SHORT RESUME: My Biography
"Yet, Lord, you are our father; we are the clay and you our potter: we are all the work of your hands." Isaiah 64:7 Book.htm
Deerfield Academy (High School): Book Award for Biological Sciences. New England Prep. School All Star Ice Hockey Game, 1984. N.E. Prep. Hockey Champions, 1984. High AP marks (5) on the national AP Exams for Art and Biology. Hallmark Honor Prize for a drawing that won the Boston Globe National Scholastic Art Contest for Massachusetts the year of 1983-84. Two time Battle Of The Bands winner. Also wrote songs I recorded with another outside band. And varsity lettered in Lacrosse and Football as well. Admitted to Dartmouth College early decision. Faith story: When I was ten years old I went to a Deerfield football game and was walking on one of the lower playing fields when I heard: "You my son will be on that field someday." I share that for a reason.
Dartmouth College: BA / Major in Economics and Psychology, 1988. Varsity Ice Hockey, which I missed some time because of an injury after two games freshman year, for which I had to have a spinal fusion (L5 to Sacral), and senior year I "tied" for "most improved player" that season, as the coach stated in an article. Performing Band was NRO (later called The Option). Had my own songs I wrote for that band recorded by us and aired on the Dartmouth Radio Station. I also wrote and recorded an advertisement song that aired on that same station. I co-founded and was an editor of a conservative and pro-life campus newspaper called "The Scribbler," for which I also wrote several articles. Language Study Abroad in Blois, France. And I at times drew or tried my hand at paintings. Faith story: When I was around 12 years old I went to a Dartmouth reunion, and was watching a band play in the Collis Center on stage, and I heard: "You my son will be playing guitar on that same stage someday." I share that also for a reason. It later came true when my college band played in the Battle Of The Bands in Collis.
William & Mary Law School: JD / Emphasis on Contract Law and Constitutional Free Speech Law, writing two course papers on the later subject matter. Performing Band was called "In Dispute." Often wrote and recorded songs on a small home studio 4-track. Wrote an article for the student newspaper against homosexual propaganda. Began a 'faith journey' that led me to make a promise to God: "I will write songs for you." Faith story: After graduating from Dartmouth, I was in Boston, and heard: "I need you to go to law school for Me."
Pro-Life: Various articles published in journals and magazines or newspapers, including: Informed Consent and Contraception, Ethics and Medics, Vol. 24, No. 3, March 1999; The Hidden Face Of Abortion, Pastoral Life, Vol. 47, No. 1, January 1998; Do Abortive Intentions Invalidate A Marriage?, Pastoral Life, Vol. 48, No. 10, October 1999; in addition to articles on the same topics in Marriage Magazine, Tidings, and NHRTL News those years. Was Vice President of New Hampshire Right To Life for year 1999-2000. And have written and recorded a number of pro-life songs. In 2000, I personally filed a Writ Of Mandamus Petition to the NH Supreme Court asking the court to "Order the Attorney General to do his job to protect We The People from being deceived to have abortions by drugs and devices disguised and marketed as 'contraceptives.'" The Court ignored that Petition, and they will be proven wrong in history. That Petition included the entire booklet I wrote called "Deceived By Contraception," which was included in the addendum evidences to the actual Petition For Writ Of Mandamus. In addition, that Petition included the fundamental inalienable right of men never to be deceived into being involved with an abortion by the use of an abortive drug or devices disguised and sold as a 'contraceptive.' See "Deceived By Contraception" at the Older Web Site link at my home page. Faith story: After graduating from law school, I was praying one day and heard: "Will you turn away from Me and my unborn babies as all the others have done?"
Interesting Fact: Descendant of William White and his son Resolved White who were on the Mayflower. William White died the first winter in Plymouth. Faith story: When I was a boy I had a very small model of the Mayflower hanging on my wall, and I heard: "The Mayflower will be important to you someday."
A Court Case I Won About Faith: In 814 N.E.2d 393 the judge admitted into evidence the miracle photograph seen at my Old Web Site page linked now at the bottom of my Home Page, and he said from the bench: "I (judge Wilson) see the image in the photograph." He also put into evidence my entire web site and a CD-Rom of it with discussion of stigmatas, and prophecies, and audio recordings of me speaking in tongues. In addition, he admitted into evidence my published pro-life articles, and a music album I had written and recorded. He found me "not mentally ill." I am "Jackson" in that case 814 N.E.2d 393, which states: "The judge found that Jackson was actively involved in a charismatic religious sect, where healing, prophecy and speaking in tongues were widely practiced, and that he could distinguish between 'hearing voices' and the ability to 'hear' God ..." However, today I am no longer a member of any charismatic denomination. Yet I keep this Older Web Site posted as evidence of my journey and experiences, and of my growth in faith.
Hobbies: In the past I have done some minor wood-working, building a small canoe sized boat, and two ragged guitars. I also write some poetry, and have done some minor drawing illustrations, mostly in designing album CD inserts.
Favorite Scriptures: As a legal minded person, I appreciate the Divine Law Giver, especially when He explicitly decrees that He finds certain sins "abominations" that "disgust" him, as in Leviticus 18 and 20. At the same time my favorite commandment is "You shall not kill," as it relates to ending abortions. Exodus 20 and Deuteronomy 5. And, of course, the First and Most important command in those same texts that "You shall have no other god besides me. You shall not make for yourselves an idol." Then there is the often forgotten command against contraception: "Onan ... whenever he had intercourse with his (deceased) brother's wife, he wasted his seed on the ground, to avoid giving offspring ... What he did greatly offended the Lord, and the Lord took his life." Genesis 38:9-10. And then there is this forgotten commandment in today's climate: "You shall not lay with another male as with a woman; such a thing is an abomination ... Do not defile yourselves by any of these things ... You, however, must keep my statutes and decrees, avoiding all these abominations ... otherwise the land will vomit you out also for having defiled it ... For whoever does any of these abominations shall be cut of (excommunicated) from the people. ... because all these things that they have done have filled me with disgust for them." Leviticus 18:22, 24-30; 20:13, 23. And finally, my favorite scripture about our future: "See, I am creating new heavens and a new earth ... Just as the new heavens and the new earth which I am making." Isaiah 65:17-18; 66:15-22.
"I know, Lord, that no one chooses their way,
Nor determines their course nor directs their own step." Jeremiah 10:23
Proof God Authors (Animates, Writes, Scripts, Draws) all existence:
When I was a youth I went to my father's 15th reunion, and we saw the Beatles comic movie, then went to a concert in what I believe was Collis. The band was playing and a young girl came up to me and said: "You look like Donny Osmond," who I only knew about because of the Osmond cartoon on Saturdays. As I watched the band, an Omni voice external yet internal said to me (I knew it was God): "You will attend here and be on that stage playing guitar." I did not own a guitar, only a pink plastic fake guitar toy. But I believed the voice, and knew it would come true. When I attended Dartmouth years later, senior year my band played in Collis, on that stage, and my string broke, so I had to borrow my bass player's pink Fender Strat shaped exactly like that pink guitar toy I had when a youth.
It is not 'foreseeing the future,' rather it is "Knowing God's Plan" -- What God Plans To Author (Script, Write, Draw). Often promises about the future are CONDITIONAL, they depend on "obeying God's laws," and if we do, "God promises to be faithful" and fulfill His end of the bargain, what He promises to author for you. I also knew when I was about 10 years old that I would attend Deerfield Academy. My father took us to a Deerfield football game, and I strayed off walking down to the Deerfield River with my younger brother. As we walked back toward the football field, I heard that same loud external yet internal voice of God: "Brian, my son, you will be playing on that football field one day." I later did.
God does that for each of us. If we pay attention to God, He will often let us know in advance what He is Authoring.
Here is one of my recommendation letters from the Dean of Deerfield Academy. I offer it for others to see a recommendation letter that worked.
I had others, including from the AP Art teacher, but I can't find it yet. And the head of the Biology Department, my teacher of AP Biology.
I also won the Book Award for excellence in the study of Biology (Lawrence E. Broher Award), but can't find that either.
All four years at Dartmouth were spent with Deb as my girlfriend, and a year after that.
Debby made a book throughout the hockey season in 87-88, and she never told me. Then she gave it to me at the end of the season. My parents
had it at their home and brought it recently. It has about 20 pages filled with newspaper clippings and hockey game brochures.
Freshman year I injured my back early in the varsity hockey season. I was in a lot of pain for several months before surgery (Spinal Fusion L5 to Sacral).
I practically dropped out of going to lab or classes for that duration. Later one of my TAs for lab said "he never would have given me a low grade if I had
only told him what was going on." I was immature, did not go to the dean, did not talk to anyone at the school about it in time, and took my GPA hit.
The only other grade that really dropped my GPA was 87F, Microeconomics, taught by a visiting professor from Israel, who nearly failed every student
in that class for the mid-term exam! He said: "All American students are lazy." He had numerous complaints about him. Oh, and there was 85S, Reason
& Religion class which I never attended. The first day of class the professor sat cross-legged on the desk, and stared at us for about ten minutes, before
he spoke a word. I think I made up for Reason & Religion later in life. I pray. Most of my time, other than studying, was spent with Sports, Debby,
and Rock Band, and I wrote many songs during that time -- when I should have been studying. Three of those songs aired on the college radio:
Common Man (This Is Our Life), Whispers In The Dark, and Take What You Offer. And I also had a jingle on the radio: "Wanna Get Dartwash."
Giving back what I learned in hockey was really rewarding when coaching in summer camps, or when coaching the Bantam team in 2002-03.
We won two tournaments, in the B division, with a team that had a few A players, some B players, and mostly C players or House League.
They had combined all the teams together due to a severe drop off in numbers and talent since the town's "hay days" when we were youths.
This is the team referenced in the case 814 NE2d 393.
The case briefly mentions my coaching style for such a composite type group of youths all on the same team.
Not to mention the radically different parenting styles of such diverse talented young players. Very different from
when I played on travel team A when a youth. Back then the rules also did not require "equal playing time."
I very much doubt that the lessons from such experimental type teams and rules will help in life as much. It seems
there should be a reward for working harder and becoming a better player on the team -- instead of 'all is equal.'
After Dartmouth, I spent a year in Boston (with Debby), and then off to Law School at William & Mary's Marshall-Wythe
law school with my guitar and four track recorder. This is the student run newspaper. I made one of the trading cards.
I recently had an abbreviated photo scrap book given me from my mother. These are from that. The only photo of my
Dartmouth graduation has Debby in it also. Most of these are Deerfield and Dartmouth ages, some from Law School
at William & Mary, and at least one is older, at the top of the mural. Photographs.htm
Okay, I was not going to post these, but decided I better address the difficult issue of young men and women stealing each
other's lives, play acting married, then breaking apart. Years wasted that could have been spent honestly seeking a wife.
Back then Debby was Jewish and I was Catholic. I knew it would not work, back then. 5 years we wasted. But remained
friends. Tina was 2 years of law school dating her. She was Presbyterian and I was Catholic. I knew for that and other
reasons it would not work. We wasted two years together. That is seven years during my marrying age. Now this is common.
I do not like it at all. I pray things return to God's plan, not our selfish planning.
The bottom left photo is of my college band, NRO, which became "The Option" senior year. I have no idea
who of them stayed together. My guess is only one pair did. Everyone was play acting 'married' when we
were not married. It is not God's plan. Things need to change. Photographs.htm
Song samples for each of the Radio Volume Series Music CDs.
The links to the entire CDs are posted further down this page.
"Awake, lyre and harp! I will wake the dawn. I will chant your praise among the nations." Psalm 108:3-4
Honest musicians confess that God is the Author of all good music, and we only participate with the Creator in His creativity when we allow ourselves to write songs for Him. My prayer: God, the Author of all good music, I give you these music albums to make your Name known. I pray these songs will contribute to your library of good rock music that makes a difference for your holy will.
This album is a collection of one or two songs from the first eight Radio Volume series of albums. It is not intended to be a "Best Of" album, but is samples from each CD. These songs I chose for their hopeful radio qualities. The album is intended to promote the Radio Volume Series. There are other songs on those remaining albums which I feel may be my better songs. I hope these 12 songs enable the audience to reflect on the generosity and promises of God. About You (Master) 1.m4a Old Photographs (Master).m4a Cartoons (Master).m4a At Peace (Master).m4a (Master).m4a In The Dark (Master).m4a Jerusalem (Master).m4a's Nation.m4a Builders (Master).m4a Of My Heart (Master).m4a (Vox up).m4a Of Mine (Master).m4a
My friend's son is a drummer and does some home studio recording. He said he knew I write songs and he wanted to help record them. I agreed. Each time I finished an album, he offered to record a new album for me. Over several years I recorded with his help nine CD projects, or a total of almost one hundred songs. It is my hope these albums will inspire listeners to contemplate each of our relationships with God, the Author of all good music.
"Blessed is the man ... who the law of the Lord is his joy; and on his law he meditates day and night. ...whatever he does prospers." Psalm 1:1-3. "Do not refrain from speaking at the proper time, and do not hide your wisdom ... fight for what is right, and the Lord will do battle for you." Ben Sira 4:23,28. "For the universe fights on behalf of the righteous." Wisdom 16:16-17.
Making music is my time spent in prayer with the Creator of all good music. It starts, however, with daily meditation on His laws. You learn from God when you obey Him. He wants that loyal friendship of honest obedience of His laws. You must agree with God's laws to be in valid legal agreement of God's contractual Covenant with Him. The benefits are His return promised agreement to teach, help, and love you. That friendship then flows over into song writing.
Writing music albums is a labor of love; and it is my exercise of my duty to speak out to others about God's Nature as Single Person and His promise we will have a bodily afterlife on the "new earth" he will create. When I share with Him the friendship of authoring music together, I do so with clear certainty it will reach people and God will move mountains. As scripture promises, God will fight for His truths to be heard and established. "For the universe fights on our behalf."
(c) Brian Fusonie, 2023
These are ten of my favorite logical proofs reduced to very short paragraphs each, to give you an overview of what type of proofs are in the longer meditation essays at this site. These proofs are more fully explained in those longer texts. In addition, I include at the end a few additional commentaries and proofs concerning contractual agreement Covenant law.
First: God cannot cause God to stop existing. This fact tells us much about Him. God cannot be 'infinite' because He is bound in existence by laws of physics that He cannot alter, and thus did not create. Those natural forces that hold Him in existence in His world where He resides exist separate and independent of God. He then later created and animates the universe in which we live, authoring and animating in His mind daily its laws of physics. But those are separate from the physical laws that hold Him in existence that He cannot alter. Because there exists forces outside of God's control, He is not 'infinite,' and there is no 'trinity of three infinite persons.' God is Single Person Nature.
