The journey starts with answering this question: Where will we be, in some 'spiritualized heaven,' or on a New Earth?
Favorite Scriptures: As a legal minded person, I appreciate the Divine Law Giver, especially when He explicitly decrees that He finds certain sins "abominations" that "disgust" him, as in Leviticus 18 and 20. At the same time my favorite commandment is "You shall not kill," as it relates to ending abortions. Exodus 20 and Deuteronomy 5. And, of course, the First and Most important command in those same texts that "You shall have no other god besides me. You shall not make for yourselves an idol." Then there is the often forgotten command against contraception: "Onan ... whenever he had intercourse with his (deceased) brother's wife, he wasted his seed on the ground, to avoid giving offspring ... What he did greatly offended the Lord, and the Lord took his life." Genesis 38:9-10. And then there is this forgotten commandment in today's climate: "You shall not lay with another male as with a woman; such a thing is an abomination ... Do not defile yourselves by any of these things ... You, however, must keep my statutes and decrees, avoiding all these abominations ... otherwise the land will vomit you out also for having defiled it ... For whoever does any of these abominations shall be cut of (excommunicated) from the people. ... because all these things that they have done have filled me with disgust for them." Leviticus 18:22, 24-30; 20:13, 23. And finally, my favorite scripture about our future: "See, I am creating new heavens and a new earth ... Just as the new heavens and the new earth which I am making." Isaiah 65:17-18; 66:15-22. DOWNLOAD.htm The Standard Audio CD Files.
The Wave File version will be free for a limited time at the above link. And Notes.htm Brief prayerful reflections on current affairs, legal theory, and music.
The free m4a files are on these pages.
![]() Volume 1.htm Volume 2nd.htm Volume 3rd.htm's Wheel.htm
The Nature Of Prayer:
The most important rule for prayer is "intellectual honesty with God."
This arises as part of the First Commandment to "make no idolatrous god."
We must approach God as God is; not as we want God to be instead.
This rule requires an Honest Relationship with God.
The Psalms Exam and Each Other Exam meditation will be linked here in the future.
For now you can find each of those in htm and pdf versions at the following link below.
The PSALMS referred to in the Prayer Schedule outlined above are these three pages, numbers 1 through 28.
I pray the above PSALMS each day, with the EXAM meditation for that day.
The EXAM Meditation for each day provided in the Prayer Schedule I keep are these meditations:
Sunday: PSALMS only.
BACK TO EDEN (The Exam Meditation is titled New Earth Exam) and PSLAMS
NEW EARTH (Exam meditation is titled Exodus New Earth) and PSALMS
AMERICAN FAITH exam meditation is titled Animation Theology. Theology.pdf Theology.htm
Again, these are Scriptural Meditations and include mostly Scripture texts.
I ask some questions based on those Scripture passages. Two of them have
my own reflections and conclusions on the Nature Of God and how God
creates. Those include Animation Theology, and Animation Nation, although
the later has mostly Biblical Scripture texts for most of its meditation.
Why share my prayer schedule? Because I learned over time that prayer
(honest relationship with God) has many blessings for song writing. And to
provide context on why I wrote the lyrics I wrote.
Note: Somehow in the text there were a few alterations I noticed. Section 1 "let it be say that God ..." should read "let it be said that God ..."
Section 2 the Ezekiel quote should read "Ezekiel 20:13-38" not "2013-38". Section 6 should read "then as you have seen," not "the as you have seen."
Section 7 should read "caused surgically," not "cause surgically." Section 11 should read "according to your beliefs" not "you beliefs."
And Section 11 should read "turn back to God" and not "turn by to God."
How God In Scripture Condemns Abortion And Homosexuals
(c) Brian Fusonie, 2020
Note: This meditations on the meaning of "abominations" in Scripture when God speaks condemning abortion and homosexuality, is a compilation largely of Scripture texts in the Weekly Scripture Meditation "Exams" posted earlier. It is intended as a supplement to those meditations.
"Hear, O Israel! The Lord is our God, the Lord alone! Therefore, you shall love the Lord, your God, with your whole heart, and with your whole being, and with your whole strength. Take to heart these words which I command you today. Keep repeating them to your children." Deuteronomy 6:4-6
1. It starts with the First Command: "I am the Lord your God, ... You shall not have other gods beside me. You shall not make for yourself an idol ..." Exodus 20:2-4; Deuteronomy 5:6-7. The most basic and First Command is to "have no other god" than the True God, and therefore to "make no strange (idol) god." It is important that we honor and worship the True Nature of God, not a strange idolatrous false nature of God. The ways you make an "idol" ("idolatry") are basically two ways: (i) you make a false image of God, or a Golden Calf, for example, or (ii) you lie about God to say that 'God allows (something),' when God actually forbids and condemns that something in Scripture. The later is the more insidious way of making a false-god; an idol. It is "blasphemy" and that means it is "idolatry." It is the defamation of God. "You have profaned me among my people ... killing those who should not be killed, and keeping alive those who should not live, lying to my people, who listen to lies." Ezekiel 13:19. The March's Thesaurus and Dictionary provides that "profane" means to "desecrate; blasphemous." And "blasphemous" it defines as "profane speaking about God." Whenever you call God's true and original laws 'ill,' 'unlawful,' 'barbaric,' 'old-fashioned,' 'nonsense,' -- you made an "idol," a false-god you wanted instead of the Real God.
The true Personality of God, the Sensibilities of God, we must accept, "whether popular or not," and we must be "altogether sincere" with the Lord, God about what God commands, and what God condemns; what God likes, compared to what God "detests," "abhors," "finds an abomination," "disgusts God," that which "God hates." In Scripture God calls some sins "abominations." March's Thesaurus and Dictionary defines "abominations" in exactly those terms: "detest; hate; disgust." We will return to that in a later paragraph, but here let it be say that God's people are to share God's "sensibilities" about conduct that God finds "abominable," whether we find it popular or not to condemn such conduct. "Whether we like it or not, we will obey the command of the Lord, our God that it may go well with us for obeying the command of the Lord, our God." Jeremiah 42:1-6. "Let there not be found among you anyone who ... practices .... (abominations) ... Anyone who does such things is an abominations to the Lord, and because of such abominations the Lord, your God, is dispossessing (ex communicating) them before you. You must be altogether sincere with the Lord, your God." Deuteronomy 18:10-13 "Be careful, therefore, to do as the Lord, your God, has commanded you, not turning aside to the right or to the left, but following exactly the way the Lord, your God, commanded you that you may live and prosper, and may have long life ..." Deuteronomy 5:32-33. "Every word that I command you, you shall be careful to observe, neither adding to it nor subtracting from it." Deuteronomy 13:1. "Be careful not to forget the Lord, your God, by failing to keep his commandments and ordinances and statutes which I enjoin on you today ... But if you do forget the Lord, your God, and go after other gods ... I bear witness to you this day that you will perish utterly. Like the nations which the Lord destroys before you, so shall you too perish for not listening to the voice of the Lord, your God." Deuteronomy 8:11-20.
2. The current 'culture' of death and sin calls God's laws "unlawful, and crime," while what God condemns that 'culture' calls 'law, and goodness.' Today, God's laws have been forbidden, and what 'popular culture' calls 'lawful' are actually crimes to God. They have role reversed law. They have it upside down. It is a day not unlike when God warned: "But the house of Israel rebelled against me in the wilderness. They did not observe my statutes, and they rejected my ordinances that bring life to those who keep them. ... Then I said to their children in the wilderness: Do not follow the statutes of your parents. Do not keep their ordinances. Do not defile yourself with their idols. I am the Lord, your God: follow my statutes and be careful to observe my ordinances." Ezekiel 2013-38. When man's 'laws' contradict God's Laws, we must obey God's Laws. That is the true objective Law; not the whims of 'popular culture.'
3. As stated earlier, God calls some sins "abominations." We showed that "abominations" in that context, are sins that most "Disgust" God, that God "Hates," and "Detests." We find those exact words in Scripture. "Be careful to observe all my statutes and all my decrees, otherwise the land ... will vomit you out. Do not conform to the customs of the nations whom I am driving out of your way, because of these things (abortion, and homosexuality) they have done have filled me with disgust for them." Leviticus 20:22-23. Two of the sins God was speaking about in that passage from Leviticus just prior to making that statement about "disgust" are abortion ("giving the life of your offspring") and homosexuals. "Though I repeatedly sent you all my servants the prophets, saying: 'You must not commit this abominable deed I hate,' they did not listen ... Therefore the fury of my anger poured forth and kindled fire ... to turn them into the ruined wasteland they are today. ... They have not followed my law and my statutes that I set before you and your ancestors." Jeremiah 44:4-10. "Thus says the Lord God: Return, turn away from your idols; from all your abominations, turn your faces. For if anyone ... keeps their idols in their hearts, setting the stumbling block of their sin before them ... I will set my face against them and make them a sign and a byword, and cut them off (ex communicate) from the midst of my people." Ezekiel 14:6-8. "Do you see the great abominations that the house of Israel is practicing here ... You shall see them practicing even greater abominations. ... Even if they cry out in a loud voice for me to hear, I shall not listen to them." Ezekiel 8:5-18. In other words, sins God hates and detests, that disgust God, are excommunicating, and cut off from the people of God and community of prayer, and God "will not listen to" such persons when they try to 'pray' to God. In essence, they are dead to God and all God's people, unless and until they repent.
4. Punishments to the persons and all the land that tolerate "abominations." "Now the end is upon you; I will unleash my anger against you; judge you according to your ways, and hold against you all your abominations." Ezekiel 7:2-6 "I will repay them double for their crimes and their sin because they have profaned my land ... and filled my heritage with their abominations." Jeremiah 16:11-18. "But as for those whose hearts are devoted to their atrocities and abominations, I will bring their conduct down upon their heads." Ezekiel 11:17-21. As briefly mentioned earlier, there are two types of punishment of the person who commits an "abomination" -- and it depends on the severity of how much that sin God hates; how much it disgusts the Creator of human nature. The first is to "cut off from God's people" (ex communicate) the person automatically, as shown in Scripture. There are lesser crimes that are "disgraceful" to God, which God forbids, such as incest, which "cut a person off" (ex communicate) in Scripture. In Leviticus 20:17, God condemns incest between a brother and a sister who have "intercourse" as "disgraceful," and commands such persons be "publicly cut off from the people." But I did not find the word "abomination" about incest; rather "disgraceful." Then there are other sins against the Real God which automatically ex communicate in Scripture, such as "seeking ghosts or spirits, or seeking counsel from the dead (heresy)," for which God warned: "Should anyone turn to ghosts and spirits ... I will turn against that person and cut (ex communicate) such a one off from among my people." Leviticus 20:6. "Let there not be found among you anyone who ... practices divination, or a soothsayer, augur, or sorcerer, or who casts spells, consults ghosts and spirits, or seeks oracles from the dead. Anyone who does such things is an abomination to the Lord, and because of such abominations the Lord, your God, is dispossessing (ex communicating) them before you." Deuteronomy 18:10-13. But there is also a class of these sins that God does see as requiring the second type of punishment for "abominations," and that is the "death penalty." "A man or a woman who acts as a medium or clairvoyant shall be put to death." Leviticus 20:27. Death penalties are reserved for abominations that gravely offend God. While many of you may struggle with "death penalties," or do not believe in such penalties, I will report them as stated in Scripture. And while you may not agree with "death penalties" for those sins, you must confess that such strong and stern language in Scripture proves that, at a minimum, such persons who commit grave "abominations" are ex communicated and therefore "cut off from the community of God's people."
5. Homosexuality "Ex Communicates" ("Cuts Off From God's People"). God is explicit in Scripture: "You shall not lay with another male as with a woman; such a thing is an abomination." Leviticus 18:22. "If a man lays with a male as with a woman, they have committed an abomination; the two of them shall be put to death." Leviticus 20:13. Jews and Christians both believe that God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah because of homosexuality, often called "unnatural vice." "Sodom, Gomorrah, and the surrounding towns, which, in the same manner as they, indulged in sexual promiscuity and practiced unnatural vice, serve as an example by undergoing a punishment of eternal fire." Jude 7:14-15. In Genesis 19 we read: "Before they went to bed, the townsmen of Sodom, both young and old ... surrounded the house [of Lot]. They called to Lot and said to him, 'Where are the men who came to your house tonight? Bring them out to us that we may have sexual relations with them.'" Genesis 19:4-5, 13-25. God therefore destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah, because of homosexuals. As to "transvestites," God forbid them also as "abominations." "A woman shall not wear a man's garment, nor shall a man put on a woman's clothing; for anyone who does such things is an abomination to the Lord, your God." Deuteronomy 22:5. Those sins, homosexuality and transvestites, gravely offend the sensibility of God the Creator of human nature, who made human beings "male and female" for copulation, to "be fertile and multiply." "male and female he created them. God blessed them and God said to them: Be fertile and multiply ..." Genesis 1:27-28. "That is why a man leaves his father and mother and clings to his wife, and the two of them become one body." Genesis 2:24. You have heard it said that "God created them Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve." That is true, and why God, the Creator of human nature, does not appreciate the blasphemers who pretend 'God allows homosexuality,' because God expressly shows in Scripture His utter disgust for the abomination of homosexuality. To pretend that God 'allows it,' is to make an "idol;" it is to make a false-god against the True God.
6. Abortion "Ex Communicates" ("Cuts Off From God's People"). God again is explicit in Scripture: "You shall not kill." Exodus 20:13; Deuteronomy 5:17. "You formed my inmost being; you knit me in my mother's womb." Psalm 139:13. "Anyone who gives his offspring to Molech (a false-god whose name is Shelom in reverse) shall be put to death ..." Leviticus 20:1-5 "Anyone who sheds the blood of a human being, by a human being shall that one's blood be shed; ... Be fertile, then, and multiply ..." Genesis 9:6-7. "Whoever takes the life of a human being shall be put to death." Leviticus 24:17. "Because you gave the life-blood of your children to idols, therefore, ... I will inflict on you the sentence of adultery and murder; I will bring on you bloody wrath and jealous anger. ... [Israel], you younger sister was Sodom and her daughters, south of you. Not only did you walk in their ways and act as abominably as they did, but in a very short time you became more corrupt in all your ways than they were. ... I swear that your sister Sodom with her daughters have done the things you and your daughters have done! ... they became arrogant and committed abominations before me; the as you have seen, I destroyed them." Ezekiel 16:15-50. As for Christianity's example on this matter, in keeping with Leviticus, Exodus, and Deuteronomy, as shown in the Code Of Canon Law of the Catholic church, abortion "ex communicates" the person. "A person who actually procures an abortion incurs a latae sententiae ex communication." Canon 1398. For God says in Scripture: "For all life is mine; the life of the parent is like (equal to) the life of the child, both are mine. Only the one who sins shall die." Ezekiel 18:4. Rephrased, that text in Ezekiel 18 makes clear there is no 'exception' 'for the life or health of the mother' when it comes to abortion. "The life of the child is equal to (like) the life of the mother, both are mine. Only the one who sins shall die." Ezekiel 18:4 rephrased. Since the baby is always more "innocent" and "sinless" than the mother, God favors always the life of the unborn child over the life of the mother. In a tough situation where it may rarely be required to choose between saving the life of the mother or saving the life of the child, the child's life come first. The right to life is sacred to the foundation of our Nation. The Declaration Of Independence is the foundation Agreement document to the Constitution of the United States. That Declaration Of Independence preserves and declares: "We hold these truths to be self evident, that all men are created equal by God and endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable right to life ..." For as God warns: "All life is mine."
7. What Is A "Procured Abortion"? A "procured abortion" is any intentional act to prevent birth ('birth control') that is abortive (abortifacient). If you willingly use any method of 'birth control' that is also abortifacient, then you are guilty of any and all foreseeable abortion(s). Abortion can be cause surgically, or by chemicals, including many methods of 'birth control' because they are abortive (abortifacients). Such intentional use of any abortive methods is automatically ex communicating. It does not, in Scripture, include any "accidents of unintentional acts" that cause harm to the unborn baby of an "innocent bystander pregnant woman." "When men have a fight and hurt a pregnant woman, so that she suffers a miscarriage, but no further injury, the guilty one shall be fined as much as the woman's husband demands of him, and he shall pay in the presence of the judges. But if injury ensues, you shall give life for life ..." Exodus 21:22-23. While I disagree that harm accidentally caused by a fight between two men is merely a "miscarriage," that can be "compensated" by a "fine," it is a passage in Scripture that must be dealt with, because it has been misused by those wanting abortion to be lawful. That text has nothing to do with "abortion." They did not intend to harm the child or to prevent birth. It can be compared to the passages in Numbers 35 about the differences between "accidentally caused deaths" and "intentional homicides." "If someone strikes another with an iron instrument and causes death, that person is a murderer, and the murderer must be put to death ... However, if someone pushes another without malice aforethought ... then the community will judge (how to punish that person, whether they get asylum or not) ..." Numbers 35:16-24. Whenever the death is caused by "intentional acts" the person is a "murderer." And there cannot be "compensation" of money by "fine" for murder. That text in Numbers 35 continues: "You will not accept compensation in place of the life of a murderer who deserves to die, but that person must be put to death." Numbers 35:31-34. There is a caveat, and that is when the mother puts herself and the child "in the zone of danger," she is no longer a mere innocent bystander; it can no longer be called a mere "accidental death," because the mother put her baby in danger willingly. And similarly, as stated earlier, when a woman used any method of 'birth control' that is abortive (abortifacient), she consented to any abortion (murder) that ensued -- she used what could cause death to a baby, and therefore cannot claim to be innocent.
