Meditation Essays PART THREE:

The continuation of the mediation essays web page versions.


Note:  These newer meditation essays will be posted here each week as I type them.


Meditation On The Definition Of Love:

Love Is Obeying All God's Laws With Your Whole Heart. On The Definition Of Love.pdf

I noticed this alteration: "heat" is "heart."


Brian Fusonie, (c) 2022


Introduction Scripture Meditation:

"Therefore, you shall love the Lord, your God, with your whole heart, and with your whole being, and with your whole strength.  Take to heart these words which I command you today." Deuteronomy 6:4-6.  "Be careful, then, to observe (my commanded statutes and ordinances) with your whole heat and with your whole being." Deuteronomy 26:16.  "... you will love the Lord, your God, with your whole heart and your whole being ... obey the voice of the Lord and observe all his commandments." Deuteronomy 30:6-8.  "Those who love me I also love; and those who seek me find me." Proverbs 8:17.  "Love means keeping God's laws." See Wisdom 6:18.  "Those who fear the Lord do not disobey his words; those who love him keep his ways.  Those who fear the Lord seek to please him; those who love him are filled with his law." Ben Sira 2:15-16. "For I , the Lord, your God am a jealous God, bringing punishment ... on the children of those who hate me ... but showing love ... of those who love me and keep my commandments." Exodus 20:5-6; Deuteronomy 5:9-10.

My Meditation:  

Love is not a 'feeling.'  Love is your steadfast obedience of all God's laws with your whole heart, being, and strength.  Love is obeying God with your body; not using your body against a law of the Creator.  There is no other definition of love.  You must obey God, or you are not "in love."  The scriptures repeat that definition of love in every book.  "Only those who obey My every law therefore love Me.  But those who disobey any of My laws thereby hate Me."  The Lord commands that is the only definition of love He will recognize.

Now, the Lord God is not love as His essence.  Rather, the Lord is loving as His nature, as the nature of His decisions toward all who obey His every law.  There is no living being who is love, for love is a decision, and not itself a living thing.  Love is your decision to obey His laws; and His love is His decision therefore to love them in return with His performance of His promised "blessings" of the Contract of Love we call the "Covenant."  God loves those who love Him with their obedience, and He loves them in return with His promised blessings. It is an agreement, a contract relationship of mutual rights and duties.  God does not so love anyone not in His contract Covenant of His every law.  God hates those who hate His laws.  Love, therefore, is "conditional," and as such is conditioned on your obeying Him.  His performance of His promised blessings is in return conditional, and thus is conditioned on your obedience to His laws.

There cannot exist anything called "unconditional love," for true love is conditional in nature, as the agreement Covenant with our Creator, the giver of His laws.  The phrase "unconditional love" is itself an oxymoron; it negates itself, for it says the word "love" and the antithetical word "unconditional," which is a nonsensical phrase.  It cannot exist.  The contract of love with our Creator, the only Covenant of love, is conditional.  It cannot exist as 'unconditional,' for that would be no contract, and thus not a Covenant.  All agreements are conditional, as they have terms and conditions that amount to valid consideration, a real quid pro quo, an offer and acceptance of mutual performances of rights and duties that restrict one from doing anything contrary to that agreement, or it is null and void.  An 'unconditional' offer would never be a true Covenant.  To be a Covenant with God it must by definition be only "conditional," with specific terms and conditions you must obey in order for God to perform His terms and conditions in return.  They blaspheme God who say He gives 'unconditional love.'  It is mortal sin.  You cannot make the only Covenant of love if you dare say 'unconditional love.'  You can only validly make that Agreement if you understand and accept that it is a conditional Agreement.  There are many who fail to make the Covenant of love because they wish it were 'unconditional,' and thus they gravely misunderstand its terms and restrictions.  You cannot validly make an agreement that you wrongly interpret.  And so they are lost from having His reciprocal blessings He reserves as promised for only those who obey His every law. 

