RADIO VOLUME 6th Volume 6th CD Booklet.pdf Volume 6th TRAY CARD.pdf
SONGS: Man.m4a America.m4a's Nation.m4a & Permanence.m4a The Critics.m4a On Fire.m4a The Ashes.m4a Speech.m4a
Better Man:
Round to round, the shape of love, the command from above. I respect you and you respect me.
If our love is to grow, then let it be. Eye to eye, we can see things right. Day to day, our solemn plight.
I am on my knees most every night, to show you a love you cannot deny.
Let your love reign down on me. Give me eyes so I can see. Everyday help me to be a
A better man, for the world to sing. Build a dream, we can chase the sun.
From east to west, our work will be done. There is nothing that can hold us back.
The kind of love that stays on the right track. Don't look back, build this dream.
Moving forward, past a stream of tears. Round to round, leave behind your fears.
Together we will make it through the years. Make me a better man, I want the world to sing.
Make America:
Find for me a more perfect dominion to lift up the human condition
Than the faithful words of our first intention, the Declaration of our original decision.
"Endowed by God," not made by men, rights that cannot be re-written.
That is the meaning of true government. You will find it in that document.
In capitol corners they huddle to betray the principle on which our foundation was laid:
We are "one nation under God." Let that be our victory song. Can you hear that endless decree,
The words telling what it means to be free. Are we still its progeny? Or have we forgotten in prosperity?
America can be a guiding light. It is up to each of you to decide to follow its creed, not to deny.
Its original song written from on High. America is its guiding principle.
Break that pact and we are not invincible. But breathe its words, we are indivisible.
Do you doubt? Are you not convinceable? Can you hear that endless song?
Sang at our beginning, sang for so long? Be faithful now or it will be gone
To a generation losing right from wrong. We are "one nation under God."
Let that be our victory song.
God's Nation:
A brand new day. The sunlight shows the way. A brand new day. No more midnight to hide their ways.
A brand new day. The end of darkness and isolation. A brand new day. We will arise in God's Nation.
There can be no speculation, there is one tabulation. And the void that fills your heart,
It is time to make a brand new start. Though courts pretend they can 'separation,'
There is only one real nation. We will not find it in isolation, but by our common recitation.
There can be one truth, not multiple 'truths,' if we return to our roots.
There will be no division, no opining, no lies. A "perfect union," it is time we tried.
There is objective truth, or a secular lie, from this fact you cannot hide.
All know in their hearts the path that is right, time to admit, you cannot deny.
The destruction of the past is indiscriminate, the good and the bad, the saints and criminals.
And when it is gone, what will be left? To remember the past, what should be kept?
They destroy the pillars of a free country: God, marriage, and solemn property.
Their propaganda is a lying homily. They oathed to end "the nuclear family."
Pride & Permanence:
Providence, pride, and permanence, we now see them from a distance.
What do you think in silence? What would you say if you had the chance?
Architects of words more than deeds were not the authors of human needs.
You find in your heart gratitude in a moment of mixed solitude.
Who is worthy to be remembered in the pages of history?
Providence used imperfect hands to set the people free.
In silence I think to myself where would we be if it had been someone else
Than those chosen to construct this land, what instead would be built by their hands?
Providence, pride, and permanence, now they meet resistance.
Tell me what you think in silence? Are they worthy of remembrance?
Architects of words crafted and toiled, yet their hands were unclean and soiled.
With a broad brush should we cover them? Or let their memory live?
Silence The Critics:
Theory and thought do their computation. The fabric to weave a nation.
Not silencing voices, but with facts to compete is the music of freedom's beat.
Time to reclaim the streets from fallacies and deceit.
For they have lost the way with empty notions; they follow blindly wayward emotions.
Silence the critics with facts to compete. Remember the music of freedom's beat.
The song of the ages, the lyrics not of men. Who will sing that song? Who will lead them?
Honest the calling in history books, but there is one Book they overlook,
Filled with duties and consequence. They have forgotten the logic of that sequence.
Take serious our calling for this time. Remember the virtue of age old rhymes.
Not emotions that try to revision. But what is authored from on High.
Silence the critics of honest government ordered on High, the rights of all men.
The song we must sing to quiet the resentment. Who will sing that song?
Who will lead them? Silence the critics with freedom's beat.
Time we take back the streets.
City On Fire:
The city on fire with ungodly desire. Blind ambitions turned to blind rage.
They abandoned the measure by which they were made, and the voice of him who they betrayed
Because he said "peace" "not violence." His voice they did silence.
The city on fire with vain empty desires. Their hearts like timber for any wind to spark.
They denounce traditional institutions. Their propaganda is mindless pollution.
City on fire with blind burning rage. Caught in their fury, not coming of age.
What happened to days of vows honestly made? They reaped what they sowed back-stage.
Burn down the pillars and nothing will remain. Are you concerned? Do you feel the same?
What happened to the days that were sane? The winds of change now fan the flames.
The city on fire with profane desires. The language they speak is emotions and liars.
Who is there to put out the fires? Who can quell their burning desires?
They reinforced fiction, they burnt every book, they tore out the pages they never understood.