8. The Selfish Plot (Heresy) To Re-Define "Human Conception" Later And Later, Beyond The Real Moment Of "Conception At Fertilization." Conception is the creative act of God, the point when there is no longer an egg cell of the woman, nor a sperm cell of the man, but a new unique created human child. Because many forms of 'birth control' prevent the conceived child from "implanting" into the mother's uterus, there has been an effort to selfishly re-define "conception" to a moment after implantation. And because other forms of 'birth control' prevent births even after implantation, and thus are post-implantation methods, causing the shedding and expulsion of the implanted child, their is also a plot to move the moment of conception to sometime even later, and later. I call this the "Implantationism Schism." It is a religion, a schism against the True Creative Right Of God, thus against True Religion. All attempts to re-define human conception to a point later than conception at fertilization are all attempts to make a false-god idolatry religion against the True God. As stated, it is idolatry, and it is an abomination. God alone defined the moment of conception at fertilization. God alone is the Author of life. Any person or group trying to re-author life to sometime after fertilization are trying to be themselves the 'authors of life.' That is a grave sin against God. It is ex communicating. Mankind must fully accept and obey the moment God created as conception, never try to invent a different 'conception.' And they did it for very obvious and selfish motives. They want abortion called 'contraceptives.' They want to sell and use what God condemns as abortion under the disguises of 'contraception.' They are wrong. And in any event, as used to be the universally held law, contraceptives are also unlawful to God. Yet this text will deal only with abortion (abortifacients) and the ex communicating effects of those methods of preventing a child from being born.
9. Voting For Abortion Or Any Homosexual "Ex Communicates." Voting is not a morally unaccountable act; rather it is always a morally accountable act in the eyes of God. If you vote in favor of a sin or sinner who God condemns as "cut off" (ex communicated), then you also are guilty in the eyes of God and "cut off" (ex communicated). If you vote in favor of procured abortions, you are guilty of all abortions that result from the vote to allow those abortions. If you vote to make a "golden calf," you are guilty of "idolatry" and are ex communicated ("cut off"). In the same way, if you vote for abortion or a homosexual, you are guilty of breaking God's laws condemning and forbidding abortion and homosexuals. If you vote to allow "euthanasia" (murder), you are guilty of both "idol worship" and all the murders committed under the label of "euthanasia." If you vote to allow drugs such as heroin to be 'lawful,' you are guilty of all the drug addictions, crimes, and deaths caused by the use of that drug heroin. And comparable to the genocide caused by millions of abortions, if you in Nazi Germany 'voted' to exterminate Jews, you are guilty of all the murders in the Holocaust. When God forbids an act, you cannot vote in favor of it to be called 'lawful.' Again, voting is accountable in the eyes of God. Moreover, you need not vote to have moral accountability, because God condemns all persons who merely 'tolerate' abortion, just as those who turned their eyes and tolerated the murder of innocent Jews in Germany. You are accountable for your actions and inactions. 'Tolerance' can be mortal sin, and itself therefore ex communicating.
10. The Right To Bare Arms, As Compared To Homosexuals In The Military. It is as simple as this: God wants the arms in the hands of those oathed to protect and defend God's true Laws; not in the hands of those oathed against God and God's true Laws. When our founding fathers decided to raise arms to "make a new nation," they did so to defend "the inalienable rights endowed by the Creator." That is the meaning of the Declaration Of Independence. In that document, they claimed to raise arms for God and country. It mentions God explicitly. In the same way, we require as law that guns be in the the hands of law abiding citizens; not in the hands to criminal gangs or traitors (treason). And we require as law that guns be in the hands of law abiding police; not in the hands of criminals (traitors) impersonating police. Our laws punish with death those who impersonate police. In the same way, our Country used to forbid "homosexuals from being in the military." They are not oathed to the real Laws of God and the old and historic Laws of our Nation which conformed to God's Law forbidding homosexuals. They are a cult, a coalition of sinners, who seek to protect and promote each other, to overthrow the traditional Laws of God and Nation. They cannot serve honestly the Real Laws. That is why they were forbidden from being in the military. Popular 'culture' has sought to role reverse that fact. They have succeeded in doing so, in many cases. But they cannot change God. They cannot change what is True Natural Law of God. Moreover, as I said, they are cult that is aggressive in trying to coerce the public to want their agendas. I years ago was in 'captive audience' situation where a man in uniform with a badge stood next to me and berated me, saying: "I do not understand people who are against same-sex marriages." He knew I am straight, and that I love God and God's true Law -- and therefore do not agree with 'same-sex weddings.' Imagine, the arms of guns are now in the hands of many as him who want to make the world accept 'gay and lesbian weddings.' They are gay and lesbian Lodge, which, as stated, oaths to promote, protect, and put in positions of trust their own members. They are oathed to each other; not to our Country. For itself, the Vatican has repeatedly stated that "freemasonry Lodge is the primary and most insidious enemy of God's true laws." Yet the Chicago police force openly calls themselves "the fraternal order of Lodge." You cannot be oathed to advance and protect sinners in Lodge, and at the same time oathed to uphold the laws of the Nation and the rights of We the Public; our Constitutional inalienable God endowed rights. Again, God wants the arms in the hands of those who will honestly defend the inalienable laws of God. And the Declaration Of Independence made clear that the Second Amendment of the United States Constitution is predicated and founded upon the duty to bare arms to protect the real "inalienable rights endowed by God," and not used as arms against God. Only those plainly and proven not oathed to a criminal cult should be allowed to be police, judges, and military.
11. Why You Never Hear Taught Today God's Real Laws, and A Few Closing Thoughts. If you did not hear before these warnings of Scripture from God, nor heard them spoken from pulpits and schools, it is because they did not want to teach it. They are guilty of that silence. They have shied away from the truth either because it was "unpopular" in the current 'culture,' or because they are themselves guilty of those acts that God forbids, and they want to pretend they can make them 'lawful;' when they cannot. And they have swallowed up and destroyed every Law of God with their 'overriding' 'dogma' of 'mercy and forgiveness for everyone.' They do not teach obedience to God's Laws; instead they teach 'forgiveness' and 'clemency' and 'do whatever you want according to you own beliefs.' They teach such idol heretical nonsense as 'Jesus set you free from God's Laws.' They are swine in shepherd's clothing. They did so to be 'popular' or 'to not turn anyone away.' They did so for money donations. They did so out of cowardice, afraid to speak publicly and loudly in favor of God's True Laws against abortion and homosexuals. And by their recent public admissions, and by their many sex scandals, they have many homosexuals and pedophiles pretending to be pastors and clergy. You cannot trust them to want and teach God's Real Laws, God's True Condemnations of them. Against them God warned repeatedly in Scripture: "I am against these shepherds ..." Ezekiel 34:2-25. "Something shocking and horrible has happened in the land: the prophets prophecy falsely, and the priests teach on their own authority; yet my people like it this way; what will you do when the end comes." Jeremiah 5:9,29-31. "Its leaders render judgment for a bribe, the priests teach for pay, the prophets divine for money ... Therefore, because of you ... Jerusalem [will be] reduced to rubble ..." Micah 3:11-12. "Yes, I am against the prophets ... those who compose their own speeches and call them oracles ... those who lead my people astray by recounting their reckless lies." Jeremiah 23:9-32. But there is also hope, the prayerful belief that God will turn this Nation around that once honestly pledged: "I pledge allegiance to ... one nation under God." There is hope that our Nation will repent and turn by to God, stop making idols of abominations, and find God's favor again. "At one moment I may decree concerning a nation or kingdom that I will uproot and tear it down and destroy it; but if that nation against whom I have decreed turns from its evil, then I will have a change of heart regarding the evil which I have decreed." Jeremiah 18:7-10. "Do not make idols for yourselves ... If you live in accordance with my statutes and are careful to obey my commandments, I will give you your rains in due season, so that the land will yield its crops, and the trees their fruit ...." Leviticus 26: 1-13.
I will post the pdf formatted booklet for this next text also, after proofing it, here. On Monotheism.pdf
Typos found, Section 1 should read: "not trying to alter," and "look at Thesauruses."
Section 6 should read: "not consult," "the dead," "then kill Saul's sons," "entire event was God"
Section 8 should read: "seems not logical" and Section 10 should read: "not as some 'spirit'"
Meditation On "Monotheism" :
The Gravest Gamble -- Violations Of Monotheism, and the End Of 'Spiritisms' and 'Ensoulment'
(c) Brian Fusonie, 2020
"I am God, there is no other; I am God, there is none like me." Isaiah 46:8-11.
"I will destroy the names of the idols from the land, so that they will be mentioned no more." Zechariah 13:2
Note: This meditation of "gambles" against Monotheism and the True Nature of God is written as a supplement meditation to the Weekly Meditation "Exams" posted earlier. In particular, this text largely integrates the teachings in the Exam entitled "Animation Theology (Intelligent Design With Animation)." While "Meditation On 'Abominations'" focused on one way of "making an idol false-god" by lying about what God permits or condemns, this text will focus primarily on errors against the Singular Existence of God; God's Nature of Existence. It integrates, however, each of the Scripture quotes in the prior text about "make no idols for yourselves." Those Scripture quotes apply equally to this current text.
Overview: Understanding the True Nature of the Monotheistic God results in true doctrine flowing from the natural conclusions about God and His Laws for mankind. On the other hand, misunderstandings about God's Nature resulted in idolatrous false-worship, wrongful 'dogmas,' and the rise of 'spiritism' that resulted in the idolatrous religion of 'ensoulment' -- which is mentioned in Roe v. Wade as part of its reason to 'legalize' abortion, and caused the murder of millions of unborn children. That use of 'ensoulment' in Roe v. Wade violated the Bill Of Rights of the United States Constitution and its express forbiddance of "Establishment Of A Religion." Moreover, 'spiritism' has resulted in many idolatrous views about 'heaven,' and the wholesale ignorance about the fact that God in Scripture promises to "make a new earth" for the good people as our afterlife (re-drawn, raised, resurrected). This text will examine the Singular Nature of God, how God creates, and the required doctrine resulting from that clear and understandable Nature of God and His creative Mind. It is my hope that from reading this text the readers becomes truly "monotheists," who are awaiting life on the "new earth" after this life, and that the readers reject all 'spiritisms' of 'ensoulment' to return to the fact that "human conception is at the moment of fertilization.." And it is my hope that together we can end Roe v. Wade and its use of the religions of 'ensoulment' as grounds for its purported 'legalization' of abortion.
1. The Contract (Covenant) Agreement To Be "Monotheistic." God offers a Contract, a Covenant Agreement, that has as its First Command to be Monotheists, worshipping and obeying the only God as God Is, and not tying to alter or invent different gods we want instead of the Real Exclusive God. "I am the Lord your God, ... You shall not have other gods beside me. You shall not make for yourself an idol ..." Exodus 20:2-4; Deuteronomy 5:6-7. "Hear, O Israel! The Lord is our God, the Lord alone!" Deuteronomy 6:4-6. God repeatedly in Scripture commands this loyalty to this "only" God, who exists "alone," that "there is no other," that "there is none like" Him. "I am God, there is no other; I am God, there is none like me." Isaiah 46:8-11. When you look a Thesauruses and Dictionaries, you find "none like me" means "none having resemblance to me." "None as; none equal to." This is the Agreement, the Covenant Contract God offered: "This day the Lord, your God, is commanding you to obey these statutes and ordinances. Be careful, then, to observe them with your whole heart and with your whole being. Today you have accepted the Lord's agreement ... And today the Lord has accepted your agreement ..." Deuteronomy 26:16-19. This is language of Contract Law of "offer and acceptance" in the formation of a valid Contract. This first condition of that "agreement" is the required promise to be Monotheistic. As we will prove, you cannot make that Agreement if you worship a 'plurality of divine persons' instead of the only existing True Person of God; the God who is alone, who has no other like Him. It is that God who made the earth. "For thus says the Lord, the creator of the heavens, who is God, the designer and maker of earth who established it, Not as an empty waste did he create it, but designing it to be lived in: I am the Lord, and there is no other. ... Turn to me and be safe, all you ends of the earth, for I am God; there is no other!" Isaiah 45:18-22. "I am the first, I am the last; there in no God but me. Who is like me? ... Is there any God but me? There is no other Rock, I know of none!" Isaiah 44:6-8. "They are without knowledge who bear wooden idols, who pray to gods that cannot save." Isaiah 45:20.
2. The Gravest Gambles -- What is a "gamble"? A "gamble" is basing a decision on what has a very low probability of coming true, or on that which cannot logically be true, or on that which is therefore forbidden. It is basing a life decision on an unexplainable alleged 'mystery' about God -- one that defies logic; something that logic cannot explain properly, or which God forbid. It is to go against God's First Commandment to instead worship what you cannot explain, and which cannot be explained because logic proves it not truthful. This text focuses on four major "gambles" of 'Christianity' that do not conform to logic: a) 'Triune god,' ('trinity of persons'); b) 'spiritualism' including 'ensoulment;' c) 'cult of the dead,' and d) 'spiritual' afterlife, as compared instead to the "bodily" afterlife on New Earth promised by God in Scripture and which conforms to logic. In prior text I wrote about "abominations" to God, that which God "hates; loathes; abhors; abominates; detests; that which disgusts God." As an example, "loathe" is defined in March's Thesaurus and Dictionary as "to abhor; to abominate." In turn, those words mean to "hate" and "detest," and obviously loathe means also to "disgust." In Scripture God warned His most strong and stern "hatred" is for sins against Monotheism, and thus the worst gamble is to accept as true anything at odds with the exclusive Nature of God as Lone Being. God often warns in Scripture to "be careful" and "be safe" to follow His Laws exactly, not gamble on what violates the Singular Person of God.
3. The "Image and Likeness of God." It says in Scripture that "God created mankind in his image" and thus "in the image and likeness of God." Genesis 1:26-27. This proof leads into the next Section on "God is not Spirit - as we thing about 'spirit.'" But here in this Section I focus on "the image and likeness" of God being "the ability to moral reason and to think like (as) God thinks," the Creator of human nature. God says in Scripture that there are "none like" Him, which means "none as" Him, "none resembling" Him. That is true with regard to God's Singular Nature of Existence. So how can we be "like" God, "as" God, "resembling" God? We imitate God by thinking rationally about the world in what we call "moral reasoning;" we are made to imitate God's own thoughts, God's sensibilities, God's Personality. We are made to obey God's sense of right versus wrong. This moral reasoning of logical thinking is what separates human beings from all other creatures. We know that is what God means by "His image and likeness" because of the Parable of the serpent and Eve: "But the snake said to the woman: ...'God knows well that when you eat of [the fruit of the tree] your eyes will be opened and you will be like gods, who know good from evil.'" Genesis 3:4. This is not a literal tale. But it makes the point that "like God" means "to know good from evil." To be made in the image and likeness of God means to be made with that moral reasoning ability: to learn and know good from evil. It cannot be as many think that 'God made us spirits as God is spirit,' because as the next Section of this texts proves, God is "not Spirit" as we often think about 'Spirit.' God has a definite Nature that we can prove on logic is not what many think about 'spirit.'