Another proof that it is never 'unconditional' is the fact God repeatedly in scripture warns and punishes those who disobey His laws.  The existence of such punishments proves it is never 'unconditional,' and also that God is never 'unconditional love.'   Hence, they blaspheme and make a false-god who dare say 'God is unconditional love,' or that 'love is unconditional.'  As we have stated, love is a decision God makes, not His essence, and He decided to offer a Covenant that has specific restrictions, terms, and conditions, and thus is "conditional love."

God loves because He wants to love those who obey His laws.  And God punishes and hates those who disobey His laws.  There will be no other definition.  There cannot exist any other.  And those who preached 'unconditional love' have ruined the earth with the softest and most lawless generation in perhaps all of human history.  They all reject God's laws, and pretend among themselves that God does not hate them for it.  They yell among themselves 'not to judge others' and that 'God judges no person,' they pretend, because they were lied to that God is 'unconditional love.'  They never make the only Contract of Love, the Covenant, because they do not accept it has restrictions, terms, and conditions.  It is conditional love.  The world will only recover and avoid the end if and when it returns to the only definition of love that exists: conditional love.

Closing Summary Meditation: 

"Love is obeying My every law as I commanded those laws.  All who disobey any of My laws hate Me; they are not My friends.  Only those persons who obey Me love Me.  And I in turn love those who obey all My laws.  I am Lord."



Meditation On The Eyes Of God:

Sharing The Creator's Loathing And Disgust At Sins Against Nature. On The Eyes Of God.pdf

I noticed this alteration: "ad" is "and".


Brian Fusonie, (c) 2022


Introduction Scripture Meditation: 

"Your eyes see what is right." Psalm 17:1-6.  "My son, keep my commands and live, and my teachings as the apple of your eye ..." Proverbs 7:1-2.  "Do what is right and good in the eyes of the Lord ..." Deuteronomy 6:18.  "You shall not do as we are doing here today, everyone doing what is right in their own eyes (instead of what is right in God's eyes)." Deuteronomy 12:8.  "You must not distort justice ... for a bribe binds the eyes even of the wise ..." Deuteronomy 16:19-20.  "... if that nation does what is evil in my eyes ... then I will have a change of heart (and punish it)." Jeremiah 18:7-10.  "But the earth was corrupt in the eyes of God and full of lawlessness." Genesis 6:11.  "Sin directs the heart of the wicked man; his eyes are closed to the fear of God." Psalm 36:2.  "Open my eyes to see clearly the wonders of your law." Psalm 119:18.

My Meditation: 

I start this meditation with a prayer from memory I heard that George Washington prayed, who while imperfect did show that the people understood we are commanded to be as God thinks, as God sees with His eyes, His "characteristics," and not see something different than He commanded. "I earnestly pray that we have the same characteristics as those of our Creator, or we have no hope of having a peaceful existence as a land."  We are to be "as God is," and not as we wish Him to be instead.  As such, we must see the world through the lens of God's Eyes, the Eyes of the Divine law-giver.  We must love what He loves, and hate what He hates.  "Though I repeatedly sent you all my servants the prophets, saying: 'You must not commit this abominable deed I hate,' they did not listen ..." Jeremiah 44:4-10.  We are to be as David, with the heart and eyes of the Lord God when he prayed: "Do I not hate, Lord, those who hate you?  Those who rise against you, do I not loath?  With fierce hatred I hate them ..." Psalm 139:21-22.  Or as Ben Sira prayed and warned the people: "Turn again to the Most High and away from iniquity, and hate intensely what he loathes." Ben Sira 17:26.