Second: God authors creation by animation in His Mind by mental imagery. God authors (draws, animates, writes) the universe in which we live, the earth, and all His creatures. God's creatures have the simulation of free-will. Therefore, there cannot exist a 'redeemer.' Nor can God become 'incarnate' because the Drawer (Animator) cannot draw Himself as a creature. The Drawer cannot be drawn. No living being is 'infinite,' as they must have a definite size and shape to live. The forces of nature that make God and hold Him in existence dictate that He is round (r-o-un-d) or (are-round-only-God). The dogma of the 'trinity' depends on a claim that God is allegedly 'infinite' and gives life to two other 'infinite persons of the trinity.' It cannot exist. It is idolatry and blasphemy. In addition, only one thing can occupy a single space, and God occupies the space in which God exists as His Being. Nor can God create from nothing. Thus we know that God must make mental imagery to create and animate daily all atomic particles and the entire universe He created in His Mind. I watched a television program called "The Proof Is Out There" that showed a photograph of a girl next to a mirror and the facial expression of the girl's reflection in the mirror was completely different than her facial expression on her face. That show concluded the photograph was real, not a hoax, and that "maybe we are living in one giant simulation." They then discussed "Simulation Theory" about how the world is created, only they tried to remove God from the equation as the Author of the simulation. Sometimes God gives us proof that He animates (draws, authors, writes) all creation in His Mind daily, such as the different facial expression in the mirror. That is the only way that could happen; God authored and drew it as that, as a proof that He is in control drawing all the universe atomic particles daily. Finally, God warned us in Deuteronomy 13 that God would make miracle "signs or wonders" for even pagan false-gods to "test" human beings about their obedience to His commandments, especially, we can predict, about His first and greatest commandment to "not have other gods beside the true and only God." See Exodus 20:3-4. Therefore, we can predict God would design "tests" about that commandment that detail a false-god 'plurality of divine persons,' or 'plural gods.'
Third: God authored and offers only one same contractual agreement Covenant of all His laws that never change, and that contractual covenant law precludes any 'in proxy' or 'substitute performances.' Therefore again there cannot exist any in proxy 'redeemer,' as that would make the contractual Covenant null and invalid. No one can perform your obedience of the agreement for you. You must validly make and remain in that legal agreement contractual Covenant of all God's laws daily yourself. Nor can you offer God some type of 'prayers' or 'litanies' or other alleged 'substitute performances' to substitute for you having to actually daily obey the terms and conditions of the legal contractual Covenant. There is no substitute for you own actual obedience to all God's laws. Jesus cannot offer his own life in 'substitute for you' having to obey the terms and conditions, the laws of God, of the contractual Covenant. As a matter of contractual Covenant law, the offer of Jesus is invalid and would make the entire Covenant illusory and of no effect, thus null and void. Nor is Jesus God. And he is not God's legal agent; moreover, legal agents do not have authority to alter the laws of God's contractual agreement Covenant. There is only one Covenant and it is of all God's laws that will not change.
Fourth: You will have a physical bodily afterlife on the new earth God promises to create at the end. Therefore there is no 'spiritualized heaven,' nor need of any 'spiritual soul' either. Your physical body is your only (sole, soul) copyright proprietary existence. Also, God cannot design 'spirit souls,' and two separate things cannot be one same person. There cannot exist 'dual nature' creatures that have a physical body and some 'spirit soul.' It is an oxymoron, and cannot be designed by God. On the new earth, you will exist bodily. You will walk and breathe on a real physical earth God makes for us to live anew on.
Fifth: God's people are only those who validly make and remain in His only contractual agreement Covenant of all His same laws that never change. To be one of "God's people" is a contractual agreement title; it is not an ancestral lineage race title. All people who validly make and remain in that necessary agreement are God's Covenant people. No race of people by birth or consanguinity can claim to be "God's chosen people," until and unless they make the required legal agreement contractual Covenant of all God's laws. If they fail to do so, they are not among "God's chosen people." Again, race has nothing to do with God's Covenant of His laws. It is a contractual agreement offered to all people on earth, and only those who validly agree to it in legal binding acceptance of all God's laws are members of God's people.
Sixth: All of God's commanded laws are the legal terms and conditions of His contractual agreement Covenant. Thus there are more than ten required commandments. You must accept and agree to obey all of those laws in order to validly make the legal agreement with God that is His only contractual Covenant with earth. Disagreement with any of His law is not a valid agreement. Any and all disagreement with any of His laws constitutes a rejection of His offered contractual Covenant. If you disagree with God, you are not among His contractual Covenant people. Such persons who disagree with any of God's laws are "cut off from the people of God," and are "invalid." They fail to contract validly the Covenant of God.
Seventh: The contractual agreement Covenant precludes any 'in proxy' or 'substitute performances,' as we said earlier. Thus there cannot exist 'sacraments.' Such practices and rituals purport to 'make the covenant for the person' or to 'restore the person to the covenant' when they are not obedient to the laws that are God's terms and conditions of the actual legally binding contractual agreement Covenant. The 'sacraments' allege to have 'Jesus substitute his obedience or life in place of the person and their disobedience' as if that could restore you to "contractual agreement Covenant capacity" after sinning. It does not. You must actually do the hard work to restore yourself to full obedience of all God's laws for long enough time to prove to God that you are able to reliably contractually agree to obey each and all of God's laws of the contractual Covenant. Only then can you be restored to the contractual Covenant people. All alleged 'sacraments' would make the entire Covenant of God's laws illusory and invalid.
Eighth: Because God animates all creation in His Mind by mental imagery, there cannot exist 'baptism,' nor 'washing free of sin,' nor any alleged 'original sin stain,' nor any 'spiritual indwelling.' Nor can there be 'infant baptism' as infants to not have mental maturity contractual capacity yet. They cannot understand the terms and conditions of the contractual agreement Covenant.
Ninth: Paranormal does not prove a matter truthful. God warned in Deuteronomy 13 that He would make miracle "signs or wonders" for even false doctrines and false gods as "tests" of humanity as to who will obey His true laws when tested, and who will disobey His true laws instead when tested by miracles done for dogmas that are not His true doctrines. The warning in Deuteronomy 13 details a "test" God would author that has miracle "signs or wonders" done for "dreamers and false prophets" and that to "not believe such persons even when the sign or wonder comes to pass, because it is God testing you." That is a paraphrase summary of that scripture.
Tenth: Jesus is not God. Nor is he God's legal agent, nor could any agent alter God's only contractual agreement Covenant of all His laws. There is no 'new covenant.' What Jesus offered is not a contractual agreement. It is null and invalid, and it is contradicted by God's real contractual Covenant of laws. Some dare argue that Jesus 'required faith, not obedience to all God's laws.' That is a 'substitute' for actually having to make the necessary agreement performance of obedience to all God's laws, and thus Jesus' offer is invalid, and cannot be a covenant. 'Faith' in Jesus without required obedience to all God's laws would not be a valid legally binding agreement contractual covenant of laws. Jesus is a hoax, and "test" God authored to test people about their honest obedience to Him and His commandment to have not other gods than the only true Single Person God. God's Covenant will not change.
"Today you have accepted the Lord's agreement (contractual Covenant) ... And today the Lord has accepted your agreement ..." Deuteronomy 26:16-19.
A Forgotten Science; Contractual Covenant Laws. A covenant is a contractually binding "meeting of the minds" to perform specific laws of that agreement. I first read scripture seriously after being trained as a lawyer whose best exams written were in Contract (Covenant) Law, Constitutional (Contract) Law, Remedies, and other similar classes in law school. The American Jurisprudence award shown above was for writing "the best exam" in my Remedies class, which I have to honestly admit I seldom attended. It taught me that I could independent study work hard. When finally reading scripture, it amazed me that God's legal agreement Covenant is simply a contractual agreement, and it has all the same legal requirements in order to validly make and remain in that legal agreement Covenant as does any other valid contract. Yet today it is unfortunate that some people try to pretend that 'God's covenant is not a contractual agreement.' Such persons cannot validly make that required contractual Covenant with God. They reject what it is, a contractual agreement.
I write about contractual Covenant law in various meditation essays. It is not a difficult topic to understand. It should be taught in elementary school so that youth are prepared to fully understand the legal requirements for them to validly agree to God's contractual Covenant of all His laws. They need to be prepared to know and obey what is required for them to make and remain in that legally binding agreement with God. Children can understand that you must actually agree with God as to His laws in order to make an agreement with God. Yet 'adults' today pretend 'God's covenant is not a binding contractual agreement.' Children would do better with God than do those dishonest 'adults.'
Contractual Covenant law is simply the legal requirements for a legally binding agreement. You must be promising yourself to agree to and obey the terms and conditions, the laws of, that specific contractual agreement. No one can do it 'in proxy' for you. Nor can there be any 'substitute performance' by someone else or by you of something different than the actual legal terms and conditions of the contractual Covenant. You must daily obey all those laws to remain in the contractual Covenant. It is the law of personal accountability. No one else can make that 'accountability' on your behalf for you. Nor can you offer to do other things such a 'prayers' or 'rituals' or 'tithes' or 'serving others' in place of actually obeying the laws that are the terms of the contractual Covenant. You must be making "valuable consideration," mutually binding promises of real value, and the value God wants is your obedience to His laws. As stated, you must be making "valuable consideration," real agreement, to do something you otherwise would legal not do, or to refrain from doing something you otherwise might legally do. If you are not actually promising God to obey all His laws, you are not in agreement with Him and are not part of His contractual agreement Covenant people. Moreover, it is a quid pro quo, so that God is also making promises to you if you validly make the necessary agreement to obey all His laws. God promises you in exchange for your obedience His own promise to love you as one of His own people, to bless and to protect you. Both parties, you and God, must be bound legally by the agreement, or it is invalid and null. But God's promises are not for those who reject His contractual agreement of required obedience to all His laws. His promises are only for those who validly make and remain in that contractual Covenant.
There are no 'legal agents' who can alter God's contractual Covenant. His laws cannot be altered. That contractual Covenant of laws cannot be changed by 'leaders' of denominations. No person can be 'absolved' from having to actually make and daily remain in obedience to God's laws as His required performance of His only contractual Covenant. There are no 'dispensations' from its legally required obedience. It is an adhesion contractual Covenant and must be fully accepted and agreed to on God's terms; not your own preferred terms. You cannot negotiate with God. He will not change it for you, nor for anyone. We proved earlier that Jesus is not God. But if he were a legal agent, which he cannot be, a legal agent would only have authority to fully enforce all the laws of God the Author of the contractual Covenant. The legal agent could not alter its laws for anyone. He would have to enforce it. There could be no 'new covenant.'
These are only a few of my thoughts on the subject. Please read the longer meditation essays for further discussions.
When The Pillars Crumble:
(c) Brian Fusonie, 2023
There is no place to hide from truth when the pillars of prior 'faith' collapse and crumble under the weight of logic humble. All the years of pursuing to try and prove what reason could not confirm, were years infirmly drifting in vain in the fables they taught as dogmatic staples.
When the pillars collapsed and crumbled, I saw them for what they are, those who sold as dogmas their addiction to fictions, to disobeying the true laws, men with flaws who want someone else to pay their duty of obedience, and who want some 'substitute observance' to replace the laws that are binding on us all as the terms and conditions of an agreement that forbids their addictions. They are not pure motives and intentions. They want a way to avoid having to fully agree with God as to all His laws in order to by another method pretend they are in the Covenant. Their disagreement is not a valid agreement.
When the pillars collapsed and crumbled, all that remained was the true God staring eye to eye demanding a true "meeting of the minds" in agreement to His never changing laws. The walls caved in of my prior 'faith' and I stood alone with no place to hide any longer from the reality of His true contractual Covenant that exists, indeed it is the same contractual agreement with Him our elders had to agree with an enforce. Of course, that sacred compact is your only hope. No 'substitutes' exist for having to make and remain in it. There cannot be any 'new covenant,' no matter what dogmas of addiction they rant. There is only one same contractual agreement Covenant that God offered all generations, and it is the only agreement that defines a valid nation.
"Onan ... whenever he had intercourse with his (dead) brother's wife, he wasted (withdrew, spilled, contracepted) his seed (sperm) on the ground, to avoid giving offspring ... What he did greatly offended the Lord, and the Lord took his life." Genesis 38:9-10.
Echo In The Wilderness ; Brief Essays On The Sound Of Silence.
Brian Fusonie, (c) 2023 In Wilderness.pdf
Is God an Author or Potter, or both? What is a contractual covenant nation? What is true democracy versus 'democratic' idolatry? Will God create a new earth for our bodily afterlife? What is real monotheism? What is the metaphysics of animating creatures versus cartoons? Did God have a beginning and how to prove this? What is true scripture versus apocryphal texts? Why all attempts to 'substitute performance' for the contractual Covenant are necessarily black-magic hoaxes? Are there more than ten required commandments as the laws of God? These are ten questions that echo in the wilderness, and the answers are heard in the sound of silence.
"Then the Lord said: Go out and stand on the mountain before the Lord; the Lord will pass by. There was a strong and violent wind ... but the Lord was not in the wind; after the wind, an earthquake -- but the Lord was not in the earthquake; after the earthquake, fire -- but the Lord was not in the fire; after the fire, a light silent sound. When he heard this, Elijah hid his face in his cloak and went out and stood at the entrance of the cave." 1 Kings 19:11-13. "A voice proclaims: In the wilderness prepare the way of the Lord! Make straight in the wasteland a highway for our God." Isaiah 40:3.
You wander in the wilderness, alone in a world that has lost its way. You listen quietly for the voice of reason to guide you. It is a faint echo at first, then grows louder as you dare listen and follow. It is the echo of Moses, Joshua, Elijah, Jeremiah reverberating in the quiet distance, and you approach its source, faint, then louder, the voice of the lone Creator, the Author of creation and His "book of law." He commands your attention, and you listen. These are ten topics I learned in the wilderness, not from the world nor its politics of popular opinions. I learned them from the voice of the God who instructs all willing to listen and follow His laws, and from the guiding echo of past teachers, and the echo of His true Nature as Single Person God with a round shape existence that is recorded in our words. Words as "One" and "God," which say "round life of God," and "image of round God." And "Lord," which read right to left says "God the drawer" or "animator," the One who draws and authors creation in His Mind. He daily draws and authors creation "in His book." You hear the echo of what the people once knew about God recorded in those words, and you listen.
