precious Days, Aint Life Strange, American Faith (Rewritten).
There is no "penumbra" of rights to murder a child. Moreover, pills, devices, chemicals, procedures are INTERSTATE COMMERCE, big money of PPF.
The MANDAMUS responsibility of the Highest Court to "order the Attorney General to do his tax paid CONSTITUTIONAL job is paramount." See
my earlier note above about my filing October 2000 of PETITION FOR WRIT OF MANDAMUS. They spit at it because they are PPF.
On Treason versus Prostitution in offices of We The People. On Fox News sometime around 2001 - 2002 I watched a program about "The Mob."
On it they interviewed alleged 'former members of the mob' who confessed: "The mob would sit around a table and decide which members of the mob would
be the next SENATOR, JUDGE, BISHOP, ATTORNEY GENERAL, etc." TREASON is "an oath or act to aid and abet persons or entities oathed to
overthrow or subvert our Nation's laws and GOVERNMENT BY WE THE PEOPLE." Numerous criminal agencies are oathed to "overthrow and role
reversal the LAWS OF THIS NATION." For a 'judge,' 'police officer,' 'attorney general,' 'senator' to aid those oathed to engage in such subversive acts
violates the sacred PUBLIC TRUST and is TREASON, and should be punished as TREASON.
Trump was right that BOTH ANTIFA and WHITE SUPREMACISTS are TERROR GROUPS. On Fox News yesterday they showed a video of
destruction of buildings by Antifa and on the broken glass windows they posted: "This is just the beginning, ANTIFA is not passive, we are NOT CIVIL."
If a PRO LIFE group did that sort of 'PUBLIC PROTEST' destruction of buildings WE WOULD BE INCARCERATED and called NOT AMERICANS.
When Charlottesville happened there were TWO EVIL SIDES, not just one, both ANTIFA in battle gear and White Supremacists as Nazis.
Also on Fox News yesterday was an advertisement for a "WITCHES HEXING CEREMONY TO HEX Justice Kavanaugh." Yet when Religious
Persons pray "God end the life of Ginsburg" people say that is ill or unlawful -- ABSURD DOUBLE STANDARD. The reason threatening to death penalty
witches was shunned is because of Due Process presumption of innocence, and that many non-witches were wrongly accused of witchcraft. Yet that is
even "selling tickets to it, of which the proceeds would go to PLANNED PARENTHOOD (PPF)," as Fox News reported. Interestingly, God commanded
Moses and the Jews: "You shall not let a woman who practices sorcery (hexes, witchcraft) to live." Exodus 22:17. "Do not turn to ghosts or consult
spirits by which you will be defiled." Leviticus 19:31. "Should anyone turn to ghosts and spirits ... cut such a one off from among the people." Lev. 20:6.
FINALLY, "You shall not have other gods beside me." Exodus 20:3 An OXYMORON is a FALSE GOD. See earlier note about oxymorons.
Anytime you read an OXYMORON in 'scholarly,' 'legal,' 'court documents,' 'religious dogma' texts -- it was more probable than not written by a
"Secret Society" of PPF LODGE CULT MEMBER. They oath to mirror game NEGATE LOGIC and overthrow RATIONAL THOUGHT. When I
was at Dartmouth the fraternity tried to make us oath that "Sickness is health ..." etc, a MASON OATH. When I was unlawfully detained and had no
money for bail (charges later dropped), an admitted "gay" handed me one of their recruiting type Mason Books called "Better Than Nostradamus," or
something as that, in which he pointed to one specific text passage in it saying: "The judge, the police, the prosecutor, the doctor, and the defense attorneys
are often all in LODGE conspired to get off their members from crime, and prosecute the innocent." One technique to NEGATE RATIONAL THOUGHT
is to make CREEDS THAT ARE OXYMORONS, that way the oath is HERESY and MEANINGLESS. NULL. See my earlier note about oxymorons.
"He shall smash the obelisk at the Temple of the Sun ... and destroy with fire the temples of the Egyptian gods." Jeremiah 43:13. Read also
Ezekiel 16:15-38; Ezekiel 23:19-25. The Roman Catholic church repeatedly called FREEMASONRY (LODGE) the ENEMY OF WE THE PEOPLE.
The DOUBLE STANDARD of DEMOCRATS and Alec Baldwin. The NH Democratic Party had an event last night, as reported on Fox, at which
the Democrats had Alec Baldwin as their 'keynote' 'speaker.' At the podium Alec Baldwin said: "WE NEED TO OVERTHROW THE GOVERNMENT
under Donald Trump." If Pro Lifers or Republicans had said "We need to overthrow the Government under Obama," the 'news media,' 'courts,' (and 'IRS')
would go nuts saying we were 'advocating overthrow of the American Government.' The NH Constitution preserves the right of WE THE PEOPLE to
in fact resist IMMORAL GOVERNMENT and as right, duty, and ought to revolt and replace it with a MORAL GOVERNMENT. See Article 10.
I do not think Alec Baldwin and the Democrats wanted to impose MORAL GOVERNMENT. Rather, the opposite: their 'COALITION' of crimes.
On ABC News last night they showed a "game and wildlife" employee who shot and killed numerous animals including a family of five baboons.
One of the baboons was also a baby baboon. Two things: 1) that photo probably garnered more outrage by liberal Democrats than the murder of human babies;
2) Even us Conservative Republicans are outraged by the murder of those baboons. The Real Purpose of the "right to bearing arms" or the "2nd Amendment"
will be a day when hunting ends, but the 2nd Amendment will still be alive. Jeffrey Dalmer had no right to hunt human beings, nor to defend himself from
We The Public prosecuting his murders. We The Public have an INALIENABLE RIGHT to shoot Jeffrey Dalmer as DEFENSE OF OTHERS. The
American Revolution had the purpose -- also salvaged in the NH Constitution Articles 2 and 10 -- of revolution against immoral 'governance.'
The purpose of the MEDIA is to INFORM the PUBLIC with TRUTH, not make propaganda spread or sold as if 'truthful.' The Constitution is a Contract
in which is included a QUID PRO QUO between WE THE PUBLIC and the FREE PRESS, not a State Run Press like in China or Moscow. There is
little distinction today between STATE RUN NEWS OUTLETS and alleged FREE PRESS OUTLETS because 'special interests' and agendas of the few
with money, owners, political party, and PAID ADVERTISERS have run over and eroded the CONSTITUTIONAL FREE PRESS CONTRACT with
WE THE PUBLIC, and also overrun the PAID SUBSCRIPTIONS/PURCHASE CONTRACT with we the purchasers (The Public). Courts have even
upheld a 'right to propagandize,' slander, outrageous obviously fictional 'news' such as National Enquirer (tabloids) because they argue "THE PUBLIC
fathers of America could not have envisioned that sad fact when they sought to PROTECT THE PUBLIC with a FREE PRESS.
The other day a man said to me: "There is a new employee who is a lesbian with a 'wife,' and they ADOPTED CHILDREN." As I listened to his attempt
to say it was for 'the good of the children to be adopted by them,' I recalled how that same man said earlier: "The reason the DIOCESE OF PITTSBURGH
had so many molested children is because they allowed homosexuals to act as 'priests.'" The purpose of marriage is to ensure the SAFETY and PROPER
MORAL UPBRINGING of children that they become MORAL CITIZENS. Until recent years, near all if not all STATES had laws and legislative histories
Can you imagine if at the door of the New Earth someone said to God: "But we thought you would not mind entrusting Your children to homosexuals"? It is
immediately clear where that person would end. There will come a day when marriage is returned to man and woman only: Pax Et Bonum Prolis.
On Fox News this morning was a video of Louis Farrakhan saying: "They say I hate Semites. I hate termites." The guest on Fox, a Jew, pointed
out that Nazi Germany used to call Jews "termites." Why would any black man whose people were called "three-fifths of a human being" -- "something less
than human" -- dare call other people "less than human" "insects"? And why do they let PPF get away with calling their babies "THINGS, LESS THAN
HUMAN, DISPOSABLE"? You would think BLACKS would WANT THEIR BABIES RESPECTED THE MOST, not the least. The Fox guest also
pointed out that "many of Farrakhan's followers vote Democratic Party" - the 'coalition' of gays, lesbians, transgenders, murderers, and Farrakhan. The
On Fox News last night was a review of the movie GOSNELL, about a serial murderous abortion clinic. Despite the defense and prosecutors allowing
"all the jury to be pro-choice (in favor of abortion)," the JURY STILL CONVICTED GOSNELL, and "ALL OF THE JURY BECAME PRO-LIFE"
because of what they saw taking place at an abortion clinic. Fox reported that "neither hollywood nor the media will review the movie, yet it is still near
the top of the box office." If the entire jury became PRO-LIFE, you know why PPF does not want you to see that movie.
Did a test run duplication of Radio Volume 1 music CDs with a 2 panel insert instead of the Booklet. I ordered only a small number to test the quality
of the duplicator -- these I will give out FREE. The fuller duplication will have the CD Booklet and a fuller Tray Card. For now the Booklet is available
at the following link, or see above near the top of this page. I am also thinking about posting the WAVE FILE CD at this site for a limited time. The 2 panel
insert is posted near the top of the Radio Volume 1 web page. The disc face is the Disc Label of black lettering on white (silver on the CD) posted there also.
PDF CD Booklet: Volume 1 CD Booklet.pdf
The following is the new link to the actual CD AUDIO FILES for Radio Volume 1, WAVE files. It will be there FREE for a limited time.
The m4a files will be FREE always. As for the WAVE file audio CD, you can make TEN COPIES of the entire CD, for your friends. Radio Stations
are free to play the CD songs. Ten CDs for Ten Commandments. DOWNLOAD.htm
Notice of TAMPERING with my AUDIO FILES. Someone altered my song SPIRALING after listened to, but before final Wave file made, or after.
They deleted two parts of the electric guitar lead, a single note about 2/3rds of the way through the song and then the last entire phrase of the lead at the
ending of the song. It makes it sound as two mistakes, but the m4a file has the lead without those alterations. I do not think the producer, John, did it.
Rather, the persons who did it are PPF on your systems, able to delete parts of a single track on a multi-track song recording. Compare these: WAV.wav (Master).m4a
Also, there is a slight microphone noise during the first half of the song that was removed by me with the producer. We checked it, it was gone.
Now it is back in the Wave File, when it should only be in the m4a file. Not possible, unless someone undid the corrections we made.
On tyranny of Religious Minorities eroding First Amendment protections of We The Public. Fox News on 10/27/18 aired a report that the
"European court has silenced a woman for speaking the truth that Mohammed's 'marriage' to a SIX YEAR OLD GIRL is PEDOPHILIA." Europe
probably deemed the TRUTH to be "HATE SPEECH," which is ABSURD. The slogan "HATE SPEECH" has overthrown the FIRST AMENDMENT
in 'courts' of radical liberals. They want their sins protected, and all who want the Truth of God to be silenced. They role reversal altered the LAW.
On the radical left trying to manipulate its own benefit from national tragedies. Fox News on 10/27/18 a former Trump official said it right
that "The left has to stop trying to capitalize politically on tragedies such as the mass shooting at the Tree Of Life synagogue in Pittsburgh." The worst
example, however, came from among those who were blessed enough to survive, as one of the Jewish men was interviewed on Fox saying: "We need
to use this tragedy at the Tree Of Life synagogue to end hatred and intolerance of Jews and gays, lesbians, and transgender persons." He turned
that tragedy against his Maker, God, who does not tolerate gays, lesbians, transgenders in Sacred Jewish Scripture of the people and the LAW. See above.
Obviously, God does not want hatred or intolerance of Jewish persons, Black persons, Hispanic persons. But God never tolerated gays in Scripture. HE
MADE AN IDOL (IDOLATRY) -- A FALSE GOD -- out of a very grave tragedy, and for that we should all be sorry to God.
I posted yesterday the page that will have the Radio Volume 2nd music CD. The music will be recorded in the coming months.
Comings Soon, RADIO VOLUME 2nd.
Songs and lyrics and CD Booklet are posted at this page link:
On another noise (extra vocal) heard for a brief second in my posted song Best Is Yet at between 40 and 50 seconds into that song. We checked the
song more than twice, and that noise was not in the mix. The producer then saved the file as an m4a to share, and it has that background vocal noise in it.
We will have it removed for the final WAVE FILE CD version, as before. That song is posted at the above link, and at the main web site page.
On Radio Volume 1, the song Universe has a "sh" sound in the last line of the song, and we removed it immediate before making the WAVE FILE, and
when I copied that file to my computer to listen to it, it had that "sh" noise back in it, same as Spiraling was altered. And the volume on Universe is softer
than it was, compared to the other songs, and the vocals were lowered. How? Someone with access to that set is the only way it could be done.
On my song Best Is Yet recorded on Saturday. The song was originally written in 1989. I revised it at various times. Most recently I rewrote the lyrics
to include more Nationalistic, American theme of "eye to eye, we stand resolute, fulfill our PLEDGE, there can be no substitute." Standing for the
NATIONAL ANTHEM and for the Pledge to "One nation under God" is important to teach our youth. The song also looks to the New Earth,
"A world to come, not so far away, the course of our freedom." John likes the bass line to the song. I like his drumming.
On when and how women become less "liberal" and more conservative in life. Fox News on 11/8/18 cited a study of women and how "liberal"
they are under certain conditions and stages. It found that young unmarried women are "liberals," while married women are less liberal, and married
women with children are mostly conservative, and divorced women become "more liberal than they were when young and unmarried." As marriage
eroded and divorce, contraceptives, and abortion became rampant, it is predictable that erosion would cause "liberalisms," and it was produced by that
erosion of traditional solid marriage. Again, the only way to restore the society God commanded is to restore the sanctity of true marriage.
Recorded American Faith today, and fixed Best Is Yet. My studio notes for American Faith are posted at the Radio Volume 2nd web page.
American Faith was originally the pro-life song I wrote called "40 Math Man Emotions." That was an anger directed song, blunt, with lyrics such as
"She said I have a cruel heart while she was eating my babies." I rewrote the music and the lyrics, to make it American patriotic themes. It still is
pro-life in lyrics. And I added imagery from Florence this past year where on television they showed a flag waiving time-laps in the winds that tore
the flag to shreds during that storm. "Old Glory battle worn, our flag waives ripped and torn. A consequence of that storm. When will they learn?"
A question for Veteran's Day. Do you honestly think the millions of men who fought or died for this country gave their lives for 'transgender bathrooms'
and 'gay marriage'? ABSURD! They would roll in their graves. Those countless white tombstones scattered throughout the U.S. and Europe. You have
made their sacrifice and blood as cheap as a CARTOON. Time to grow up and become a Nation that respects itself and life again.
The meaning of true heroes in reflection on Veterans Day. Heroism is "sacrificing self that others may live a QUALITY LIFE." The opposite is
"sacrificing others that you may have a 'QUALITY of LIFE' that you desire." On ABC News this past week they touted Michelle Obama as if she was
a hero for revealing in her book that "she and Barack had their two daughters by IN VITRO FERTILIZATION (Test Tube CONCEPTION)." She
said she "felt empty and worthless ('quality of life') struggling with infertility." Study "in vitro fertilization" and find it is the opposite of heroism. The opposite
of GOOD BLACK ROLE MODELS. She stands for abortion (murder), not black heroism.
Radio Volume 1 is AVAILABLE at ITUNES and SPOTIFY. Family and friends already downloaded songs and the album from those platforms.
The entire CD is for sale at those sites, but is free at this site for a limited time. Not sure how long I will keep it free at this site. Thank you, John.
To find the CD at ITUNES or SPOTIFY simply go to those sites and search "Brian Fusonie." Again, the title is "Radio Volume 1."
Find it FREE here at my web page at this link DOWNLOAD.htm
I forgot to write on Veterans Day this week that I watched the ceremony in France with President Trump and they started the ceremony with the prayer:
"Lord, God, you are the AUTHOR of the NATIONS." That fact is the point of many of my songs, that God is an AUTHOR. One day God will Author
a "New Earth" and redraw (write us anew) YOUNG AGAIN. Here is about the age we will be then. Photographs.htm
Being young again on an earth without sin is motivation enough to OBEY THE TEN COMMANDMENTS. What kind of music will you remember then?
My studio note for O Precious Days is posted at the Radio Volume 2nd web page. As for the song, it was originally written around 1997, and has changed
lyrically since then. I revised it this year. I like it because it has the Name Shape of God round in the title and speaks about not wasting the time on selfish things
that pass. It is a prayer to God, and also directly to the people. It is about relationships. "O precious days, why did you go and throw it all away on yourself?"
It is also about the state of earth. On another note, I was shown today that I am up on Amazon music download and other music download sites.
On God as the AUTHOR of all existence. I have been thinking this past week about the fires in California, worst they said in history. Let me ask you each this
question: Do you think, be honest, that God's hand was in the BURNING of the town PARADISE, CA? God is authoring all. What would the message be? I can
think of why God wrote that tragedy. Countless homes and lives destroyed. California, however, did not honor God. Hollywood is no good. "Scripture warns it
a thousand times ..." Pray for California.
On the slippery path of DEMOCRATS into COMMUNISM. The Democratic Party has become the COMMUNIST PARTY. They did it with the seductive
feel good agenda of "INSURANCE" coverage for "PRE-EXISTING CONDITIONS." Communism is the forced takeover of industry to be government run, and forced
redistribution of wealth. "Insurance" by definition is the "assumption of risk about FUTURE CONDITIONS." Forced takeover of companies to provide
"INSURANCE" for "ALREADY EXISTING CONDITIONS" is not "INSURANCE" by definition. Not only is it government takeover, it is DISHONEST by
DEFINITION. It would have been better if the People decided to pay the bill for pre-existing conditions, rather than the deceitful taking over of companies and
forced redistribution of wealth.
On my song No Cartoons to be on Radio Volume 2nd. It is a song about remaining true to God and to self when writing songs for radio; not selling out to
give radio what it wants, but giving God what He wants and hoping it gets aired on radio. I wrote earlier, see above, about me not wanting to prostitute my
music talents to write "jingles," and this is the same principle: not prostituting yourself for radio. Let radio come to God, not alter 'God' to please radio.
A question for Thanksgiving about God's Bounty. Why is it that when their is plenty, we "Thank God for the food and blessings." But when there is fire,
drought, famine, or floods, we pretend 'God did not make those tragedies, God does not punish lands'? Scripture warns a thousand times the following:
"Do not make idols for yourself ... If you live in accordance with my statutes and are careful to obey my commandments, I will give you your rains
in due season, so that the land will yield its crops, and the trees their fruits." Leviticus 26:1-13.
On the DOUBLE STANDARD of outrage directed at Murder and Torture. The world and media should be outraged by the killing of Khashoggi. He
was injected with lethal dose of sedative and murdered. Then dismembered. Everyday the same and worse is done to unborn human babies. Yet the media
and DEMOCRATIC PARTY cares nothing for those countless murders, for political gain among their arrogant anti-life voters. They are not consistent. They
are not HUMANitarian. They are not loving. They have no compassion. They care only about their selfish whims and political gains. If Khashoggi had been
murdered by dismemberment as an unborn child, his murder would not have garnered any outrage by the same media and Democrats.
On COMPASSIONATE CONSERVATISM and the natural law compromise that is LEGAL vs. ILLEGAL immigration. The Democrats forget
that We The People come first, and our nation struggled with the issue of IMMIGRATION and arrived at a proper compromise called "Legal Immigration."
We made rules to allow for a compassionate Legal Immigration system, and to prevent Illegal Immigration (Illegal Aliens). Now as a migrant caravan crashed
into Mexico and now assaults Mexican border patrol on our Southern Border trying to crash into and invade our country instead of apply for Legal Immigration
status, the DEMOCRATS ("Progressives") call for 'open borders' and to allow 'illegal aliens to become legal citizens.' THAT IS NOT THE COMPROMISE
WE THE PEOPLE made. We must have a Nation. We must also be Compassionate. But lawfully, and not allow lawlessness.
On an "ILLUSORY 'NATION'" when there is not uniform laws for "LIFE," "LIBERTY," and "PROPERTY." The simple examples are slavery
and abortion (murder). Obviously we decided that "LIBERTY" had to be a uniform law for all human beings, and did not allow 'states to decide slavery.' The
same must be true about THE OBJECTIVE TRUTH DEFINITION OF "LIFE." States cannot decided different definitions of "Life." There has to be the
Objective Truth of Life is CONCEIVED at FERTILIZATION, or there is no NATION, only the Illusion of a 'nation.' See my earlier notes above. The
primary enemy of the COUNTRY is the cult that is within that oathed to 'role reversal and make opposite the law,' and they oathed to break the country
into fragments of 'town ordinances over State laws, and State laws over FEDERAL NATIONAL LAW.' I heard a town judge say about issues already
exonerated and decided by FEDERAL NATION COURT SYSTEM: "I don't care what happened in FEDERAL COURT." They are not citizens.
Update on the arrival of the first physical Compact Discs with Booklet of Radio Volume 1. The order and payment for those discs went through on
October 22nd, 2018. They have been promised weeks ago. This week we received notification of their scheduled delivery. It has taken a PRO-LIFE music
CD much longer than other types of productions, it seems. The quality best be good. John is my witness. It has taken 6 to 7 weeks. Thankfully people
were able to download and buy the album at iTunes, Spotify, Amazon and a number of other sites, as well as for free at this web site.
On CRISIS OF PATRIOTISM or MORAL DECAY. This morning on Fox News they reported that nearly half of millennial voters, 45% of them, "DO
NOT BELIEVE AMERICA IS THE GREATEST COUNTRY." Lack of proper history context, truth in the classrooms and on news, has led them to
lust for the seductive look of SOCIALISM (COMMUNISTS), which cannot work and is evil. They want what has and will fail. An illusion of 'goodness.'
Even 'leaders' as COUMO said: "America has never been great." The plain truth is that while America has struggled with failures, such as SLAVERY,
ABORTION, HOMOSEXUALITY, TRANSGENDERS, in the past we have always risen to END SIN, and restore America to its glory as a
Light among the many nations. America once, not long ago, lead by example as a Moral force. America will not be great again until it ends those sins.
It has lost much of its MORAL AUTHORITY among nations. But that loss of moral authority seems to be what millennials want instead of Truth.
On an OBJECTIVE TRUTH CENTER PATH that has to be Objective Truth about LIFE, LIBERTY, and PROPERTY. God commanded
Joshua and the Jews: "[B]e careful to observe the ENTIRE LAW which MOSES my servant enjoined on you. DO NOT SWERVE from it either
to the RIGHT or to the LEFT." Joshua 1:1-9. That path given Moses has to be the CENTER PATH. All to the right or left of it is the wrong path.
But today the 'political RIGHT' and 'LEFT' have both gone so far LEFT of Moses that they dare call the LAW given Moses 'old fashioned nonsense,'
'dangerous thinking,' 'cruel,' 'barbaric,' 'ill,' 'unwelcome,' 'antithetical to our governance.' Moses would not be welcome in America today. It is wrong.
And it is IDOL worship. When we call GOD 'wrong,' WE ARE WRONG, NOT GOD. And it is the ESTABLISHMENT OF a pagan RELIGION.
On the ROLE REVERSAL of LAW and of MENTAL HEALTH. God commanded Moses to restore the LAW that "homosexuals are crime."
See notes above. Gays lobbied to have it called "illness, not crime." Next they went further and rewrote the 'laws' and 'doctors' manuals' to say
'It is crime and mentally ill to call homosexuality a crime or mental illness.' Moses would now be prosecuted as 'crime' or 'ill.' That is not the
NATION CONSTITUTIONAL CONTRACT we promised God, nor that God will allow to remain. Rather, it is a sign of the end.
Last week this gibberish showed up when I first few times tried to play No Cartoons from my web page after posted. After few hours it was fixed.
Yesterday I uploaded Ain't Life Strange and it did this. Same type of gibberish as last time. This has lasted for 2 days now. Either it is done to
my computer, or it is also happening when each of you try to play or download it. It is supposed to be an AUDIO FILE m4a.
The compact discs with booklet of Radio Volume 1 arrived. Here are ten samples.
If you examine the photo you can see the margins have been altered from my PDF. That was done without me present. I do not think it was malice.
The compact disc maker/printer did not accept upload of the PDF, and they called saying I paid for 4 Page Booklet but had only 2 pages uploaded.
See earlier note. Any way, the producer thankfully was able to make jpegs from the PDF and posted those. How the margins were altered was
by accident. It will be corrected for later printing of the CD Radio Volume 1. The first box of CDs will be unique compared to the others.
A clear and present danger to our FREE SPEECH FIRST AMENDMENT. Yesterday Fox News reported that the "European Parliament
voted to CRIMINALIZE CRITICIZING IMMIGRATION." As Fox noted, "Antifa and European Parliament, leftist groups in general, hate
Free Speech of opinions that disagree with theirs." First they 'criminalized hate speech,' and they defined what is 'hate.' Moses would be 'hate
speech' to them. They would criminalize his words and example. Next they are trying to 'criminalize opposing political opinions.' The entire
REPUBLICAN PARTY would be 'criminals' to the European Parliament. It is ABSURD.
A Proof about FREE WILL for a friend. There CANNOT BE "FREE WILL" when GOD GUARANTEES AN OUTCOME. The simple
example is the repeated promises in scripture: "IF you obey my commandments, THEN I WILL GUARANTEE you VICTORY." Some texts write
that as "God fought with and for Israel." Some call it GRACE. I know it to be ANIMATION: GOD AUTHORS (WRITES) AN OUTCOME.
On an ILLUSORY 'Nation' of 'States Sovereignty IMMUNITIES against FEDERAL NATION LAWS,' compared to REAL NATION of
FEDERAL LAW SOVEREIGNTY. Fox News this morning said the "Supreme Court is taking up the issue of DOUBLE JEOPARDY where the
Federal Government prosecutes a person who was exonerated by a State Government." The issue, as I wrote in notes earlier (see above), works also
that States often prosecute a person for the same allegation (same legal issues) that that person was already EXONERATE (found not ill, or not guilty)
by ANOTHER STATE of the FEDERAL NATION COURT SYSTEM. The 'states' rights' mob wants no NATION, and they want a DOUBLE EDGE
SWORD of DOUBLE JEOPARDY when they want it, and protection from DOUBLE JEOPARDY when they do not want it. I think the case they
mentioned is GAMBLE vs. United States. Without knowing that case and its facts, I predict that LODGE wants to have STATE's SOVEREIGNTY
is as SLAVERY once more, only they want 'states rights' about ABORTION, DRUGS, and SEX CRIMES (Polygamy, orgyists, etc.). ABSURD.
Proofs of ANIMATION called "PROVIDENCE" and "NEW EARTH" from the FUNERAL today of GEORGE H.W. BUSH. Today
Fox News broadcasted the funeral of George Bush. One of the readings was: "Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth." Rev. 21:1 And
speeches during his funeral said: "The workings of PROVIDENCE are mysterious." Providence means ANIMATION: GOD AUTHORS
AN OUTCOME. See earlier note this page. The prophet Jeremiah went further on the issue of no FREE WILL: "I know, LORD, that no one
chooses their way, Nor determines their course nor directs their own step." Jeremiah 10:23. The song they sang after one of the speeches
had these lyrics: "A grateful nation bows its head in sorrow, And in thanks for GUARANTEEING our TOMORROW." See note above.
in both D.C. and Houston yesterday. During those services I heard a number of different 'theologies' about our after-life. Those opinions ranged from
outright 'SPIRITISMS' to as in Houston a 'GENERAL RESURRECTION.' None of them were catholic, none were consistent. Nor does the catholic
church understand why God promises a "NEW EARTH." See above notes. When I talked with friends they do not know how to explain a 'heaven'
yet also the promise of a "new earth." All their attempts to explain the "new earth" despite their professed belief in a "heaven" resort to private revelations.
This is because no church has properly emphasized the NEW EARTH. They refuse to teach the TRUTH.
On THE RIGHT TO CREDIBLE CLAIMS OF TRUTH compared to NO RIGHT TO A LIE. Fox News reported this morning: "IL State Capitol
DISPLAYS A SATANIC STATUE." They displayed it next to TRADITIONAL HOLIDAY SYMBOLS. As stated in an earlier note, see above, the
is NO RIGHT TO A LIE. NO RIGHT TO A WRONG. Satanism is not a valid 'religion,' as it is not based on credible claim to the TRUTH. The LEFT
has pushed its IDOLATRY OF 'INCLUSIVENESS' to the extreme of including mortal WRONGS such as its idolatries of abortion (murder), homosexuality,
orgies, seances, witches 'hexing ceremonies,' and transgenders in open worship of their pagan false god and its 'role reversing' of truth. Fox earlier this year
showed a video of the 'comedian' WOLFF singing "praise to god for ABORTION, everyone have an ABORTION." They want a 'right' to ANGER GOD.
We The People are not getting HONEST government from our TAXES. Fox News reports that yesterday James Comey told Congress "OVER
200 times" that he 'DOES NOT REMEMBER' and 'DOES NOT RECALL' critical details about the Hillary Clinton and Trump 'investigations.'
Either Comey is a pathological LIAR, or HE IS MENTALLY INCOMPETENT using the Government's own Mental Illness test. Either way, he should
have been fired. Moreover, if any doctor or lawyer claimed 'over 200 times to not remember' while on the witness stand, they would be convicted of
malpractice or CRIME. We The People should demand his tax salary be PAID BACK.
Since my above note on 12/2/18 I still have not been able to play the songs from my web site. See photo proof posted with that 12/2 note. It now
does not play all of the m4a advance copy music download files. I can play them on my media player here, but they will not open from the web site.
Did France's leader MACRON really "ORDER end of year BONUSES for everyone," as he said, or only "WITHOUT TAX" if an employer
decides to give such bonuses? The former is COMMUNISM. The second is not communism. What makes a "MINIMUM WAGE" honest and not
evil communism? At Dartmouth I studied minimum wage and wrote a term paper on how jobs would be lost by raising the minimum wage. I generally
believe in FREE / FAIR MARKET price for labor. However, there are factors that throw off that "FAIR WAGE" result. One obvious factor that
prevents FAIR MARKET VALUE is ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION. Illegal aliens often are willing to work at wages that are economic slavery. They
displace AMERICAN WORKERS for jobs because of this. Therefore, it is an OXYMORON to be both for "open borders, illegal immigration" and
also for a "minimum wage." This is because the two both result in loss of jobs. The purpose of a fair minimum wage must be to help AMERICANS.
In summary: Illegal immigration drives down wages, and steals jobs. Without illegal immigration, wages would be higher and with more available jobs.
EXONERATING (EXCULPATORY) EVIDENCE." Fox News reported yesterday that recently COMEY lied to the CONGRESS under
oath telling Congress: "We have no legal duty to give the COURT all EXCULPATORY EVIDENCE when seeking a warrant." That is a lie.
The truth is the FBI and any prosecutors MUST PRESENT any and all potentially exculpatory evidence. That is their first duty. He stole his tax
pay. In my own experience, the only time I was allowed to present exculpatory photographs and other paranormal evidence, I was found "not ill,
not criminal." 814 N.E.2d 393. In later cases, they said: "We don't care what happened in Federal Court." "Paranormal is a point in time issue."
"We will not even look at the paranormal CD." In fact, they stepped on and shattered the disc that had already exonerated video/photos on it.
and blocks all attempts at DOUBLE JEOPARDY. Comey's statement to Congress is a ROLE-REVERSAL of the PLAIN LEGAL REQUIREMENT.
On Justice BRETT KAVANAUGH's vote yesterday to not take up APPEAL of LA to DEFUND PLANNED PARENTHOOD. I wrote
earlier this year, see above note, that as a PRO-LIFE writer/musician and a MAN, I did not trust Brett Kavanaugh to be PRO-LIFE. I said that
Brett has only women and daughters in his life. He had a mother who was a judge, who he calls his "hero and role model." And he is an only child.
One could readily conclude he was the possible product of PPF. And would vote for PPF. It appears he is not "catholic" as he claims.
A "CULTURE OF MURDER" produced (resulted in) MORE MURDERS, as they learned to KILL TO END INCONVENIENT DUTIES.
ABC Nightly News reported yesterday on the murder of a 17 year old white woman, Breana, and did not mention the MURDER also of her 6th month old
unborn child in her womb. There were two murders. Breana and her child were murdered by high-school black boyfriend, Aaron Trejo, the "father of
Breana's child." He confessed to murdering them and dumping them both into a restaurant dumpster after she told him she was pregnant with his child.
Do not be fooled by the ROLE-REVERSAL OF TRUTH that Planned Parenthood spins (and ABC News) that had the girl been able to have an
ABORTION, she would still be alive today. The PLAIN TRUTH is the CULTURE OF DEATH 'legalized' the EXPECTATION of being able to
in this case, both the mother and the unborn baby. Had he been raised PRO-LIFE he would have accepted DUTY, not KILLED DUTY.
A LOGICAL EXTENSION ARGUMENT, AN ANALOGY TO NAZI "CLINICS." Justice Brett Kavanaugh voted yesterday the equivalent
of refusing to hear LA's right not to let TAX dollars go to NAZI MURDER CLINICS because that TAX money is 'going to non-murder of Jews
medical procedures.' It is the same argument. Murder is murder.
On RATIONAL IMMIGRATION POLICY and VOTER IDENTIFICATION LAW. Yesterday Fox News interviewed Wisconsin House Rep.
Sean Duffy who said: "Congress presented a Bill that simply said 'YOU HAVE TO BE AN AMERICAN TO VOTE IN AMERICAN ELECTIONS.'"
He continued: "The Democrats have become so RADICAL they all voted 'NO' or simply 'PRESENT' because they want OPEN BORDERS and for
ILLEGAL ALIENS to VOTE IN OUR ELECTIONS." There is a pattern: Democrats do not want VOTER I.D. LAWS; they call anything 'Voter
Suppression;' they want illegal aliens to vote; they want open borders. The Democrats want votes, not AMERICA. While it is true, America allows
in over a million Legal Immigrants a year, and America was made great by immigration, there comes a time that IMMIGRATION POLICY has to
be MATHEMATICALLY REASONABLE. In 50 years there will already be over 50 million new legal immigrants to compete for jobs with our
children's future. God wants there to be immigration at a mathematically rational beneficial amount, not that detriments our children.
An additional note to the one earlier today, see above. Democrats want 'open borders' and massive 'immigration,' including illegal immigration,
while they pretend they want 'POPULATION CONTROL' when they want to legalize abortions (murders). They lie in both cases. It is an
OXYMORON to believe in 'open borders' while also believing in 'population control.' Better in the eyes of God that we had no immigration and
NO ABORTIONS, than that we have 'open borders' and massive immigration and rampant ABORTIONS (murders). Do the math.
History lesson from the Weather Channel yesterday: "The Tornado That Saved The Nation." I turned to that channel to see the weather,
and instead they were reporting weather history: "On August 24, 1814, the British were marching on our Capitol and burning buildings when suddenly
a 165 miles per hour TORNADO tore through the British ranks, and they were forced to flee. They reported: "If that tornado had not come at that
EXACT TIME and EXACT PLACE, Washington, D.C. might not be the Capitol of the United States." Coincidence? Or ANIMATION.
Author of the Nation, we have forgotten You and Your works to liberate and guide us. Free us once more.
On the need for MORAL CONSISTENCY in just outrage. Any and all attempts to deceive the public to get their votes is a crime -- obtaining
an office by fraud (deception, lies, concealment of relevant facts). The TAX PAY is also STOLEN by that same deception, and it is a FELONY.
This is true whether it was Clinton, Bush, Obama, or Trump. Our Nation promised: "Equal Justice Under The Law." God commanded, as recorded
by Moses in Leviticus 19:15-18 the following summary: "DO NOT SHOW FAVORITISM TO THE POWERFUL, but judge honestly."
The same media and people who are outraged at Trump's "hush payments" are the same ones who protected Clinton. Be consistent.
A Proof for a friend continued, see earlier note above, about the NATURE OF GOD. God cannot will God's own death (God cannot cause
God to cease to exist). Everyone accepts this truth. Yet the logical conclusions reached from that FACT are seldom discussed. First, it means God
is not "Almighty" because there is something God cannot cause; More important, it means THERE ARE NATURAL PHYSICAL LAWS which Exist
with or without God and which HOLD GOD IN EXISTENCE, whether God wants it or not. God is helpless to those laws. Hence we can conclude
those laws pre-exist God because God cannot alter them. God did create our world; God designed and animates the laws of physics of our world. Yet
long before God created our world, God was alone in God's world and was bound by the NATURE LAWS that hold God in existence.
reported outrage of the Democrats at the "death of a 7 year old illegal migrant girl in the custody of the Border Patrol." It is tragic. Maybe it could
have been prevented by better treatment, or maybe if her father had not taken her on that illegal journey breaking into our Nation unlawfully. Either
way, the outrage of the Democrats at "the death of one of the least among us" is ironic, because they have no outrage at the millions of aborted
(murdered) innocent children in the womb -- the real "least among us" who we must first and foremost protect. Both are tragedies.
The DEMOCRATS are a COALITION of SINS, see earlier note, (of abortion [murder], homosexuals, orgyists, transgenders) joined with
racial groups who sold their sole (soul) joining with that coalition of crimes. It is as former slaves joining with the Party of Slavery; Jews joining
the Party of Genocide; Immigrants/refugees who fled the Soviet Union to here join the Democratic COMMUNIST Party of Big Government.
There seem to be two types of Democrats: Either (1) they have no conscience and will sell any sin for votes, or (2) they feel guilty about their
coalition of sins and try to 'make up for that guilt' by promoting 'substitute feel good' agendas, as 'immigration.' Both are wrong.
Are prayers/songs "from the heart" or "from INTELLECTUAL HONESTY"? These should both be the same thing. Yet in conversations
with women they have said: "prayers are heard when they are from the HEART," while I replied, "prayers are heard if from an HONEST
INTELLECT." Some hate intellectual honesty as a requirement for relationship with GOD. They want it about "emotions." The plain fact is
there are many differing 'denominations,' 'creeds' all professing different alleged 'religious truths.' They cannot all be honest. I do not think
God refuses to hear their prayers, but GOD KNOWS WHO IS BEING INTELLECTUALLY HONEST WITH GOD. Those are heard most.
The "hate speech police" of Facebook blocked Israel leader Netanyahu's son's posts "criticizing Palestinians," reported Fox News
this morning. I have not read his post, but I doubt it was unlawful type 'hate speech,' rather there are real differences between Israel and the
Palestinians, and honest outrage on both sides. Who is deciding what is 'hate speech' so as to 'ban' it? It looks like it is 'one world order.' They
want to make criticizing 'special interest groups (its mob)' a 'crime' and 'unwelcome' on campuses, news, media, and in churches. Absurd.
As I wrote in an earlier note, "Pre-judice" means to "pre-judge without sufficient facts to make an honest rational conclusion." Scientific deductive
reasoning is not prejudice; it is conclusions / rational assumptions based on actual scientific evidence. Today, there is a role-reversal of "prejudice"
RELIGIOUS WORDS OF GOD GIVEN MOSES: "Whoever takes a human life shall be put to death," Leviticus 24:17-21, and "If a man
lays with another man as with a woman (homosexuals), the two of them shall be put to death." Leviticus 20:13. If Moses opened a law
firm or cake baking business today, Moses would be shut down as "unlawful PREJUDICE," or "FORCED TO HIRE GAYS." That is WRONG.
But it is worse today than that, there is among the LEFT a "sense of ENTITLEMENT TO DOUBLE STANDARDS." A black NY senator
proposed a bill for New York to ban handgun sales unless your passwords to social media are given to authorities. That same black senator,
I think his name is Kevin, is reported on Fox News today to have told a person on twitter to "KILL YOURSELF" over a parking issue. Scientific
data allows us to conclude that BLACKS VOTE 80-90% TO LEGALIZE KILLING HUMAN BABIES. And he said: "KILL YOURSELF."
Fox News had clergy on two mornings in a row quoting Chesterton: "You should PRAY with one hand on the SCRIPTURE, and the other
hand on the daily newspaper." The challenge is to find meaningful ways to conform "contemporary society" to the truth in Scripture, not let the
daily media distort 'scripture' to conform to contemporary society. The media of God, not the media of men. I have found purpose in writing songs
and in writing this web page by daily staying up on the news of that day.