And threw them into the fire to conceal what they said; the Masterpiece they never read.
From The Ashes:
From the ashes we must rebuild the boarded up buildings and waivering hills
Silent in the face of destruction. Time to end the corruption.
"Peace" was not heard on our avenues. No response was spoken in sacred venues.
What vile did this claiming it for justice? From the ashes we must renew.
Rise up from the ashes, rebuild the ruined spires. Find forged in the fires an honest conspire.
Rise up from the ashes, rebuild the ruined cinders. We can put out the last ember.
Never forget, always remember. There is no time to discuss, we must rebuild from the dust.
Barren hearts filled with such distrust of freedom's promised sacred trust.
Set the foundation, watch the builder's hand. Pray this will again be favored land.
True equality posted on every door. Each generation wanting more.
Free Speech:
What are words emptied of conviction? What are words devoid of interdiction?
Freedom has its diction of honest prohibitions. Winds do not measure the mind over facts.
None can compete with the one who enacts. True words have only one meaning,
That together we can be singing. In the melting pot of ideas only truth can survive.
The logic of its rhyme cannot be reviled. There is only one answer. Are you on that side?
With the force of honest reason a song we know was lent to guide and govern the people
To rule by consent. Speech is never free, it comes at a cost of all those before whose lives were lost
In defense of our liberty, in defense of human life. Be worthy of their sacrifice.
Words of freedom's proposition. Words of true contrition. And there can be no revision.
The meaning forever lives on. Instead of politics and supposition, true words convey conditions
From the Author of all words, there is no competition. Speech is never free, it is an inviolable song.
Its purpose to exist is to end all that is wrong. Its meaning, its measure, the logic we sing,
Stand at the gates before their uprising. Religious liberty, free press, free speech, and right to assemble
Have at their core the unstated preamble: we have inalienable right to objective facts.
Time that we start to take that purpose back.
Truth Not Tolerance:
I want you to know. I need you to listen, in times like these, when I need you most.
And I want you to know. I need you to listen, in times like these, when you are feeling lost.
Refrain from the spin of heresies that sold the people to their policies; not the Marxists nor the corporate greeds
have the answers that we need. If you are feeling lost in a world filled with so much cost, sing this song to light the way
That we can make it to a better day. Tolerance of a lie is to lie, tolerance of violence is violence.
It is the root cause of evil. Tell me why the world stopped making sense.
Tolerance of injustice is injustice. Tolerance of sin is to sin. It will bring the bitter end.
Tell me why the world stopped making sense. I want you to know. I need you to listen,
in times like these, times when I need you most.
Refrain from the spin of heresies that sold the people to their policies. And if you are feeling the need,
Sing this song with me. Tolerance of a lie is to lie. Hear me speak, listen harder.
Truth not tolerance or recompense. Tell me why the world stopped making sense.
Do not counter evil with evil; nor lawlessness with lawlessness.
Refrain from the spin of heresies that sold the people to their policies.
In The Beginning:
When in quiet moments I contemplate the difference between love and hate,
I bend my thoughts to be prostrate in awe of all that you have made.
In the beginning you were alone, and you needed to create a home.
You wanted to be known. Your designs to be sown.
What purpose did you create? Honest love, or to be a fake?
When you speak the earth quakes. What was your design to contemplate?
What role did you designate? My thoughts try to penetrate.
We are "wonderfully and fearfully made." Your love lights the way.
In your wisdom you designed them each, and authored them to life, to teach.
"So the man would take a wife," "Be fertile," you said "multiply." "Give life."
It is not hard to decide, your seed will know wrong from right,
To never be separated. What happened to your dream so desecrated?
*All songs written and recorded by Brian Fusonie, (c) 2020.
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7/18/20: Recorded Truth Not Tolerance two days ago. John the producer did a good job on drums and mixing. I kept the musical mix simple, deciding against using harmonica or synthesizer lead. I liked the minimalist feel of the guitar, bass, drums, and rock organ. Over recent months I kept hearing on TV that "Tolerance of injustice is injustice," which shows they fully understand the synonym "Tolerance of sin is to sin." Most of the songs on Radio Volume 6th have American themes from recent events and issues, reflected upon in prayer. I wrote part of the verse years ago, then recently added commentary on current events, such as "Refrain from the spin of heresies that sold the people to their policies. Not the Marxists nor the corporate greed have the answers that we need." I debated using the word "Marxists" or another word, but that is what many of the violent 'protesters' are -- they admit they are a Marxist group. They are anti-American. I also debated using the phrase "Do not counter evil with evil, nor lawlessness with lawlessness," but that describes what many of the violent 'protesters' did. They turned a righteous protest into an exercise of evil and lawlessness. They were counterproductive to what the peaceful protesters were trying to accomplish.