These are ten topics that are not popular today, but they are truth. I do not claim these are all the topics you need to learn and know on your journey in the wilderness, but these ten brief meditation essays are a beginning. They are a few stones with which to begin building a solid foundation. My prayer is that these short meditation essays enable you each to pass the "tests" in the wilderness, to overcome the ways of the world today, and grow in your relationship of obedience to God.
CHAPTER 1: Author Or Potter? ; The Animation Of Conservation Of Matter:
"'But if you will not (forgive the people's sins), then blot me out of the book you have written.' The Lord answered Moses: Only the one who has sinned against me will I blot out of my book." Exodus 32:32-33. "Yet, Lord, you are our father; we are the clay and you our potter: we are all the work of you hand." Isaiah 64:7.
Is God an Author writing His Book of Creation, or a Potter molding creation like clay? The answer is both. God draws and writes the molecules of the universe in His Mind daily, but then authors them molded into the formation of molecules, then into planets, objects, to solar systems, and earth, then into creatures, by strict "conservation of matter." Hence, God is a writer who molds what He writes like clay with His writing pen, by animation mental imagery in His Mind daily. He is busy at work at all hours of every day. There is no rest for the essential Animator of all creation. If God stopped animating creation, all would suddenly vanish. There would be only God all alone again, as in the beginning, before He created the universe.
God is the "creator" who is the intelligent "designer and maker" of the "heavens" and "earth," as He states in Isaiah 45:18-22. The entire universe is drawn daily on the canvass of His Mind by mental imagery of each atomic particle, and the moons, and planets, as we said. He had to carefully design each step of creation by conservation of the matter He was drawing in order to eventually create creatures. There is no 'magic-presto' to create "real" creatures as an Author animating creation. He could not suddenly make humans from nothing out of thin air; nor make them sculpted from mud. He could not 'breathe' His breath into mud and make it become living human persons. Rather, He had to methodically plan each stage of the conservation of matter, from particles, to single-cell organism, to animals, to eventually humans, in what I call "guided, or molded evolution by God's Mind." God drew each stage. That is how He creates in His Mind. Thus God is an Author who must also write the molding of particles into the formation of living creatures. He is both an Author, and somewhat of a Potter.
Another point, and I discuss this in more detail in longer meditation essays posted, and that is the metaphysics of how God creates by animation require Him to carefully and intelligently design each creature and to animate them properly each day in order for them to be "real" creatures to Him. He cannot draw that they disobey His intelligent design for that specie, or they do not really exist to Him, but are mere drawings animations as "parodies" or "cartoons," instead of fully real creatures. This is the metaphysics of creating by animation, the difference between drawing by animation real intelligent designed creatures, or instead parodies as cartoons that He draws disobey His intelligent design for that specie. This is a difficult subject matter, but must be discussed, and I detail more about in in a later book entitled, "Creator Or Cartoonist?," which gives more examples. My primary analogous example is that of God designing intelligently a robot with its artificial intelligence software and hardware existence. If God authors such a robot, God only animates a true robotic creature as long as He draws it behave conformed to His intelligent design for its hardware and software. If God inputs a lie into its software, the software ceases to exist and becomes a "parody" or "cartoon," and not creating a real robot creature. Or if God draws the 'robot' disobey His intelligent design for its hardware shape body, then God again draws a "parody" or "cartoon" against its intelligent design. This is a simple metaphysical example. The only way God as an Author who animates by mental imagery in His Mind can create real creatures, including a real robot, is to never lie to its software intellect, nor draw it to disobey His intelligent design for that specie. Again, I discuss this in greater detail in another book, and in some prior posted meditation essays.
As to the question of whether God is an Author or Potter, let us consider the example of a clay pot or vase. God authors (draws, writes, animates) the molecules and forms them in His Mind into the clay. Next God draws the clay molecules be sculpted and molded in His Mind by the drawn hands of a potter into a clay pot or vase, with strict conservation of matter. God could suddenly draw a pot appear on a table by Him suddenly drawing one. But that is a 'miracle' and is not creating. Miracles are often done to prove He is an animator who draws by mental imagery in His Mind. That is the only way miracles can be performed, by animation. But miracles cheapen creation. To be a real Creator, God has to conserve the original matter He decided to draw at the beginning of making the universe. As we concluded earlier, this conservation of matter makes God both an Author and Potter, because He has to work molding the identical particles in His Mind by animation each day. As a final proof of this, I watched a television program called "The Proof Is Out There," which showed a photograph of a girl next to a mirror and her reflection in that mirror had a completely different facial expression than the facial expression on her actual face. That television show concluded that the photograph was real and that "maybe we are living in one giant simulation." The fact is that altered facial reflection in the mirror could only happen by God drawing it by mental imagery animation in His Mind, and He did it as proof that He is an animator. He is the Author of the simulation of life. That is how He creates. And His animations are only "real" to Him provided that He fully obeys His laws for "creating."
Prayer: God who authors all creatures in Your "Book of Creation," and who molds what You draw by animation in Your Mind, re-create the earth to know and obey You the only true God once more. Reveal to all how You create by mental imagery of the atomic particles in Your Mind daily, and how You must conserve that matter when drawing true creatures by Your Mind molding the evolution of each specie. You author each genetic alteration that creates the next specie in the chain that You authored to create humans. We are in awe of You as the master Author, Drawer, and Animator of all creatures. We ask You teach all of Your true method of creating, and reclaim this earth. Amen.
CHAPTER 2: Contractual Covenant Nation Versus Abomination False 'Nations' ; Sins That End The Nation Contractual Covenant With God:
"Today you have accepted the Lord's agreement: he will be your God, and you will walk in his ways, observe his statutes, commandments, and ordinance, and obey his voice. And today the Lord has accepted your agreement: you will be a people specially his own, as he promised you, you will keep all his commandments, and he will set you high in praise and renown and glory above all nations he has made, and you will be a people holy to the Lord, your God, as he promised." Deuteronomy 26:16-19. "See, I set before you this day a blessing and a curse: a blessing for obeying the commandments of the Lord, which I give to you today; a curse if you do not obey the commandments ..." Deuteronomy 11:26-28. "When you come into the land ... you shall not imitate the abominations of the nations there." Deuteronomy 18:9. "For whoever does any of these abominations (incest, adultery, abortion, homosexuality) shall be cut off (excommunicated) from the people." Leviticus 18:29,1-30. "Do not conform to their customs." Leviticus 18:1-3. "Be careful to observe all my statutes and all my decrees ... Do not conform, therefore, to the customs of the nations (that commit abortion, spiritism, adultery, incest, homosexuality) ... because all these things that they have done have filled me with disgust for them." Leviticus 20:1-23. "Anyone who does such things (divination, augur, sorcerer, casts spells, consults ghosts, seeks apparitions of the dead) is an abomination to the Lord, and because of such abominations the Lord, your God, is dispossessing (disowning, cutting off, excommunicating) them before you." Deuteronomy 18:12. "Taking the book of the covenant, he read it out loud to the people, who answered, 'All that the Lord has said, we will hear and do.'" Exodus 24:7.
A "nation" is a social contractual Covenant, and as with all contractual agreements, it required full agreement of mutually binding promised valuable consideration to obey each of the laws that comprise the terms and conditions of that social contract to be a nation. God only recognizes one single contractual agreement Covenant of laws, and those are all of His laws, in order for Him to acknowledge that land as a "nation" in His definition of a nation. The example is this, "If you obey all My laws, then I will recognize you as a nation that is My own and will protect, defend, an prosper your nation." To which all the people must give valid "acceptance" by promising, "We agree to obey all Your laws that You will recognize our nation and protect, defend, and prosper us, as You promise." To exist, a nation must have the mind of its Creator, a valid "meeting of the minds" with the Creator by accepting and adopting all of His laws that never change as they appear in scripture. If the land fails to do so, God will not recognize it a nation, and will not defend, protect, and prosper it, but has instead promised the curse of ruining and eventually destroying all lands that refuse to obey all His laws.
Thus, a nation is a social contract that has as its required terms and conditions the laws of God. Without that contractual agreement, there cannot be a "nation." Yet today many lands have tried to role-reverse the 'laws' to instead impose and enforce what God "hates," and that which "disgusts" God, what He calls "abominations" that "cut off a person from His true nation contractual Covenant." They are not "citizens" to God. They are not members of the "nation" agreement. In Leviticus 18 and Leviticus 20, and Deuteronomy 22:5, God condemns abortion, homosexuals, and transvestites or trans-genders as "abominations" that "disgust" Him, and that "cut them off (excommunicate) them from the people of God," thus excommunicate them from the nation's citizenry of the national contractual agreement. Yet in many lands today, those sins are called 'protected rights.' They have role-reversed the contractual agreement and made it null and void. God will not recognize such lands as nations, but will, as He warned in the Covenant, destroy them eventually. That is, after all, the meaning of His contractual agreement Covenant: blessings for obedience; and destruction if we disobey His laws.
A contractual nation, therefore, only exists if all its laws are conformed to the laws of God, and thus are valid laws in the eyes of God. The opposite of any of God's laws cannot be a valid 'law,' and thus not a valid 'contractual nation.' Without that required contractual agreement of real laws that God will recognize, there is no valid "nation." And without God's recognition of that land as a valid nation contract, God promised to eventually punish and destroy such lands. On the other hand, He promised to bless, protect, defend, and prosper all lands that validly make the nation contractual agreement Covenant of all His laws with Him, as He promises in scripture.
Now it has been said that 'America is a Christian nation.' That phrase is an oxymoron, because God exists as Single Person who authors all creation in His Mind by mental imagery daily, and cannot draw Himself to become a creature, nor is He 'infinite' as we discuss in a later chapter, but is bound in existence by primal laws of physics that He cannot alter, and thus did not make. They made Him; and He did not make those natural physical forces. Thus a world of physics existed that is independent of God. Accordingly, He is not infinite, but is a finite round shaped God. Because He cannot be infinite, there also cannot exist any 'trinity.' The entire dogma of the 'trinity' is dependent in its allegations on God being 'infinite' able to automatically 'eternally generate in His Mind a full sized infinite reflection of His Being as somehow a 'second independent person, and then a third person proceeding from them.' It is an oxymoron, and cannot exist. There cannot exist any contractual agreement covenant with a hoax trinity. There is only one nation contractual agreement Covenant that God will recognize, and that is with His real divine Self as Single Person God, with its terms and conditions being all His laws. In addition, there is another reason why the nation contractual agreement Covenant cannot be a "Christian nation," and that is because contractual agreement covenant law precludes any and all "in proxy" or "substitute performance" type practices, and therefore there cannot be a covenant that has an "in proxy redeemer," nor other "substitutes" for having to personally agree to obey all of God's laws. Any alleged "in proxy redeemer" makes an agreement illusory and of no binding promises, thus no valuable consideration, and it is null and invalid. Accordingly, there cannot possibly exist any alleged "Christian covenant," and nor is "faith alone" a possible substitute for the required agreement to obey all God's laws in order to validly make and remain in His only offered contractual agreement Covenant of all His laws. Thus "faith alone" is not an agreement of laws with God, and is also null and invalid. There cannot be a "Christian nation contract," thus the only hope for lands to be in legally binding contractual agreement Covenant of His protection is to worship His true Single Person Nature and obey all of His same laws that never change.
Prayer: God, the Author of true nations, make this land into a valid nation contractual agreement Covenant of laws with You, thus conformed to worshipping Your true Single Person Nature and obeying all Your laws. Reform our land to have a valid meeting of the minds with You our Creator and law giver. Reclaim this land to be a nation proud of all Your laws. End all sins. Restore us to be lawful citizens of Your nation Covenant. Spare us the ruin You promise if we fail to obey Your laws. We want Your blessings of protection and that You prosper our land; not the ruin You promised to do instead if we continue to disobey Your laws. Amen.
CHAPTER 3: True Democracy Versus 'Democratic' Idolatry ; True Rights, Thus Laws, Are Endowed By The Creator And Not Subject To Any Vote:
"Every word that I command you, you shall be careful to observe, neither adding to it nor subtracting from it." Deuteronomy 13:1. "Only be strong and steadfast, be careful to observe the entire law which Moses my servant enjoined on you. Do not swerve from it either to the right or to the left ... this book of law ... observe all that is written in it." Joshua 1:1-9. "But the house of Israel rebelled against me ... They did not observe my statutes, and they rejected my ordinances ... Then I said to their children in the wilderness: Do not follow the statutes of your parents. Do not keep their ordinances. ... I am the Lord, your God: follow my statutes and be careful to observe my ordinances ..." Ezekiel 20:13-38.
All true democracies recognize that rights are endowed by God. That is to say true laws are authored and commanded by the Creator. As the Declaration Of Independence states, "We hold these truths to be self evident that all men are ... endowed by the Creator with certain inalienable rights ..." A "right" means a "law." We hold this truth to be self evident, that all laws are authored and required by the Creator of all men and all nations. Those laws of God securing those inalienable rights are immutable and timeless, and are not subject to a 'democratic vote.' Yet the world today has largely forgotten this plain fact, and the many lands have subverted real laws to instead pretend that its public, courts, and legislatures can 'vote in or out any law of God they want to eliminate or alter.' They are wrong, and not part of God's nation contractual agreement Covenant. By pretending they can vote to eliminate or alter God's laws, they make themselves gods over God. It is idolatry. The plain truth is that God's laws cannot be altered nor terminated by 'popular vote.' No court has the power to alter or get rid of any letter of God's sacred laws. Those laws are the timeless bedrock of every good functioning society. Those who pretend they can vote to terminate or change any letter of God's laws are what I call "democratic idolatry," it is blasphemous, and it is mortal sin; it is excommunicating from the only nation contractual agreement Covenant God will make with any nation.
True democracy accepts and obeys all of God commanded laws in scripture as the unchangeable laws of the Creator of any real valid nation. They require and enforce those laws which God has spoken, and then in good faith enact additional laws where God has not spoken, provided they do so in good faith seeking to enact only what conforms to God's laws and that therefore God will approve. Conversely, a "false-democracy" or a "democratic idolatry" land pretends all law, including God's laws, are subject to a vote, as we said. And as such, they come under God's promised curses because they reject His only contractual agreement of all His laws to recognize them as a nation. In the contractual Covenant, God promises to punish and ruin and eventually destroy all lands that reject His true laws. Idolatry has a high price.