This meditation can be summarized as becoming God's people by having the same sensibilities, just anger, loathing, hatred, and disgust that the Creator has toward sins against our intelligently designed human nature.  We are only God's sons and daughters so long as we obey the laws of God, which means provided that we have the same eyes and mid as the Creator toward any and all sins against our designed nature, especially the intelligent designed nature of man and woman.  In scripture, God lists several sins against nature that "disgust" God.  He calls those sins "abominations."  I wrote earlier a more lengthy meditation essay on two of those "abominations," those are "the murder of children, or abortion, and homosexuals."  In that earlier meditation I inadvertently left out part of Leviticus 18 which more clearly emphasized that such persons are "cut off (excommunicated) from the people" because of those sins.  Therefore, I wanted to write this shorter meditation focusing again on Leviticus 18 and Leviticus 20 and their relevant parts.  Those texts in scripture read as follows: "You shall not offer any of your offspring for immolation ... You shall not lay with a male as with a woman; such a thing is an abomination. ... Do not defile yourselves by any of these things, because by them the nations whom I am driving out of your way have defiled themselves.  And so the land has become defiled, and I have punished it for its wickedness, and the land has vomited out its inhabitants.  You, however, must keep my statutes and decrees, avoiding all these abominations ... because the previous inhabitants did all these abominations and the land has become defiled; otherwise the land will vomit you out also for having defiled it, just as it vomited out the nations before you.  For whoever does any of these abominations shall be cut off (excommunicated) from the people.  Heed my charge, then, not to observe the abominable customs that have been observed before your time, and thus become impure by them.  I, the Lord, am your God." Leviticus 18:21-30.  "Anyone ... who give offspring to Molech (a false god whose name is Shalom in reverse) shall be put to death. ... If a man lays with a male as with a woman, they have committed an abomination; the two of them shall be put to death; their blood guilt is upon them. ... Be careful to observe all my statutes and all my decrees; otherwise the land ... will vomit you out.  Do not conform, therefore, to the customs of the nations whom I am driving out of your way, because all these things that they have done have filled me with disgust for them." Leviticus 20:2-23.  While these passages do mention the death penalty, I do not make any judgment on that other than to say that scripture is from God and is sold in bookstores and read in churches.  Instead, here I wish to focus on having the moral outrage of God, His "disgust" toward those sins, in order to have His eyes, His Mind, His thoughts, instead of our own 'preferred opinions' or 'popularity.'

To have the "eyes of God" or the "mind of the Creator" is to say with Him that the sins of child murder (abortion) and homosexuals "disgust" us, as it "disgusts" Him. That right and duty to have God's sensibilities, to see and declare as God sees and declares, is the paramount right and restriction of the Covenant of God with His people.  You cannot be in agreement with God if you disagree with God.  In other words, you cannot make a valid contract Covenant with God as to His laws, if you disagree with His offered and only Covenant laws.  If you disagree with how God sees, you cannot be in His agreement.  If you disagree with His Mind when authoring the offered contract Covenant, you fail to have a "meeting of the minds with God" which is required to validly make the contract Covenant of His every law.  That is the only Contract of life, the only agreement God will offer us on earth.  Those who disobey God, never make the Covenant. Those who fail to be "disgusted" by abortion or by homosexuals are never in agreement with the Creator, and thus they cannot validly make the Covenant of life.  In fact, God tells us that those who practice child murder or who are homosexuals are "cut off (excommunicated) from God and His people."  And as I write in more detail in other meditations, if you "condone" or tolerate or vote for abortion or homosexuals, then you also are "cut off (excommunicated) from God and His people."  You are guilt of the sins you condone.  As such, they cannot make the Covenant.  No excommunicated person can make a valid Covenant with God.  Nor does any person who disagrees with God on any letter of any of His laws.  They also are "outside the Covenant."

"Come let us reason together, and think with My Mind, and see with My Eyes" says the Creator to us all.  The Creator is the only Author of His contract Covenant.  He wrote its terms, conditions, and restrictions.  He will not change it for any person.  It is timeless and never changing.  The laws of the past are the same laws He requires today to be in His Covenant.  If you want to be in contract Agreement of that only Covenant with the Author of that agreement, you must fully confess and accept the laws as He authored each of them.  You must make actual legal agreement with Him as to His every commanded law, or you cannot be in His Covenant.