On FUNDING for the southern BORDER WALL and EXAMPLE OF ISRAEL. Fox News said recently: "We are sending $2.8 Billion
dollars of U.S. Tax money to Central American governments to prop them up, while Liberals refuse to fund $5 Billion for a BORDER WALL
that protects our sovereignty against Illegal Immigration from those same Central American countries." Fox also had Israel representatives
testify that "Before putting a border wall on the Egyptian border with Israel, it had 50,000 illegal immigrants a year from that border. After
building the border wall, the number of illegal immigrants fell to under 20 a year." They said: "Border Walls do work."
A Humorous ANALOGY about ORAL TRADITION errors in SCRIPTURE. I saw this on Fox News last night, which reported that
a news media publication had printed: "Netanyahu said that Moses drew water from IRAQ." They had to correct it after print to "Netanyahu
said Moses drew water from A ROCK."
The POPULATION GROWTH DILEMMA for DEMOCRATS and SOCIAL SECURITY. It has been said that 'because of the lack
of PROCREATION / BIRTHS among U.S. CITIZENS, the AGING POPULATION will not sustain Social Security.' They argue next that
'we need young children IMMIGRANTS to make up for the lack of births among U.S. Citizens.' Those same persons argue for ABORTION
(MURDER) as a means of 'population control.' What they really want is their sins and voters. Summary: It mathematically comes down to
this: Democrats (Liberals) want MORE PROCREATION from IMMIGRATION, while they want ABORTION and LESS PROCREATION
On my posted song Lightning. It is about Prayer and the meaning of Fidelity: "We did not fall for idols, no lies did we procure." An idol is
anything you value more than GOD'S LAW. You cannot say you 'love God' if you do not LOVE ALL OF GOD'S LAWS. Idolatry includes
anyone or anything you were taught to call 'God' or 'Sacred' -- when it could not logically be God, nor something Logically Consistent with
God's TRUE DOCTRINE. The TRUE GOD wants prayer to be intellectually honest, logically consistent; NO OXYMORONS. About
my posted song Sacred. Abortion and Slavery are linked. I attended a pro-life conference at Dartmouth College that had Alan Keyes
speaking at it, and I was able to talk to him. He said that A PEOPLE WHO HAD ONCE BEEN SUBJUGATED TO SLAVERY SHOULD
being deceived to abort our children by chemicals or devices we were told prevent conception -- "is worse than slavery."
say as Trump the other day: "We spend $285 BILLION TAX dollars each year on Illegal Immigration. We will build a $25 Billion
dollar WALL to cut down illegal immigration. EACH MONTH THE WALL WILL PAY FOR ITSELF." Liberals say: "We
spend $285 BILLION in tax dollars on Illegal Immigration, therefore LEGALIZE ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION, HAVE OPEN
BORDERS and ABOLISH BORDER PATROL AND I.C.E." Today on Fox News they had this argument by a black commentator
who said: "We spend BILLIONS of tax money on Marijuana criminal offenses, therefore LEGALIZE marijuana." ABSURD.
On HONESTY about the 2nd AMENDMENT. Liberals often argue that the "right to bare arms is for hunting." It is not.
Walter Williams, a black professor on a Fox News program the other night, said: "The 2nd AMENDMENT is NOT FOR DUCK OR
DEER HUNTING. The founders explicitly said the right to bare arms is to protect self and others from ABUSIVE GOVERNMENT."
In my earlier note, see above, I said that hunting will be banned long before we lose the 2nd Amendment. He made another good point.
He said banning guns because some people misuse them is absurd. "KNIVES cause far more deaths. Are you going to ban knives?"
On my posted song Conch. It was written in prayer in 1994 and the words came in minutes as if already written by God. The song was
released on my Joshua Sun CD in 1995. Years later in 2000 a friend of mine pointed to a song on the radio and said: "Hey Brian, it is your
Conch." He was referring to Carlos Santana's later release called "Put Your Lights On." In 2001 I sent my CD and song with Carlos'
Supernatural CD to a law firm (I believe its name was Fish & Richardson, or something like that) and they had a music expert examine
Conch and Put Your Lights on. They found "substantial similarity." Yet they refused to take the case because of difficulty of proving
"access" and other "legal requirements for copyright infringement." Transcendence became altered to TRANCEDANCE.
On ending Incentives for Illegal Immigration. On 1/2/19 Fox News played a video of a Caravan Illegal Migrant woman. She was in
Mexico trying to enter the United States. She said: "I have four children back home in Honduras who I left behind to seek a better life." Either
she abandoned them, or she plans on "CHAIN MIGRATION." Either way, it is wrong. And often the illegal immigrant uses children as a
shield trying to enter, or to use that child's entrance as an "anchor" for later "chain migration." Fox News also reported on 12/28/18 the same
facts I wrote about in an earlier note, see above, that "Nations that have low fertility rates do not have enough population to cover the cost of
the benefits promised the elderly." "They tried to make up for low fertility rates by allowing massive immigration. And now populists and
nationalist movements are rebelling against the changing demographics caused by those amounts of immigration." You cannot get the
Democrats (Communists / Socialists, same thing) to close "chain migration" and other incentives to illegal migration, because they see
immigrants as "future votes for the Democratic (Communist) Party." Yet their plan is failing all around the world.
You cannot even watch a Harvard hockey game without ANTI-LIFE VIDEO SCHOOL PROMOTIONALS. On January 4th
this new year I was flipping channels from the news to sports, and on NESN came across a Harvard and Princeton women's hockey game.
I watched it briefly, and between periods Harvard ran a school promotional video. In it was a Harvard woman student in a lab and she
said why she likes 'SCIENCE': "When I graduate I hope to be working with IN VITRO FERTILIZATION (CONCEPTION) and
curing genetic diseases in EMBRYOS (HUMAN CHILDREN IN TEST TUBES)." They create children, practice surgery on single
cell children, murder most of them, and dare pretend they are not murdering Human Lives. And they want Taxes to pay for it.
On the OXYMORON of China's past "One Child" limitation and OPEN BORDERS TO MASSIVE IMMIGRATION. That
is the Democratic Party and Nancy Pelosi, they want limited children, low fertility rates, and yet OPEN BORDERS. Fox reports she wants
the worlds CHILDREN. She wants to murder some children, while letting in unlimited numbers of other children. And she dared to call
"all the children to come up" to the podium as she took her oath of office as speaker of the House.
A few thoughts from reading the latest Dartmouth Alumni Magazine. Page 43 mentions Dartmouth's earliest history with the CONCH,
which I found interesting because of my song Conch. See above. And there is also a letter from George Washington to Dartmouth in 1789
in which Washington writes of ANIMATION (DIVINE PROVIDENCE, GRACE): "under the protecting care of Divine Providence." John
Wheelock had prepared a reply speech, writing: "Guarded and directed by the auspices of our divine parent." Perhaps the most known is
the case of Dartmouth v. Woodward, when on March 10, 1818, Daniel Webster argued to U.S. Supreme Court Chief Justice John Marshall:
"for the question is simply this: shall our state legislature be allowed to TAKE that which is NOT THEIR OWN, to TURN IT FROM ITS
ORIGINAL USE, and apply it to such ends of purposes as they, in their discretion, shall see fit?" John Wheelock had conspired with the
NH State DEMOCRATS (COMMUNISTS) to Legislatively vote to take over Dartmouth College and turn it from a PRIVATE COLLEGE
into a STATE "UNIVERSITY." The Democratic Party was the Communist Party even then at the beginning years of our country.
On the American Psychiatric Association's assault against "TRADITIONAL MASCULINITY." Yesterday on Fox News they had
a segment on how the Am. Psych. Assc. now calls "traditional Masculinity" an "ILLNESS." The commentator said that they consider masculinity
a "social construct" not a BIOLOGICAL norm. Universities today are brainwashing students that men suffer from "Toxic Masculinity." The
Democrats and Nancy Pelosi called the "Building of a WALL is a MANHOOD THING for Trump." They now have called about every
TRADITIONAL NORM an "illness." They have destroyed Traditional Family. They call Straights an "illness, or crime." They role reversal
altered the entire Psych Manuals. See my earlier note. They mentally raped an entire generation into their gay 'coalition' against TRADITIONAL
NORMS of LAW AND BIOLOGY. God help the youth who have been manipulated by their role reversal lies against True Norms.
Analogies to Historical Figures to prove a RELIGIOUS or HUMAN RIGHT not to support what you do not believe in. In Colorado
a Baker is again persecuted by the STATE ESTABLISHED ANTI-TEN COMMANDS RELIGION. He is now persecuted for refusing to bake
a cake for a 'TRANSGENDER' 'GENDER PARTY'. Let us think about this: Moses refuses to bake a cake for a 'Golden Calf Ceremony;' Joseph
and Jesus as human carpenters refuse to craft a wooden BED for a 'GAY COUPLE;' Mohammed refuses to bake a cake for a 'GAY WEDDING;'
Moses refuses to bake a cake for a Gay or Transgender 'Ceremony;' Luther refuses to bake a cake for a catholic ceremony; Abraham Lincoln before
the Civil War refuses to bake a cake for a 'SLAVERY CELEBRATION;' A Jewish Baker refuses to bake a cake for a 'NAZI PARTY PARADE;'
These are actually the same principle as a locksmith refuses to open a locked door to a house for a BURGLARY, or a blacksmith refuses to craft a
metal instrument to be used to kill an unborn child in an abortion. It is a HUMAN RIGHT not to fund or be involved in what you disagree with on
MORAL GROUNDS. The ESTABLISHED RELIGION has turned all that upside down and role reversal altered "HUMAN RIGHTS."
If a Scribe who hated Abraham Lincoln wrote a 'HISTORY BOOK' writing: "Abraham Lincoln fought a Civil War to PRESERVE
SLAVERY," we would all know that is a FAKE NEWS, FAKE HISTORY, FALSE 'ABE LINCOLN.' An Anti-Abe Lincoln. The Ten Commands
You shall not make an idol." Exodus 20:3-4. Any time you try to rewrite or alter ANY LAW OF GOD, you make a different God: an IDOL.
We can rephrase the above Commandment: "You shall not make different 'laws' than My True LAW." The law condemning homosexuals is in the TEN
COMMANDMENTS via that FIRST COMMANDMENT. Read # 11 of the New Earth Exam; Genesis 19:4-5,13-25; Leviticus 20:13; Jude 7:14-15.
On the commonly said statement that we are "Extremely Politically POLARIZED today and Government DOES NOT FUNCTION."
This is because the two political parties have IRRECONCILABLE DIFFERENCES on legal matters THAT HAVE NO COMPROMISE. There is
no middle ground. Either you want Communism, or you want Capitalism. Either you want Real Nation Borders, or you want Open Borders. Either
you want the murder of unborn children, or you do not want the MURDER OF UNBORN CHILDREN. An example: Fox News had on the other
day a Texas Authority who said: "In TEXAS JAILS ALONE there are 4,000 ILLEGAL ALIENS who were jailed for SEXUAL ASSAULT. Of those,
62% were SEXUAL ASSAULT OF CHILDREN." He continued: "THOSE ARE AMERICAN CHILDREN. Our Children." Yet whenever such
statistics are quoted, Nancy Pelosi and DEMOCRATS said: "That is just the cost of doing business." She is wrong.
On MARTIN LUTHER KING JR'S BIRTHDAY we recall HIS "I HAVE A DREAM." On this day in January of 2001, I filed for the "protection
of EVERY BLACK UNBORN BABY as CREATED EQUAL BY GOD." The Court laughed at it. See my earlier notes. Today on Fox News they
honored Caleb Hanna (R) the youngest Black State Delegate in West Virginia, who won that office running on: "GOD, GUNS, and BABIES."
In the past few days, two Obama appointed 'judges' placed INJUNCTIONS on Trump's policy to protect Employers' RIGHT OF CONSCIENCE
not to provide 'CONTRACEPTIVE' (ABORTIFACIENTS) 'COVERAGE.' I sincerely doubt Martin Luther King, if he was a company employer,
would tolerate being told he as a black man had to provide coverage (pay for) his employees' Murder of unborn children and contraceptives. It is Absurd.
There is no difference between China's prior One Child 'law' and forcing employers to pay for coverage of employees' abortions and contraceptives. It
Added comment to the above note on 1/15/19. Today on Fox News they had two Black women arguing their Conservative and Liberal points.
(I apologize that I did not catch their names.) The Liberal said she and many blacks are "Christians and we vote for Democrats." The Conservative
replied to her: "Typically the statistics show that the MORE RELIGIOUS A PERSON IS, THE MORE THEY VOTE CONSERVATIVE." She added:
"The main caveat is Blacks who go to church often will undermine their professed religious beliefs and still vote for Democrats."
As stated in my Studio Note at the Radio Volume 2nd page, somehow my songs Did Not Know Your Name and World At Peace were deleted
from my producer John's computer. We had to re-record both songs. This is after the earlier tampering documented above on this page that happened to
my song Spiraling on Radio Volume 1. The Wave file final that was altered is compared to the earlier m4a file not altered above on this page. This also
is after the photographed proof of tampering with the download of my songs from this web site on my computer. I posted above on this page that proof
showing that instead of sound files, when I try to play my songs from this web site they download as gibberish type script, not sound. Interestingly, the
song they deleted, Did Not Know Your Name, is a PRO LIFE song.
Attorney General nominee William Barr said during his Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on January 15 the following: "The framers
of our Nation wanted a Government strong enough to enforce the LAWS, but not so strong as to suppress the people." Today the political forces
have role reversal turned that purpose of Government upside down. Now it is: "The COMMUNIST Democrats want a 'government' strong enough
to Impose and Enforce their SINS, and not so strong as to suppress their SINS." In other words, they want SINS. If you doubt that statement, try
substituting in place of the words "SINS" the phrases "ABORTION (MURDER)" and "GAY WEDDINGS." And they want TAXES to pay for them.
It is their ESTABLISHED "ANTI-government" and "ANTI-religion." It violates the purpose our founders sought, and violates the ESTABLISHMENT
and FREE EXERCISE clauses of our Constitution's Bill Of Rights; not 'Bill Of Wrongs.'
This morning Fox News discussed an incident where "Google had OVER 100 EMPLOYEES upset with the term: FAMILY FRIENDLY" --
i.e., for movies, etc. They hate the word "FAMILY" because they said it is "homophobic." Another clue of Google's war on TRADITIONAL
FAMILY. Social media giants are trying to role-reversal the entire earth. It used to be LAW and MORALITY were the same thing: LAW enforced
MORAL CONDUCT. Now the 'law' is used to impose and enforce IMMORALITIES (of 'special' interest groups -- a coalition of immoral evil misfits
who want their sins more than a COUNTRY). I had someone say to me: "How can you call them evil for voting that way?" I replied: "If they vote for
those sins, they are evil." ABORTION, HOMOSEXUALITY, ORGIES are EVIL. Call a spade a spade. Our Right and Duty to speak out.
On MARTIN LUTHER KING DAY, I remind my Black family that Martin Luther King's MARCHES were NOT 'GAY RIGHTS MARCHES.'
Yet today between 80 to 90% of Blacks vote as a 'coalition' for 'gay rights.' I ask this: Moses, Jesus, Mohammed, and MLK each open PRIVATE
SCHOOLS, and Karen Pence is hired by Jesus to teach Art. Each of those private schools "FORBIDS HOMOSEXUAL TEACHERS." Fox News
reported the LIBERAL MEDIA CONDEMNS KAREN PENCE for working at such a school. Fox has a Black Male commentator - a contributor
to The Federalist - Adrian, who says wrongly he "has many friends who are homosexuals and are Christians or Religious." He is wrong. It is an
OXYMORON to say the phrase "Religious homosexuals." THEY ARE THE OPPOSITE of TRUE "RELIGION."
On my posted songs Let Love Abide and Windmill. As said in an earlier note, I have a relative who hides behind the apocryphal altered slogan of
"Judge not, or you will be judged," and "Love is patient, love is kind." Jesus said: "Not the smallest letter of God's laws will pass away." He had no
authority to alter the LAWS given by God to Moses. God said: "judge your neighbor fairly (equitably, honestly) ... Rebuke (reprove) your neighbor
openly (frankly) so you will not share in his guilt." Leviticus 19:15-18. Our entire JUDICIAL SYSTEM is based on the right and duty to JUDGE
OTHERS. Without that, there would be ANARCHY, which is what the LIBERALS want: THEIR SINS. Let Love Abide was revised by me to conform
to those facts, and to pose the issue of how in times of urgency, such as the end of the age, there cannot be ungodly "patience." Windmill integrates that
into "a time to make a stand" for the GOOD OF OUR COUNTRY. That time has come repeatedly in history, and good people have responded.
On how UNDER-EDUCATED, MISINFORMATION, and EVIL INTENTIONS result in similar OUTCOMES. Fox News reported that
recently OVER 85% of students in an IL HIGH-SCHOOL "FAILED the STANDARDIZED ENGLISH Exam." They probably did worse in HISTORY.
Compare this to regimes that BURNED HISTORY BOOK, or made FAKE HISTORY LESSONS to manipulate the people. The result is the same.
And those 'teachers' took (stole) your TAX DOLLARS as pay for that sham. We know they also FAILED THE "GENDER EXAM." Fox reported
this morning that "Kate Hudson is going to RAISE her baby Girl as 'GENDERLESS.'" She said: "We still do not know what GENDER She will 'IDENTIFY
AS.'" Imagine that some in our MILITARY wanted to be in foxholes with MEN WHO 'IDENTIFY AS WOMEN' and call MEN 'Toxic Masculinity.'
Thankfully the Supreme Court upheld the ban on TRANSGENDERS in the MILITARY.
Fox News this morning confirmed what I wrote in earlier notes, they reported: "The most aggressive SANCTUARY and GOVT. HANDOUT policies
STATES." They said "those states are BUYING VOTES from immigrants for their Sexual Revolution, the MURDER OF UNBORN CHILDREN, and the
Destruction of the FAMILY." New York's COUMO was on television these past few days bragging about "New York has passed the MOST AGGRESSIVE
PRO-ABORTION 'law' ON THE BOOKS." New York is also a Sanctuary 'State.' It's alleged 'law' "allows the Murder of Children on demand up to the
7th month, and up to birth for nearly any additional reason." They have role reversal altered what Ezekiel taught: "All life is mine. The life of the child is
equal to (like) the life of the mother; both are mine. Only the one who sins shall die." Ezekiel 18:4 God favors the child's life over the sinful mother.
The Sanctuary 'states' have also turned upside down the "FEDERAL SUPREMACY" that makes us a NATION. They have renounced citizenship. They
are doing it in DRUG 'legalization' 'states.' And they are doing it with ABORTION (MURDER).
RADIO VOLUME 3rd is started, songs will be posted at this link: Volume 3rd.htm
As I wrote in my Studio Note on Radio Volume 2nd, see that page, John the producer and I discussed making a 3rd Volume of my songs. We agreed.
And I asked him about making a final version of the CD Potter's Wheel. Each Volume has two or more songs from Potter's Wheel, so I thought about
finishing that with studio quality versions, not just rough drafts. After Volume 3rd is completed, we will compile the songs and put out a CD Wave File
version of Potter's Wheel. For those interested, Volume 1 has 5 songs from Potter's Wheel, Volume 2nd has 2 (I am adding Windmill), and Volume 3rd
has 6 songs from it. Potter's Wheel is the only one of the rough draft Demo CDs that I will make into an entire Studio Wave File final music CD.
RADIO VOLUME 2nd is now posted in FINAL WAVE FILE CD format at the following link, these are standard CD Player audio files. DOWNLOAD.htm These will be there free for a limited time. The m4a version
will remain free at the Radio Volume 2nd page.
The final Studio version of Potter's Wheel will be posted WAVE FILES when finished at the above link, and FREE m4a files at this link which also has the
CD Booklet, Tray Card, and Disc Label at it.'s Wheel.htm On the theme of the Cover of
Potter's Wheel, I did free searches for clip art on Potter Wheel and old techniques of round recording. The Old hands around young hands at the potter
wheel was free, and it in fair use symbolized for me God's Hand molding our every action, teaching us, guiding us as we make art for Him. The old forms
and newer forms of recording captures my youth to older age, the various ways I learned and recorded music, and how God molded those technologies.
The round turntable symbolizes the modern potter wheel for musical art.
On ABORTION (MURDER), Illegal IMMIGRATION, and ROBOTS taking worker's places. I wrote in earlier notes above that it makes no
sense to allow the ABORTION of children under the pretense 'flag' of 'population control' while you want OPEN BORDERS or Massive illegal immigration.
I wrote earlier about the reasons they are so role-reversed and UPSIDE DOWN. "Better in God's eyes we DO NOT ALLOW ABORTION, and have
NO IMMIGRATION." I am for sustainable immigration, and NO ABORTION. There is another OXYMORON: Robots will soon "take tens of
millions of jobs away from our current work force." I think they said on Fox about "1/4 of our current work force will be lost to ROBOTS." It makes
no sense to allow OPEN BORDERS or even massive immigration when we face technological overthrow of our natural WORK FORCE already.
On FEDERAL SUPREMACY on definitions of "LIFE, LIBERTY, and PROPERTY" or there is NO COUNTRY, only an ILLUSORY 'COUNTRY.'
Fox News today showed a video of "Kathy Tran defending her proposed 'BILL' in VIRGINIA that would allow the ABORTION (MURDER) of a CHILD
even during DILATION AND GIVING BIRTH if for the 'mental health' of the mother." See my earlier notes about the UNCONSTITUTIONALLY
ESTABLISHED RELIGIONS OF "Implantationism," "Ensoulmentism," "Health of the mother-ism," "Even during birth-ism." If one State defines LIFE as
CONCEIVED AT FERTILIZATION (which is Right, Correct), and another 'State' defines 'Life as conceived at IMPLANTATION,' and another 'State'
defines 'Life as conceived at VIABILITY,' and another 'State' defines 'Life as conceived at BIRTH,' -- Obviously THERE IS NO NATION, only an
I am making a Scripture Meditation Prayer links page. It will eventually have all of the Exams that have Scripture Meditations in them. Links.htm
I am ARCHIVING each of the ROUGH DRAFT DEMO mp3 music file CDs. Those mp3 Rough Drafts are: 1) American Faith; 2) Back To Eden;
3) Animation Nation; and 4) Radio Demos: eARTh Is Round. The lyrics will remain posted on those pages, and the EXAMS for each of those will remain
posted -- and will be added to the Prayer Links page linked above.
I decided to leave up the Rough Draft DEMO CD of Potter's Wheel until the FINAL WAVE CD is completed and posted.
Tired of prolonged WARS and Terrorisms. God promised that SIN would result in God handing us over to WARS. The answer all honest people know
is to END SIN, and GOD WILL END THE WARS. Read the Exam meditations mentioned above in earlier notes. Simplification: Moses, Jesus, and
Mohammed have differences about the NATURE OF GOD that have resulted in wars over the millenniums. Yet those are made worse when someone tries
to pretend one of those religious leaders 'approves of ABORTION (MURDER) and/or HOMOSEXUALS.' They did not. It is clear that neither Moses,
Jesus, nor Mohammed would surrender to a country that has LOST ITS MORAL AUTHORITY by allowing ABORTION or GAYS. Moral Authority
is critical in global and counter-terrorism efforts, because Man has as his GOD designed NATURE to protect the unborn, and prevent gays. The only real
solution to ENDING WARS is to END SIN, and return to a NATION THAT HAS MORAL AUTHORITY to compel PEACE with the TRUTH. There
will remain still one serious problem: the DIVERGENT RELIGIOUS BELIEFS of JEWS, CHRISTIANS, and MUSLIMS. Only by Ecumenical efforts
to resolve each into the REAL OBJECTIVE TRUTH, because there can only be ONE REAL TRUTH, will lasting PEACE result. Ecumenism.
The meaning of TRUE (HONEST, REAL) CONSERV-ATISM. 1) There is to Conserve as in to be FRUGAL, not over-spend; 2) To Conserve
resources, including Conserve Energy; 3) To Conserve the Honest TRUE LAWS, not allow ABORTION nor GAYS; 4) To Conserve the NATION,
not have endless wars all over the earth; 5) To Conserve the Environment, not allow pollution; 6) To Conserve the EARTH, not throw it away on
ourselves; 7) To Conserve a MORALLY GOOD world FOR OUR CHILDREN, and THEIR CHILDREN. I agree with each of those.
On the link between Ralph Northam, Infanticide, the KKK as PLANNED PARENTHOOD 'FEDERATION.' When a few days ago Virginia
'GOVERNOR' Ralph Northam (who portends to be a 'doctor') publicly advocated for INFANTICIDE by calling for "legalized murder of a fully BORN
human baby at the discretion of the 'doctors' and the baby's MOTHER," the LIBERAL MEDIA and 2020 CANDIDATES had nothing to say. When
yesterday it was reported on ABC and FOX NEWS showing a photo of Northam's 1984 Medical Class Book in which his page has him as one of two
men -- one wearing BLACK FACE, and the other in a KKK hood and gown -- now those Liberals are talking! Both should be disqualifying, and
Northam should resign. The Niece of Dr. KING said on FOX: "The founder of Planned Parenthood, Margaret Sanger, was a CONSULTANT to the
KKK, and the Democratic Party has long been associated with the KKK, and the KKK is still affiliated with PLANNED PARENTHOOD. All who
fund or support PLANNED PARENTHOOD are funding and supporting the KKK." Sanger also had ties to HITLER. She wanted GENOCIDE
by all methods, especially the ABORTION of BLACK BABIES, and she won -- because today BLACKS murder their babies at HIGH RATES.
Alvida KING was on Fox News again this morning about Ralph Northam's agenda of INFANTICIDE and ABORTION. She said what is
the real condition of FORGIVENESS, when she said: "Ralph Northam, Govenor of Virginia, needs to UNDO ALL THE EVIL HE HAS PERPETRATED,
and RESCIND ALL ABORTION 'LAWS.'" She is the Niece of Dr. Martin Luther King mentioned in the 2/2/19 note above. On another note, Fox also
had a historian on who reminded us: "One of Abraham LINCOLN's State of the Union Addresses said that 'the CONSTITUTION is the last good hope
on earth.'" And he continued: "Today you have Democratic (COMMUNIST) Candidates calling for the abolishment of the Constitution," and "many of those
same Democratic (COMMUNIST) Candidates are calling for SOCIALISM (COMMUNISM)." The CONSTITUTION is the last real hope on earth
only if and when it inextricably integrates the TEN COMMANDMENTS of GOD, the TRUE OBJECTIVE LAW STANDARD.
A Simple Case AGAINST SINGLE PAYER GOVERNMENT PAID MEDICARE INSURANCE FOR ALL. First, let us say at the start that what
Planned Parenthood and its Candidates want is your TAX DOLLARS PAYING FOR ABORTION GOVERNMENT MANDATED. They have used
'insurance' as a method of 'SOCIAL ENGINEERING' what they want -- which is MORE MURDERS (ABORTIONS). I will discuss that more in the next
note, but here I share a simple proof of why Medicare for all CANNOT WORK. The price for drugs and procedures (surgeries) INFLATES under any
INSURANCE regime. Yet worse when you add in MEDICARE. It increases the cost of medical procedures because: a) the doctors know that Medicare
will pay only a small % of the procedures price, so they RAISE THE PROCEDURES PRICE FOR EVERYONE; and b) they also know that if Medicare
patients pay less % of the price - as stated above - ALL OTHERS MUST PAY A HIGHER PRICE FOR THE SAME PROCEDURES to balance out
the price per patient average. Under Medicare for all, there would be no "b)" above, but there would be increased pressure of "a)" above, and the doctors
would be under great pressure to set the standard prices higher because they know the GOVERNMENT will only PAY A SMALL % of those set prices.
Then you say: "Why can't GOVERNMENT set the prices then?" NOW YOU DID WHAT THEY WANT: COMMUNISM OUTRIGHT.
Women try to call ABORTION (MURDER) and CONTRACEPTION their 'Personal CHOICE,' yet they demand those PAID FOR AS
'INSURANCE.' Insurance exists to provide FUNDS to pay for THE RISK OF FUTURE ILLNESSES. "Personal Choices" are not the proper
use nor definition of "INSURANCE." They are 'treating' FERTILITY and THE OPTION OF NFP as if "ILLNESSES, DISEASES." They have
brainwashed an entire generation to misuse INSURANCE as part of their aggressive 'SOCIAL ENGINEERING' mentioned in the previous note.
Fox News estimates that "$80 BILLION is lost each year in INSURANCE FRAUDS." That does not include the above FRAUDS. Nor does it
include the the HIGH INFLATION of drug prices and medical surgeries prices that happen because of INSURANCE. And the HIGH JURY
VERDICT DOLLARS that also happen because of the existence of INSURANCE. Those costs are carried by every field, and everyone. As for
MEDICARE FOR ALL, there is a reason the GOVERNMENT only pays a FRACTION (%) of the PRICES, see above note, because it would
likely go BANKRUPT if it had to pay the entire prices of medical procedures. Finally, Fox estimates the COST of MEDICARE FOR ALL to be
The story about my song Rainbow on Radio Volume 3rd. My friend's daughter drew me a rainbow. It made me think about the future of the youth
and God's COVENANT (CONTRACT) sign with Noah when God gave Noah the LAW. Then later I saw on TV at Fenway Park a 'ceremony' in which
they raised the AMERICAN FLAG with on the same flagpole a gay-lesbian-transgender 'RAINBOW FLAG' -- both at half mast. It desecrated our
NATION, our FLAG, and the AMERICAN FLAGPOLE. It is the same as flying a Nazi flag on the same flagpole as our American Flag. What you need
to understand is that gays and lesbians and transgenders are a CULT that has oathed to itself to role-reverse and overthrow real LAW, thus to overthrow
our NATION and FLAG. They are an invasion. Not oathed LAW-FUL CITIZENS. In God's eyes, they are worse than that. And that 'ceremony' also
STOLE FROM GOD HIS MEANING of the Rainbow given Noah as a SIGN OF THE COVENANT OF REAL LAWS -- not homosexuals. That is
why I wrote my song Rainbow, in hope of restoring for our youth the Real meaning of God's Rainbow as "The colors of Your love" -- LAW.
AMERICAN BIRTHS. As I watched Trump's speech it occurred to me again that DEMOCRATS (PPF) want Illegal Aliens to have full legal
status protection if they "STEP ONE FOOT ON AMERICAN SOIL." And they want the children of Illegal Aliens that are BORN ON AMERICAN
SOIL to have full immediate CITIZENSHIP. Again, FULL PROTECTION UNDER OUR LAWS. Yet when a child is BORN and 'UNWANTED'
more than HYPOCRITES, they are pure EVIL. It comes down to this: they want immigrant VOTES, and want to murder UNWANTED children.
It is worse than that still, because they want to murder BORN ALIVE CHILDREN for their ORGANS.
Another reason DEMOCRATS (PPF) are pushing for INFANTICIDE is to push the ball down the field so far that you will settle for
"Third Trimester." That was once said to be the moment of "Viability" -- almost the 70 yard line of pregnancy. DEMOCRATS (PPF) hate the fact
that science reveals that "POTENTIAL VIABILITY" is now around the 40 yard line because of medical advances. DEMOCRATS feel that if
they push for the 100 yard line of pregnancy, you will want to settle for the 70 yard line, instead of the 40 yard line or earlier. We must push them back
That is the only real SAFETY FOR EARTH and SAFETY FOR OUR NATION. See earlier notes and Scripture.
Addition to my earlier note today, I turned on the TV and Fox was showing President Trump speaking at the National Prayer Breakfast.
Trump spoke about PROTECTION OF UNBORN and BORN BABIES, speaking about and introducing "GRAYSON, who was BORN 4 MONTHS
EARLY on the way to the hospital. He weighed only ONE POUND and LET OUT TINY CRIES." He survived. HE WAS VIABLE. And he recently
"celebrated HIS FIRST BIRTHDAY as a HEALTHY and HAPPY BOY." The other night when Trump promised emphatically during his State Of The
Union Speech to "PROTECT UNBORN and BORN BABIES" -- all the REPUBLICANS stood and applauded that promise. The DEMOCRATS did
not stand nor applauded. And during that speech when Trump also emphatically said: "We will never allow America to become a SOCIALIST country"
-- all the REPUBLICANS stood and applauded that promise also. NONE OF THE DEMOCRATS STOOD, NONE OF THEM APPLAUDED.
On the meaning of an HONEST "WAR ON DRUGS." If North Korea smuggled into our Country a CHEMICAL that would kill 70 THOUSAND
AMERICANS and/or could potentially KILL 100 MILLION AMERICANS, we would use our MILITARY and LETHAL FORCE to eradicate North
Korea and that threat. Yet when MEXICO and CHINA smuggled into our Country Fentynal and Heroine that killed over 70 THOUSAND AMERICANS
and in doses (as reported on Fox recently) that could potentially be used to KILL 100 MILLION AMERICANS, our Military and LETHAL FORCE is not
Continued from the note yesterday. DRUG ROULETTE IS MURDER, NOT 'AN ACCIDENT,' AND NOT 'A VICTIMLESS CRIME.' If a rogue
'police officer' pointed a pistol that had 5 empties and 1 Real Bullet in it at a HIGH-SCHOOL and pulled the trigger, and that 1 Bullet killed a student -- it is
COLD BLOODED MURDER, not 'AN ACCIDENT.' Drug DEALERS' ROULETTE is worse than that. There are no blanks in drug deals or use. Each
deal they KNOW SOMEONE MAY OR WILL OVERDOSE AND DIE, and that 70 THOUSAND people in the U.S. died last year from overdoses. They
are WILLFUL, DELIBERATE, and CALCULATED MASS MURDERERS. Drug dealing is not a 'victimless crime,' and does not cause 'accidental deaths.'
Also continued from today's earlier note. PILL CYCLE ROULETTE IS PREMEDITATED (FORESEEABLE) MURDER. As stated above, the
dealing of any Pill (Drug, Injection) that could foreseeably cause the DEATH OF A HUMAN BEING is in truth DEATH DEALING ROULETTE, and is
WITH LIFE" -- they seduce millions of people to PARTICIPATE IN THOSE MURDERS. As an example, if fentynal or heroine ABORT (MURDER)
UNBORN BABIES 10% of the time a pregnant mother takes that drug, the DEALER is guilty of TWO MURDERS: the MOTHER and BABY. Both
Continued from above. If a rogue 'police officer' DECIDES TO SHOOT HIS/HER GUN INTO A FIELD that he or she knows or should know
is the path that children take to go home, and his/her bullet hits an unseen child, that 'officer' is GUILTY OF PREMEDITATED (FORESEEABLE) MURDER.
It is not "negligence," it is WANTON DISREGARD FOR HUMAN LIFE OF CHILDREN, it is MALICE worse than Gross Negligence, it is homicide. The
same is true of a DRUG sale to WOMEN OF FERTILITY AGES. A drug that could kill a CHILD in the field of the WOMB (Fallopian Tubes, Uterus) is
FORESEEABLE and is MURDER. And when drug sales are in the millions, that FORESEEABLE event is MATHEMATICALLY CERTAIN TO HAPPEN.
All those who know that their are children in the field at times, and still prescribe those drugs are guilty of HOMICIDE. In GOD'S EYES they are a CULT.
Update from the HOUSE OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE questioning Acting AG Whitaker, and the Virginia Blackface Scandals. Today listening
to the Oversight Committee, I think to write that Virginia 'officials' painted in BLACKFACE is evil and Blacks should be angered by it. Yet it is nothing compared
to what BLACKS HAVE DONE TO THE FACE OF THE BLACK PEOPLE. Today, AG Whitaker was asked by a House Representative: "I recently saw a
study showing that MORE BLACK BABIES ARE ABORTED (MURDERED) EACH YEAR THAN ARE BORN." She then asked: "If any other disease, drug,
DEATHS, TO PROTECT THOSE BABIES." A few days ago on Fox I saw former NFL player Benjamin Watson say: "There would be NO ABORTIONS
of Black Babies IF THE BLACK MEN WOULD STAND UP AND BE MEN." What they did to the FACE of the BLACK PEOPLE is a shame. Whitaker
replied to the Representative's question: "As an AMERICAN, I am greatly concerned." We all should be.
About my posted song Time Has Come, see also my Studio Note at the Radio Volume 3rd page. I wrote the song a few years ago thinking about the
AMERICAN FLAG, and about the Commandment to "Be careful to observe all my commands and statutes" "Neither swerve to the left, nor to the right." See
Joshua 1:1-9. And I was thinking about MLK's speech of "Let Freedom Ring." The lyrics include those, and it is a call to return to the OBJECTIVE TRUTH
STANDARD as the CENTER, and play on words of "Center Stage" -- time to make that change, to take a stand. HATE SIN, NOT SKIN. If Orange colored
people had HIGHER RATES of a) Fatherless homes; b) Murder (Abortion included) Rates; c) Unwed pregnancies; d) Gays, orgyists, etc., we would be right
to condemn them as a people, not condemn their Skin Color. It is worse than a few bad apples ruining it for the rest of the Blacks. They admit to having terrible
role models, and rates high in the above "abominations" - as Scripture calls them. I pray they have GOOD ROLE MODELS, and MAKE THE CHANGE.
End the murder of Black BABIES, and end the regime of Homosexuals. Time to make that change. Return to God. It is an irony that A CIVIL WAR was fought
to give them their rightful FREEDOM, yet when tested by God with that Freedom -- they as a race of people misused that Freedom, and did not obey God.
Thankfully they survived their mothers' attempts to murder them in the womb. You would think, as I wrote before, that a race of people who were wrongly defined
as "3/5ths a HUMAN BEING" when the country was founded would today INSIST THAT THEIR UNBORN CHILDREN ARE 100% FULLY HUMAN
BABIES. We fought a Civil War that they would be RECOGNIZED AS 100% FULLY HUMAN. Was that war fought in vain? There is no 3/5ths a Baby.
There is no 3/5ths Pregnant. No 3/5ths CONCEIVED. At FERTILIZATION there is 100% CONCEIVED HUMAN BEING. I saw a commercial saying:
"MAN UP!" That phrase is said often on TV about almost anything other than the REAL DEFINITION OF BEING A "MAN" AS DEFINED BY GOD WHO
DESIGNED MAN. And what about WOMBMAN (WOMAN) UP! What Percent of woman today obey GOD'S DESIGN OF WOMAN?
The REAL DEAL (Covenant), NOT 'new green deal.' The way to end GLOBAL WARMING is not to INCREASE ABORTIONS (MURDERS) and
LIBERALS (DEMOCRATS) pretend to not understand this and often say 'their is no connection between their sins and EARTH WARMING.' They hate the
that 'god is not like that, god does not punish earth for sins.' THEY MADE A FALSE GOD. In SCRIPTURE GOD PROMISES that worse than Global
Warming is coming if we do not END THOSE SINS.
Did some research last night by watching first half of the GRAMMY AWARDS. They tried to split the time between more acceptable songs/acts and
outright FILTH, Crass Gestures, Satanisms. They are "stuck between ROCK and a hard place." I pray for them: "They never learned your name O Lord,
when they were taught all those lies." Joy wore a "Build The Wall" dress, ugly, but made a point. Fox News reported the other day that "Gallop Poll says that
42 Million South Americans want to come live in the United States." They said: "Apprehensions at the border of Illegal Aliens is up this year 84% from last year"
and that "over 201,000 illegal aliens were arrested at the border this year 2019, and that means by the end of the year 720,000 arrests will be made at the border."
Those are only the ones caught crossing the border. Also, Fox reported that a "teacher at Washington University (WUSTL) wrote that 'Conservatives feel their
IDEAS ARE NOT WELCOME ON CAMPUSES.'" He continued: "That is fine, because Conservative ideas are inferior to LIBERAL 'ideas.'" The campuses
have become extensions of Hollywood and the GRAMMY AWARDS -- ALL LIBERAL trash ideas, and FEW CONSERVATIVES. They should not receive
any TAX DOLLARS, nor TUITIONS for teaching Liberal lies, and because of their intolerance of CONSERVATIVE TRUTHS.