7/24/20: Recorded God's Nation yesterday. John really captured the drumming well, and did a good job mixing me on guitars, bass, and rock organ. I wrote the chorus music in the 1990s and added the verse music around 2004, but re-wrote the lyrics for this America theme CD. I struggled with what to include in the lyrics because so much has happened these past months nationally. The main point is that we have to give the nation back to God, instead of follow the radical left mob of socialism (Marxists) who oath against God, traditional marriage, and private property. I do have this notice to give, after we recorded, John was mixing the song and somehow the lyric "they oathed to end the nuclear family" was missing -- somehow deleted. I had to re-record that lyric. Things like that have happened on several prior songs in prior CDs, which I documented those times, and also to some of my typed notes and meditations that I posted. As for the song God's Nation, John said he likes it and finds the music catchy.
7/31/20: Re-mixed God's Nation yesterday, and recorded Make America. I tried to add piano with the strings (violins), but decided to keep only the strings as keyboard track. John said he likes the song and I like the music; my vocals however I had to sing low (bassy) toned and I am not used to hearing me sing that low. But I like the lyrics for an America theme CD. The song is about living up to the words of The Declaration Of Independence. I especially like the way the guitars blend with the violins (strings). Another positive, John said he really "enjoys mixing my music," which I took as a compliment because I enjoy writing the CDs, and recording them with him. I think he also captured the drum part right for this song as well. As to the song title, Make America means to make it the way it is promised in The Declaration Of Independence. My favorite lyric is "Endowed by God, not made by men, rights that cannot be re-written." There is a theology and political theory to that.
8/7/20: Recorded City On Fire yesterday. We thought about adding keyboard strings to this song, but decided to instead keep the song basic guitars, bass, and drums. John did a good job on the drums and mixing. I wrote the song after watching cities burning with rioting and looting in the news. And I included in its lyrics the irony and betrayal that a man who preached on video "peaceful protest, not violence" had his life and name being used to commit arsons, rioting, assaults, murders, and looting. His tragic death gave rise to atrocities of which he would not approve -- and his family rightly denounced the violence and looting as something he, George Floyd, would not agree with. The image of burning cities during those riots had an impact on me. We all should be concerned about the rampant immorality of the rioters -- especially those doing it with an agenda. It is those Marxists and anarchists who also desecrate monuments to the Ten Commandments, and burn books having God's Laws in them. They have taken George Floyd's tragic murder and turned it against him and are counterproductive to any positive peaceful protest.
8/21/20: Recorded Better Man yesterday. I decided to add some modest piano and strings (violins) to the song. John did a good job drumming and mixing. I wrote the verses around 2016 and borrowed the chorus from my 1995 song which needed to be corrected from "Be my eyes ..." to "Give me eyes so I can see," and I added in 2016 the chorus prayer to "Each day help me to be a better man." I like the play of the guitars with the violins and with the bass. I wrote this song before the recent current events in America but wanted it on this CD as sort of an opening prayer for God to help us to be better people to obey God's Laws to respect each other and to live up to the ideals of America that I sing about in the remaining songs on this CD. John said he likes the song and seemed to especially like the feel of the guitar lead as it fits with the chords of the song.
8/28/20: Recorded Free Speech yesterday. John did a good job on drums and mixing, especially blending the guitar tracks. I wrote the song meditating on the meaning of "free" speech, which has limits because it must conform to God's Laws; and that speech is never without cost and consequence. Musically, the song blends several different styles, which makes it fun to play on guitar and bass, and I added some piano. The song also thanks those who fought for our right to speak freely, asking the listeners to "Be worthy of their sacrifice." It also responds to pagan songs that said that 'words have two meanings' by replying that "true words have only one meaning." I left out the lyrics about the fact that "religious liberty, free press, free speech, and right to assemble" exist to safeguard "our inalienable right to objective facts." But I keep those lyrics in the CD Booklet.
9/4/20: Recorded Silence The Critics yesterday. John did a good job mixing my guitars, bass, piano, and his drums. I like the feel of the verses musically with the lyrics. The song title is made clear in the song that I sing about "not silencing voices, but with facts to compete, is the music of freedom's beat." It is about silencing critics with the "force of honest reason." And it is about "take back the streets." Again I tried to mix two different styles of music, one more melodic and another more rock. The theme has some overlap with Free Speech, but I felt the emphasis appropriate for this America theme CD. One additional note, after recording the vocals, somehow a large portion of the vocal track was missing, deleted somehow. Thankfully, John was able to retrieve those vocals and I did not have to re-sing them -- which I did have to do on an earlier CD.
9/18/20: Recorded Pride & Permanence yesterday. John did a good job blending my guitars, bass, and rock organ with his drumming. The song asks the question of "who is worthy to be remembered" in the history of America, as "Providence used imperfect hands." "You find in your heart gratitude in a moment of mixed solitude." The song is against erasing from history our founders simply because "their hands were unclean." However, the song asks the listeners to be honest, that there are times to remove honor or statues, for example, removing Confederate statues of traitors who fought for slavery against the United States Of America. But the founders of America should be remembered and taught honestly, both the good and the bad, with emphasis on what they did accomplish to build a country that would eventually be freedom for millions.