Wherefore, I pray, God the Author of human nature, share with us your Eyes, to see objectively as You see, and to reason as You reasoned when You intelligently designed man and woman.  Give us righteous moral anger at all that offends and angers You.  Give us your "disgust" of all that "disgusts" You.  Cleanse our nation free of such sins and rid the land of those "abominations" before you destroy this land as You warned You would do in scripture to any land that disobeys Your laws.  Protect us and guide us from this time forward.  Make us your sons ad daughters obeying all your laws, never conforming to lawless customs of abortion or homosexuals.  We read your words in Leviticus 18 and 20, and we take You serious in what You commanded and warn.  We want a land that honors and obeys You for your glory.  You are the only Creator.  You are sovereign; we are not.  We will obey your intelligent design of our nature that it may go well for us and our land for obeying your laws.  Educated and inform every person in your laws as You wrote them, that they may validly make agreement with You in Covenant of those laws.

Closing Summary Meditation:

"You must agree with Me; have My thoughts and My outrage and anger at sins I loathe and hate, and which disgust Me.  You must see as I see.  Think as I think.  Obey My every commanded law.  Only then will the land have My protection and know peace; or it will be ruin."



Meditation On The Death Penalty For Murderers:

What Scripture Commands As The Covenant About The Death Penalty. On The Death Penalty.pdf

I noticed this alteration: "first an" is "first and".


Brian Fusonie, (c) 2022


Introduction Scripture Meditation: 

"Whoever strikes someone a mortal blow must be put to death." Exodus 21:12,23.  "Whoever takes the life of any human being shall be put to death." Leviticus 24:17-21.  "The murderer must be put to death ... the assailant must be put to death as a murderer." Numbers 35:16-21.  Acts done with "malice aforethought" that "result in death" must be punished with the death penalty in scripture.  Acts done "without malice aforethought" or done "inadvertently" are not to be punished with the death penalty in scripture. See Numbers 35:11-34.

My Meditation: 

The commanded Covenant of God, His statutes and decrees, have numerous defined death penalties as part of that contract agreement of His laws.  I will not mention nor focus on most of those, nor make any judgment about them, as this text will focus only on the obvious and well accepted death penalty for murderers.  That scriptural required death penalty is carried out in numerous states and nations around the earth, in faithful keeping with the only Covenant of laws God authored for His people. In fact, you must accept and agree with God on the law of the death penalty for murderers, or you are not in agreement with Him; and thus you cannot validly make the only contract Covenant of His laws.  Yet today, many clerics and denominations have tried to nullify God and His law, despite that it is clear and certain in scripture as part of the Covenant.  They blaspheme against God, and often dare do so using His Name to eliminate the death penalty He commanded.  They make a false-god in their own image of their own 'opinions.'  The first an most important command is to "have no other god than the true God." Exodus 20:3-4.  "You shall not invoke the name of the Lord, your God, in vain.  For the Lord will not leave unpunished anyone who invokes his name in vain." Exodus 20:7.  "You shall not swear falsely by my name, thus profaning the name of your God.  I am the Lord." Leviticus 19:12.  They who teach that 'God is against the death penalty,' are grave mortal sin of blasphemy, profaning the Name and true commanded Covenant of the only Creator.  Those who do so often over-generalize the commandment "You shall not kill." Exodus 20:13; Deuteronomy 5:17.  In doing so, they ignore that God immediately continued the commanded Covenant of laws with death penalties for murderers in Exodus 21:12,23 and in Leviticus 24:17-21, see above. Hence the commandment "You shall not kill" applies only to innocent persons, and is not to be read to prevent the death penalty for murderers as God commanded as His contract of laws.

