"The name of the Lord is a strong tower; the just run to it and are safe." Proverbs 18:10
Winding straight to your door. Up a narrow path, up a narrow corridor. Winding there to your door,
Following all that is true and sure. - Narrow Door
"Enter through the narrow gate; for the gate is wide and the road broad that leads to destruction, and
those who enter through it are many. How narrow the gate and constricted the road that leads to life.
And those who find it are few." Matthew 7:13-14; Luke 13:24-30 Door TRAY CARD.pdf Door CD Booklet.pdf
The songs will be posted here as FREE m4a files.
You can compile this CD from the better quality WAVE FILES at the WAVE DOWNLOAD PAGE,
find these songs in Radio Volume 1, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th there at that page. Beginnings (Master).m4a Vinyl (Master).m4a In The Dark (Master).m4a Door (Master).m4a Is Our Life (Master).m4a What You Offer (Master).m4a The Blues (Master).m4a Not Know Your Name (Master).m4a Fan (Master).m4a (Master).m4a Weeps (Master).m4a At Peace (Master).m4a
The remaining songs will be posted once recorded.
SONG LYRICS (see also the CD Insert Booklet) : Door CD Booklet.pdf
New Beginnings:
Come so far, turned my head around. Come so far, to be where I stand now.
Moving forward, with each step I take, learn from the past, from each mistake.
With you at my side, I will never forsake. Come too far, to let it now break.
Climbing that ladder in Jacob's dream. New beginnings come around,
When you least are found, and the world is passing away.
New beginnings come around when you heed the sound in the silence that He made.
Come so far, to turn back now? Will and the weak, stand my ground.
For you comfort and guide each step now; A past full of memories echo the sound
Of future worth having, days filled with joy; From tears to remind me, the climb worth the toil.
Climbing that ladder in Jacob's dream. Big bang, oscillating universe, the swirl of the stars,
But a cloud of dust in your eye, why dare to try? What worth have we that you call by name?
That you care for each of us the same? A comet tail, planets collide, giving birth,
the purpose of earth. Rings on a tree, "as numerous as the stars your progeny."
Climbing that ladder in Jacob's dream.
On Vinyl:
People you never heard me, the radio still did not play.
I had my record ambitions to praise the Lord His way.
Going to give it right, stand up an fight, let's get it right.
I'm on vinyl. Spinning records over the ocean,
The Lord is at it again, spinning records over the ocean
The coastlands are listening. Do that twist,
Show the earth you are pissed. Do that twist,
The coastlands will listen. Take your right foot rub it in.
Do that twist, show how much you are missed.
Spin on vinyl. Spin records like vinyl.
Whisper In The Dark:
It is just a dream I have, just a brief emotion. Just a whisper in the dark.
Another day has passed us, another tear has fallen. Just a whisper in the dark.
And if I can have your love, will you tell me? If I can have your trust.
If I can share your time, will you show me? How I can earn your trust.
"A whisper in the dark." It is just a dream I have, you draw me to you.
Just a whisper in the dark. Now the night has passed us, no more tears are falling.
From your whisper in the dark.
Narrow Door:
"Be careful to observe them all," "In their entirety, as I warned."
"Neither add to them, nor subtract," "Neither veer to the right, nor to the left."
"For your days will be long, and your bounty for all to see."
"If you listen to me." Winding straight to your door.
Up a narrow path, up a narrow corridor. Winding there to your door,
Following all that is true and sure. Up a narrow path,
A narrow corridor, holding fast to your promises before.
Winding to your door, with each step on this floor.
"Exactly as I ordered them be obeyed."
"Do not the least letter of them betray."
"For then your inheritance will be great."
"As all the ones before who did not wait."
This Is Our Life:
Save the words you read to me from your paper back,
Don't drag me into the trap of Sheol.
I won't live my life like an actor in one of your TV shows.
I don't want to be the one who plays the fool.
I won't betray another to get ahead on wavy path,
But will honor you, not treat others as tools.
A thousand dreams I've had before.
A thousand dream I've lost.
A thousand dreams that have washed away before.
Is this one more? Because this is our life,
This is what we make of it. This is our life,
Make what you can make of it.
Take What You Offer:
"All" means "all," not some, nor part. The "offer" you made is wisdom's start.
"Be careful" you said "to observe." No other law could we serve.
My "acceptance" means to honor those facts. Not turn away to different tracts.
