Meditation Essays Summaries:

Literal Paraphrase Summaries Of Each Longer Meditation Essay.


Brian Fusonie, (c) 2022


Note: After printed I proof read this again, and noticed these alterations: 

5. "sis" is "sins" ;  9. "if" is "is" ;  26. "lads" is "lands" ;  38. "serve My" is "serve Me" ;  49. "ad" is "and" Summaries Of Meditation Essays.pdf


Introduction:  Meditation On God's Voice In Scripture:

"Today you have accepted the Lord's agreement: he will be your God, and you will walk in his ways, observe his statutes, commandments, and ordinances, and obey his voice." Deuteronomy 26:17-19.  "Be careful not to forget the Lord, your God, by failing to keep his commandments and ordinances and statutes which I enjoin on you today ... But if you do forget the Lord ... so shall you too perish for not listening to the voice of the Lord, your God." Deuteronomy 8:11-20.  "But if you do not obey the voice of the Lord, your God, carefully observing all his commandments and statutes ... curses will befall you ..." Deuteronomy 28:15-25.  "Listen to my voice and do all that I command you ... But they did not listen or obey ... Therefore, thus says the Lord: See, I am bringing upon them a disaster they cannot escape." Jeremiah 11:1-11.  "... but if that nation does evil in my eyes, refuses to obey my voice, then I will have a change of heart regarding the good with which I planned to bless it." Jeremiah 18:7-10.


About The Voice Of These Summary Meditations:

Each summary meditation is written in the voice who authored the laws in scripture, the lone Single Person Creator.  The voice summarizes the laws and warning discussed in the scriptures I quote in each longer meditation essay.  The voice summaries where written in prayer, and I kept them in quotations to indicate the voice is that of the Author of the law, and not my own voice, because it summarizes divine oracles in scripture.  As example: "You shall not kill My unborn children," is a summary amalgamation of numerous laws and warnings in scripture.


Additional Note About These Meditations:

All of these meditation essays have been hand written.  Some have already been typed and posted in both web page and pdf versions.  As I type the remaining essays, I will post those also.  Some of these meditation essays I will post are lengthy, and others are only a page to four pages in length.  My hope is this current "summaries" of those longer meditations will lead the readers to eventually read those longer meditation essays once they are typed and posted.

The Paraphrase Summaries Of Each Meditation Essay:

1. Meditation On "Abominations":  "Woe to anyone who commits abortion or homosexual acts.  Such persons are excommunicated.  They are an abomination to Me and they disgust Me.  I will hold you and all the land accountable for each abomination they commit against My laws.  I am Lord."

2. Meditation On "Monotheism":  "Woe to anyone who has a different god than Me, the Singular Person Creator.  I have designed tests and trials on earth against My true Single Person Nature, and the earth has failed.  Those tests were designed to see if you would remain obedient to Me, or would instead believe in a false-god of a different 'nature' than My Singular Person Nature.  I am Lord."

3. Meditation On The Ten Commandments:  "My Ten Commandments are not all of My commanded laws to govern the people, but they are a simple list of ten of those laws.  I wrote them for the good governance of My people.  You shall not have another god than Me, and thus you shall not have 'laws' different than My laws.  You shall obey My laws at all times, not your own preferred 'laws.'  I am Lord."

4. Meditation On The Forgotten Commandments Of God:  "Woe to anyone who violates any of My additional laws governing human behavior.  I gave My laws that you may not violate My intelligent design of the human specie.  I am the Creator who decided what is right and what is wrong for My people.  I am Lord. Obey My laws."

5. Meditation On "Creation History":  "I will create a new earth in which sin will not be remembered, it will not come to mind.  I cannot allow you to have the memories of any sins, not the feelings nor senses of those sins, when I re-author your bodily life on the new earth, for obvious reasons.  It is a waste of time to participate in sis, therefore, that I not only punish now, but will never be remembered then on new earth.  I am Lord."