EXPECTATION OF RECEIVING A "LESSER STANDARD OF ENTRANCE" has hurt many minorities. On Fox News there Black commentators who
want AFFIRMATIVE ACTION ENDED. Yet what I am thinking about is the REASON there are high rates among BLACKS of ABORTION (MURDER),
I imagined Noah's ARK preparing for the flood, door open, Noah standing at the door -- people trying to get into the ARK. Over its door is a sign which
reads: "NO AFFIRMATIVE ACTION." Noah says to the people: "Only those with GOOD content of CHARACTER may enter." Today, many pretend
not to know what is Noah's standard of "Content Of Character" To ENTER -- "Obey all my commandments, neither turn to the left, nor to the right."
About my song Thin Line and the Recording of History. Song lyrics are often remembered easily. Songs can preserve and teach the HISTORY of our
FREEDOM MARCH. This is BLACK HISTORY MONTH, so I will record Thin Line this month and post it. Its lyrics include: "1776 Inalienable Rights,
1860s we stood to make that fight, Room 306 at 6:01 we saw him right, the Night Overcome." When I was in Law School I would make condensed outlines
of major classes and then record my voice reading those outlines to listen to that tape while walking in the week before the exam. I found I remember better if
I read it AND HEAR IT. That experience led me to want to record God's LAW and HISTORY in SONGS. Truth to the Youth. In that line, I am sad to see that
Camila Harris (whose politics I do not agree with) went on record saying she "wants to Federally legalize marijuana" and that she "smoked it" -- while she also
was RIGHTLY formerly publicly "against CA legalizing marijuana," and RIGHTLY "prosecuted marijuana smokers." I have seen others who went from
marijuana smoking to heroine or cocaine -- as a gateway drug marijuana is the worst. And it impairs driving, work, family duties, etc. I bet if you did a study
of DIVORCE RATES they would be much higher among MARIJUANA USERS than non-smokers.
Death DEALING Joaquin 'El Chapo' Guzman DESERVES THE DEATH PENALTY. In an earlier note I wrote why TERRORISM includes CHEMICAL
WARFARE (DRUGS INCLUDED) of invading our Country with Chemicals that will harm or murder our citizens, or cause them to be "compromised" by addictions.
I can think of others who received the death penalty in our Nation who did far less harms and compromised far less people than did Guzman. Terrorism also includes
the effort to undermine our Nation -- to ruin our Society -- by causing harms, murders, or addictions. People who are addicts have no loyalty to Country.
They trade loyalty to the U.S. for loyalty to the drug dealers. In truth, druggies are NOT CITIZENS any longer once ADDICTED. And they serve a different god,
NOT THE GOD OF ABRAHAM and MOSES; they serve their addiction and dealers as their god. Guzman is a mass murderer, and dealer of addictions. He is a
Beto's speech last night in Texas is HERESY and OXYMORONIC. Beto said: "Walls do not save lives; walls end lives." Really? What about the lives that
were taken by illegal aliens -- like the Texas girl who was run over by a drunk illegal alien who was detained earlier but not reported to ICE. That left him in the
country illegally to kill that AMERICAN CITIZEN. But Beto was not done there. Beto then said: "There is no bargain in which we can sacrifice a bit of our humanity
for his PAGAN EGO and AMBITIONS. Beto is a toy of PPF. He makes no sense.
The CDs for Radio Volume 2nd have come. It is also available at my WAVE DOWNLOAD page FREE. And at iTunes, Spotify, Amazon, etc. I will post a
promo photograph of them. As for PRO-LIFE prayer and music, today I asked God: "I would like to learn any new passages in Scripture against ABORTIONS
that I have not already read." Then came to me "AMOS." I said in prayer: "I have never read Amos." I opened the Scripture to Amos and there in front of me
was this passage: "BECAUSE THEY RIPPED OPEN PREGNANT WOMEN ... I KINDLE FIRE upon the wall ... amid STORMWIND on the day of
tempest." Amos 1:13-14. And I kept reading where Amos warns the Israelites that because of their sins, God would not listen to them and would not hear their
songs: "Take from me your noisy songs; the melodies of your harps, I will not listen to them. Rather let justice surge like waters, and righteousness like
unfailing stream." Amos 5:23-24. The image that came to me was Lady Gaga at the Grammy Awards thanking "god" and her audience of "little monsters." In my
Rough Draft Demos, especially Back To Eden, I wrote of how God cannot allow us to have "memories of sins" on New Earth. That includes sinful 'songs.' Why
waste your days making or listening to 'music' God will not hear, and which God cannot allow you to have as REAL MEMORIES on NEW EARTH?
I told John the producer of Radio Volume 2nd that the best mix I think he did of each instrument I played (except drums, which he played) is American Faith,
because I do not think it is an easy song to blend all its parts musically as a producer. While American Faith refers to God and the Constitution, see prior notes,
it also refers to the INTELLECTUAL HONESTY required for HONEST FAITH and HONEST PRAYER. In earlier years I read about "The Dark Night Of
The Senses," when God leads you on what I call The Ascent To Real Math Earth (Ascent To The New Earth, see scripture). The reason I call it "Math Earth"
is because there will be no miracles -- nothing that violates the MATH OF REAL EARTH PHYSICS -- on the New Earth (Resurrection of our body). With that
in mind, real prayer comes into focus as INTELLECTUALLY HONEST RELATIONSHIP WITH GOD, not about 'senses of god's presence,' not about 'feelings,'
nor 'emotions.' Real Faith is Honest with God and does not rely on 'sensory' or 'spiritual' 'senses.' IT RELIES ONLY ON INTELLIGENCE. Real LAW. Real
Honest Prayer is more like a LAWyer than a 'spiritual guru.' There will be nothing 'spiritualized' on NEW EARTH. See my prior notes and Exams.
Continued example from my earlier note on 2/13/19 above. I asked God again today to show me any other Scripture passages against ABORTION
similar to the one I wrote about above. I heard: "HOSEA." I went to Hosea and there was the same phrase again, as a sign that God has cast off the idolatrous
people: "Samaria has become guilty, for she has rebelled against her God. ... their INFANTS shall be dashed to pieces, THEIR PREGNANT WOMEN
SHALL BE RIPPED OPEN." Hosea 14:1. It speaks of both INFANTICIDE, and PRE-BORN MURDERS. A sign of Godless people, when God hands
over the sinful rebellious land that does not obey HIS LAWS -- the result is INFANTICIDE and ABORTION.
What do ELIZABETH WARREN, JUSSIE SMOLLETT, and PAGAN VERSIONS OF 'JESUS' have in common? They are the reason I hate
"AFFIRMATIVE ACTION." Why did a White woman pretend to be Black? Why did Elizabeth Warren pretend to be American Indian on her Bar Application in
Texas and to Harvard? Why did Jussie Smollett during BLACK HISTORY MONTH pretend -- as the police said yesterday he "STAGED" -- a false assault in
which they yelled 'MAGA country' and put a rope noose around his neck and punched him, BECAUSE, as the cops said, "HIS CHARACTER was being phased
out by the show Empire." He has no "character." They each want a "lesser standard" to "gain an undeserved ADVANTAGE over others." As I wrote before,
they want "a lesser standard of Entrance." That is why I hate also the PAGAN VERSIONS OF 'JESUS' that they pretend made for them a "LOWER
IT IS HERESY. Unthinkably arrogant toward God. They will find themselves WRONG.
On the meaning of AMERICAN FAITH (Keeping Faith) in the REAL CONSTITUTION. Trump today said to the family members of persons killed
by illegal aliens: "The REAL NATION loves each of you." It made me think about the meaning of Real Faith, Real CITIZENS in the Constitution. There is
'vain, empty faith' that professes: "I have faith in the Constitution," but does not obey the LAWS of the REAL CONSTITUTION. They profess to be
'Citizens,' but they are NOT REAL CITIZENS. The same is true with GOD and the COVENANT (CONSTITUTION) OF GOD'S LAWS (the same as
any REAL CONSTITUTION). You cannot say you have 'faith in the Covenant Laws Of God' unless you OBEY EACH AND ALL THOSE LAWS. In
about the END; ... the rash have NO INTEGRITY; but the just one who is righteous because of faith shall live." Habakkuk 2:3-4. "Seek the LORD,
all you HUMBLE of the land, WHO HAVE OBEYED HIS LAWS." Zephaniah 2:3. And God condemns those who pretend 'faith' but who "do violence to
the law." Zephaniah 3:4 The phrase "violence to the laws of God" means "no fidelity, disobedient, not keeping faith with the LAWS." There is an
OBJECTIVE "CONSTITUTION," the OBJECTIVE REAL LAWS. Not man's efforts to pervert those laws. Those are null. Keep Real Faith.
Kamala Harris said it is "A MODERN DAY LYNCHING," when it is a HOAX. When there were ANTIFA and WHITE SUPREMACISTS
clashing in Virginia, they called ANTIFA saints and WHITE SUPREMACIST were rightly condemned. Both were violent, both have bad morals. And
when Jussie Smollett faked a rope noose around his neck, Kamala Harris was all to eager to RUN FOR PRESIDENT on the back of that FRAUD. Fox
News reported yesterday and today: "Smollett's story does not add up," "There is growing suspicion Smollett fabricated his assault," "The two men arrested
are Nigerian brothers who are friends of Smollette and at least one of the two Black men worked on the set of Empire as an extra, and they are known by
Smollette." Now the police have let them go saying they are "no longer suspects," when Jussie Smollett said on TV interview he "is certain those are the two
men who assaulted him, tied a noose around his neck and poured bleach on him, yelling 'MAGA country.'" Kamala tried to lynch mob all Trump supporters
with that fiction. Fox reported that "Smollett has hired a high price defense lawyer," maybe her name is Kamala Harris. Black on Black crime is the worst.
Follow up from yesterday's note. Corey Booker also called JUSSIE SMOLLETT the 'victim' of "A MODERN DAY LYNCHING." He is also
RUNNING FOR PRESIDENT on that slogan it seems, with Kamala Harris. Fox News reported that "the police NO LONGER CONSIDER SMOLLETT
A VICTIM," and that "The two Nigerian Black brothers told police that Jussie Smollett PAID THEM TO ORCHESTRATE THE ATTACK," and "They
showed police the SALES RECEIPT FOR THE ROPE that was used as the noose." Harris and Booker ARE NOT DIAMOND & SILK. Fox also pointed
out that "It is a CLASS 4 FELONY to fraudulently file a FALSE POLICE COMPLAINT/REPORT." Today they also reported: "BILL COSBY wrote that
he is a 'POLITICAL PRISONER like Martin Luther King, Gandhi, and Nelson Mandela." Really? Then so was O.J. Simpson and Tyson? The O.J. Simpson
case was a terrible turning point ROLE REVERSAL OF JUSTICE in Black History: They played the race card trying to LOWER THE STANDARD. What
I like about Diamond & Silk is they are two Black women who hate the 'RACE CARD.' They want Equality, not 'special interest' lower standard status.
My song Rainbow is against their theft of the rainbow from God. It is against the CULT of sins calling itself 'rainbow' 'coalition.' Rather than tell
you who that CULT is, and without here discussing the EVIL PARANORMAL they experience, let us reason together to who they are. Remember that in the
HISTORY OF AMERICA it was always ILLEGAL to be "incest, homosexual, orgyist, pedophile, adultery, abortion, prostitution, contraception, drug users or
dealers, etc." That CULT organized a 'secret society' to protect its members, to take over and overthrow the laws that prosecute their crimes, and to brainwash
public opinion. To do so, they conspired as 'secret society' to put their members in positions and offices of public trust, such as law makers, presidents, police,
governors, bishops, clergy, doctors, nurses, podiums speakers as teachers, librarians, AGs, judges, clerks, etc. One only has to ask HOW IS IT THAT
PROFESSED CONSERVATIVE PRESIDENTS have appointed LIBERAL SWINE as Souter, O'Connor, Kennedy, and Roberts? It has happened too
many times to be a mere COINCIDENCE. Why is it the LIBERALS always get a LIBERAL, but the CONSERVATIVES get another LIBERAL?
Add into the earlier note today the fact that CONSPIRACY OF IMMORAL MISFITS also has 'lures' and 'enticements' of an EVIL REWARD and
PUNISHMENT system -- A CULT that serves an EVIL NO-god (fake angel, fake god, that GOD TESTED THEM with and they failed). When you add
that in the equation you see why they are not only a CRIMINAL CONSPIRACY 'coalition' and TREASON AGAINST OUR NATION AND ITS LAWS,
they are a RELIGION AGAINST THE TRUE GOD AND GOD'S LAWS -- by which they attempted to 'gain an advantage' from the 'reward and punishment'
system of that FAKE DEVIL with which GOD tested them. They are LODGE. The Vatican called LODGE and FREEMASONRY the "BIGGEST ENEMY
TO GOD AND THE PEOPLE." Scripture repeatedly condemns them and tells about their EVIL PARANORMAL in its texts, especially those given Moses.
See the EXAMS and prior notes. The EXAMS have a few examples of where SCRIPTURE CONDEMNS that CULT'S PARANORMAL and ACTIONS.
On guitar and my playing style, and recording. First of all, some people do not THINK OF GUITAR as a RELIGIOUS INSTRUMENT. They have not
READ THE PSALMS. The same is often said about "drums," or "hand clapping," BUT BOTH OF THOSE ARE ALSO MANDATED IN THE PSALMS.
See the EXAMS. Each day I ask God in Scripture reading to help me to write, play, and record the best I can for God. As for guitar and other stringed
instruments, the Psalms, as a few examples, say: "Play music," "make music," "Give praise with ... strings," "SKILLFULLY PLAY (stringed instruments),"
and "with melody (on stringed instruments)." Psalms 105:3-5; 149:1-4; 150:3-5; 33:2-3; 92:2-5. I ask God to help me develop my own style of playing.
There are limitations with recording "line out" through a Marshall's "5 watt studio channel." But I feel John the producer has done a good job. You trade some
warmth (of a microphoned speaker amp cab) for efficiency and ability to record in a small studio room with "line out," as we have done. Overall, I am pleased
with the project, and think maybe God provided a sound that is not stereotypical. I do miss the full tube sound and warmth of a microphoned amp. See my
earlier notes about the equipment we used. But then again, I also miss old four track electromagnetic tape recording. I am old fashioned.
It appears Smollett fabricated the earlier "hate letter" he sent and received on the set of Empire before he staged his attack. On Fox yesterday
there were two commentaries relevant to this. First, Greg Gutfeld (whose gayisms I hate) did however make a good comment to an Economics & Psych
Major who studied "Human Decision Making," in which Gutfeld said: "When DEMAND for hate 'victims' EXCEEDS SUPPLY -- it leads to lies." Smollet
was trying to take advantage of the CLIMATE and MEDIA that craves making 'advances' from alleged 'HATE CRIMES.' Then on Fox Wilfred Reilly,
a Professor of political science and Author of "HATE CRIME HOAX" concluded: "VERY MANY of the HIGHLY PUBLICIZED alleged 'Hate Crimes'
turned out to be HOAXES." Jussie is another Tawana Brawley. My concern if further, with the DEFINITION OF 'HATE' 'CRIME.' There must be an
OBJECTIVE (REAL, TRUTH, TIMELESS) STANDARD OF "HATE," and of "CRIME." As it stands today, Moses, Jesus, and Mohammed would
all be guilty of alleged 'hate crimes.' Therefore, THAT IS NOT AN OBJECTIVE TRUTH STANDARD -- it is a SUBJECTIVE STANDARD pretending
to be 'real law.' We cannot CRIMINALIZE Moses. We cannot CRIMINALIZE GOD. We need to REPENT.
Update to my note a few days ago about the EDUCATION SYSTEM. Today on Fox News, William Bennet warned: "Plato said the MOST
IMPORTANT question for any society is WHO GETS TO TEACH OUR CHILDREN, and WHAT do they get to teach them?" With that in mind,
think now of why the CULT that I wrote about earlier would 'secret society' invade and take over our EDUCATION SYSTEM? And on "Socialism"
("Communism"), Fox reports that "The majority of Americans polled have an UNFAVORABLE view of SOCIALISM. While 1/3 of MILLENNIALS
have a FAVORABLE view of SOCIALISM." Star Parker said yesterday that "WE ARE NOT TEACHING OUR CHILDREN THE TRUTH about the
HORRORS OF SOCIALISM." She said we need to end the SOCIALISM STATE RUN EDUCATION SYSTEM. It teaches propaganda, not TRUTH.
On LAWSUITS (Monetary Settlements) OR REQUIRED PUNISHMENT (Jail, Death). Why is it that wrongful death dealing of chemicals, for
example, that were known would cause deaths is met with "Lawsuits, and money Settlements" instead of PUNISHMENT FOR MURDERS? Why is it that
rampant "Clergy sex abuse, pedophilia, assaults, homosexuals, etc." was met with "Lawsuits and money Settlements" or "Defrocking" INSTEAD OF
PUNISHMENT CRIMINALLY FOR THOSE CRIMES? They have sold you on a lie, and role reversal altered the LAW OF GOD. They made an
upside down cartoon false god. The real God in Scripture commanded: "You will NOT ACCEPT COMPENSATION IN PLACE OF the life of a
murderer who deserves to die, but that person must be put to death." Numbers 35:31-34. "You have profaned me among my people ... keeping
alive those who should not live" Ezekiel 13:19. The LOGICAL EXTENSION TO LESSER CRIMES is this: You shall not accept compensation
(i.e., Lawsuits, monetary Settlements) in place of JAILING or EXECUTING the CRIMINALS. Those who say 'god does not agree with the death penalty'
are making an IDOL. It is IDOLATRY. The REAL GOD spoke often in Scripture about REQUIRED "DEATH PENALTIES." See the EXAMS.
"HEART-STRINGS" DO NOT MAKE GOOD LAW. I hate the phrase often said: "'Think' with your heart, not with your head." I was thinking about
HODA, the Alabama traitor to the U.S. who went to Syria to become a 'bride of ISIS' at war with the U.S. She now wants to return and has an 18 month
old baby boy. She apparently was not a CITIZEN because her father was a 'DIPLOMAT' when she was born here. But if she was a CITIZEN, she lost
CITIZENSHIP here when she became a TRAITOR to the U.S. and made war against us with ISIS. Millions of people want to come to AMERICA to
become CITIZENS and raise their children here. Millions more want to come live here ILLEGALLY, including those OATHED AGAINST OUR NATION
AND ITS LAWS, such as MS-13 gang sponsors or members. It is true that Hoda's baby in INNOCENT, but so would the baby be of any other ENEMY
OF THE NATION such as an MS-13 member's baby. WE CANNOT ADOPT THE WORLD. Better for our NATION to help fight to end gangs, ISIS,
and SOCIALIST DICTATORSHIPS around the world, to make a better place for those babies to be raised in their homelands, than to try and adopt the world.
"The LUNATICS are RUNNING THE HOSPITALS." When I told a former worker at the hospital that lied to detain me WHAT THEY DID TO LIE
THAT "GOD WILL PUNISH YOU" was somehow me saying "I would punish them," and that when I read a UNION LEADER EDITORIAL they tried to say
"I would do what I read" -- SHE TOLD ME: "Sometimes I wonder which side of the counter (desk) some of the hospital workers should be on. Some of
them seem like THEY SHOULD BE PATIENTS, not mental health workers there." I told her, as stated in earlier notes, "I wrote a parable from Scripture
FOR REFUSING TO SPEAK THE TRUTH ..." And that they had said: "I was threatening to poke out their eyes and cut out their tongues myself." ABSURD!
And that when I read a NEWSPAPER EDITORIAL about "The Constitutional Right To Stand Your Ground and to Defend Yourself Against Corrupt
Government" -- which I read by prefacing it with: "While I HAVE NEVER OWNED A GUN, NOR WOULD I SHOOT SOMEONE" -- the worker
ran to the doctor to say 'I had threatened to use a gun!' -- WHEN I HAD JUST SAID I WOULD NEVER USE A GUN. ABSURD TWICE! I pray for
them daily, because someone needs to pray GOD REFORM THEM TO BECOME HONEST, NOT PROPAGANDA FOR THEIR CULT PPF.
PARANORMAL IS NOT "PROOF." As I wrote in earlier notes, ALL DENOMINATIONS EXPERIENCE PARANORMAL that confirms their very
differing 'DOCTRINES.' We cannot go with paranormal, we MUST USE OUR INTELLECTS. For examples, many denominations begin with alleged
"apparitions of angels" or are later enforced by "apparitions of angelic beings," which are HOAXES. They all say different things as 'doctrine,' so we can
know without a doubt GOD USED PARANORMAL TO TEST US, TO DECEIVE SOME, but wants us to USE OUR INTELLECTS not to listen to
PARANORMAL. Maroney is a lie. Gabriel to Mohammed is lies. And even in Medjugorje they are teaching lies. In fact, one of the 'visionaries' had an
alleged 'apparition' of 'Mary' that was saying lies to her, and then it vanished and another 'apparition' of alleged "Mary" said the first one 'was the DEVIL.'
But the second apparition teaches them lies, such as 'to not complain about pedophile priests.' ABSURD. I was in Medjugorje and asked her about that.
On Christopher HASSON of the Coast Guard and "OVER 30 VIALS of HUMAN GROWTH HORMONE" found when they raided his home.
Not only did Hasson have an arsenal of weapons, and other drug, and powdered "synthetic urine" to pass urine tests, he had a locked case of vials of unused
HUMAN - GROWTH - HORMONE. When I was a hockey player for Dartmouth College, during the summers I worked out in a gym where several of my
friends tried to get me to try "human growth hormone taken from CADAVERS by med students" -- I REFUSED. I think of it as CANNIBALISM. Today,
on TV there is an add for "SeraVital" which is supposed to "boost your natural HGH levels," it says: "Human Growth Hormone is a 'miracle drug' for youthful
appearance, less fat, and more energy, etc." BULL. That is not why they take it. Ask yourselves (1) Where do they get the HGH?; (2) Is it from dead babies?;
(3) IS IT A PPF CULT drug for its CULT MEMBERS who lost their own endocrines from misusing their bodies with wrongful other bodies' hormones? I predict
that if you searched Hasson careful enough you would find he was in LODGE (PPF).
Update on Hoda whose father was a DIPLOMAT of YEMEN. The issue for me is not as much was she born "A U.S. CITIZEN" than "What DUE PROCESS
to ILLEGAL ALIENS who set one foot on our soil, more than the issue of DUE PROCESS we must afford TRAITORS. Perhaps both must get their day in court.
The SOCIAL EVILS of SOCIALISM (COMMUNISM). When there was allegations that Donald Trump had participated in PROSTITUTION in Russia
before running for President, PUTIN was asked about it. Putin smiled and said to the press: "Russia has the finest PROSTITUTES." Social evils always follow
owner of the New England PATRIOTS was announced "caught by police in Florida on video receiving sex favor from a PROSTITUTE." "Twice." The police
called it a "MISDEMEANOR," yet under Judeo-Christian LAW it is a FELONY, MORTAL CRIME. Robert Kraft recently receive honors from the Jewish
Community -- maybe they should take that honor back. The police were investigating "PROSTITUTION and HUMAN TRAFFICKING." That is BIG CRIME.
And on Television there are many advertisements "social engineering" hookers and 'trial live-in together' 'relationships,' -- and SOON ALL OF D.C. with its many
SOCIALISTS social engineering the end of TRADITIONAL MARRIAGE will all smile and say: "America is the best PROSTITUTE."
Fox News showed a video of Sen. Feinstein (CA) being lobbied by some children: "The scientists say the WORLD WILL END IN 12 YEARS IF
WE DO NOT STOP CLIMATE CHANGE." Really? Obviously their 'PARENTS' or 'TEACHERS' were most eager to tell them that trash. Yet they do
not teach those same children that "THE EARTH WILL END IF YOU DO NOT END ABORTION." See Scripture in the EXAMS. SOCIALISTS hate GOD.
They oathed to REPLACE GOD with the STATE. They are IN COMPETITION WITH GOD. They see GOD as their mortal ENEMY OF THE STATE. As
I wrote before, SOCIALISM is IDOLATRY. On a positive note, recently, as ABC and FOX report: "The Trump Administration has removed TAX FUNDING
for any facility that gives abortion referrals to Planned Parenthood." "New rule: facilities will not receive any TAX funding if they provide referrals of where or
how to get an abortion." Our Founders signed a DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE from UNLAWFUL TAXATION, including especially the listed
Fox recently showed photographs of a man and wolf, wherein the man saved the wolf from having fallen through ice -- thinking the wolf was a house dog.
A week ago, one commentator tried to say: "Just because Jussie Smollet cried wolf, that does not mean a wolf does not exist." Yes. But O.J. Simpson cried wolf
WHEN HE WAS THE WOLF. So is R. Kelly. So was Michael Jackson. So was Prince. And so is Jussie. It made me think: What does it take to SAVE A
(PUBLICLY ATONE) FOR WHAT YOU DID. See #28 of the GOD'S BOUNTY EXAM Meditation. See included there Jeremiah 18:7-10; Ezekiel 14:6-8;
33:18-19. Example: COHEN WAS A "LOYAL" WOLF for Donald Trump. NOW HE MUST TELL ALL if he hopes to be forgiven.
REPARATIONS TO DESCENDENTS OF SLAVES." They are PROSTITUTES trying TO BUY YOUR VOTES. We are all descendants of slaves,
at least the Jewish people are. SHOULD EGYPT, ROME, and GERMANY now PAY JEWISH PEOPLE "REPARATIONS"? It is another tactic of
SOCIALISTS trying to promise MONEY or GOODS to buy your votes. "Cannabis Kamala." The Jewish people did not prosper because of "Reparations"
after many generations of SLAVERY. They prospered because they moved forward to build a life with God and with each other. This is what I think about
"reparations to Blacks," they today were not slaves. Scripture warns: "If you do not learn to OBEY MY COMMANDMENTS, I will take from you even
what you have." That happened to the Jews, and it will happen to any people that want "reparations for the past," instead of OBEYING GOD NOW. In
other words, put the past behind, and SEEK AN HONEST FUTURE. God will favor the obedient people with prosperity in the end.
An ARTful MEDITATION. I used to think about my guitar as cut from the wood of the cross, and what styles and songs would Jesus record? Then in prayer
my Meditation became about ten years ago: "Noah cutting a piece of wood from the ARK and crafting it into an electric guitar. What styles and songs would Noah
record on that sacred guitar?" We inherit that wood from Noah, who was over the deep, not stuck in the shallow. Or if Moses had a piece of wood from the ARK
Of The COVENANT. And he made a guitar from it. What songs would he play or record? Guitar is made of two parts: wood, and guts. Missing either, there is no
guitar. We are either the bitter poison tree of Eve, or we are the wood of Noah's tree.
Let us reason together as to what is the 'god' (fake Devil) that runs Lodge (PPF) as a Satanic RELIGION (CULT). God is alone and there is no other,
so to have something that "tests" or "tempts" people to find out who is OBEDIENT TO GOD, and who wants IDOLATRY for their sins instead of GOD, God
MARRIAGE. What does the DEVIL WANT in its place? Homosexuals. Contraceptives, fornication, orgyists, and ABORTION (MURDER). "Gay weddings."
PARANORMAL, the DEVIL gets a few tricks and treats to tempt people with. As for some of those, read Genesis 6:4; Jeremiah 43:13; Ezekiel 16:15-38; 23:19-25.
Or read those Scripture texts in #6 of the New Earth Exodus EXAM and #s 23, 24, 25 in God's Bounty EXAM meditations.
Let us reason further from the previous note. What the DEVIL tries to do is get people to COMMIT UNFORGIVABLE SINS. Those are MORTAL SINS
for which God commanded "the DEATH PENALTY." Those include: a) HOMOSEXUALS (Leviticus 20:13; 18:22; Genesis 19:4-5, 13-25); b) ORGYISTS;
c) ABORTION (Exodus 20:13; Leviticus 24:17-21; Genesis 9:6-7; Ezekiel 18:4; 13:19); and d) CANNIBALISM. The only way out of those sins is to TELL
to have sexual relations with the men staying at Lot's house, God destroyed Sodom." Genesis 19:4-5, 13-25. "If a man lays with another man, they shall be put
to death." Leviticus 20:13. "Whoever takes the life of any human being shall be put to death." Leviticus 24:17-21. "Anyone who kills shall be put to death ... Be
FERTILE and MULTIPLY." Genesis 9:6-7. Who overturned those LAWS? If you say 'Jesus,' YOU HAVE BLASPHEMED AND MADE AN IDOL.
Fox News had on a female student who "was ADOPTED" and says rightly SHE "WAS BORN INTO THE PRO-LIFE ARMY." That student, Maddie
Mueller was on for being banned by her school from wearing a M.A.G.A. red hat. Interestingly, the same school she noted allowed numerous students to wear
"Bernie Sanders hat, and Hillary Clinton T-shirts, and Obama T-shirts, and RAINBOW LGBTQ HATS." They are not honest. Schools are now liberal CULTS.
On the REQUIREMENT OF OBJECTIVE TRUTH as the AGREEMENT, or it is INVALID (NULL). Contract Constitution construction. We can
prove on LOGIC that there really is ONLY ONE CONTRACT. All that deviates from it is NULL. The DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE came shortly
before the CONSTITUTION; its FOUNDATION. But it INEXTRICABLY includes and is FOUNDED ON the CONTRACT OF GOD: "All men are created
equal and endowed by our Creator with the INALIENABLE RIGHT TO LIFE." That was the FOUNDER'S ORIGINAL INTENT, which they later forgot when
they wrote the Constitution saying that "BLACKS are 3/5ths HUMAN (3/5ths a PERSON)." That Clause is NULL, but do we invalidate the entire Constitution?
Or do we replace it with the earlier Framer's Intent that was valid: "All are created equal and have inalienable right to life"? What if human Congress passed a
'Constitutional Amendment' saying: 'Babies in the womb are 3/5ths human'? Obviously it is NULL. Or what if Moses when translating the Covenant of God
put into it a clause: "Egyptians are 3/5ths Human"? Obviously it also is NULL. But the COVENANT IS NOT NULL. Only what Moses got wrong. The
point is this: THERE EXISTS AN OBJECTIVE REAL TRUTH CONTRACT. All that men try to do to alter it is NULL.
What if Moses wrote 'INTO THE CONTRACT CONSTITUTION' a clause that: "EGYPTIANS ARE 3/5ths HUMAN," and someone tried to
pretend they 'believed that' and thus tried to 'make the Constitutional Contract' as revised by Moses? IS THEIR 'ACCEPTANCE' VALID? VALID
VALID CITIZENS, for the reasons stated in the previous note. Question: Is Moses the Author and Offeror of the CONTRACT? Or is GOD the
OBJECTIVE AUTHOR AND OFFEROR OF THE CONTRACT? We all knew the answer to that question, but many failed pretending otherwise.
If Moses, Jesus, or Mohammed heard a CONFESSION about Murder or Theft, and if they hid it from the POLICE, the FAMILY OF THE VICTIM, and
from THE COMMUNITY (WE THE PUBLIC), they would be guilty of OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE. Similarly, if a LAWYER heard a confession of
Murder or Theft or any Crime and they hid it claiming alleged 'attorney-client privilege' -- THEY ARE GUILTY OF OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE.
Any real priest or lawyer or judge knows they MUST DISCLOSE the MURDER, the THEFT, or any other CRIME, and cannot claim 'privileged.' If
they hide the CRIME, they should DO THE TIME, and they have made WAR AGAINST OUR CONSTITUTION and WE THE PEOPLE.
Fox News reported today that "DEMOCRATS have gone so far LEFT that they BLOCKED a BORN ALIVE ABORTION SURVIVORS BILL to
protect babies who survive an attempted abortion" -- THEY ARE BORN. "They are not the DEMOCRATIC PARTY of your parents." "Nor are
they the party of the professed DEMOCRATIC public, because the vast percentage of professed DEMOCRATS are against late term abortions."
"And these are not late term abortions, here the BABY IS BORN." The PELOSI and SCHUMER LIBERALS now want INFANTICIDE.
Addition to my earlier note today. A Jewish man murders his wife and two children, then he runs to Jesus saying to him: "Jesus, save me."
Jesus WOULD SIN if he tries to hide that man from prosecution by the POLICE and PUBLIC. What JESUS WOULD SAY to the man is this: "If
you are truly sorry for the Murders, then turn yourself in to the Police and Public and tell all, and accept death or jail as your punishment." Not even Jesus
could claim a secrecy 'confessional privilege.' And if the man refused, Jesus WOULD TURN HIM IN TO THE POLICE AND PUBLIC.
About my song Orbit. "Let the gravity of what is real pull you in to make the seal." Gravity, not levitation. It is a song of hope about what is to come:
"Those who obey the way of Truth will be restored to our youth." And it is a warning to certain type of women who will not make it until they publicly
REPENT: "Saturn has its rings. Rings they used to steal from God all that is real. All she wanted was fake 'feels.' She has no honest appeal.
No one can make her kneel. In the end what will she say? She says she's 'living for today.'" 'LIVING for TODAY' will not make it home.
Salvation, not SLAVation. Governments and churches and PPF often pretend they have a right to manipulate the public by hiding facts that would
motivate WE THE PEOPLE to do different than they want us to do. They deny us INFORMED elections -- INFORMED CONSENT. We are a
CONSTITUTIONAL CONTRACT Democratic Republic that only exists as long as it PRESERVES an INFORMED PUBLIC. There can be
only ONE OBJECTIVE TRUTH RIGHT TO FULL INFORMATION, a Right To Know ("Sunshine Laws"), or there is only an ILLUSORY NATION.
If Florida has a different Right To Know standard than New Hampshire or Massachusetts then there are many different 'nations' disguised as 'states.'
Two examples: In the 1940s 'governments' tried to hide the HOLOCAUST MURDER of MILLIONS OF JEWS, because they either: (1) wanted us
not to declare WAR to end the murders, or (2) they were afraid we would be cowards and commit mortal sin by refusing to declare War. Second, I
have heard clergy say to me, "We do not tell the public that 'contraceptives' are ABORTIVE (Abortifacients) because it will 'wake them up' to that sin
and then they will be guilty of Abortion." THAT IS HERESY and MORTAL SIN and ORGANIZED CRIME OF SLAVERY (SALVery). Today on
Fox News there was a church billboard that said: "Heaven has MANY LAWS. Hell has OPEN BORDERS." And No Affirmative Action.
Part two of the above note. the SLAVation Army of false clergy have another 'theory' about 'ignorance is bliss' -- they pretend that if men and women
do not know the laws of marriage, they will therefore be valid CONTRACTANTS of MARRIAGE. WRONG! There must be INFORMED CONSENT
Uninformed is NEVER VALID MARRIAGE. Next they pretend if alcohol was against the Nature Of Marriage, that a man and woman who think they are
drinking alcohol but are in truth drinking an ABORTION COCKTAIL instead, that they are 'validly married.' NOT TRUE. If (a) is against marriage and you
think you are using (a) instead of (b), and (b) is ABORTION, it does not matter that you did not know you were actually involved in (b). And if (a) and (b)
are both against the FUNDAMENTAL NATURE OF the MARRIAGE CONTRACT, it does not matter that you were Ignorant of those facts. There must be
I was thinking about how the OLDEST RELIGIOUS MUSIC was not Organ Pipe Music, but MUSIC WITH A heART BEAT. Over the years I
heard people say they "dislike Hand Clapping and Guitar for church music. They like 'TRADITIONAL' church music." That is not the most TRADITIONAL
form of music with which God had His people Praise Him. The oldest music had a beat, early Rock n Roll -- ancient. Hand Claps and drums. Not Queen
singing "we are the champions," rather people stomping and clapping to praise God to be the CHAMPION. "All you peoples, CLAP YOUR HANDS;
shout to God with joyful cries ... Sing praise to God, sing praise" Psalm 47:2-7.
Joe Biden called GOD, and Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus, Mohammed all "NOT DECENT." Jews and Christians recognize Noah, Abraham, Moses
to be DECENT MEN when they preserved the LAW of "DEATH PENALTIES for HOMOSEXUALS." See earlier notes, Scripture and EXAM meditations.
Fox News reported: "Joe Biden was forced to apologize for calling Vice President Mike Pence a 'DECENT GUY.'" Biden wrote on his Twitter: "There is nothing
decent about being against LGBTQ 'rights,' including the Vice President." Biden is IDOLATRY. He made a false god in his own image of LGBTQ. "Because the
men of Sodom tried to have sexual relations with the men staying at Lot's house, God destroyed Sodom." Genesis 19:4-5, 13-25. "If a man lays with another
man, they shall be put to death." Leviticus 20:13.
A clarification about Fox News. I watch Fox News more than other 'news' stations, for this reason: I think they are more fair, although not perfect. I do not
appreciate how gay and lesbian Fox News has become. I disagree with them, and see them as IDOLATRY. I want President Trump in office because he was
BETTER THAN THE ALTERNATIVE -- CLINTON. I do not like Trump, but I like many of his POLICIES. The same is true about Fox News. The reason
I share that is because I quote from Fox often about current news. This is not an endorsement of all of Fox News' opinions and IDOLATRY.
On being Diplomatic. It is not DIPLOMATIC to type your DIPLOMA in Latin so that no one can read it. I cannot read my own diploma, can you? Some
pretend that Latin makes things seem more intellectual, or more mystical perhaps. It does not. If you cannot read it, is it worth the paper on which it is printed?
I went to Dartmouth College to read, not to be locked out from my diploma. One thing I know is that I am still a Bachelor making Art. Looking for Mrs. Right,
not Mrs. Wrong. I may make this a CD someday. It will be rewrites of only songs I wrote while at Dartmouth over the years.
I have added the 250th Anniversary Magazine showing the College's longtime motto: "Vox Clamantis In Deserto" See Isaiah 40:3.
I think most of the students graduate there without knowing from where that motto comes. I think that used to not be the case.
D-Art vs. Trad, God's ART vs. false 'Trad'itions. Why did I write in earlier notes about drums, hand clapping with guitars? And about leaving Latin? Because
I am an Originalist, not a modern 'Traditionalist.' Many of the things people today talk as if 'sacred' 'traditions' are NOT CONSISTENT with GOD'S LAWS
and the true Sacred History of RELIGIOUS ART. In my lyrics I like to challenge contemporary 'sensibilities' in effort to restore God's SENSibilities. REAL
LAW. Timeless truths. Sacred History of God and His people. What God really commanded and taught -- and warned repeatedly. See earlier notes. At the
same time, I realize that while stringed instruments are in the psalms, they did not have my chosen instrument, electric guitar. Not completely old fashioned. The
MESSAGE has to be God's timeless TRUTH, while the means (the instrumentation) can vary. I am glad REALigious music does not have to be all pipe organs.
Do you really think God 'likes' to make war against GOD'S INTELLECT, i.e., against GOD'S INTELLIGENT DESIGN FOR MAN AND WOMAN?
God made that design. God thought about it carefully and perfectly designed MAN and WOMAN as EXCLUSIVE MARRIAGE, for the safety of CHILDREN.
We are the ART of GOD'S INTELLECT. Yet in Lodge they as CULT (PPF) oathed to overthrow the INTELLIGENT DESIGN OF GOD. They pretend
they are in league with a 'god' that 'enjoys role reversing the intelligent designs of God.' THEY ARE LUNATICS. AND THEY RUN THE COURTS NOW.
On a similar note: They have techniques, often ancient techniques, to alter texts in code, including Scripture. The Mind of God became Wind of god. And
Shelom became Molesh (Molech, a no-god devil whose name is Shelom in reverse -- they use that technique often. Devil from Lived. Salem to Melas, Malice.
Molesh is them, they are Molest-ers impersonating police, doctors, judges, clerks, bishops. They oath to prevent prosecution of their own pedophiles.