9/25/20: Recorded From The Ashes yesterday. John said he likes the song. He did a good job mixing my guitars, bass, organ with his drums again. I wrote the song after the riots, arsons, and looting this past spring, which the song is against. "From the ashes we must rebuild, boarded up buildings and wavering hills. ... We can put out the last ember. Never forget, always remember." Violence and arson is not the solution to any social injustices. And worse is that the mob mentality is now rioting and setting fires for half-truths, lies, and misinformation. They do not want rule-of-law justice; they want mob rule. It is anti-American. The facts mean nothing to the mob. They have an agenda and they will use any unfortunate tragedy to riot. In the case of Breonna Taylor, the Attorney General of that State is Black and he rightly pointed out that the police were shot at first by the boyfriend of Breonna. They had a right to return fire. It saddens me that many Blacks protest or even riot for the wrong cases, instead of wait for when there is truly a case of a Black martyr. Protests for the wrong cases and wrong facts does not help their cause or credibility. In is only injustice, not truly seeking justice.
10/2/20: Recorded In The Beginning yesterday. It is the last song on the CD and is about God's design for mankind and seeking that intelligent design. It is also a prayer request to God asking, "What purpose did you create?" -- when the world is filled with so much sin? And it praises God's original intent in the beginning saying in the words of the psalm: "We are wonderfully and fearfully made." If we can get back to God's designed plan, the world will work out right. John did a good job again on drums and mixing my guitars, bass, and organ. It felt good to finish the last song on the CD, and John said he enjoyed helping me record this project. He did point out that this last song is in 3/4 time, which I did not think about when I wrote it. I hope each of you enjoy this CD.
Sample from "Prayers And Meditations" ("Prayer Links") page. See below.
I will also soon post this Meditation On "Abominations" as a pdf formatted booklet here. On Abominations Booklet.pdf
Note: Somehow in the text there were a few alterations I noticed. Section 1 "let it be say that God ..." should read "let it be said that God ..."
Section 2 the Ezekiel quote should read "Ezekiel 20:13-38" not "2013-38". Section 6 should read "then as you have seen," not "the as you have seen."
Section 7 should read "caused surgically," not "cause surgically." Section 11 should read "according to your beliefs" not "you beliefs."
And Section 11 should read "turn back to God" and not "turn by to God."
How God In Scripture Condemns Abortion And Homosexuals
(c) Brian Fusonie, 2020
Note: This meditations on the meaning of "abominations" in Scripture when God speaks condemning abortion and homosexuality, is a compilation largely of Scripture texts in the Weekly Scripture Meditation "Exams" posted earlier. It is intended as a supplement to those meditations.
"Hear, O Israel! The Lord is our God, the Lord alone! Therefore, you shall love the Lord, your God, with your whole heart, and with your whole being, and with your whole strength. Take to heart these words which I command you today. Keep repeating them to your children." Deuteronomy 6:4-6
1. It starts with the First Command: "I am the Lord your God, ... You shall not have other gods beside me. You shall not make for yourself an idol ..." Exodus 20:2-4; Deuteronomy 5:6-7. The most basic and First Command is to "have no other god" than the True God, and therefore to "make no strange (idol) god." It is important that we honor and worship the True Nature of God, not a strange idolatrous false nature of God. The ways you make an "idol" ("idolatry") are basically two ways: (i) you make a false image of God, or a Golden Calf, for example, or (ii) you lie about God to say that 'God allows (something),' when God actually forbids and condemns that something in Scripture. The later is the more insidious way of making a false-god; an idol. It is "blasphemy" and that means it is "idolatry." It is the defamation of God. "You have profaned me among my people ... killing those who should not be killed, and keeping alive those who should not live, lying to my people, who listen to lies." Ezekiel 13:19. The March's Thesaurus and Dictionary provides that "profane" means to "desecrate; blasphemous." And "blasphemous" it defines as "profane speaking about God." Whenever you call God's true and original laws 'ill,' 'unlawful,' 'barbaric,' 'old-fashioned,' 'nonsense,' -- you made an "idol," a false-god you wanted instead of the Real God.
The true Personality of God, the Sensibilities of God, we must accept, "whether popular or not," and we must be "altogether sincere" with the Lord, God about what God commands, and what God condemns; what God likes, compared to what God "detests," "abhors," "finds an abomination," "disgusts God," that which "God hates." In Scripture God calls some sins "abominations." March's Thesaurus and Dictionary defines "abominations" in exactly those terms: "detest; hate; disgust." We will return to that in a later paragraph, but here let it be say that God's people are to share God's "sensibilities" about conduct that God finds "abominable," whether we find it popular or not to condemn such conduct. "Whether we like it or not, we will obey the command of the Lord, our God that it may go well with us for obeying the command of the Lord, our God." Jeremiah 42:1-6. "Let there not be found among you anyone who ... practices .... (abominations) ... Anyone who does such things is an abominations to the Lord, and because of such abominations the Lord, your God, is dispossessing (ex communicating) them before you. You must be altogether sincere with the Lord, your God." Deuteronomy 18:10-13 "Be careful, therefore, to do as the Lord, your God, has commanded you, not turning aside to the right or to the left, but following exactly the way the Lord, your God, commanded you that you may live and prosper, and may have long life ..." Deuteronomy 5:32-33. "Every word that I command you, you shall be careful to observe, neither adding to it nor subtracting from it." Deuteronomy 13:1. "Be careful not to forget the Lord, your God, by failing to keep his commandments and ordinances and statutes which I enjoin on you today ... But if you do forget the Lord, your God, and go after other gods ... I bear witness to you this day that you will perish utterly. Like the nations which the Lord destroys before you, so shall you too perish for not listening to the voice of the Lord, your God." Deuteronomy 8:11-20.