6. Chronicle Of Conceits:  "Woe to those who fall for illusions against My true Single Person Nature and abilities.  I am Lord.  There is no other.  I have a specific Nature, against which I have designed tests of false dogmas, which you are to reject to stay obedient to Me as I truly AM; not as you 'prefer' Me to be instead.  You are to judge others honestly or you share in their guilt.  You are not to believe in the false-god of 'sacraments,' nor the pagan god called 'trinity.'  I am Single Divine Person, the only Creator and Lord.  Obey My true Nature and laws."

7. Meditation On The Eyes Of God:  "You must agree with Me; have My thoughts and My outrage and anger at sins I loathe and hate, and which disgust Me.  You must see as I see.  Think as I think.  Obey My every commanded law.  Only then will the land have My protection and know peace; or it will be ruin."

8. Meditation Against Tolerance Of Sins:  "Woe to you who fail to judge your neighbor openly and honestly, and to rebuke them for their sins.  Woe to you who condone or tolerate the sins of others against My commanded laws.  You must hate the iniquities that I loathe and that disgust Me.  If you fail to rebuke such sinners, I will hold you also responsible for their sins.  But if you reprove them, I will bless you with peace.  Obey My command exactly as I command you."

9. The Death Penalty For Murderers:  "You shall put to death all murderers who commit murder with malice aforethought.  You shall thus purge the evil from your midst.  But the death penalty if to be only after careful review of the evidence to determine whether the accused person caused the death of another person, and if the act resulting in death was done with malice aforethought.  Acts done inadvertently or without malice aforethought do not receive the death penalty."

10. Meditation On Conflicting Laws:  "Do not follow the 'laws' of men that contradict My laws.  You must obey My laws exactly as I commanded them, never veering aside to the right or left of My true laws.  You shall not make men your gods.  I, the Lord, am alone your God."

11. The Farthest Teardrop Falls: A Pro-Life Meditation:  "I create each of My children at the moment of fertilization; I am the Divine Parent, their Guardian and Protector who loves each child in the womb.  Dare not take from Me any of My precious unborn children, or My divine tears will ruin the earth."

12. Meditation On The End:  "The end will come in fire like a stormwind authored by My hand, which I will draw because of the sins of idolatry against monotheism, and thus sins against My true Name and Nature as Single Person Creator; and because of, among other sins, the crimes of abortion and of homosexuals.  Those sins bring the end.  I am Lord."

13. Meditation On Free-Will:  "I, the Lord, alone have free-will; and all My creatures I author and animate to life have simulated free-will.  I author them with My Mind.  I intelligently designed each specie to have a nature, a program, which I animate as if living, but I animate their decisions.  I do so according to the experiences, memories, informed learning of each.  Thus, I must do it, I give them life; and they have no life of their own.  I am Lord."

14. Meditation On Tests And Trials:  "I, the Lord, AM one, Single Person divine nature.  I was alone and thought of ways to test human beings.  I invented those evils, including pagan miracles, to tempt and test the obedience of humanity to My true Name and laws, My true Diving Nature.  I author those miracles in disguise of a pagan god often to test human persons or errant denominations.  I test all persons.  I explore your mind and heart to find if you truly want to obey Me.  I am Lord."

15. Meditation On Voting:  "Woe to those who vote for sins to be made 'lawful,' for I will hold you accountable for all sins resulting from that vote.  Those who vote for abortion are themselves guilty of the murders.  The same is true of every other sin.  I will hold you accountable for your votes.  You must vote only for My laws, never for any 'laws' that violate My commanded laws.  I am Lord."

16. Meditation On Mental Illness:  "All who agree with Me as to My every law are not mentally ill.  Those who disagree with Me as to any of My laws are themselves mentally ill.  But those for whom I make a miracle sign or wonder are not to be called mentally ill, for they have real paranormal that I authored for them to see or hear.  I, the Lord, am never to be called a mental illness.  It is blasphemy.  I am Lord."

