Radio Volume 7th Volume 7th CD Booklet.pdf Volume 7th TRAY CARD.pdf
SONGS: Your Ground (Master).m4a Hands (Master).m4a Jam (Master).m4a Bound (Master).m4a Builders (Master).m4a Words Spoken (Master).m4a Of Praise (Master).m4a Of My World (Master).m4a
Stand Your Ground:
When life feels the earth erodes beneath your steps and you do not know which way to your destination,
Stand your ground, not their ideations. Resist the lure of all temptations.
Fill your heart with righteous indignation. Rest assured in truth's vindication.
Stand your ground and you will know jubilation. You will win your victory to a new creation.
When the world collapses beneath your steps, stand your ground not veer right nor to the left.
"To these words hold fast that your days will be kept safe and secure, He will guide your every step."
Are you willing to make the needed preparations? Let love be your causation.
Stand your ground before the nations. Show the path of true propagation.
No roads diverge from the straight and narrow path. One wrong move and can you get it back?
Better to be safe than to lose your way. Before you make your move listen as you pray.
When the walkway crumbles under your feet, and you feel you are in too deep,
Just remember these words I sing to you, with the love of above there is nothing you cannot do.
Stand your ground, guard against every misstep. Stand your ground, neither go right nor to the left.
Stand your ground, be firm in your belief that love will win the day, and He will never leave.
Artisan Hands:
Why is your hand raised in clinched fist? A symbol of hate, and you are making your list
Of all those who oppose you, of those who resist your barren ways; cease and desist.
Hands can give life, or they can take it. Your hands can create, or they can break it.
Hands can produce, or they can redistribute. To which does your movement give its tribute?
Instead of clinched fist, try opening your hands ready to receive the promised land.
Build, love, and labor; artisan hands that do not harbor hate or resentments, prejudice or contempt.
Why is your hand still raised clinched tight? Love wants to give, but you want to fight.
Because you do not want the conditions of true love, but something you call unconditioned that you can steal from all.
Instead of clinched fist, try reaching out to someone with real need, who is without.
Then you will find real peace, stop warring with the world.
Put down your arms and make peace with the Lord.
Fruitful Jam:
First fruits of the earth, a fruitful jam, on the reserve of set land, preserve that plan.
Where lies did not flourish, an oasis in the sand where all lived respect for their fellow man.
Can you dream of a day we return to that land? Everyone giving a helping hand.
Everyone obeying the way it was planned. Can you dream of a day we are led by His hand?
Who wrote the music? The taste of first fruits? Who wrote the senses? The beauty of the earth?
Who wrote our names to live among those trees? Can you for a time think of what that will be?
The preserves of our gathering, a fruitful jam, "Where together will lay the wolf and the lamb.
And the oxen and lions will both eat hay." (Is 65:25) Can you dream with me of such a day!
When there will be no sickness, there will be no lies. There will be no divisions, no wars, no fights.
Everyone will do there only what is right. Can you dream with me that day will arrive?
Who wrote the music? Who wrote the songs? Who wrote the voices singing in unison?
Who wrote that promise we sing as we pray. Do not let it come to you; seize it today.
Who wrote the music? This fruitful jam? Who wrote the notes I play with my hands?
Who wrote the lyrics of my song? Can you join in with me this fruitful jam?
Earth Bound:
I read your words today again to remind myself of the future that awaits, of nature's honest wealth.
"See, I am creating new heavens and new earth" (Is 65:17-18); your promise to us all;
I am clinging to that word. We are earth bound, we will walk upon that land,
Pristine in its beauty, love for every woman and man. All will obey your every command
As we labor there with our own hands. We are earth bound! This world is fading fast. Turn around.
We are earth bound! To leave behind the past. Sing out loud. We are earth bound!
To know a love that will last. Do not be too proud, to be earth bound.
That day is coming fast. It will be hallowed ground.
The world turns each day from dark to light, one step closer, your promise gets me through each night.
To a garden world, to live as the origin, in a world of love where there will be no sin.
We await the promise you made, a new earth you will create. Where the past will not be remembered
And you will have no other contender. No tests and no temptations; no hatred among the population.
We are earth bound! Turn around. We are earth bound! Sing out loud.
We are earth bound! Do not be too proud, to be earth bound. It will be hallowed ground.
Bridge Builders:
The torrent, the current, the times we live in. The tumult, the divide, where do we begin?