4. God is not 'Spirit' as we think about 'Spirit.' It is an unalterable law of physics for God that "only one thing can occupy a single space." God occupies the space in which God exists. We can prove therefore on logic that the only way God can "create" if for God to create in God's Mind by Mental Imaging (Authoring, Writing, Drawing) all electrons, molecules, earth, and creatures. We can also prove God is "not almighty" because God cannot cause God to cease to exist; God cannot cause God's own death. God Exists therefore because of some certain laws of physics that God cannot alter and that hold God in Existence. That means that God is a creature of some physical order -- natural law of physics in God's world -- that cause God to Exist. He is not the master of those laws of physics, but is determined by them. Therefore, God has a Body, a Nature that is dependent upon natural laws that God did not author. God is a creature of those primal physics laws. That is different from the laws of mathematical physics God designed for our world, that God animates (authors, draws, writes) in God's Mind for us. We are talking instead about the primal laws of physics in God's world that shape and hold God in Existence -- before He ever designed any created world of physics laws He decided upon. What is important here is that because God cannot cause God to die, God lives because of natural forces other than God. God cannot be 'spirit' as we thought about 'spirit.' God has a physics Body; a shape. A size. A Body dependent on those natural laws also "cannot be Infinite." God cannot be larger than those laws permit that create and hold God in Existence. No being can be "infinite." It is not physically possible. A being as God must have a definite Body, a Name Shape, a Body chemistry and physics. God's Body is also God's Mind. God Thinks. He reasons, mental images, draws in His Mind. That is how God creates. He does not have muscles and joints to move His Body. He is motionless, held in Existence by that force of Nature that created Him, and only able to Think. That is how God animates (writes, draws, authors) all creation history. God is a writer. He designs in His mind each creature, and He animates that creature with His Mind, drawing (authoring) each thought and movement. He does the same for each electron and molecule. God is a stationary Being who Thinks. God does not flow and move 'like a breeze or wind' -- as some thought about 'spirit.' Instead God writes the movement of the breeze or wind with God's Mind, and we only perceive that breeze or wind when God writes (authors) our sensory perceptions of the breeze or wind. God cannot feel His Body; He cannot feel Himself. He Thinks. And Creates. Nor can anyone 'feel God's presence.' God cannot be felt by the creatures God creates. God honestly cannot write that we 'feel' Him present at all. Honest religion, therefore, is not about 'spiritual senses of God's presence,' but instead about honest obedience to God and His Laws, and thus honest relationship with God. An honest dialogue with the God who created human nature. An honest friendship with God. We are made to reason "like" God and thus to be his little friends, sharing His sensibilities about creation and right versus wrong; His "image and likeness." Many have gone astray because of 'sensory' tests God draws, by not relying on logical thought, but instead being lured by 'sensory pleasures,' or 'sensory paranormals' about 'God's presence.' We will talk about "Tests" and "sensory Testing of God" in a later Section of this text. In that Section we discuss how God warns in Scripture that He will "test the person" to "see if they want to really Love and thus obey God at all hours, or if they will instead be lured away to disobey God's Laws." Love is obedience to God's Laws; not going after 'sensory paranormal.' Finally, while we have proven that God is "not spirit" as we think of 'spirit,' it needs to be said that as a logical conclusion of that and God's physical Nature that God cannot design nor invent 'spirit.' It is not creatable as it would have no definite body. An important conclusion from this is that, as stated above, mankind cannot be 'spirit,' and thus cannot have a 'spiritual soul,' not a 'spiritual home.' There cannot exist any 'spiritual afterlife,' nor therefore any 'spiritual heaven.' Instead God promised to "make a new earth" for our awaited afterlife.
5. The New Earth Is Our Afterlife. In Scripture there are three types of 'afterlives' that are purported, each contradicting the other: a) bodily afterlife, as Enoch and Elijah who were taken up "bodily;" b) 'spiritual afterlife;' and c) "the New Earth" where God will re-draw (raise, resurrect) us bodily. In Genesis and 2 Kings we read about Enoch and Elijah taken bodily to their afterlife. "Enoch walked with God, and he was no longer here, for God took him." Genesis 5:21-24. The NAB annotation to that passage states that Elijah was also "taken alive to God's abode." The Scripture says: "Elijah went up to heaven in a whirlwind ..." 2 Kings 2:11 The point is they must have a "bodily" afterlife. As to 'spiritual afterlife' we already proved it cannot exist, and will discuss that further in later Sections of this text. Rather, what I want to emphasize in this Section is the type of afterlife that conforms to logical thought, that can be designed, and which God promised in Scripture, that being on the "New Earth." "See, I am creating new heavens and a new earth; the former things shall not be remembered nor come to mind. ... No infant shall die ... The wolf and the lamb shall pasture together, and the lion shall eat hay like the ox. ... For see, the Lord will come in fire, ... like a stormwind; To wreak his anger in burning rage and his rebuke in fiery flames ... Just as the new heavens and the new earth which I am making." Isaiah 65:17-25; 66:15-22. And even Christians believe God will make a "new earth" for the good people to have as our afterlife. "Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth. The former heaven and the former earth has passed away." Revelations 21:1. This conforms to the ancient Jewish belief about the end time when all persons will be raised (re-drawn, resurrected) from the dead -- "from the dust where they sleep." "... everyone who is found written in the book. Many of those who sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake; Some to everlasting life, others to reproach and everlasting disgrace." Daniel 12:1-2. And on the New Earth there will not be any violations of the moral law, nor violations of the law of physics -- therefore no "tests" and "no temptations" and "no miracles." There will be no sin. God will not author any "tests" nor "miracles" that might be used to lure a person away from full obedience to God; but all will be animated (authored) at all times to obey fully each and every letter of all of God's Laws. There will be no 'apparitions,' no 'spirits,' no 'angels,' no 'spiritual sensory paranormal,' and thus no 'locutions,' no 'bi-locations;' nothing that violates the laws of physics will be drawn on New Earth. All will hear God externally, as speaking to any other person, much as Moses heard and spoke with God. Remember, your definite designed physical "body" is you sole (soul) exclusive proprietary copyright existence now, and later on New Earth. That is your future. There is no 'spiritualized heaven.' There is only the real law of physics New Earth which we await.
6. Tests From God About 'Angels,' 'Ghosts,' 'Spiritual,' and 'Cult Of The Dead.' God has no equal, no rival, nothing to tempt and test His creatures to see if they really at all times want to obey God's Laws, or instead can be lured away to sin against God and God's Laws. God designs "tests" which are reported in Scripture. "Moses answered the people, 'Do not be afraid, for God has come only to test you and put the fear of him upon you so you do not sin.'" Exodus 20:20. And God confesses in Scripture to making miracles of "signs and wonders" that are "tests," even for ungodly persons who acts as witches and mediums and false-prophets and dreamers. "If ... the sign or wonder foretold to (by the false-prophet or dreamer) comes to pass, do not listen to the word of that prophet or dreamer, for the Lord, your God, is testing you ..." Deuteronomy 13:2-5. And God confesses in Scripture to coming in disguise as the "deceiver," who "deceives" false-prophets. "As for the prophet, if he speaks deceiving words, I the Lord am the one who deceives that prophet." Ezekiel 14:9. As we have discussed, all 'spirits' cannot be designed, they are not creatable. God cannot design 'angels,' no 'spirits,' 'ghosts,' nor 'spiritual souls,' and not even God is 'spirit.' God has a law of physics Body. God tests persons in disguises as 'angels,' and 'ghosts,' and 'dead souls,' in false 'apparitions,' etc. Yet God commands us not to seek, no consult, nor be tempted and lured away by those 'spirits.' "Let there not be found among you anyone who ... consults ghosts and spirits, or seeks oracles from th dead. Anyone who does such things is an abomination to the Lord, and because of such abominations the Lord, your God is dispossessing (ex communicating) them before you. You must be altogether sincere with the Lord, your God." Deuteronomy 18:10-13. Perhaps the easiest case to prove that 'spirits' or 'apparitions of the dead' are actually God coming in disguise to "test" you is the case of Saul seeking a medium spiritist to 'conjure up the ghost of Samuel.' In 1 Samuel 28 and 31 we read a tale of Saul disobeying God's commandment to not attempt to 'seek consult from the dead.' In Samuel 28 Saul seeks a medium woman to conjure up the 'spirit' of Samuel, a then well known saint of the Jews who had died recently. Saul wanted advice from the dead Samuel, against God's Law. When the woman 'conjured up Samuel' the 'spirit of Samuel appeared' and spoke to Saul and told Saul that because he, Saul, had disobeyed God's Law and sought to conjure up the dead, God would take Saul's life and also the kill Saul's sons. In 1 Samuel 31 that came true when God authored the Philistines to take the lives of Saul and his sons. What is important about this story is that Samuel was a dead saint. A deceased holy man of God. We can prove that God would not allow any deceased saint of God to be 'conjured' up by a witch medium. But there is more. We know there cannot be 'spiritual souls,' so the entire even was God in disguise "testing" Saul, and Saul failed, so God took his life and the lives of his sons. We can prove on logic that all 'apparitions' of dead persons are hoaxes. They are God testing the earth. Another more recent case is the example of 'apparitions of the virgin Mary in Medjugorje' to one of the 'visionaries' named Mirjana. I have been there and seen Mirjana twice, once staying at her house with a group. Mirjana had the experience of an 'apparition of Mary' that told her one thing, and then when it vanished, another 'apparition of Mary' immediately appeared saying, "The first apparition was the devil in disguise." But there is no real 'devil' -- it is not designable. Rather, God has no equal, no one to test the people if they would really love God by obeying God's Laws even when 'tempted' and 'tested.' So God invented a false-devil that is used by God to "test" the earth. And in any event, it is God who would be authoring (drawing) any alleged 'apparition' of Mary, thus we know on thought that it cannot be the real Mary in either instance. Finally, there cannot exist any 'communion of spirits,' no 'communion of saints,' nor any 'unitives (unions) with God. God cannot design those; they are all hoaxes, used to tempt and test the earth. Instead, God can and does have relationship of conversation with a person; but not 'unitive' with that person, since God cannot write (cannot author) any way to 'share or co-mingle His Divine Self Nature' with any other persons. The Author (Drawer) cannot create a way to give or share Himself with a person other than a direct and honest relationship of conversation with Him. There does not exist any 'spiritual' anything. Your body is your sole (soul).
7. Tests About The Command To Be "Monotheistic." We established that God does author and design "tests" for the earth. The purpose is to see if you will rely on logical thinking and be loyal to God and His every commandment, especially the First Command to be Monotheistic. That First Commandment is most important to God, and therefore we can conclude that God would have designed some "tests" for people to be exposed to which would test whether they would be loyal, or instead lured away to false-gods, false-theology. There are three ways that God could design "tests" about "Monotheism," and those are: a) testing whether you would dare believe that God is 'more than one person;' b) testing whether you would dare believe that 'there is more than one God, but many gods;' and c) testing whether you would lie about God and what God likes versus what God hates. For the last one of those, see "Meditations On 'Abominations.'" This Section will focus on the first of those, namely the fiction that 'God is a plurality of three persons.' There are several blatant problems with the 'dogma' of the 'trinity.' One is the fact God cannot be 'infinite,' as we already discussed. The Christian 'dogma' of the 'triune persons as one God' is entirely dependent on God 'being infinite.' We will discuss that shortly. But there is another blatant problem, and that is God's Mind Speed, the speed at which God can Think is limited by the physical laws from which God is made and that hold God in Existence. God has a finite Brain Speed. Unfathomably fast. But not 'infinite speed,' and that means that God can only create creatures of certain size and variables. God, we said, has to create real definite designed math machine creatures, having real chemistry variable and brains and bodies -- all of their working parts make it so that God's animation of them is "creating" real math creatures; not God merely playing games with imaginary fictional 'creatures.' It is much the same thing as designing real artificial intelligence "life." If the machine is not complex enough, there is not "creation" of an independent math program "life." But God also cannot create something very large, let alone something 'equal in image to God Self.' God must limit the size of His creatures, and this fact also proves that God cannot invent an enormous large expansive 'Son,' -- let alone something 'infinite' in size; for God is not 'infinite.' The Christian 'dogma' of the 'triune God' of 'three persons being one God' depends entirely on false logic that 'God is infinite and that when an infinite being thinks of (reflects upon) Himself, that 'reflection' of Self automatically is another 'person' -- 'the son,' who is 'the infinite image of the Father.' It is absurd! The biggest gamble. We have already shown God is not infinite. Moreover, thoughts about Self cannot be a 'separate person.' Nor do Christians explain logically how there are 'three persons' of a 'trinity,' merely saying that the 'holy spirit proceeds from the infinite love of the Father for the Son, and the Son for the Father.' It makes no logical sense, and cannot be explained as such. It is a gamble against Monotheism. God could, however, create a "son," but only that which God's real size and real thought speed processes can create -- and it would not be the false dogma of "the Word." Such a "son" would not be infinite, and would not be divine. He would be a creature, and in all likelihood would have a size comparable to actual creatures -- because God must design an actual math body and math intelligence program for such a "son." We can conclude, there is no such large machine "son." There is only God and His creatures. Remember, an expansive non-math body, an expansive non-math program 'son, would merely be God playing games with God's Self with an imaginary hoax 'son,' as a child plays games with an imaginary 'friend.' That is not a "son;" nor is it "creating." A final thought for this section, the catholic recited 'Creed' about this in an oxymoron, as it negates itself by its own wording. It says "eternally begotten, not made." "Eternally begotten" is an oxymoron, as "eternal" means "time without beginning," and "begotten" ("to beget") means "created," "generated," "to cause to come into existence." The words self-negate themselves. And in any event, we know on logic that God is made of certain laws of primal physics that hold God in Existence, whether God wants to Exist or not. Hence, God cannot be "from time without beginning." God had a beginning. And therefore his 'son' -- if one existed -- could not be "eternal," let alone "eternally begotten." And "begotten, not made" is also oxymoronic. It negates itself, because "begotten" means to be "created," "made."
8. All 'Incarnations' Are Hoaxes; As Are 'Redeemer' and 'Resurrection.' If God stopped animating (authoring) us into existence, we would all vanish. The same is true of any 'son,' he would be a product (created, generated, made) of God's Mind, who if God stopped animating him into existence, he also would vanish -- if he existed, but he does not. God cannot invent a way to change His primal substance to become something different, let alone find a way to change His substance permanently. It cannot exist. One addition "test" about loyalty to monotheism, therefore, is God testing the earth on whether some of its people would dare believe that God changed His Substance to 'become something different' -- to become 'incarnate.' In the case of Christianity, its 'dogma' is that God became an incarnate 'man.' Again, so deifying any person, as Jesus, who claimed to be 'God incarnate,' is a violation of the First Commandment and is idol worship. The worst violations of the First Commandment include a person claiming to be 'God.' It is blasphemous; idolatry. We can prove on logic that God cannot be 'incarnate.' God is the Author of creatures, God draws them and all creation. The Drawer cannot be drawn. The Author cannot write Himself to be a different Body than His real Body physics in the primal world in which God Exists. He cannot draw or write Himself to become something different; He cannot draw Himself to become a 'man.' Jesus cannot be God. We can knowing this now read John 1 and prove it to be a hoax. John 1:1-5, 14 reads: "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things came to be through him, and without him nothing came to be. What came to be through him was life, and this life was the light of the human race ... And the Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us." This is a "test" against monotheism. It cannot be true, as we have proven. As to the 'dogma' of 'resurrection,' it also cannot be true. Jesus claimed to be 'God,' and that he, Jesus, has "the authority to lay down his life, and to take it up again to life." That is heresy. First, God draws (authors, writes) all created world existence. The proper word for being raised from the dead is actually "re-drawn" to life -- as will be done on the New Earth. God draws it. God draws a person dies. And then God draws a person alive again. God is not a 'life force' -- God cannot share His Existence Life with others. He created life, but cannot share His Life Existence. He cannot share His primal law of physics Life with any other. There are some who believe that 'God is a life force that raises persons from the dead by placing His life back into a dead person.' That is heresy. Jesus could not claim to have the power to lay down his life and to restore himself to life. Nor is it 'resurrection,' but instead 're-drawn' to life. Finally, as to the 'dogma' of 'redeemer,' it also cannot exist. Remember, if God stopped animating us into existence, we would vanish, as would any 'son.' We are created by God, who animates all our motion and thoughts, based on a life program -- much like artificial math intelligence designed 'life' -- and thus we have no real absolute 'free-will.' We have math designed "simulated free-will.' We have the best artificial simulated 'free-will' programs that can be invented, for we are designed and authored by the Master, God. An intellect like no other. A 'son' being drawn (animated) by God would have no more 'free-will' than any other creature. Without true absolute "free-will" being able to be designed by God, there cannot be real "atonements." Therefore, there cannot be real 'redeemer,' no 'co-redeemers,' nor 'cooperation with the redeemer.' Those are entirely hoaxes. The 'dogma' of 'holy redeemer' cannot exist. Jesus cannot 'atone' for another. He cannot 'redeem' another. Jesus cannot protect you from having to obey each and all of God's Laws. Jesus cannot 'save' you from God's anger. We will discuss briefly in a later section the subject of the afterlife and also of Hell and whether there exists any 'everlasting punishment' when there is no absolute real 'free-will,' but God draws (animates, authors) all of our existence. We have already seen that "God tests persons" as to their loyalty to God, despite the fact we do not actually have absolute real 'free-will,' but have instead "simulated free-will" math program created existence. But "everlasting punishment" in a 'Hell' when there cannot exist true 'free-will' seems no logical; it would not be a "Good God" who punished forever for sins which God actually drew (animated, authored). God draws all.