As examples, consider the following list to prove the distinction between "true democracies" versus "false-democracies" of democratic idolatry. The first example, God commanded "You shall not kill." A true democracy accepts and obeys that in good faith and thus protects the life of every unborn child from the moment of conception at fertilization, without exceptions. It does not dare play games with God to pretend that it can 'vote to determine if a child is a life or not.' The true democracy does not dare play games with God as that. Secondly, because God commands "You shall not kill," the true democracy enacts common sense laws to enforce that decree of God, such as enacting laws as "You shall not operate a vehicle under the influence of drugs or alcohol," and "You shall not operate a vehicle at excessive speed." The true democracy can, however, debate and vote about what should be the proper speed limit, as long as it does so in good faith and the promulgated law is just. The false-democracy instead pretends it can lessen the punishment for vehicular homicide to less than that for all other similar murders, when God commands in scripture a punishment commensurate and thus equal to the crime of murder. In fact, today, many city councils and states have tried to lessen the required penalties for murder, assault, car theft (car-jacking), etc. They are not in good faith. God always commands a penalty equal to the crime. Today, the courts, councils, and legislatures are favoring hardened criminals, instead of obey God's required punishments for such criminals. They are upside-down legislatures, and have turned the word "democratic" into a leftist parody and cartoon.
Thirdly, God commanded as law in Genesis 9, Exodus 21 and 24, and Numbers 34 and 35, that "any person who kills another person with malice aforethought, or thus premeditated murder, shall receive the death penalty." A true democracy does not reject God to think they can vote God 'wrong' about the death penalty. It is blasphemy and idolatry to dare pretend that 'God forbids the death penalty,' because it is an oxymoron to say that "God forbids what God commands as law for the death penalty in scripture," or simply it is errant to pretend that "God forbids what God commanded." Finally, God commanded the criminal punishment of all homosexuals in Genesis 19, Leviticus 18 and Leviticus 20. God commanded that all homosexuals be "cut off (excommunicated) from the people," Leviticus 18:29,22, and even hates them so much that He commands the "death penalty" in Leviticus 20:13. Yet today the many lands and public, even many altars and pews, now claim they have the right to veto God, and to thus call God 'wrong.' God said in Leviticus 20:13, 22-23, that homosexual "disgust" Him, for which He destroyed Sodom (sodomites) in Genesis 19 because they were found to be homosexuals. There is plenty of plain commands in scripture that no land can pretend that 'God loves homosexuals equally,' as I have heard even the Vatican dare preach. It is blasphemy and idolatrous heresy against the true God who commanded His plain laws against homosexuals in scripture. They no longer worship that God, but they made themselves gods over the true God. And the consequence has been that many lands not only dared try to 'legalize homosexuals,' but they then dare to 'legalize gay marriage,' and then transvestites, and trans-genders, and now they are daring to claim that your children are 'wards of the states' to mutilate their genitals and poison and harm them with hormones and drugs, instead of require all to faithfully accept and obey the sex gender they were created by God at conception. We are near the end. It is an era perhaps worse than in Noah's day.
You can read the statutes of state legislatures or of congresses and find numerous examples of "democratic idolatry." They have forgotten the true God. They do not care about God's contractual agreement Covenant, nor about His sovereignty. Instead, they care only about ending God's reign, and about 'democratic votes' above God, as more powerful than God; as more of a law authority than even God. To those pagan courts, councils, and legislatures, the 'popular vote' is almighty. It is their god above God.
Prayer: Lord, our God, You commanded that Your laws by obeyed by all nations. Your laws are not optional. All of them are required to make the nation agreement with You for Your protection. Today there are so few, if any, true obedient democracies that preserve and obey all Your laws. The vast number of lands have rebelled against Your laws, and now fall under Your promised punishments for disobeying You. We ask You to reclaim this land, and make us become a true democracy that obeys all Your laws so that You will agree with us and protect, defend, and prosper us as one of Your loved nations. End all 'democratic' idolatries. Restore Your true reign over our nation. Amen.
CHAPTER 4: Metaphysics Of Animating Creatures Versus Cartoons ; What God Must Design And Animate To Create Real Creatures.
"It was I who made the earth, human being and beast on the face of the earth ..." Jeremiah 27:5. "For thus says the Lord, the creator ... who is God, the designer and maker of earth ... designing it to be lived in: I am Lord, and there is no other." Isaiah 45:18-22. "I know Lord, that no one chooses their way, nor determines their course, nor directs their own step." Jeremiah 10:23. "The Lord said to him: Who gives one person speech? Who makes another mute or deaf, seeing or blind? Is it not I, the Lord?" Exodus 4:11-12. "As for the prophet, if he speaks deceiving words, I the Lord am the one who deceives that prophet." Ezekiel 14:9.
A "creator" intelligently designs and animates true "creatures," while a "cartoonist" makes instead parodies against the intelligent design of that alleged creature. God, we said in earlier chapters, animates creatures by mental imagery in His Mind daily, thus God gives us life by the work of His Mind. An animator, as is God, can only create creatures if He intelligently designs that creature's nature hardware and software intellect, and then at all hours properly animates the creature behave conformed to His intelligent design for that specie. If God draws the alleged creature disobey His intelligent designed laws for the nature of that specie, then God cartoons a parody against His intelligent design, and there is not a real created creature then, but a cartoon. That is the metaphysics of creating by animation mental imagery in His Mind. He has to do it right, or it is merely drawing cartoons that look like creatures, but do not meet the requirements of actually creating a "creature," something that is a living animated machine "other" than God's Self. An animator, or author, as is God, cannot actually create full free-will for His creatures, but animates instead the simulation of free-will, the simulation that they have life on their own; but they do not have life on their own because God must animate them into existence daily, or they would suddenly vanish, as we said earlier. God is hard at work creating each of us daily.
In the first chapter of this short book, I wrote about how if God designed a robot creature, God would only create a true robotic life "other" if He properly, at all hours, animated it conformed to His intelligent design for its hardware and software nature. If God drew the 'robot' disobeyed its intelligent designed nature, then there would not be a created "other" there, no robotic life creature, only a cartoon parody, because God would be animating the errors against its design. The same is true when God draws creatures. Any action drawn by God that is contrary to the intelligent design of that specie, is necessarily a parody cartoon, not a living "other." It is not a true "creature" then, not unless and until God animates it properly to obey all of its intelligent designed nature. A wrongly drawn sinful "robot" is not a creature, not an "other," but nor is it God's Self. God draws all, but all He draws is not God. There is another problem we briefly mentioned, and that is if God inputs a lie into the 'robot's' software, then God would be authoring another parody cartoon instead of a true creature, because God would be animating that lie in the software 'intellect' of the alleged robot's space. There would be no robot then, only a cartoon in its place. It would look outwardly like a robot, but it would not be a true robot because its software is a cartoon animated by God that way. The same is true if God lies to the intellect of a human. God would then be animating a cartoon, not the real person's "self." Thus God has to perfectly animate the creatures obey their God designed nature, and God must never lie to the creature, or they metaphysically cease to exist to Him, and become not "real" to Him.
That is why God must end the lie of the 'trinity,' because it poisons the intellect software of the person to make their animation a parody; a cartoon. God is Single Person. He will prove that again to all the earth. He will end the 'triune god' hoax, and restore all to honest worship of His Single Person Nature. This is important, because God made many "tests" about obedience to His commandments, especially a very large "test" about His first and greatest commandment to "have no other gods than Him." In Deuteronomy 13:1-6, God foretold and warned Israel that He would author even "sign or wonder" miracles for false-gods that "they have not known," and that when those miracles "come to pass" you are "not to listen to them" because "it is the Lord, your God, testing you." Eventually, God will cease all "tests," and will restore proper worship and obedience of Him as Single Person God who commands we obey all His laws. And then God promises to "create a new earth" in Isaiah 65:17-18 and 22. On that new earth there will never be mentioned again any 'trinity.' "I will destroy the names of the idols from the land, so that they will be mentioned no more." Zechariah 13:2.
Prayer: God, who authored the intelligent design of the human specie, end all "tests" that lured people to accept lies instead of Your true Single Person Nature, and thus they were drawn parodies against an honest intellect. We are Your human sons and daughters, and not cartoons. We do not want the lies of the world. We want to worship and obey You as You truly Are. End the lies that poisoned our software minds against our metaphysical existence, and restore all to the intelligent design You made for our specie, that all be "real" and fully human sons and daughters to You. Reclaim the earth now, as we await Your creation of the new earth. Amen.
CHAPTER 5: The New Earth Promised Bodily Afterlife ; There Cannot Exist Any 'Spiritual Afterlife' :
"See, I am creating new heavens and a new earth; the former things shall not be remembered. ... The Lord's power shall be revealed ... For see, the Lord will come in fire ... like a stormwind; to wreak his anger in burning rage and his rebuke in fiery flames. For with fire the Lord shall enter into judgment ... Just as the new heavens and the new earth which I am making." Isaiah 65:17-18; 66:15-22. "Thus says the Lord God to the land of Israel: An end! The end comes upon the four corners of the land! Now the end is upon you; I will unleash my anger against you; judge you according to your ways, and hold against you all your abominations. ... An end is coming, the end is coming; it is ripe for you! See it is coming!" Ezekiel 7:2-6. "The earth shall be utterly laid to waste, utterly stripped, for the Lord has decreed this word. The earth mourns and fades, the world languishes and fades; both heaven and earth languish. The earth is polluted because of its inhabitants, for they have transgressed laws, violated statutes, broken the ancient covenant." Isaiah 24:3-5.
There are many scripture texts that reference the end, and those are shown followed in Isaiah 65 and 66 by the creation of a "new earth" on which people will be re-drawn, resurrected, re-created to life; and "as the years of a tree, so the years" they will live there, which is poetically a long time, a thousand years. Everyone there will live a "full lifetime" without deaths, and "infants" and "descendants" will be born to the people there. So it is not a sterile afterlife, but a fully bodily afterlife on a real physical earth. In the warnings about the end of the present earth, God always warns that He will destroy the lands and eventually the earth because the people violated His laws and commit "abominations." We presented in earlier chapters a few scripture texts in which God calls abortion, homosexuals, adultery, incest, and apparition seekers to be "abominations" that "cut off from the people" of God. See Leviticus 18; Leviticus 20; and Deuteronomy 18, as examples. After authoring the end of the present earth, God promises to create a real physical earth as your bodily afterlife. There cannot be any 'spiritual outcomes,' no 'life outside of your body.' God cannot invent nor animate 'spirits' because they would not have a definite body; spirit is not designable. I will return to this point later in this chapter briefly. Yet here the point is that your physical body is your only (sole, soul) copyright proprietary existence. You are your body. Your body is your only life, now, and then on the real physical new earth God will create, where you will be re-created bodily, as we said, to live a fully human life. You cannot become something else, there is no spiritual 'evolution' into something other than a bodily human person. And since you will be re-created bodily on the new earth, there is no need for any alleged 'spiritual soul.' It is neither existent, nor is it necessary. God will give you a bodily afterlife. Moreover, two things cannot be one thing. A human cannot have 'two natures.' It is not designable. Rather, we have only "one nature," and that is your copyright physical bodily nature. A bodily nature could not co-exist with a spiritual nature as "one same person," it is not possible. God cannot draw it. Again, two things cannot be one same person.
Therefore, all 'spiritism' is a hoax; it is a 'test' contrary to the true nature of the human being and contrary to logic. It is idolatry to believe in any 'spiritual afterlife.' It is blasphemous. God can only give you life as a bodily human person; and not as a 'spirit.' Any alleged 'spiritual heaven' therefore is a hoax also. The promise of a "new earth" bodily afterlife is a Jewish scriptural promise, but even Christians believe that God will create a "new earth" for our afterlife, as stated in Revelations 21. "Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth. The former heaven and the former earth had passed away." Revelations 21:1. Hence, even Christians believe God will give them a bodily afterlife on a new earth, and thus their insistence on an alleged 'spiritual heaven' or 'spiritual souls' is misplaced and contradicted.
As we proved, God animates by mental imagery in His Mind, which cannot create 'spirits' because, as we said, they would have no definite body and cannot be designed. Any 'spirit' would not have sufficient bodily hardware nor sufficiently software mind variable for God to animate them as "other" than Himself. To create, God must intelligently design sufficient hardware and software variables, a machine body and software brain, for Him to actually be able to animate that as something fully "other than Himself." But 'spirit' lacks those qualities. It is not designable. It would be as God playing games animating drawings, but not actually creating. Thus a 'spirit' would be as if God playing games with Himself, all alone, and not creating "others." Thus you need to respect your copyright proprietary existence as your body. Nor was a 'spiritual heaven' always the belief of Jews, who sometimes believed in a 'limbo,' and others that they "will awake from slumber in the ground on the last day to bodily life anew." There is no 'limbo.' Nor can there be any 'purgatory,' for God cannot create 'spiritual outcomes.' There also will be no 'hell' when God makes the new earth. There is only your body, and that will be your life on the new earth. You will be re-drawn on that earth bodily to life. Remember, there cannot exist any 'trinity,' nor any 'incarnation,' as God is Single Person, we proved, and animates all creatures, thus He cannot draw Himself to be an animated human. The drawer cannot draw Himself a different specie than He is as God. The point is then that there cannot be any 'heaven with a trinity.' Nor any 'heaven with an incarnated god.' Those are all "tests" God used to test humanity, and about one-third of the earth failed that test because they believed that God is a 'trinity' and is 'incarnate,' when He is not. Accordingly, it is important that you place your hope of future afterlife in what God will create, what will exist, and not in what cannot exist. A thousand years on the new earth is better than wasting your time believing in an illusory promise of a 'god incarnated heaven' that cannot exist.
When will God make the new earth? It will be after a fire from the sky God animates directly at earth. "For see, the Lord will come in fire ... like a stormwind ..." is very similar to a very large and powerful solar flare directly at the earth's atmosphere. God will draw it, whatever it is, and it will ruin the earth, before God then creates the new earth for our bodily afterlife. We should listen to the words God warned to the prophets that "an end comes, the end arrives, it is ripe for you, because you transgressed laws and committed abominations, and broke the ancient covenant." God will do as promised.
Prayer: God who has promised to first destroy the present earth because of sins, then create a new earth on which we will be re-drawn and animated bodily to life anew, prepare Your people for what is coming. Make us ready for those days, and ready and grateful to live anew on a pristine new earth of peace and bounty. End all worship of a 'spiritual heaven' that cannot exist and is contradicted by Your true promised new earth for our afterlife bodily. Make the people respect Your honest promise of what You can actually design and create for our afterlife. We want real; not an illusory 'heaven' that cannot exist. You are Lord, Single Person God, and Animator of all creation. Amen.