The resentment, the anger, like a wedge in your hearts. Sometimes I wonder where do we start?
They talk of "building bridges" between both sides, but that presumes that neither is right.
The only bridge I know that is concrete and firm is the one of real truth; it requires you learn.
There is only one bridge over the waters. There is only one bridge to traverse and follow.
For the waters beneath are not shallow. And there is no middle-ground for you to travel.
It never changes, it is the old reliable. It never buckles, constructed with no turns.
There is an overhead shelter for all who pass on it. It has one-way travel; no meeting in the middle of it.
There is only one bridge. The middle of nowhere is not where you want to be.
No caught in the middle for me. One side or the other is all that can be.
I am crossing that bridge to the side that is free.
There is only one bridge, are you ready to cross it? There is only one bridge where we will live free.
There is only one bridge, no middle ground exists. I am crossing that bridge,
Will you come there with me?
First Words Spoken:
When I am at a loss of words, I return to the first words you spoke.
To know that you exist, to know all you wrote.
"For who gives a person speech, who makes one seeing or blind?" (Ex 4:11-12)
In your hands I stand, you who gives me life.
When the words do not come as I try to write this song,
I return to your first words, and rest within your arms.
To know that you are, intimate in thought and motion.
I am helpless to your love. I am filled with real emotion.
This song that I sing you hear within my heart.
This song that I sing, you give the words I write.
The guitar within my hands, the notes I play to you.
All that is my song comes from you.
I am trying to find the words to write for this song,
I sit in quiet and know it will not be long
Before I hear those first words spoken
And the stillness of my thoughts will be broken.
Firewall Of Praise:
I will sing to you O God; let this be my firewall against all that enmity brings.
Against missteps, so that I do not fall.
"Awake lyre and harp! I will wake the dawn. I will chant your praise among the nations." (Ps 108:3-4)
"Sing praise to him, play music; Proclaim all his wondrous deeds!" (Ps 105:2)
"Sing to him a new song, skillfully play with joyful chant." (Ps 33:2-3)
"It is good to give thanks to the Lord, to sing praise to your name" (Ps 92:2-5)
"Shout joyfully to the Lord ... with gladness; come before him with joyful song." (Ps 100:1-2)
"Come, let us sing to the Lord; cry out to the rock of our salvation." (Ps 95:1-2)
"Sing joyfully to God our strength; raise loud shouts to the God of Jacob!
Take up a melody, sound the timbrel, the pleasant lyre with a harp." (Ps 81:2-3)
"To you we owe our hymn of praise, O God of Zion." (Ps 65:2)
"All you peoples, clap your hands ... Sing praise to God." (Ps 47:2-7)
"Put a new song in my mouth." (Ps 40:4) "Sing praise to the Lord you faithful." (Ps 30:5)
"I will sing hymns to your name, Most High." (Ps 9:3)
"With my own voice I will call out to the Lord, and he will answer me from his holy mountain." (Ps 3:5)
"Give praise with ... harp and lyre ... strings and pipes." (Ps 150:3-5)
I will sing praise to you, O God; let this be my firewall against all the day may bring.
Please hear this song I sing. I will sing to you this firewall.
Center Of My World:
In the morning when I awake the first one I think of is you. In my heart I cannot wait to share with you the truth
Of what I know inside, of what from others I hide. Until the time is right, I have shared it only with you.
How could they understand, the world has lost its way? I turn to you in secret with thoughts that do not betray.
I share with you as the center of my world. I tell you what others do not want to hear.
And you grant me my honesty, you smile and hold me near, the two of us against the world. Love conquers all fear.
I share with you as the center of this stage. I perform for you, and you appreciate.
And you welcome my love for you. You smile and hold me near, the two of us against the world.
Love conquers all fear. They whispers in their ears and lure them to their lies.
They sold them into fantasies of berries at sunrise. They followed without questions, and did not surmise.
I have seen it before, and know it is not right. So I share with you my concerns, and you hold me through the night
Until day breaks and all can see with honest eyes. You are the center of my world. You know you have my word.
You are the center of my world. You know that I would never hurt. You are the center of my world.
Walk That Road:
When you believe in me, it helps me believe in you.
When you need a helping hand, the good you have done returns to you.
When you are feeling insecure, and doubts creep into your mind,
Stay on the path and you will find certainty will reclaim you inside.
Walk that road, the one that is safe and secure. Walk that road, the same one others took before.
Walk that road, the one that winds along the shore. Walk that road to make it home to my door.