9. All 'Religions' That Begin With The 'Apparition' Of An 'Angel' Are Hoax Religions. I here refer to a summary paragraph about this in "Animation Theology," particularly Sections 6 and 51, which read: "There is nothing 'spiritual' because God is not 'spirit,' and God cannot create 'spiritual souls.' Spirit would have no definite body. It cannot be designed. Our body is our sole (soul) proprietary copyright existence. All 'spiritual' is hoax. It is as tests. There are no ghosts. There are no spirits. There are no spiritual souls. All those are hoaxes, tests of our honesty." (Section 6). "There are no angels. Any time a 'religion' begins with the 'apparition of an angel,' we know without any doubt it is a hoax religion." (Section 51). Many of today's 'religions' commenced with the 'apparition of an angel.' For example, Muslims claim the 'angel Gabriel appeared repeatedly to Mohammed' to teach him God's laws. The Mormons claim 'the angel Moroni appeared to Smith and gave him a book, and a history, with laws from God.' But the primary example is Christianity, which believes it commenced when 'the angel Gabriel appeared to Mary telling her she would conceive the son of God.' Luke 1:26-35 reads: "In the sixth month, the angel Gabriel was sent from God to a town of Galilee called Nazareth, to a virgin ... [whose] name was Mary. And coming to her, he said ... 'Behold, you will conceive in your womb and bear a son, and you shall name him Jesus. He will be great and will be called the Son of the Most High ... The holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you. Therefore the child to be born will be called holy, the Son of God." We have already proved that God is not 'Spirit.' And there is no 'triune persons of God,' and no 'third person holy Spirit.' And there are no 'angels.' All spiritual 'apparitions' are "tests." This is perhaps the greatest "test," the gravest gamble, against Monotheism in the world -- the belief that God has a 'son' 'incarnate' by 'the power of the holy Spirit' over a virgin. It is a seductive "test" because it appeals to a sense of mankind to have a God who understands our human condition. But that also is false logic, because God does know and understand our human condition to the minutest of details, molecular, bodily, hourly, daily he draws all facets of our lives. However, that Drawer cannot be drawn as a 'man.' It is impossible.
10. The End Of The Fictional 'Dogma' Of 'Ensoulment,' And How Roe v. Wade Violated The Establishment Clause. When I used to believe in 'spiritual,' I at least knew there could not exist a separate moment when a child is conceived at fertilization from when a 'child is ensouled with a spiritual soul.' I knew it had to happen all at once; that there cannot be two things that are one thing, and that a child could not after fertilization (conception) have some later point at which it becomes possessed (ensouled) with a spirit. That is illogical, and is two things -- not one singular created human person. Yet then I realized there still would be two things, not one person, two lives, not one: a conceived bodily child, and a conceived spirit soul. Again, it made no sense. It is a math reality and even a limit to God's creative abilities that "two things cannot be one same thing; a body and soul paradigm cannot be "one created child." Then I realized in prayer that our physical body is our sole (soul, exclusive) existence -- our sole proprietary copyright life. It is that copyright that God must honor as our created "self." We are created at the moment of conception of our body (soul) at fertilization. Our body is our soul. And as we grow and gain experience (memories), God keeps track of all our data, all our life experience, and will re-draw (raise, resurrect) us on the New Earth with all those memories (all that data). We will exist "bodily," not a some 'spirit.' And on the New Earth there will be no 'spirits,' and there will be no more "tests, trials, and temptation." God will not there draw any more sin. It will be as God's repentance, when God authors the end of all sin, and the end of all sickness. You were conceived at fertilization, a body, to one day live as your body on that New Earth. As to the heresy of 'ensoulment,' those who sought to 'legalize' the abortion of unborn children used that fiction of 'ensoulment' to argue that 'a child is not conceived at fertilization, but instead at some later trimester when God ensouls them with a spiritual soul.' It is hoax. Roe v. Wade mentions the 'dogma' of spirtual 'ensoulment' to justify 'legalizing' abortion. It is an oxymoron. 'Ensoulment' cannot exist. There is not possible the paradigm of a child conceived at single cell at fertilization who does not somehow become 'human conception' until some much later point -- some 'trimester' -- when God infuses a 'spiritual soul' into the child making him or her 'human.' Again, this is nonsense! It is a 'Religion' against the True Religion of God. Much as the "Implantationism Schism" I wrote about in "Meditation On 'Abominations,'" they also made the 'Ensoulment Religion' out of selfish manipulative desire to find a way to 'legalize' the murder of unborn children in the womb. Make no mistake, it is a Religion! It is a Schism against the Real Laws of God and how God creates a human child at fertilization. Any attempts to re-define human conception to "implantation," or even later to some fictional date of 'ensoulment' are both Religions against God. And the Supreme Court's use of the religion of 'ensoulment' in Roe v. Wade therefore violates the Establishment Clause of the Bill Of Rights of the United States Constitution. The only definition of "human conception" that does not violate the Establishment Clause is the "bodily" definition of "human conception at fertilization, when there is no longer the egg cell of the woman, nor the sperm cell of the man, but a new created unique human child." The solution to ending abortion is to end all spiritisms -- especially the heresy of 'ensoulment.' Spiritisms lead to the errant belief that 'man is other than mere body, but rather a spirit.' And those errors all contribute to the heresy of 'ensoulment,' which leads to abortion. The answer is returning to the fundamental truth that we are drawn (authored, designed and written) by God with copyright existence at the moment of conception at fertilization. Our 'soul' is our "body."
11. A Few Closing Thoughts About God. God knows time. Before God created the universe, God sat and thought. God knew God could not alter God's Existence, He could not cause His own death, but is dependent upon the laws of physics that make Him Exist and hold him in Existence. Those laws make God round. That is God's Name Shape: Round. A very large, bigger than the universe created Being, who designed all the laws of physics we know in the universe, our world, to mimic the objective real laws of physics which made God and hold God in Existence. For that reason, God knew that gravitational force would make round bodies -- i.e., the universe, the stars, and the planets. Before creating the universe, God knew time as God's "speed of thinking." The "perceived changes in God's thoughts; the speed at which God can think." God cannot change time, but is a creature of laws of physics. God cannot change those primal laws of physics, so God knows time, and is not outside of time, but is dependent upon the linear space time of the laws of physics that hold Him in Existence. When God created the universe, God's animation of the universe also is limited to linear space time. There are "tests" against loyalty to that fundamental truth about God which instead purport that "God invented time, and God can manipulate and alter time, and go back or forward in time." Those are all hoaxes; tests. God can test you about that by writing scripted appearance that He is 'outside of time,' such as by knowing what He will draw (write) in the future and then linear space time drawing exactly that. If you hear that 'God foresaw the future,' that is hoax. Rather, God knew what God wanted to author (write) in the future and announced it. Then God linear space time drew it to come true in the future, without ability to foresee the future. God is stuck in time. God cannot foresee the future any more than we can. But God can draw "tests" about that, and does, as when God announced there would be World Wars and then they were later linear space time drawn by God to come true. Do not be deceived when you see foretelling of the future and its comes true. God did not do it by 'foreseeing the future.' God drew it in linear space time. As to the Round Nature of God, there is an important point to make. God is not any gender; not female, nor male. God is His own Specie, and has no gender. But God has a Name Shape, and we are created in God's Round Bossom (Body, Mind) as a child in a mother's round womb. God has a Maternal Name Shape, a Maternal Nature when creating creatures. We often call God the "Father of creation," but it is equally, if not more true that God is the "Mother of all creatures." A Round Mother Name Shape. Mother O. Finally, as to 'everlasting punishments' in a 'hell' when there is no real free-will, as we stated earlier, would not be a "Good God." Yes, while God "tests" persons, and warns of 'hell' if you disobey God, there, in my mind, cannot be everlasting Hell for any person. First, because we have no absolute real free-will. Secondly, because God has promised a "New Earth," and therefore to end all 'hell' when God creates the New Earth. Third, I believe that for most people, as Daniel alluded to, will be "re-drawn" on New Earth to live anew, without having experience any passage of time from when they die, to when they are as Daniel wrote "awake" again on New Earth. They will merely not exist in the between time. God will remember them and will re-draw (raise, resurrect) them. That is why poets in Scripture wrote "they sleep in the dust" after death, but at the end time they will "awake." It is my belief that there will be no more 'Hell' when God creates the New Earth, when God will not draw any more punishments and no more sin. There will be no more "testings," and no more "idolatries," and all will know and obey the True Doctrine of God's Nature. One final thought about "just punishment," while it makes no sense to punish forever persons who had no real free-will, God has a right and did command that His people "purge the sinners from among God's people," i.e., to "cut them off from the community." As stated in Deuteronomy, "Thus shall you purge the evil from your midst." Deuteronomy 13:6. The purpose of such "purge" is to prevent those who failed God's "tests" and sinned from causing others to sin with them. It is a different type of punishment, one with a just purpose. And while you may not agree with the "death penalties" God warns of in Scripture, the strong language God uses makes it clear that, at a minimum, such persons are "cut off from the community (ex communicated)" who commit sins which are grave offences against God. Yet at the time of Jesus, the sin for claiming to be 'God' was "death." Whatever you feel about the death penalty, the Jews took serious any idolatries against the Monotheistic rights of God. To me, it makes no sense to give the "death penalty" when there is no real free-will, except to prevent and deter others from also sinning, as God states in Scripture to "purge the evil from among the people." I end with this prayer: "God, we know there cannot be a 'spiritual heaven,' and that you have designed and make us your creatures to live anew on New Earth. May all the world learn your True Nature and how you create us daily, and be prepared to live with you on your New Earth one day. And may you end all 'spiritualizations,' especially end the idolatry of 'ensoulment,' and protect and give birth to each unborn child you create at the moment of conception at fertilization. Amen." On Ten Commandments.pdf
Typos or alterations noticed when proof reading:
Introduction should read "no less than" (not "then")
Section 2 "if you are not planning" (not "is"). Section 3 "does not mean"
Section 6 "is easier than" (not "if"). Section 10 "honest labor."
Meditation On The Ten Commandments ("Decalogue"):
An Integrated Look At The Laws Of God
(c) Brian Fusonie, 2020
Note: As the world suffers its first COVID-19 virus pandemic, I thought it a good time to meditate on the "Ten Commandments" ("Decalogue") as they are listed in Deuteronomy 5:6-21. The current coronavirus epidemic will pass, but whether we experience a new one will depend on whether we respond to God with the current epidemic. It is therefore a good time to renew our vows to God and to seek to make the Covenant (Contract) that God promised will protect us from diseases and other manifestations of God's wrath.
"Every word that I command you, you shall be careful to observe, neither adding to it nor subtracting from it." Deuteronomy 13:1
Introduction: There is a mistake among some that God only has ten laws. Nothing is further from the truth. God has well over twenty additional Laws given with the same force as the Ten Commandments, and which are equally integrated into the Covenant (Contract) of God's Laws. When making the Covenant, God used contract law of "offer and acceptance" of the entirety of God's Laws. See Deuteronomy 26:16-19. It was to all His Laws, not only the ten laws called the "Ten Commandments," that God said to "neither add" to them "nor subtract" from the full body of His Laws -- the entire "Book of Law." Then when again ratifying the Covenant (Contract) when Joshua took over from Moses, God warned the people: "Only be strong and steadfast, be careful to observe the entire law which Moses my servant enjoined on you. Do not swerve from it either to the right or to the left ... Do not let this book of law depart your lips. Recite it by day and night; that you may carefully observe all that is written in it." Joshua 1:1-9. The Ten Commandments comprise only a part of the "book of law" given Moses. The other Laws are equally important, and are, as stated in this text, necessarily and inextricably integrated into the First Commandment to "make no idol." When you lie to pretend 'God has only ten commandments,' you made an "idol" false-god. Hence, while this text meditates on the Ten Commandments, let us also remember and obey the entire Laws in God's Book of Laws. As example, God equally gave Moses the commandment not to tolerate homosexuals, but to condemn them: "You shall not lay with another male as with a woman; such a thing is an abomination." Leviticus 18:22. "If a man lays with a male as with a woman, the two of them shall be put to death." Leviticus 20:13 While you may disagree with the "death penalty," the command is clear, and it is inextricably part of the First Commandment to obey God as He Is, not how you want Him to be. As stated in "Meditation On 'Abominations,'" such strong language used by God makes clear that homosexuals, at a minimum, are "cut off" from God's people (ex communicated). And that commandment against homosexuals is equal to, and no less then, all other commandments such as "not to steal." And when you pretend that God 'allows homosexuals' (which He does not), you stole from God His Law and His Good Name. Moreover, one can easily make the case that God commands the end of homosexuals even more than to prevent stealing of money -- this because the anger, the disgust, the use of the loathing word of "abomination," and the penalty are more severe in God's tone toward homosexuals than toward stealing. Both are equal commandments, but one has more severe disgust towards it and penalty in the words of God. Remember, we must be "altogether sincere" with God in order to obey the First Commandment. In short, while there are about twenty or more additional Laws of God made as equally stern commandments of God, this text will focus on only those called the "Ten Commandments," or "Decalogue."
1. The First Commandment: "I am the Lord your God ... You shall not have other gods beside me. You shall not make for yourself an idol ..." Deuteronomy 5:6-7. This command is to Monotheism. See Meditation On Monotheism and Meditation On "Abominations" for the rules governing the belief in One God and the ways people make an "idol false-god" -- namely by a) believing that God is 'plural persons;' or b) believing there are 'plural gods;' or finally by c) lying about what God likes versus hates. As such, the First Commandment necessarily integrates all other Laws of God. As stated earlier, when you lie about any Law of God, you make a false-god "idol;" it is "idol worship." But there are other ways you violate the First Commandment by making an "idol" for yourselves. Here is a list. Money can be an idol, a false-god, you want more than to obey the real Laws of God. When you do anything unlawful in the Eyes of God to secure a payment or money, you made an idol of that money. There is a commandment against "Stealing," but also anytime you steal, you made a false-god of money. Or you can make an idol by refusing to speak God's True Laws out of fear of losing money, or fear of losing donations. Or refusing to donate or tithe because you do not like that a cleric of God actually speaks God's true laws, which you hate. You made an idol. Or working for a company that violates God's Laws. Or donating money to candidates who favor abortion; thus donating money to violate God's Law condemning and forbidding abortion. You made an idol. Or placing what your spouse wants ahead of what God wants, as when she wants to watch together a movie or television program God hates. Or you do something against God's Laws with friends, or out of "peer pressure." You made an idol. Or you can put nation ('country') above God by tax funding abortions, which you must refuse to do if to be obedient to God. If your 'nation' asked you - as in Germany - to exterminate the Jews, you must refuse and do all in your power to protect the Jews and end the Holocaust. The same is true about abortion. Or you can put a 'pope' above God by obeying the 'pope' instead of obeying the clear and plain language Laws of God against contraceptives, abortion, and homosexuals, for examples. As Meditation On Monotheism makes clear, 'popes' are fallible, for there cannot exist a 'plural persons' God. Obviously, they are not infallible. In short, whoever or whatever you wanted more than obeying God's True Laws became your "idol;" you chose it instead of obeying God. This includes idolizing 'celebrities.' God's Laws matter; not the opinions of 'celebrities.' Or 'idolizing opinion polls' about what 'should be lawful or not' -- instead of obeying the objective Laws of God. And today many 'idolize athletes' and as stated the 'media,' including television, movies, games, sports, etc. Finally, there is 'idolizing Jesus.' See Meditation On Monotheism for proofs that Jesus cannot be divine 'person' of God. Hence, you must always obey the clear Laws of God, not what you want or think 'Jesus would do instead.' You made an idol. In addition, there are many different versions of 'Jesus' and different versions of his 'teachings,' including many contradicting 'denominations.' They certainly cannot be trusted; nor are they right. Obedience to them instead of to God's plain language Laws, is to make a idol of them. Better always to follow God and His Laws "in their entirety," "exactly" as written. No 'denomination' has the power to change any letter of any of God's commandments. To pretend they do is to make a "idol."