On my songs Ceiling Fan and Eclipse. Ceiling is a word for "the heavens, sky" and FAn is an ancient short form for "FAther of mankind." My poetic use of
ceiling fan imagery for "Heavenly Father of man." One day around 1998 I was writing songs in a hot, steamy apartment with only the ceiling fan over my head to
keep me cool. As I wrote, I saw the shadows dancing on the walls, and heard in prayer about a "funnel cloud," so I wrote it down, and continued: "Darkness
surrounds, and in my room, I hear you call. Ceiling Fan, keep me cool." The original was for the CD "Spiral Staircase," so I thought also about that winding
path up the staircase, and wrote in Ceiling Fan: "A straight path, with crooked lines." I since thought that might be confusing to some, so I have revised the song
to say: "A straight path, NO CROOKED LINES." It refers to Scripture: "Make straight in the wasteland a highway for our God." Isaiah 40:3. Eclipse
was written in 2018, after a Total Eclipse I saw on TV a year earlier. I integrated that imagery. It is a jazzier, blues, rock song against PPF. "Eclipse of Reason,
she blocks out the sun, all she says is she 'wants to have some fun.' Her fun is filled with misery, her days full of tears ... Eclipse of Reason, like a moon shadow.
She never thinks deep, she is so shallow. ... When she cries, no one will hear." I will write more about Ceiling Fan later.
Part 2nd to the earlier note "PARANORMAL IS NOT PROOF." The politics of the nation are run by 'secret society' that is run by mob and paranormal.
The police know this, or they are not trained sufficient to have TAX PAY serving WE THE PUBLIC. What I want to make clear is that Scripture warns
repeatedly that GOD MAKES EVIL PARANORMAL TO "TEST" US. It exists, but those who follow the LOGIC OF GOD will not follow evil paranormal.
How do you know what is EVIL PARANORMAL? It does not want you to OBEY "ALL MY COMMANDMENTS." And it wants therefore for you to
make an IDOL, a FALSE god. "Every word that I command you, you shall be careful to obey, neither adding to it nor subtracting from it. If there arises a
prophet or a dreamer who promises you a SIGN or a WONDER, saying: 'Let us go after other gods,' ... and the SIGN or WONDER FORETOLD to you
COMES TO PASS, DO NOT LISTEN to the words of that prophet or that dreamer; FOR THE LORD, YOUR GOD, IS TESTING YOU to know whether
you really love the Lord, your God with all your heart and soul." Deuteronomy 13:1-4. If you make a god in "human form of a man, or of a woman" you make
an IDOL. Deuteronomy 4:15-16 (Abbreviated). Anyone who "practices divination, or soothsayer, augur, sorcerer, or casts spells, consults ghosts and spirits,
or seeks oracles from the dead ... is an abomination to the Lord" Deuteronomy 18:10-13. God did not say such paranormal is false, God said they are lies;
that GOD IS DOING THEM hidden TO TEST you. The only safe path is to OBEY ALL THE COMMANDS OF GOD.
If after you read the prior note you said the IDOLATROUS LIE that 'god does not test people,' 'god does not make lying paranormal to test people,'
Scripture has an answer for you also: "I the LORD AM THE ONE WHO DECEIVES THAT PROPHET." Ezekiel 14:9; See #14 of God's Bounty Exam.
That is God's CONFESSION that GOD DECEIVES prophets to test them and the people as to whether they want the REAL LAW, or not.
The PURPOSE of the FIRST AMENDMENT. I wrote in earlier notes that Free Speech and Free Exercise Of Religion are really the same right: The
RIGHT TO THE FULL TRUTH, including all CREDIBLE CLAIMS OF TRUTH. Religion is only a right insofar as it is a CREDIBLE CLAIM TO TRUTH,
and is no longer protected religion when it can be proven beyond moral doubt to be LIES. The FREE SPEECH clause is the same, THERE IS NO RIGHT
TO LIE, NOR A RIGHT TO BELIEVE A LIE. TRUTH is the INALIENABLE FUNDAMENTAL RIGHT. This brings me to talking about the false
'RELIGION OF TOLERANCE.' 'Tolerance of sin' is NOT OBEYING GOD, and is not a RIGHT. "INTOLERANCE OF SIN" is the RIGHT and IS
OBEYING GOD. Often you have heard the IDOLATRY that 'god wants tolerance of others,' and they spin it to say 'tolerance of sins' -- YET THEY
ARE WRONG. Or they pretend 'god does not forbid' some sin, when in truth GOD EXPRESSLY FORBID ALL SINS, including ALL LGBTQ sins,
nearly all for which GOD COMMANDED THE DEATH PENALTY. See earlier notes and the Exams. In fact, the only gay sin that does not get the death
penalty in Scripture is 'cross dressing, transvestites,' probably because it does not touch another person yet. "A woman shall not wear a man's garment, nor
shall a man put on a woman's clothing; for anyone who does such things is an ABOMINATION to the LORD, your GOD." Deuteronomy 22:5
In addition to my prior note today, I wanted to summarize the Fox News morning memorable news events: (1) "A judge sides with the rights of the unborn baby
to be called a PERSON, and allowed the father of the baby to SUE PLANNED PARENTHOOD ABORTION CLINIC who murdered his baby;" (2) "AZ 'school'
held a theme day of 'PARTY IN THE USA,' but it punished students who came wearing 'MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN' shirts and gear;" (3) 1776 or 76,000.
"There has been a 300% increase in southern border apprehensions of Illegal Aliens this February compared to last February, which is a Border Crisis." The reason
I put in that "1776" is because we signed a Declaration Of Independence and fought a War to be an INDEPENDENT SOVEREIGN NATION who makes our own
IMMIGRATION LAWS. It would be better to close the border and find Foreign Policies that work that make people want to stay in their country of origin. I am
not against Immigration; I am against Illegal Immigration. We cannot take in the entire world that wants to come live here; there must be law and order.
Explaining a difficult PRO-LIFE Scripture Text that was misused in American History by PPF, which discusses the difference between "willful"
ABORTION (which is MURDER) and "INADVERTENT" "ACCIDENTAL" "MISCARRIAGES" which give rise to monetary LAWSUITS in Scripture.
First, Scripture repeatedly discusses penalties for "Inadvertent" deaths. Under Moses and Joshua the law was settled that if someone inadvertently pushes
another and that person falls and dies, the COMMUNITY MUST HEAR THE CASE and DECIDE if ASYLUM or GUILT is found. Numbers 35:22-24;
11-15; Exodus 21:13; Joshua 20:3-5. The text often misused is Exodus 21:22-25: "When men have a fight and (INADVERTENTLY) hurt a PREGNANT
WOMAN, so as she suffers a MISCARRIAGE, but no further injury, the GUILTY ONE shall be FINED as much as the woman's husband demands of him,
and he shall pay it IN THE PRESENCE OF THE JUDGES. But if injury ensues, you shall give life for life, eye for eye, tooth for tooth ..." Elsewhere in Scripture
God makes clear, "Thou shall not kill" (Exodus 20:13) and this includes the UNBORN BABY, "For the life of the mother is equal to (like) the life of the baby;
Both are mine" (Ezekiel 18:14), and willful death to ANY child is to be punished by "death penalty" (Leviticus 24:17), which includes murder in effort to not
"Be FERTILE and MULTIPLY." (Genesis 9:6-7). See also #14 of Potter's Wheel Exam and #s 6-8 of New Earth Exodus Exam meditations.
THE TRUTH, SO HELP US GOD. The 'Supreme Court' has become a 'secret society' infiltrated BROTHEL OF LIES, NOT RIGHTS. It is an IDOL. People
who profess to be of good faith in GOD'S LAW nonetheless hide behind the 'Supreme Court said this, the Supreme Court said that ...' and they adopt as their life
framework what the 'Supreme Court' has 'ruled.' That VIOLATES THE FIRST COMMANDMENT OF GOD: "You shall not have other gods beside me. You
shall not make for yourself an idol." Exodus 20:3-4. "You shall not mention the name of any other god; it shall not be on your lips." Exodus 23:13. "Whoever
sacrifices (performs acts of loyalty, or reverence, public homage and obedience, etc.) to any god, except to the LORD ALONE, shall be put under the ban."
Exodus 22:19. The Court no longer exists to REQUIRE and ENFORCE THE TRUTH; rather it has become a god unto itself. A god of pagan lies. End Abortion.
In earlier note I wrote about how I wrote a passage about HELL in which it said: "God will remove your eyes and deceitful tongues (God will punish you)"
which Doctors and Police tried to say was me threatening to cut out their eyes and tongues myself. ABSURD. There is more. When question while detained unlawfully,
the Doctor said: "When you say Mother O will do that, DO YOU MEAN 'MOMMY MARY'? I said: "NO." He repeated the same question about 'Mommy Mary.'
I said: "NO." A second time. He hated me not giving him his LODGE CODE. He also hated me saying this, which he called 'deluded, aggrandized, illogical: "I have done
for God sufficient good PRO-LIFE WORKS to help save the UNBORN CHILDREN that I will have an established role on the New Earth." The 'Doctor' found that
'mentally ill.' I TESTED HIM, and He did as PPF would do. It is worse, because to conclude as he did that I was threatening to be the "Mother O (God's Name Shape)
removing the eyes of those who pretend not to see the Truth, and cutting out the tongues of those who refuse to speak the Truth" -- that I was somehow GOD? ABSURD.
Addition to the earlier notes about "GOD WILL TEST YOU, INCLUDING WITH DECEIVING PARANORMAL OR FALSE STATUTES," God warned entire
NATIONS that God would hand them over to "being dumfounded, deluded, confused, stupor" about "law" if they refused to OBEY OBVIOUS REAL LAWS OF GOD.
That has happened to our own NATION. "They did not observe my statutes and they rejected my ordinances THAT BRING LIFE to those who OBEY them. ... Therefore
I gave them statutes that were NOT GOOD, and ordinances THROUGH WHICH THEY COULD NOT HAVE LIFE." Ezekiel 20:13-38. See earlier notes on "God
tests us," "God deceives entire lands to test / punish them with stupor and bad 'laws.'" The only way home and for the NATION is to OBEY ALL GOD'S REAL LAWS.
PARANORMAL IS NOT PROOF (Continued from earlier notes): ANGELS, GHOSTS, and ALIENS are HOAXES. I write this because TV documents
that the U.S. GOVERNMENT has documented 'witchcraft, seantists, angels, ghosts or haunted houses, and ALIENS' -- including sightings by the Air Force. God
warned each of you: "Do Not Turn Aside To IDOLS." Leviticus 19:4; 26:1-5. Angels: Numerous stories exist of people who saw an 'apparition of an angel,'
then later God revealed that was "GOD IN DISGUISE to tempt or TEST that person(s)." Witches, Sorcery: Scripture says such paranormal exists, BUT IT IS GOD
TEMPTING OR TESTING those person(s). God authors those miracles as a Test. Exodus 22:17; Leviticus 20:27; Deuteronomy 29:19. Aliens: God makes elaborate
hoaxes to tempt or test mankind, including fake Spaceships that defy MATH PHYSICAL LAWS such as GRAVITY, and Alien being sightings or examinations by the
Government. ALL ALIEN SHIP or ALIEN sightings are HOAXES authored by God to test us. God wants NO EXCUSES to OBEYING HIS EVERY LAW. If
On the TAX GUILT of the ENTIRE PEOPLE. "Cursed be anyone who accepts payment to kill an innocent person! And all the people shall answer, 'Amen!'"
Deuteronomy 27:25-26. Yet worse is the curse upon THOSE WHO PAY FOR THE MURDER of INNOCENT UNBORN PERSONS IN THE WOMB,
that includes any and all TAX PAYMENTS, which is bloodguilt ON THE ENTIRE PEOPLE WHO PAY THOSE TAXES and ALLOW THEM TO FUND THE
MURDER OF UNBORN BABIES. Think of this, TAXES used to pay for the Murder of JEWS is bloodguilt on ALL THE PUBLIC. TAXES used to pay for the
Murder of Old and Infirm is bloodguilt on ALL THE PUBLIC. TAXES used to enslave and Murder BLACKS is bloodguilt on ALL THE PUBLIC. "The stones are
crying out" because of the PUBLIC TAX PAYERS' BLOODGUILT. You each will meet your JUDGE someday, and your TAXES will be part of your accounting.
A word play proof. God authors all (draws all, writes all). The DRO-W-er was known. DRO-EL, DRO-E1 (I ARE ROUND LONE GOD). DRO-L. LORD.
"Round El Is GOD." Think of how our language preserves in its roots the meaning that "The DRAWER is LORD, GOD." The AUTHOR is GOD.
Reaffirmation of prior notes as PROOF OF NO 'FREE WILL' WHEN GOD SCRIPTS (GUARANTEES) AN OUTCOME. In Scripture we read how
God promised Moses: "I WILL ASSIST YOU IN SPEAKING." Exodus 4:12; See also the annotations there which state that promise is "Literally: I WILL BE
WITH YOUR MOUTH." See prior note about D-Art-Mouth (Who art mouth). When God uses our mouths to speak, WE HAVE NO FREE WILL. And then
in Scripture we read: "The Lord said to Moses: On your return to Egypt, see that you perform before Pharaoh all the wonders I have put in your power. But I WILL
HARDEN HIS HEART and HE WILL NOT LET THE PEOPLE GO." Exodus 4:21. Pharaoh also therefore had NO FREE WILL, because GOD WAS
SCRIPTING (AUTHORING, GUARANTEEING) AN OUTCOME. God SCRIPT-ed when and how the entire Hebrew nation would be delivered from Egypt.
This means also THE ENTIRE JEWISH PEOPLE HAD NO FREE WILL, all was Scripted down to the exact timing and method of deliverance. What this means:
GOD DRAWS (AUTHORS, WRITES, SCRIPTS) ALL EXISTENCE. Any Son would be Authored (Animated, Drawn) by GOD, and thus could not have free will.
Without free will, there cannot be sin of the people, nor of the son. Without free will, there cannot be atonements by the people, nor by the son.
Instead they changed it into a 'PRO-LGBTQ Resolution.' They are so gay lesbian now that they CANNOT THINK STRAIGHT. Then again, many calling
themselves "Jews" now vote as a CRIMINAL 'COALITION' with LGBTQ. They are no longer JEWS. When you deny that GOD CONDEMNS LGBTQ,
you make "an IDOL," and in doing so you "break the COVENANT," and ARE NO LONGER MEMBERS OF THE JEWISH CONTRACT WITH GOD.
Read: Exodus 20:3 ("You shall not have other gods"); Deuteronomy 26:16-19 ("make the agreement, keep all my commands"); Dt 29:17-20 (Warnings of
IDOLATRY makes you condemned, not Jewish); Dt 30:1-10 ("All my commandments with all your heart"); Dt 31:20 (If they make an IDOL "despising me
and breaking my covenant"); and EXODUS 34:12-16: (Make no treaties, covenants, pacts, resolutions with LGBTQ or you are not Jews).
Truth versus Parody Hoax on the subject of 'FREE WILL.' Jeremiah the prophet wrote about simulated 'free-will' the following: "I know, Lord, that no
one chooses their way, nor determines their course nor directs their own step." Jeremiah 10:23; see #14 of Animation Nation Exam. Real Truth:
GOD EXISTS ALONE in the space God occupies. Only one thing (GOD) can occupy any given space. Thus, God has to MENTAL IMAGE all CREATION.
(Authors, Animates, Writes, Draws) We are animations of the Mind Of God. Because of this, nothing can be 'one-in-being with God.' Nor does any of God's
creation have real free-will. We are authored by God. Without real free-will there cannot be real atonements. See Exams, and prior notes this page. Parody,
Hoax deity, as role reversal of the above is: 'For god so loved the earth that god gave up his only son who had FREE WILL to give his life to ATONE for
the misused FREE WILL of the people.'
SOCIALISTS believe 'Government exists to take care of the people,' while CONSERVATIVES believe "Government exist to establish and enforce
REAL OBJECTIVE TRUTH LAW." I heard on Fox News today a congress woman said: "Government must take care of the people." Wrong. The people
must take care to ensure GOVERNMENT IS THE LAWS OF GOD, not the tyranny of the no-god devil of LIBERALS as LGBTQ. If God's Laws are obeyed,
God will ensure the safety of the Nation and of its people, and the people will help secure the sanctity of every unborn and born child and adult. Socialism leads to
chaos and death. Conservatism OBEYS GOD and thus leads to unity in LAW, and GOD'S PROMISED PROSPERITY and BOUNTY for all.
Congress now bows before the TYRANNY OF THE LEFT (PPF, LGBTQ), not before GOD. Thus they have bowed before and serve a false god. It is
IDOLATRY. "Only be strong and steadfast, being CAREFUL to OBSERVE the ENTIRE LAW which Moses my servant enjoined on you. ... Do not let this
BOOK OF THE LAW depart from your lips. Recite it by day and by night, that you may CAREFULLY OBSERVE ALL that is written in it." Joshua 1:7-9.
"If you transgress the COVENANT OF THE LORD, YOUR GOD, which he enjoined on you, to go serve other gods and bow down to them, the ANGER of
the Lord will flare up against you and you will quickly perish from the good land he has given you." Joshua 23:14-16. "Now, therefore, fear the Lord and serve
him COMPLETELY and SINCERELY ... If you forsake the Lord and serve strange gods, he will do evil to you and destroy you ... Now, therefore, put away
the foreign gods that are among you and turn your hearts to the LORD, the GOD OF ISRAEL." Joshua 24:14-24. "So Joshua MADE A COVENANT with
the people that day and made STATUTES and ORDINANCES ... Joshua wrote these words in the BOOK OF THE LAW OF GOD." Joshua 24:25-26.
Moses and Joshua and all the Jewish Prophets knew GOVERNMENT IS THE BOOK OF THE LAWS OF GOD, HIS STATUTES and ORDINANCES.
of DISHONEST WITNESSES who pretended I "threatened to gouge out their eyes, and tongues," I meditate on the duties to bear honest testimony, but not
misleading or deceitful testimony. "Moses, .. will you gouge out our eyes?" -- is poetic for, see anot., "blind us to the real facts." The leaders did not actually
testify they thought Moses would physically cut out their eyes. Numbers 16:14. I wrote: "GOD WILL PUNISH, GOD WILL REMOVE YOUR EYES ..."
See earlier notes. I wrote to them about Hell. But in NO WAY could they pretend, as they did, that I was the one who would do it! ABSURD. But now
to correct their FALSE WITNESS (Dishonest Testimony) I think of these: Do NOT COMMIT INJUSTICE, but "JUDGE YOUR NEIGHBOR Honestly ...
REPROVE YOUR NEIGHBOR OPENLY (FRANKLY) so that you do not share in her guilt." Leviticus 19:15,17. "One who winks at a fault causes trouble,
but the one who FRANKLY (OPENLY) REPROVES promotes PEACE." Proverbs 10:10. "You SHALL NOT bear DISHONEST WITNESS ..."
Deuteronomy 5:20; Exodus 20:16. If she fails to PUBLICLY CONFESS she knew I was not threatening her, I fear of her Hell punishments.
CONSEQUENCES of the GUILT OF THE LEADERS ("Members of the Council") as compared to the GUILT of ONE LEADER ("Moses").
In Numbers we read how the Community Leaders gathered in anger at Moses to protest the fact they were being punished for Moses' sin, because God would
not draw any of them enter into "the promised land of milk and honey." They wondered to God: "O God, ... IF ONE MAN SINS will you be angry with the
WHOLE COMMUNITY?" Numbers 16:21-22. They had confronted Moses asking why he should be leader. "Holding assembly against Moses and Aaron,
they said, You go too far! The whole community, all of them are holy; the Lord is in their midst. Why SHOULD YOU SET YOURSELF OVER the LORD'S
ASSEMBLY?" Numbers 16:3. God was angry at the ASSEMBLY, not at Moses. And God sent them down to Hell (Sheol). Numbers 16:25-35. If Moses
had committed MORTAL SIN, it would have been right and duty for GOD to REPLACE MOSES. But Moses' sin was NOT MORTAL CRIME.
MOSES was REAFFIRMED by JESUS: Mosaic Law, Not 'Set Free From The Law.' What IDOLATRY has done is similar to this: Jews saying,
"MOSES CAME TO SET YOU FREE FROM THE LAW and PROPHETS." Wrong. It makes no sense, and is IDOLATRY, to publish the 'NEW
the LAW or the PROPHETS. ... Amen, I say to you, UNTIL HEAVEN and EARTH PASS AWAY, not the smallest letter or least part of a letter will pass
from the LAW ..." Matthew 5:17-18. The annotations state plainly, "LAW" is the "COMMANDS OF GOD" given "MOSES." Mosaic LAW governs. It
makes less sense, for persons on Fox News to profess to be 'Christians' while believing in 'GAY WEDDINGS.' IDOLATRY! Jesus spoke about marriage
versus "UNLAWFUL MARRIAGES." Mt 19:9. Jesus taught MARRIAGE is EXCLUSIVELY BETWEEN "A MAN and WOMAN." Mt 19:4-6.
"Have you not read that from the beginning the Creator 'made them male and female' and said: FOR THIS REASON a man shall ... be joined to his wife,
and the two shall become one flesh ... what GOD (CONSENTS) to join together." Matthew 19:4-6. What Fox has done to 'JESUS' is the same as
this: JEWS rewriting Sacred Texts to say 'Moses allowed GAYS TO MARRY.' THEY ARE LIARS, IDOLATRY.
Continuation of an earlier note ABOUT GOD DRAWS (AUTHORS, ANIMATES) WEATHER IN SCRIPTURE. People often wrongly say:
'god does not listen to men, nor does god make weather.' Wrong. Weather is perhaps the EASIEST PROOF that GOD AUTHORS ALL. Noah's Flood.
Abraham's Fire destroying Sodom and Gomorrah. Moses and the HAIL, WIND, COLUMN OF FIRE and SMOKE. I like two examples here, where
God plainly obeyed the voice of a man to make weather: Samuel and Elijah. "'I will call upon the LORD, and he will send THUNDER and RAIN.' ...
Samuel called upon the LORD, and the LORD SENT (DREW, AUTHORED, WROTE) THUNDER and RAIN that day." 1 Samuel 12:13-25. Elijah
said: "there shall be no dew or rain EXCEPT AT MY WORD.' ... After some time ... the wadi ran dry, because no rain had fallen in the land. ... Long
afterward, in the third year ... (Elijah prayed) 'Answer me, LORD! Answer me, that this people may know that you, LORD, are GOD' ... The LORD'S
FIRE CAME DOWN ... Elijah said, 'Go ... go down the mountain before the RAIN stops you.' All at once the SKY GREW DARK with clouds and
wind, and a HEAVY RAIN fell." 1 Kings 17:1-7; 18:1-46. Obviously, GOD AUTHORS the weather. And punishes lands with weather events.
Samuel was prophet oracle of the LORD. The people wanted a "King." God gave in and made Saul the first King of the Jews. But God punished the
people and land with weather because God was offended the people wanted a King, instead of Governance by God speaking through Samuel, as done
through Moses, and Joshua, etc. Saul quickly lost being King because HE DISOBEYED GOD SPEAKING THROUGH SAMUEL. 1 Sam. 15:1-35.
"Because you (Saul) have rejected the word of the LORD (through Samuel), the LORD IN TURN has REJECTED YOU AS KING. 1 Sam. 15:22-23.
My favorite part is this: God replaced Saul with David, the first rock star -- "a handsome youth," and "SKILLED HARPIST (Musician)." 1 Sam 16:1-23.
The point is this, God governs through GOVERNMENT only WHEN GOVERNMENT LISTENS TO GOD. "Obedience to the Lord's Command."
When I was a freshman at Dartmouth College, I wrote a paper in English class on Paradise Lost. I reasoned then in that paper that: "There is
NO DEVIL." I wrote that "the devil was invented by man" (as I recall). THE TRUTH IS: The Devil was INVENTED BY GOD. Because God creates
by ANIMATION (DRAWING, AUTHORING) all creatures, there is no real FREE-WILL. And with one single GOD drawing all it is ILLOGICAL
to draw any creatures test or sin against the INTELLIGENT DESIGN OF MAN and WOMAN, for example. God INVENTED A 'COMPETITOR
god, the no god, nothing, DEVIL.' As I said in earlier notes, its job is to TEST THE INTELLIGENT DESIGNS OF GOD, and PERVERT THEM
against THEIR CREATOR. Scripture recognizes this fact, often calling a Devil as "sent by GOD," "evil spirit from GOD." Example: "Saul ... was
tormented by an evil spirit from the LORD ... An evil spirit from GOD ... Whenever the (evil) spirit from God came upon ("tormented") Saul, David would
TAKE UP THE HARP and PLAY, and Saul would be relieved and feel better, for the evil spirit would leave him." 1 Samuel 16:14-23.
(HONESTLY) ... FRANKLY (OPENLY)." Leviticus 19:15-17. They made an IDOL who say, 'judge not.' See prior note on this subject. This
has me think about JUDAS and NO FREE-WILL in SCRIPTure. "GOD blinded their eyes and hardened their hearts." Jn 12:40, quoting Isaiah. "The
Devil had already induced Judas ... to hand Jesus over ...(Jesus then washed their feet and said:) 'so you are clean, BUT NOT ALL.' For he knew who
would betray him; for this reason he said, 'Not all of you are clean ...SO THAT THE SCRIPTure MIGHT BE FULFILLED ... none of them was lost
except the Son of Destruction (Judas), IN ORDER THAT THE SCRIPTure MIGHT BE FULFILLED.'" John 13:2,10-11,18; John 17:12. What is clear:
GOD ANIMATED (SCRIPTed, AUTHORED, DREW, WROTE) Judas' betrayal of Jesus; he had no free-will. Yet Judas is called 'DAMNED.' There
is a bigger question: If all is Animated (Authored by God), was Judas right to turn in Jesus to the authorities for "blasphemy, claiming to be God?" What
we know is that Judas actions WERE SCRIPTED, PRE-PLANNED AND FULFILLED BY GOD, Author of all. Is Judas a saint, or criminal?
Government BY THE PEOPLE only works IF THE PEOPLE ARE HOLY ("OBEY ALL MY COMMANDS"). When the people forget God's
LAWS, GOD WILL AGAIN IMPOSE THEOCRACY. See Scripture. If you want God to allow "Government by the PEOPLE," you must SAFEGUARD
and OBEY ALL GOD'S LAWS -- a holy public of INFORMED and OBEDIENT VOTERS. Or God has promised to remove your right to vote. Example:
WOMEN HAVE MADE AN IDOL OF REJECTING "WOMB" when they 'vote.' They have therefore misused their right to vote. Instead of WOMB as
GOD INTELLIGENTLY DESIGNED WOMB (WOMAN), they vote for the IDOLS of contraceptives, abortion (murder), lesbianisms, LGBTQ, adultery,
fornication, and NOW KAMALA HARRIS wants to make "PROSTITUTION LEGALIZED." She wants legal anything that can be done 'consensually
between two adults.' She therefore would make legal ALL THE CRIMES FOR WHICH GOD COMMANDED DEATH PENALTIES. See Scripture.
Added note on RECONCILING "Judge others JUSTLY (FAIRLY)" and "Judge not, or you WILL BE JUDGED by the SAME MEASURE."
We saw in previous note today that Jesus commanded: "Obey the LAW and PROPHETS ... JUDGE (OTHERS) JUSTLY (HONESTLY, FAIRLY)."
John 7:19,24 (Summarized); Leviticus 19:15-17. We also read that Jesus said: "Judge not, or you will be judged by the same measure (standard) with which
you judge (condemn) others." Mt 7:1-2; Luke 6:37 (Summarized). "Judge not" is NOT A BLANKET COMMAND 'NOT TO JUDGE OTHERS.' It is
read in CONTEXT to be A WARNING AGAINST HYPOCRISY and UNFAIR JUDICIAL SYSTEM. We must judge others, only do so HONESTLY,
FAIR JUDICIAL SYSTEM, etc. Today I heard in prayer: "PSALM 35," so I prayed it: "Malicious witnesses ... They slander me ... GNASHING THEIR
TEETH against me ... they fashion DECEITFUL SPEECH. ... Awake, be vigilant in my defense, in my cause, my GOD, and my LORD. Defend me ...
Cloth with sham and disgrace those who lord it over me." Psalm 35:1-28. The PD and two women conspired to lie that I "threatened to cut out their eyes
and tongues" when I wrote "GOD WILL CUT OUT YOUR EYES, and TONGUES" (IN HELL). They probably read literal that God wants them to
"cut out one of their eyes" too! "And if your EYE causes you to sin, CUT IT OUT AND THROW IT AWAY. It is better for you to enter into life with
one eye than with two eyes to be THROWN INTO HELL (Fiery Gehenna)." Mt 18:9; Mk 9:47. "there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth." Mt 13:50.
Hiding Pedophiles and Murderers, Rapists, Adulterers, etc., calling it 'Confessional secrecy' IS HERESY, and AGAINST THE AMERICAN LAW also.
"Well did Isaiah prophesy about you hypocrites, as it is written ... 'IN VAIN DO THEY WORSHIP ME, TEACHING AS DOCTRINE HUMAN
GOD in order to UPHOLD your TRADITION! ... You NULLIFY the WORD OF GOD in favor of your TRADITION that you handed on ... From
within people, from their hearts, come evil thoughts, UNCHASTITY (SEXUAL PROMISCUITY), theft, MURDER (ABORTION), ADULTERY,
greed, malice, deceit, LICENTIOUSNESS, envy, BLASPHEMY, arrogance, folly." Mark 7:6-22. I would not want to go to the grave with THE MANY
CRIMES THEY ARE CONCEALING from We The Public. They will not receive 'confessional secrecy privilege' AT THEIR JUDGMENT.
Continued from prior notes on FORGIVENESS OF VENIAL SINS COMMITTED AGAINST YOU PERSONALLY. There are sins that
forgive VENIAL SINS COMMITTED AGAINST US PERSONALLY. Jesus taught this. Read it in context of Required "Judge Justly." See above.
And in context of THE ENTIRE LAW and PROPHETS that JESUS RATIFIED. See earlier note. "Our FATHER ... forgive us our debts, as we
forgive our debtors, and DO NOT SUBJECT US to the final TEST, but deliver us from the EVIL ONE. (see also Jn 17:15 "Evil One") If you forgive
others their (VENIAL) transgressions (AGAINST YOU), your heavenly Father will forgive you. But if you do not forgive others (their VENIAL SINS),
neither will your Father forgive your transgressions." Matthew 6:9-15. You have no AUTHORITY to forgive a sin against ANOTHER PERSON.
Nor do you have AUTHORITY to forgive instead of PUNISH what are MORTAL (DEADLY) SINS. You must PUNISH all PEDOPHILES.
Jesus REQUIRED "JUDGMENT OF OTHERS" and MERCY and "FIDELITY." Not only MERCY. In an earlier note I showed how Moses
was ordered by God to command: "You shall not RECEIVE COMPENSATION (by LAW SUITS) for the SINS OF A MURDERER who deserves to
You shall not seek only COMPENSATION from a pedophile in place of JAIL, but that PEDOPHILE MUST BE JAILED. "The scribes and Pharisees
have taken the CHAIR OF MOSES. ... do not follow their example. For they preach but do not practice. ... Woe to you HYPOCRITES ... BLIND
Matthew 24:1-34. Jesus warned them they are "the children of those who murdered the prophets" and that they will receive the same MEASURE that
"they MEASURED OUT." In summary of the above notes: "The UNJUST (CORRUPT) MEASURE with which you deal with others (i.e. judge others)
Three Assembly 'lawyers' conspire by Text messages: "We must agree, what we agreed to in Andy's office, as an INSURANCE POLICY in the event
God and the people elect MOSES to be the leader." Their names are Peter, Lisa, and Andy. They also conspire to get Bob hired as 'Special Prosecutor'
against Moses -- to try and dig dirt to see if Moses conspired ("colluded") with the Egyptians to be made LEADER OF THE JEWS. Moses has a past.
He was not clean of Egyptian influence, and in fact was raised by Egyptians -- before God and the people elected Moses. Bob hires "13 ANGRY AT
GOD DEMOCRATS" to prosecute dirt on Moses. I think their hands are so Filthy, they have NO CREDIBLE MORAL AUTHORITY. Trump is not
Moses, but I do believe GOD PUT TRUMP THERE to prevent Hillary from getting in the White House, to PROTECT THE UNBORN BABIES.
There is another problem, a guy named Mark F. had no MORAL AUTHORITY, so a man named O.J. got off free, when EVIDENCE was CLEAR.
The people are likely not to trust anything Bob and Peter, Lisa, and Andy did, because their BIAS was MALICE AFORETHOUGHT.
A difficult HERESY of many RELIGIONS. Years ago I read a Scripture exegetic book discussing John 14, and it said: "Many Eastern religions
such as Buddhism, etc., that believe in 'union with god' teach that the closer a leader comes in obeying god, the more they reflect God. They use the
phrase: 'when you hear me, you hear the Father; when you see me, you see the Father, for the words and works I do are done by the Father.'" Much of
John 14 I could hear Abraham or Moses or Joshua teach: "No one comes to the Father except by OBEDIENCE to me. If you know me, then you know
the Father, for I obey the Father and the Father has appointed me to teach you of the Father and show you the way to the Father. I am in the Father, and
the Father is in me; the works I do are those the Father does. The Father who dwells in me speaks his words and does his works through me. The words
I speak I do not speak on my own, but the Father teaches me what words to speak." The problem with this is 'UNITIVES' do not exist. GOD DRAWS
(AUTHORS, ANIMATES, THINKS, WRITES) all Creation, and no one can be 'Unitive' with the DRAWER. Both Buddhists and Christians are wrong.
An important distinction: Some think Jesus gives them a way out of obeying the Father's Mosaic COMMANDMENTS. Wrong. Jesus taught in the same
John 14 that LOVE of him means OBEY THE LAWS of the FATHER. "If you love me, you will keep my commandments. ... Whoever OBEYS the
commandments is the one who LOVES me." John 14:15, 21, 24. No one has been a 'unitive with god' SINCE THE BEGINNING OF HISTORY.
An added note to a prior PRO-LIFE PROOF the BABY IS "EQUAL TO" ("LIKE") THE MOTHER, BOTH BELONG TO GOD. In prior notes
I showed how GOD COMMANDS that the UNBORN BABY has "Equal Right To Life" to the Mother. In Ezekiel 18 we read that the "Mother's life is
LIKE (Equal to) the CHILD'S LIFE." Ezekiel 18:4 (Summarized). In Isaiah 46 we read HOW GOD USES THE TERM "LIKE" ANOTHER, a word of
COMPARISON. "I am God, there is no OTHER; I am God, there is none LIKE me." Isaiah 46:8-11. The BABY is "OTHER" to the mOTHER, not
A NATIONAL and RELIGIOUS BIAS AGAINST STRINGED INSTRUMENTS? We tend to compartMENTALize musical instruments as some
are for GOD, and others are for ROCK. We even do it about our NATIONAL ANTHEM. For some reason our bias has guitars playing the National
Anthem as somehow NOT AS SACRED as full orchestra performing it. But it was not that way in SCRIPTURE. As I said before, I like David because
he was God's chosen leader but was also "SKILLED HARPIST" and commanded hymns in the synagogue to be played with "CYMBALS, HARPS, and
LYRES (STRINGED INSTRUMENTS) and TRUMPETS." 1 Chronicles 25:1,6; 16:7-9, 23, 41-42. And the psalms show he commanded not only
music but, as I showed before in earlier notes, "DANCE," and "HAND CLAPPING." When today have you seen church ceremonies like that? When I was
a teenager I had an LP with Hendrix playing the National Anthem; IT DID NOT SEEM SACRED TO ME, but was that because it was electric guitar? Or
was that because Hendrix had NO MORAL AUTHORITY to command respect when playing it? What is the meaning of a real HONOR Guard? I did the
same thing in Church, when I found out "one of the church Folk Music leaders was a LESBIAN!" She had no right to be in that Folk Group, nor, as they had
her, being the Music Minister for "Weddings" in that church. When it comes down to it, it is NOT ABOUT THE INSTRUMENT, but the PERFORMERS.
Do they really LOVE OUR COUNTRY AND REAL LAW? Do they really LOVE GOD and thus REAL LAW? Is it about GOD, or only themselves.
FOR 'CONSENTING ADULT SEX CRIMES.' I hate his crimes, but see it as LESSER OF TWO EVILS. If you are angered by TRUMP'S twitter,
daily lies, aggrandizement, and affairs, payoffs, etc., you are right, but YOU SHOULD BE MORE ANGERED AT "ABORTION (MURDER)." Trump
is the Lesser Of Those EVILS (CRIMES). A prayer for "INTEGRITY." "I know, my God, that you put hearts to the TEST and that you take
pleasure in INTEGRITY ... Give my son [ ] a WHOLEHEARTED desire to KEEP YOUR COMMANDMENTS, PRECEPTS, and STATUTES ..."
1 Chronicles 29:17,19. "Let INTEGRITY and uprightness preserve [us]" to "walk in INTEGRITY ... on level ground." Psalms 25:21; 26:11-12.
"Better to be poor and walk in INTEGRITY than rich and crooked in one's ways." Proverbs 19:1. Integrity requires people to often CHOOSE
"THE LESSER OF TWO EVILS" in an imperfect world as ours. It is never integrity to choose the "wide path of destruction: ABORTION."
some is the PROMISE OF GOD TO "Build David a house, to raise up a son of his who will Build God a HOUSE." 1 Chronicles 17:10-14; 23-27.
Because David promised to "build God a House," the LORD, GOD, RECIPROCATES and promised to "Build David a House." But God knew that
David would be Scripted (Authored, Drawn) to NEVER COMPLETE BUILDING GOD A HOUSE, rather God chose David's son Solomon to "Build
God a House." God told David that because David had "shed too much blood, he, David, would no longer be the one to build the LORD a HOUSE, but
instead Solomon his son would build it." 1 Chronicles 22:6-15 (Summarized also). But God warned Solomon would only build God a house, IF he had
"prudence and discernment ... so that you (Solomon) keep the LAW." 1 Chron. 22:12. In making this promise, God said: "I will raise up your offspring
AFTER YOU (the one immediate after him) who will be ONE OF YOUR OWN SONS ... He it is WHO SHALL BUILD ME A HOUSE ..." The text
is clear, yet some often quote that as referring to Jesus. "His throne shall be firmly established forever" is a phrase used about Moses, David, Solomon,
for it is common phrase in scripture to say "Established from eternity to eternity," or "forever" as meaning a "long time." "Never forgotten." The Jews to this
day still call themselves "Children of Abraham" because God promised to forever establish a CONTRACT (COVENANT) with Abraham.
Additional PROOF to the prior note, READING THE COVENANT INTEGRATED and WHOLE, not in mere parts. Another text often cited
as a promise about Jesus is the promise to Moses "to raise up a prophet like you." Instead it plainly refers to Joshua. At Horeb when God gave the Ten
Commandments ("LAWS," "Statutes," "Precepts," "Ordinances"), the people saw fire and "heard God speak to them from the fire," "the feared they would
die because they heard the Lord's voice. They asked Moses to himself speak with God and to tell the people (them) what God spoke." Deuteronomy 5:23-27
(Summarized). Moses later promised them: "A PROPHET LIKE ME will the LORD, your GOD, raise up for you from among your own kindred; that is the
one to whom you shall listen. THIS IS EXACTLY WHAT YOU REQUESTED of the Lord, your God, at Horeb ...'I will raise up for them a PROPHET
(Joshua) LIKE YOU from among their kindred, and I will put my words into the mouth of the prophet; the prophet shall tell them ALL that I COMMAND.'"
Deuteronomy 18:15-18. Further proof is that Moses himself asked for that on behalf of the people: "Then Moses said to the Lord, 'MAY THE LORD,
the GOD, SET OVER THE COMMUNITY SOMEONE WHO WILL BE THEIR LEADER ... that the LORD'S community may not be sheep without
a shepherd.' And the LORD REPLIED to MOSES: TAKE JOSHUA ... and lay your hands upon him ... COMMISSION HIM in their sight. Invest him
with some of your own power, that the whole Israelite community may OBEY HIM (JOSHUA)." Numbers 27:15-23. See also "Commission of Joshua"
at Dt 3:28 (announced future plan of God); Dt 31:1-4; 7-8 (actual commission). Now there is a text some point to at the end of Deuteronomy, it says
that "Since the death of Moses no prophet has arisen like Moses who saw God FACE to FACE and performed many miracles." Dt 34:10-12 (Summary).