17. Meditation On Removing "Slavery":  "What I said to Jeremiah in 8:8,10 is true, the laws I originally commanded were altered by the lying pens of scribes and priests to add back 'slavery,' and to dilute and erode My other laws to make them falsehoods.  The scripture texts are not incorrupt; there are may stories that are fiction and alterations.  The day is coming I will cleanse the scriptures of all the errors that accumulated over the years.  I am Lord."

18. Meditation On Patriotism:  "I, the Lord, author every true nation.  I only recognize as a nation those lands that obey My commanded laws.  In the same way, I only recognize as citizens those persons who accept and obey all My commanded laws.  The term 'nation' and 'citizen' have become so diluted and eroded in most lands to have no real meaning any more; they call anything a 'nation' and anyone a 'citizen' against Me.  True patriots are those who are well informed in My laws and who keep them faithfully.  I am Lord."

19. Meditation On UFOs:  "I, the Lord, author numerous tests of human beings.  If the flying object does not conform to My laws of physics that I authored for the entire universe, then it is a hoax I used to test humanity.  If the alleged space alien uses 'mental telepathy' then it is a hoax because I cannot design creatures to have telepathic communication.  It is always a test and thus a hoax.  Be faithful to Me in any scientific inquiries of alleged UFOs.  I am Lord."

20. Meditation On Moral IQ:  "Moral intelligence is the agreement with Me as to My intelligent design for man and woman, and obedience therefore to all My commanded laws.  Anything else is idolatry.  It is sin.  There is a cult of 'secret society' that oaths to get all persons damned with themselves.  They evil oath to deceive all into their lies, to the opposite of moral intellect.  The worst of their lies is the 'trinity' against monotheism.  I am the Lord."

21. Meditation On Due Process:  "Woe to those who pervert justice, who deprive a man of his due process.  I am the Author of each man's inalienable rights.  The right to property is one such right; but your 'courts' and 'legislatures' dare lower the burden of proof to take property to only '51 percent preponderance of the evidence,' instead of moral certitude of 'beyond a reasonable doubt.'  All natural rights require real due process.  I am Lord."

22. Meditation On Sex Laws:  "I, the Lord, intelligently designed man and woman for valid marriage contract to procreate and help Me raise My children in My laws.  I intelligently designed procreation, including hymen to prevent and detect premarital sex.  Abortion is murder; it is an abomination, as is adultery, and homosexuality.  I am Lord."

23. Meditation On Role Of Priests:  "My priests are men who obey, teach, and enforce each and all of My laws.  Those who try to silence Me, or to alter My laws with lying pens or deceitful words are no longer My priests; they are invalid and thus terminated from agency of Me.  They are sinners who no longer remain in the contract of the priesthood.  I reject them.  I am Lord."

24. Meditation On Woman:  "I, the Lord, intelligently designed woman to have hymen, uterus, fertility cycle, and breasts.  But today many reject the nature I designed for woman.  They instead want to be as men.  They are grave sin against Me.  The end will come if women fail to accept the intelligent design I made for them.  I am Lord."

25. Meditation On Role Of Men:  "I, the Lord, intelligently designed man to be the head of his house.  Men are to be My strong arms and care givers, to provide for and comfort their wives, and to raise My children to know, love, and thus obey Me.  They are required to obey, teach, and enforce My every law for their children to see a good example.  They are to be fathers, not cowards.  I am Lord."

26. Meditation On God's Bounty:  "I, the Lord, offer as My Covenant that I will bless the lands that obey all My laws; and that I will curse and punish with disasters those lands that disobey My laws.  There is no such thing as a 'natural' disaster, as I author all weather.  I will protect and make fertile lads that obey Me; and I will make barren and ruin the lands that hate My laws.  I am Lord."

27. Meditation On The Arm Of God:  "I, the Lord, punish those who hate My true laws; and I bless with favor those who obey My laws.  I vow to fight on behalf of My loyal students as friends of Me, the divine law-giver.  My friends will know My protective hand; and those who war against My loyal friends I will war against on their behalf.  Be still and know I am God."

28. Meditation On The Afterlife:  "I, the Lord, intelligently designed your bodily existence.  You do not have a spirit.  Your only life is bodily.  Therefore, your future life on the new earth is bodily.  You have only a bodily afterlife.  I am Lord."