CHAPTER 6: God's Beginning And Forevermore ; How We Prove God Had A Beginning, But No End:
"I, the Lord, am the first, and at the last I am he." Isaiah 41:4. "I am the first, I am the last; there is no God but me." Isaiah 44:6. "Before the mountains were born, the earth and the world brought forth, from eternity to eternity you are God." Psalm 90:2.
The Jews often used poetic terms or phrases to express the passage of time when it was unrecorded or not fully known. For example, the phrase "thousand years" simply meant "many centuries, or a very long time." The number "forty" as in the Noah Ark history of "forty days and forty nights" repeated throughout those biblical portions meant also "a very long period of time." The phrase "eternity to eternity" is a double poetic use of that word, and obviously there can be only one "eternity," so the psalm uses a double poetic reference "eternity to eternity" to mean "from time immemorial; for ions unknowable; for time duration longer than comprehension; an unrecorded near endless duration," or something of that nature. In essence, the palmist in Psalm 90:2 is saying that God predates all that He has created, He predates the universe, and will last longer than the universe. In fact, we will prove that God is the first-born of all creatures, the essential creature who designs and animates all other creatures. God had a beginning, but will not have any end. This chapter discussed how we prove that God is a creature made by primal forces that predate God's existence, and that He cannot alter. God has a birthday, or a conception day! We should celebrate the fact of His creation day and recognize the first day of the year, January 1st, as our celebration of God's conception day. After all, if He was never made, the world would be a sterile empty wasteland. And because He was made, it is now vibrant with His created universe and creatures.
As to proving that God had a birthday, that He is "the first" of all living beings, and He will be "the last" of all living beings, once made God cannot cause Himself to cease to exist. He therefore is not 'almighty,' but is held bound in existence by the forces of primal physics that He has no power to alter nor change. They are not in His control. They hold Him in existence, and thus we know on logic that those laws of physics in that primal world generated God's existence, and are His life. He cannot change that fact. He must now live as long as those forces continue to exist, which will be forever. God had a beginning, but has no end. We also know from this fact that God is not 'infinite,' because certain natural primal forces of physics existed independent of Him. There was a world in existence before He was created, and He now resides in that world. God therefore is not a 'god without a beginning,' but He is a "God without an end." He is not 'eternal.' He was created. But now He exists "everlasting, without end." Accordingly, there cannot exist any 'eternal word' as His alleged 'son,' nor any 'trinity,' because those false-dogmas depend entirely on their claim that 'God is infinite and by virtue of being infinite He makes in His mind a fully infinite perfect reflection of Himself that is somehow His eternal word self 'son,' as a separate 'person' from Himself, and then they generate a 'third person' also 'infinite' as a perfect reflection of themselves.' It is absurd! It cannot exist. First, because God is not infinite. God is, as we will prove, finite round in the shape of His existence. Secondly, because God authors all creatures by animation in His Mind by mental imagery, and He cannot draw Himself to become a human that He animates. Again, it is absurd. Thus there is no 'infinite eternal word son,' nor any 'holy ghost third person infinite,' nor any alleged 'incarnation of the second person.' There cannot exist any 'trinity.' God is Single Person in Divine Nature, and that will never change.
A belief in a 'trinity' is against the First and greatest Commandment to "have no other gods beside Him." It is a "test" God authored to test humanity about its obedience to that sacred commandment. In fact, because God draws tests, as forewarned in Deuteronomy 13:1-6, which warns God will draw miracle "signs or wonders" for "false-gods which you have not known," such as a 'plurality of persons god,' and that "you are not to listen to those, because it is God testing you." A belief is the 'trinity' or Jesus is a violation of the commandment to be carefully monotheists. God's own names prove He is finite round Being, not 'infinite.' The word "G-o-d" says "image of God is round," or "image round God." The word "o-n-e" says "round life I AM," or "round life God." The word "r-o-u-n-d" says "are round you life God," or "You God are round life." Nothing can be infinite, not even the primal world of physical laws that created God. It cannot be expansive endlessly without some limit. Infinite is never possible. That world is much larger than God, who is very large, bigger than our universe. But it has to have a size, an exact size, or God would never have formed into existence by forces of natural physics in that world, because they would have been too spread out, to distant from each other, so that they would never have congealed to form a massive round electric Being we call God. God is made by the interaction of weak forces in that primal world. And that they made Him "round" means it must be something akin to "gravitational forces." Hence God made us to be a reflection of how He understands life to be "electric beings." We are animated electric creatures, authored in His Mind daily, but He is an enormous electric Being held bound in existence by the electric charge produced, or heat generated, by some type of gravitational forces in His primal world. He has an equilibrium heat, and equilibrium density. He is not able to move, nor swirl into shapes. He cannot migrate Himself to be of more density in one creature more than in another object or creature. He is stable in His existence. All that God can do to pass His time is to think, and to mental imagery in His Mind daily, which He does to create the universe and His creatures. He is a living electrical Brain. That is all He is. All other versions of "god" or "gods" are hoaxes, and are idolatry.
Now some denominations wrongly believe that certain people have become "unitives" or "united" to God. That is not possible. God animates. He cannot unite with any of His creatures. He is only an Author, and never can He become "united to someone." Thus the belief in a "unitive stage of prayer" is false. What God can do is have a love relationship of obedience with one person more than others who disobey His laws. He is normal in that desire to have relationship, friendship, with His sons and daughters. There is no 'transfiguration,' but God could draw a "test" that looks like such a thing. Yet it would be a hoax. There is no 'married to God,' no 'virgin Mary united to God above all others,' no such thing can exist in God's real limitations of how He creates by mental imagery animation in His Mind. There can only be His friendship of loyalty between you and Him as Creator and Parent. After all, God is lonely for love relationship with His creatures. He has no equal, no other members of His specie, and as He said to Isaiah, "there is none like (none resembling) Him; there is no other." He is a lonely God. And somewhat hates being made all alone as the only living Person. That is why He loves to create humans to know, love, and obey Him. That is His joy. Otherwise He would be all alone, which is a terrible fate to God.
Prayer: God who knows what it is to be create by forces beyond Your control, held bound in existence by what You cannot alter, we ask You have compassion on all Your creatures, especially on humans, for You made us in Your "electrical likeness as electrical creatures," and we are helpless to Your authoring pen each day for life. Like You, we are created; that we share in common. Extend Your compassion to us, especially those most struggling with daily sufferings or needs. Provide for each a better life now, and prepare us all for our bodily afterlife on the new earth with You that You promise to create for us. Amen.
CHAPTER 7: The Real Definition Of Monotheism ; There Is No 'Trinity':
"You shall not have other gods beside me." Exodus 20:3-4. "For thus says the Lord ... I am the Lord, and there is no other. ... Turn to me and be safe ... for I am God; there is no other!" Isaiah 45:18-22. "I am God, there is no other; I am God, there is none like me." Isaiah 46:9. "I am the first, I am the last; there is no God but me. Who is like me? Let him stand up and declare, make it evident, and confront me with it." Isaiah 44:6-7. "If there arise in your midst a prophet or a dreamer who promises you a sing or wonder (miracle), saying, 'Let us go after other gods,' whom you have not known ... and the sign or wonder comes to pass, do not listen ... for the Lord, your God, is testing you ..." Deuteronomy 13:2-6.
This chapter presents some of the proofs we discussed in prior chapter, with some additional proofs on the topic of required "monotheism." The word "monotheism" is defined by March's Thesaurus And Dictionary as "the doctrine that there is but one God." Thus worship and obedience of a Single Person God. "Paganism" is defined as "the worship of false gods." Mono-theism is the opposite of plural-theism or belief in 'plural persons who are god.' And we will prove in this chapter again that 'three persons' cannot exist as a single God. Three things cannot be one same thing. It is math. Those who believe in a 'trinity' of 'three persons as one god' are not monotheism, they are plural-theists, which is "paganism" and blasphemous idolatry against God's Single Person Existence. They cannot explain their belief in an 'infinite trinity of three divine persons' in any rational way, because it cannot logically exist. Most often they merely explain it as a "mystery that cannot be understood." Or they rely on Jesus having taught a 'trinity.' But they are mistaken and in grave error. God can and wants to be worshipped and understood as He truly Is, as Single Person who is not infinite, but is finite round in shape, thus there cannot be a 'trinity' as we explained in prior chapters.
We will here briefly examine the relevant scripture quotes at the top of this chapter in which God explains His Singular Existence. "You shall have no other gods beside me." Exodus 20:3-4. March's Dictionary defines "beside" as "at the side; except." Let us try each of those definitions. "You shall have no other gods at the side of me." Or let us try, "You shall have no other gods except me." In other similar commands in scripture God uses the word "besides me," which more accurately means "except me." But in either case, God commands that there is "no gods at His side, none like Him, none except Him, He is alone." There cannot be a 'plural persons god' in that definition and text. We see this again when in Isaiah we read: "I am God, there is no other; I am God, there is none like me." Isaiah 46:9. The words "no other" and "none like me" are important. We see the word "other" in the word "mother" because the mother is "other than the child in her womb." But God said He has "no other." And He said "there is none like Him." The word "like" means "to resemble." God has none who "resembles" His Nature. He is alone. He has no 'mirror image infinite reflection in His Mind resembling Him as a son.' There is no 'mirror image like Him.' He is Singular Person in those texts. There is no 'second' or 'third' persons who perfectly reflect and thus resemble His entire Person.' It cannot exist. In Isaiah 45 we read, "I am the Lord, and there is no other ... Turn to me and be safe ..." Isaiah 45:18-22. God wants you to "be safe" and be careful then to only worship His true Single Person Nature. So much is this His commandment that He expressed anger to Isaiah that someone was claiming to be "like Him" as a "god" or "deity." "... there is no God but me. Who is like me? Let him stand up and declare ... and confront me with it." Isaiah 44:6-7. Finally, God warns in Deuteronomy 13 that God will "test" humans about obeying His commandment not to worship strange gods that are not His Single Person. As stated in earlier chapters, we can expect the largest "test" would be about that commandment as the First and greatest law of the Ten Commandments. Thus we could predict God would invent a "test" involving a "plural persons god." In Deuteronomy 13, God warned the "test" would involve both "other gods who you have not known" and miracle "signs or wonders" done by God for that false-god to "test" humans. Any miracles done for a 'plural person god' or a false 'incarnation' are done only as "tests," to determine who will obey the first commandment, and who would dare instead worship a strange 'plural persons deity' instead of God's Single Person.
I have been there and failed that test in my past by believing that Jesus is 'God incarnate,' the 'infinite son of an infinite God,' but the true God is Single Person and cannot be 'incarnate.' I used to think that miracles were 'proof that Jesus was who he claimed to be.' But I was wrong. God warned us that He would draw miracles even for false-gods not as proof of their truthfulness, but as "tests" to determine who would be careful to remain obedient to His Single Person, and who instead would be lured away to a 'trinity' hoax. I had to re-evaluate my prior beliefs and come to terms with the fact God cannot be 'infinite,' and cannot draw Himself by mental imagery animation to be a human. He cannot become a creature that He draws and animates in His Mind. In earlier chapters we proved that God had a beginning, this we know because He is bound in existence and cannot cause Himself to cease to exist. He is held bound in existence by forces of primal natural physics that He cannot alter, and thus did not create. They made Him; and He did not make those forces. Accordingly, there is a primal world of physics that existed before God, and once made by those forces, God now resides in that world forevermore, as we proved. God is therefore not 'infinite,' nor is He 'almighty.' He had a beginning, but will have no end. Yet that fact alone proves He cannot be an 'infinite trinity of three divine persons as one same god.' It is a hoax; and is mortal blasphemous idolatry. Moreover, some denominations use the phrase 'eternally begotten' about Jesus as alleged 'infinite always begotten in God's Mind son without beginning or end.' It is an oxymoron to say "eternally begotten," because to "beget" means to "generate," or to therefore "have a beginning." But because God is not 'infinite,' but is finite round in shape and size, there is no 'eternal word,' and there is no 'eternally begotten son.' There is only God as Single Person.
Another proof is that God at times will use "word plays" or poetic us of names or language or symbols to indicate something is a "test" and not real. For example, in scripture God condemned the people who killed their offspring for the false-god "Molech." Leviticus 20:1-5. The name "Molech" is the mirror opposite, spelling in reverse, of "Shelom," or "Peace of God," or "God's true Name." Thus God named the false-god to tell the people it is a false-god, and not His true Self. We proved God's Name Shape is "round," or "r-o-u-n-d," which is drawn by the letter which is a round circle, "O." In the first hours of God's existence, when He was made by those primal natural physics forces that hold Him in existence, He named Himself by the short single syllable sound of what we today verbalize as "E." That is still retained in some degree in the name for God "El." Or "E is one." "God is one." "E 1." The mirror opposite reflection of "E" is the number "3." Therefore God named His "test" that He authored about His first commandment as a name or number "3" meaning "the opposite of God's true Self." He identified it as a "test." Moreover, 'three persons' each 'infinite' would be three separate gods, not one same God. But it cannot exist anyway, because nothing can be 'infinite,' not even the world in which God exists, it is not 'infinite.' Nothing is 'infinite.' It can never be attained. God's world has a definite size, much larger than God is, but a definite size. God is larger than our universe. And the world that made Him is much larger than Him. But as we said, He would never have been made by weak force gravitational or electrical force if that world was too expansively large. So there is nothing 'one-in-being with God,' nor can there be because God draws and animates all creation in His Mind by mental imagery, and nothing He animates can be 'one-in-being' with His Person.
Now as part of God's writing poetic mirror opposite names for false-deities, He also writes them to have the 'opposite nature' of Him, what He cannot Be or do. God we know now is Single Person, who had a beginning, he is made and bound in existence by a weak force of gravity that holds Him in existence and He cannot alter it, thus He is bound in time and space, and is not infinite, nor almighty; and He is not able to move nor swirl into shapes, He can only stationary think and drawn imagery on His Mind, which is how He created by animation all His creatures daily. The mirror opposite of that is a false-god that "is infinite, no beginning, and it outside of time and space, able to see all past, present, and future at one time, and all powerful, able to create from nothing, and has an infinite son and third person as a trinity or three persons who are one same god, and that is incarnate as a human." The later is a no-god, a hoax, and cannot be the true God who is Single Person. Nor is God a 'life force' that can 'raise from the dead;' instead God is an animator who will re-animate us to life as mental imagery creatures in a new life on the new earth bodily one day.