God did not make this law of the death penalty for murderers 'optional,' but used repeatedly the word "must."  In fact, God explicitly forbid other types of 'remedies' such as 'compensation' instead of the required death penalty.  "You will not accept compensation in place of the life of a murderer who deserves to die, but that person must be put to death." Numbers 35:31-34.  Yet today many argued that God would be 'against the death penalty' because they argue 'some innocent persons are wrongly convicted and sentenced to death.'  God thought of that and requires in scripture as His Covenant certain safeguard principles, namely that there must be adequate due process and careful review of the evidence, and the testimony of more than one witness, before the death penalty can be administered.  "Whenever someone kills another the evidence of witnesses is required to kill the murderer.  A single witness does not suffice for putting a person to death." Numbers 35:30.  "Only on the testimony of two or three witnesses shall a person be put to death; no person shall be put to death on the testimony of only one witness." Deuteronomy 17:6.  The process requires a proper judicial process by which "the truth of the matter is established" by the appropriate amount of evidence "thoroughly investigated." Deuteronomy 17:4-6.  It is never to be casually administered, nor by mob rule. "[Y]ou must inquire carefully into the matter and investigate it thoroughly ... [to] find out that it is true and established fact." Deuteronomy 13:15.  Some of those deal with other death penalties I will not judge nor discuss, but the principles apply to all death penalties, and thus to murderers.  God differentiates between acts causing death done "with malice aforethought" which receive a mandatory death penalty, and acts done "without malice aforethought" or done "inadvertently" which do not receive the death penalty. Numbers 35:11-34.  The reason God gives for the death penalties is to "purge the evil from your midst." Deuteronomy 17:7; 13:6.  As for murderers, God warned: "You will not pollute the land where you live.  For bloodshed pollutes the land, and the land can have no expiation for the blood shed on it except through the blood (death penalty) of the one who shed it." Numbers 35:33.  

In short, God repeatedly used the command "you must put the murderer to death," and did not give it as a mere 'option' or 'alternative.'  That is His only Agreement, and we must accept it as He authored it, or you do not validly make the Agreement.  You cannot be in agreement with God if you disagree with God.  They only way to make His Covenant agreement is to accept and agree with His every letter of His laws.  There will be no other Covenant offered while we are on earth.

Closing Summary Meditation:

"You shall put to death all murderers who commit murder with malice aforethought.  You shall thus purge the evil from your midst.  But the death penalty is to be only after careful review of the evidence to determine whether the accused person caused the death of another person, and if the act resulting in death was done with malice aforethought.  Acts done inadvertently or without malice aforethought do not receive the death penalty."



Meditation On Voting:

When Voting Is Excommunication; You Are What You Vote For. On Voting.pdf

I noticed these alterations: "the all" is "them all" ;  "sin in an" is "sin is an".


Brian Fusonie, (c) 2022


Introduction Scripture Meditation: 

"If the people of the land condone the (murder of children) ... I myself will turn against that individual ... and I will cut off (excommunicate) from their people both the wrongdoer and all who follow that person ..." Leviticus 20:4-6.  Restated: "If the people of the land vote for abortion, I will excommunicate the all from My people."  "You must never condone what I hate."  See Jeremiah 44:4-10; Proverbs 13:5-6; Psalm 119:10; 139:21-22; Ben Sira 12:3-6.  "You must never vote for what I loathe." See Ben Sira 17:26; Deuteronomy 32:16-19.  "You must never tolerate what disgusts Me." See Leviticus 20:22-23; 20:13.  "Hate what I hate; and love what I love." See Jeremiah 44:4-10; Psalm 119:163.

My Meditation: 

I have written a more lengthy list of God's decreed excommunications in scripture in a separate meditation essay on that topic.  I left out from that essay the opening scripture passage regarding "If you condone the murder of children (abortion), then I will cut you off (excommunicate) from the people."  I want to emphasize that particular portion of Leviticus 20 for this meditation on voting.  Because God decreed He excommunicates those who "condone" sin, He most certainly therefore excommunicates all who vote to make 'legal' the murder of His unborn children, and all who vote to 'legalize' homosexuals.  As I show in the later and lengthier meditation, there are other sins that excommunicate a person, but I want to emphasize those two simple examples in this meditation on voting for abortion and voting for homosexuals; both of which excommunicate you from the Covenant of God and His people.  God has authored an "agreement" of His laws, the contract we call the Covenant.  You must agree with God on all His commanded laws, or you did not validly make the agreement with God, and thus are not in contract Covenant with Him and His people.  Those who disagree with God, are not in agreement with Him, and thus are never in Covenant with Him. 