When you strive to know, you will find the right answer.
When you listen, you will hear the voice of the one to follow.
When you are in doubt and feeling alone, remember the path that I have shown,
And you will make it your own. And you will find your way home.
Cry Of My Heart:
In the stillness of my wanting, when my thought are centralized,
I remember the years of needing you by my side.
An honest moment awaits you when you will realize
That I need you and you need me; a compact to finalize.
I can see it in their eyes, the fear of becoming nigh.
"High on life" they pretend while they throw caution to the wind.
And they act as if not to notice what has happened to the world.
In my heart I cry, to meet an honest girl.
Can you hear the cry of my heart? Can you heal the pain that seldom stops?
For in quiet I seek you with open book dreams,
All the while still counting my blessings.
If I could design you as you design me, we would be in love, friends, and set free.
Honest both in words and deeds. I would call you my "family."
In loneliness you find time for silence, listening to the currents swift in the distance
That separates you from the dream of all needs, when the cry of my heart will cease to bleed.
I have shown you the pages of dreams that I wrote,
All the while never giving up hope.
(c) Brian Fusonie, 2020
The Metaphysics Of Real "Memories."
My mother recently gave me these photographs. I decided to make a mural of them thinking about which are memories
we will have on New Earth. (Isaiah 65:17-18). Obviously, when real young, you will not have many memories. But
neither will you have memories of sins. See the text posted below. In addition, you will have your youthful adult
body there. In each of these I think I am older than I will be on real math New Earth.
Sample From "Additional Meditations" Page:
This page is more meditations that go with the Prayer Links and Prayers And Meditations pages.
Some of the pdf versions of those earlier meditations are also provided here on this page.
After reading the text bellow, Meditation On "Creation History," I noticed the following typos or alterations had been made.
I corrected them in the pdf version.
Chapter 2: "what the are" should read "that then are;" "when new earth is create" is "created;" "real real" is "real"
Chapter 3: "say in" is "say it;" "cannot be specific" is "cannot by specific"
Chapter 6: "are see as" is "as seen as;" "that a plainly" is "that are plainly;" "have experience" is "have experienced"
Chapter 8: "As as sins" is "As all sins" Chapter 10: "of event" is "of events"
Chapter 12: "do no" is "do not;" "to cars" is "the cars" Chapter 15: "On clear" is "One clear;" "It is documents" is "It is documented"
Chapter 16: "God speak" is "God speaks;" "writes draws" is "writes, draws" Chapter 21: "hear, mind" is "heart, mind;" "First due" is "First do"
Chapter 23: "word separate" is "world separate" On Creation History And Memories.pdf
Meditation On "Creation History":
The Rules Of Animation For God To Create
(Metaphysics Of Real "Memories")
(c) Brian Fusonie, 2020
Note: This text is to be read as part of the "Meditation" series, including Meditation On "Monotheism." This is an abbreviated summary of how God "creates," and the promise and meaning of the "New Earth" promised in Isaiah 65. There is some necessary repetition in each chapter about "the intelligent design of your body and mind," because that is the key to how God "creates." It is not an exhaustive look at the subject, and is intended as a companion to the other texts of the "Meditation" series. Yet I tried to give an in depth overview of this topic, and to choose chapters relevant to contemporary societal concerns and examples.
"See, I am creating new heavens and a new earth; the former things shall not be remembered nor come to mind." Isaiah 65:17-18. (Also see "Just as the new heavens and the new earth which I am making." Isaiah 66:15-22; and also, as even Christians believe, "Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth. The former heaven and the former earth had passed away." Rev. 21:1).
"It was I who made the earth, human being and beast on the face of the earth." Jeremiah 27:4-5.
"For thus says the Lord, the creator of the heavens, who is God, the designer and maker of the earth who established it, not as an empty waste did he create it, but designing it to be lived in: I am the Lord, there is no other. ... Turn to me and be safe, all you ends of the earth, for I am God; there is no other!" Isaiah 45:18-22.