2. The Second Commandment: "You shall not invoke the name of the Lord, your God, in vain. For the Lord will not leave unpunished anyone who invokes his name in vain." Deuteronomy 5:11. People wrongly "invoke the name of God" in many ways. It is a commandment that modern society tramples over daily. We "invoke His name in vain" whenever we wrongfully, without obedience to each of His Laws, invoke His name. The Congress and courts have you recite: "I swear to tell the truth ... so help me God." You say that invocation of God in vain is you are not planning to tell the whole truth; if you plan to lie. Similarly, when you say: "As God is my witness ..." or "As God is my judge ..." -- you invoke God in vain if you are not telling the truth when you so invoke God. The same is true when you casually say: "Halleluiah!," ("Praise be to God"), about matters that actually offend God. Or when you casually say: "Oh my God! (OMG)." Again, if what you are invoking God about in fact is not lawful in the Eyes of God or offends Him, then you say such invocation of God "in vain." It is the same when people casually bid someone "Adieu." Or when you casually say: "Thank God," for something that God does not like. Or when you say: "God damn it!" But perhaps the worst form of invoking God's name in vain is when people say: "We ask this in your name God," or "We come in your name God," or "We pray in your name Lord." You cannot make such invocation of God's name if you are not obeying and remaining obediently in the "full scope" of God's every Law. "In your name" is Agency Law -- Law of Contract (Covenant) -- where an agent is commissioned to act "in the name of the principal" to do "in the name of that principal" as specific service. As long as the agent remains "in the scope of the exact agency commissioned" then the person remains the principal's "agent," and "acts in the name" of the principal. If the agent steps outside the specific scope of the agency commissioned, then he or she is no longer the principal's agent. They lose the right to say they are acting "in the name of" the principal person. The same is true of service for God. You must remain faithful to the full scope of each and all of God's Laws to remain His agents, those able to say they are acting "in God's name." Finally, you take the Lord's name in vain when you wrongly call a sinner a "godly man," or a "God fearing woman." You cannot be casual with the use of God's name. Apply it only when it is certain and true. And there is one additional point, you must be careful that when invoking God you are not breaking the commandment to "not put God to the test." "You shall not put the Lord, your God, to the test. ... But keep the commandments of the Lord, your God, and the decrees and the statutes he has commanded you. Do what is right and good in the eyes of the Lord, that it may go well with you ..." Deuteronomy 6:16-18. In the Eyes of God; not in your own 'opinion.' Be careful. "You shall not do as we are doing here today, everyone doing what is right in their own eyes ..." Deuteronomy 12:8. We must "return to the Lord, your God, obeying his voice, according to all that I am commanding you today, you and your children, with your whole heart and your whole being." Deuteronomy 30:2,6,10. And finally, about "vows to God," those are also invocations of God. "When a man makes a vow to the Lord or binds himself under oath to a pledge, he shall not violate his word, but must fulfill exactly the promise he has uttered." Numbers 30:3. We must be altogether honest when we pledge: "I pledge allegiance to ... one nation under God."
3. The Third Commandment: "Observe the Sabbath day -- keep it holy, as the Lord, your God, commanded you. Six days you may labor and do all your work, but the seventh day is a Sabbath of the Lord your God. You shall not do any work" Deuteronomy 5:12-14. An additional related commandment to this is: "Do not make idols for yourselves. ... Keep my Sabbaths, and reverence my sanctuary. I am the Lord." Leviticus 26:1-2. Avoid idolatry at all hours, everyday, but especially make every effort to avoid mentioning any idol or offending the Lord with any other forms of idolatry on the Sabbath Day. "You shall not mention the name of any other god; it shall not be heard from your lips." Exodus 23:13. Make certain to keep God's sanctuary clean and clear of all idolatrous symbols, names, or relics. Be careful not to offend God in His sanctuary by breaking any of His commandments. And do not do any work for hire, with some essential exemptions for necessary life saving and peace keeping services as hospitals, doctors, police, military, etc., who may work on the Sabbath. This does not mea that you cannot help raise a new barn for your neighbor after it was destroyed by wind the night before. And it does not mean you cannot fix your neighbor's car that broke down on the way to Sabbath worship. You must then help your neighbor and fix his car that he can drive his family to attend Sabbath service. The Law to "love your neighbor" is not altered on the Sabbath, but continues to exist -- if not even more important and of emphasis on the Sabbath. And be careful what you "relax" with on the Sabbath; a day for recreation, not sin. Do not watch television programs or stations that offend God. But stay up on the news of the day and current affairs that you need to know to be a productive and informed member of society. The Sabbath gathering was always a day of informing the community; but today those teachings are few and references to how to apply God's Laws in current affairs is largely missing. Your best source of news may be the television, which also has on it many stations and programs that offend God. So be careful, watch what you know God will accept and approve as your Sabbath duty. And since the Sabbath is a day for recreation and fun with and for God, family, and community, it is appropriate to participate in fun activities such as recreational sports. But I struggle with sports that have violence, and am grateful my own favorite sport of ice hockey banned body checks from youth hockey. I worry about what God thinks of college and professional sports that have violence as part of the games. Not only on the Sabbath; but even more on the Sabbath. Amateur athletics are not "work for hire." But professional sports are "work for hire." So I also think about how that fits into Sabbath Day of worship and recreational activities as duty to God and one another. I am a hockey purist; I love the sport, but hate the violence. It can do without it. There are many good lessons to be learned from recreational sports and team work, but violence and injuring other participants should not be one of them. I pray for athletics to be cleaned up, for God.
4. The Fourth Commandment: "Honor your father and your mother, as the Lord, your God, has commanded you." Deuteronomy 5:16. The important legal phrase in this commandment is the phrase "as the Lord, your God, has commanded you." Hence, "as commanded," "as consistent with all God's commandments," and never against any of God's other commandments. Therefore, honor your father and mother as long as they are faithfully obedient to God's Laws. But if your father or mother commit what is grave sin that "cuts them off" from the people of God, you must not honor them. They are ex communicated. When there are two or more commandments, you must reconcile them as one consistent Law of God; i.e., the commandment to "honor your parents," and the commandment to "cut them off" if they commit grave sin. These are one same commandment. "Honor" also does not mean to "obey." Rather "honor" is defined as "esteem paid or due to worth; high rank or place; respect." You can obey them on matters that do not offend God, but you do not need to obey them, as long as you honor them. But you cannot honor nor obey them in ways that offend God. It means to be grateful to those who brought you into the world. And to those who raised you to know and obey God's Laws. Do not disrespect them over matters that are not violations of God's Laws. Do not bring dishonor to them by in any way breaking one of God's Laws. For example, do not steal, for your parents did not raise you to steal, and when you steal, Scripture says you "bring dishonor to your parents." "If a priest's daughter debases herself by prostitution, she thereby debases her father;" Leviticus 21:9. That is only one of the examples where Scripture says the sin of a son or daughter "brings dishonor" to the parents. If you catch your parents breaking the law, such as stealing, you must obey God and turn them in to be prosecuted. To do so is to honor God. If you catch your father in adultery, you must tell your mother and the people of God. To do so is to honor God. And the people have a right to know that your father broke the marriage contract, and thus to treat them as no longer contractually married, as in Scripture. But do not bring yourself any unlawful shame to your parents. Scripture warns of even the ultimate penalty of "death" for any son or daughter who defiantly refuses their parent's efforts to get them to obey God's Laws. See Deuteronomy 21:18-21. I am not advocating the "stoning" of sons and daughters, as in Scripture, but to "cut them off" from the people. If a son deals drugs, then you must cut him off from the family and turn him in to be prosecuted. A child who obeys God's Laws is the pride and joy of any parents. They bring no shame or dishonor to their parents.
5. The Fifth Commandment: "You shall not kill." Deuteronomy 5:17. For this law as it relates to the condemnation of all abortions, see Meditation On "Abominations." This commandment forbids all willful murder, including any and all gambling with human lives. But it does not in any way include the "death penalty," for God punished in Scripture the offense of murder with the "death penalty." "Whoever takes the life of any human being shall be put to death." Leviticus 24:17. While you may not agree with the death penalty, you must confess that such strong language by God toward murder means, at a minimum, that murderers are cut off from the people of God, and should be thus punished with life imprisonment or death. As to gambling with human lives, you may not do anything that gambles with death of another. If you have a transmittable disease as COVID-19, you shall not go around and hug eighty year old men or women, for they might become infected by you with the virus and may die from it. If you have a sexually transmittable disease, including HIV, you shall not engage in sexual activity. You may infect another, and that itself is willful harm of another; but you also may cause their death. You may not drive a vehicle drunk or on drugs, for you can foresee that it may result in an accident that causes the death of you or another. The Fifth Commandment also forbids "euthanasia" or "mercy killings," and also all "doctor assisted suicides." Each of those are murders. But there is more. Do not turn a blind eye to drug addictions, because your blind eye may result in a person's overdose and death. Do not turn a blind eye to severe poverty and starvation, but help feed those most vulnerable. Do not selfishly refuse to treat potentially treatable cancers, for God wants you to make every rational and good faith effort to save one's life. While pregnant, do not ingest anything that may cause harm to your unborn child; nor engage in any activities that could result in the harm or death of your unborn child. You must be careful with all human lives, especially the unborn. Finally, as to drug dealers or drug users, your actions willfully put others or yourselves in potential overdose and thus you consent by your actions to murder. Each drug deal and each drug use are potentially lethal. Drug dealers are guilty of any and all deaths that result from their sales of drugs. As such, drug dealing and drug use of potentially lethal drugs violate the Fifth Commandment.
6. The Sixth Commandment: "You shall not commit adultery." Deuteronomy 5:18. This commandment covers more than body infidelity. The marriage contract has as one of its essential terms the vow to be faithful to your spouse with your body, eyes, thoughts, and heart. Any moments where you are unfaithful with your eyes, thoughts, and heart are equally adultery as when you are unfaithful with your body (genitals) with a person other than your spouse. I am not talking about "temptations," but am talking about willingly lusting for another person with your eyes, mind, or heart -- and that lusting for a person other than your spouse is itself adultery. It is a breach of the marriage contract. However, God reserved the strictest punishment for body infidelity. "If a man commits adultery with his neighbor's wife, both the adulterer and the adulteress shall be put to death." Leviticus 20:10. "If a man is discovered laying with a woman who is married to another, they both shall die ... Thus shall you purge the evil from Israel." Deuteronomy 22:22. Again, you may disagree with the "death penalty," but you must admit that such strong language from God means that, at a minimum, the adulterer and adulteress are "cut off" from the people of God (ex communicated). Adultery terminates the marriage contract, both because it breaks the essential nature of the marriage contract, one of its material essential conditions, and because the persons are cut off (ex communicated). For both or either of those reasons the marriage is ended. No contract survives ex communication, especially the marriage contract. But it is ended anyway by the fact that the contract's essential terms was broken. Matthew 19:6-9 is heresy. It states: "Therefore, what God has joined together, no human being must separate." Mt 19:6. "He said to them, 'Because of the hardness of your hearts Moses allowed you to divorce your wives, but from the beginning it was not so. I say to you, whoever divorces his wife (unless the marriage is unlawful [null, invalid]) and marries another commits adultery." Mt 19:8-9. That text lacks any understanding of Contract Law. There is only one Law of Contract authored by God. And God cannot invent some different type of 'contract law' for marriage. It is a contract, and when a contract has its material essential term broken, then the contract is automatically terminated. It does not revive merely when one party wants it to start over. Rather, the parties must go back to square one and prove themselves able (contractual competence, contractual capacity) to actually perform at all times a marriage contract. That takes a lengthy time to prove and establish such material competence to make a contract as special and of such length as the marriage contract. Examples of non-bodily adultery include flirting with a neighbor's wife. Or drooling over an actress or celebrity. Watching porn is also adultery of the eyes, mind, and heart. And then there are actors and actresses who profess to be married to someone else, but who during their 'acting' kiss a person other than their alleged spouse. That kiss is adultery. The mere agreeing to so 'act' out a kiss on television or stage is adultery. Marriage is a serious life-long duration contract (covenant) that requires to make it the promise and proven ability to be faithful with your body, eyes, mind, and heart. While God authored the marriage contract, God does not join them, rather God is witness to whether the persons are able to marry and are actually honestly making valid marriage vows to one another. In that sense, God does 'join them' by witnessing to their vows. If God knows a person is not truthfully exchanging marriage vows, or has proven they are not competent to be faithful at all hours to a spouse, then they do not marry validly. In addition, God spoke to Moses, and Moses allowed divorce. Both divorce and annulments are valid terms, but the real term is "contract broken," or "contract never made," respectively. I believe that the reason Moses allowed divorce is because forced sexual contract with a person you no longer want to live with is a form of sexual slavery. A contract can be broken by either party, at any time, with repercussions however and stern disapproval from God and His people. But the persons wanting out of marriage must do it right; they must seek either divorce or annulment, whichever applies to them, and not engage in adultery. They must terminate or have declared null the marriage lawfully, then they can, after duration, possibly seek to marry a different person. But it is difficult in the eyes of God to establish "marital competency," and that takes a duration of time of proven obedience to God's Laws. Better to be careful who you marry, and then stay faithful for life. Remaining faithful with your body, eyes, mind, and heart to your spouse if easier than breaking the marriage and then having to prove that you can for life duration be faithful to a new spouse -- which is required before you can validly marry again.
7. The Seventh Commandment: "You shall not steal." Deuteronomy 5:19. This commandment forbids any effort to obtain money or property by dishonest means. It includes any efforts of employer or employee to avoid "fair wages for fair labor." Honest labor means labor that is reasonably efficient, not lazy, but on par with what can be rationally expected for that specific labor or industry. It thereby also includes "fair prices for honest product." If you deliberately overprice your goods or services, you are stealing. If you misrepresent your goods or services to make a sale, that is stealing. It includes returning something you borrow in a timely manner. And it includes any going "outside the scope" of an agency or "outside the scope of a rental." For example, if you are hired to do one specific task, and you go outside of the scope of that task to do a different task, you cannot expect to be paid for it. You were stealing. Or if you borrow a car from your neighbor to go to the grocery store and instead you drive to a different location instead of grocery shopping with it, you stole the car. It includes also wasteful "taxation," as well as unlawful "taxation." As example, the government steals from the tax payers whenever it takes taxes to spend on wasteful or inefficient services, grants, or aide. And the government steals whenever it tries to take tax money to pay for what God forbids, such as contraception or abortion. Political candidates steal money donations and steal votes when they misrepresent themselves and their agendas to the people, and thus induce persons to trust them with donations or their vote on promises that are not truthful. Yet I would also like to mention in this segment that God requires a level of honest generosity from His people. "If you lend to my people, the poor among you, you must not be like a money lender; you must not demand interest from them." Exodus 22:24. "If one of your kindred is in need in any community in the land shall not harden your heart nor close your hand against your kin who is in need. Instead, you shall freely open your hand and generously lend what suffices to meet that need." Deuteronomy 15:7-8. And then there is "stealing from God," as when people steal from God some sacred symbol God used for one purpose, such as the rainbow as the sign of the Covenant made with Noah after God ended sexual corruption as homosexuality on the earth with a flood. Genesis 9:13-17. Yet today that symbol of the rainbow has been stolen by homosexuals using it against the original purpose God gave that symbol as a "sign of the covenant."
8. The Eighth Commandment: "You shall not bear dishonest witness against your neighbor." Deuteronomy 5:20. To bear dishonest witness against another person can be by an actual statement that is untruthful about them, or by silence when you know a person is innocent or guilty of what is charged. We the people have a right to know if someone is doing something against God's Laws. But we must balance that interest with the right of the person not to be falsely accused by gossip. When there is good faith concern that the life of a child is at stake, however, we balance the competing interests in favor of making sure we protect the child. At issue is a person's "good name and reputation." If you know a person is innocent, you must speak up loudly in favor of their innocence. And if you know a person is guilty, you must tell on that person. "You shall not pervert justice for the needy among you in a lawsuit. You shall keep away from anything dishonest." Exodus 23:6-7. "Do not pervert justice; do not show partiality ... but judge your neighbor honestly. Do not spread slander among your people. ... Rebuke your neighbor frankly so you will not share in his guilt. ... love your neighbor as yourself." Leviticus 19:15-18. Notice that God said to "judge your neighbor," as long as you do so "honestly." If you make every effort to be honest, you are not sinning. When in doubt, however, do not spread gossip. Finally, I have reported the "death penalty" stated in Scripture during some of these meditations. Here I want to mention that the worst form of dishonest witness is one that lets an innocent man or woman be put to death. "The innocent and the just you shall not put to death, for I will not acquit the guilty." Exodus 23:7. Our judicial system rightly requires proof "beyond a moral doubt," or stated "beyond a reasonable doubt," to convict someone. It must be evidence more than mere gossip. It must be based upon the facts; the truth. This is especially true when dealing with life or death issues as the death penalty.