In scripture God commands us to never tolerate the sins of others.  "You shall ... judge your neighbor honestly. ... Reprove your neighbor openly so that you do not incur sin because of that person." Leviticus 19:15-17.  Hence, God warned that if you tolerate the sins of your neighbor, then you become guilty of that person's sins.  Some Bible texts translate that same text as "you share in the guilt of your neighbor if you fail to rebuke them plainly (frankly) for their sins."  Tolerance of sin is itself that same sin.  If you tolerate murder (abortion), then you are a murderer in God's eyes. If you tolerate fornication, then you are guilty of that sin.  If you tolerate adultery, then you are guilty of that same sin.  And if you tolerate homosexuals, then you are guilty of that sin in the judgment of God.  You are what you "condone," as God warned.  You are excommunicated also when you tolerate a sin that excommunicates in scripture.  Yet voting for any of those sins to be made 'legal' is much worse than mere "condoning" and thus much worse than mere "tolerance" of those sins.  Voting for a sin in an affirmative act of approval to get those sins called 'legal' in the land.  It is a much worse and grave mortal sin than mere "condoning" those same sins.  Because "condoning" sin excommunicates you as God decreed, then voting excommunicates you much worse, if there was such a thing as worse excommunication.  The point is that if one excommunicates, which God said it does, then the other, voting, definitely excommunicates.  When you vote for abortion, you become guilty of all the murders resulting from and following from that vote.  The same is true when you vote for homosexuals.  You are what you vote for.

Again, God authored and offered an "agreement" of His every law called the Covenant.  It is a contract "agreement" of His laws.  The only way to validly make and stay in that agreement Covenant is to fully accept and obey all of His commanded laws, at all times.  "This day the Lord, your God, is commanding you to observe these statutes and ordinances.  Be careful, then, to observe them with your whole heart and with your whole being.  Today you have accepted the Lord's agreement ... And today the Lord has accepted your agreement ..." Deuteronomy 26:16-18.  We call this "offer and acceptance" in contract (covenant) law, or a "meeting of the minds in mutual informed agreement to the terms and conditions of the contract Covenant."  Only those who vote in favor of God's laws can make agreement with God and remain in agreement with God.  Those who vote to 'legalize' abortion or homosexuals cannot make agreement with God.  They are not among His contract Covenant people.  They are excommunicated. 

There are some who try to hide behind 'popular opinion' of what should be 'legalized' to refuse to obey God's laws.  They feel safer in the "defiant crowd" than in obeying God.  They are no longer among God's Covenant people.  "You shall not follow the crowd in doing wrong." Exodus 23:2.  "But anyone who acts defiantly ... reviles the Lord, and shall be cut off (excommunicated) from among the people.  For having despised the word of the Lord and broken his commandments, he must be cut off entirely and bear the punishment." Numbers 15:30-31.  You must obey God's laws, not the 'laws' of men that contradict any of God's laws.  "But the house of Israel rebelled against me ... They did not observe my statutes, and they rejected my ordinances that bring life to those who keep them. ... Then I said to their children in the wilderness: Do not follow the statutes of your parents.  Do not keep their ordinances. ... I am the Lord, your God: follow my statutes and be careful to observe my ordinances." Ezekiel 20:13-38.  Then there are some who argue that they 'vote for a candidate who is against some of God's laws because they like the other policies of that candidate.'  That is mortal sin.  You can never vote for a person who is in favor of abortion, nor in favor of homosexuals.  Those sins excommunicate that person and all who vote for them.  Moreover, a person who is excommunicated, as they are, cannot validly hold public offices of trust in God's true Covenant law.  Thus they cannot be recognized as lawfully in office by God's contract Covenant people.  They must be rejected and treated as "dead" to God and to all God's people; that is the meaning of excommunication in scripture.  And then there are those who dare make false moral 'equivalents' between voting for abortion and voting in favor of the death penalty.  God commanded the death penalty for murderers in scripture, repeatedly and clearly.  It is His contract Covenant required law.  You must agree with God to be in agreement with God.  Or you are not in His Covenant.  Accordingly, a person cannot vote for a candidate who favors abortion, saying to themselves that the other candidate also 'favors murder' by favoring the death penalty.  It is mortal sin, and a false moral equivalence.  You cannot validly make God's contract agreement with that lie of false moral equivalence between abortion and the death penalty for murderers.