This clause can only mean about "Seeing God FACE to FACE," because Joshua was clearly the commission and HE WAS AWESOME LIKE MOSES:
(a) The SUN STOOD STILL at his command, "never before was there a day as that, the Lord obeyed the voice of a man," Joshua 10:12-14; and
(b) miracle CROSSING of the PARTED JORDAN RIVER, "just as the Lord, God, had done to the Red Sea ..." "That day the Lord EXALTED JOSHUA
in the sight of all Israel, and so during his whole life THEY FEARED JOSHUA AS THEY FEARED MOSES." Joshua 3:1-17; 4:7-13, 14; 23.
Fox News reported this morning that "A student posted SCRIPTURE VERSES at school because the School displayed an LGBTQ 'rainbow' FLAG.
The school punished the student for posting SCRIPTURE TEXTS." They established LGBTQ RELIGION against GOD and GOD'S COMMANDS.
It is IDOLATRY. Here is what she should post also, that GOD COMMANDED: "Observe ALL these COMMANDS (STATUTES and ORDINANCES),"
Dt. 8:1; 26:16; Joshua 31:5; "the ENTIRE LAW," Joshua 1:7; "EXACTLY as I command," "Neither swerve to the Right or to the Left of them," Dt 5:32-33;
"Keep ALL these commandments" ("Statutes and Decrees"), Lv 20:22; 26:14-16; Dt 30:8; and "EVERY COMMAND ... carefully obey, NEITHER ADDING
to it NOR SUBTRACTING from it." Dt 13:1. The punishment for the sins (crimes) of LGBTQ in Scripture is severe, not 'tolerated.' Read Scripture.
I will rename the DARTMOUTH MUSIC CD (songs I wrote or produced during years at Dartmouth) to NARROW DOOR. It is a 12 song CD.
The page will be posted shortly. Here are the songs: New Beginnings, On Vinyl, Whisper In The Dark, Narrow Door, This Is Our Life (Common Man),
Take What You Offer, Sing The Blues, Did Not Know Your Name, Ceiling Fan, Kateri-Na, Rachel Weeps, and World At Peace.
DESIGNS. "You formed my inmost being; you KNIT ME IN MY MOTHER'S WOMB. I praise you, because I AM WONDERFULLY MADE,
wonderful are your WORKS! My very self you know ... when I was being made ... Your eyes saw ME unformed; IN YOUR BOOK all are WRITTEN
down, my days were shaped , before one came to be. How precious to me are YOUR DESIGNS, O God ... Do I no HATE, Lord, those who rise against
you, do I not LOATHE? With FIERCE HATRED I hate them, enemies I count as my own." Psalm 139:10,13-17, 21-22. God commands LOVE of
HIS INTELLIGENT DESIGN for MAN and WOMAN and CHILD. And HATRED for all who hate God's Intelligent Design.
I was taught that the Book of Revelations was Sacred and written by "the Apostle John." It was often recited at churches. It is not SACRED, and was
not written by the "apostle John." Reading the introduction to Book of Revelation in the New American Bible it reads: "the author of the book calls himself
(numerous church) FATHERS, including ... John Chrysostom. Indeed, vocabulary, grammar, and style make IT DOUBTFUL THAT THE BOOK could
have been put into its present form by the same person(s) responsible for the fourth gospel (of John)." It is taken literally, fundamentally, by many. Yet it is
HOAX. We can prove it further on LOGIC, when you realize GOD AUTHORS ALL (ANIMATES, DRAWS, WRITES, SCRIPTS) even a "son."
Nothing can be "one-in-being" with the DRAWER (AUTHOR) GOD. Hence it is HERESY for anyone to say: "I am the Alpha and the Omega ...
the one who is and who was and who is to come, the ALMIGHTY." Rev. 1:8. Not even GOD (the AUTHOR) is "ALMIGHTY" because God cannot
will God's own existence to cease -- God is helpless to the FORCE of NATURE that HOLDS GOD IN EXISTENCE. God cannot die by His Will.
Hence, as written in earlier note, we can prove there are laws of physics that EXIST even with or without GOD; those hold God in Existence. Further,
"The holy one, the TRUE, who HOLDS THE KEY OF DAVID, who OPENS and no one shall CLOSE, who closes and no one shall OPEN," Rev. 3:7,
is language not able to be applied to Jesus, rather it was given to Eliakim in Isaiah 23:20-25, which reads: "On that day I will summon my servant Eliakim ...
I will ... confer on him your AUTHORITY. He shall be a FATHER to the inhabitants ... I WILL PLACE THE KEY OF THE HOUSE OF DAVID on
his shoulder; WHAT HE OPENS, NO ONE WILL SHUT, WHAT HE SHUTS, NO ONE WILL OPEN." It is specific CONTRACT language for the
LEADER over the earth. Jesus references it about Peter. But Jesus cannot be God the AUTHOR (DRAWER), so it is Heresy to apply to Jesus. A final
point for discussion here, "The LORD swore an oath to David in truth ... 'Your own OFFSPRING I will SET UPON YOUR THRONE. IF your sons
observe MY COVENANT, and my decrees I shall teach them, THEIR SONS (plural) SHALL SIT FOREVER on your throne." Psalm 132:1-12.
The language of "sitting as judge FOREVER" was used about Abraham, Moses, Joshua, Elijah, and all God's judges, and all were called "SONS OF GOD,"
see "Give to the LORD, you SONS (plural) OF GOD," Psalm 29:1. My thinking is whoever wrote REVELATIONS, knew those texts to regurgitate.
Other over-readings in 'SACRED TRADITION' that are not factually accurate when READ SCRIPTURE AS AN INTEGRATED WHOLE.
We just read in the prior note that ELIAKIM would be ESTABLISHED as the CORNERSTONE, PEG, SURE FOUNDATION, with THE KEY OF
DAVID to be the APPOINTED LEADER over the tribe. Isaiah 23:20-25. "Therefore, thus says the Lord GOD: See, I am laying a stone in Zion, a stone
that has been tested, a precious CORNERSTONE as a SURE FOUNDATION; whoever puts faith in it will not waiver." Isaiah 28:16. "The stone the
builders rejected has become the cornerstone. ... Blessed is he who comes IN THE NAME OF THE LORD." Psalm 118:22,26. The contract language
of AGENCY, to act "IN THE NAME OF" someone is used toward ALL OF GOD'S PROPHETS AND LEADERS. When someone hires an AGENT,
they SEND THAT PERSON IN THEIR NAME to do their WILL. They "come IN THE NAME of the sender who hired them." There is nothing in
Isaiah to enable someone to steal that passage and apply it to Jesus. Nor to steal from God the title of "Alpha and Omega;" it is IDOLATRY. In reading
the "Suffering Servant" passages in Isaiah, one remembers that the Jewish people believed (1) that the SINS OF LEADERS, as Moses, were punished
upon the ENTIRE people, see prior notes, and (2) that certain godly (holy) men could INTERCEDE (INTERCESSORS) for the reparation of the
sins OF THE PUBLIC. Isaiah's "suffering servant" "had no majestic bearing to catch our eye, no beauty to draw us to him," BUT JESUS is referred to
as "HANDSOME, stately, appealing to the crowds." And Isaiah's "suffering servant" will be given "HIS PORTION AMONG THE MANY" who passed
the trials of earth, NOT SOME SINGULAR PRIVILEGE AS IF GOD HIMSELF ON EARTH. Isaiah 52:13-15; 53:1-12. That text also quotes the
same language Isaiah later uses to refer to THE NEW EARTH, and END TIME. See earlier notes. And the author of Isaiah quotes too many times
"REPARATION OFFERING," "He bore the punishment ... by his wounds we are healed," "he was pierced for our sins, crushed for our iniquity."
Isaiah 52; 53. Again, like Revelations, I am not sure when or who wrote that part or entirety of Isaiah. Yet the passage refers to someone whose
reward will be only one "among the many other saints in Jewish history." He is not a singular LAMB of GOD. And the entire THEOLOGY of
"suffering servant, lamb for the sins of others" is CONTRADICTORY to the THEOLOGY THAT GOD AUTHORS (ANIMATES) ALL. See the
EXAMS and prior notes. Because GOD AUTHORS (ANIMATES) ALL motion and thoughts, there cannot be real 'atonements.' In addition,
even if God did not AUTHOR ALL, the idea that others can 'atone' for the personal sin accountability before GOD of another, is HERESY.
A correction to the above note. I mention that Isaiah uses language that he later uses to refer to the NEW EARTH. See above. In my mind I was
blending the "Suffering Servant" verses with the "Shoot from Jesse" verse, which would be blended in a Christian type exegetic about Jesus, as I have
heard in churches and books. For they have Jesus as "the Shoot" and "child" in Isaiah 11:1-12; and thus also Isaiah 65:17-25, and the "suffering
servant" discussed above. But the "shoot" refers to an END TIME, NEW EARTH in those combined Isaiah texts: "But a shoot shall sprout from the
stump of Jesse ... The spirit of the Lord shall rest upon him: a spirit of wisdom and of understanding ... Then the wolf shall be a guest of the lamb ...
the lion shall eat hay like the ox. The baby shall play by the viper's den ... They shall not harm or destroy on all my holy mountain. .. The root of
Jesse, set up as a signal for the peoples - Him the nations will seek out; his dwelling shall be glorious." Isaiah 11:1-12. "See, I am creating new
heavens and a NEW EARTH ...The wolf and the lamb shall pasture together, and the lion shall eat hay like the ox ... None shall harm or destroy
on all my holy mountain, says the Lord." Isaiah 65:17-25. Integrated as that, we read that the "shoot of Jesse" is at an end time when God will
destroy all the earth's inhabitants and CREATE A NEW EARTH. See earlier notes and the Exams.
A meditation for my music CD Potter's Wheel, that will be released this year. "I am the first, I am the last; THERE IS NO GOD BUT ME."
Isaiah 44:6; 48:12-13. "I am the LORD, there is NO OTHER, there is no GOD besides me. ... I am the LORD, there is no other. I form the light,
and I create the darkness, I make weal and create woe; I, the Lord, do all these things. Woe to anyone who contends with their Maker; a potsherd
among potsherds of the earth! Shall the clay say to the POTTER, 'What are you doing?' Woe to anyone who asks a father, 'what are you begetting?'
or a woman, 'what are you giving birth to?'" Isaiah 45:6-11. Dare not say the child in the womb is 'not a human person.'
On the misnaming of GOD as "REDEEMER." For reasons stated in prior notes and the Exams, GOD CANNOT BE REDEEMER of what
GOD HAS AUTHORED (ANIMATED, WRITTEN, SCRIPTED, DRAWN). The Jews often refer to God as their "Redeemer." "You, Lord,
are our FATHER, our REDEEMER you are NAMED from of old." Isaiah 63:16. Example: In prior notes we examined the sins of Pharaoh
and Judas, both of which Scripture says were AUTHORED BY GOD (God drew them to sin). God guaranteed an outcome in each case.
They therefore had no free-will, as we discussed. Because God Authored those sins, God cannot be Redeemer for those sins, nor is there
real atonements for them. And if God the Father cannot properly be named 'redeemer,' certainly Jesus is no 'redeemer.'
The Jews call GOD THEIR "KING" ("KING OF GLORY"), and it is Blasphemy (Idolatrous) to call Jesus "king of glory." From the
beginning of God's relationship with the Jews as SOVEREIGN LORD, FATHER OF ALL, they named him their "KING." "For God is KING over
all the earth;" Psalm 47:8; "The earth is the LORD'S and all it holds, the world and those who dwell in it. ... O gates; be lifted, you ancient portals,
that the KING OF GLORY may enter. Who is this King of Glory? THE LORD, the strong and mighty, the LORD, MIGHTY IN WAR." Psalm
24:1-10. His REIGN (the FATHER'S) is "from ETERNITY to ETERNITY," Psalm 90:2, and who he established as leaders will reign under HIM
"forever," "for endless days." "David, for his loyalty, received as heritage a throne of ETERNAL KINGSHIP. Elijah, for his burning zeal for the
LAW, was taken up to heaven." 1 Maccabees 2:57-58. These terms of duration, as stated in earlier notes, only mean "a LONG TIME." Much
as the term "40" symbolizes a "LENGTHY TIME." For example: "Then for Zion shall come a redeemer, to those in Jacob WHO TURN FROM
TRANSGRESSION -- This is my COVENANT with them ... my words that I have put in your mouth shall not depart from your mouth, nor the
mouths of your children Nor the mouths of your children's children from this time forth and FOREVER, says the LORD." Isaiah 59:20-21. It is
BLASPHEMY to steal a TITLE OF GOD from GOD, as was done for Jesus, i.e., "king of glory," which HE CANNOT BE.
On ACCURATE TRANSLATIONS in LAW TEXTS and SCRIPTURE (SAME). "Therefore, the Lord himself will give you a sign; the
YOUNG WOMAN (Heb. 'almah: designated "a young woman of marriage age, not specifically a virgin"), PREGNANT and ABOUT TO BEAR
A SON, shall NAME HIM EMMANUEL (Heb. 'with us is God')." Isaiah 7:10-15, Annotation, see NAB. The Septuagint has "parthenos"
which is "normally a virgin" ("a young girl"). See annotation in NAB. In law readings, and Scripture translation, often the tendency is to try and
mangle the text to fit our desired outcome conclusion of law or scripture. Contract reading words in clauses is that way. But there has to have
What was the common understanding of 'almah among the Jews listening to God. The same is true of "Emmanuel" -- what was the common
phrase God and the Jews used: "God be with you," "God is with us." It was a common phrase as a sign of God's FAVOR. "And God was
with Moses," "God was with him throughout all his days," etc. Thus EMMANUEL merely connotes "will have God's favor." An oracle to and
for the PEOPLE. Someone to believe. And if the people had prayed for "God to be with them (us)," the prayer was answered by an oracle. But
in no way can it be translated the fundamentalist way of "GOD ACTUALLY PHYSICALLY WITH THEM," for that is not logically possible.
Now, after reading the above notes, read this Scripture passage, Isaiah 10:1-6. "The people who walked in darkness (meaning without
obeying the LOGIC OF GOD, HIS LAWS) have seen a great light; ... For a child is born to us, a son (a Jew) is given to us; UPON HIS
SHOULDER DOMINION (i.e., Leader like Moses, David, etc.) RESTS. They name him Wonder-Counselor, God-Hero, Father-Forever,
Prince of Peace. His dominion is vast and FOREVER peaceful, UPON DAVID'S THRONE, and OVER HIS KINGDOM, which he
confirms and sustains by judgment and justice, both now and FOREVER." I used to read it fundamentalist type as "GOD actually PRESENT
as HERO." But I have since realized that "THERE IS NO GOD, BUT THE FATHER." So I have to read it different now, as "A MAN who
will be a hero for GOD, but who is NOT GOD." Moses was a "Wonder filled counselor," so was Elijah. All of God's leaders were. And
Moses and Eliakim, etc, were "Fathers to MY people, Fathers-forever." And God promised each of the leaders in Scripture that through
their obedience, the people would listen and obey, and then God would favor the Jews with a period of "everlasting" "peace." ("long time").
"Many of those who sleep in the dust of the earth SHALL AWAKE; Some to everlasting life, others to reproach and everlasting disgrace."
Daniel 12:2. To be "asleep, then AWAKEN to LIFE" on the NEW EARTH, is more accurate. But in Scripture there are many differing types
of 'salvation' that CONTRADICT one another. Jesus also CONTRADICT himself. First he says LAZARUS is not dead but "ASLEEP,"
then later Jesus wrongly says, "We will be like the angels" (SPIRITISM, a SPIRITUALIZED OUTCOME that cannot exist, see EXAMS).
"Or friend Lazarus is ASLEEP, but I am going to AWAKEN him. .... You brother will RISE." John 11:11,23. "When they rise from the dead,
they neither marry nor are given to marriage, BUT THEY ARE LIKE THE ANGELS IN HEAVEN ... He is not the God of the dead, but of
the LIVING." Mark 12:24-26. When Samuel the Prophet of the Lord died, Saul had a 'medium' 'conjure him' to 'ask Samuel what to do?'
Samuel 'appeared to Saul' then and said: "Saul, 'Why do you DISTURB me by CONJURING ME UP?'" 1 Samuel 28:11-19. This is
obviously a heretical account. But it shows the belief of Jews then that they would die and be waiting, asleep, able to be disturbed by mediums.
For that belief, God imposed the DEATH PENALTY for such 'mediums' and 'conjuring of spirits, consulting spirits of the dead.' See above.
In addition, we know certain prophets WERE TAKEN UP TO LIVE "BODILY" WITH GOD: Enoch and Elijah for example. "Enoch
WALKED WITH GOD, and he was no longer here, for GOD TOOK HIM." Genesis 5:24. The NAB annotation: "Enoch did not die, but
like ELIJAH (2 KINGS 2:11-12) was TAKEN ALIVE to God's abode." Christians claim Moses and Elijah 'appeared' to the Apostles
and Jesus: "And behold, Moses and Elijah APPEARED (APPARITIONS) to them, conversing with them." Matthew 17:3. ANIMATION
THEOLOGY has a simple answer: ALL RESURRECTIONS are "COPYRIGHT BODY;" no spiritual outcomes (no spiritisms). See prior
notes and the Exams. Because God ANIMATES (AUTHORS, WRITES, DRAWS) all, we are not actually 'resurrected' -- BUT MORE
really the 'person' -- it is HOAXES, not actual spirits of the dead; IT IS GOD TESTING MEN, as stated in earlier notes. As for passage
of time until we are re-drawn (RAISED) on New Earth, it will be as if we were ASLEEP, and AWAKEN THEN.
Not only is the Book of Revelations a hoax book, but PEOPLE HAVE MISREAD IT FUNDAMENTALLY, and it CONTRADICTS
ITS OWN TEXTS about 'how many will be saved.' First of all "144,000" "12,000 of each of the 12 Jewish Tribes" is a POETIC SYMBOL
MEANING "a large multitude as many as the SANDS," (t-hou-SAND, thousand). "the seal on the foreheads of the servants of our God. I
heard the number of those who had been marked with the seal, ONE HUNDRED AND FORTY-FOUR THOUSAND marked FROM EVERY
TRIBE of the ISRAELITES (JEWS). ... AFTER THIS, I had a vision of (a different) GREAT MULTITUDE which NO ONE COULD COUNT,
from EVERY NATION, RACE, PEOPLE, and TONGUE (non-jews) ... 'These are the ones who have survived the time of distress; they have
washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb." Revelations 7:3-14; see Rev. 14:1-5. There plainly was intended the promise
that AN UNKNOWN, LARGE, MULTITUDINOUS, IN THE MILLIONS of PEOPLE, Jews and Christians would be SAVED. Moreover,
Revelations contradicts itself by later having only the 144,000 Jews "able to learn the hymn" sung to God. "Then I looked and there was the Lamb
standing on Mount Zion, and with him a HUNDRED AND FORTY-FOUR THOUSAND who had his name and his Father's name written on
RANSOMED from the earth. These are they who were not defiled with women; they are VIRGINS ... who follow the Lamb wherever he goes."
Rev. 14:1-5. This Revelations' text is OBVIOUSLY HERESY, IDOLATRY. And it wrongly paints "marital sex" as if not among the 144,000.
In fact the whole text has a bias in favor of 'virgins for the sake of God,' or 'for the sake of the kingdom' that Jesus wrongly taught, 'if you are
able to accept virginity for the sake of the kingdom, you should, but not all can accept this,' taught Jesus (paraphrased). It was probably a cleric
who wrote this trash. Revelations is not a holy book. ANIMATION THEOLOGY is MUCH SIMPLER, EASY TO FOLLOW.
The Son of Man indeed goes, AS IT IS WRITTEN of him, but woe to the man by whom the Son of Man is betrayed. It would be BETTER for that
man IF he had NEVER BEEN BORN." Matthew 26:18,24. I find this an OXYMORON. Jesus taught his life was AUTHORED "WRITTEN"
see earlier notes, YET HE THREATENS THAT "IT WOULD BE BETTER IF JUDAS WAS NEVER BORN," as a warning about Hell. I find
including Jesus, claimed to be "GOD," that was a CRIME AGAINST THE FIRST COMMANDMENT, "You shall not have other gods beside
me," "Make no idol for yourself." And Judas would have been right to turn in such a person to the authorities, a crime (blasphemy, idolatry) which
was required by Mosaic Law to be punished "BY DEATH." See earlier notes. If Jesus claimed to be GOD, the Jews would be right to say in return
to Jesus: "BETTER YOU WERE NEVER BORN," both for claiming to be God, and for the deceiving of millions to believe he is 'god.'
a sign to show that God has commissioned him, that he will run into a prophetic band. "They will be preceded by lyres, tambourines, flute, and harps,
and the LORD will rush upon you, and YOU WILL JOIN THEM in their PROPHETIC ECSTASY and WILL BECOME A CHANGED MAN.
When these signs have come to pass, do whatever lays at hand, because GOD IS WITH YOU." 1 Samuel 10:5-7.
Something I have long thought about as an ATHLETE: There is NO SPECIAL "SPORTS" EXEMPTIONS TO GOD'S COMMANDMENTS.
As a Division 1 college Hockey player who played against Don (Sweeney, GM for the Bruins) when my team Dartmouth played his team Harvard
(before I met and ate dinners with Don when his girlfriend Page was living with my girlfriend Debby). One of Harvard's players, not accusing Don,
took his STICK and CROSS-CHECKED me in the exposed throat ADAM'S APPLE. I think like this about it: Bruce Lee has a hockey stick in
his hand walking a street looking for a fight, and he goes up to someone in a defenseless position and CROSS-CHECKS THEM IN THE THROAT.
Bruce is pulled before the Judge in court and his defense is: 'I SAW DON DO IT ON TV PLAYING HOCKEY.' I doubt the court would say:
"OK, go spend 2 minutes in the PENALTY BOX for a minor offence." It is a FELONY, on and off the ice. Period. But we have carved out a
special universe against God called the 'hockey rink,' 'football field,' etc. I am for some rough and tumble, but NOT FELONIES.
See my Studio Notes for my songs Rainbow and Eclipse, which I recorded Saturday for Radio Volume 3rd, at that web page. And I posted
song selections and lyrics for Narrow Door music CD, which are final versions of my Dartmouth years songs. You can find that at this link. Door.htm
My mother and father visited and brought me one of my scrap memorabilia boxes they had in storage at their house. I decided to make a brief summary
Scrap Book digital version for posting of my Dartmouth and Deerfield Academy years as they related to ART and Hockey. I did not add the music
and band photographs, winning the battle of the bands two years in high-school, and recording and performing in a band at college. Book.htm
in it he says: "PRAY, FAST, and DO NOT WORRY." The scribe and congregation hear and write down: "Pray FAST and do not worry." That year the
prayer time recorded of members of the congregation went down dramatically because they all began to "pray fast," and "did not worry about it."
Which is more important, Conceived GENEALOGICAL LINEAGE? Or CONTRACT (COVENANT) PEOPLE? This question applies to
"AMERICANS" as well as to "JEWS," etc. Scripture warns "it is better to OBEY ABRAHAM than to be actual OFFSPRING DESCENDED from him
merely because you were BORN IN AMERICA -- but you hate the REAL LAWS.
Fox News showed a video today of candidate Beto absolving men of the responsibility to BE MEN. Beto was asked: "What do you think about 3rd
trimester LATE TERM ABORTIONS?" Beto replied: "That should be a decision of the woman." COWARD. He has not read: "The child's life is equal
to the life of the mother, both are MINE." Ezekiel 18:4. "You knit me in my mother's womb." Psalm 139. Beto is INFANTICIDE. An old wise man
says HE WANTS TO LEARN TO READ. A young man says he 'knows how to read.' On another note: I revised the Prayer Links page. Find it now
at the bottom of each music CD page (Volumes 1-3, Potter's Wheel, and Narrow Door). And earlier on this page.
On my song Gently Still My Soul. I wrote it around 1993, part of it when meditating outside. Back then I thought of "soul" as "spirit;" not any more.
I kept the word "soul" because I realized its root is the word "BODY," as "sole" proprietary copyright body, our "solo" existence. When we are raised
(re-drawn, re-written, re-authored) on New Earth, you will be body, not some 'spirit.' I like the song, but have revised it some to clarify it now. Its music
influences are rock and ska. I had fun making it on the Joshua Sun CD, but like the newer version better with its corrected lyrics.
Abraham, Moses, Jesus, Mohammed, and Buda all get together to discuss 'ECUMENICAL LOVE.' Yet they fail to discuss any of their DOCTRINAL
DIFFERENCES (their disagreements). The real goal of Ecumenism is to arrive at one common understanding of TRUTH, and thus to arrive at UNITY.
Peace will never be brought through superficial 'ecumenical' discussions. Peace will come only when we serve ONE GOD, ONE DOCTRINE. Again,
there can be only one OBJECTIVE REALITY TRUTH about GOD and GOD'S LAWS (COMMANDMENTS). 'Respecting our different doctrines'
will never force us to grapple with the REAL SOURCE OF UNITY: Who is GOD, and What does HE WANT.
Thinking about the fake 'men' as Beto et al., see earlier note today, I wrote this song. Last Man Standing:
Sometimes I feel like the last man standing, In a world that has forgotten the meaning of "man." To enforce the LAWS the way God planned.
Tell me where in this world are the "men." "I entrust to you dominion to preserve, Each letter of the LAW will you serve"
"All that is righteous you will CONSERVE." "Never one letter shall you bend or hurt." Who accepts your commission?
Who puts their hand to that task? Carry the dignity of our race, never to run back to the slavery of senses, to the folly of whims,
But safeguard the straight road all must travel to get in. Sometimes I feel like the last man standing, when no others lend a hand,
To carry the weight of this God forsaken land. To yell to the highest mountain what first from Horeb we learned.
What was written on our hearts, again then we heard. Sometimes I know I am the last man standing
In a world that has forgotten your way. Hear me in this lonely hour, I pray. Send the Flames you promised long ago,
Show the earth that our prayers are heard. (c) B. Fusonie, 2019
your God, is commanding you to OBSERVE these STATUTES and ORDINANCES (LAWS). Be CAREFUL, then, to observe them with your
whole heart AND WITH YOUR WHOLE BEING." Deuteronomy 26:16; 30:6,10. "The Lord is our God, the Lord alone! Therefore, you shall
LOVE the Lord, your GOD, with your whole heart, AND WITH YOUR WHOLE BEING, and with your whole strength." Deuteronomy 6:4-5.
no longer in the AGREEMENT (CONTRACT, COVENANT). An additional note: Matthew and Mark alter the above COMMAND, and in place
of "YOUR WHOLE BEING" they write "with your SOUL, with all your MIND." Matthew 22:37-38; Mark 12:28-30. Scribes may have done it.
To have so changed the COMMANDMENT OF GOD to alter it to a more 'spiritism' nuance is HERESY, IDOLATROUS. In any event, the plain
meaning of "SOUL" and "MIND" when you read the original Deuteronomy Text that Matthew and Mark quote, yet altered, it is clear that "SOUL"
means "YOUR WHOLE BEING, body, mind, heart." Copyright proprietary BODY. The NAB annotation makes clear Mt and Mk were
quoting "Dt 6:4-5." How they dared to add in what they wanted is beyond me. Jesus had no authority to alter that COMMAND OF GOD.
John 17 used to be my favorite prayer, yet it always bothered me as a TRAINED LAWYER. See my prior notes about "CONTRACT AGENCY
LAW" and being thus "SENT IN THE NAME of GOD to ACT IN THE NAME OF GOD -- to do the specific contract agency performance requested."
MEANING IN LAW OF CONTRACT. The number of times it heretically says "Your Name," "gave them Your Name," "in Your Name," "keep them
in Your Name," "told them Your Name," all contradict each other and show no understanding of COVENANT AGENCY. See prior notes. There is
a false theology at the bottom of it -- probably that fake SYLLOGISM that "GOD IS LOVE," when in truth, "GOD IS LOVING; not LOVE." They
probably think "GOD'S NAME IS GODSELF," but no one's name is them self. GOD IS A PERSON. NOT A SYLLOGISM.
purpose of GOVERNMENT is TO ESTABLISH and ENFORCE "OBJECTIVE TRUTH," also called "HONEST REALITY." Since an accurate
RELIGION is the "established OBJECTIVE TRUTH (REALITY)," you can substitute into the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment the words
"OBJECTIVE TRUTH" for the word "RELIGION." It then becomes clear to be a HOAX. NULL. As written. "Congress shall NOT ESTABLISH
reason I rehash that today is because my mother gave me a book by Krauthammer and I do not much care for Krauthammer. I read the Chapter on
"Church and State." He wants "tolerance" to be the Established "Religion" of the State. Yet, at the same time, he rightfully bemoans that "tolerance" today
does not apply to those with sincere (honest) Religious beliefs. It occurred to me again that "tolerance" of "OBJECTIVE TRUTH" is a ridiculous phrase.
Of course we have to be "tolerant of OBJECTIVE TRUTH," and more than that, WE HAVE TO OBEY AND ENFORCE OBJECTIVE FACTS.
"The whole TRUTH and nothing but the TRUTH," or we have no country, only an ILLUSORY NATION. A big scandalous HOAX GOVERNMENT.
On a prior note yesterday, remember: (1)"In The Name (sic) Of Love" is not equal to (2) "IN THE NAME OF GOD." The first is a HERESY.
The second is accurate CONTRACT (COVENANT) AGENCY LAW. Remember: GOD IS A PERSON. Not a Syllogism. Remember that Scripture
teaches and warns us that God is also "Tester," and "Deceiver" to the wicked. Does that mean "GOD IS LIES?" "GOD IS DECEPTIONS?" No.
Nor is GOD "Love." What a PERSON DOES is not that Person's NAME, nor their BEING. God is Loving; not "Love." And their is no such thing
as "in the name of Love." Because "Love" is not the Person of God. God is a Person who Loves; but no one can be "Love." And "in the Name of God"
means "to ACT IN AGENCY of GOD to do what God commands done in that agency of Him." It is a Legal Contract. And while God commands us to
"Love," the Agency Requires much more than that: "TO CONDEMN SINNERS, and CORRECT INJUSTICES." To be honest Agent of God. See
earlier notes about "Judging others JUSTLY (HONESTLY), including YOUR NEIGHBOR." See also Leviticus 19. Another note: God has a
NAME. "I AM" is not it, not what God named GODSELF. But even that would not be used as "AGENCY IN THE NAME OF GOD." It makes
no sense to merely say sent "In the name of I AM." We must know WHAT IS THE AGENCY IN HIS NAME? The specific ACTIONS GOD WANTS
DONE FOR GOD in AGENCY OF HIM, i.e., the SPECIFIC CONTRACT OBLIGATIONS (COVENANT). To Carry out the commandments of God.
But we do not say either: "God's Name is the COMMANDMENTS." God gave those Commands, because they are God's thoughts about God's design
for mankind. But God is not the Commandments. Not a Syllogism. Nor do we say: "Sent in the name of the commandments." We need to know God's
true designs, and God's Name, to properly carry out the AGENCY CONTRACT: "IN THE NAME OF O." (Pronounced "E"), like saying: "I." That is
how GOD Named GODSELF in the beginning before creating any world. God saw God was ROUND, and said: "I EXIST, ROUND, O."
About my song Fire Sky on Radio Volume 3rd. It is a meditation on Scripture and Current Events. In Abraham's day God ended the godless cities of
Sodom and Gomorrah with Fire from the sky. Even Christians believe that will happen again, that it was a warning of an even greater Fire Sky event,
that the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah is an "EXAMPLE OF WHAT IS TO COME" because of "godless people." 2 Peter 2:5-6; see #5 of the New
Earth Exodus Exam meditation. In Isaiah we read at the time of the "making of a New Earth" (Isaiah 65 and 66) the Lord promises to destroy the godless
inhabitants with FIRE, like a STORMWIND, burning RAGE, in FIERY FLAMES. "For see, the Lord will come in fire, his chariots like the stormwind;
To wreak his anger in burning rage and his rebuke in fiery flames. For with fire the Lord shall enter into judgment, and, with his sword, against all flesh;
THOSE SLAIN BY THE LORD SHALL BE MANY." Isaiah 66:15-16. Isaiah has a remnant of GOD FEARING people surviving, and then the
New Earth will be made. While Zephaniah has "all who live on earth" destroyed by that fire, before the New Earth of Isaiah is made. "On the day of the
Lord's wrath, in the fire of his passion, all the earth will be consumed. For he will make an END, yes a sudden END, OF ALL WHO LIVE ON EARTH."
Zephaniah 1:18. As to current events mentioned in the song is the poetic imagery of the "FIRENADO, SPINNING WALL OF HEAT," "VORTEX,"
that had about 160 miles an hour of FIRE WINDS SPINNING in CALIFORNIA. That is a small event, but I believe it the poetry of God. As to the
scientists out there, I ask, what could be an enormous FIRE like a spiraling STORMWIND that could "Consume earth"?
lapping souls (bodies). See prior notes. The HERETICAL stories in the Bible about "Legion" of "evil spirits" that speak as if a union of damned souls
are all HOAXES. See Luke 8:26-31; 4:31-35; Matthew 8:28-34; 12:43-45; Mark 9:25-29. LOGIC PROVES THOSE PASSAGES ARE FAKE,
There cannot be 'spiritual' sharing of thoughts -- GOD AUTHORS THAT HOAX ALSO AS TEST. There is no 'mind reading,' no 'mind links.' They are
gravely mistaken in LODGE for falling for those 'paranormal' TRAPS. God is playing games with them. There cannot be a 'communion' of spirits, first,
because there is BODY, not spirit when you die. Second, because no two things can be linked. And third, God would have to fake it, which is what is
going on in those rooms they see and hear. No deceased saint, either, could hear us when we pray. God would have to tell them what we said. Then
they could pray for us, and God would do, or not do, what they ask. BUT NO SAINTS CAN HEAR US OR SEE US.
John took this photo (here a scan of the photo) last Saturday while recording Eclipse or Rainbow.
Got my tube amp set on "low power" 5-Watt Studio channel. Les Paul Standard.
Notice for this studio everything is "line out." Easy to travel, and efficient to record.
Reading my notes as I jam. And a cup of coffee to energize the mix.
Universe has no consciousness. It is AUTHORED BY GOD (WRITTEN, DRAWN). It is INANIMATE, not a living being. Those who seek or worship
'the COSMOS' are badly mistaken, and are IDOLATRY. Nor is their any mystical LIFE FORCE or STRENGTH FORCE with which you can merge.
An ADDITION to an earlier note about "THE GREATEST COMMAND" was altered. In Luke 10:25-28 we see that the understanding of the
"Greatest Command" as understood by Jesus to be, in his words, the "correct" formulation, DID NOT HAVE ANYTHING 'SPIRITUAL' ABOUT IT.
It did not 'spiritize' nor use the word "soul." It does however add in the words "all your MIND" -- as the prior note discussed. "Jesus said to him, 'What
is written in the LAW? How do you read it?' He said in reply, 'You shall love the Lord, your God, with all your heart, with ALL YOUR BEING, with
all your strength, and with all your mind, and your neighbor as yourself.' He replied to him, 'YOU HAVE ANSWERED CORRECTLY; do this and
you will live.'" Again, as I wrote earlier, the term "soul" was added later, but it cannot be used to negate the understanding of "YOUR BODY (BEING)."
New Zealand is taking the wrong path. Fox News reported yesterday that "New Zealand is outlawing the sale of assault 'military' style weapons."
As I wrote in earlier note commenting on the 2nd Amendment and NH Constitution Articles 2 and 10, in AMERICA the NATURAL RIGHT of
DEFENSE OF SELF, OTHERS, AND COUNTRY BELONGS TO EACH PERSON. Unless you lose that right by being a criminal. The "militia"
right belongs to We the PUBLIC -- it is not a privatizable (NOT ALIENABLE) RIGHT -- because that would be a WRONG. If the private 'miltary'
has assault weapons, so much more should the public in order, as the NH CONSTITUTION SECURES, to exercise our right to prevent TYRANNY,
"SLAVISH" subservience to a "CORRUPT" 'GOVERNMENT' of "PRIVATIZED" 'military' and 'officers.' If they serve LODGE, they do not serve
we the public. Therefore, there needs to be a public right to check against corrupt officers, etc. This is legal theory we discussed in law school.
More commentary about THE MEANING OF "IN YOUR NAME." As I wrote earlier, John 17 makes no sense. It was written, as the NAB
Preface to John states, probably nearly 100 years (or more) after the death of Jesus, and thus also after the death of John. "Holy Father, keep them
in your name that you have given me, so that they may be one just as we are." "Father, the hour has come. Give glory to your son, so that your son may
glorify you, just as you gave him authority over all people, so that he may give eternal life to all you gave him. I revealed your name to those
whom you gave me out of the world. ... everything of mine is yours and everything of your is mine ..." John 17:1-11. The use of "In Your Name" is not
properly used, not AGENCY, and nor is it as "Our Father ... hallowed be YOUR NAME (good Name, Reputation, etc.)" Mt 6:9. It is wrong to say
"I SHOWED THEM YOUR NAME." And wrong to say "KEEP THEM IN YOUR NAME." But in Matthew we read that "those who are in the
NAME OF THE FATHER" are "ONLY THOSE WHO DO THE WILL OF MY FATHER" ("only those who act within the SCOPE of the legal
AGENCY given that person.") "'Lord, Lord, did we not prophecy ... drive out demons ... (and) do mighty deeds IN YOUR NAME?' Then I will declare
to them solemnly, 'I NEVER KNEW YOU. Depart from me, you evildoers.'" Matthew 7:21-23. Matthew has the term "Reveal" the Father, not
"Reveal His Name." "All things have been handed over to me by my Father. ... no one knows the Father except the son and anyone to whom the son
wishes TO REVEAL HIM (the FATHER)." Matthew 11:27. Again, GOD IS A PERSON, NOT HIS NAME. NOT A SYLLOGISM. Finally,
A Proverb passage for certain persons who accused me of "threatening to cut off someone's tongue" when I quoted that "God would cut off their tongues."
"The mouth of the just yields wisdom, but the perverse TONGUE will be CUT OFF." Proverbs 10:31. See prior notes. I wrote about Hell,
that God would "cut off their tongues for refusing to speak the truth, etc." They said that made me and the entire Bible a "threat" to them. ABSURD.
They played that entire charade as an ORGANIZED CRIMINAL CONSPIRACY. They obviously knew I was no threat and was quoting Scripture,
as I tried to tell them. But they are a CONSPIRACY and had their plan and they carried it out organized in each office. They are that colluded.
I was rehearsing my song Fire Sky yesterday and found a new groove for that song. I changed the rhythmic pattern some, and bass line. I think
you will each like it better, more rock. I will do the same to Mold The Clay, which is the last song on Radio Volume 3rd, for a reason. I may add
acoustic guitar rhythm track to help preserve some of my older religious folk rock influence. But the song will be more rock on the final version. As for
my song Galaxy, I wrote it wondering when and where would be the New Earth, and poetically, "Is it way up in the sky, or very near to me?"
"Galaxy, will it be the same, yet WE WILL BE UNCHANGED." We will be BODY, not some 'spiritual' hoax religion. Read. See prior notes.
Made a new music CD mostly of compiled American Theme songs, and some new ones I will record shortly. It is titled: American Fabric.
Here is the web page at which most of the songs are already posted in FREE m4a files. Fabric.htm
POWERFUL MIND OF GOD, NOT 'Powerful Spirit' (No Physical Force Of God). The First Command demands that we Worship God
in His TRUE NATURE, not a false-god with a false-nature. EXAM: The sun will break because of the sins on earth. Will the sun break by:
(a) Physical Force of God? or by (b) MENTAL IMAGERY of GOD? The answer is (b).