As to God "foretelling the future" in prophecies that come true later, that is not an ability to 'see all past, present, and future.' He is bound in time and space, and cannot alter it. He is bound by linear time, as are we. Rather, He tells you in Isaiah how He does "foretell the future" as Him planning an event in the future that He wants to author, then He tells the person what will happen in the future, and then finally God decides at some later time to draw that event come to pass. He does not actually "foresee the future," instead He plans it, then later draws it come to pass. As God explained to Isaiah, "I am God ... At the beginning I declared the outcome; from of old, things not yet done. I say my plan shall stand, I accomplish my every desire. ... Yes, I have spoken, I will accomplish it; I have planned it, and I will do it." Isaiah 46:8-11. "Things of the past I declared long ago, they went forth from my mouth, I announced them; then suddenly I took action and they came to be." Isaiah 48:3. Thus God "plans," then later He "suddenly takes action" to make the foretold events come to pass. That God who is bound by time can foretell to us what He will author in the future proves He is an animator, an author, drawing history in His Mind daily. That is the only way He can foretell the future. This proves also that we have only "simulated free-will," because God is able to draw events to line up with what He wants to make happen in the future as He foretold those event will happen. God foretold wars, and diseases, and famines, and floods, etc., throughout history. He did not see them in advance. He planned them, then later drew them come true. I am a witness that God foretold to numerous legislative and legal offices that He would bomb and cause to collapse the New York Trade Towers called the "Twin Towers" because of abortion and homosexuals, and specifically "if George Bush signed the embryo (stem cell) murder research tax funding Bill." That warning was emailed to about two hundred officials and their offices, and the Attorney General of the United States the summer before Bush eventually signed that murderous Bill that Fall of 2001. Shortly after George Bush signed that tax funding for murder Bill, God did as He foretold, He had the Twin Towers bombed by planes and melt and collapse. I am witness to that. The point is, God is not outside of time. He is bound in linear time, able to draw events to happen as He foretells them. On the "new earth" there will be no more miracles nor prophecies. God will not predetermine future outcomes or events. He will only obey our software "free-will" programs, instead of write what He wants to author as future events. He will live with us as Parent accepting the natural outcomes from honoring our software "decision making program." And there will be only "conservation of matter," so no miracles then. That is a longer discussion that I will write about in later books. The main point for this chapter is that God requires "monotheism," and that is the worship of Him as He truly Is; and not what He is not. He is Single Person; not the Vatican's false-god 'trinity.'
As we said, the opposite of "E" is "3" and its other two opposites are, if you rotate it, "m" and "w." I once thought wrongly that "m" sees himself infinite reflection in his mind as his eternal son "w," as a 'trinity' of "3" divine 'persons.' I was wrong. The name "Jesus" of "Yeshua" is the Hebrew letter shaped as our "w." I even produced and released an audio tape about that titled "Drawn On Water." As with the false-God "Molech," the names of "m" and "w" and "3" are a false-god name of a hoax 'trinity.' They are the opposite of what God can be or draw. I regret now having produced that audio tape. I know now that God is Single Person in Nature and that He animates by mental imagery. This book is part of my effort at repentance.
Let us return to the warning in Deuteronomy 13. God warned the Jews that anyone claiming to be 'god' is a serious blasphemous crime against His true Single Person. It is a mortal sin. The Jews who read Deuteronomy would have known that God commanded the "death penalty" for anyone claiming to be a god, or claiming therefore to be 'god incarnate.' Deuteronomy 13:1-6. As a result, it was foreseeable that a man as Jesus claiming to be 'god incarnate' as a 'person of a three-in-one being god' would be rightfully rejected by the Jews. And it is foreseeable that the Jews would have obeyed the laws of God to "death penalty" Jesus. As for me, I often wonder what Jesus knew about his claims? Did he know he was lying, was he working as if the devil in disguise? Why did he lure so many into the false hope of a 'trinity' or 'spiritual heaven'? I read a book title once calling Jesus 'lord, lunatic, or liar,' and he clearly cannot be God. That leaves only 'lunatic,' or a 'liar.'
Prayer: God who is Single Person forevermore, we ask You to end all "tests" that made miracles for the false-god 'trinity.' Those "tests" deceived one-third or more of the world's population. It is time for You to reclaim the earth, and restore true monotheism. Author the people to know and obey You as You truly are as Single Person in Nature, our only Creator and hope. Amen.
CHAPTER 8: True Scripture Versus Apocryphal Texts In The Bible:
"[My law] has been changed into falsehood by the lying pen of the scribes!" Jeremiah 8:7-10. "Every word that I command you, you shall be careful to observe, neither adding to it nor subtracting from it." Deuteronomy 13:1. "Be careful, therefore, to do as the Lord, your God, has commanded you ... following exactly the way the Lord, your God, commanded you." Deuteronomy 5:32-33. "They did not observe my statutes, and they rejected my ordinances that bring life to those who keep them. ... Therefore, I gave them statutes that were not good, and ordinances through which they could not have life." Ezekiel 20:13-38.
We know that not all of the Bible is sacred true scripture because God tells us in Jeremiah 8:7-10 that He is angered that some of His laws "had been changed into falsehoods by the lying pen of the scribes!" Remember, they had no printing presses back then, no copy machines, but instead relied on men to honestly transcribe or honestly translate copies of earlier texts of God's contractual agreement Covenant of laws. God said that because some lying scribes had altered His laws, the "prophets" and "priests" were "all practicing fraud." Jeremiah 8:7-10. God therefore revealed to us that some scribes maliciously changed some of His commanded laws. And He is upset about it. We will discuss one obvious example of the "slaves" texts that were even sinfully put into God's Ten Commandments and other portions of Exodus and Deuteronomy. Those "slavery" texts plainly contradict God's real laws, as we will prove. All revisions, deletions, alterations, or additions to the sacred commanded laws and teachings of God are mortal blasphemy. They cannot be considered part of real sacred scripture. God warned us to "neither add to His laws, nor subtract from His laws," but obey them "exactly as He commanded them," and thus "neither swerving to the right nor to the left" of His true meaning of each letter of His sacred commanded laws. Deuteronomy 13:1; 5:31-33; Joshua 1:1-9.
Only the true laws of God as He commanded them are sacred true scripture. But also we see in Ezekiel 20 that God punishes disobedient lands by writing false-laws "through which they cannot have life." Ezekiel 20:13-38. God says "He gave them those false-laws because they rejected His true laws." Those false-laws are "tests" God authored, and they failed those tests. Such false-law "tests" are not part of true scripture. Nor can we consider as part of sacred scripture the many false stories in the Bible that contradict God's true Single Person Nature, or that contradict any of His real laws, or which were altered either by lying scribes or by oral spreading of them over centuries, or by mistranslation of them into different languages. Many stories in the Bible are plainly not true accounts, and others simply cannot exist as truth. Some are cartoons, as we will prove, such as Abraham slutting his wife Sarah to the Egyptian Pharaoh, or Lot having sexual relations with his two daughters after the destruction of Sodom by God. Some, as those stories, were plainly written many centuries after the life of the persons those stories are about. For example, the Genesis writer about Abraham and Lot reveal in Genesis 19:36-38 that they are writing the accounts of those men centuries after their deaths, because they write of Lot's alleged two sons, that one "is the ancestor of the Moabites of today," and the other son "is the ancestor of the Ammonites of today." Thus the writers reveal "today" to them is a time period possibly many centuries after the deaths of Abraham and Lot, when Lot's sons would have blood line lineages so abundantly populated as to become the Moabites and Ammonites lands. That does not happen overnight, nor during a single lifetime. It takes centuries. Accordingly, we cannot trust the cartoon stories about Abraham having his wife have sexual relations with Pharaoh in Genesis 12:10-20, nor Lot having sex with his two daughters in Genesis 19. Those are plainly stories against the commanded laws of God who forbid "adultery" and "incest." See Exodus 20, and Leviticus 18:6 which says, "None of you shall approach a close relative to have sexual intercourse."
The story of Abraham handing his wife Sarah to the Pharaoh to 'marry' her (have sex with her), is a parody against true law, a cartoon. Moreover, it seems a clear parody of the centuries later events of Moses warning a later Pharaoh that plagues would come and destroy Egypt, so that the Pharaoh eventually let the enslaved Jews go free in Exodus. It was similar "plagues" that caused the cartoon Pharaoh in the Abram (Abraham) story to eventually "let Abram's wife Sarah and him go free and leave Egypt." As such, it seems clear confirmation that that story about Abraham, and also about Lot, was written at at time period many centuries later, after the Jews had already been freed from four hundred years of slavery by Moses and the plagues God authored to force that Pharaoh to free the Jews. As for Lot, God had just destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah because of sexual sins. God spared Lot and his daughters, and they fled to safety just before God destroyed those cities. It is not possible that Lot or his daughters would then soon after have sexual relations with each other as incest that they knew God forbids. The entire stories of Abraham and Lot are the reverse of what those real men would have done. Thus they are parodies, or what I call "cartoons," and not true sacred scripture. They are fictional stories inserted into the Bible "by the lying pen of the scribes."
Other stories about Abraham are also not credible, as plainly against God's intelligent designed natural law of the male body, such as the commanded 'covenant of genital mutilation by cutting off the man's foreskin,' a part of the body which God intelligently designed for men to have. See Genesis 17:11-27, which purports God commanded such body mutilations as a "covenant in your flesh" which Abraham is there reported to have obeyed and he and all his male servants and then sons had their foreskin removed. Today they call it the "covenant of circumcision." But God cannot contradict His natural law of His intelligent design of the male body to have foreskin; the removal of it by mutilation is not a valid subject matter for a contractual agreement Covenant. It is unlawful as against God's natural law. Thus there cannot exist a 'covenant in the flesh of circumcision.' Nor would God have commanded Abraham to "kill his son Isaac" in Genesis 22:2, which is a story plainly against the commandment "You shall not kill" in Genesis 9:5-6 and Exodus 20:13. Again, God cannot contradict His laws. But He can write "tests," and either those tales were "tests" that Abraham failed, or they are fictional stories written many centuries after the death of Abraham trying to attribute to him those actions, when He would not have dared done them against God's real laws. Such false stories cannot be true scripture.
Only what conforms to all God's laws is actually sacred truth as scripture. As another plain example of false-laws in the Bible, I mentioned earlier we would discuss the "slavery" texts in Exodus and Deuteronomy and prove those are hoaxes written long after Moses and inserted into the texts by the lying pen of scribes. The mention of "slaves" was arrogantly inserted into the Ten Commandments. I write in greater detail about each reference to "slaves" in Exodus and Deuteronomy in a later book, but here I will keep the discussion to some essential proofs that those are fictional 'laws,' and not sacred scripture. First, the "slavery laws" are contradicted by the remaining laws God commanded in those same portions of Exodus to forbid any "kidnapping or selling of persons," and forbid any "oppression" or "affliction" of any person, and forbid the Jews from recognizing any foreign 'master's' claim of 'property right' to a 'slave' who seeks freedom among the Jews. Exodus 21:16; 22:20; 23:9; Deuteronomy 23:16-17. And the parallel texts in Exodus 21 and Deuteronomy 15 about "slavery laws" are blatant parodies of God's Sabbath commandment of "six days you may labor ... the seventh day you shall rest" and not work for pay, which the arrogant scribes changed into the falsehood, "slave them for six years (days in the above) and in the seventh year (days) set them free without pay." Yet the different approaches and tones between those parallel texts in Exodus 21 and Deuteronomy 15 clearly show they were added at different times, and for different purposes, long after the life and death of Moses; probably many centuries after his day. Again, such text are not part of real sacred scripture.
In addition, and easy to prove, God is not 'infinite,' as we proved in earlier chapters. Nor can He animate by mental imagery that He be drawn as a human. He cannot be 'incarnate.' So there is no 'trinity,' as we discussed earlier. Without restating those proofs here again, the point for this chapter is that the entire alleged 'new covenant' cannot be a valid covenant with God, and it is therefore not part of sacred scripture. There cannot be any 'in proxy redeemer' in contractual agreement covenant law, as such beliefs would make the entire contractual Covenant of laws illusory and of no binding affect on any person, and thus it is null and invalid; the 'new covenant' cannot be a real "covenant." There is no 'incarnated holy redeemer.' Those are all "tests" which God authored to test humans, and nearly one-third of the earth failed that test by believing in a 'trinity' and 'incarnation of god.' Therefore the entire 'new covenant' or 'new testament' is a hoax, and not the true scripture of the Single Person God, and must be removed from the Bible. Think of how angered God was to Jeremiah about the alterations made to His laws "by the lying pen of the scribes." He is much more angered at worship of a false-god 'trinity.'
Another point is that God wants us to be scientific in our study of the Bible. God authored all creation, the universe, and the stars, the solar systems, and the earth. Then God designed and animated the first single-cell organism, which He the guided and molded over billions of years to evolve into larger animals, then primates, and then humans. We know the earth is a handful of billions of years old from science, by the study of geological formations, continental drifts, carbon dating, and how long it would take to mold simple organisms into larger creatures, then man. As I said, God invented science. He wants us to be scientifically honest about Him and about His creation, and about the Bible. The earth is not "10,000 years old" as some errant denominations pretend from their reading of the lineages listed in the Bible. Those lineages cannot be factual, nor complete, because we can prove by science the earth is billions of years old, and animals walked the earth long before mankind did, and humans were created by molded evolution from our ancestral apes, and mankind has walked the earth for countless millenniums. Those short lineages listed in the Bible were written long after any of the lives listed in them, and were probably fabrications by the lying pens of the scribes. Moreover, the creation stories in Genesis 1 and 2 are inconsistent and contradict each other. God cannot and did not "form the man out of the dust on the ground and blew into his nostrils the breath of life ..." Genesis 2:7. That is not how God creates. He creates by animation of mental imagery in His Mind. He designed man from earlier apes, and molded the genetic difference to create mankind. He is a scientist, and not a biological liar. We can study the genetic similarities between apes and humans, and we can see them with our eyes as we have some residual hairs that the apes have, and we look very much like them physically. Only we are made to have a special relationship with the Creator as His beloved sons and daughters who are designed to intellectually be able to reason scientifically to His existence, and to talk with Him. We are made to obey all His laws. That is our nature; to know, love and thus obey the Single Person God. As to the stories in Genesis, there are some truths, some portions to respect as accurate; but the stories are often poetic and not meant as literal truths, or they are plain cartoon fabrications. I will discuss which portions are truthful in a later book. Mainly the laws in Genesis are accurately represented, as given to Noah, and against Onan, as examples. Those will be discussed in that later book.