29. Meditation On Nuclear War:  "I, the Lord, have made miraculous signs and wonders over nuclear facility sites to warn that I hate nuclear war.  I will not tolerate the use of atomic bombs in warfare any longer, but will punish the earth with their use and destruction if the earth does not obey all My laws.  I am Lord."

30. Meditation On Conception:  "I, the Author of life, create each child at the moment of fertilization; that is the only moment of human conception.  At that moment there is no longer an egg of the woman, nor the sperm of the man, but there is a newly created human being.  I am Lord."

31. Meditation On Adoption:  "I, the Divine Parent, command that all My unborn children be given birth, whether wanted or unwanted.  I make no exemptions for rape nor incest.  All My unborn children shall be born and given a loving home.  Adoption is mandated instead of murdering any of My unborn children.  I am Lord."

32. Meditation On Marriage:  "I, the Author of marriage, designed that contract to be between only a pro-life man and woman; no other persons can marry.  I forbid all homosexuals.  They are an abomination against My laws.  Homosexuals cannot marry.  They are excommunicated from My people.  Only people who obey My laws can marry.  I am Lord."

33. Meditation On Judging Others:  "I, the Lord, command all My people to honestly judge their neighbors, and to reprove them for their sins; otherwise your tolerance shares in their sin guilt.  The world does not function properly when people tolerate sins.  I am Lord."

34. Meditation On Spirits:  "I, the Lord, command that My people never seek to conjure nor consult the dead, for there cannot exist spirits; instead it is always Me acting in disguises to test My people's obedience to My laws.  I am Lord."

35. Meditation On Fortunetellers:  "I, the Lord, make many tests to determine the loyalty and obedience of the people.  All must obey My laws.  I forbid anyone from seeking counsel of soothsaying fortunetellers or so-called clairvoyants; as it is Me who is testing your obedience to Me.  I cannot foresee the future; I instead tell that which I will write in the future, and then I author it to come to pass or not to come to pass.  But it is a test.  I am Lord."

36. Meditation On True Prophecy:  "True prophets instruct the people to obey all My laws and give warnings they hear from Me of how I will punish the land that refuses to obey Me.  They are My agents speaking what they hear from Me in My Name.  True prophets teach and enforce My every law.  I am Lord."

37. Meditation On Right To Bear Arms:  "My enemies always try to establish tyranny over the people by first removing their right to bear arms.  Tyrannical regimes often impose 'laws' contradicting My laws; and they control the people once unarmed.  The right to arms is essential to preserving freedom.  That right belongs to each person.  I am Lord."

38. Meditation On Free Speech And Press:  "The right to free speech and press is to ensure the people know, love, and serve My and My laws.  I, the Lord, chose to give My people the right to speak and print truthful facts; not lies.  There is no right to lie, nor to believe in a lie.  All have the right to be fully informed of the truth and to obey that truth; never to obey a lie. I am Lord."

39. Meditation On Freedom To Worship:  "I, the Lord, am the only God.  There is no other.  There exists only the right to worship Me as I AM, and therefore as I commanded My every law.  I am Lord."

40. Meditation On Taxation:  "I, the Lord, command that taxes shall not be used against Me, and thus cannot pay for any act against My laws.  I will punish the land anytime it uses tax revenues to fund abortion, contraception, homosexuals, or other sins against My laws.  I am Lord."

41. Meditation On Friendship:  "True friends are a gift from Me; they are people who obey My every law.  My friends are friends to the just; and they are enemies to the wicked.  My friends put their obedience to Me above all others; they will be guided by Me to others of like-mind.  I am Lord."

42. Meditation On Just Wars:  "I, the Lord, throughout history did command My people to make just wars to end slavery, the murder of children, and other crimes against Me.  I promised to fight with and on behalf of those lands who make just war in My Name.  Obey My laws, and I will secure you victory over My enemies.  But if you disobey My laws, I will hand your land to ruin.  I am Lord."