Your "acceptance" forms the binding Contract: to be your treasure, we made this pact.
An if I can have my way, you know I will take what you offer.
And you will never bring me down again. If I can be the one, you know I will take what you offer.
And we will never be apart again. To carefully follow means to "obey,"
The "precepts and statutes" that you made. Not some, not part, not only those I like.
That was understood before I accepted the mic, to sing your wisdom, grounded in law,
Not whim nor emotion, but honest "awe," the Logic, our discourse, taught, then to teach:
"Every child is within our reach."
Sing The Blues:
Sitting in this lonely room, got the radio turned on.
I am dialed in, listening to the same old song,
Of fortune and fame, of days long gone by,
Of love, not seduction, the rhythm is right.
Pick up my guitar to try and play that old tune.
Sitting here in my lonely room. Not Johnson, not Eric, not B.B.
Hoping you will hear my guitar sing.
I'm gonna sing the blues. I am not going to lose.
I'm gonna sing the blues, old notes, trusted and true.
Did Not Know Your Name :
Had I known, had they said, the lights would not be turning red.
Had we heard, had they tried, the world would not be filled with lies.
When they said to me: "All is safe, be free," I believed them in my heart.
I did not know your name O Lord when they hid behind those lies.
We never learned your name O Lord when all the innocent died.
Had I known, had they not lied, I would not risk innocent lives.
Had we heard, had they said, millions would not now be dead.
When they said to me: "All is safe, be free," I believed them in my heart.
We did not know your name O Lord when they taught all those lies.
We did not learn your name O Lord when all the innocent died.
We did not hear your name O Lord when they took from us their lives.
We never learned your name O Lord when they stole from us the time.
Ceiling Fan:
Shadows dancing on these walls. Churning echoes in these halls. Inspiration spinning above.
Your silent voice is how we are led. A funnel cloud. Darkness surrounds. And in my room I hear you call.
Ceiling fan, keep me cool. On a straight path, no crooked lines. Clock is ticking on the wall, time is moving slow.
Yet another day goes by, I'm waiting for you to show me, amid shadows dancing on these walls.
When will be their final curtain call? A funnel cloud. Darkness surrounds. And in my room I hear you call.
Ceiling fan, keep me cool. On a straight path, no crooked lines. I caught your eye from a distance,
A distant land that I see. I would like to meet. Like to be free with you. Rising high ever faster,
Wood bent never breaks. Bend me round, from the ground, from the clay, to new earth, carry me away.
I sing to you from this distance, about a new land that I see in my dreams, I'd like to be free with you.
Daughter of an ocean wide, daughter of an earth run dry, daughter if you could hear me cry,
The farthest teardrop falls. Will I be with you, my love? Daughter of a mountain high,
Daughter of a Castle light, I pray the tears will be no more. The farthest teardrop falls on this floor.
Kateri, you are like the wind and rain, I prayed that day would come, that we would see your love.
Kateri, you are like a waterfall from the mountain side to the earth below. Daughter of a mountain high,
Daughter of a stream run dry, daughter if you could hear me cry, the farthest teardrop falls.
Daughter of the stars above, I pray for you my love. Daughter of the Father's love,
You are the farthest teardrop falling. Kateri, you were the wind and rain,
I prayed that day would come, for all to see His love. Kateri, you were a waterfall,
From the mountain side to the earth below.
Rachel Weeps:
We can turn and walk away and close our eyes to all we see,
But we will never change the way things are from the distance we now keep.
'Run, run away,' turn to where you think you're safe, and never learn to listen to the Truth.
From where I stand I just can't see how we can 'choose' to let them bleed,
When the stones will cry out for their blood. Have you ever stopped to wonder why
In living fields a child should die? When the stones will cry out for their blood.
Choose life! We can turn and walk away and close our eyes to all we see
But we will never change the way things are from the distance we now keep.
'Run, run away,' turn where you think you're safe, and never learn to listen to these words:
"It was you who formed my inward parts and knit me in my mother's womb
When their my sole (soul) you knew well." And in your Book will be written all my days,
As you had planned when I was made, and for everyone you do the same. Choose life!
World At Peace :
Come dance with me, with me where I see. Come I'll show you closer the world we need.
And we will laugh, laugh together, we will surely find that peace. No, don't turn back
The hour is nearing when morning finds its strength. We will find ourselves,
We will know our real selves, we will find ourselves in a world at peace.