9. The Ninth Commandment: "You shall not covet your neighbor's wife." Deuteronomy 5:21. At first reading, the Ninth Commandment and the Sixth Commandments are the same commandment restated against all adultery. Similarly, the Seventh and Tenth Commandments appear to be the same commandment against stealing. As a rule of construction, however, God must have written each commandment to emphasize certain conduct or thoughts, and therefore the Ninth Commandment must not be merely the Sixth Commandment restated. It must emphasize more. God made the Ninth Commandment against "coveting another's spouse," which means to "lust for," or "flirt with," or to be "jealous for" the spouse of another. Because marriage and family is the bedrock of a healthy society, God made sure with this commandment that mere deliberate lusting (coveting) another's spouse with your eyes, words, mind, or heart is mortal sin. It is sin grave enough to "cut one off" from the people of God. "But anyone who acts defiantly (instead of accidentally), whether a native or alien, reviles the Lord, and shall be cut off from among the people. For having despised the word of the Lord and broken his commandment, he must be cut off (ex communicated) entirely and bear the punishment." Numbers 15:30-31. I am not talking about "temptation" that is not willfully thought or acted upon, but about deliberate lusting or flirting with the spouse of another. The Ninth Commandment is not about sex. It forbids mere deliberate thoughts or actions of lusting. Marriage is so important to God that there are two commandments, the Sixth and the Ninth, which together make clear God is against any thoughts or actions destructive of the marriage of another. Marriage is for the good of the children and society. The children and society have a vested interest as beneficiaries to the marriage contract to uphold and enforce the Laws of God concerning marriage. The well-being of children and thus their proper upbringing to be good members of society depends upon strong marriages of spouses who live out faithfully the entire duration intended by the marriage contract -- and therefore keep fidelity to God's Laws for their entire lives. You may ask when the marriage contract is terminable, as stated earlier, why does God command such stern punishment for flirting or lusting for someone's spouse? The answer is that God wants marriage not to be taken lightly, but honored by the spouses and by all the community as the foundational bedrock upon which the moral upbringing of children obedient to God depends. When marriage is taken lightly it falls apart, and the children -- then the entire community -- suffer the consequences. God therefore wants to prevent any and all destructive behavior that could tear apart a family. He forbids any deliberate flirting with someone's spouse, or doing anything destructive of that person's vows of fidelity to God and to their spouse. God wants marriage to be the bedrock of His people.
10. The Tenth Commandment: "You shall not desire your neighbor's house or field ... or anything that belongs to your neighbor." Deuteronomy 5:21. As stated above, the Seventh and Tenth Commandments appear at first to both forbid stealing. But God must have intended for the Tenth Commandment to mean more. This commandment forbids even the mere "desiring" of the goods or property of another. Jealousy, or envy, is the root of many evils. This commandment has its emphasis on a deliberate or unhealthy "desire" to have what another has as property -- or we would not need an additional commandment to the Seventh Commandment against stealing. Instead, God wants us to be content with the goods and property that we can afford by our honesty labor or circumstances, and not be jealous or filled with envy for what another person has or can afford. It is not against healthy longing to better your situation or to purchase a nicer house with your own honest means or income. But you cannot be jealous for what others have. It is one thing to in a healthy and productive way try to better your own circumstance; and another to be bitter with jealousy of others. Yes, jealousy can lead to stealing. But this commandment is against the mere act or deliberate thoughts of envy. You are to be content with what you have by honest means -- what God has enabled you to enjoy as your own property -- and not break God's commandment by being jealous of others. Again, the Seventh Commandment is against obtaining any advantage or property or money by dishonest method. The Tenth Commandment is against thoughts or acts of jealousy. Or they would be the same commandment restated twice, and God could not have meant to do that, but to give us a specific Law against "coveting," not only against "stealing."
11. Closing Thoughts and A List Of Additional Commandments Of God. Again, at no time did God say 'these Ten Commandments are the limit and extent of all my Laws.' Instead, God repeatedly and explicitly refers to the "Covenant" (Contract) as including and requiring "obedience to all His Laws," "exactly as commanded," "neither adding to them, nor subtracting from them," "neither swerving to the right nor to the left of them," but "obeying them in their entirety as written." When offering the Covenant with those required terms of it, God referred to many more Laws than those stated in the Ten Commandments. In any event, the First Command, as stated earlier, necessarily integrates "all" other Laws of God, because to lie about God's Laws -- and thus to subtract from them, or alter or dilute them -- is to make an "idol." I close here with a list of the additional Commandments Of God in Scripture, and a few which are obvious for modern times. This list is not exhaustive, there are more you can read about in Scripture. 11th: "You shall not seek ghosts or spirits, or seek the consult from the dead." Leviticus 19:31; Deuteronomy 18:10-13. 12th: "You shall not lay with a person of the same sex gender (no homosexuals)." Leviticus 18:22; Leviticus 20:13. 13th: "You shall not seek mediums or clairvoyants." Leviticus 20:27. 14th: "You shall not practice sorcery or witchcraft." Deuteronomy 18:10-13; Exodus 22:17. 15th: "You shall not lay with an animal (bestiality)." Leviticus 18:23; Exodus 22:18. 16th: "You shall not have pre-marital sex (no fornication)." Genesis 1:28; 2:24; Leviticus 18:1-5; Exodus 22:15-16. 17th: "You shall not be a prostitute." Leviticus 19:29; 21:7,9. 18th: "You shall not orgy." Leviticus 18:1-5; Exodus 32:6-29. 19th: "You shall not incest." Leviticus 18:6; 20:17. 20th: "You shall not be a pedophile." Leviticus 18:1-5. 21st: "You shall not watch porn." Leviticus 18:1-5. 22nd: "You shall not tattoo yourself." Leviticus 19:28. 23rd: "You shall not put the Lord, your God, to the test." Deuteronomy 6:16-17. 24th: "You shall not use contraception." Genesis 38:9-10; also Genesis 1:28; 9:7. 25th: "You shall not assault another." 26th: "You shall not rape another." 27th: "You shall not lie." Exodus 23:7. 28th: "You shall not be a glutton." 29th: "You shall not be wasteful." 30th: "You shall raise your children to know and obey God's Laws." Deuteronomy 6:4-7. 31st: "You shall not be a drunkard." 32nd: "You shall not use drugs." 33rd: "You shall not operate a vehicle recklessly or at excessive speed." 34th: "You shall not circumcise your sons, but shall raise them to love their nature as designed by God to have foreskin." 35th: "You shall not risk breaking your hymen before your wedding night." You can find and think of many more to meditate on in Scripture, or as applicable to modern society.
I will post the pdf Booklet for this next text soon.
Typos or alterations I noticed proof reading the text:
Introduction: "at the" not "as"; 18th: "defiled" not "defiles"; 21st: "temple" not "temples"; 26th: "they had seen" not "has"
28th: "but they" not "the"; 31st: "meal" not "mean"; 33rd: "commandment of" not "or"
35th: "intend" not "intent"; 36th: "for scribes to"; Closing Thoughts: "And" not "Ad" Commandments Meditation.pdf
Meditation On The Forgotten Commandments Of God:
"Keeping Faith" Means "Obeying All God's Laws."
(c) Brian Fusonie, 2020
Update: Since writing the following note, there has been the murder of George Floyd, an unarmed Black man, by rogue unlawful police officers. I included in this meditation several relevant commandments of God following that event and the equally unlawful pillaging, rioting, looting, and burning of cities after his murder. Neither side deserves to be judged by the conduct of "bad apples." The police do not deserve to be judged as a whole by the unlawful conduct of those who murdered Floyd. At the same time, the righteous peaceful protesters do not deserve to be judged by the unlawful conduct of those rioting and looting. All sides agree that what was done to George Floyd was unlawful and abhorrent. Yet as the commandment I included in this text states: "Do not counter evil with evil." Only those who honestly fear God by obeying His Laws will be heard; and only they can reach the conscience of America and the World.
Note: We just celebrated "Memorial Day," remembering those who died fighting for God's Laws; not against God. We remember those who fought to end slavery. We remember those who fought to end the Holocaust of Jews. We remember those who fought to end tyranny. 1.2 million American soldiers have given their lives "for a cause greater than themselves." Yet today a number of States' governors have decreed God's Laws "non-essential," while they decreed "marijuana stores, liquor stores, and abortions clinics" to be "essential." As President Trump said: "That is all wrong." I recently saw a political advertisement having in it the stone engraving of the West Point, U.S. Military Academy's Cadet Prayer: "Make us to choose the harder right instead of the easier wrong, and never to be content with a half truth when the whole can be won." If only people prayed that honestly about the whole commandments of God, not only half the commandments -- and about the whole consequences God promised if we disobey any of His commandments. The response to the covid-19 pandemic has been pathetically impotent, not even half-truths, let alone the whole truth; with nearly all 'false-shepherds' unwilling to speak the truth. At the National Day Of Prayer ceremony on the White House lawn, only one alleged 'faith-leader' present that day dared say the covid-19 pandemic was because "we have not obeyed God's commandments." Few leaders today called it what it is: punishment from God for crimes against the commandments, especially the crimes of abortion (murder) and homosexuals. The people have seldom heard that whole truth voice of reason from Scripture. God sent the pandemic, as God authors all, and warns in Scripture that worse will come if we refuse to repent. We must stop tolerating that which God hates, and truthfully want the harder right of God's Laws, the whole (entirety) truth of each of His commandments. The forgotten commandments of God must be restored to their rightful place as inextricably part of and essential to the only Covenant (Contract) that can save us. "Had they stood council, they would have proclaimed my words to my people, They would have brought them back from their evil ways and from their wicked deeds. ... let those who have my word speak my word truthfully! ... Yes, I am against ... those who lead my people astray by recounting their reckless lies." Jeremiah 23:9-32. "If I say to the wicked, You shall surely die -- and you do not warn them or speak out to dissuade the wicked from their evil conduct in order to save their lives -- then they shall die for their sins, but I will hold you responsible for their blood. If, however, you warn the wicked and they still do not turn from their wicked and evil conduct, they shall die for their sins, but you shall save your life." Ezekiel 3:18-19. A few final points to this note in regard to the Cadet Prayer, that is that prayer itself is "obedience to all God's Laws." You do not pray if you tolerate slavery, or abortion. You do not pray if you tolerate drug abuse or contraception. You do not pray if you tolerate orgyists or homosexuals. You cannot pray unless you are in "relationship with the Real God of the commandments." You do not pray when you do not want that honest obedient relationship with the Real God of all His Laws, and God will not listen to you then: "I shall not listen to them." Ezekiel 8:12-18. As I prepared this note a veteran on television said of his fellow veterans who lost their lives in battle: "Every day I think of them and I look in the mirror and say, 'Be worthy of their sacrifice. Be worthy.'" They did not give their lives to murder babies. They did not give their lives for 'gay weddings.' I believe, most of them gave their lives to end the corrupt murder of innocent human lives; not in order that God's Laws could be broken. They gave their lives for a Sacred Purpose; not a defiling one. Be worthy. And then I saw another veteran's story who ran the Boston Marathon after losing fellow veteran friends in battle. He almost could not finish the race, but crawled on all fours the last yards of the race chanting to himself the names of his veteran friends who lost their lives. He said he "did not want to dishonor them by not finishing the race." We all know, however, there is a much more important race to run and finish, the race of obeying each and every Law of God. Be worthy. Run the race of "the harder right instead of the easier wrong," and "not be content with half the Laws of God when the whole Laws can be won."
"This day the Lord, your God, is commanding you to obey these statutes and ordinances. Be careful, then, to observe them with your whole heart and with your whole being. Today you have accepted the Lord's agreement ... And today the Lord has accepted your agreement ..." Deuteronomy 26:16-19. "Only be strong and steadfast, be careful to observe the entire law which Moses my servant enjoined on you. ... Do not let this book of law depart from your lips. Recite it by day and night; that you may carefully observe all that is written in it." Joshua 1:1-9.
Introduction: This text begins where Meditation On The Ten Commandments concluded, namely that there are over twenty additional commandments God made with equal force to the Ten Commandments. They were often made in Scripture with more stated disgust by God as the sins those commandments forbid; and often with more severe punishments. These additional commandments are equally integrated by God into the required Covenant (Contract) with God. They are included whenever God commanded the Covenant. The people are required to agree to and obey all God's commandments, decrees, statutes, and ordinances as one Book Of Law. "Be careful not to forget the Lord, your God, by failing to keep his commandments and ordinances and statutes which I enjoin on you today ... But if you do forget the Lord, your God ... so shall you too perish for not listening to the voice of the Lord, your God." Deuteronomy 8:11-20. "Thus says the Lord, God of Israel: Cursed be anyone who does not obey the words of this covenant, which I commanded your ancestors the day I brought them up out of the land of Egypt ... Listen to my voice and do all that I command you. ... But they did not listen or obey ... Therefore, thus says the Lord: See, I am bringing upon them a disaster they cannot escape." Jeremiah 11:1-11. "The earth shall be utterly laid to waste ... The earth is polluted ... for they have transgressed laws, violated statutes, broken the ancient covenant." Isaiah 24:3-6. "Just as I entered into judgment with your ancestors in the wilderness of the land of Egypt, so will I enter into judgment with you. ... Thus I will make you pass under the staff and will impose on you the terms of the covenant. ... I am the Lord." Ezekiel 20:13-38. "I will execute judgment on him: disease and bloodshed; flooding rain and hailstones, fire and brimstone, I will rain down on him, on his troops and on the many nations with him. And so I will show my greatness and holiness and make myself known in the sight of many nations." Ezekiel 38:18-23. "Be careful to observe all my statutes and all my decrees. ... Do not conform to the customs of the nations ... because of all these things that they have done have filled me with disgust for them." Leviticus 20:22-23. I string quoted those texts from Scripture to prove that God contemplated obedience to "all" of His Laws as requirement to make the Covenant, and that God warned He would punish lands and entire peoples who fail to obey each and all of His Laws, including by "disease." Instead of write a lengthier introduction to these Forgotten Commandments, I would rather have you pray with me first the prayer of the psalmist: "You have give them the command to obey your precepts with care. ... Open my eyes to see clearly the wonders of your law. ... Give me understanding to keep your law, to observe it with all my heart. Lead me in the path of your commandments, for that is my delight. ... Your hands made and fashioned me; give me understanding to learn your commandments." Psalm 119:4-73.
The Forgotten Commandments Of God:
11th Commandment: "You shall not seek ghosts or spirits, or seek the consult from the dead." Leviticus 19:31; Deuteronomy 18:10-13. "Do not turn to ghosts or consult spirits, by which you will be defiled. I, the Lord, am your God." Leviticus 19:31. "Let there not be found among you anyone who ... consults ghosts and spirits, or seeks oracles from the dead. Anyone who does such things is an abomination to the Lord, and because of such abominations the Lord, your God, is dispossessing (ex communicating) them before you." Deuteronomy 18:10-13. For additional information and longer meditation about this see Meditation On Monotheism.
12th Commandment: "You shall not lay with a person of the same sex gender (no homosexuals)." Leviticus 18:22; Leviticus 20:13. "You shall not lay with another male as with a woman; such a thing is an abomination." Leviticus 18:22. "If a man lays with a male as with a woman, they have committed an abomination; the two of them shall be put to death;" Leviticus 20:13. For longer meditation about this commandment see Meditation On "Abominations." As to the death penalty mentioned by God, I merely report it as it appears in Scripture; but such strong language by God means that, at a minimum, such persons who commit the sin of homosexuality are ex communicated, cut off from God's people by God.
13th Commandment: "You shall not seek mediums or clairvoyants." Leviticus 20:27. "A man or woman who acts as a medium or clairvoyant shall be put to death." Leviticus 20:27; also see Deuteronomy 18:10-13. Again, I merely report the death penalty in this commandment as it appears in it. At a minimum, they are therefore ex communicated. These commandments about ghosts and spirits and about mediums and clairvoyants exist because God in Scripture warns "God will test you" with false paranormal that goes against His commandments. You must be vigilant and not fall for such deceptions. See Meditation On Monotheism.
14th Commandment: "You shall not practice sorcery or witchcraft." Deuteronomy 18:10-13; Exodus 22:17. "Let there not be found among you anyone who ... practices divination, or is a soothsayer, augur, or sorcerer, or who casts spells ..." Deuteronomy 18:10-13. Again, such persons are, at a minimum, ex communicated. Yet what concerns me most is the practices of "incantations and blessing ritual invocations" done in the name of false dogmas -- heresies -- which make those ceremonies a form of witchcraft and sorcerers. Only that which is faithfully done in the true Name Of God can be proper invocation that is not a form of witchcraft.