Closing Summary Meditation:

"Woe to those who vote for sins to be made 'lawful,' for I will hold you accountable for all sins resulting from that vote.  Those who vote for abortion are themselves guilty of the murders.  The same is true of every other sin.  I will hold you accountable for your votes.  You must vote only for My laws, never for any 'laws' that violate My commanded laws.  I am Lord."



Meditation On Conflicting Laws:

When 'Laws' Contradict God, You Must Obey God's Law. On Conflicting Laws.pdf


Brian Fusonie, (c) 2022


Introduction Scripture Meditation: 

"But the house of Israel rebelled against me ... They did not observe my statutes, and they rejected my ordinances that bring life to those who keep them. ... Then I said to their children in the wilderness: Do not follow the statutes of your parents.  Do not keep their ordinances. ... I am the Lord, your God: follow my statutes and be careful to observe my ordinances." Ezekiel 20:13-38.  "Be careful to observe all my statutes and all my decrees; otherwise the land ... will vomit you out.  Do not conform to the customs of the nations whom I am driving out of your way, because all these things that they have done have filled me with disgust for them." Leviticus 20:22-23.  "Be careful, therefore, to do as the Lord, your God, has commanded you, not turning aside to the right or left, but following exactly the way the Lord, your God, commanded you that you may live and prosper ... in the land ..." Deuteronomy 5:32-33.  "You shall not have other gods beside me. ... For I, the Lord, your God, am a jealous God, inflicting punishment for their ancestors' wickedness on the children of those who hate me ... You shall not kill." Exodus 20:3,5,13.

My Meditation: 

God has authored and offered an "agreement" contact we call the Covenant.  In each of these meditation essays I will often repeat that fact, because many pretend they are 'in the Covenant' when they disagree with God's laws.  They are not in "agreement" with Him.  They cannot be in the Covenant, nor be part of His Covenant people.  God explicitly commands in scripture that whenever men or legislatures or courts enact or fashion 'laws' that are contrary to any of God's laws, then you must obey God's law, and not the 'law' of men.  However, whenever the laws enacted by men do not violate God's laws, then you must obey those duly enacted laws.  Only those laws that conform to God's laws are in truth real laws.  And all 'laws' that violate any of God's commanded laws are therefore null and void in the eyes of God.  They cannot be obeyed by God's contract Covenant people. This also is the founding principle of our nation, codified as such in our Declaration Of Independence, which states that, "We hold these truths to be self evident, that all are ... endowed by the Creator with certain inalienable rights ..."  Accordingly, the founding principle of the United States is that God "endows" men with rights, that God is the Author of all true rights, and therefore of all true laws.  Men do not make law. Rather God makes true law.  And it is the duty of men to enact laws that conform entirely to the laws commanded by God; or the 'laws' they enact are invalid and null in God's eyes. 