Introduction (Overview): "Creation history" is that record of what is, not what is not. It is the record of what is "real time," what will be recorded as "real memories" on New Earth. For God promised that some "former things shall not be remembered nor come to mind" then. Isaiah 65:17-18. What then are alleged 'memories' of 'events' that cannot be in your mind as memories when the new earth is created, at what some call the "resurrection of your body"? On new earth it will be as if those 'events' never happened. And thus they did not happen to your "real self" - the "real person" you will be created anew on the new earth. This text discusses how "your real self" is only that which conforms to the intelligent designed nature of your body (hardware) and mind (software). You are a specific designed machine, "body" plus your "real memories." On the new earth you will be re-authored (re-created, re-drawn, resurrected) to have your youthful body and only those memories that conform to your true nature as intelligently designed by God. You cannot have sin in your memories at the resurrection of your body. It is something to which to look forward! Yet you can and must prepare now for that time, and you can "maximize your real memories now" by avoiding sin. This text looks at the way God "creates" by designing and then animating those designs for His creatures daily; and why certain 'events,' 'emotions,' 'lusts,' or 'feelings" will never be part of your real self "memories" on new earth. In doing so it also looks at the definition of "true prayer" as compared to 'mystical experiences,' with also help from a look at software programming "artificial intelligence" machine "others" (i.e., robots).
Chapter 1: The Truth About "Memories"
I could start this text with how God animates in God's Mind to create, as the first step in this logical proof about the distinction between "creation history," or "creature real time," as compared to "fictions" and "cartoons." Instead I will commence this proof with an end result, and that is the fact that when the New Earth is created, see Isaiah 65, and thus at the time of our re-authored bodily life (often called the resurrection of your body), God cannot allow us to have memories of sins. "I am creating ... a new earth; the former things shall not be remembered nor come to mind." Isaiah 65:17-18. As I wrote in the Back To Eden scripture meditation ("exam"), at the re-authoring (re-drawing, resurrection) of our bodily life, God cannot allow you to remember sins such as abortion (murder), homosexuality, incest, fornication (pre-marital sex), adultery, contraception, theft, slander, assaults, etc. I am not only talking about mortal sins, as those just listed, but also venial smaller sins not listed. God cannot allow in your minds the memories or lures or feel of any sins at the making of the new earth. This is obvious because it will be a sinless earth, a pristine land of all obeying each and every commandment of God. There cannot be anything about sin in the minds then. I discuss this further in more detail in later examples. And in later chapters we also prove why the rules governing God's ability to "create" real person "others" also prevent God from allowing memories of sin to exist at the time of the resurrection.
Chapter 2: Creation History (The Record Of "Real Memories")
"Creation history" we said is that record of what is real time, what will be recorded as real memories on new earth. "History" is defined as "a systematic account of past events." See March's Thesaurus And Dictionary. "Real" means "actual," not fake, nor illusions. "reality" is "actual fact or existence." "Realize" is "to perceive; to make real; to obtain." "Creation" is "the act of God in bringing into existence." "Create" is "to cause to come into existence." "Created" means "produced." Why go through that short list of definitions? Because to be really created and realized on new earth it must exist then -- and memories of sin will not exist then. At the outset I asked, what the are alleged 'memories' of 'events' that cannot be memories when new earth is create -- when you are actually created there? I said it will be as if those 'events' never took place. And thus mathematically they never happened in real real recorded history which God is compiling for that time of math new earth. A hoax or fraud is a lie contrary to the very natural law intelligent design of a thing or of a person. And because sin can never be in your memories when you are for real re-authored (re-created) on new earth, sin is always a fraud against the person. It is not your "real time." It will not exist in your mind when earth is re-created anew. Some of you may grapple with that notion that some 'events' will never be memories, and thus are not part of your "real person" being designed by God for life anew with God on new earth. But I assure you that you are being designed daily, and sin will never be a part of that design -- never your real "self."
Chapter 3: Rules For Creating (As Opposite Of Cartooning)
There is another more important reason God cannot author (draw) you to remember sin, other than sins cannot be in your mind on new earth, and that is that sin is not your designed "software" moments -- due to the rules of creating "others" as compared to drawing cartoon false 'creatures.' These are the rules of animating living creatures versus merely drawing shapes and forms that are not real "creature time." First, as I wrote about in Meditation On "Monotheism," God was alone and occupies the full space in which God exists. God wanted to create "others," and thus to create real "creatures." A world of "others," a "living earth." To do so God must animate (author) by mental imagery in God's mind the electrons, molecules, earth, and then design very specifically each natural law "creature," and animate their specific intelligent designed "existence" daily. If God stopped animating us into existence, we would suddenly vanish.