See my Studio Note for Radio Volume 3rd and the song Gently Still My Soul at that CD page. As another matter, because I am near completing
Radio Volume 3rd and the remaining songs of Potter's Wheel therefore, I have deleted the Rough Draft Demo MP3 files. The FINAL versions are posted
as WAVE and m4a files. When I finish Radio Volume 3rd, I will post those WAVE files also FREE.
I have made the following decisions about future CDs (those in progress), the COMPILATION CDS, such as Potter's Wheel and American Fabric will
be made FREE at this web site as WAVE FILE version and m4a version. I will not be making actual physical DISCS of them to hand out; you can do that.
I will be making actual DISC copies to hand out of ALL OF THE Radio Volume 1, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th music CDs. Those will also be available here at
this web site for FREE in both WAVE FILE version and m4a version. Example of a web site only music CD includes the following: Fabric.htm
I have made Narrow Door a web site only music CD. Some of those songs will be released on physical Disc version on Radio Volume 4th. Volume 4th.htm
I will be finishing Radio Volume 3rd in the next few weeks. There is a prayerful rhythm to doing only a song or two each weekend. But it goes slow.
After that, I will rehearse Radio Volume 4th and begin recording when we agree is a good time. May need a brief break first. I gave John's sister the
color pencil drawing of my rainbow (red, white, blue ... and yellow) over the child-like ark, because she inspired the song drawing me a rainbow first.
I wrote: "Thank you for my rainbow." John played for her the song, and she liked it, and the ark rainbow drawing. Praying for the future of all the youth.
On TEMPTATION is Drawn (Authored, Written) by GOD. "Lead us not into temptation" or "Subject us not to the final test" are the same thing:
God authors us to be tested (tempted). Some fundamentalists quote James as refuting that teaching: "No one experiencing temptation should say, 'I
am being tempted by God'; for God is not subject to temptation to evil, and he himself tempts no one." James 1:13, is HERESY, IDOLATRY. When
God drew (authored, scripted) Judas to hand over Jesus "to fulfill what was written," was that God testing Judas, and tempting him about payment
for doing his duty to hand over someone claiming "to be God"? Animation theology rightfully has GOD AUTHORING ALL EXISTENCE with GOD'S
MIND. See earlier notes and the Exams. Interestingly, the same people who quote James, hate James, because he then rightfully says: "faith without
works is useless. ... See how a person is justified by works and not by faith alone. ... faith without works is dead." James 2:20-26. Moses taught to
"Be careful, therefore, to do as the Lord, your God, has commanded you, not turning aside to the right or to the left, but following exactly the way that
the Lord, your God, commanded you that you may live and prosper ..." Deuteronomy 5:32-33. Jesus taught that, "Not everyone who says 'lord, lord'
will be saved, but only those who carefully do the will (commandments) of the Father." (Paraphrased synthesis). "'Did we not drive out demons in
your name?'" -- he said their faith would not save them, not even miracles would save them, but only OBEYING THE COMMANDMENTS would.
See earlier notes. That is not an endorsement of Jesus, but merely proving that they greatly misused Jesus against his own teachings. And then there
is Paul, who they hate because he said of woman: "But she will be saved through motherhood, PROVIDED women persevere in faith and love and
holiness, with self control." 1 Timothy 2:15. Clearly, Paul did not believe only in 'faith,' but in being saved by honest maternal obedience to LAW.
The reason I write that is because there are numerous women who have abortions (murders) and pretend they will 'be saved by faith.' ABSURD.
Started rehearsing for Radio Volume 4th, and wrote some preliminary Studio Notes at that page. My old band members from college will
recognize the main parts of the songs, and the lyrical melodies, but I have changed some of the lyrics, as I say there, "to correct them" and to give
God the glory. Maybe my favorite so far is Take What You Offer, as revised. And Narrow Door. When you hear them you will recognize the
words as Scripture made into contemporary rock n roll. My hope is that some of you will find and read the actual passages and put the Scripture
identification next to the lyric phrase in each song in the margins of the CD Booklet Insert. I thought about doing it myself, but in prayer I left that
up to the listeners, if they want to be industrious for the Lord. Still did some rehearsing today for the remaining songs on Radio Volume 3rd. It is
a ten song CD, and we are over half done - only four songs remaining. I like Volume 3rd, and each project. Fun working with God and others.
A Parable or did this actually happen? Jussie Smollett staged a fake hate crime(s) against himself. He was caught. Yet he insists it happened,
without taking the blame. Obama through his wife and then through her Chief of Staff, Tina Tchen intervene -- as they did for Hillary, coding it 33rds
(as 33,000 emails) -- then GAY LODGE Jussie Smollett gets off by 'prosecutor privilege' and SEALED FILE so they hide his criminal guilt. They have
text messages from Tchen and Kim Foxx -- who never did recuse herself, did she! Remember, Gay Lodge oaths to get off their own from criminal and
other prosecutions! They did as they oathed -- AS TREASON AGAINST AMERICA AND OUR LAWS. They are 'secret society.'
Was reading two short Books in the Bible, one about the destruction of an unjust Government, the other what is certainly a Hoax Book (Eccles.)
Nahum warns the unjust Government: "What do you plot against the Lord, the one about to bring total destruction?" Nahum 1:9. "The Lord takes
vengeance on his adversaries ... In stormwind and tempest he comes ... blazing anger ... like fire ... He makes an end of his opponents ..." Nahum 1:1-8.
Ecclesiastes, on the other hand, cannot be a canonical book. It is perhaps the worst book of the entire Bible. Like National Enquirer pretending to
write proverbs of 'wisdom.' I put it down after 4 chapters, but will finish it. But it is not a holy book. And it is not recognized by many. And I did
meditate on Psalm 89 and 121 today: "the Maker of heaven and earth" (121:2), "Yours are the heavens, yours the earth; you founded the world and
everything in it." (89:12) What caught my eye is there are two misuses of "in and through my Name." "In your name they sing" (89:17) and "through
my name his horn will be exalted." (89:25). These are misused only because as we stated in earlier notes, see above, "IN THE NAME" has specific
LEGAL AGENCY CONTRACT MEANING. To "sing in your name" would mean "Sent to sing His laws, his agreed upon agency purpose." While
"to be exalted in God's Name" is not agency law, it is poetic use of "IN MY REPUTATION, I will establish him." See above. Finally, there is the
constant consistency of God's "IF ... THEN" CLAUSE OF CONTRACT (COVENANT): "IF his descendants forsake my teaching .. my decrees,
IF they fail to observe my statutes ... my commandments, (THEN) I will punish their crime with a rod and their guilt with blows." Psalm 89:31-34.
Fox News this morning interviewed Brandon Tatum a black former Tucson officer who said about the fact CBP arrested 4000 Illegal Alien Migrants
on Monday alone: "This is no longer about immigration, this is AN INVASION OF OUR COUNTRY," "Caravan after caravan," "We need to build a
wall," "We need to protect our people and end the criminal activity coming across our border." Brandon had on a suit coat with a MAGA hat. As to
an earlier note yesterday: Fox News reported that "Soros gave Kim Foxx over $400,000 over the years," and "Kim Foxx helped free murderers
to benefit law firms that contributed to her campaign, according to the Chicago Police Union complaint against her." Finally, "No Senators voted
'yes' for AOC's 'Green New Deal.'" The Dems would not stick their necks out for it, yet they promoted it in public campaigning. They voted: "present."
Fox News reported today that "Kim Foxx and her office now claim SHE NEVER DID RECUSE HERSELF OFFICIALLY, rather she used the
'COLLOQUIAL' use of the term 'recuse' and 'NOT THE LEGAL MEANING OF THE WORD: RECUSE.'" She is CRIME. See earlier notes.
On another and same note: I once read that Confucius asked what would bring lasting peace to earth, said: "I would insist on the single meaning
for each word." (Paraphrased) "For the first step toward Wisdom is an earnest desire for discipline ... Love means the keeping of her laws."
Wisdom 6:17-18. "Wisdom ... she is their mother" (Wisdom 7:12), "over your sons and daughters." (Wisdom 9:7). Those who obey God's Laws
are righteous and do not practice deceit about the meaning of words. But the illegal (illegitimate) are not sons and daughters of God, and they practice
deceit. "For children born of lawless unions give evidence of the wickedness of their parents." Wisdom 4:6. That was about unlawful marriages, but
by analogy can be extended to those who follow criminal conspiracies, those molded by the corrupt. For how we give example to others is a sort of
poetic "parentage;" in Scripture the "progeny of the wise" compared to the "progeny of destruction." And for the artists: "Wisdom, the artisan of all,
taught me." Wisdom 7:22 Wisdom is not a person. God is a PERSON, not a Syllogistic use of 'Wisdom;' but the above points are made. See my
earlier notes about "God is Loving; not Love." Love is not a Person. Nor is Wisdom. God is Wise and Loving; not Wisdom and Love.
Been rehearsing last songs for Radio Volume 3rd, and also songs for Radio Volume 4th. More than the earlier projects, I reduced the number of
lyrics that went into the CD Booklet Insert for Radio Volume 4th, and have additional verses or sentences of lyrics that will be in the final recorded
songs. That is because the booklet is a 4 page limited booklet. It also gives a reason to listen to the songs when they are released.
Wrote a supplemental note about my song Galaxy at the Radio Volume 3rd page, see Studio Notes. Finished reading Wisdom, which also is not
the greatest book in the Bible. I did write down a few of its passages. "For the wicked who refused to know you were punished by the might of your
arm, Were pursued by unusual rains and hail storms and unremitting downpours, and were consumed by fire. ... For the UNIVERSE fights on behalf
of the righteous." Wisdom 16:16-17. "they acknowledged that this people (Jews) was GOD'S SON." Wisdom 18:13, See earlier notes about the
common use of the phrase: "son(s) of God." "For from the greatness and beauty of created things their ORIGINAL AUTHOR, by analogy, is seen."
Wisdom 13:5, See earlier notes about the phrase: "When you see the Universe you see the Author," "when you see me, you see the Father." And then
the author of Wisdom seems to have inside knowledge about the CULT (LODGE, PPF): "For while they practice either CHILD SACRIFICE or occult
mysteries, or frenzied carousing in exotic rites, THEY NO LONGER RESPECT either LIVES or PURITY OF MARRIAGE ... [but instead engage in]
UNNATURAL LUSTS." Wisdom 14:23-24,26, See the Exams about the meaning of "Unnatural vice," "Unnatural lusts." Then I turned on Fox News
and it reported that "On opening night of the Pro-Life movie 'Unplanned,' its twitter page was 'suspended.'" And Fox News also had on a pastor named
Jeffries who rightly said: "God requires the Death Penalty for MURDERERS in the Bible."
Some challenge themselves with puzzles. Others read Scripture as a puzzle. Can you piece together the texts about the End?
Here are some from Isaiah: 65:16-20; 66:15-16,22,24; 13:9-13; 24:3-6; 29:5-6; 30:25-33. And Zephaniah 1:18. 2 Peter 2:5-6.
And the "New Earth" is acknowledged in Revelations 21:1 as the outcome for those who will be saved. Those are a few. You
can find numerous more pieces of the puzzle in Scripture. Looks like a solar wind whirling storm of fiery flames at earth event.
The above mentioned puzzle pieces were the meditation, part of it, for my song Fire Sky. As stated in earlier note, I will be making the song a bit more
rock and somewhat of a jazzier rock bass line, than was on the Rough Draft Demo. "It will be just as the Good Book taught ..." "As Isaiah and others
foretold ..." I think the final version will be much better than the Rough Draft was (which has since been deleted as an mp3). It is a song about belief,
about TAKING GOD AT HIS WORD. He not only warned it once, it is repeatedly warned, and dramatically foreshadowed, in Scripture.
Been finishing Books in the Bible, reading Ben Sira, which was not recognized by modern Jews and Protestants. Like Wisdom, it is mostly repetitious, but
has a few good sayings: "If you desire wisdom, KEEP THE COMMANDMENTS, and the Lord will bestow her upon you," Ben Sira 1:26, "those who love
him are FILLED WITH HIS LAW," Ben Sira 2:16, "My child, when you come to serve the Lord, prepare yourself for trials. ... I will walk with them in
disguise, and at first I WILL TEST THEM with trials." Ben Sira 2:1; 4:17. "fight for what is right, and THE LORD WILL DO BATTLE FOR YOU."
Ben Sira 4:28. The author of Ben Sira has the repeated line: "If you want wisdom, get fear of the Lord," which is properly defined by him as "OBEY THE
COMMANDMENTS." We have lost that true meaning of LOVE, and today instead are vain empty words, not actions. On another note, I still am unable
to download and play my UPLOADED and POSTED SONGS. When I try, it stalls or prints gibberish instead of sound. Until that stops, and if you are having
the same difficulty downloading my songs FROM THIS WEB SITE, I suggest you document that, and then get them from iTunes, Spotify, Amazon, YouTube.
Today I made the lyrics portion of the American Fabric CD page and made the Booklet Insert for it. When doing so I noticed a typo in Rachel Weeps from
Radio Volume 1 (and Potter's Wheel). It said: "When their," when it was supposed to say: "When THERE my sole (soul) you knew well (in the womb)."
It is an interesting typo because spell check would not have caught it. Nor did I when reading the Booklet to Radio Volume 1. I will fix it on that page also. Fabric.htm
The additional meditation to the Exams this morning was Psalm 25 and Ben Sira 4-11. They went together: "All the paths of the Lord are mercy and TRUTH
toward those WHO HONOR HIS COVENANT AND DECREES. ... God shows him the way he should choose. ... The counsel of the Lord belongs to those
who fear him; and HIS COVENANT INSTRUCTS THEM." Psalm 25:10-22. "REFLECT ON THE LAW of the Most High, and LET HIS COMMAND-
MENTS BE YOUR CONSTANT STUDY. Then he will enlighten your mind, and make you wise as you desire." Ben Sira 6:37 Then there is the teachings
against presumption, those who say 'My God, my God' or 'lord, lord,' "but they do not obey the commandments," "in vain do they praise me." Ben Sira has
this to say about that: "Do not be so confident of forgiveness that you add sin upon sin. Do not say, 'His mercy is great; my many sins he will forgive.' ... Do not
delay in turning back to the Lord, do not put it off day after day. ... at the time of vengeance, you will perish." Ben Sira 5:5-7; 7:8-9.
Still reading Ben Sira and took a few notes: "Before investigating, do not find fault; examine first; then criticize." Ben Sira 11:7. And on Fox News today they
discussed Colorado's UNCONSTITUTIONAL "Red Flag Law" about "confiscating guns without due process," for which I read in the Bible today: "No arms
for combat should you give them [the wicked], lest they use these against you." Ben Sira 12:3-5. The issue of taking guns from the wicked is fine, but guns
should be in the hands of the righteous. See earlier note about that Constitutional Inalienable Right. The mob in uniforms have tried to role reversal
that into 'gay guns' and 'gays in the military' -- when they knew or should know that gays oath against the Country and Our Public. See earlier notes. "Turn
again to the Most High and away from iniquity, and HATE INTENSELY what HE LOATHES." Ben Sira 17:26. Finally, the Wisdom Books of the Bible,
including Ben Sira, recognize the MATERNAL NATURE (NAME SHAPE) of GOD, and refer to Wisdom as MATERNAL: "Whoever is practiced in the
LAW will come to Wisdom. SHE WILL meet him LIKE A MOTHER." Ben Sira 15:1-2. I was prosecuted wrongly for calling GOD by GOD'S NAME
SHAPE: "MOTHER O." See earlier note above. Round is God's NAME and SHAPE, and we are in GOD'S ROUND BOSSOM (MIND, INTELLECT)
like children in a MOTHER'S WOMB. Some LODGE 'doctor' asked me twice "is Mother O Mommy Mary?" He is crime. See earlier notes. Remember,
In addition to the daily EXAM meditations my reading included: "I will duly sing to your name" (Psalm 61:9), and "I will sing of your strength .. For you are my
fortress ... your praise I will sing ..." (Psalm 59:17-18). Two points from reading Ben Sira: "All wisdom is fear of the Lord; and in all wisdom, the observance
of the Law." Ben Sira 19:20. You have probably heard 'pastors' say to you they do not follow the Law, they follow 'a different wisdom' 'called PASTORAL-
ISM.' It is hoax 'wisdom' and BLASPHEMY, IDOLATRY. Finally, similar to what I said in prior notes, see above, Ben Sira properly limits "Forgiveness of
neighbors" to only "WHAT WAS DONE TO YOU PERSONALLY." "Forgive your neighbor THE WRONG DONE TO YOU; then when you pray, your
own sins will be forgiven." Ben Sira 28:2,4,7. This does not apply to MORTAL SINS, nor VENIAL SINS DONE TO SOMEONE ELSE. The "fortress"
mentioned in the Psalm 59 reading today is the "FORTRESS" I sing of in my song Kateri-Na: "Daughter of a Fortress high ..." On another note: Fox News
had on today again Brandon Tatum a former black officer of Tucson, who said of the "Sanctuary City Politicians" (organized criminals) that "Either they are
incompetent, or THEY ARE EVIL. It is one, or the other." I agree they are evil trying to stack a voting deck in favor of their COALITION OF CRIMES.
"Whoever seeks the law will master it, ... The lawless turn aside warnings and distort the law to suit their purpose." Ben Sira 32:15,17. True. In law school
and afterward I learned there are two kinds of lawyers: (1) a person who seeks and serves TRUTH, and (2) a person who seeks to weave together bits and
parts of 'precedents' to make an ILLUSORY 'right' -- when it is actually a WRONG. The first is a LAWYER; the second is a ROBBER, a MOCKER OF
LAW. Ben Sira has some good sayings, but mostly I think it is not a holy book and has coded evil in it, as Chapter 33 talks about "opposites" are made by
God as if 'good,' and it talks about "SLAVERY" as if it is a 'good' -- when those two things are NOT GOOD. And yet it properly compares the differences
between ARTISANS and GOOD LAWYERS in Chapters 38-39, where it says both are needed and good, but the Lawyer is needed more as Agency of God
for God's Covenant LAWS. Finally, two things caught my eye for my songs Potter Wheel and Fire Sky: "Like clay in the hands of a potter ... So are people
in the hands of their Maker ..." Ben Sira 33:13. "Come to our aid, O God of the universe ... Hasten the ending, appoint the time ... as in days of old ... Give
evidence of your deeds of old; fulfill the prophecies spoken in your name." Ben Sira 36:1-10, 13, 20. "There are stormwinds created to punish ... In the time
of destruction they hurl their force ... Fire and hail, famine and disease: these too were created for punishment." Ben Sira 39:28-29 It is IDOLATRY and
absolute madness (illness of heart) to pretend 'god does not punish with storms.' They are LODGE/PPF. They hate God.
A follow up to yesterday's note, "A word from him drives on the south wind, whirlwind, HURRICANE, and stormwind." Ben Sira 43:17. And yesterday's
"potter" meditation also is for my song Mold The Clay. I have been rehearsing it this week. In addition to the New Earth Exam meditation and Psalms
Exam, I had this Guitarist Warrior meditation on the proper use of my hands and fingers for God: "With my own voice I cry to the Lord; with my own voice
I beseech the Lord. Before him I poured out my complaint (Psalm 142:2-3) ... Lord, hear my prayer; in your faithfulness listen to my pleading (143:1) ...
Show me the path I should walk ... Teach me to do your will, for you are my God (143:10) ... Blessed be the Lord, my rock, who TRAINS MY HANDS
FOR BATTLE, MY FINGERS FOR WAR (144:1) ... O God, a new song I will sing to you; on a ten stringed lyre (GUITAR) I will play for you." (144:9)
As I promised, about a year ago I started praying one Exam each morning and the Exam Psalms each morning. I find there is a good rhythm to this form
of prayer. And I still open up each day letting God lead me to another passage or Psalm He wants for that day also. I enjoy petitioning God with the
musical Psalms (about instruments), especially the line that says "skillfully play" "harp (I add HARMONICA) and lyre (I add GUITAR)." So far I have
tried the harmonica on four songs in studio, and in none of them did I play it well for that song. We made the decision not to use it on those songs. I will
keep petitioning God until one comes out right. I promise the harmonica players out there that I will record a song or two with harmonica.
These will be typed and made into a PDF Booklet compilation of the meditations I had for each Demo CD, now for each day. Yes, that is some of my
art and articles in the background under the Exam with Psalms as meditation, as petition and as thanksgiving for when God helped my art.
For some reason I had to open the Scriptures again, and it opened to Elisha raising from the dead a boy who had been dead for a day. People often think
Jesus is the only one involved in raising the dead, or raised from the dead. They have not read, because it was proof of succession of Elijah in Elisha's
case. Elijah was told by God to "annoint" Elisha "as his successor" in prophecy. 1 Kings 19:16,19-21; 2 Kings 2:8-15. Elisha then prayed for the
multiplication of oil in a single jar of oil to fill many jars of oil, 2 Kings 4:1-7, and to raise the child from the dead, 2 Kings 4:8-37. "[T]hen once
more he (Elisha) stretched himself over him (the dead boy), and the boy sneezed seven times and opened his eyes. ... Elisha said to her (the boy's mother),
'Take your son.' She came in and fell at his feet in homage; then she took her son and left." 2 Kings 4:8-37. Now, those who understand that God
AUTHORS ALL, INCLUDING OUR LIVES, know that God can and has repeatedly throughout Scriptural history re-drawn (raised, resurrected)
the body (soul) of numerous persons, including in modern times. God animates (authors, scripts, draws, writes) our lives. It is easy for God to redraw
us at the time of the New Earth (resurrection). See earlier notes. God is not a 'life force.' GOD IS AUTHOR. God is not an 'animating principle.'
GOD IS ANIMATOR (WRITER). God can draw (author, animate) anyone to life anew. Do you want what God has offered?
Wrote a new Studio Notes for my song Mold The Clay, which I recorded today, at the Radio Volume 3rd page. The additional Scripture reading this
morning was the reason I named an earlier project "Joshua Sun," and today the Bible opened to that passage: "The Lord said to Joshua: Do not fear them,
for I have delivered them into your power. Not one of them will be able to withstand you. .... The Lord hurled great (hail) stones from the heavens above
them (the enemy) ... killing many. ... Joshua prayed to the Lord, and said in the presence of Israel: Sun, stand still at Gibeon ... The sun stood still ... while
the nation took vengeance on its foes. This is recorded in the Book of Jashar. The sun halted halfway across the heavens; not for an entire day did it press
on. Never before or since was there a day like this, when the Lord obeyed the voice of a man ..." Joshua 10:7-14. That is one of my favorite miracles
showing the ANIMATION authority of God writing all creation.
"Now, therefore, fear the Lord and serve him COMPLETELY and SINCERELY." Joshua 24:14-26. I wrote in earlier notes that "real prayer is
INTELLECTUAL HONESTY with GOD." That is the same teaching. And in Joshua, he makes clear it means "put away your idols, and obey the LAWS
OF GOD." I share with you, however, the issue I first struggled with when writing my song Kateri-Na originally: Babies murdered as embryos through
ABORTIFACIENTS (ABORTIVE CHEMICALS OR DEVICES) sold wrongly as 'contraception.' Where or what does God do with them? They have
a right to life. So do the embryos created (conceived) in test tubes for In Vitro Fertilization. God cannot draw (author, write) them as adults, not even on
New Earth. God can draw old persons to be young adults again with their motor skills and memories restored. But God cannot draw an embryo become
suddenly an adult. It would be a cartoon. Not the real person. There is only one answer for me to this problem: women will have to agree to welcome those
children into their wombs as embryos and let them grow naturally, and become born on New Earth. The probability that God will do that for the countless
millions of abortifacient and in vitro fertilization murdered embryo babies is not likely, because it is an administrative problem maybe even too large for God.
The number of women who would have to agree would take centuries before all the unborn embryo babies could have their turn to be born. When I learned
that the pill and IUDs are ABORTIVE, I promised God to help end the murders. I had a vision (dream like) of a young girl. I named her Kateri. Then I heard
God would punish earth severely because of ABORTIFACIENTS disguised as 'contraceptives,' including the pill. That storm includes KatriNA. Yet there was
a question always asked me, and I ignored it for years: "Can I make them as adults?" The answer I later realized for certain: No, You cannot draw them adults.
The question then became: How can they be brought to natural birth? And would God and women do that? God cannot enforce it on New Earth, it would
have to be voluntary of each woman. It seems we have caused a problem that the only solution is PUNISH EARTH that it NEVER DO THIS AGAIN. I know
there are women and men who lost children by miscarriages, and they hope to see them one day. Yet there is more to it. They have to mature naturally to be
authored (drawn) as youth or adults in the resurrection of our bodies. See earlier notes. It is a major administrative problem for God, who cannot do it alone.
I wrote my song Kateri about NA (NH, life) and a storm that would come years before Katrina, and produced a version of it posted before Katrina. I see
Katrina as God's poetic punishment of earth for sins. The vision of the girl was around 1993. It could not be of an actual girl that age, it was poetic.
Yesterday I was meditating for additional Scriptures to post at the Narrow Door music CD page, and in addition to Moses and Joshua quotes, I made the
following compilation of Jesus quotes about Moses and the laws given him: "Unless you obey the laws given Moses (the law and the prophets), you will
not enter into the kingdom of heaven." Matthew 5:17-21 (Paraphrased to show what Jesus was saying). "Did not Moses give you the law? Yet
none of you keeps the law." John 7:19 "'You shall not kill; and whoever kills will be liable to judgment.'" Matthew 5:21 "Do not think I have
come to abolish the law or the prophets (the book of law given Moses and Joshua). ... Amen, I say to you, until heaven and earth pass away, not
the smallest letter or the smallest part of a letter will pass from the law ..." Mt 5:17-21 "It is easier for heaven and earth to pass away than for
the smallest part of a letter of the law to become invalid." Luke 16:17 "Amen, I say to you ... Heaven and earth will pass away ... Beware that
... that day catch you by surprise like a trap. For that day will assault everyone who lives on the face of the earth." Luke 21:32-35 Jesus did not
abolish the book of law, he demanded obedience to Moses and the law. See that page for the Moses and Joshua quotes I added.
Reading Scripture is like walking up a puzzle mountain.
Put the pieces together and you get the whole picture.
Jesus claimed "authority" he could not have by Agency of God: THE POWER TO AUTHOR LIFE. Only God can be the Author (Drawer, Writer) of life.
Jesus said: "just as you gave him authority over all people, so that he may give eternal life to all you gave him," is an OXYMORON. Jesus has life because
God AUTHORS him. God does not have life because Jesus 'authors' God! God is the Writer, not Jesus. And the Ability to AUTHOR LIFE is not able to
be delegated to anyone; God alone can DRAW ON HIS MIND (INTELLECT). Jesus' claim is plainly Blasphemy, IDOLATRY. Only One can raise the
dead, and that is by the power of God's Mind to ANIMATE (AUTHOR) life anew; redraw that person to life. Remember, the word "Lord" reveals that
the people once knew God as their "dro(wer)" "Drawer" (AUTHOR, ANIMATOR). "Drower (Lord), Mother (Father) and Author (Master) of my life"
Ben Sira 23:1. "My help comes from the Drower (Lord) the maker of heaven and earth." Psalm 121.
Fox News had on this morning John Smith the young man who the movie Breakthrough is about. He fell through the ice and was submerged for 15
minutes, and then pulled out without a pulse for 45 minutes. His mother and others prayed for him, and he was drawn back to life, and left the hospital
in 16 days. What I find about miracle healing stories I have witnessed or been told about is that they are often non-denominational, or in this case of
a professed "non-believer in God." He now says his mission is to show that "God still does the impossible; God is still in the miracle business." I confess
that I both like and dislike that God does many miracles for all denominations and faiths. In truth, I dislike that about God, because you would think God
would want to limit His miracle drawing (authoring) to only proving which is the only true religious denomination. He does not. He makes many miracles.
Some of them seem mostly to prove to the person or a region that "GOD EXISTS." On another note: I have been reading the short book of Judges in
the Bible and the repeat CYCLE of God hearing the oppressed people "CRY OUT" and "SENDING THEM A SAVIOR" (a prophet called a "judge"
of Israel). The people once "Saved" (Delivered) then after years of peace and prosperity again turn to "idols" and "do what is evil in the eyes of God."
God then punishes that generation for many years, until they then remember God and "CRY OUT" and God then sends another "savior" ("judge"). The
cycle is repeat and can be witnessed as having happened also to our own America. We need to "CRY OUT" to the Real God to send men and women
who will work to re-establish OBEDIENCE TO ALL GOD'S COMMANDMENTS, that God will bless us as a people.
Fox News had on several 'Pastors' who addressed "why the culture has become so immoral, because pastors failed to teach the truth that God condemns
immoral sexual behavior." Yet they wimpified and watered down the teachings of God themselves, pointing to apocryphal teachings about "the woman
going to be stoned for adultery ... you without sin cast the first stone ... Then I do not condemn you either." At least one of the pastors did point out that
Jesus is reported there to have warned her: "Then go and SIN NO MORE." But the entire text is to me as that of 'paying taxes to Caesar' and so many of
the other 'teachings of Jesus' that seem POLITICAL, APOCRYPHAL, and not attributable to God, nor to a truer Jesus. See earlier notes. On another
and similar note: I re-read John 17 today to make a final point about it: Only one Person, One God can be "in us," and that is the Drawer who is Mental
Imaging (Authoring, Writing) us by His INTELLECT. And as said in the Exam, "Any 'son' of God would have to be Drawn (ANIMATED, AUTHORED)
by God the Father, who cannot Himself be drawn; thus CANNOT BE INCARNATE." "Nothing can be one-in-being with the DRAWER (ANIMATOR)."
When you understand that, you see John 17 as a HOAX perpetrated by Jesus, or perpetrated by later persons who wrote words into Jesus' mouth. "Now,
glorify me, Father, with you, with the glory that I had with you before the world began." Jn 17:1-5. "so that they may all be one, as you, Father, are in me and
I in you, that they may also be IN US, ... so that they may be one, AS WE ARE ONE, I IN THEM, and you in me ..." Jn 17:21-23. It is an OXYMORON,
as stated in earlier notes. The first part of it can be said of any person: "As you are in me, Brian, and I am in you, Brian," -- does not make me God, nor Jesus.
The second part, is a BIG IDOLATRY: "that they may be IN US ... I IN THEM and you in me." Jesus cannot be in anyone! He is drawn by God, and there
cannot exist overlapping physics. See the Exam. Only the Drawer can be in us. And even then the Drawer must respect us as "other" or we do not exist.
BESIDE ME. YOU SHALL NOT MAKE AN IDOL." Proof Jesus is not God: God cannot draw God's SELF; thus God cannot be incarnate. Nor can
God be a 'multiplicity of persons.' There cannot exist a 'trinity;' it is a hoax. See Exam. Proof "today's Jesus" is also NOT THE JESUS in the Bible: (a)
Pastors and people often use 'Jesus' to NULLIFY GOD'S COMMANDMENTS (LAWS) and REQUIRED PUNISHMENTS (LAWS); and (b) in many
other ways they often use 'Jesus' to CONTRADICT (NULLIFY) the JESUS IN THE BIBLE. This can be proven easily. Thus, even if (which he is not)
Jesus in the Bible is "God," then they have REJECTED HIM in favor of another IDOL 'Jesus' who they like better than the Jesus who is a LAW giver.
Been rehearsing for the final two songs on Radio Volume 3rd, which are Fire Sky and Ceiling Fan. The two songs go together, and I kept them for the
end of the recording sessions for this CD. As I wrote in earlier note, both will be substantially the same and substantially different than the Rough Drafts.
Fire Sky is my last chance on this CD to record some basic harmonica; but I am not feeling harmonica for this version. But I will give it a try and see in studio.
As for Ceiling Fan, I plan a full orchestration, including strings (synth violin), to make the song more psychedelic rock in the first part of it. I'm looking forward
to finishing this CD. It has been fun making it, and making sure it had a distinct feel compared to Radio Volume 1 and 2nd.
I saw a woman yesterday who tried to lie and steal from me my ABSOLUTE PRO-LIFE religious belief. She did it as this, saying that "while she is generally
pro-life, she sees a need for some abortions to 'help out' particularly young girls who were taken advantage of on college campuses." She is wrong. I replied:
"No, I do not understand that, because I give NO EXCEPTIONS for RAPE or INCEST, NOT ANY EXCEPTIONS. But I DO BELIEVE IN ADOPTION."
I then told her about a program I saw on ESPN (E:60 Series) about a black young woman who had sex with a black athlete man and she became pregnant.
She did not murder the child. She gave the child up for adoption, and was able to name the child, before adoption. That child was later in life a black athlete
football player who was recruited without knowledge of either -- by his biological father, a football college coach. That coach learned he was adopted and
'had no father' and took him in like his own son. Later, the son became a college football coach. He one day found his biological mother. He asked her the
name of his biological father. She told him his name, and IT WAS THE NAME OF THE FOOTBALL COACH WHO TOOK HIM IN LIKE A SON.
They then did DNA testing to prove in fact that man is his biological father. Now they live as real family. God works in wonderful ways." On another
note: we all watched William Barr yesterday say under sworn public office oath: "Spying on a political campaign is a big deal. ... Yes, I think spying did occur
in the 2016 election." "I think spying did occur." "I have concerns about various aspects of it." "I have credible evidence on which I base my concerns, but I
am not going to detail that evidence here today." He sounds much more competent than did Jeff Sessions.
I forgot to write earlier that I spoke with John, the producer, a few weeks ago and he agreed to do a 4th project with me, Radio Volume 4th. I played on
guitar for him one of the songs that will be on it that I wrote in high-school, now called No Living On The Edge, and he said he liked it. "Cool," he said.
I offered him a 50% raise for that project because of his time learning my style and getting to know how to record and mix my music during Radio Volume 1,
2nd, and 3rd. Looking forward to starting that 4th project sometime this year, hopefully soon. I am already rehearsed for it. So sooner, I think.
On Risk Management and Gambling (Risky Beliefs / Risky Behavior). The First and Most Important Commandment: "You shall not have other gods
beside me. You shall not make for yourself an idol." Exodus 20:3-4. Instead of give the answers, this time I want to ask you questions. Which is more
"risky," to (1) Believe in Monotheism and that requires God is a SINGLE DIVINE PERSON; or (2) Believe that God can somehow be a 'PLURALITY of
DIVINE PERSONS'? Which is more "gambling"? Which is more "risky," (3) To obey ALL THE COMMANDMENTS in hope of life; or (4) To disobey
one or more of the Commandments and still hope for life? Which is "gambling"?
I posted Ceiling Fan yesterday and wrote a Studio Note for that song at the Radio Volume 3rd page. Again, when I tested playing the song from this
web site after posted, it did not play, but instead showed written text of gibberish, not sound. In addition, I posted now 12 of the 13 songs for the CD
Potter's Wheel. Ceiling Fan is one of those songs. Only Fire Sky remains to be recorded and posted at that page. Next week. I also today made two
additions to my Scrap Book page. And discuss there the difficult issue of dating during marriage age, and stealing each others lives, when you know it will
not work out -- instead of being honest with God and with each other -- doing things the right way. I am old fashioned.
I posted this icon at the Narrow Door page. I wrote in earlier notes how Narrow Door will have a few songs I wrote as a Dartmouth Student and that were
aired on the Dartmouth Student radio station while I was there. The icon has a few things in it that have been important to me over the years: (1) The Book
of God's LAW being taught as divine commission (purpose) to teach then the disbelieving native Americans; (2) The Lone Pine symbolizing for me the ability
to grow on rough ground and stand alone from the crowd to fulfill that mission; (3) The single Door to Dartmouth hall, a poetic symbol of that lone purpose
for the entry into the Kingdom Of God; (4) The words, "VOX CLAMANTIS IN DESERTO," "A voice crying out in the wilderness, MAKE STRAIGHT
the WAY OF THE LORD." The promised purpose was "to make STRAIGHT," NOT 'make crooked' the path of those who attend Dartmouth.
As shown at the Narrow Door page, that decal and inscription was on my Varsity Hockey Game Jersey shoulder. I had a special pride in playing for that
stated purpose, I felt somehow, for God. Today, they have probably removed it from the game jerseys because it references God and Scripture.
I was reading Lamentations today as part of my PATRIOTS' DAY meditation, and how the people lamented that they "did not obey God's commands, so
that God turned against them and had Jerusalem destroyed." (Paraphrased.) On TV there was no mention of the DEFINITION of PATRIOT. The true
Scriptural definition: "Those who pray and work that God's LAWS be obeyed by all, that God will bless the prosperity and security of the land as ONE
NATION UNDER GOD." Those who 'pray' or 'work' to do the opposite, ARE NOT PATRIOTS. Repent. Become part of the American Fabric.
Another reading today about HONEST PRAYER as HONESTY WITH GOD: "For I kept the ways of the Lord ... His laws were before me, his decrees
I did not cast aside. I was HONEST TOWARD HIM; ...Toward the FAITHFUL you are FAITHFUL; to the HONEST you are HONEST; toward the
SINCERE you are SINCERE; but to the perverse you are devious." 2 Samuel 22:7-27. Lamentations makes clear that the ruin of Jerusalem started when
its prophets refused to condemn publicly the sinners in Jerusalem, but "whitewashed the Lord's teachings" ("watered them down, lukewarm"). "Your prophets
provide you visions of WHITEWASHED ILLUSION; they did not lay bare your guilt; They saw for you only oracles of EMPTY DECEIT." (2:14).
A brief comment on the burning of the French 850 year old cathedral in Paris yesterday. Fire in Scriptural history is a poetic sign of GOD'S ANGER at
sin. The people who know GOD AUTHORS (ANIMATES, WRITES) all creation, know that nothing happens by 'chance.' God's hand (MIND) is drawing
all things. The end of a city or the end of time are both foreshadowed in Scripture by the warning of FIRE. "But on that day ... MY FURY will FLARE UP
IN MY ANGER, and in my jealousy, with FIERY WRATH ... Fire and Brimstone ..." Ezekiel 38:18-23. And God warns that eventually all "wooden false
gods" (idols) "themselves will in the end be consumed, and be a disgrace in the land." Baruch 6:69-72. "For the sins of my children I am left desolate,
because they have turned from the LAW of GOD, and did not acknowledge his statutes; In the ways of God's COMMANDMENTS they did not walk, nor
did they tread the disciplined paths of justice." Baruch 4:12-13. "Had you walked in the way of God, you would have dwelt in enduring peace." Baruch 3:13
I finished Lamentations yesterday, and read this passage in it which relates to my songs and CD Potter's Wheel: "And Zion's PRECIOUS CHILDREN, worth
their weight in gold -- HOW THEY ARE TREATED like clay jugs, the WORK OF ANY POTTER!" Lamentations 4:2 Children in the womb are formed
Yet today they a treated as if the work of the hands of murderers (abortionists, abortive women), when they belong to GOD, not to them. Today I read Obadiah,
a very short book, summarized by this passage: "Near is the day of the Lord against all the nations! As you have done, so will it be done to you, your conduct will
come back upon your own head." Obadiah 15. If you took human life, you cannot hope to have life. You must repent. End abortion.
I thought to add this to the Narrow Door page, and here, as what the seal is on the Dartmouth Diploma on the Cover of that CD.
I leave it somewhat enlarged here so you can read it. On another note: I read Jonah today as a very short apocryphal satire, not a literal book. I do not
believe Jonah was actually swallowed by a large whale -- but then again, I heard a true story of a person capsized in a boat in the ocean and suddenly God
drew a ROCK FORMATION raise them up out of the water. That person was able to rest on top of that fake Rock God drew until saved by a boat.
For me the main points of Jewish belief in Scripture from Jonah are: 1) God punishes disobedience with STORMS; 2) God forgives pagan lands if they
they repent by stopping their sins; 3) God has care over all lands, not only the Jews; and 4) God does not always do things the way we want.