2. The current 'culture' of death and sin calls God's laws "unlawful, and crime," while what God condemns that 'culture' calls 'law, and goodness.' Today, God's laws have been forbidden, and what 'popular culture' calls 'lawful' are actually crimes to God. They have role reversed law. They have it upside down. It is a day not unlike when God warned: "But the house of Israel rebelled against me in the wilderness. They did not observe my statutes, and they rejected my ordinances that bring life to those who keep them. ... Then I said to their children in the wilderness: Do not follow the statutes of your parents. Do not keep their ordinances. Do not defile yourself with their idols. I am the Lord, your God: follow my statutes and be careful to observe my ordinances." Ezekiel 2013-38. When man's 'laws' contradict God's Laws, we must obey God's Laws. That is the true objective Law; not the whims of 'popular culture.'
3. As stated earlier, God calls some sins "abominations." We showed that "abominations" in that context, are sins that most "Disgust" God, that God "Hates," and "Detests." We find those exact words in Scripture. "Be careful to observe all my statutes and all my decrees, otherwise the land ... will vomit you out. Do not conform to the customs of the nations whom I am driving out of your way, because of these things (abortion, and homosexuality) they have done have filled me with disgust for them." Leviticus 20:22-23. Two of the sins God was speaking about in that passage from Leviticus just prior to making that statement about "disgust" are abortion ("giving the life of your offspring") and homosexuals. "Though I repeatedly sent you all my servants the prophets, saying: 'You must not commit this abominable deed I hate,' they did not listen ... Therefore the fury of my anger poured forth and kindled fire ... to turn them into the ruined wasteland they are today. ... They have not followed my law and my statutes that I set before you and your ancestors." Jeremiah 44:4-10. "Thus says the Lord God: Return, turn away from your idols; from all your abominations, turn your faces. For if anyone ... keeps their idols in their hearts, setting the stumbling block of their sin before them ... I will set my face against them and make them a sign and a byword, and cut them off (ex communicate) from the midst of my people." Ezekiel 14:6-8. "Do you see the great abominations that the house of Israel is practicing here ... You shall see them practicing even greater abominations. ... Even if they cry out in a loud voice for me to hear, I shall not listen to them." Ezekiel 8:5-18. In other words, sins God hates and detests, that disgust God, are excommunicating, and cut off from the people of God and community of prayer, and God "will not listen to" such persons when they try to 'pray' to God. In essence, they are dead to God and all God's people, unless and until they repent.
4. Punishments to the persons and all the land that tolerate "abominations." "Now the end is upon you; I will unleash my anger against you; judge you according to your ways, and hold against you all your abominations." Ezekiel 7:2-6 "I will repay them double for their crimes and their sin because they have profaned my land ... and filled my heritage with their abominations." Jeremiah 16:11-18. "But as for those whose hearts are devoted to their atrocities and abominations, I will bring their conduct down upon their heads." Ezekiel 11:17-21. As briefly mentioned earlier, there are two types of punishment of the person who commits an "abomination" -- and it depends on the severity of how much that sin God hates; how much it disgusts the Creator of human nature. The first is to "cut off from God's people" (ex communicate) the person automatically, as shown in Scripture. There are lesser crimes that are "disgraceful" to God, which God forbids, such as incest, which "cut a person off" (ex communicate) in Scripture. In Leviticus 20:17, God condemns incest between a brother and a sister who have "intercourse" as "disgraceful," and commands such persons be "publicly cut off from the people." But I did not find the word "abomination" about incest; rather "disgraceful." Then there are other sins against the Real God which automatically ex communicate in Scripture, such as "seeking ghosts or spirits, or seeking counsel from the dead (heresy)," for which God warned: "Should anyone turn to ghosts and spirits ... I will turn against that person and cut (ex communicate) such a one off from among my people." Leviticus 20:6. "Let there not be found among you anyone who ... practices divination, or a soothsayer, augur, or sorcerer, or who casts spells, consults ghosts and spirits, or seeks oracles from the dead. Anyone who does such things is an abomination to the Lord, and because of such abominations the Lord, your God, is dispossessing (ex communicating) them before you." Deuteronomy 18:10-13. But there is also a class of these sins that God does see as requiring the second type of punishment for "abominations," and that is the "death penalty." "A man or a woman who acts as a medium or clairvoyant shall be put to death." Leviticus 20:27. Death penalties are reserved for abominations that gravely offend God. While many of you may struggle with "death penalties," or do not believe in such penalties, I will report them as stated in Scripture. And while you may not agree with "death penalties" for those sins, you must confess that such strong and stern language in Scripture proves that, at a minimum, such persons who commit grave "abominations" are ex communicated and therefore "cut off from the community of God's people."