There are logical rules to creating "others," which even God must observe. It is math. We can learn here from the efforts of computer programmers seeking to design electronic living machines called "artificial intelligence." The machine to be "other" must have enough variable that the author of that machine "life" is not merely remote control automating that machine. If not, it is not creating "other." Because God must animate all motion and thoughts, God, to create "others," must design very specific intelligent designed nature for each "creature." There must be enough math variable of mind and body (hardware and software) that God is not merely remote controlling the motion and thoughts of that creature. If God does override the system, as we will discuss in more detail later, it cannot be the creature, for it is not actually the creature's software or hardware at those moment God overrides the system. God must author the creature's designed natural law nature at all time, without exception -- for if God draws (authors, animates) what is not the creature's nature, that creature ceases to exist at those moments; while God draws still the appearance of that creature's look (form) and 'apparent sense of existence' -- of a false ego. It is the same problem with creating "artificial intelligence machine life." If the programmer "creator" of the machine overrides the machine's intelligent designed hardware or software system, then the machine "creature" ceases to exist at those moments. All that is there at that moments the programmer overrides the machine's system is the programmer -- the programmer's actions, and not the actions attributable to the machine creature. It is not "life." Hence, if God overrides the designed nature of a thing, that thing ceases to exist. When God authors the appearances of a 'creature,' or even the 'apparent sense of self' of a creature, but does not faithfully author its true intelligent designed nature software or hardware, then as we said it is not truly that "creature." Not that creature's "memories" nor "actions."
For this reason, some people call sin "hoax time,' as moments that cannot be your real authored specific designed natural law "self," and thus not your real "memories." I call it "hoax time" for that reason -- on new earth, as we have shown, sin will not be remembered. I can say in differently. When God designs a creature and authors that specific nature designed, God "creates." Whenever God authors what is not the creature's real designed nature, it is the illusion of that 'creature.' It is form without substance. An illusion; what looks like the "creature" but cannot be specific design law be that real "creature." So it is the difference between actual "creating," and instead moments of drawing only the appearances of form without substance, and thus I call it a "cartoon." A cartoon is when it looks like the creature, but cannot have those moments as memories in its data bank on new earth because it was not really the hardware and software design of the "real creature" at those moments.
Chapter 4: Examples Of Robots And Machines
There are many examples of the differences between computer hardware and software design programming "artificial intelligence" machine "others" that one might think about. I provide in this chapter a few examples I have thought of as such examples, to prove the differences between actual "creating" a rational "creature," as compared to merely "cartooning." A. If a software programmer designs a robot that vacuums carpets, and then either remote control overrides its design to instead spit dust and dirt back onto the carpet, or inserts into the robot a hack virus that causes the robot to spit dust and dirt back onto the carpet -- the programmer is not "creating" an "other." The machine becomes at those hacked moments a "cartoon," as "the opposite of its intelligent designed nature." B. If a software programmer designs a robot that has the nature to be a "maid servant" cleaning up and serving people meals, etc., and then either remote control overrides its nature, or inserts a hack virus into the robot that turns it into a killer that murders people instead of serving them -- that programmer is not creating "other" at those hacked moments. It is not creating; it is desecration and cartoon. C. If an intelligent life robot programmer designs a robot to be a "doctor and surgeon" with the function to diagnose and surgically remove cancers, to heal people and save their lives, and instead that programmer remote control overrides or inserts a hack virus into the robot causing it to kill its patients; that is not creating. It is desecrating, and a cartoon. Not a "living machine." It is not its actual "moments," nor its "memories." We all see clearly that those "hacked" moments are not actually the robot's "time," not its "person." Rather, it is the actions only of the computer programmer sinning against the very nature of the intelligent design of the robot ("creature"). Now if robot machines could be given new life on math New Earth, they could not be allowed to have data memories of killing anyone, nor memories of the negative effects of having been corruptly "hacked." The same is true for each of us on New Earth.
I have a few other examples about robots. D. What if a programmer designs a robot to be a math tutor (teacher of math), and then overrides or hacks the robot with a virus causing it to give all wrong answers to math questions? E. Or what if the programmer designs a robotic car designed to drive people safely, but the programmer remote control overrides it or inserts a hack virus into that machine causing the car to instead drive unsafely and to get into accidents? F. What if a programmer designs a robot to be an honest non-partial "judge" of "real law," able to remember and apply "true law" to any fact pattern, but the programmer either overrides it or inserts a hack virus into the robot causing it to spout instead parodies of 'law' as 'opposite of real laws and judicial decisions' (or also called 'negative law,' 'role-reversal of the law,' or 'opposite of thought')? Obviously during those hacked events the programmer was not creating. Instead what was there was the malicious actions or malicious virus of the programmer -- not the robot's "real self" -- not its intelligent designed nature purpose and function of its hardware and software. They are not its "memories." They must be deleted to restore the robot to its rightful "self." That is what will happen for each of you on new earth at the resurrection.