15th Commandment: "You shall not lay with an animal (bestiality)." Leviticus 18:23; Exodus 22:18. "Anyone who lays with an animal shall be put to death." Exodus 22:18. "You shall not have sexual relations with an animal ..." Leviticus 18:23. This commandment needs no additional commentary.
16th Commandment: "You shall not have pre-marital sex (no fornication)." Genesis 1:28; 2:24; Leviticus 18:1-5; Exodus 22:15-16. "male and female he created them. God blessed them and said to them: Be fertile and multiply ..." Genesis 1:27-28. "That is why a man leaves his father and mother and clings to his wife, and the two of them become one body." Genesis 2:24. The "two of them become one body" is language about the two having for the first time marital sexual intercourse (sex for the first time). God in Scripture commanded the people to not follow the pagan practices of other lands that allowed premarital sex, incest, prostitutions, abortion, contraceptives, homosexuals, etc. "I, the Lord, am your God. You shall not do as they do in the land of Egypt ... nor shall you do as they do in the land of Canaan ... do not conform to their customs. ... Keep, then, my statutes and decrees, for the person who carries them out will find life through them. I am the Lord." Leviticus 18:1-5. I integrate into these commandments later the intelligent design and natural law purpose of the woman's hymen. It has an obvious intelligently designed purpose. God is very specific in the designs of His creatures. And we all have written on our consciences why God made woman to have hymen. It is another proof God commanded by the design of the body that man and woman shall not have premarital sex. It is a gift that is to be enjoyed by married persons only. Sex also has a dual purpose that must be shared and exist in each marital sexual relation, namely a union and a procreative purpose. Those two purposes must never be severed or broken. I discuss this further in the commandment against contraception.
17th Commandment: "You shall not be a prostitute." Leviticus 19:29; 21:7,9. "You shall not degrade your daughter by making a prostitute of her; otherwise the land will prostitute itself and become full of lewdness." Leviticus 19:29. Here we see that "lewdness," which also appears in other Scripture texts, is "non-marital sex," including prostitution. "A priest shall not marry a woman debased by prostitution ... If a priest's daughter debases herself by prostitution, she thereby debases her father; she shall be burned with fire (death penalty)." Leviticus 21:7-9. A woman or man who is a prostitute cannot marry. They do not have the requisite marital contract capacity for life-long fidelity to a single spouse that is needed to have been proven before a marriage may be attempted or celebrated. Again, as to the death penalty, I merely report that penalty as it is stated in Scripture. At a minimum, prostitution ex communicates the person.
18th Commandment: "You shall not orgy." Leviticus 18:1-5; Exodus 32:6-29. Again, the commandments of God forbid the acts and customs of lands that defiles and debased themselves by sexual deviant acts such as orgies. This note relies also on traditional accounts of what people did in Scripture tales when they rebelled against God and His Laws. Even the movie Ten Commandments presents part of that traditional understanding that when the Jews exiled from Egypt, some of them tried to turn back to the sexual defilement done in Egypt by Egyptians against God's Laws. One scene shows them in the desert rebelling against God with all forms of lewdness, defilement, corruption, and mockery of God's Laws, including orgies. I do not take Hollywood as truth arbiter on things, but I do agree that in Egypt they did practice sexual deviance that "disgusts God" such a portrayed in that famous movie as its understanding of the tradition surrounding Exodus 32:6-29, and also the later text of Leviticus 18:1-5.
19th Commandment: "You shall not incest." Leviticus 18:6; 20:17. "None of you shall approach a close relative to have sexual intercourse." Leviticus 18:6. "If a man marries his sister, his father's daughter or his mother's daughter, and they have intercourse with each other, that is disgraceful; they shall be publicly cut off (ex communicated) from the people." Leviticus 20:17. Again the word "marries" is improper as proven by the fact such persons who attempt incest are "cut off (ex communicated) from the people" of God. It is oxymoron to say "married" while at that moment they are "ex communicated." Incest is mortal sin. It is against the good of the specie, as there are genetic problems and traits of close relatives that should not procreate, and that is one reason God forbids incest. This is also proof that God requires the union and procreative nature of marriage to never be separated. It is the necessary procreative nature of sex that makes incest so dangerous and therefore unlawful. The commandment against incest also makes clear that love of a person, such a love of siblings, or love of a friend, should never be mixed up with sexual love. There are obvious reasons along that line that God would also forbid sex among persons who are siblings or close relatives.
20th Commandment: "You shall not be a pedophile." Leviticus 18:1-5. In recent decades we have seen exposed and proven that pedophilia was rampant among those in positions of trust as Catholic 'clergy.' Tradition has it pedophilia existed in Sodom and Gomorrah, later in Egypt, and then among the Greeks and Romans. It was definitely part of God's commandments not to be as the 'customs' of lands God condemned that practiced such sins as pedophilia that abhor and disgust God. The Creator intelligently designed human puberty; and most civilized societies also recognize that human females and males continue to grow and develop and mature, both physically and mentally, for a few years after the onset of puberty. The commandment against pedophilia is clear, from the intelligent design of the human specie, from the traditions surrounding the commandments, and as written on our consciences by the Creator.
21st Commandment: "You shall not watch porn." Leviticus 18:1-5. Again, tradition surrounding the commandment and as recognized in Biblical commentaries I have read, Egypt and other Coptic cults had 'fertility-goddess' temples whores (prostitutes) that would perform sex acts on persons for the entire cult to watch. God's commandments make clear God is horrified and disgusted by the 'customs' of such lands, including the watching of sex acts performed by others, and thus against pornography of all types. Moreover, the Law against porn is written on our consciences. The word "porn" comes from the Greek word "pornea," which is "unlawful sex." It has as its Semitic root words "por" meaning "against" or "contra" and "nh" meaning "life; the giving of life." As definition, therefore, all contraceptive sex and all abortive sex are "pornh" (pornea). Yet this commandment I relate as the Law against watching sex acts of others.
22nd Commandment: "You shall not tattoo yourself." Leviticus 19:28. "Do not lacerate your bodies for the dead, and do not tattoo yourselves. I am the Lord." Leviticus 19:28. It is not "body" "art" to desecrate your body. God wants all to respect the dignity and nature of their design by God. Today, this commandment is ignored by countless people, and many have tattoos all over their bodies. This may be largely because this commandment was never taught to them publicly, and they never read Scripture. But God did not issue this commandment lightly. Rather, God made sure to issue it saying immediately with it His right to be obeyed as "I am the Lord."
23rd Commandment: "You shall not put the Lord, your God, to the test." Deuteronomy 6:16-17. This commandment integrates and includes any and all disobedience of any of God's commandments, because God was careful to decree the commandments with warning that any disobedience would cause His wrath. Hence, those who disobey God's Laws "put God to the test." They often pretend, 'God will not punish us nor punish the community or earth because of our disobedience to His Laws.' They are wrong, and in their hearts they know they are wrong. But there are other ways you can put God to the test, such as when someone says to God, "If you exist, God, show me." The fact is, all reasonable persons know and believe -- they all know in their conscience -- that God exists and that God's Laws are just and true. When they pretend, "Show me God that you exist," they put God to the test. Or when they say, "If you do this for me, I will repent and obey your Laws." In doing that they again put God to the test. God's Laws are written in stone, and written on our conscience. They are to be obeyed without any type of 'bargaining with God' about obedience to His Laws.
24th Commandment: "You shall not use contraception." Genesis 38:9-10; also Genesis 1:28; 9:7. "Onan ...whenever he had intercourse with his brother's wife, he wasted (withdrew, spilled, contracepted) his seed (sperm) on the ground, to avoid giving offspring ... What he did greatly offended the Lord, and the Lord took his life." Genesis 38:9-10. We have already seen in prior commandments that God "created them male and female" and thus for the man to take the woman as his "wife," "to be fertile and multiply." Onan's death penalty sin in the eyes of God was "contraception," acts intended to "avoid giving offspring." Again, I do not comment on the death penalty other than to report it as it appears there in Scripture, which God carried out against Onan. But such sin "gravely offended God," and such strong response by God proves that, at a minimum, those who use contraception are ex communicated. There is additional proof in Christian tradition, where in Matthew 19 Jesus warns that "pornea" (por-nh, acts against giving life) prevent a valid marriage; all such attempted marriages are "null." That used to be the universal law among many denominations. It was also the law of the United States, which outlawed all contraception. There is additional proof written on our bodies, the nuptial nature of the human being: the natural law cycle called the menstrual rhythm of the woman, which must be honored as intelligently designed by God. With its markers and detectable hormonal changes, the natural fertility cycle of the woman enables the husband and wife to plan sex around the times of her fertility, or at times when she is not fertile. Those who pretend 'God did not intelligently design the natural fertility cycle of a woman to be obeyed,' they blaspheme against God and put God to the test. Natural Family Planning is the Law of God. Perhaps the most important reason God is against contraception is that it leads to increased rates of premarital sex, adultery, and abortions. The mind of a person who uses contraceptives is "to prevent life." They are already anti-life (por-nh). When they then conceive a child despite using contraceptives, they are more likely to commit abortion (murder). And all who pretend they can violate God's Law against contraceptives because of their belief in "population control" blaspheme against God and His intelligent design. In addition, all pornea (por-nh, anti-life, contra-life) sex acts invalidate a marriage. We can prove that the more attempted marriages become invalid in the Eyes of God that God will not hold them together. As a result, divorce and broken home rates will dramatically increase. That is exactly what happened when churches and America began allowing the use of contraceptives under the guise of a bogus and oxymoronic 'penumbra' they called 'a right to privacy.' Restricting the sale or use of unlawful substances or devices has nothing to do with a 'penumbra right of privacy.' Otherwise all illegal substances and devices, including heroin and crack cocaine, would be lawful in the 'privacy' of one's home or bedroom. Nor does a 'penumbra right of privacy' allow the use of abortive (abortifacient) drugs or devices in one's home or bedroom. Otherwise all murders would be lawful in one's home or bedroom. It is absurdly oxymoronic. God did not carve out an exemption from His Laws in one's home or bedroom. A simple way to remember this: Pro-nh means "Pro-life." While Por-nh (pornea) means "against life, or contraception and abortifacients" among other non-life-giving sex acts.
25th Commandment: "You shall not assault another." This Law is lesser than the Law not to commit murder, but it is part of the same commandment to "do no harm." It is written on our conscience. There are numerous Laws in Scripture surrounding assaults and they differentiate between "accidental, inadvertent harming another," which is not punished as an assault, and instead "deliberate, intentional harming another" which is punished as an assault. Numbers 35 is one example where those differences are dealt with by God. God is stern with those willing to harm another by assault. "Anyone who inflicts permanent injury on his or her neighbor shall receive the same in return: fracture for fracture, eye for eye, tooth for tooth. The same injury that one gives another shall be inflicted in return." Leviticus 24:17-21. The point of this stern language is that, at a minimum, God requires that a punishment be equal to the crime. We often say this as "the punishment must be commensurate with the crime."
26th Commandment: "You shall not rape another." This Law is also obvious and written on our consciences. There is in Scripture several texts that show attempted rapes, including the story of Sodom and Gomorrah when the Sodomites attempted to rape the visitors staying at Lot's house; and the story of the attempted rape of Susanna in Daniel 13. God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah; and the two old men who attempted by bribery to rape Susanna received "according to the Law of Moses" given by God the "death penalty." We remember Susanna's plea not to be raped, saying she would not dare betray God: "Yet it is better for me not to do it ... than to sin before the Lord." Daniel 13:23. "They rose up against the two old men ... They condemned them ... in accordance with the law of Moses they put them to death." Daniel 13:61-62. It is true that the men tried to have Susanna put to death because they plotted to lie that she had unmarried sex with a young male and that they watched it. Two points: they had watched her nude in the garden bath, and that is unlawful against God's commandment as a form also of porn; see prior note. They also tried to lie that they has seen her naked with a young male. They knew that premarital sex was a death sentence among the Jews. Thus their lie was an effort to have Susanna, instead of themselves, put to death. Daniel caught their scheme, and they received the death penalty instead.
27th Commandment: "You shall not lie." Exodus 23:7. "You shall keep away from anything dishonest." Exodus 23:7. This commandment is against lies intended to deceive others to gain a benefit, or to prevent some just action. It is not against "white-lies" such as in Nazi Germany if a Jewish family was asked by Nazis, "Are you Jewish?, and they lie and say "No" to avoid being murdered. God would not see that as lying. It is what I call "militarism" of the just kind. A woman who is pregnant who fears her family might coerce her to murder her unborn child should not tell them until she can find a safe refuge where she can give birth to her child. If they asked, "Are you pregnant?", she could say "No," to protect her unborn child's life. What God forbids is unjust lying, deceit, whether lying about God and His commandments, or lying about others. God also commands as part of this commandment, "Do not spread a falsehood." When unsure if something is true or not, refrain from saying it, unless the urgency of the matter requires it to be said to protect someone's life, etc., and with the caveat stated that, "I do not know if this is true or not, but if it is, it is important that it be looked into to protect ..." See Meditation On The Ten Commandments for this Law as relates to giving false witness against a neighbor.
28th Commandment: "You shall not be a glutton." This is the use or obsessive wanting of something, including food, beyond what is the natural law purpose or amount that should be used or consumed. It thus includes excessive eating. I was always in physical shape and kept my natural law weight all my adult life until I reached the age of fifty. At that time, including age, I had several outside induced factors which resulted in me gaining a significant amount of weight, even while eating the same portions or less than I ate throughout my adult life. It is frustrating. It takes finding the amount of foods that nourishes the body and helps you stay strong, while not gaining weight. That is the struggle of many adults, and more and more youth today. I became a vegetarian several years ago. Yet even with that diet change, I have not lost much weight. I like the passage about Daniel requesting to be fed only vegetables instead of defiled luxurious food from the "king's royal table," and Daniel and his companions who ate only vegetables had better healthy appearance than all the other men who ate luxuriously. "Let us be given vegetables to eat and water to drink. ... after ten days they looked healthier and better fed than any of the young men who ate from the royal table." Daniel 1:12-16. What is gluttony? It is eating that second piece of cake or second portion of dessert. Or it is being a small woman wanting to eat the same size dinner portion as her husband who is twice her size. Gluttony depends on your body size and nutrient requirement; not all are the same size and thus we have unique calorie requirements and restrictions based on our natural law body types and activity levels. As long as you are mindful of this and are striving to eat only what will not gain weight, you are not gluttony. It is the person who does not care about gaining weight, but eats and eats, that is a glutton. It also can become a disease such a young girls or often women who do not control what they eat, but the binge on foods they like, and then they vomit, or excessively work-out to burn off the excess calories they ate. They are gluttons. I am not talking about the disease where a woman refuses to eat enough, but the disease of gluttony that then results in the disease of vomiting.
29th Commandment: "You shall not be wasteful." God's earth is an ecosystem. We are to be "stewards" of that ecosystem, and use only what we really need; not use it up in excess of our actual reasonable needs as designed by God. This may be in wasting food, or it may be in wasting water resources, or any other resource God has created. In one of my songs I write, "Your standard of living brings the end of all life." It is a condemnation of luxurious and wasteful culture as well as a culture of death that is bringing down God's wrath. It also is not right or just for some to eat luxuriously and to use water without concern, while others do not have enough food to eat, nor clean water or enough to drink and shower. Those are renewable resources in most cases, because food grows and God provides rain. But there are times of scarcity, or locations of scarcity, and we all should be mindful of not wasting resources. There are other resources that are not renewable; those are never to be wasted, but must be used judiciously mindful of their scarcity -- for the good of the specie. Most of all, the earth is a precious gift from God, and we should not waste it away with spoiling its treasures, nor by pollution. We must preserve the earth for all future generations, not try to 'get what we can get now.'
30th Commandment: "You shall raise your children to know and obey God's Laws." Deuteronomy 6:4-7. "Take to heart these words which I command you today. Keep reciting them to your children. Recite them when you are at home and when you are away, when you lie down and when you get up. Bind them to your arm as a sign and let them be as a pendant on your forehead. Write them on the doorpost of your house and on your gates." Deuteronomy 6:4-9. As I note for several commandments appearing further on this page, commentators, including many Black commentators in recent days have said that "looting, rioting, and burning down stores is the result of years of broken homes and a generation that has lost its fear of God." They are not protesters. They are criminals. Yet that is only a very plain to see obvious product of "the loss of God in our schools and in our communities," as one said. There are other more pervasive criminal conducts -- the wholesale generation after generation loss of obedience to God's Laws -- which I call "the forgotten commandments." The youth have seldom heard the Ten Commandments, let alone these many other Commandments of God that He gave with equal weight and warnings in Scripture. The loss of proper parenting has produced a wicked generation. And the only answer is to repent and to bind all of God's Laws on our house doorsteps and recite them daily for our children to grow up knowing and obeying each of them.