Remember that on Real New Earth both humans and animals will be fully VEGETARIAN. See Scripture and prior notes, and Exam. You will have no
memories of eating meat, for obvious reason. See Back To Eden Exam. What made me think to remind you of that is this morning's reading of Daniel, in
which Daniel refuses to eat meat and wine and requested to be served ONLY VEGETABLES and WATER: "Please test your servant for ten days. Let
us be given VEGETABLES to eat and WATER to drink. Then see how we look in comparison ... after ten days they looked healthier and better fed than
any of the young men ... so the steward continued to take away the food and wine they were to receive and gave them vegetables. To these four men God
gave ... wisdom, and Daniel the understanding of all visions and dreams." Daniel 1:12-17. They got enough PROTEIN from VEGETABLES. And on a
different note: The morning Psalm I received to read, in addition to the daily Exam and Psalms meditation, was Psalm 35 -- for several days now. It is a
prayer of David asking God to have those setting deceitful traps to be caught in those traps themselves. David promises to praise God for His help. As to
'Good Friday,' we remember that back then the penalty for "claiming to be God was death." Because God draws (ANIMATES, WRITES) all creation,
nothing can be 'one-in-being with God.' There cannot exist a trinity (plurality) of Divine 'Persons.' The drawer cannot draw God Self. There cannot
exist any 'incarnations.' Only God the Father is God. The Animator (Author of all) is Lone Being. See Exams and prior notes.
See the Radio Volume 3rd page for my Studio Note about my song Fire Sky which I recorded and posted today. We had two lines of lyrics somehow
deleted after recorded today. I write about that in the Studio Note. I kept it the way it was altered. As proof. To compare with the CD Booklet lyrics. And
because I struggled with those two lines of lyrics in a song anyway. John, the producer, does not know how it happened. I think it may be a better song without
those two lines in it. That is the way I originally wrote it; then I thought to please God and make the song even more overt. Now it is back to the original. We
finished Radio Volume 3rd today. The WAVE FILES of CD QUALITY will be posted shortly. For now the m4a files are all posted.
Some additional thoughts about the hacking that took place when producing my song Fire Sky on Saturday. To do what they did, whoever did it, they
would have to know exactly what program we were using, and be experts in using a "mirror page" hack. They had to have that program and somehow link
it to ours. John says he did not do it. I sang "Coming straight from the heart" only twice in the second chorus. Now it is in that chorus four times, not two. They
had to have copied that line and exact timing pasted it into the song deleting two lines mentioned above and in my Studio Note, see 4/20/19 notes. My guess is
whoever hacked my songs when posted, so that I cannot play them from my web site, is the same group of people who hacked Spiraling and Fire Sky.
On another note: I watched The Ten Commandments again Saturday night, long film from 7 to 11:45 pm, and an old film. They ran many TV commercials
to make it that long, and one of those commercials had lesbians about to 'kiss' in the TV commercial, as IDOLATRY.
A brief summary of past hacking of each Radio Volume project, 1, 2nd, and 3rd. In prior notes I documented these. First, Radio Volume 1, they hacked
and altered segments of the guitar lead in Spiraling after we mixed it. Shortly after I posted that comparison, see main page and prior note, they hacked my
ability to play my songs from my web site. During Radio Volume 2nd, they hacked and deleted two songs after recorded, Did Not Know Your Name and
World At Peace. I had to re-record those songs entirely. Then this past Saturday, they deleted two lyric lines during the second chorus of Fire Sky on Radio
Volume 3rd. See earlier notes. You have to ask yourselves why they are concerned with my PRO-LIFE songs and CDs?
When I discussed the above mentioned hackings with others yesterday, they were able to reason quickly that "any adjustments to your song would not be a
glitch nor accident." And it has happened more than once, as stated above. On another note: I have started rehearsing for Radio Volume 4th, which should
be a good CD, blending my old styles with newer ones. The music is good, and the lyrics are a combination of the original lyrics and new lyrics to correct the songs
or to make them more meaningful. It is like pulling together old memorabilia and photos (old songs) to make a new scrap book of my past songs. And there are
a few completely new songs on Radio Volume 4th. Mostly the CD is old memorabilia being made more meaningful. It is a fun project. As I stated in earlier note,
one of the songs I wrote in high-school, and three of the songs I wrote as a Dartmouth student and each were aired on the Dartmouth Student Radio Station. Our
college band had made a demo of them in a recording studio and gave the tape to the college radio station, and we heard them on the air back then.
I posted the better Wav Files for Radio Volume 3rd, which somehow were condensed to smaller files than the previous Wav Files for Volumes 1 and 2nd. The
producer assured me "they are Wav File CD quality" but were made into smaller files. I listened to them, and they are much better than the m4a versions of the
songs I previously posted. The producer showed and played for me the CD already posted at iTunes. DOWNLOAD.htm
Additional tampering (hacking) or mere coincidence? Radio Volume 3rd Wav files were posted yesterday. See above note. When I copy them as computer
files they copy and can be played on my media player as wave files. But when I tried repeatedly to burn them as a compact disc, they cannot burn! It keeps saying
"error occurred" with each song. I tested and can burn Radio Volume 1 and 2nd Wav files as compact discs. But Radio Volume 3rd I cannot. If you have the
same problem, go and get the CD from iTunes or YouTube, etc. I will try and correct this with the producer, and get the original files.
The producer and I have agreed to start the next project, Radio Volume 4th, this week. I've been rehearsing for that CD, and will record Whisper In The Dark
first. I wrote it as a Dartmouth Student and my college band used to perform it and we recorded it at a recording studio. I heard it aired on the Dartmouth College
Student Radio station back then. The next song will be No Living On The Edge, which I wrote in high-school and performed then with a band.
Today I watched on Fox News the ceremony for our National Day Of Prayer. President Trump introduced the Rabbi who was recently shot in the synagogue
shooting, both of his hands wrapped and two fingers missing. He said: "We need to re-establish a MOMENT OF SILENCE in our PUBLIC SCHOOLS, to let
children know there is ACCOUNTABILITY, and that each person is a CHILD OF GOD." The audience agreed. One of the other guests to the podium tried
to say: "It is about a 'personal relationship' and not about rules or laws." She is wrong. Prayer is a PERSONAL RELATIONSHIP OF INTELLECTUAL
HONESTY WITH GOD about God's PERSON (NATURE) and God's LAWS (Commandments, statutes, precepts, rules). You cannot have an honest
relationship with any PARENT if you disregard their rules. Least of all with God. God conditioned God's Love by a CONTRACT (COVENANT), a quid pro
quo, a mutual agreement, that IF you obey all God's Commandments, THEN God will love and bless you. That goes for the Nation also. "Be careful to observe
all my statutes and all my decrees; otherwise the land ... will vomit you out." Leviticus 20:22. "Do not make idols ... IF you live in accordance with my statutes
and are careful to obey my commandments, I WILL give you your rains in due season, so that the land will yield its crops, and the trees their fruit ..." Lev 26:1-13.
"Be careful, therefore, to do as the Lord, your God, has commanded you, not turning aside to the right or to the left, but following exactly the way that the Lord,
your God, commanded you that you may live and prosper, and may have long life in the land ..." Deuteronomy 5:32-33.
Additional note about my song Whisper In The Dark. The song evolved in my mind since I first wrote it in college. It became about God's "still small voice" we
hear in the silence of prayer. While I have kept the original lyrics for about 50% of the song, and the original music most of the song, I have added a bridge change
section with lyrics that make it clearer its meaning, based on 1 Kings 19:11-13, which I tried to capture with these lyrics: "Not in the mountain, not in the quake;
Not in the whirlwind that you make. Not in the thunder, not in the storm, but in the silence you are heard. Just a whisper in the dark." On another note: Praying for
all the freedom fighters in Venezuela who have been victimized by the evils of Socialism. Praying for DEMOCRACY.
I will record No Living On The Edge next for Radio Volume 4th. The song was originally written by me when I was in high-school, and I had one of my bands
play it. We went to a recording studio and made a demo tape of that and another song I wrote. I am preserving much of the original in this new version, with an
added chorus, again to make it more meaningful. "No more living on the edge, no more walking over that fine line." For me now that "fine line" is the line in the
symbol "olo" or "l / l" -- the boundary line of respecting each other as truly "other" with independent rights guaranteed by the Contract (Covenant) of God's LAWS.
The chorus I have added warns about history repeating itself "if their acts we do not tell;" if we are silent about the past, none will learn from it. I played briefly the
rhythm riff for John about a month ago and he said he liked it. I have always liked the music to it, and wanted to re-make it for Radio Volume 4th.
The producer had another obligation that arose last week, so we did not record as planned. We will record two songs this week for Radio Volume 4th,
No Living On The Edge, and This Is Our Life. The second of those was also recorded as a Dartmouth Student and aired on the student radio station back then.
Again, I am keeping all of the music, and most of the lyrics for this version are the same, with a few different lyrics. I wrote This Is Our Life on guitar, and when our
keyboard player added synthesizer it became more pop in that earlier version. I will try to add piano, not synth, this time, but leave it as predominantly a guitar song.
The song was originally about being real, not trying to live out scripts from books or movies. Then it became about being real with God, doing His will, not what
contemporary 'culture,' books, movies suggest you do instead. And it is about perseverance in doing so, not giving up, even when it is difficult or all seems lost.
"A thousand dreams I've had, a thousand dreams I've lost, a thousand dreams that have washed away before. Is this one more? This is our life, this is what we make
of it." "Save the words you read to me from your paper back ... I don't want to be the one who plays the fool. Because this is our life, your will is what it is all about."
Been watching the 'news' coverage of the efforts of States to END ABORTION, including laws passed in Alabama and Georgia, and others. Fox News promotes
these pro-life efforts, while ABC News has been cheerleading abortion (murder) clinics. A cornerstone of our Democracy and Constitution is the Declaration Of
Independence. It references GOD and the INALIENABLE RIGHT TO LIFE: "endowed by our Creator with Inalienable Right To LIFE ..." It cannot be in any way
read as if 'violating the Establishment Clause.' That would be lunacy, and wrong. It is an important historical and LEGAL DOCUMENT of our God given RIGHTS.
And it expressly integrated the FACT GOD EXISTS and Commands us: "You shall not kill." Exodus 20:13; Deuteronomy 5:17. "You formed my inmost being; you
knit me in my mother's womb." Psalm 139:13. "For all life is mine; the life of the child is equal to (like) the life of the mother, BOTH ARE MINE." Ezekiel 18:4
(Literal meaning). The Founding of our Nation, the document that gives rise to our Constitution, explicitly mentions both GOD and Right To LIFE. But the Democrats
have purposely ABORTED BOTH THE BABIES and ABORTED GOD from all existence in our 'courts.' Those 'courts' would find The Declaration Of Independence
to be an 'unlawful establishment of religion,' which is Absurd. The fact is, God is a legal FACT, not a FICTION. They cannot handle that FACT of REALITY; because
God is as INCONVENIENT A LIFE to them as are unwanted BABIES. So they ABORTED both.
Follow up to yesterday's note. Those willing to ABORT GOD because the EXISTENCE OF GOD IS INCONVENIENT for them, will go on to later abort other
'inconvenient lives' -- including unborn babies, the ill, genetically defected persons, the old and infirm. If they are willing to ABORT GOD because God's LIFE is
not convenient to what they want to do instead of what GOD COMMANDS, they will do all the other evils also -- any time they feel inconvenienced by the demands
of another's life on them. Another related fact: If you are willing to ignore God and instead use ABORTIFACIENTS (abortive pills, injections, devices, etc.) as if
'contraceptives,' you will also use an ABORTION CLINIC to kill a child at any later stage of pregnancy also. You already decided you were willing to murder. To
restore a CULTURE OF LIFE we must therefore END THE ABORTION OF GOD, make GOD ESSENTIAL FACT AGAIN, and end 'contraceptives.' We have
to end the culture of avoiding 'inconvenient life,' whether it be the LIFE OF GOD, or the LIFE OF AN UNBORN CHILD.
Thinking of MEMORIAL DAY and the real reason people were willing to lay down their lives: "That all men are CREATED EQUAL and ENDOWED BY
reason we fought the CIVIL WAR to end slavery. And it was the reason we fought the SECOND WORLD WAR to end the holocaust of Jews. Today this
country's military heroes of the past would vomit in their graves to see people 'enlist' to fight to impose ABORTION (MURDER), Homosexuals, and Transgenders -
a fake 'rainbow flag' - instead of the honorable history of the true AMERICAN FLAG. I think all laws to END ABORTION should directly integrate the exact
words of the Declaration Of Independence, making its promised "GOD ENDOWED EQUAL AND INALIENABLE RIGHT TO LIFE" inextricably the meaning
of the State or Federal statute. Surely the Court must uphold the exact language of our Nation's founding, and the real meaning of the sacrifice our Nation's past
heroes made when giving their lives. If the Court fails to uphold our foundational principle of law, you know they are NOT AMERICANS, but illicit 'judges.'
More context to my prior note. On MEMORIAL DAY I watched Fox News broadcast the Laying of the Wreath Ceremony with Vice President Mike Pence
speaking at that ceremony. Pence said: "Of the 40 million who have worn the American uniform, nearly 1 MILLION DIED IN WAR SERVICE." He said they
gave their lives "because our Country is GOOD enough to fight for, and, if necessary, to die for." "GOOD" is the essential word in that sentence. You fight for
something Good, not for something evil. You fight when you have the MORAL AUTHORITY. The Holocaust of Jews was evil, you could not rationally fight for it.
Instead, reason, which is LOVE, compelled us to fight to end the Holocaust of Jews. Slavery was evil, you could not rationally fight for it. Instead, reason, which is
LOVE, compelled us to fight to end slavery. 1 MILLION U.S. SOLDIERS did not die to impose ABORTION (MURDER), Homosexuals, nor Transgenders.
They gave their lives fighting with moral authority for what is RIGHT, not what is WRONG. As said in my prior note, they would vomit in their graves to see our
military being used to impose abortion, homosexuals, and transgenders. I pray we return to a position of Moral Authority.
On Fox News 5/29/19 they had on Robert Charles who they said "recently was a guest Conservative speaker at Dartmouth College." Charles they said is a
"military veteran who served as Asst. Sec. Of State in the GWB Admin.," and is "PRO-LIFE." Glad to see my old school, Dartmouth, had a Pro-Life speaker.
On another matter: the song I will record next is Sing The Blues, which is a coded title: "Blv" (Believe) es (Is, Am, God). Blu-Es. I wrote the song in 2005
while living in the Dartmouth area. "Sitting in this lonely room, I've got the radio turned on. I'm dialed in to that same old love song. ... I'm going to sing the blues.
We are not going to lose. Going to sing the blues." Obviously, the music is based on the blues, and lyrics are coded Pro-Life, about struggling to make music that
is meaningful to make a difference for God. "Hoping my guitar sings, and you will hear me." Studio Note for This Is Our Life is at the Radio Volume 4th page.
The Radio Volume 3rd CDs are in. And my Studio Note for Sing The Blues is at the Radio Volume 4th page.
Watched the President Trump press conference with Prime Minister May of England today and their remarks in Remembrance of D-DAY on June 6th, 1944.
We the put aside our differences to fight in common purpose against the evil of Nazi Germany. Fox News and ABC did specials on D-Day and had on veterans who
survived that invasion in France, Normandy, about which they said the U.S. Forces suffered a "38% Casualty Rate." On Fox Sunday night, Ret. General Jack
Kean said: "We won that invasion and the war because we were motivated by a greater purpose of fighting against evil." We had the Moral Authority. As a college
student I studied abroad in France one semester and visited the Normandy D-Day Cemetery. I was filled with somber awe at the rows and rows in the field of white
tombstones of our service men. The Germans tried to give their lives for evil, and they lost. Our men gave their lives for good, and won the war. It is worth remembering
them and that important difference, especially today when our armed forces and authorities are being used to impose evil: abortion, homosexuals, and transgenders.
More on Remembering D-Day. Today, Fox News aired the PUBLIC PRAYER BROADCAST of President Franklin D. Roosevelt on June 6th, 1944,
announcing and praying for the D-Day Invasion to be successful. He publicly prayed: "God ... we know that by Thy GRACE and by the RIGHTEOUSNESS OF
OUR CAUSE our sons will triumph." He prayed and spoke of GOD and the MORAL AUTHORITY of the purpose for which we fought. Yet in 2011, Fox reports,
"the Democratic Party BOOED GOD at the DNC." They do not seek nor want moral authority as their cause. They want the opposite. They want Tyranny of their
'SPECIAL INTEREST' group SINS. They booed and hate God because God forbids and punishes their sins. I do not think the brave men who stormed Normandy
would today give their lives and die for 'SPECIAL INTEREST GROUP' sins against God and humanity.
Did not record last week because the producer was out of town. Recorded Kateri (Kateri-Na) yesterday and posted my Studio Note at the Radio Volume 4th
page. I wrote an earlier note about that song at this same page, see above. As stated in both of those notes, Kateri is a Pro-Life song about the millions of children
aborted (murdered) by pills, chemicals, or devices sold as 'contraception,' and the consequence of that sin to earth and our nation. It has been a heavy cost.
Fox News had on a Congressional Representative yesterday talking about the Hyde Amendment which prevents your tax dollars from paying for abortions. He
said that they estimate that "the Hyde Amendment saves 60 THOUSAND babies from being executed a year." Yet there are millions of babies being murdered
(aborted) by pills, chemicals, and devices disguised as 'contraception.' See earlier notes. On another note: rehearsing my song Narrow Door to record next. It was
originally called "Winding To Your Door," and I wrote it in 1998. I recorded it in a studio shortly after, and planned to release it on Spiral Staircase, but I did not finish
all of its tracks in time. I posted a demo of it in 2005. It will be musically the same, mostly, and its chorus is lyrically much the same. But I have changed its verses to
turn the song into a Dialogue with God. The verses are God's words to us. The chorus is about our response to God.
Yesterday Fox News aired the comments of a New York Democrat Congressional Representative who wants ABORTION, instead speaking about DETAINING
CHILDREN on our Southern Border. He said: "There are children being held at the border in unspeakable conditions. THESE ARE GOD'S CHILDREN!" Yet about
MURDER (ABORTION) he does not call them "GOD'S CHILDREN." The double standard in lunacy! On another note: I posted a short Studio Note about my
song Narrow Door at the Radio Volume 4th page.
Comment on the DEMOCRATIC PARTY "DEBATES." President Trump said after last night's debate: "I heard a rumor that the Democratic Party is changing its
name to the SOCIALIST PARTY." He is right. They are not Democratic. They want non-citizens to vote. They want "No Borders," and want to "Decriminalize" all that
is sin / illegal, including drugs and "illegal crossings." They will not even call them "illegal aliens," instead they call them "undocumented migrants." They said they want "TAX
PAID 'FREE' healthcare for all illegal aliens." Fox News had on a professor who said: "Open Borders (No Borders) with a WELFARE-STATE would lead to millions of
more aliens coming to our country." And Fox News also had on Diamond & Silk who said: "The Democrats are running to be president of Mexico because they care more
about illegal aliens than they do AMERICAN CITIZENS." The Democrats do not want a country, they want votes for their sins. Fox News also had on a commentator
yesterday who said: "The Democrats believe that 2 out of 3 illegal aliens will vote Democratic." No wonder they want "no borders." There was no "debate" last night.
When asked "Who of you would give Free Healthcare to illegal aliens?" -- they all raised their hands. They all agree on SOCIALISM and NO BORDERS.
On 'beautiful' singing, versus Singing Beautifully FROM THE HEART. Today I watched the Red Sox and Yankees play baseball in London. Before the game
a British Youth Choir sang our American National Anthem. The children sang an aesthetically 'beautiful' version of our National Anthem. Better than the World Cup
'American' soccer players who refused to place their hands over their hearts and refused to sing our National Anthem. Perhaps the British are more grateful for America.
But it was irony hearing the British youth choir singing our Anthem about our American war victory over the British. Better than aesthetics would be grateful American
youth saying our Pledge Of Allegiance and singing our National Anthem -- from the heart. Instead, Fox News reports that a "town council" in America "has voted to ban
the Pledge Of Allegiance" from town functions. What message does that send our youth? Maybe they too will refuse to say our Pledge Of Allegiance, nor sing our
National Anthem, nor go and visit our White House?
On the DEMOCRATS' OXYMORONIC ABORTION and IMMIGRATION 'POLICIES.' As I wrote in earlier notes, they want VOTES, not HUMAN LIVES.
They would abort (murder) millions of babies to let in millions of illegal aliens. Why? Because they believe that "2 of 3 illegal aliens would vote Democratic, not Republican."
What do Democrats want? They want their sin coalition -- they want their sins legal, instead of God and a Country. They are not about 'population control.' They are
about control over the population. They are about sin dominance, not love.
We celebrate the Birthday Of America today, as the Declaration Of Independence was signed this day in 1776: "All are created equal and endowed by the Creator
with inalienable (and thus also equal) right to life." American Citizenship is an Agreement, a Constitutional Contract (Covenant) with this Foundation Principle.
A country is not merely occupation of a territory, it is an CONTRACT WITH SPECIFIC IDEALS called its LAWS. Our Founding Principle recognized that God is
the Creator -- not woman, nor test tubes. God endows the inalienable right to life -- not woman, and not 'courts.' If you could not make that specific Contract, as
offered by the Creator to form us as a new Nation ("The United States Of America"), then you would certainly not be recognized as a CITIZEN by God.
I posted a Studio Note for my song Take What You Offer at the Radio Volume 4th page.
Additional note to my July 4th note, see above. The "Salute To America" celebrated by President Trump had many good moments, especially these quoted
parts. President Trump said: "America's history is one of heroes who risked everything for what they know to be right and true." "To defend our God given rights."
"The Declaration of Independence records: 'We hold these truths to be self evident, that all men are created equal and endowed by their Creator with certain
inalienable RIGHT TO LIFE ...'" "243 years later the future of America depends still on men and women of honor." "As long as we stay true to our same ideals and
history, there is nothing America cannot do." How is it TRUTH that was SELF-EVIDENT to our foundation as a NATION is now considered by 'courts' to be
'fiction,' 'bigotry,' 'prejudice,' and 'establishment of a religion.' Truth is truth. What was "self-evident" Truth to our founders, is still self-evident today, only many
pretend it is not because they want their sin -- abortion -- instead of a Country. See earlier notes.
On the meaning of "heroes," versus "criminals" / "sinners." President Trump rightly said: "HEROES risk everything for what they know to be RIGHT and
TRUE," not for what is WRONG and SIN. Planned Parenthood has no heroes, they are criminals in the eyes of God. Nazi Germany had no heroes, they were
criminals in the eyes of God. The same is true of the Confederates, they had no heroes because they were criminals in the eyes of God. The difference between heroes
and criminals (sinners) is MORAL AUTHORITY. Heroes do not seek a land that permits, imposes, enforces, or tolerates crime and sin. Instead they seek a land that
is FREE from crime and sin -- a land that God will recognize as a true NATION. Now tell me, what is the meaning of true "PATRIOTISM"? You all knew.
Fox News today stated: "The Declaration Of Independence specifically refers to a CREATOR who is GOD OF NATURE who ENDOWS us with INALIENABLE
RIGHTS." "It makes clear our Country was founded on Freedom of Religion, not 'freedom from religion.'" There is another inextricable and interwoven point
underlying the "freedom of religion" as its foundational purpose, as I wrote in prior notes, mainly "FREEDOM means the RIGHT TO KNOW AND OBEY THE
TRUTH IN ALL MATTERS." The right of Religious Freedom exists for religions that have a CREDIBLE CLAIM TO BEING THE TRUTH (Fact, not Fiction;
Real, not Illusion). Freedom of Religion must ever be interpreted as 'freedom to believe a lie or hoax,' nor as 'a right to lie.' Therefore, we must always have the duty
to fully and faithfully examine all claimed 'religions' to determine if they are CREDIBLE CLAIM OF TRUTH, instead of lies. There is no right to a lie.
I revised and updated the CD Booklet Inserts for Radio Volume 4th and Narrow Door. I will update also the Booklet for American Fabric.
Congrats to the U.S. Women's Soccer Team. However, I write this note on "EQUAL PAY FOR EQUAL WORK." The legal standard of "Equal Pay for Equal
Work" must be predicated on "equal work" meaning "qualitatively equally efficient and productive work by the employees," not inferior work product. Have the women's
team play soccer against the men's national team -- if the women win, then pay them equal pay. But if the women lose, they are an inferior product. And they also draw
world-wide less interest and less money pool than the men's teams. As to them not wanting to visit the White House, see my earlier note. On a related matter: It is no
hidden secret that the women's team has lesbians on it each year. They advertise that fact publicly, and protest about it. They are infested with tyranny of the dikes:
they want abortion, no ovaries, and no uteruses. They want to be men. And that is why they want "equal pay." Jobs that women can perform equally efficient and be
equally productive labor should receive equal pay as their men counterparts. But women are not created the same physiology as men. We are different. Worse to me,
however, is men who want to be dikes: they vote for abortion. Abortion is proof that women have not proven trustworthy in the ability to rationally "vote." See earlier
note. On New Earth, women will be allowed to vote because they will vote with intellect there, not sin. But in this world now, ABORTION is proof that women
should not be trusted to vote with intellect, instead of her sinful desire not to have babies (sin uterus). Perhaps that is the reason for a long time countries relied on
men voting, not uterus. But today, the men have traded out that responsibility and have become anti-uterus dikes, not real men in the eyes of God.
It is obvious a National Census should ask who are "CITIZENS." We fought a war and became a Nation to end "Taxation without Representation." The
opposite of that is "Representation without Taxation." Representation is for CITIZENS, not foreign countries, nor for illegal aliens. Taxes also therefore are for
citizens, and not to pay for foreign nations nor illegal aliens. We did not want to pay for England. We wanted to pay for American CITIZENS. Today the political
candidates seem to be running to be President of Mexico, and the Congress of Mexico. They want power (Congressional seats allocated), not American Citizens.
They want those seats of power based on the counting of ILLEGAL ALIENS in the 'census' -- instead of based on the counting only of American Citizens. Again,
I am not against immigration, I am for a rational LEGAL immigration policy, not illegal aliens dominating politics and taxation policies. But I see no reason we should
it was intended to make a point. See prior notes. Democratic Candidate Corey Booker wants open borders and abortion. He said: "If I am elected President, I
will enact a 'freedom' of reproductive and abortion rights office IN THE WHITE HOUSE." That is not a "White" House; that is a Blood stained red house. And
he and the other Democrat candidates want your Taxes to pay it.
Follow up to yesterday's note. When asked why she said she is "not going to the f**** (expletive) White House," Megan Rapinoe said: "We (the U.S. Women's
Soccer Team) would gladly meet with ANYONE WHO BELIEVES THINGS WE BELIEVE." Apparently, as Fox News reports, "A CONSERVATIVE
woman soccer player who is qualified to play was NOT SELECTED TO PLAY FOR THE WOMEN'S NATIONAL TEAM." They not only do not like the
White House, they did not want to play with a female soccer player who DID NOT BELIEVE THE THINGS THEY BELIEVE. The Conservative female soccer
player "is against gay marriages." The U.S. Soccer coach says the "decision was based only on talent," but it seems absurd that Rapinoe has confidence "the entire
U.S. National Team" believes as she does! The odds of that happening by "talent" IS NON-EXISTENT. Worse, at the Victory Celebration Parade yesterday
young girls were interviewed by the media who each said: "They are our role models." Athletes who sin are not role models. Athletes who rape, orgy, murder,
steal, domestic violence, etc., are not role models. Nor are lesbians role models -- they want to steal your daughters to make them as themselves. At the Parade,
Megan Rapinoe said to the entire audience at the microphone: "You motherf**** (expletive) are awesome," "We need to 'LOVE' more, 'HATE' less. Each of
you are responsible for making this world a 'BETTER' place." Words do not have two meanings. "LOVE means to obey God's Laws." "Hate" is the disobeying
of God's Laws, including God's Laws that condemn lesbians and condemn 'gay marriages.' In the Eyes of God, what Rapinoe said was: "We need to Hate more,
Love less. You all are responsible for making this world a Worse place." That is how straights heard what Rapinoe said. We share the ears of God.
Fox News reported that CHA Fertility Clinic mixed up babies (embryos) in IVF so that an Asian couple gave birth to non-Asian 'twins' -- who were also not
related to each other biologically. The baby boys are the sons of two other couples who also used CHA Fertility Clinic. In addition to the murders involved in
IVF processes, often, this case also involved Rape, by the insertion into a woman two children who were not hers. But horror of horrors would be to pretend
that the Asian 'woman had a right to abort (murder) those babies because of that rape.' Most can see that those children belonged to other persons who want
them. They belong to someone else, other than the Asian woman, and that those other persons have rights -- the right to prevent their abortion. Why then can't
"For all life is mine; the life of the child is equal to (like) the life of the mother, both are mine." Ezekiel 18:4
On "PROSTITUTE STATES" compared to "MURDER FOR HIRE STATES." One State will 'legalize' anything as long as it can get money (sales, taxes)
from it. The other State is as Georgia if it backs down to Hollywood saying: "HOLLYWOOD WILL PAY YOU TO ALLOW MURDER (ABORTION)."
Listening to the News coverage of these issues on Fox News compared to ABC News is like watching two "alternative universes." However, that phrase,
"alternative universe" and "tangential universes" are sin. THEY CANNOT EXIST. The same force of nature exists everywhere: GRAVITY. The gravitational
pull (density) of one universe would pull on the other universe -- they cannot co-exist! Nor would our universe be expanding at a uniform round geometric shape
and rate if another universe existed that was pulling on it by its gravity. And our universe is expanding, round, and would have run into any other out there. The
reason I share that is because there is a CULT (Lodge) that believes it is seeing and interacting with an "alternate" and "tangential" "universe." ABSURD!
I posted a Studio Note for my song New Beginnings at the Radio Volume 4th page.
One day I plan to write a book or booklet on the "ILLUSORY NATION" about the ways persons fail to make or stay in the CITIZEN CONTRACT, and
States or Towns 'boycott' themselves out of that NATION CONTRACT (i.e. remove themselves from the NATION AGREEMENT). On that same thought:
Fox News reported that while certain Town Councils boycott the Pledge Of Allegiance, protesters of ICE in Colorado tore down the American Flag from its
flagpole and raised in its place the MEXICO FLAG over that U.S. Government run facility. One of the commentators said: "I was an American Soldier and I tell
you that seeing a Foreign Flag raised over OUR SOIL was deeply disturbing." It is different from burning the flag in protest. It is TREASON, raising a Foreign
Flag on our soil. They are not 'lawful protesters,' no more than if they had raise the ISIS FLAG over our soil and building! It was Treason.
Continuing the theme of "Who is an AMERICAN CITIZEN in the EYES OF GOD?" The "Squad of 4" SOCIALISTS ("Democrats" in name only) said
at a press conference: "We will only refer to Trump as 'THE OCCUPANT' of the White House, not as the 'President' -- which he is in name only, but not by his
conduct." They called Trump illegitimate -- an invalid President. Yet the same can be said of them about whether they are valid "Citizens Of America," or NOT.
Their 'policies' are NOT AMERICAN: Abortion, Socialism, Homosexuals, Open Borders, Anti-Semitic, Anti-Military, Anti-ICE, Anti-CBP, pro-ISIS, etc. It
could be rightly said they are "Citizens in name only," mere "Occupants of Congressional Offices," not valid Congresswomen.
About my song On Vinyl that will be recorded again for Radio Volume 4th. The song was written by me in 2005 during the "Record Hurricane Season" that
year. It's Scriptural Proof: "Look! The STORM OF THE LORD! His wrath breaks out in a WHIRLING STORM that bursts upon the heads of the wicked."
Jeremiah 30:23-24. The song is intended to counter the pagan myth Idolatry that 'God does not make those storms.' The lyrics include the refrain: "Spinning
records over the ocean, the Lord is at it again, spinning records like vinyl." Musically, I like the song, it has a good groove, and I get to play some synth to it.
More on the limits of "CITIZENSHIP" IN GOD'S EYES. Whenever a Party (Person) fails to fully and carefully make Agreement (Consent) to each and
every Term and Condition of a proposed CONTRACT (COVENANT), there is NO CONTRACT -- it is Null, Invalid, Illusory. It is an illusion of an 'agreement'
that is not an actual AGREEMENT. The exact same is true about CITIZENSHIP -- the CITIZEN CONTRACT. Question: Can you honestly raise your hand
and say: "WITH GOD AS MY WITNESS, I have fully made CONSENT (AGREEMENT) to all the Laws of the Nation Agreement (Contract) as Authored
and Offered by God." If not, you are not a valid "Citizen" IN GOD'S EYES.
An additional fact about the CITIZEN CONTRACT. Courts cannot alter an AGREEMENT (CONTRACT). Courts can only enforce that Agreement
(Contract), or declare it was never validly made and therefore is illusory, null, invalid. Yet today's 'activist' 'judges' and 'courts' pretend they can change the
AGREEMENT (CITIZEN CONTRACT). They cannot. "We hold THIS TRUTH to be self evident that all men are created equal and endowed by their
CREATOR with certain inalienable RIGHT TO LIFE."
Did not record this past week as the producer had another obligation. On another note: "Freedom of the Press" exists to safeguard We the Public's Freedom:
"The right to know and obey the Truth." It is an integral part of the CITIZEN CONTRACT, the very purpose of a Free Press. Yet when persons tore down the
American Flag and raised the Mexico flag in its place in Colorado, Fox News reported that "The Denver Post Newspaper refused to let authorities use its
photograph of one of the perpetrators" for the public to help identify that criminal. The Denver Post looks like it tore down the American Flag and raised in
its place the Mexico flag also.
A few word clues as an Exam:
Fox News reported this week that a South Carolina city has removed "LORD" from a Fallen Warrior Monument. It now says: "I ask for courage ..."
It did say: "Lord, I ask for courage ..." Some Basic Facts about CONTRACT LAW and the CITIZEN CONTRACT and why some try to get rid of
God. Basic Contract Law is that when attempted parties include anything UNLAWFUL in the agreement, there is NO LAWFUL AGREEMENT; it is
NULL, INVALID, NOT A CONTRACT. You cannot make a contract for "murder," it is invalid. You cannot make a contract for "slavery," it also is invalid.
Both murder and slavery are UNLAWFUL in the EYES OF GOD and of man. An unfortunate fact of our American history is that some persons and 'states'
tried to include into the CITIZEN LAWS "slavery." Yet slavery invalidates in the Eyes Of God and of man. Such persons could not be valid "CITIZENS" in
the Eyes Of God, nor of man. Yet many of them held offices, and were our "founders." It is an unfortunate fact. But today we clearly see that any attempt to
include "slavery" again into the CITIZEN AGREEMENT would INVALIDATE IT, it would be NULL, NOT A CITIZEN CONTRACT. For the near
entirety of this Nation it was Law that you had to agree that abortion (murder) is UNLAWFUL in order to agree to the Laws Of This Nation: Citizen Contract.
EYES OF GOD. Today, it has become that people do not care about being CITIZENS in God's Eyes, rather than mere 'occupants of the territory.'
Fox News today had two Black commentators on talking about the sins of the Black community, including the astronomical rate of "Black kids born without
a father at home," and how "the Democrat Party has failed the Blacks." There is also high rates of ABORTION, gangs, gays, drugs, etc. It is sad that a people
once subjugated to slavery and for whose freedom a Civil War was fought, today choose not to strive to be CITIZENS IN GOD'S EYES. You would think
that a race that once was not allowed to be American CITIZENS would try harder than all others to make the CITIZEN CONTRACT and remain in it to be
real Citizens in God's Eyes. Instead they became what Planned Parenthood wanted them to be -- a race of inferior morals by percentage. You would think
they would never dare want to be seen by God or man as "inferior" again -- least of all in MORAL CHARACTER. I pray for my Black brothers and sisters
to return to God's LAWS, and to strive to be CITIZENS in our Creator's Eyes -- which is the REAL OBJECTIVE STANDARD.
I posted a Studio Note for my song On Vinyl at the Radio Volume 4th page. And I decided to make a compilation CD of four of the better radio songs
from each of the four Radio Volume CDs. I posted a link here and at the top of this page, as well as at my main page.
Radio Volumes: Best Of (16 Songs, 4 from each) Volumes Best Of.htm
On the DEFINITION of DOUBLE HOMICIDE: The father's Specific Intent was to murder the unborn baby when he murdered the mother also.
Fox News reported today: "The Ole Miss student who was murdered may have been pregnant with the baby of the accused killer who may have wanted for
her to get an abortion, and she did not want to harm the child." If this turns out to be what happened, it is a Double Homicide, as he intended first to kill the
baby, and to do so he killed the mother also. What else it proves: Murder to end responsibility has become an epidemic. Not only do women murder to
'get rid of' responsibility, this case proves fathers also murder to end responsibility. Our Nation is at a low point morally. On the same note: About my song
Cosmic Consequence, it was written this year, 2019, about the lie that 'sin' is only 'personal,' and also the lie that 'sin is not sin if consensual.' It is about the
harm sin will cause all of us, how God punishes sin against an entire people. Read Scripture. The song's lyrics include: "You say your sins are only 'personal,'
but there is nothing 'personal' when it will harm us all." "You say your sins are 'consensual,' but I do not consent to what you are doing to us all."
Again, I am only going to have made actual physical DISCS packaged for sale for the Radio Volume 1, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Series, and the Radio Volumes:
Best Of. The other discs at this web site I made as compilations of my songs that had specific theme or were one of the draft Demos I earlier posted. I encourage
each of you if you want to compile those songs of mine you like the best, for your enjoyment and meditation. Examples of the themed CDs I made are Narrow
Door, which is songs I wrote or later recorded in the Dartmouth College area; Potter's Wheel, which was a Demo CD I liked and when I finally recorded those
songs professionally I compiled them as a finished CD; American Fabric, which is songs having an American theme about Patriotism and God's role in the Country;
and Storm Surge, which are songs about and praising God's Cosmic Author-ity over Creation and weather events. While I am not going to have those made into
actual Discs for sale, I did make for them and posted Covers, Booklets, Tray Cards, and Disc Labels for each of those CDs.
An Economic Theological discussion of Minimum Wage law. I decided to write this note because 'Mayor' Pete wrongly said: "God wants a $15/hour
Minimum Wage law, because God says to not oppress the poor." Pete is obviously wrong about God in many things -- and also about the wage law. Wages and
Prices are a never ending cycle of INFLATION; when you raise the wages the prices will also go up, leading to complaints of "lost purchasing power" and "the
need to increase the Minimum Wage again ... and again ... and again ... repeating the cycle each time. Simple example about FULL or NOT FULL employment
as a goal: If you were the father with 10 sons and daughters of work age, would you want a "Minimum Wage" set that would (a) EMPLOY THE MOST OF
THEM?, or (b) employ only a few of them but at a higher wage hourly rate? God is a PARENT of millions of Americans and wants a Minimum Wage that is
FAIR but which will ENSURE MOST OF God's children can find employment. If can hire 10 employees at $7.50/hour, you will hire only 5 employees at
$15/hour, or will have to cut back hours of each employee, and/or RAISE THE PRICES of the goods you make and sell. Which will lead to loss of jobs,
and/or loss of income (lost hours), and/or LESS PURCHASING POWER (which amounts to loss of income also). 'Mayor' Pete is gay -- not a Theologian,
nor is he an Economics Major. He is wrong about God it seems on everything.
I thought of one final type of mix I could make for you to give you example. Most of my songs are not typically dance music. Not all of these might be dance
music to each of you, but these are "songs with a beat to help you move your feet." Again, I am not going to make actual CDs from this album, but offer it to
you as my attempt to compile songs from Radio Volumes 1, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th that have a good dance type beat, and LYRICS about the LORD OF THE
I wrote a Studio Note for my song Cosmic Consequence at the Radio Volume 4th page.
About my song Last Man Standing, it was written this year, 2019, and is hyperbole about "feeling like the last man standing in a world that has forgotten the
meaning of MAN." It is my attempt to challenge all other men to be "real men in the EYES OF GOD" by doing all in your power to teach and enforce the true
Laws of God. The song quotes God's Laws for "man" and the true meaning of "DOMINION" in God's plan -- for each man to Obey, Serve, and Conserve
each letter of God's Laws, not Swerve. How is that for a bumper sticker: "Obey, Serve, Conserve, Not Swerve." What do I mean by "hyperbole"? It is not
actually true that I think I am the only man left "on this God forsaken planet." But it can feel real lonely trying daily to obey each letter of God's Laws in a world
that wants to lie about God -- see note earlier about 'Mayor' Pete -- rather than be HONEST WITH WHAT THEY REALLY KNOW ABOUT THE ONLY
TRUE GOD! It can feel like you are the last man standing on this earth when so few want the Real God.