5. Homosexuality "Ex Communicates" ("Cuts Off From God's People"). God is explicit in Scripture: "You shall not lay with another male as with a woman; such a thing is an abomination." Leviticus 18:22. "If a man lays with a male as with a woman, they have committed an abomination; the two of them shall be put to death." Leviticus 20:13. Jews and Christians both believe that God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah because of homosexuality, often called "unnatural vice." "Sodom, Gomorrah, and the surrounding towns, which, in the same manner as they, indulged in sexual promiscuity and practiced unnatural vice, serve as an example by undergoing a punishment of eternal fire." Jude 7:14-15. In Genesis 19 we read: "Before they went to bed, the townsmen of Sodom, both young and old ... surrounded the house [of Lot]. They called to Lot and said to him, 'Where are the men who came to your house tonight? Bring them out to us that we may have sexual relations with them.'" Genesis 19:4-5, 13-25. God therefore destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah, because of homosexuals. As to "transvestites," God forbid them also as "abominations." "A woman shall not wear a man's garment, nor shall a man put on a woman's clothing; for anyone who does such things is an abomination to the Lord, your God." Deuteronomy 22:5. Those sins, homosexuality and transvestites, gravely offend the sensibility of God the Creator of human nature, who made human beings "male and female" for copulation, to "be fertile and multiply." "male and female he created them. God blessed them and God said to them: Be fertile and multiply ..." Genesis 1:27-28. "That is why a man leaves his father and mother and clings to his wife, and the two of them become one body." Genesis 2:24. You have heard it said that "God created them Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve." That is true, and why God, the Creator of human nature, does not appreciate the blasphemers who pretend 'God allows homosexuality,' because God expressly shows in Scripture His utter disgust for the abomination of homosexuality. To pretend that God 'allows it,' is to make an "idol;" it is to make a false-god against the True God.
6. Abortion "Ex Communicates" ("Cuts Off From God's People"). God again is explicit in Scripture: "You shall not kill." Exodus 20:13; Deuteronomy 5:17. "You formed my inmost being; you knit me in my mother's womb." Psalm 139:13. "Anyone who gives his offspring to Molech (a false-god whose name is Shelom in reverse) shall be put to death ..." Leviticus 20:1-5 "Anyone who sheds the blood of a human being, by a human being shall that one's blood be shed; ... Be fertile, then, and multiply ..." Genesis 9:6-7. "Whoever takes the life of a human being shall be put to death." Leviticus 24:17. "Because you gave the life-blood of your children to idols, therefore, ... I will inflict on you the sentence of adultery and murder; I will bring on you bloody wrath and jealous anger. ... [Israel], you younger sister was Sodom and her daughters, south of you. Not only did you walk in their ways and act as abominably as they did, but in a very short time you became more corrupt in all your ways than they were. ... I swear that your sister Sodom with her daughters have done the things you and your daughters have done! ... they became arrogant and committed abominations before me; the as you have seen, I destroyed them." Ezekiel 16:15-50. As for Christianity's example on this matter, in keeping with Leviticus, Exodus, and Deuteronomy, as shown in the Code Of Canon Law of the Catholic church, abortion "ex communicates" the person. "A person who actually procures an abortion incurs a latae sententiae ex communication." Canon 1398. For God says in Scripture: "For all life is mine; the life of the parent is like (equal to) the life of the child, both are mine. Only the one who sins shall die." Ezekiel 18:4. Rephrased, that text in Ezekiel 18 makes clear there is no 'exception' 'for the life or health of the mother' when it comes to abortion. "The life of the child is equal to (like) the life of the mother, both are mine. Only the one who sins shall die." Ezekiel 18:4 rephrased. Since the baby is always more "innocent" and "sinless" than the mother, God favors always the life of the unborn child over the life of the mother. In a tough situation where it may rarely be required to choose between saving the life of the mother or saving the life of the child, the child's life come first. The right to life is sacred to the foundation of our Nation. The Declaration Of Independence is the foundation Agreement document to the Constitution of the United States. That Declaration Of Independence preserves and declares: "We hold these truths to be self evident, that all men are created equal by God and endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable right to life ..." For as God warns: "All life is mine."