Men must obey God, not 'laws' contradicting God.  This also is true in the cases of commands issued by employees by senior officers, such as orders by the President to his Vice President, or orders by a military commander to the troops, or the orders of a company CEO to his employees.  We saw an example of this when Vice President Mike Pence refused the 'order' of President Donald Trump to "refuse to certify the 2020 election results."  Pence's legal advisor later testified to Congress that during the capitol riot he "opened his Bible to Daniel 6 to read how Daniel obeyed God instead of an edict law by the king."  A relevant portion of that scripture says, "Even after Daniel heard that this law (forbidding anyone from petitioning God or men other than the king) had been signed, he continued his custom of going to his home to kneel in prayer and give thanks to God ..." Daniel 6:11.  The attorney advisor to Pence said he took solace and strength that day from that scripture as Pence disobeyed Trump and certified the election.  I have to say this, however, while I do not recognize Joseph Biden as duly elected because of his stance encouraging abortions and homosexuals, and other stances he takes on sins that are excommunicating also, I still agree that Mike Pence had to disobey Trump and certify the count as a clerical task.  The entire issue, however, is too long a discussion for this present meditation.  And I heard that President Trump may have, as some allege, tried as Commander And Chief of the military to order the National Guard to enforce his claim to be the validly elected President of the 2020 election.  If so, the military had a duty not to obey the order from Trump.  And it is true in the case of hospital CEOs trying to order all its doctors and staff to prescribe or administer abortifacient (abortive) drugs or devices, as such orders must always be refused.

The Lord God must be obeyed, instead of obeying men, whether what God commanded as law is 'popular' or not.  "You say, the Lord's way is unfair! Hear now house of Israel: Is it my way that is unfair?  Are not your ways unfair?" Ezekiel 18:25.  "Whether we like it or not, we will obey the command of the Lord, our God .. so that it may go well with us for obeying the command of the Lord, our God." Jeremiah 42:1-6.  God is not changed by 'popular opinion.'  His contract "agreement," the Covenant, does not change by 'popularity.'  You cannot hide behind the "crowd," but must obey God at all times.  Then there is the issue of 'laws' enacted by legislatures, or fashioned by courts, that are ambiguous.  Whenever a purported law is ambiguous, then it must be read and interpreted in a manner that makes it consistent with and obedient to all God's laws.  But whenever a court issues an order it calls 'precedent' on an issue of 'law,' it is null and void if it in any way contradicts a law of God.  It is not then 'precedent' in God's eyes, and it must be reversed and overturned.  At all times we must restore the law to conform with God.  Remember, our nation was founded on the promise to each of us that we in this nation have a recognized "inalienable" fundamental "right" to obey God, the author and endower of all true laws.  The opposite of that inalienable right to obey God is tyranny by men.  Anytime a regime tries to impose obedience to itself instead of to God, that is the definition of "tyranny by men."  Yet today many legislatures and court have turned that inalienable fundamental guaranteed right to obey God's laws inside out and upside down; they impose sin as if that is a 'constitutional fundamental right,' when sin is never a right.  They impose as 'laws' that men are to 'not discriminate' against sin, contrary to God's commanded Covenant requiring such discrimination.  In fact, you cannot be in the Covenant agreement with God if you refuse to discriminate against sin. So today the 'laws' are corrupt and upside down against God.  They must be corrected.  Obeying God's laws is the very definition of "freedom" our founders fought for and signed in the Declaration Of Independence.  Only that reading conforms with God and His laws.

Closing Summary Meditation:

"Do not follow the 'laws' of men that contradict My laws.  You must obey My laws exactly as I commanded them, never veering aside to the right or left of My true laws.  You shall not make men your gods.  I, the Lord, am alone your God."



More meditations essays will be posted here each week.


There are currently 52 meditation essays.  I may add to the above list periodically.

Note: After printed I proof read this again, and noticed these alterations: 

5. "sis" is "sins" ;  9. "if" is "is" ;  26. "lads" is "lands" ;  38. "serve My" is "serve Me" ;  49. "ad" is "and" Summaries Of Meditation Essays.pdf


The web page versions of the Meditation Essays are posted at these links: Links.htm And Meditations.htm Meditations.htm And Notes.htm