Loving illegal aliens as "equal dignity human beings" does not mean you welcome them into the Country, nor does it mean you open the borders to all.
Love requires LAW. Love requires orderly process of Legal Immigration, not unlawful breaking into our Country. Love also requires helping to end the reasons
many are leaving -- fleeing -- their countries of origin to try and enter unlawfully into our Country. We cannot tolerate the evil conditions and conduct in South
America, Venezuela, Africa, Cuba, and many countries that lead to so many people fleeing those countries to try and find a better life here in America. We need
to help Build A Better World Of Law, not Unlawfulness and Chaos. There is need to Return To God. That is the only solution. The worldwide experiment of
'getting rid of God from government' HAS BEEN A WORLDWIDE FAILURE. President Trump rightly condemned "racism, bigotry, and white-supremacy"
sins. But those whose hearts mix it all up to propose "open borders" and "one world governments" HAVE IT ALL WRONG. They are not the solution. God is.
It would be an equal strain on our Country if that many millions of Canadians tried to break into our Country unlawfully, as those from South America. The primary
purpose a NATION exists is to protect and safeguard its CITIZENS first; and Foreign Policy should be to help ensure that other Countries obey the Laws Of God
that those people have a good place to live and raise their children, that they will not caravan unlawfully into our Country instead.
A couple of notes. I changed the Potter's Wheel cover. I did so because I wanted all of the art in the booklet to be my own art, not clip art from the internet.
That way I can eventually have it printed without advertising other's art, and without any concern of conscience I was using clip art available free on the internet that
someone may not have wanted used that way. In addition, I have started writing and making Radio Volume 5th, which I will record in 2020.
The HYPOCRISY of DEMOCRATS about "BROKEN FAMILIES." Fox News today showed a video of Joe Biden responding to recent "ICE Raids of
illegal aliens." Biden in feigned anger said: "We should be UNITING FAMILIES, striving to KEEP FAMILIES TOGETHER, not break them apart." Really?
Then why did the Democratic Party make a COALITION OF SINS that almost always lead to the break up of families -- and which God requires them to break
apart because of MORTAL SINS (Contract [Covenant] ending sins): ABORTION, DRUGS, CONTRACEPTIVES, ORGIES, ADULTERY, HOMO-
insist on GOD'S LAWS FOR REAL MARRIAGE. Instead, they pander to sin coalition that hates God's Laws, especially Traditional Marriage Law. Broken
families are an EPIDEMIC -- a Cancer -- killing our nation inside out. The Democrats do not care. They pretend to care about "families," when all they really
want is their sins. They are hypocrites. Which is the larger scandal -- the many millions of broken marriages? -- or the illegal alien households being deported?
Joe, get your priorities STRAIGHT.
Duty to teach the Unpopular TRUTH about CONTRACT (COVENANT) LAW. Moses ("Bills of Divorce" and "Annulments"), not today's wimp version of
'Jesus' who has them pretend 'no sins break the marriage contract.' BASICS OF CONTRACT (COVENANT) LAW: Rule 1: You must CONSENT to each
and every letter (condition) of the CONTRACT in order to VALIDLY make the AGREEMENT, or it is INVALID, NULL (ANNULMENT); Rule 2: You must
Moses talked with God and rightly followed RULE 1 and RULE 2. We need to end today's common and misguided lie that 'all people will sin against their marriage
contract and thus we cannot allow it to terminate automatically by that sin, or their will be no marriages left.' ABSURD. The fact is already IN GOD'S EYES there
The rest of the people are mere CONCUBINES pretending to be 'married.' It is a tragedy. But once contracting a marriage, you cannot simply try to get out of
it by sinning against it. Yes, that ends the marriage. BUT, there MUST BE LEGAL DETERRENTS TO "sinning in order to terminate a marriage," such as LEGAL
AND STRONG DETERRENTS AGAINST FLIRTING / ADULTERY, Pornographic Viewing, CONTRACEPTIVES, Homosexuality, etc. There is a reason all
of those are FORBIDDEN BY GOD and were once UNLAWFUL IN AMERICA. When you decriminalized MORTAL SIN against MARRIAGE, you made
those sins more common, and DIVORCE more common was the legal result -- terminated marriages because of sin. And God will not hold them together, for
once they sin against the marriage bed, they are no longer marriage CONTRACTANTS, it is broken, terminated IN THE EYES OF GOD; and God will not impose
SLAVERY of holding together what is NOT BOUND ANY LONGER BY CONTRACT (COVENANT). REAL LAW HAS A PRICE. They hate that fact.
I wrote a Studio Note for my song Last Man Standing at the Radio Volume 4th page. See also my earlier note this page about that song.
On unlawful PERSONAL BIASES of the "Mental Health Processes." I have written some examples of that bias in prior notes. Here I add
a note. Darlene and Loren are two mental health case workers over the past few years who admitted "Pro Life" beliefs, but that is "at odds with most
of the workers in their profession." They both said to me, "They would get in trouble if found out discussing that with clients at the Center." And
Dr. Carella openly mentioned to me "religion and christmas" and "catholic mass." Yet most of them are anti-God. At times I felt they were trying
to coerce me to be "catholic." Two of them mentioned to me "Soulfest," and Loren gave me a brochure for "Soulfest" a "christian music festival."
And when Darlene came to my apartment for a benefits inspection, she saw a book given to me about Medjugorje, and Darlene said: "It is a good
book; I know the author, it is Wayne Weible, right?, he was a publisher." They believe in locutions, tongues, apparitions, and prophecies, as shown
in Medjugorje. I have been there twice to Medjugorje to investigate it, and determined it is REAL PARANORMAL, BUT DEMONIC. So we
disagree about medjugorje, but believe it is paranormal. WHAT IS LEARNED over the years is most, if not all, as Wendy Martin in Concord in
2012-13, are totally biased AGAINST PRO-LIFE, and AGAINST THE GOD OF THE TEN COMMANDMENT and MIRACLES. They are
JEOPARDY IS UNLAWFUL IN AMERICA (*See case I won with paranormal in evidence, 814 NE2d 393). NOR DO THEY BELIEVE IN
FREE SPEECH. I tested them, as I wrote in prior notes, and read to 'mental health workers' two Articles / Editorials in Newspapers about "2nd
Amendment" and "Right To Stand Your Ground." They filed that as me "making threats to them." I have never owned a gun, nor need one. I was
testing them and knew they would fail when I read what was published in the Union Leader Newspaper. And they pretended it was me threatening
to 'cut out someone's tongue' myself when I wrote Biblical type warning of Hell that "God will remove you tongues if you fail to confess the Truth."
A. "You have an Inalienable Fundamental Constitutional Right to know and therefore to discover by inquiry any and all personal, religious, spiritual, or
financial BIASES of any ACCUSER and EVALUATOR, including police, doctors, judges, and witnesses, in any and all matters, whether sealed or
unsealed cases." See fuller note for 8/12/19 on this page. Yet today PPF 'courts' of LODGE impersonating judges, clerks, doctors, police, jurors,
and witnesses dare across this country to pretend that BIAS information mentioned above is "IRRELEVANT." ABSURD. They are not U.S. CITIZENS;
they are Lodge; they do not obey the Constitution, nor do they obey the Rules Of Evidence of America.
B. "In any and all investigations, matters, cases, claims, you have an Inalienable Fundamental Constitutional right to have presented openly and fully any
FAVORABLE RULING (such as the full evidence in evidence at trial in 814 NE2d 393 -- which NH did not do)." See various notes this page.
A note on PERSONAL ACCOUNTABILITY FOR "VOTING." You are what you vote for IN THE EYES OF GOD. If you vote for ABORTION,
you are a MURDERER in the EYES OF GOD. If you vote for HOMOSEXUALS, you are a homosexual IN THE EYES OF GOD. And when the
Lutheran denominations, as reported by Fox News yesterday, "voted to be a sanctuary against deportations," and you intend to harbor criminals, you are
a Criminal IN THE EYES OF GOD. What you "vote" can be MORTAL SIN.
Explanation regarding "FINANCIAL BIASES" that PREVENT DUE PROCESS, mentioned in the earlier note today, see above. It occurred to me
that some of you may not understand what "Financial Bias" means. Therefore, I thought of a brief list. You can probably think of more. EXAMPLES:
A. The person accused boycotts pharmaceutical injections and pills. That person is accused of being "ill" by a doctor who makes his or her income in part
by prescribing injections and pills; B. The accuser who accused the person of being "ill" has money or other investments in the pharmaceutical industry;
C. The accuser works for a pharmacy, or a pharmacy paying insurance company; D. An accuser, judge, police, clerk, etc., has family relatives or partners
who invested in the pharmaceutical industry or who work for a pharmacy or insurance company; E. The accuser receives money or other donations from
any type of person(s) mentioned in A through D; F. The accuser is "on the take" and received a money or other "bribe" to wrongly call the accused "ill";
G. The accuser rents property for money or other assets to any type of persons in A through F; H. The accuser pays employees who make the accusation
the accused is "ill"; I. The accuser owns or has family relatives who own a hotel, restaurant, movie theater, or other business that people who hate the
accused patron; J. The accuser is connected with a "church" that relies on money or other donations from persons who hate the accused (i.e. the accused
boycotts contraceptives and abortifacients and the "church" relies on donations from persons who practice contraception / abortion); K. The accuser is
associated with a non-profit tax-exempt organization that fears it will lose its money tax status of donations if it does not agree to call the accused "ill";
L. The accuser is paid by public Tax dollars by a public that is biased against the accused. All of the above amount to monetary pressures that prevent
Due Process and impeach the judge, juror, officer, clerk, doctor, or witness.
About the last song to record for Radio Volume 4th, which is my song PredestiNation. It is a song based on Scripture Jeremiah 10:23: "I know Lord,
that no one chooses their way, Nor determines their course nor directs their own step," and how that applies to God building a Nation such as America.
Our National History was directed by God. The song recognizes that fact and prays for the future, that God finish re-building America into a holy Nation, one
in which good people will live free who obey God's Ten Commandments. The concept of God guiding and AUTHORING HISTORY is called by some "Grace."
Grace is a concept in which God draws the actions and thoughts of persons and the Nation toward the end result that God wants. See Scripture.
The HYPOCRISY and DOUBLE STANDARD of DEMOCRATS on the need for VALID JUDGE "WARRANTS" before you need to open
the door to police. Nancy Pelosi stated "to all illegal immigrants" on AMERICAN TELEVISION as part of her "TAX PAID" office: "If NO WARRANT
issued by a Judge validly, DO NOT OPEN THE DOOR TO POLICE." Yet when I had the Police tell me they had "NO WARRANT" at my door in
April of 2012, I did as trained as a lawyer and told them to leave, and they BROKE DOWN THE DOOR, BREAKING ENTRY INTO MY HOME.
Nancy Pelosi and PPF want to protect illegal aliens more than HONOR THE CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS of AMERICAN CITIZENS. ABSURD.
See various notes about this above. A. I asked the police at my door twice if they had a valid warrant, and they said: "NO." B. Taxes paid for them
to promise me they had "NO WARRANT." C. At 'sealed' 'hearing' later I got the police officer to confess on the witness stand under oath that: (1) "NO
WARRANT," (2) that he "told me there was NO WARRANT." (3) that I was "legally RIGHT by my legal training and the training of police when I did
WARRANT." (5) in summary concluding I was "LEGALLY RIGHT and appropriate NOT TO OPEN THE DOOR THEN." But they broke down my
door and broke entry anyway that minute. (6) THEREFORE, HE CONFESSED: a) UNLAWFUL SEARCH and SEIZURE; b) WITHOUT A VALID
have had more rights IF AN ILLEGAL ALIEN; yet they did that to an AMERICAN CITIZEN. I am sure Nancy Pelosi (PPF) does not mind.
On William Barr's efforts as Attorney General to ENFORCE THE DEATH PENALTIES. GOD WAS WISE ENOUGH TO IMPOSE
DEATH PENALTIES AS THE LAW. It is IDOLATRY to pretend 'God does not want death penalties.' The First Commandment is to "have no other
god beside the only true God," and "to make no false god (no strange idol, no false nature of God)" that you prefer instead of the Real God. Exodus 20:
3-4. God warned prophets to teach the Law to the people: "You have profaned me ... killing those who should not be killed, and keeping alive those who
should not live, lying to my people, who listen to lies." Ezekiel 13:19. "You will not accept compensation in place of the life of a murderer who deserves to
die, but that person MUST BE PUT TO DEATH." Numbers 35:31-34. "Whoever takes the life of any human being shall be put to death." Leviticus 24:
17-21; See also Leviticus 20:13. Primary Note: Because of the special and required heightened duty of integrity and public trust, there should be death
penalties, as commanded by God, for (1) persons who murder a public official, judge, police, doctors of the court, juror; and (2) for the same reason, death
penalties of any person who is found a criminal amongst the ranks of public officials, judges, police, doctors of the court, jurors. If they are found corrupt,
they get the death penalty IN GOD'S EYES. William Barr is right to seek the death penalty for cop killers. Yet the same reason for that rule means Barr
must seek the death penalty of all CORRUPT COPS. God's Logic, His Wisdom, not double standards.
A follow up to the prior note today. I wrote this in prior notes above, but here I will expand on it, that EVERY CRIME COMMITTED BY A PERSON
be defined in statute as "making allegiance to any nation, group, organization, or LODGE, against the rights of WE THE PUBLIC." When a judge decides to
obey the mob (Lodge) instead of OUR FUNDAMENTAL INALIENABLE RIGHTS AS AMERICAN CITIZENS, that person is not a judge, they are
TREASON. And that is punishable by DEATH PENALTY, ALWAYS, IN THE EYES OF GOD, and American Statute. They made an oath to a criminal
organization, instead of OBEYING OUR CONSTITUTIONAL GUARANTEED RIGHTS. In every case, that is TREASON. And they are TRESPASSERS
in those courts and uniforms and on our American Soil.
Additional note about my song PredestiNation on Radio Volume 4th. Was planning to record the song with a brief segment of the Star Spangled Banner
as introduction part of the song on this Saturday. Last night I got a text from the producer, John, saying he has other obligation on this Saturday that he might
not be able to change. Thus it will have to wait another week. Rehearsals of the Star Spangled Banner have gone well -- it will be chords on guitar with lead
playing the melody of the lyrics, and then some singing over that music. Since I may have to wait an additional week, I prayed, and decided to make the intro
to PredestiNation the entire Star Spangled Banner -- rock style. My lyrics to that intro go as follows: "O say can you see, How God's Hand built this land?
What once proudly we hailed, became the Twilight's last gleaming. Whose broad stripes and bright stars, Through those perilous fights, During the ramparts we
watched, Once was gallantly streaming. And through rockets' red glare, Through bombs bursting in air, Once gave proof through the night, Our Flag would
honor Your Divine Rights! O say now that Flag has been so desecrated, By slavery to mortal sins; Not the home of the brave." See the lyrics to the actual
song part of PredestiNation at the Radio Volume 4th page.
Addition to the earlier note today on my song PredestiNation. The Scripture passage from Jeremiah I adjusted to have the line: "I know that no one directs
their course to the minute," which is about all those times and in American History that seemed like "chance" meetings, opportunities, victories, etc. which ARE
NOT REALLY COINCIDENCE. They are GOD-INCIDENTS. God AUTHORS those meetings, opportunities, victories, etc. God is EXACT. God draws
all, as the ANIMATOR (AUTHOR, SCRIPTER, DESIGNER) of our days. See earlier notes in prior months on this subject. I have repeatedly stated that
most people call that "Grace," or "Divine Providence," or "Divine Intervention." But their acceptance of those principles proves they understand God as the
AUTHOR of all, the CREATOR designing our American History. A Predestined Nation. But today, people pretend their is no God, or that God does not
Author, nor intervene in our affairs. They are wrong. And they have caused the worst pollution of sin called now "politics." Pray God author the Nation and
Earth back right side up, and end their tyranny of sin. Bring a new beginning, before God brings the end.
page how those seeking to 'legalize abortion (murder)' pretend their 'grounds, and reason of alleged public interest is in Population Control.' They are wrong.
In this note I will summarize those briefly again: (1) If they really wanted Population Control as their goal, THEY WOULD MAKE UNLAWFUL AGAIN
ANY AND ALL NON-MARITAL SEX!; (2) They would make ILLEGAL any and all IMMIGRATION (I write in several notes this page the hyperbole:
PERSONS OVER 70 or 80 YEARS OF AGE -- BUT NEVER DARE HARM ANY UNBORN CHILD. I don't really believe that we should end
medical treatment of old persons. I say it above as a HIERARCHY of "POPULATION CONTROL" if you pretend you want such control.
Wrote the Producer, John, a proposed 2020 schedule of two new CDs, Radio Volumes 5th and 6th. He wrote back that he "loves the idea" and agreed
to record with me those two projects. I offered him a raise. He seemed to like being rewarded for his good efforts on Volumes 1 through 4th. He again
said he "enjoys working with" me and that we can make each project "better and better." I agreed. Here are two pages for those upcoming 2020 music CDs. Volume 5th.htm Volume 6th.htm
Last night Fox News broadcasted President Trump's Rally in Manchester, NH. They reported today they had "a record setting crowd." I watched the Rally.
Thought he did a good job, but wish he would read from the teleprompter more, and briefer diversions from that script. I write to him and AG William Barr
this open letter note in the wake of gun violence tragedies, against the knee jerk reaction that is of often 'good hearted persons' who want to limit the sale of
guns, assault-type weapons, or even to coerce 'buy-backs of all such guns.' I am not a strong gun advocate. I don't own a gun. I am against hunting. Yet
I AM A STRONG CONSTITUTION and FRAMER'S INTENT ADVOCATE. That includes the purpose for an "Inalienable Fundamental Constitutional
Right to Have and Bare Arms" as an "Equal Right to Equal Guns." "Congress shall make no law abridging the right to have, carry, and bare arms." In NH
they have now I believe a "Constitutional Carry." That is how it should be: The Constitution not abridged by alleged 'State' 'Legislatures.' The purpose of
the right to bare arms is stated eloquently in Article 10 of the Bill of Rights of the NH Constitution: To Prevent "Government Corruption." The founders of
America saw the need to have "check and balance" against the corrupting forces of power of government elites, and officers. I tell you their are oaths among
criminal groups - LODGE - to have "all the guns in the hands of their members, and all other guns made illegal." They are ABSURD. The very reason the
right belongs to WE THE PUBLIC. In a perfectly sinless world, maybe we could trust public officers and army to have the guns exclusively. BUT THIS IS
NOT A PERFECTLY SINLESS WORLD. The Founder's were intelligent enough to realize the Public's right to bare arms is non-delegable. We own
the right, not the police, and not legislatures. And when their has been such a militarization of police force with tanks, and assault weapons of mass destruction,
We the Public "should, ought to, and must" have the Equal Right To Equal Guns -- as the prevention of what could happen, see Venezuela under Socialism.
You think that sounds far fetched? Wrong. Already the Socialist "Democratic Party" wants to confiscate and buy-back the public's guns. Why? And they
want to 're-write the Constitution,' and 'make the Supreme Court 15 judges that they appoint,' on and on -- all one sided against Our Inalienable Rights.
Look around the world at what happens to a coerced "un-armed public." If they get their way, it will also happen here.
today, I watched "Obama's former religious advisor" lie to the American public again. When asked "how he could be part of a party that votes for murder
(ABORTION)," he replied: "Religious views certainly touch upon the dignity of the human being, including ABORTION. I am 'pro-life.' But our elections
are always between two imperfect options, and you have to make a decision." To which the Fox News anchor said: "THERE IS A HIERARCHY of duty.
Treating illegal aliens with dignity, is not as weighty as Abortion, and Trump's offensive language does NOT OUTWEIGH ABORTION." She is right.
And the Dems are trying to overwhelm your conscience with threats of "Climate Change," YET CLIMATE DOES NOT OUTWEIGH ABORTION!
I tell you, BECAUSE OF ABORTION, God will, has, and does PUNISH EARTH with GREATER INTENSITY STORMS and CLIMATE. See the
Scriptures about that fact at the Storm Surge music CD page, link at this page and at my main page.
On FALSE MYSTICISMS and FAKE 'DUAL-NATURE.' At each of my web sites and in the case 814 NE2d 393 there was proof of
THE "NEW EARTH." Read this page. Let me give you two examples of false dogma that sadden me. On 7/28/19 Fox News had on a false 'mystic'
promoting her book. She said: "She is in contact with the dead," and that "when we die we leave our bodies and become pure light energy able to manipulate
metal objects such as pennies and other coins, to put them in the path of others." ABSURD. CARTOON. It is Idolatry, blasphemous hoax. Then there is
the seemingly good hearted mother telling her children such blasphemy: In an advertisement for Tunnel To Towers - a good purposed organization - the
mother of a "fallen police officer who died while on duty" tells her daughters that "THEIR FATHER BECAME AN ANGEL." Also Idolatry, blasphemous
hoax. Equally a CARTOON. It is demonically irresponsible to teach youth such false 'dual-nature' of man -- because they later become SLAVES TO
SPIRITISM. Read this page for the answer to what happens when we die and that your BODY is your ONLY (SOLE, SOUL) PROPRIETARY
COPYRIGHT EXISTENCE, and that GOD WILL REMAKE US ON NEW EARTH. Isaiah 65:17-18; Isaiah 66:15-22; Rev. 21:1 As I write in
create "Others" (Creatures) by DESIGNING A DEFINITE MATH MACHINE (MECHANICAL) BODY for each creature. 'Spirit' is not designable. It
would have no definite body shape, size, no machinery, nothing but God playing games is what it would be -- NOT REAL MATH MACHINERY. See
the Exam Meditation for ANIMATION THEOLOGY (INTELLIGENT DESIGN with ANIMATION). I give you some helpful thoughts about it. If you
were a computer robot programmer trying to create electrical life, you would need to create a definite math program and math body, instead of some barely
a body type 'robot' that you merely remote control! You need it complex enough that it has its own math, not your own mind controlling each movement.
'Spirit' would be merely God 'remote controlling' every detail, thought, and movement. NOT LIFE. NOT CREATING. God wants to CREATE, not
be merely deciding every action and movement like puppets or 'remote control.' And the only way a programmer can do that is to create a machinery with
a detailed math of its own, its own computer software COPYRIGHT design, that makes the decisions for the Animator.
Summary of the prior note and various notes throughout this page on "ENSOULMENT" IS MORTAL SIN. The "two-natures" dogma of
"man" is MORTAL SIN. God cannot do what is against MATH. "You shall not have other gods beside me. You shall not make for yourself an idol."
create 'spirit;' 3) 'Ensoulment' is a Mortal Sin dogma; it is Heresy, Blasphemy, Idolatry; 4) God CANNOT CREATE 'OVERLAPPING BODIES,' two things
cannot share one space -- God cannot create 'overlapping physics;' 5) Hence, there is no 'spiritual' 'soul' in man; 6) Your BODY is your ONLY (SOLE, SOUL)
THE "NEW EARTH." Isaiah 65:17-18; Isaiah 66:15-22; Rev. 21:1
In various notes throughout this page I write about the many STAGES OF MY CONVERSION, which I summarize in Brief Overview here. When I
have told some of these to others, they often agree. A. Legally trained in CONTRACT LAW, including SOCIAL CONTRACT LAW OF CONSTITUTIONAL
GOVERNANCE; which lead me to realize the following: B. INFANTS CANNOT BE 'BAPTIZED;' they do not have Contractual Capacity. C. NO ONE
WITH INSTEAD SPIRITISMS, SEANTISMS, INCANTATIONS ('blessings,' 'absolutions,' 'ritual phrases of the cleric'), and DONATIONS. E. Then later I
'one-in-being' with God. No two things can be one thing. And the ANIMATOR must design any "son," but cannot be the "son." I realized also that MOSES was
RIGHT ABOUT CONTRACT LAW, not 'Jesus.' The God of Israel became to me the closer TRUTH. But the Jews do not follow that God, the AUTHOR OF
LAW, any more. To me, they are not "Jews" of the Mosaic teachings. And finally, F. I LEARNED of the PROMISED "NEW EARTH," See other notes. Then
I realized their could not be any 'spiritualized heaven,' only the REAL MATH PHYSICAL EARTH where we will be re-created BODILY. You cannot have two
worlds. One precludes the other. There cannot exist a 'spiritual heaven,' and a NEW EARTH. You must go to one place, or the other. Only one can be REAL.
And I had years earlier realized there CANNOT EXIST "ENSOULMENT" at any time other than the exact moment of conception AT FERTILIZATION; then
Update on some American issues on Fox News. On 8/18/19, Fox News discussed a "teacher who was removed from class for requiring the students to STAND
for the PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE." When I was a student we had to stand and place our hands over our hearts. On the same day, 8/18/19, Fox showed a video
of 'Mayor' Pete at it again LYING ABOUT GOD and VOTING. 'Mayor' Pete said to a crowd: 'I do not believe the world is divided into good people and evil
people, or that how you vote makes you a good person.' He is a liar to the core. He does not believe a thing he says, he is controlled by GAY LODGE PPF.
Today, 8/19/19, Fox News had on two commentators both saying how "ANTIFA" means "Anti First Amendment." Antifa is a Left Wing Socialist (Communist /
Nazi) group pretending to be against Fascism. Trump is considering designating Antifa a "TERRORIST GROUP." They are. And he should. There were two groups
clashing over the weekend in an 'American City' on the West Coast, a 'Right Wing group' and Antifa a 'Left Wing group' as they were called in the media. But the
media did not point out the violence of Antifa that day. Rather the media exalted them as 'counter protesters.'
Watched Fox News program "Scandalous: The Death Of Marilyn Monroe" last night. As Fox presented, Norma Jean (Monroe) was the product of a
broken home, single mother, 'illegitimate child,' whose mother was afflicted by mental illnesses and detained; she was raised in several Foster Homes, and was in
those homes "abused" -- as Fox reported -- implying "sexual abuse" "pedophilia." She to me was neither attractive, nor ugly. Bleached her hair when became
famous, showing she hated the design God made for her. She had broken 'marriages.' No children by any of them. She hated the idea of a woman having babies
and staying at home to raise the children during their formative years. SHE WAS PLANNED PARENTHOOD. It is no wonder PPF called her "the most famous
woman in the world," and promotes her ritually as a "role model." She is the opposite of a role model. And to me, the example of Monroe leads to Roe v. Wade.
Just shut off Fox News' "The Five" tonight because I am tired of their GAY HERESY. They errantly argued tonight: "Just recently the Palestinian authority
banned all homosexual (she said 'LGBTQ') activities in that region, while 'Israel' just approved the largest 'gay rights' parade. Congress is going to have to decide
whether it wants to be aligned with 'real' 'human rights' as 'Israel' or instead with the Palestinians." She has it upside down. I told you in earlier note, modern 'Jews'
They spit at the graves of Abraham and Moses, and of Noah, Isaiah, Ezekiel, Jeremiah, and of all the Lord's prophets. Read New Earth: Exodus Exam SCRIPTURE
MEDITATION at the Prayer Links page. I tell you, they are mere OCCUPIERS of the land of Israel, but they are not true Jews of the Contract (Covenant) in God's
Eyes. They are mere "OCCUPATION" -- as are the Palestinians mere "OCCUPANTS." Neither of those two groups have RIGHT and TITLE to that land. Only
REAL CONTRACT (COVENANT) "JEWS" HAVE RIGHT and TITLE TO THE LAND OF ISRAEL. Read Scripture. Question: Can you renounce the
Contract (Covenant) Abraham-Mosaic Laws and still be a Contract (Covenant) "JEW"? Answer: You all knew the true answer is: "NO."
Follow up to last night's note about FOX NEWS IS NOW ALL GAYS "IN THE EYES OF GOD." Remember: If you vote for Homosexuals, you are a
Homosexual IN GOD'S EYES. And if you defend Homosexuals as a 'human right' ON TELEVISION, AS THEY DID, THEY ARE ALL HOMOSEXUALS IN
GOD'S EYES. It is time for a REAL "CONSERVATIVE" NEWS STATION. Fox had its origins in Hollywood -- anchored to Hell. They never did leave behind
that past. They are it. Hollywood gays. They are not Straights. Because STRAIGHTS do not defend homosexuals. STRAIGHTS DEFEND GOD'S LAWS.
Read New Earth: Exodus Exam Scripture Meditation at the Prayer Links page. Homosexuality is MORTAL SIN. Go Straight, Fox!
More on what it takes to MAKE THE TRUE "JEW" CONTRACT (COVENANT). As I wrote in prior notes, several of my past girlfriends claimed to be
"Jews." They were not "Jews." They hate the LAWS of the Jewish Contract (Covenant) of God. More properly, they should have only claimed to be "from Jewish
ancestry," but not dare claim to be "Jews" themselves. God wrote the LAWS for BODY, including the INTELLIGENTLY DESIGNED purpose of HYMEN. They
did not obey that LAW God designed their body to have, that part of the required CONTRACT (COVENANT) designed and offered by GOD they rejected. God's
Contract (Covenant) FORBIDS ALL NON-MARITAL SEX. They also break the FIRST COMMANDMENT and commit IDOLATRY and BLASPHEMY when
they rejected the INTELLIGENT DESIGN OF GOD FOR "HYMEN." They all know why it exists as designed by God. And they reject FERTILITY and the very
PURPOSE OF SEX. They cannot claim to be real "Jews." I also told you about a prior girlfriend, Deborah, who while claiming to be a Jew, strolled her new born
baby up to show me at a college reunion, and the first thing she said to me was, "Brian, you and I do not agree on one thing: a Woman's 'Right' To Choose." She is
not only NOT JEWISH, but ABORTION is a worse MORTAL SIN than breaking your Hymen. Both prevent the Contract (Covenant). And those in Israel who
also rejected the LAWS OF BODY that GOD INTELLIGENTLY DESIGNED, they too are NOT "JEWS," but rather a military police state oppressing those who
do believe IN GOD'S INALIENABLE FUNDAMENTAL LAWS. They bring the End. See New Earth: Exodus Scripture Meditation at the Prayer Links.
More examples of IDOLATRY and BLASPHEMY on Fox News' "The Five" yesterday. The Five has a segment that each person presents what they think
is newsworthy or interesting that happened recently. Yesterday J. Williams' example was: "Have you heard of the phrase 'touched by an ANGEL'? Well this man was
nearly struck by a lightning bolt and he thinks an angel saved him. And I (Williams) think he is right." ABSURD. See prior notes. ANGELS DO NOT EXIST.
They are NOT DESIGNABLE MATH PHYSICS. God often disguises TESTS and TEMPTATIONS as if done by "Apparitions" and "Angels," to TEST OUR
Yesterday Fox News showed a video of President Trump condemning "'Jews' who vote Democratic Party." He said: "Any (alleged) Jewish person who votes
for the Democratic Party either totally lacks knowledge, or they have a total lack of loyalty." ABC News added: "Many 'Jewish' groups are outraged and say President
Trump's comments of disloyalty are offensive." Really? I tell you it is much worse than what President Trump said; they are not only disloyal, THEY DID NOT MAKE
MURDER (ABORTION) and HOMOSEXUALS, TRANSGENDERS, and every other MORTAL SIN 'coalition' group.
I posted the LYRICS and CD Booklet with lyrics for the upcoming 2020 music CD Radio Volume 5th at that page. I wrote the songs in prayer, and feel to give
a clarification about a small percentage of the CD's lyrics, namely that it mentions "muskets" in two of its ten songs, which I read as referring to the following: A. The
American Revolution origin of our Nation's Constitutional Declaration Of Independence from Tyranny; B. The founders' foresight and intent that we the public have
preserved an inalienable right to "have and bare arms" -- with its paramount Constitutional Original Intent Purpose to prevent corruption in governance, to prevent
tyranny to corruption; C. The right if Citizens' Arrests when corrupt government refuses to prosecute its corrupt members; and D. The rights as preserved in Federal
and State CONSTITUTION to "bare arms" in event of such corruption, so as not to "slavishly" tolerate tyranny of corruption, but "have duty, may, and ought to"
throw out the corrupt government. I wrote about this in an Open Letter to AG William Barr posted as notes on this News & Notes page. Again, I do not own a
gun, nor will. Yet I respect the CONTRACT OF GOD'S LAWS and integral CONTRACT of the Declaration Of Independence and Bill Of Rights of the American
Constitution of the public's right and purposeful role to "bare arms." In nations that the public is disarmed, they succumbed to tyranny, see now in Venezuela, etc.
My songs are for them as well, and for the Hong Kong freedom fighters who have only their voices and umbrellas. They need our prayers and American help. And
even America without guns could easily become like China -- evil, corrupt, dictatorship of "Socialist Democratic Party." That is a tyranny our Founders did not want
to happen. My intent is not to sing the right and duty of the Public any different than the Founders' Intended. In any event, most of the CD is about the End because
of the failure of the people to truthfully make THE CONTRACT OF GOD'S LAWS IN THE EYES OF GOD; and hope that the End can be prevented by our
public repentance and return to each and all of God's Laws. Here is the CD page link for my upcoming music CD. Volume 5th.htm
I posted the Studio Note for my song PredestiNation at the Radio Volume 4th page. It also mentions an alteration to a track that happened after recording and
after listening to it. When we were packing up, we listened to it again, and the Bass had been removed from part of the Star Spangled Banner intro. John had
to fix it. He does not think there are people "who care about what he is doing," but the number of such "alterations" after we record has been too many to be mere
coincidence. I document a number of them at this page and at the Radio Volume series pages for 1, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th. I will list and photograph some other alterations
at this site that some of you may have noticed. I already photographed and posted months ago proof they tampered with download of my songs from this site. And I
wrote about the alterations -- small snippets of parts removed from my lead, repeatedly -- in my song Spiraling. See Radio Volume 1. When I dial up to my site,
it does not have my name address, it merely has "http: ???" Yet all other sites show their domain name. When you open a page, as this one, it says: "News%And
%Notes%htm" -- they are gays. They are on all of your systems. They altered this past month my router dial up from my router to another named router. Again, I
will photograph that if they do it again and post it as proof. And then their was two songs I had to re-record because someone deleted them. I documented that.
About my version of the Star Spangled Banner in F as Intro to my song PredestiNation. Guitars making war, and somewhat darker, as about the End if we
do not become One NATION UNDER GOD again, as I wrote. It is a little bit speed metal, mostly rock, and a little faster tempo, partly so to make the Intro only
about 1 minute in length. PredestiNation is about 3 min and 40 sec in song length. It also focuses on the "Contract with Creation of God, the Covenant" I write
about in the introductory paragraphs A to Z earlier on this same News And Notes page. That CONTRACT is everything, your hope and life. The Star Spangled
Banner Intro combined with my song PredestiNation is roughly 4 min 40 sec in length -- not too long to air on radio as a complete composition. But certainly
PredestiNation can be aired as a routine 3 min 40 sec length radio song.
On the True Meaning Of "PHILANTHROPY." Fox News the past few days has been ready to 'canonize' David Koch, of the infamous 'Koch brothers,'
who died recently. Fox News today called him a great "PHILANTHROPIST." He was not. Fox News calls him a "Conservative," but HE WAS NOT A
TRUE CONSERVATIVE. Fox News confesses: "David Koch was a 'social liberal' who believed in 'same sex marriage' and 'abortion access.'" He was PPF
LODGE's effort to infiltrate, subvert, and re-define in the public's perception the 'REPUBLICAN PARTY' and 'CONSERVATISM.' He was not an honest
man. I care somewhat because he went to my High-School, Deerfield Academy. Most likely, they will teach and promote the Koch image and name, rather
than any TRUE CONSERVATIVE. In GOD'S EYES, David Koch was neither a hero, nor a philanthropist. I will write a SUMMARY NOTE on the
meaning of TRUE PHILANTHROPY in the SAMPLE NOTES introduction to this page that is Paragraphs A through Z.
I completed the Introductory PARAGRAPHS A through Z to this News And Notes page today. In Paragraph S there is mentioned "Todd Jarry wearing a
miniskirt to a 'cross-dressing' party" and I did not have space in that Paragraph to recite God's LAW on that subject: "A woman shall not wear a man's garment,
nor shall a man put on a woman's clothing, for anyone who does such things is an ABOMINATION to the LORD, your GOD." Deuteronomy 22:5. In another
Paragraph typed today, I failed to list God's LAWS regarding Witchcraft, and Adultery: "You shall not let a woman who practices sorcery (witchcraft, casting of
spells) live." Exodus 22:17. I mention it in part, but the actual reference about "sorcery" from Exodus I did not have space to include. And on ADULTERY:
"If a man commits adultery ... both the adulterer and the adulteress shall be put to death." Leviticus 20:10. Most of you pretend that is "archaic, old fashioned,
barbaric, or ill," BUT GOD WROTE THAT LAW. You commit IDOLATRY whenever you call God's LAWS 'barbaric, uneducated, ill.' And if We the People
had insisted on God's LAWS as we once did, THERE WOULD BE HARDLY ANY ADULTERY, and FEW BROKEN HOMES. See other notes. Finally,
in Paragraph S it is mentioned that I published my song Kateri in 2004, recorded in a Dartmouth piano studio, on piano and electric guitar. Later that same year,
2004, I published Kateri again with me singing the lyrics on Fusion-151. While I do not tolerate some of the 'Jesus' paranormal (tongues) in those songs, the
main work of that song is true. And also on Fusion-151 was my first release of Universe which I had partly recorded prior in 1998-99. See notes.
What do these reports on Fox News have in common? A. 8/28/19 Fox interviewed an Illinois woman "running for Congress." She said: "She is running as
a 'Republican' because we are 'post-women's movement' of 'reproductive health,' and that is 'settled,' so we can 'focus on the fiscal side of the issues.'" She is
damned. B. 8/27/19 Fox interviewed Candace Bushnell promoting her book "Is There Still Sex In The City." She said: "She decided not to have children,
which I think is a growing trend." And she promoted "sex outside of marriage." Also damned. C. 8/25/19 to 26/19 Fox aired reports about "Anne McClain,
the lesbian NASA astronaut may have committed a crime in space against her 'wife,' Summer Worden, which became the focus of a custody battle over her
son in a lesbian 'divorce' 'hearing.'" They and the 'court' are damned. Answer: Marriage is a CONTRACT Authored and Offered by God to a MAN and
AND RAISE CHILDREN TO OBEY GOD'S EVERY LAW. See notes. God is so serious about MARRIAGE that sins against marriage "CUT THEM OFF
(EXCOMMUNICATE THEM) FROM THE PEOPLE OF GOD." See Scripture and notes. Fox is not helping God nor us. They seek to help 'themselves.'
I have decided to make and post this continuation of my News And Notes as News And Notes PART 2nd. And Notes PART 2nd.htm
Lord Of The Dance
"Give praise with ... dance" Psalm 150:3-5
"Let them praise his name in dance" Psalm 149:1-4
About the image on the Cover of Lord Of The Dance, and at the top of my main page. Scriptures:
"See, I give you every seed-bearing plant on all the earth and every tree that has seed-bearing fruit on it to be your food." Genesis 1:29-31.
"I will demand an accounting for human life. ... Be fertile, then, and multiply; abound on earth and subdue it." Genesis 9:5-7
"See, I am creating new heavens and a new earth; ... For see, the Lord will come in fire ... Just as the new heavens and the new earth
which I am making." Isaiah 65:17-18; 66:15-22. "Do not make idols ... If you live in accordance with my statutes and are careful to obey
my commandments, I will give you your rains in due season, so that the land will yield its crops, and the trees their fruit ..." Leviticus 26:1-13
"Fools take no delight in understanding, but only in displaying what they think." Proverbs 18:2
"Crime is the entertainment of the fool; but wisdom is for the person of understanding." Proverbs 10:23 And Notes PART 2nd.htm