43. Meditation On The Sabbath:  "I, the Lord, commanded My people to obey a required Sabbath on the seventh day of the week.  The seventh day is Saturday.  I will reinstate My original commanded Sabbath on each Saturday.  I am Lord."

44. Meditation On The Climate:  "I, the Lord, made an agreement with earth that if you obey My every law, then I will provide benevolent weather and climate.  But if you disobey any of My laws, then I will ruin your lands and eventually the earth with My wrath authoring severe weather and climate.   I can heal the earth if your lands repent and obey all My laws.  That is My Covenant.  I am Lord."

45. Meditation On Life Versus Death:  "I am the Lord who gives life or death; sickness or health and long life.  My Covenant agreement promises the blessings of health and long life to those who truly obey My every law; and the curses of illnesses and death to those who hate My laws.  Often, however, I make children and also others ill or deceased because of the sins of their parents or nation.  I am Lord."

46. Meditation On Art And Music:  "All good music comes from Me; the true artist recognizes this fact and petitions for My assistance.  I am the giver of good art.  I bless those artists who obey My laws, who seek Me first.  I am Lord."

47. Meditation On Drug Dealing Murders:  "I, the Lord, forbid all use of potentially lethal drugs; and the sale of them is foreseeable murders.  Because some deaths will foreseeably result, it is premeditated murder.  I am Lord."

48. Meditation On Education:  "I, the Lord, authored all creation; I alone author all truth.  I am essential to any true learning; and I am the giver of knowledge.  Study My hand, how I created the world and its workings.  Learn to rejoice in My knowledge of how I intelligently designed all.  I am Lord."

49. Meditation On Athletics:  "I, the Lord, intelligently designed the human body to be that of an athlete.  I designed man to run.  I did not design man to be lazy and idle.  I want all youths to learn to play ad master their own body mechanics, and learn what it takes to be victorious from hard work.  I want them to enjoy life.  My hope is they will give that same effort to obeying all My laws to be victorious with Me.  I am Lord."

50. Meditation Against God's Enemies:  "I, the Lord, alone am God.  Those who do not worship Me as I AM and as I commanded My laws, they are My enemies.  They are not My friends.  My worst enemies are the criminal conspiracy of Masonic Temple that oaths to end all My true laws and to protect their criminals from prosecution.  If they are not fully prosecuted and ended, I will punish the earth.  They sit in offices of public trust, but are oathed to overthrow My laws.  They are homosexuals, the pedophiles, rapists, orgyists, and abortionists.  They run the towns opposite of My required laws.  I will not wait, I will punish the earth because of them.  I am Lord."

51. Meditation On The Definition Of Love:  "Love is obeying My every law as I commanded those laws.  All who disobey any of My laws hate Me; they are not My friends.  Only those persons who obey Me love Me.  And I in turn love those who obey all My laws.  I am Lord."

52. Meditation On Joy:  "I, the Lord, bless those who obey My every law; and I curse those who disobey any of My laws.  My joy is in those who obey Me; and their joy is in Me.  I will not author any other definition of joy.  I am Lord."


53. Meditation On The Lone Creator:  "I, the Lord, AM the only Person who is God.  No other person is Me; I am alone.  I author all My creation in My Mind by animation.  I write all.  I am the intelligent Designer of all the universe and all creatures.  I am the Author of life, which I give to each of My creatures by animating their lives each day.  I am Lord."

54. Meditation Against No-gods:  "I, the Lord, the Author of life, command My people to no longer say the name of the no-god Jesus.  He is not My Being.  He is not Me.  Jesus is a hoax that I authored to test humanity.  Much of the earth failed that test by worshipping Jesus as if he were Me.  That is idolatry.  The end will come if I see people worshipping Jesus.  I alone am Lord."

55. Meditation On No Holy Ghost:  "I, the Lord, the Author of life, command My people to no longer mention the 'trinity' nor 'holy ghost.'  Those are not My Being; they are not Me.  I am alone.  I am created by physics laws that govern My world in which I live.  I had a beginning, but will have no end.  I live.  I cannot be three persons.  I am Single Person.  That is My Name and Nature.  I am Lord."