7. What Is A "Procured Abortion"? A "procured abortion" is any intentional act to prevent birth ('birth control') that is abortive (abortifacient). If you willingly use any method of 'birth control' that is also abortifacient, then you are guilty of any and all foreseeable abortion(s). Abortion can be cause surgically, or by chemicals, including many methods of 'birth control' because they are abortive (abortifacients). Such intentional use of any abortive methods is automatically ex communicating. It does not, in Scripture, include any "accidents of unintentional acts" that cause harm to the unborn baby of an "innocent bystander pregnant woman." "When men have a fight and hurt a pregnant woman, so that she suffers a miscarriage, but no further injury, the guilty one shall be fined as much as the woman's husband demands of him, and he shall pay in the presence of the judges. But if injury ensues, you shall give life for life ..." Exodus 21:22-23. While I disagree that harm accidentally caused by a fight between two men is merely a "miscarriage," that can be "compensated" by a "fine," it is a passage in Scripture that must be dealt with, because it has been misused by those wanting abortion to be lawful. That text has nothing to do with "abortion." They did not intend to harm the child or to prevent birth. It can be compared to the passages in Numbers 35 about the differences between "accidentally caused deaths" and "intentional homicides." "If someone strikes another with an iron instrument and causes death, that person is a murderer, and the murderer must be put to death ... However, if someone pushes another without malice aforethought ... then the community will judge (how to punish that person, whether they get asylum or not) ..." Numbers 35:16-24. Whenever the death is caused by "intentional acts" the person is a "murderer." And there cannot be "compensation" of money by "fine" for murder. That text in Numbers 35 continues: "You will not accept compensation in place of the life of a murderer who deserves to die, but that person must be put to death." Numbers 35:31-34. There is a caveat, and that is when the mother puts herself and the child "in the zone of danger," she is no longer a mere innocent bystander; it can no longer be called a mere "accidental death," because the mother put her baby in danger willingly. And similarly, as stated earlier, when a woman used any method of 'birth control' that is abortive (abortifacient), she consented to any abortion (murder) that ensued -- she used what could cause death to a baby, and therefore cannot claim to be innocent.
8. The Selfish Plot (Heresy) To Re-Define "Human Conception" Later And Later, Beyond The Real Moment Of "Conception At Fertilization." Conception is the creative act of God, the point when there is no longer an egg cell of the woman, nor a sperm cell of the man, but a new unique created human child. Because many forms of 'birth control' prevent the conceived child from "implanting" into the mother's uterus, there has been an effort to selfishly re-define "conception" to a moment after implantation. And because other forms of 'birth control' prevent births even after implantation, and thus are post-implantation methods, causing the shedding and expulsion of the implanted child, their is also a plot to move the moment of conception to sometime even later, and later. I call this the "Implantationism Schism." It is a religion, a schism against the True Creative Right Of God, thus against True Religion. All attempts to re-define human conception to a point later than conception at fertilization are all attempts to make a false-god idolatry religion against the True God. As stated, it is idolatry, and it is an abomination. God alone defined the moment of conception at fertilization. God alone is the Author of life. Any person or group trying to re-author life to sometime after fertilization are trying to be themselves the 'authors of life.' That is a grave sin against God. It is ex communicating. Mankind must fully accept and obey the moment God created as conception, never try to invent a different 'conception.' And they did it for very obvious and selfish motives. They want abortion called 'contraceptives.' They want to sell and use what God condemns as abortion under the disguises of 'contraception.' They are wrong. And in any event, as used to be the universally held law, contraceptives are also unlawful to God. Yet this text will deal only with abortion (abortifacients) and the ex communicating effects of those methods of preventing a child from being born.
9. Voting For Abortion Or Any Homosexual "Ex Communicates." Voting is not a morally unaccountable act; rather it is always a morally accountable act in the eyes of God. If you vote in favor of a sin or sinner who God condemns as "cut off" (ex communicated), then you also are guilty in the eyes of God and "cut off" (ex communicated). If you vote in favor of procured abortions, you are guilty of all abortions that result from the vote to allow those abortions. If you vote to make a "golden calf," you are guilty of "idolatry" and are ex communicated ("cut off"). In the same way, if you vote for abortion or a homosexual, you are guilty of breaking God's laws condemning and forbidding abortion and homosexuals. If you vote to allow "euthanasia" (murder), you are guilty of both "idol worship" and all the murders committed under the label of "euthanasia." If you vote to allow drugs such as heroin to be 'lawful,' you are guilty of all the drug addictions, crimes, and deaths caused by the use of that drug heroin. And comparable to the genocide caused by millions of abortions, if you in Nazi Germany 'voted' to exterminate Jews, you are guilty of all the murders in the Holocaust. When God forbids an act, you cannot vote in favor of it to be called 'lawful.' Again, voting is accountable in the eyes of God. Moreover, you need not vote to have moral accountability, because God condemns all persons who merely 'tolerate' abortion, just as those who turned their eyes and tolerated the murder of innocent Jews in Germany. You are accountable for your actions and inactions. 'Tolerance' can be mortal sin, and itself therefore ex communicating.