31st Commandment: "You shall not be a drunkard." Alcohol is a drug and a poison, and it harms the body. It also impairs the mind when used. Being drunk is a sin. It is against the commandments of God. When drunk you make bad judgments, and cannot perform simple responsibilities or tasks. Alcohol is also addictive, and it leads to life-styles of drunkenness and failure to obey the remaining commandments of God. Alcohol leads to increased broken homes, risk-taking, premarital sex, adultery, and therefore to abortions. Having a beer or two, or a glass of wine or two, with a mean among friends is not the problem. It is having a third drink that is drunkenness and also more poisonous to the body. That third drink impairs your motor skills and cognitive abilities. It leads to accidents, injuries, and deaths.
32nd Commandment: "You shall not use drugs." Drugs impair your judgment, and can be potentially lethal. They are risk-taking any time they are used, and those that are potentially lethal are against also the Ten Commandments. See Meditation On The Ten Commandments. Like alcohol, drug use leads to life-styles that are disobedient to God's other Laws. Drugs also are toxins and harm the body, often. Each person is required to be responsible with their body and mind, with their actions and speech, and thus not to use any drugs. Today, drug use is an epidemic, and most of us know someone who has been harmed or who has died by drug overdose, or drug use. We all know in our consciences that God forbids drug use. Again, drug use is inherently dangerous to the user and to those around him or her, and its pervasive use produces a population that does not truly fear God. It ruins families and it ruins the society.
33rd Commandment: "You shall not operate a vehicle recklessly or at excessive speed." This commandment is written on our consciences and in our motor vehicle laws. It is the modernizing of the commandment or "risk no harm to self or others." You are to operate a vehicle safely, in accord with the speed limits set for the conditions of each road. At the same time, I have this commentary, namely it is impossible to keep your eye on both the road and the speedometer at the same time, at all times while driving. You should be watching the road in front of you more than looking at the speedometer. Hence, it is practical that minor variations from the speed limit of a road should go unpunished, as long as the driver was driving safely and was trying to stay within the speed limit.
34th Commandment: "You shall not circumcise your sons, but shall raise them to love their nature as designed by God to have foreskin." In Genesis 17:10-14 God commands Abraham to have himself, all the men, and all his future progeny circumcised by the removal of their foreskin as a "sign of the covenant between me and you ... in your flesh ..." God warned Abraham: "If a male is uncircumcised ... such a one will be cut off from his people; he has broken my covenant." Genesis 17:14. Also in keeping with the command, Abraham had his son Isaac circumcised on the eight day after his birth. Genesis 21:4. The same command was repeated by Moses: "On the eight day the flesh of the boy's foreskin shall be circumcised." Leviticus 12:3. There are some who pretend they can be in God's covenant by mere act of circumcision, instead of having to obey daily each and all of the real Covenant's moral Laws. They are mistaken. One positive result of Christianity was its early recognition that the Covenant is the moral Laws of God -- the commandments governing moral conduct -- and not circumcision. God perfectly and intelligently designed human males to have foreskin. As the Psalm says: "I am wonderfully and fearfully made." Circumcision defames and desecrates the intelligent design of God; the intelligent purpose God made for foreskin. It is also an unnecessary risk-taking procedure and causes pain, bleeding, and potential infection. There is no purpose for it any longer. If it were not for the Abrahamic and Mosaic command for circumcision, as a natural law circumcision would be unlawful and forbidden. Today, my primary concern is with obedience to natural law and therefore to respecting the intelligent design God made for human beings. It is blasphemy to say 'God lied when designing the purpose of foreskin.' When two apparent commands contradict each other, you must obey God's original intent and purpose as written in the natural law of the body. The 'command' of circumcision clearly contradicts the natural law commandment purpose God designed for foreskin. Which, then, is obeying God? The answer is to obey the intelligent design of the body; not make God's design a 'lie.' Circumcision should not be practiced. Instead, each boy or man should be taught to fully respect and love the way God made them to have foreskin.
35th Commandment: "You shall not risk breaking your hymen before your wedding night." As earlier stated, the natural law fertility cycle and hymen of the woman is the intelligent design of the Creator. "For thus says the Lord, the creator ... who is God, the designer and maker of earth ... designing it to be lived in: I am the Lord, and there is no other. ... Turn to me and be safe, all you ends of the earth, for I am God; there is no other!" Isaiah 45:18-22. As the Psalms say: We are "wonderfully and fearfully made," and "at the works of your hands I shout for joy." You are required to accept the intelligent designed nature God made you to have as a woman; and males to accept their nature as men. The hymen is an obvious intelligent purpose design by God to prevent premarital sex, and to prove whether the woman is a virgin on her wedding night when she first has sex with her husband. It is God's way to ensure that marriages will be valid and that God will then hold them together through the years, instead of break them apart -- resulting in the epidemic of broken families we see today when few obey God's Laws. A wrongful social pressure pervades our society to put off marrying later and later, until near one's thirties, or even later. That pressure combines with the ease of access and use of contraception and abortion availability leads to years of premarital sex before a woman attempts a marriage. The pressure to break one's hymen and engage in premarital sex and to put off a marriage attempt until later years is against the natural law design of the woman, whose fertility cycle and hormonal changes cause her to lust for sex with a male mate (husband) sometime after puberty. It would be wrong to say God did not intent for a woman to marry when her hormonal changes as designed by God cause her to long for a husband (sex) the most, and therefore when she is fully physically and mentally matured in her late teens to her early twenties; not when she is thirty or older. I think of another natural law proof, and that is that women are often as designed by God more beautiful, at their most physically attractive prime for catching a suitable genetic male husband during those same years, not later years in life. Such procreative selection of a genetically suitable husband for having children is for the good of the specie. The male knows the genetic beauty of the female much more during her fertile years. As an aside, it is another reason I am against too much, if any, makeup, which alters the physical appearance of the woman, instead of shows off her real genetic procreative value to the prospective husband.
36th Commandment: "You shall not enslave another human being." I realized since the last text that I inadvertently left out the prohibition against slavery. I write this when in the television news is the video of George Floyd's death caused by an unlawful officer pressing his knee to the neck of Floyd, who cried out: "I cannot breathe." It brings up terrible connotations of our nation's history of slavery, treating blacks or any other human beings, as lesser lives, as able to be slaves. In history, some people have misused Scripture to pretend they could justify slavery. Yet God has repeatedly raised up men and women, even in battle, to end the unlawful practice of human slavery. It is absolutely blasphemy to pretend that 'God allows slavery' because the word 'slaves' appears in Exodus, or Deuteronomy, or any other place in Scripture. God just freed the Jews from 400 years of slavery in Egypt with the help of Moses. It is absurd and blasphemous to pretend God would then condone the Jews or any other people to have slaves. Neither God, nor Moses, would have allowed slavery. But it is likely that there was pressure by some for scribes alter sacred Scriptures, when passed on by oral tradition, or when transcribing them, or translating them into other languages. I read a Scripture commentary once that said that the word "servants" was "translated into slaves," in some text. I do not have that commentary in front of me as I typed, but it is much more probable that such alterations occurred than that God or Moses would have authorized the practice of slavery. "We hold these truths to be self evident that all men are created equal and endowed by the Creator with inalienable right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness." The Declaration Of Independence. As a Nation, we eventually concluded rightfully that God's Laws forbid slavery, and we fought a Civil War to end slavery. On Memorial Day we remembered those who fought to enforce God's Laws against slavery. As Abraham Lincoln was quoted from the Gettysburg Address: "These men shall not have died in vain, but this nation under God shall have a new birth of freedom." The important recognition of Lincoln was that to be a "nation under God" men had to end slavery. It is God's Law written on our hearts. We know slavery is evil. We know it is against the commandments of our Creator.
37th Commandment: "Judge your neighbor, but do so honestly (fairly, equitably). Rebuke your neighbor for their sins so as to not share in his guilt." Leviticus 19:15-18. "judge your neighbor fairly ... Rebuke your neighbor frankly so you will not share in his guilt ... love your neighbor as yourself. I am the Lord." Leviticus 19:15-18. It is heresy to pretend that 'if you do not judge others, then God will not judge you either.' That is blasphemy. It is a mockery of God and of justice. When God issued the Law to "love your neighbor as yourself," God did so immediately and inextricably part of the same teaching sentences to "judge your neighbor," but to do so fairly and honestly. The culture of 'non-judgmentalism' and 'tolerance' of sins has produced the climate of grave sin and moral decay that we see today. We are to hold ourselves and our neighbors accountable to obeying God's commandments. That is what God ordered. In fact, our entire judicial system is predicated on the fact that God requires us to judge others.
38th Commandment: "Never judge another person because of their skin color, but judge the content of their character." Leviticus 19:15-18. There are two types of people, including among Black people: namely those who want equal right to be judged by the content of their character; and those who want special treatment and non-judgment of them without them having to have moral content of character. The dream of Civil Rights leaders, and that of Martin Luther King, Jr., was that all people, including blacks, would not be judged by the color of their skin, but by whether they have moral content of character. Those who murdered George Floyd had no moral content of character; they are criminals, murderers. Those who pillaged, rioted, looted, and burned the cities 'in response' to Floyd's murder where not protesters, they also were criminals who have no moral content of character. They are to be judged as that. As numerous Black commentators have said in recent days: "Those perpetrating violence and looting against our cities are only enhancing the racism by showing many Blacks do not fear God." By their criminal acts they are reinforcing negative stereotypes racists have about Blacks 'as a whole,' when most Black people are not criminals and do not condone the violence and looting. As Black commentators have said: "Honorable protest is the only way to reach the moral conscience of America and to bring about change." And honorable protest is the only way to reach and be heard by God. Criminals only bring down further wrath from God; not peace.
39th Commandment: "Justified honest protest is encouraged. Do not counter evil with evil; do not pillage, riot, loot, or burn." On television numerous Black commentators have said about the unlawfulness and counterproductive riots and looting recently: "You cannot fight evil with evil." One Black commentator said: "When I see rioters taking selfies it proves we have really lost the fear of God. The same loss of the fear of God that lead to the death of George Floyd. Both sides are the same loss of the fear of God." "In the Civil Rights Movement we had men of God leading the marches holding their Bibles." You cannot fight lawlessness with lawlessness. Another Black commentator said the same: "When Martin Luther King was assassinated, we did not destroy our city. This is chaos; not a protest." If you want to be heard by God, you must protest in God's way, obeying His commandments.
40th Commandment: "All life is mine, the unborn and their parents, black, brown, and white; each to be equally protected with inalienable right to life and liberty, unless and until they commit a crime." Ezekiel 18:4; and The Declaration Of Independence. "For all life is mine; the life of the parent is like (equal to) the life of the child, both are mine. Only the one who sins shall die." Ezekiel 18:4. "We hold these truths to be self evident that all men are created equal and endowed by the Creator with inalienable right to life, liberty ..." The Declaration Of Independence. As the Declaration Of Independence states, this truth is "self-evident." It should need no further explanation. But the events of the past and of recent days proves that it has not been obeyed. I am convinced that equal protection of the laws will not exist unless and until every race equally respects and protects the lives of their unborn. Whether in China or America, a people who are willing to murder their unborn will not find favor with God, and will be as Scripture warns "handed over" to injustices. When you commit injustice, God will allow injustices to be committed against you. It is a form of punishment God warns about in Scripture. Because of the sins of the Jews, God repeatedly handed them over to outsiders to pillage and loot and burn, and to treat them as less than human. That is the story of Scripture, the Jews being punished, and then repenting and being delivered, restored to the Covenant of God's protection and favor. All of us are God's children, as long as we remain in the Covenant of God's Laws. Those are God's house rules. We must obey them to have His favor. The Egyptians slaving the Jews were not doing God's work; but God allowed it because of the sins of the Jews. The Romans burning Jewish cities and pillaging them were not doing God's work; but God allowed it, even it says "handed the Jews over to it," because of the sins of the Jews. Rioter, looters, and arsonists are not doing God's work; but God allowed it because of the sins of the people and of the police. Sin has consequences. God will punish both the individual person who sins, and all who tolerated those sins, and the entire lands. It is up to us to repent. I do not know is George Floyd was pro-life or not. What I do know is that his brother said, "You do not honor George Floyd with riots and looting and burning down cities. George was not about that. He was about peaceful protest. The Floyds are a God fearing people." What I do know is that Blacks as a whole, not all, but the vast percentage of them vote for the political party of abortion. Numerous Black commentators also point out that Blacks are killing their unborn at unprecedented rates; a holocaust and genocide, they call it. And that does not endear Blacks who do such things to God who requires all to respect and protect equally George's life, and the life of each and every unborn Black or White baby. When that happens, I believe God will end all the injustices, and will protect the peoples and the land, as God promises in Scripture. Murders beget murders. Violence against innocent life begets violence against innocent lives. The cycle repeats itself, unless we end it by true national repentance from the crime of abortion. Amen.
Closing Thoughts: I started this text on the Forgotten Commandments Of God with a note written about Memorial Day as a meditation and introduction. Since that day there has transpired numerous troubling events which I tried to integrate into the meditations on relevant Laws of God. As stated above, commentators have said, "The current events make clear both sides have lost the fear of God. The only way to restore peace and justice is to restore an honest fear of God in the people." God promised He would Himself punish, or hand the nations over to ruin if they forget and do not obey His Laws. The nation has clearly forgotten God. It pretends that a 'right to disobey God' is its new version of 'freedom.' Ad it pretends it can honor God by lip service and half of the commandments, instead of the "harder right" of the "whole truth" of each and all His commandments. And the half of the commandments -- the half truth -- it does acknowledge, the nation refuses to obey even those commandments. Aborted babies, and fatherless homes. Drug addictions, homosexuals, and gay-lesbian 'weddings.' Riots, lawlessness, looters, murders, and arsons. A coalition of criminals voting for their sins instead of fear God and His Laws. We are at a terrible time in American and World history. But one still with hope. The hope that we can repent and return to obeying God in time. That is our only hope of peace. With that hope, I offer this meditation on the Forgotten Commandments praying it will help a few readers to live these commandments, and that they will then lead others to obey them. These are not all of God's Laws, there are others written in Scripture or written on our hearts. But this list, incomplete as it is, are Laws we know in the depth of our consciences to be true; whether we have confessed them previously or not. They exist as God's required Covenant for peace with humanity and peace on earth. May God be with you. Meditations.htm And Notes.htm
The question of "What is Prayer?" makes me present these again on this page. In News And Notes, see above, I wrote that "Paranormal Is Not Proof" of the truth of what is said during paranormal. God makes many miracles for every denomination, all contradicting themselves. I went to prayer groups for years where there was tongues, prophecies, healings, and scripture words of knowledge, yet often the paranormal contradicted common sense and logic, and thus contradicted true doctrine. And it did not produce union of common truth, but each paranormal receiver had vastly different ideas about what is "doctrine." Prayer thus became clear to be "Honesty intellectually with God." A personal relationship not with paranormal, but with a REAL PERSON, GOD, who wants us to think, not be captive to every paranormal with which He tests us. The following examples are real paranormal, you can see and hear it for yourselves. But I do not believe what is said in them. The photos are real.
A song I wrote for this page about Prayer, because Prayer is useless if it does not become Right ACTION.
Cosmic Consequence:
The earth shifts beneath our feet, the cold of winter, or the summer of heat?
With each decision we make we will seal earth's fate, with cosmic consequence,
Will it be love, or hate? You said 'your sins are personal,'
Yet there is nothing 'personal' when it will harm us all.
For those who turn a blind eye and fail to reprove,
Sin twice in the consequence of all we will lose.
Turn a blind eye, pretend you cannot see.
Or stand on solid ground, with all your heart believe.
Turn a deaf ear, and the Lord's deaf ear to us,
Will take what we have, and worse, not to bless.
The world turns beneath our step, the harvest is full,
Or will there be nothing left?
With each word that we speak, each act we fail to take,
With cosmic consequence, will it be love, or hate?
You said 'your sins are consensual' -- But I do not consent
To what you are doing to us all.
For the world will end because of your arrogance,
While you pretend 'there is no consequence.'
(c) B. Fusonie, 2019 Meditations.htm