56. Meditation On Prayer:  "I, the Lord, only recognize as prayer those who honestly love My true Divine Nature as Single Person, and who obey all My laws.  I do not hear those who disobey Me.  True prayer is an agreement to serve Me as I AM, not how you wish I was instead.  True prayer is a relationship I have with My honest friends; My enemies are never heard.  I am Lord."

57. Meditation On Excommunications:  "I, the Lord, am the Author of My contract Covenant of My every law.  You must make validly legal agreement with Me as to all My laws, or you do not make that Covenant agreement with Me.  Those who disobey My commanded laws are cut off from My Covenant, and My people must obey Me and cut those persons off from My people.  You may not employ those persons; nor make any contracts with them.  Treat them as dead to Me and My people.  I am Lord."

58. Meditation On Inalienable Rights:  "I, the Lord, am the Author of true rights.  I write the laws that are those rights.  All who dare call abortion or homosexuals 'rights' are cut off and thus excommunicated from My contractual Covenant.  They are dead to Me and to My people.  I am Lord."

59. Meditation On The Keys:  "I, the Lord, do not recognize the Vatican.  I AM Single Person, and the Vatican serves a no-god 'trinity.'  It will end.  They do not speak in My Name.  They are blasphemy.  The earth will obey Me and thus all My laws, or I will end the earth.  I am Lord."

60. Meditation Against Virgin Mary Cult:  "I, the Lord, who AM Single Person Creator commanded My people not to mention the name of any no-god 'trinity' nor its mother.  She is not among My saints.  She is the mother of a lie against My true Nature.  I demand worship of Me alone; not of the 'virgin Mary.'  I am Lord."

61. Meditation Against Communion Of Saints:  "I, the Lord, cannot create 'spirit.'  There are no 'spiritual communions.'  I authored each person to have only a bodily live; and your afterlife will be bodily on the new earth I will create.  I am Lord."

62. Meditation Against Stigmata:  "I, the Lord, often make miracle signs and wonders for false-gods to test My people, as I warned you in Deuteronomy.  The stigmata is a test, and was done as a false proof of the no-god 'trinity.'  They are not My saints.  My people obey Me as Single Person Author of all My laws.  I am Lord."

63. Meditation On No Elijah 'Return':  "I, the Lord, will never send Elijah again.  Instead, I will send a different ma having the same love for My laws, before the end.  If the earth fails to listen to My agent whom I send, I will strike the earth with destruction.  I am Lord."

64. Meditation On Three Days Of Darkness:  "I, the Lord, draw the universe in My Mind; I daily author all its atomic particles, and animate to life all My creatures.  I hate the no-god 'trinity' and those who dare worship it against My true Nature as only Single Person God.  I AM.  There can be no other.  I will prove it.  There will be an event I draw that proves to all who see it that I draw and animate all creation with My Mind.  If you fail to obey Me, thus to obey all My laws and My true Nature, I will destroy the earth.  I am Lord."

65. Meditation On Man's Diet:  "I, the Lord, will not allow any meat eating nor killing of animals on the new earth I am creating.  Then you will not remember eating the flesh of animals.  I cannot allow you to have those memories of the taste of flesh.  Instead, all will eat seed-bearing plants and fruit.  I am Lord."

66. Meditation On The Bible:  "I, the Lord, gave My Covenant laws to Moses; never to Jesus, who is not Me.  There is no 'new covenant.'  There can be only one Covenant of all My same laws.  I never change.  I am Lord."

67. Meditation Against 'Indelible' Ordination:  "I, the Lord, offer My agency contractual agreement only to those who validly contracted with Me My larger contractual agreement of all My laws.  That is My only Covenant.  Those who disagree with any of My laws are never My priests.  They lose the agency contract and are thereby no longer My priests if they disobey any of My laws.  They are not in Covenant with Me; they are dead to Me and to My people.  I am Lord."