10. The Right To Bare Arms, As Compared To Homosexuals In The Military. It is as simple as this: God wants the arms in the hands of those oathed to protect and defend God's true Laws; not in the hands of those oathed against God and God's true Laws. When our founding fathers decided to raise arms to "make a new nation," they did so to defend "the inalienable rights endowed by the Creator." That is the meaning of the Declaration Of Independence. In that document, they claimed to raise arms for God and country. It mentions God explicitly. In the same way, we require as law that guns be in the the hands of law abiding citizens; not in the hands to criminal gangs or traitors (treason). And we require as law that guns be in the hands of law abiding police; not in the hands of criminals (traitors) impersonating police. Our laws punish with death those who impersonate police. In the same way, our Country used to forbid "homosexuals from being in the military." They are not oathed to the real Laws of God and the old and historic Laws of our Nation which conformed to God's Law forbidding homosexuals. They are a cult, a coalition of sinners, who seek to protect and promote each other, to overthrow the traditional Laws of God and Nation. They cannot serve honestly the Real Laws. That is why they were forbidden from being in the military. Popular 'culture' has sought to role reverse that fact. They have succeeded in doing so, in many cases. But they cannot change God. They cannot change what is True Natural Law of God. Moreover, as I said, they are cult that is aggressive in trying to coerce the public to want their agendas. I years ago was in 'captive audience' situation where a man in uniform with a badge stood next to me and berated me, saying: "I do not understand people who are against same-sex marriages." He knew I am straight, and that I love God and God's true Law -- and therefore do not agree with 'same-sex weddings.' Imagine, the arms of guns are now in the hands of many as him who want to make the world accept 'gay and lesbian weddings.' They are gay and lesbian Lodge, which, as stated, oaths to promote, protect, and put in positions of trust their own members. They are oathed to each other; not to our Country. For itself, the Vatican has repeatedly stated that "freemasonry Lodge is the primary and most insidious enemy of God's true laws." Yet the Chicago police force openly calls themselves "the fraternal order of Lodge." You cannot be oathed to advance and protect sinners in Lodge, and at the same time oathed to uphold the laws of the Nation and the rights of We the Public; our Constitutional inalienable God endowed rights. Again, God wants the arms in the hands of those who will honestly defend the inalienable laws of God. And the Declaration Of Independence made clear that the Second Amendment of the United States Constitution is predicated and founded upon the duty to bare arms to protect the real "inalienable rights endowed by God," and not used as arms against God. Only those plainly and proven not oathed to a criminal cult should be allowed to be police, judges, and military.
11. Why You Never Hear Taught Today God's Real Laws, and A Few Closing Thoughts. If you did not hear before these warnings of Scripture from God, nor heard them spoken from pulpits and schools, it is because they did not want to teach it. They are guilty of that silence. They have shied away from the truth either because it was "unpopular" in the current 'culture,' or because they are themselves guilty of those acts that God forbids, and they want to pretend they can make them 'lawful;' when they cannot. And they have swallowed up and destroyed every Law of God with their 'overriding' 'dogma' of 'mercy and forgiveness for everyone.' They do not teach obedience to God's Laws; instead they teach 'forgiveness' and 'clemency' and 'do whatever you want according to you own beliefs.' They teach such idol heretical nonsense as 'Jesus set you free from God's Laws.' They are swine in shepherd's clothing. They did so to be 'popular' or 'to not turn anyone away.' They did so for money donations. They did so out of cowardice, afraid to speak publicly and loudly in favor of God's True Laws against abortion and homosexuals. And by their recent public admissions, and by their many sex scandals, they have many homosexuals and pedophiles pretending to be pastors and clergy. You cannot trust them to want and teach God's Real Laws, God's True Condemnations of them. Against them God warned repeatedly in Scripture: "I am against these shepherds ..." Ezekiel 34:2-25. "Something shocking and horrible has happened in the land: the prophets prophecy falsely, and the priests teach on their own authority; yet my people like it this way; what will you do when the end comes." Jeremiah 5:9,29-31. "Its leaders render judgment for a bribe, the priests teach for pay, the prophets divine for money ... Therefore, because of you ... Jerusalem [will be] reduced to rubble ..." Micah 3:11-12. "Yes, I am against the prophets ... those who compose their own speeches and call them oracles ... those who lead my people astray by recounting their reckless lies." Jeremiah 23:9-32. But there is also hope, the prayerful belief that God will turn this Nation around that once honestly pledged: "I pledge allegiance to ... one nation under God." There is hope that our Nation will repent and turn by to God, stop making idols of abominations, and find God's favor again. "At one moment I may decree concerning a nation or kingdom that I will uproot and tear it down and destroy it; but if that nation against whom I have decreed turns from its evil, then I will have a change of heart regarding the evil which I have decreed." Jeremiah 18:7-10. "Do not make idols for yourselves ... If you live in accordance with my statutes and are careful to obey my commandments, I will give you your rains in due season, so that the land will yield its crops, and the trees their fruit ...." Leviticus 26: 1-13.
Prior CDs:
Radio Volumes: Best Of (16 Songs, 4 from each) Volumes Best Of.htm
Radio Volume 4th: Volume 4th.htm
AMERICAN FABRIC at this link: Fabric.htm
RADIO VOLUME 3rd is started, songs will be posted at this link: Volume 3rd.htm
Songs and lyrics and CD Booklet are posted at this page link: Volume 2nd.htm
RADIO VOLUME 1 Volume 1.htm
PDF CD Booklet: Volume 1 CD Booklet.pdf Enough (Master).m4a More Lies (Master).m4a Troved (Master).m4a Vision (Master).m4a Old Photographs (Master).m4a Salt Shakers (Master).m4a Tomorrow (Master).m4a About You (Master) 1.m4a (Master) 1.m4a Wheel (Master).m4a (Master).m4a Weeps (Master).m4a
These two links go together. One is on prayer, and the other is brief notes (often daily) on current affairs,
law, scripture, and music written in prayer. I pray daily, but I do not always write notes that day. Links.htm And Notes.htm