Come, let's talk about it, let us reason together this time. Come, I'll show you closer
The world that is yours and mine. And we will dance, dance together,
We will surely find good peace. No, don't run back, the hour is nearing
When morning finds its strength. We will find ourselves, we will know our real selves.
We will find ourselves in a world at peace.
*All songs written and recorded by B. Fusonie, 2019.
A Scrap Book Sample from Dartmouth & Deerfield Academy. Book.htm
See the Studio Notes for each song at the Radio Volume 1, 2nd, 3rd, 4th pages.
"Then you stand here near me and I will give you all the commandments, the statutes and the ordinances;
you must teach them, that they may observe them in the land I am giving them to possess. Be careful,
therefore, to do as the Lord, your God, has commanded you, not turning aside to the right or to the left,
but following exactly the way the Lord, your God, commanded you that you may live and prosper, and
may have long life in the land which you are to possess." Deuteronomy 5:31-33
"You have seen all that the Lord, your God, has done against all these nations; for it has been the Lord,
your God, who fought for you. ... Therefore be strong and careful to observe all that is written in the
book of the law of Moses, never turning from it right or left. ... One of you puts to flight a thousand,
because it is the Lord, your God, himself who fights for you, as he promised you. As for you, take great
care to love the Lord, your God." Joshua 23:3-11
"Only be strong and steadfast, be careful to observe the entire law which Moses my servant enjoined on
you. Do not swerve from it either to the right or to the left, that you may succeed wherever you go. Do
not let this book of law depart from your lips. Recite it by day and by night; that you may carefully
observe all that is written in it." Joshua 1:7-9
"For the day is coming, blazing like an oven, when all the arrogant and all evildoers will be stubble,
And the day that is coming will set them on fire ... the sun of justice will arise with healing in its wings;
And you will go out ... and tread down the wicked ... Remember the law of Moses my servant, whom
I charged at Horeb with statutes and ordinances for all Israel." Malachi 3:19-24
"Did not Moses give you the law? Yet none of you keeps the law." John 7:19 "'You shall not kill;
and whoever kills will be liable to judgment.'" Matthew 5:21 "Do not think I have come to abolish the
law or the prophets (the book of law given Moses and Joshua). ... Amen, I say to you, until heaven and
earth pass away, not the smallest letter or the smallest part of a letter will pass from the law ..." Mt 5:17-21
"It is easier for heaven and earth to pass away than for the smallest part of a letter of the law to become
invalid." Luke 16:17 "Amen, I say to you ... Heaven and earth will pass away ... Beware that ... that day
catch you by surprise like a trap. For that day will assault everyone who lives on the face of the earth."
Luke 21:32-35 Jesus did not abolish the book of law, he demanded obedience to Moses and the law.
If you "neither swerve to the right nor to the left of the law," you will be on the "straight path."
Here is the Dartmouth Diploma seal. See the Cover of this CD for the full picture of that Diploma. DOWNLOAD.htm The Standard Audio CD Files.
COMING SOON, AMERICAN FABRIC at this link: Fabric.htm
RADIO VOLUME 3rd is started, songs will be posted at this link: Volume 3rd.htm
Coming Soon, Radio Volume 4th: Volume 4th.htm
Songs and lyrics and CD Booklet are posted at this page link: Volume 2nd.htm
RADIO VOLUME 1 Volume 1.htm
PDF CD Booklet: Volume 1 CD Booklet.pdf Enough (Master).m4a More Lies (Master).m4a Troved (Master).m4a Vision (Master).m4a Old Photographs (Master).m4a Salt Shakers (Master).m4a Tomorrow (Master).m4a About You (Master) 1.m4a (Master) 1.m4a Wheel (Master).m4a
"It is not good to favor the guilty, nor to reject the claims of the just." Proverbs 18:5
"Those who plead the case first seem to be in the right; then the opponent comes and cross-examines them."
Proverbs 18:17 "The false witness will not go unpunished, and whoever utters lies will not escape." Proverbs 19:5,9
"Whoever acquits the wicked, whoever condemns the just -- both are an abomination to the Lord." Proverbs 17:15
These two links go together. One is on prayer, and the other is brief notes (often daily) on current affairs,
law, scripture, and music written in prayer. I pray daily, but I do not always write notes that day. Links.htm And Notes.htm