68. Meditation Against Sacraments:  "I, the Lord, authored a contractual Covenant agreement; not black magic incantations nor their rituals.  There are no sacraments.  I do not reside in any of their rituals.  I am Single Persons; never a 'trinity.'  I hate all alleged sacraments of that no-god 'trinity.'  They will end, or I will end the earth.  I am Lord."

69. Meditation Against Confessionals:  "I, the Lord, will punish you for every sin you concealed from the people that you heard 'confessed.'  There is no 'confessional' that I recognize.  It is against My only contractual Covenant.  I am Lord."

70. Meditation Against Baptism:  "I, the Lord, do not 'baptize' any person.  I do not 'indwell,' but I instead make valid legal contractual agreement in Covenant with My true people.  That Covenant requires agreement to obey all My laws to validly make that required Covenant with Me.  There is no 'washing free' of sins.  There is no 'substitute' atonements.  There is no baby who validly makes agreement with Me.  Only those who fully obey My laws are in My Covenant.  I am Lord."

71. Meditation Against Tongues:  "I, the Lord, AM Single Person.  I hate the false-god 'trinity' and its 'speaking in tongues' through people.  I will end it, or I will end the earth.  I am Lord."

72. Meditation On Required Repentance:  "I, the Lord, authored only one contractual Covenant agreement of My laws.  Those who keep My laws will have life.  If you have sinned against Me the Single Person Author of those laws, you can only validly make My contractual Covenant by full repentance publicly.  I demand you first prove yourself reliably contractual capacity by your daily obedience of all My laws.  I will know when you are ready to make that Covenant agreement with Me.  I am Lord."

73. Meditation On Loving Your Neighbor:  "I, the Lord, required as part of My authored Covenant agreement of al My laws, that My people enforce My laws upon their neighbors.  As I require of each of you, so you must require of them.  Equal justice under My laws.  I am Lord."

74. Meditation Against Contraception:  "I, the Lord, exclude from My Covenant all who use contraceptives.  They are not among My contractual Covenant people.  The only method to limit births that I allow is the natural fertility cycle that I authored for woman.  That is My intelligent design and it is My law.  I am Lord."

75. Meditation Against Homosexuals:  "I, the Lord, destroyed Sodom because they were sodomites, they were homosexuals.  I condemn all homosexuals; they are not among My contractual Covenant people.  They are excommunicated.  If the people do not end the plague of homosexuals that has taken over the lands, I will destroy the earth.  I am Lord."

76. Meditation Against Abortion:  "I, the Lord, define life.  I author a new human being exists at the moment of conception at fertilization.  All who fail to protect My child from that moment are themselves excommunicated.  They are not among My contractual Covenant people.  If you tolerated abortion, you are excommunicated.  There will be no other Covenant.  I am Lord."

77. Meditation On Work:  "I, the Lord, do not tolerate anyone working for a company that hates any of My laws, and thus hates Me.  All such employees are excommunicated.  You must work only for companies that are in no way against any of My laws.  Nor can you share profits from any company that so hates Me.  I am Lord."

78. Meditation On Registered 'Charities':  "I, the Lord, forbid calling a group a 'registered charity' that is in any way against one of My laws.  All who fund such a group are My enemies; they are cut off and thus excommunicated from My contractual Covenant people.  They are dead to Me and to My people.  I am Lord."

79. Meditation Against Prostitutions:  "I, the Lord, condemn all who prostitute their lips in films.  I condemn all who prostitute their nakedness.  I condemn all who prostitute their wares or labor.  I demand the people obey Me and thus obey My every law.  I am Lord."


There are currently 79 meditation essays.  I may add to the above list periodically.

Note: After printed I proof read this again, and noticed these alterations: 

5. "sis" is "sins" ;  9. "if" is "is" ;  26. "lads" is "lands" ;  38. "serve My" is "serve Me" ;  49. "ad" is "and" Summaries Of Meditation Essays.pdf Summaries PART TWO.pdf


The web page versions of the Meditation Essays are posted at these links: Links.htm And Meditations.htm Meditations.htm Essays PART THREE.htm And Notes.htm