I return to the Abraham stories as a final commentary in this chapter. We already proved the Genesis accounts were written centuries after Abraham and Lot. There is additional proof of this in the 'prophecies' give Abraham about the later enslavement of the Jews for "four hundred years." That text plainly seems added later, by persons who again knew of Moses and the four hundred year slavery and then freedom of the Israelites. "Then the Lord said to Abram: Know for certain that your descendants will reside as aliens in a land not their own, where they shall be enslaved and oppressed for four hundred years. ..." Genesis 15:13-14. This is likely a false-prophecy written by the scribes centuries after Moses, as with the earlier discussed cartoon account of Abraham having his own wife 'marry Pharaoh,' which brought about "plagues" that eventually freed Abram and Sarah from Egypt. In addition, God does not talk about his future sons or daughters in the evil way talked about 'Ishmael' in the alleged 'prophecy' about his birth and life. That son Ishmael is the alleged son of Abraham by sex with his wife's servant girl Hagar, an Arab, not a Jewish girl. It is a story plainly again against the sex laws of God that forbid "adultery." About that alleged son Ishmael, God is reported to promise Hagar, "Now you are pregnant with a son; you shall name him Ishmael ... He will be a wild ass of a man, his hand against everyone ..." Genesis 16:11-12. This is blatantly a false story, a fictional cartoon fable. It was written by the lying pen of the scribes, as we proved earlier, many centuries after Moses and Exodus and wars against Arab lands to reclaim the "promised land" of Israel. The writers knew of that later hatred of Arabs by Jews, and hatred of Jews by Arabs. It is a fictional story, and cannot be trusted. In all likelihood, Ishmael is not the son of Abraham, because it would have required Abraham to break God's law against "adultery." And because God would plainly not prophecy about a baby in the womb that he would "be a wild ass of a man, his hand against everyone."
In summary, there are plainly portions of the Bible that God will not recognize as truthful scripture. God deserves a clean book that does not have errors or cartoons in it. He deserves a law book that is "exactly as He commanded His laws be obeyed" including His natural law of the body. We owe it to God to have some method of agreeing on what is actually scripture, and what needs to be removed from the Bible to give Him that clean law Book and which has only truthful histories recounted in it.
Prayer: God who is Single Person and who animates all creation in Your Mind, end all the hoaxes in the Bible. Restore a book of only Your true words and laws, Your true sacred texts, as our only scripture Book. We need You to help us to remove from the Bible all blasphemies, and remove all altered texts that unlawfully added 'slavery' against Your true commanded laws. End all parodies and cartoon texts in the Bible. We ask You for a clean Book, one that is worthy of You, to teach and instruct Your people. Amen.
CHAPTER 9: Contractual Agreement Covenant Law Versus Black-Magic Incantation Schisms:
"Now go! I am sending you ... I have sent you." Exodus 3:10-12. "This is what you will tell the Israelites: I AM has sent me to you." Exodus 3:14-15. "I went to Pharaoh to speak in your name ..." Exodus 5:23. "I will give you all the commandments, the statutes and the ordinances; you must teach them ... exactly the way the Lord, your God, commanded you ..." Deuteronomy 5:31-33. "Today you have accepted the Lord's agreement ... (to) observe his statutes, commandments, and ordinances ... you will keep all his commandments ..." Deuteronomy 26:17-18. "Let there not be found among you anyone who ... practices ... sorcerer, or who casts spells ... Anyone who does such things is an abomination to the Lord, and the Lord, your God, is dispossessing (disowning, excommunicating) them ... You must be altogether sincere with the Lord, your God." Deuteronomy 18:10-13.
To be sent "in the name" of a person is contractual "agency" terminology; it is a legal term, and not poetic. March's Dictionary defines "agent" as "one who has power to act," but that is not the complete legal definition that God uses. God is legalistic. He is the Author of contractual agreement Covenant law, and of the "agency" contractual agreement within His larger contractual Covenant of all His laws. He uses the terms, "I send you in My Name," and "I am sending you," as contractual law of agency, not anything less. A person, in this case God, contracts an agreement with another, here Moses, to be "sent in His Name to do His work as if He was present, thus to speak on behalf of God." Agency, however, has its limits, or its "scope," which includes only doing what God sends that person to say and do; only what conforms to the laws, the terms and conditions, of the agency contractual agreement, in this case all God's Covenant laws. An agent must at all times remain fully "in the name" of the person sending them, and never do anything "outside the scope" of that agreement of agency. The "priest" is a contractual agent of God only if he remains in the scope of the agency and thus provided he does not disobey any laws of God. If he does breach that agency contractual agreement, he is terminated from the agency of God. He is excommunicated from the office of agent. The contractual agency "commission" requires the agent to "neither veer to the right nor to the left" of that agency agreement, but to remain in God's service and Name by obeying the commission "exactly the way that God commanded him." "Be careful, therefore, to do as the Lord, your God, has commanded you, not turning aside to the right nor to the left, but following exactly the way that the Lord, your God, commanded you ..." Deuteronomy 5:32-33. Another point, is that they must serve and obey God the way God truly Is, as Single Person God. His true "agents" will serve His Single Person and all His laws. "This is my name forever; this is my title for all generations." Exodus 3:14-15.
As for the people, with the true God there is only contractual agreement Covenant law of having to personally agree with God as to all His laws and daily obey those laws to remain in the contractual agreement Covenant. There cannot be any 'substitute performances' by some other person, such as Jesus, 'in proxy' or 'for another person.' That violates contractual Covenant law and makes it illusory and of no effect, as we said in prior chapters. Everyone must themselves validly make the agreement with God to obey all His laws, and daily remain in that agreement contractual Covenant, thus to daily "perform the contract." Any claim that someone else's performance can 'substitute' for your own lack of obedient performance of that contractual Covenant is absurd and of no legal effect to God. Jesus cannot 'substitute' his actions for your own breach of the contractual agreement Covenant, if Jesus was really God, but He is not. The practices of 'substitute performances' are blasphemous and idolatry. God is legalistic, as we said, and He requires you to personally agree with Him to obey all His laws, and the failure to do so means you are not in His only contractual agreement Covenant of laws. There cannot be someone else who 'atones for your sins.' You must atone yourself. There is another point, and that is because we have only "simulated free-will," as we discussed earlier, there really cannot be "atonements," nor any "redeemer." But any claim that "another person can atone for your sins" is blatantly against contractual agreement Covenant law and is heresy and blasphemous. Moreover, for this chapter, the main point is that no one can recite formula magical phrases, blessings, or spells, that 'absolve' you of your breach of contractual agreement with God. They cannot recite magical incantations of 'absolutions' to presto suddenly restore you to the contractual Covenant of all God's laws and all the requirements of that contractual agreement. Therefore, there also are no 'sacraments.' There is only contractual agreement Covenant law. There is no 'priest' who can help 'assist' you to avoid having to personally agree with God to obey all of His laws of the contractual Covenant. Any alleged 'prayers' or 'absolutions' that pretend to 'restore you' to God's contractual Covenant are necessarily black-magic incantations that have no real effect to the true God.
I was once a catholic, before God intervened to teach He is Single Person and cannot be 'infinite,' and thus there is no 'trinity,' and nor can God be 'incarnate,' as He cannot draw and animate Himself as one of His animated creatures, including He cannot draw Himself to be a human. Christianity is a "test" that one-third of the earth's population failed. Yet the point for which I brought that up is that in my time as a catholic I observed that most catholics do not obey God's laws, they instead break them readily and then pretend they can seek 'mercy' or 'forgiveness' by magical 'absolutions,' or 'substitute performances' as 'sacraments' of 'washing free of sin,' or 'litanies said to purge sins,' on and on they have many substitutes they use to try and avoid having to personally agree with God to daily obey all of His laws that never change. In short, they do not obey God's laws; instead they seek another way or ritual to be 'forgiven.' That is the opposite of contractual agreement Covenant law. I realized that all the litanies, rosaries, absolutions, ceremonies of catholics are merely black-magic incantations and rituals to the true Single Person God. God is legalistic as a contractual agreement expert. The Vatican is the opposite of God.
The contractual Covenant of all God's laws is your only hope; not incantations and magical spell blessings. All attempts to find clerics who will 'absolve' you of those contractual requirement that God insists upon, are necessarily attempts to avoid making that legal contractual agreement Covenant of His laws with Him, and thus is mortal sin. Remember that any disagreement with any of God's laws is not a valid agreement with God, and thus you are not in His contractual Covenant. God will end all of the false-clerics' abominable incantations called 'absolutions,' and all their many other black-magic rituals forbidden by true contractual agreement law. God will restore His true contractual Covenant of all His laws to the entire earth, and will by His stern staff impose the Covenant upon you all, as stated in scripture. What then is an unlawful "spell" or "sorcery" or "witchcraft" that I call "black-magic" that the false-priests perform often daily? It is anything that substitutes for you having to personally agree with God to obey all His laws; anything they pretend 'absolves' or 'forgives' you when you are not fully agreeing to obey all of God's laws. Those actions or recited formulas are heresy and blasphemous "black-magic." Take as examples a woman who murders her unborn child, or a man who commits adultery. They go to a cleric who recites formula phrases 'absolving' them. Are they presto magically restored to the contractual agreement of God's Covenant of all His laws? Obviously not! In fact, they were "cut off (excommunicated) from the people" and thus from God's Covenant of laws, as God commands in Leviticus 18 and 20, and Exodus 20:13-14. They are not in the Covenant. No magical 'absolutions' can change that fact. The only way they can be restored to the Covenant of the true God is to personally take accountability and repent for a sufficiently long enough duration of time, without sinning, so as to prove to God and to all His people that such persons are "contractual capacity" able to re-contract the legal agreement that is God's Covenant of all His laws. That takes a long time, and is not done magically by any formula recited 'absolutions.' Again, God is legalistic, and hates magicians pretending to be His 'priests.'
So we know a priest is not to be a magician that recites formula incantations. But what is a real "priest," and what is the limited "scope of the agency" we call God's valid "priests"? In truth, the real priest is merely a "contract lawyer for God," His "legal agent" to "obey, teach, and enforce all of God's laws exactly as God commanded them in scripture to Moses." See Deuteronomy 5:31-33. If you refuse to "obey" all God's laws, you are not in agency of God; you are not His valid priest. If you refused to "teach" all of His laws exactly as they are written in scripture, then you are not God's valid agent; you are not His priest. If you refused to "enforce" all those same laws, then you are not God's valid agent, and again you are a coward and not His lawful priest. Such persons are excommunicated from the office of the priesthood agency of God. As examples, God's laws plainly condemn homosexuals in Genesis 19, Leviticus 18:22,29, and in Leviticus 20:13. God defined that homosexuality in those scripture texts is a mortal sin that "cuts off the person from the people of God." See Leviticus 18:22,29. A false-cleric who dares pretend that 'God loves homosexuals' is excommunicated and not God's valid priest. Worse, they often dare pretend that 'homosexuals can be ordained priests,' or then that they can be 'married,' on and on, worse and worse they cartoon against the real God to where they dare pretend 'homosexuals can be bishops or pope,' on and on they lie worse and worse, protecting pedophile homosexual clergy in dioceses and in Rome. Those are not God's true "priests." They are excommunicated. Nor do they serve the Single Person God, so they cannot be valid "priests of God." The same is true about clergy who dare pretend that 'abortion is not murder,' or that 'contraception is not immoral,' on and on they lie. They are not sincere with God who clearly commanded that contraception and murder are mortal sins against Him. See Genesis 38:9-10; Exodus 20:13; Leviticus 18 and 20. "You must be altogether sincere with the Lord, your God." Deuteronomy 18:13. Look God eye to eye in prayer and answer these questions sincerely. Do you think that homosexuals who God warns are "cut off from the people" are somehow His valid "clergy"? Do you honestly think that homosexuals who God commanded be "put to death" in Leviticus 20:13 are somehow God's valid legal agent "priests"? You must answer those questions also about abortion and contraceptives. Answer honestly, and be altogether sincere with God, or you also are "cut off" and thus excommunicated from His only legal contractual agreement Covenant of His laws.
Now I turn to a difficult subject, and that is of the "death penalty" God commanded in Genesis 19 and Leviticus 20:13 to all homosexuals. It is a tough topic to write about, but it is God's own commanded words and His decree, and thus we cannot avoid writing about His true laws in scripture. There is a reason God commands the "death penalty" for all homosexuals, and we see it rampant in this era. Homosexuals are a coalition, a mob, a secret society, and now a public violent group, that secretly infiltrated our courts, legislatures, offices of public trust, pulpits, priesthood, hospitals, schools, all to get themselves declares 'lawful,' then to push to get themselves declares 'priests,' and then 'married,' on and on, as we said, to where now they are openly shouting in gay and lesbian parades, as in New York City, "We are queer. We are here. We are coming for your children." I saw that on Fox News, as video of them chanting that in New York, on television, hundreds of them, while I was taking a break from typing this handwritten text. I decided to add it to this text as proof of why God commands they be given the "death penalty" in sacred scripture. They are overt now, not shy about their plans to control and dominate you and steal from you and steal from God all your children. They are homosexuals in the New Jersey Attorney General's office because they filed against the rights of parents to protect their children from that homosexual mob. They are homosexuals in the Supreme Court because they wrote to 'legalize homosexual marriage,' on and on they move the goal-posts of their homosexual agendas, which they also now indoctrinate your children into at public and private schools. Take them serious when they tell you that they "are coming for your children." You are what you tolerate. If you tolerate or defend homosexuals you are a homosexual to God. If you vote for abortion, you are a murderer to God. If you wrote an opinion, as did the 'chief justice,' that 'legalized homosexual marriages,' then you are a homosexual to the true God. And those swine are coming for your children to turn them into 'wards of the state' to mutilate their genitals and give them hormones to alter puberty, to turn your children into the next generation of homosexual mafia-style army against God and we the people. They are gays against God. They are not 'citizens' to God. And they yelled from pulpits that "you should not judge anyone, or you will be judged by your heavenly father." They are violent fems who hate that the true God commanded "judge your neighbor ... so that you do not incur sin because of that person." Leviticus 19:15-17. So be sincere with God when you read His commanded laws in scripture. "If a man lays with a male as with a woman, they have committed an abomination; the two of them shall be put to death; their bloodguilt is upon them." Leviticus 20:13. "For anyone who does any of these abominations (abortion or homosexuals) shall be cut off from the people." Leviticus 18:21-22,29.
There are no "recited formula" incantations that can protect you from what God will do to each homosexual or abortionist in Hell. There is no 'indelible' mark of the priesthood that survives such sins. The word "indelible" means "ineffaceable," or therefore "not able to be wiped out," as March's Dictionary states. "Efface" means "to wipe out" and thus to make "null." The Vatican wrongly teaches that pedophiles and homosexuals 'retain an indelible mark of ordination that is not terminated by their mortal sins.' The Vatican is homosexuals protecting their pedophile homosexual 'brothers.' The fact is that contractual agency of the true priest is terminated by mortal sin, any grave sin at all. The contractual agreement Covenant to serve God as He truly Is, Single Person, who commanded all His laws be obeyed, is terminated when they refuse to obey Him. They are excommunicated. The priesthood is a contractual reality; and nothing more. And when the contractual agreement Covenant is broken, they are terminated from being priests. Woe to those who practiced magical incantation 'absolutions' instead of enforcing all of God's laws in scripture. Their 'ordinations' are null. Their 'absolutions' are of no effect. They are invalid. So also their recited formula 'wedding ceremonies' are of no effect. They are vain false-clergy who wanted a way out of having to obey the true God.
Prayer: God who authored Your only contractual agreement Covenant of all Your laws, and the priestly agency contractual agreement within that Covenant of laws, restore the earth to honest and truthful acceptance of all Your laws. End all magical incantations of the false-clergy, which they used to try to 'assist' people to escape having to personally and fully agree to obey all Your laws. There is only one Covenant of those laws that will never change. Restore the people to properly and validly agree with You so that they can be members of Your only Covenant. Amen.
CHAPTER 10: More Than Ten Commandments As Required Laws ; Those That "Cut Off From The People" Are Required Laws:
"[After Moses read the Ten Commandments publicly to the Israelites, God then said to Moses] Then you stand here near me and I will give you all the commandments, the statutes and ordinances; you must teach them, that they may observe them ... Be careful, therefore, to do as the Lord, your God, has commanded you, not turning to the right or to the left, but following exactly the way the Lord, your God commanded you ..." Deuteronomy 5:31-33. "Today you have accepted the Lord's agreement: he will be your God, and you will walk in his ways, observe his statutes, commandments, and ordinances, and obey his voice ... keep all his commandments ..." Deuteronomy 26:16-19. "Every word that I command you, you shall be careful to observe, neither adding to it nor subtracting from it." Deuteronomy 13:1. "Only be strong ad steadfast, be careful to observe the entire law which Moses my servant enjoined on you. Do not swerve from it either to the right or to the left. ... Do not let this book of law depart from your lips. Recite it by day and by night; that you may carefully observe all that is written in it." Joshua 1:1-9. "For whoever does any of these abominations (abortion, homosexuals, incest, adultery) shall be cut off from the people." Leviticus 18:29,1-30.
God explicitly told Moses that the Ten Commandments are not all of His required "commandments" of law. God had just had Moses read out loud to the people the Ten Commandments when then God told Moses that He, God, would give Moses the additional commandments to teach the people to obey. Deuteronomy 5:31-33. Accordingly, there are by God's own words more than "ten commandments" that are required essential laws to validly make and remain in His only contractual agreement Covenant of all His laws. Moreover, some of those laws are so essential to God that He commands that a person who disobeys them "shall be cut off," thus excommunicated, from His Covenant. Leviticus 18 and 20. Those laws, therefore, are required to be in His contractual Covenant, thus to be one of His true people. We will discuss each of those points above in this chapter.
As we said, God's contractual Covenant includes many more than ten commandments as its terms and conditions that must be agreed to and obeyed. The laws of that Covenant include "the entire law," the whole "book of law ... all that is written in it," all God's "statutes, commandments, and ordinances," to which the people must agree to obey "exactly as God commanded each of those laws" in scripture. Those who disagree with God, are not in His legal contractual Covenant agreement. The "ten commandments" are basically a short synopsis to help govern the people; but they are not the complete list of God's required laws. When forming the contractual "agreement" Covenant with the Israelites in Deuteronomy 26, God required "agreement" to "all of His commandments," not only ten of them. That proves the contractual "agreement" Covenant cannot be reduced to merely 'ten essential laws.' Yet today very few people validly make that contractual agreement Covenant of all God's laws with God, this because they were wrongly told that 'there are only ten required laws.' Ignorance of God's laws is not a valid making of the required agreement with God. Thus ignorance prevents you from validly making the contractual Covenant of all God's laws, and thus you are not part of God's Covenant people if you were disobeying Him because of "ignorance of His laws." You must have a valid "meeting of the minds" with God as to "all His commandments" or you do not make that required agreement with Him to contractually covenant with Him. You need to learn and obey all of His commanded laws in order to be one of His true Covenant people. I write about a number of the laws you must learn in my posted meditation essay entitled, "The Forgotten Commandments Of God." As examples, God equally commanded as law that you shall not have premarital sex, you shall not break the woman's hymen before marriage. Deuteronomy 22:13-21. And also God equally commands as law that you shall not be a homosexual. Leviticus 18:22; 20:13. And nor shall you wear the clothes of the opposite gender in 'drag' or 'cross-dressing.' Deuteronomy 22:5. And God equally commands that you shall not seek 'spirits' nor 'apparitions.' Deuteronomy 18:10-13. These are only a few examples. You need to learn and then obey all of His commanded laws.
As we mentioned at the outset of this chapter, an additional proof that there are more than ten commandments as essential requirements to validly make His contractual agreement Covenant, some of the laws God commanded required the persons who violate those laws to be excommunicated or "cut off from the people." That list includes those who commit abortion, incest, adultery, homosexuality, seeking spirits or apparitions, sorcery, and witchcraft. God said those who commit such "abominations" are "dispossessed" (disowned) by Him and thus "cut off from the people." See Leviticus 18; Leviticus 20; and Deuteronomy 18. If a law is a requirement to be among His people, instead of cut off from His people, it is clearly a required commandment of God as an essential requirement to make the Covenant with Him. God commanded, "Every word that I command you, you shall be careful to observe, neither adding to it nor subtracting from it." Deuteronomy 13:1. Hence, all persons who try to subtract those laws from what they teach the people, or thus try to hide, conceal, or refuse to openly discuss those required laws, are not part of God's contractual agreement Covenant of laws. They also are excommunicated for refusing to publicly teach His true commanded laws to the people. Why do they hide God's laws? Because often homosexuals pretending to be 'clergy' refused to discuss openly God's laws because they do not want them known and enforced against them. And because they have a wrong belief that if they hide God's laws from you and 'keep you in ignorance' about His laws, then they say 'how can God hold it against you and punish you, if you were ignorant of His laws.' It is blasphemy and idolatry and is the opposite of preparing the public to validly know and agree to all God's laws so that they can contractual make the Covenant of all God's laws to be one of His true people. The false-priests and their 'tribunals' think often about 'forgiveness' instead of about God's contractual agreement Covenant law requirements to be valid members of His people. As we said, ignorance of law is never a valid agreement with God as to all His laws. Ignorance cannot help you become one of God's contractual agreement Covenant members. They sold you into "slavery," or what I call "salvery," of "false salvation through keeping you in ignorance." It is mortal sin. They are not His true "priests," and they are excommunicated when they try to keep a person in ignorance, instead of fully teach them all God's laws of His only contractual Covenant of laws.
There is one more reason they refuse to tell you God's required laws. And that is because many of them are homosexuals, pedophiles, adulterers, fornicators, and they cannot themselves validly contract a Covenant of laws with God. So much do the false-priests hate God is a legalistic contractual expert that the false-priests often say that 'God's covenant is not a contractual agreement.' They lie. Worse, I had a 'tribunal judge' false-priest once tell me in a meeting with them that "marriage is not a contract." I said to him in reply, "Yes, marriage is a contract, as stated in your own Code Of Canon Laws repeatedly, as in Canon 1055," which says marriage is a contractual agreement. The false-clerics and their 'tribunals' do not obey God, nor do they obey their own cannon laws. "Something shocking and horrible has happened in the land: the prophets prophecy falsely, and the priests teach on their own authority ... what will you do when the end comes?" Jeremiah 5:29-31. "Its leaders render judgment for a bribe, the priests teach for pay, the prophets divine for money ... Therefore, because of you ... Jerusalem (will be) reduced to rubble." Micah 3:11-12.
You must knowingly agree to all God's laws to validly be in His Covenant of laws. Whether popular or not, you must obey all His laws, including His commanded "death penalties" in scripture. "Whether we like it or not, we will obey the command of the Lord ..." Jeremiah 42:1-6. I will be honest with you, it is difficult to write about God's commanded "death penalties" to a land that has rejected God. It is not popular, nor is it that practical, because none of us can actually carry out a death penalty of someone; that is purely a judicial function. But you must agree with God's laws "exactly the way God commanded those laws" in their "entirety," the "whole book of law and all that is written in it," including what God commanded requires the death penalty, such as for premeditated murders, and for homosexuals, as we already discussed in the prior chapters. If you do not agree with God, then you are not validly in legal agreement with God, and thus are not a member of His contractual Covenant people. So what can you do, since none of us can actually carry out death penalties? You must obey God to treat such people as "cut off (excommunicated) from the people," as thus "dead to the public," as "damned."
The point of this chapter was to prove that God requires more than ten commandments as part of His required agreement to validly contract His Covenant with Him. Not all of His laws are popular today. But if you do not agree with God, and want the 'opinions' of the world instead, you cannot be one of His Covenant people. God is legalistic. He does not tolerate those who try to hide or refuse to openly discuss His laws. If I failed to write even about His "death penalties" in scripture, I would be rejecting His contractual agreement Covenant. And I want to remain in agreement with God; not with the false-opinions of the world. To keep this chapter short, I listed only a few of God's forgotten commandments that most fail to know or fail to obey in the world today. To read the fuller list of those laws I ask you read the two meditation essays I posted on "The Ten Commandments" and "The Forgotten Commandments Of God," with this one addendum: when typing the later of those two meditation essays, I inadvertently forgot to include Deuteronomy 22:13-21 as proof God forbids premarital breaking of a woman's hymen, which is His intelligent design of her body as "proof of her virginity to marry." Please make note of that scripture when you read that essay.
Prayer: God who authors and offers only one contractual agreement Covenant of all your laws, the many people who failed to make that necessary agreement with You often failed because they were misled that You only require 'ten commandments.' Often the clerics refused to mention Your many other laws of Your contractual Covenant. We ask You to again teach and warn to all earth that You require agreement to all Your laws in scripture that You warned were required to be one of Your people, instead of "cut off from the people." Amen.
"... but the Lord was not in the fire; after the fire, a light silent sound. When he heard this, Elijah hid his face in his cloak and went out and stood at the entrance of the cave." 1 Kings 19:11-13. "In the wilderness prepare the way of the Lord!" Isaiah 40:3. "Blessed is the man who ... the law of the Lord is his joy; and on his law he meditates day and night. He is like a tree planted near stream of water, that yields its fruit in season; its leaves never wither ..." Psalm 1:1-3.
You have just begun your journey in the wilderness listening to the sound of silence echo firmly in God's truths. This was a small book of ten short essays of some of those truths; but you need to apply them to the cultural problems we face today. That is why the next book I will post is fifty-two short meditation essays on addressing many of the religious, cultural, societal, and governmental problems of the world today. It is entitled, "The Lone Cypress," as a compilation of essays and then a few prayers at the end that I hope help better build your roots foundation cemented into the rock of God, so that you can be strong lone cypress voices in a world that has lost its way. God is counting on each of us.
POEM: Wandering The Wilderness, by Brian Fusonie, (c) 2023.
The wilderness is not a forest, but is a deserted place with scarce vegetation; barren and desolate, you walk carefully its arid ground in meditation. You wander wondering how to pass its test and survive the darkest night in its blighted and parched soil; yet do not turn back. Gather your strength to press onward. Waiting for a word, you labor and toil to hear a voice of guidance through the howling breeze; you stop and make a conscious choice to listen for some sign that you are not alone on your journey to put you at ease. Then there is silence. A calm that makes suddenly sense. You know it is the voice of the one who gives you resilience; you hear His brilliance, and you are pleased to understand the Author's plan. He brought you this far to learn to reason, obey, and to stand firm as a loyal man. In that calm, you are reminded of the psalm that promises He will prepare a home near streams of water for those who meditate honestly alone day and night on His laws as His true sons and daughters. The water's edge becomes in sight, and you know you can make it there with real awe, for the Lord God wishes to plant you firmly in His truth at that water's edge to be as a lone tree bearing fruit for His glory. This is the story of your journey from the wilderness to that lone cypress home. It is not in Rome.
God is alone and there is no other; He has no equal. He has no competitor. Yet He wanted to "test" the people's obedience to Him. How could He do this? Be inventing a 'competitor damned angel' that He would use to try to steal away the earth from Him. He invented the false 'devil' as a fictional 'angel,' a hoax 'adversary' to Himself. Then God designed the "test" of how the devil would try to steal away the earth's people. He also decided on a number of miracle "signs or wonders" He would draw for the devil in its effort to try and steal the earth, as warned about in Deuteronomy 13:1-6. As that scripture warns, the devil would present itself as a 'god,' and worse, as a 'god incarnate.' But it would not be allowed to use God's Single Person identity, but instead something easy to prove is a hoax, such as a 'plural persons incarnate deity.' Then the devil decided on its plan, as God predetermined, to not try to look overtly evil, but to present itself to earth as a false 'moral goodness,' something 'more merciful than is God.' God, it said, is legalistic and requires an actual contractual agreement Covenant of all His laws. But the people would want instead a false-god who does not insist on laws, but on 'mercy and forgiveness' instead. It invented the phrase 'judge not or you will be judged by your heavenly father,' as the opposite of God's actual commanded law to "judge your neighbor ... so that you do not incur sin because of that person." Leviticus 19:15-17. The devil knew it could steal away half the earth by lowering the standards, and causing less fear of God, and less fear of being judged by your neighbors, on and on, it schemed to get the people unable to make the contractual agreement Covenant of all God's same laws that never change. The devil then stole away much of the earth with that false-love. As to the miracles it used, it decided to look as if it was raised from the dead. And to appear to many as proof of that resurrection. It knew that a belief that 'it died on a cross to redeem others' sins' is the opposite of God's contractual Covenant law, and makes it illusory and null. And it promised a 'spiritual afterlife' instead of the bodily afterlife God has promised. The people failed because they wanted an easier path than the definition of "true love" which God defined as "obeying all His commanded laws in agreement with His Single Person." The devil also planned that, "a kingdom divided against itself cannot stand," so it made many apparitions in different forms, to divide the peoples into many different false-religions. Again, God, our Single Person Creator, does not actually have a competitor, so He drew that as if a devil was doing it, in order to "test" mankind.
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