Chapter 5: Humans, Animals, And New Earth
I think of two easy examples of what we are discussing from the Garden Of Eden and its restoration on New Earth, namely the killing of Abel by Cain, and the vegetarian nature of Eden. First, in summary, it is said Eve was tempted to disobey God, and thus to fail a "test," to seek 'unlawful knowledge' from eating forbidden fruit, and then she lured her husband Adam to disobey God also. It is said their son Cain was jealous of their other son Abel so Cain killed Abel. They were cast out of the Garden Of Eden. There is a problem. On math New Earth they will be re-authored (re-created, resurrected) and they will have none of those 'sins' as "memories." It will be as if it never happened. The easiest example of this is Cain killing Abel. On new earth, Cain and Abel will be family and friends. They will not remember the memories of being killed, none of how it felt, nor will Cain remember any memories of killing Abel, none of how it felt or looked. Nothing. This is obvious because new earth will be sinless, and no one can have there memories of killing another human being. And nor was that killing any of Cain's "real person time;" it was not. Thus new earth will be for them and everyone a more perfect Garden Of Eden; one without tests nor temptations. Only real love among all the inhabitants and their real self.
Secondly, I think of the vegetarian order of Eden, and of New Earth. This also is an easy example to prove. "See, I am creating ... new earth; the former things shall not be remembered nor come to mind. ... The wolf and the lamb shall pasture together, and the lion shall eat hay like the ox ... None shall harm or destroy (i.e., none shall kill nor eat) on all my holy mountain, says the Lord." Isaiah 65:17-25. This is a return to the rules of the Garden of Eden, when God made mankind and the animals to be vegetarians. "See, I give you every seed-bearing plant on all the earth and every tree that has seed-bearing fruit on it to be your food; and to all the wild animals, all the birds of the air, and all the living creatures that crawl on the earth, I give the green plants for food. And so it happened. God looked at everything he had made, and found it very good." Genesis 1:29-31. That was also the order on Noah's Ark, we can prove on logic, where the animals did not eat each other, but ate as vegetarians, likely "hay like the ox." So if on new earth all will be vegetarian, God cannot allow any humans nor animals "memories" of killing or eating any animals. This too is obvious in a world pristine where there cannot be allowed any temptations nor 'unlawful memories.' You would not want a person on new earth looking at an animal and remembering what it was like to kill or eat that animal, what it tasted like. There will be then nothing in the mind about eating meat or how it tasted.
But let us look at the relevant scripture passage one more. If a lion now hunts and eats deer, God says that will cease and "the lion will eat hay like the ox." And if the wolf now hunts and eats lambs, God said that will stop, and "the wolf and lamb will pasture together" grazing on grasses on new earth. Here is the question, on new earth which would be more "creating" (and thus "creation history") instead of a cartoon: (1) God restores the nature of the lion and wolf not to hunt and kill, not to eat meat by removing from its memories any 'memories' of hunting, killing, and eating meat?; or (2) God does not restore the lion's and wolf's nature to be vegetarian and leaves the 'memories' in their minds of hunting, killing, and eating deer and lambs -- but draws that they never actually hunt, kill, nor eat another animal? The first, number (1), is more "creating" anew; a restoration of a rightful promised sinless order. The second, number (2), is a hoax. The same is true for humans when God creates them anew on new earth. Yet I must also say a few other observations. On new earth the animals that are created there will likely be young animals, new creatures, and thus God will create them having no urges, no nature to hunt nor kill nor eat other animals. Human beings, however, will be re-created anew. We will be our true selves. Unlike animals, we were designed to walk with God, to know God, to talk with God, to be taught and loved by God, to use our God designed and animated intellect to live off the land and never have to kill. New earth is a "restoration" of that promised relationship with God and creation.
Chapter 6: Proof Of No Free-Will: Animated Dreams
I will discuss "dreams" in this chapter and in a later chapter, so I will keep this introductory section on dreams shorter. Originally, I was going to write a larger text on "dreams" are "paranormal against free-will," but I decided to include this abbreviated proof here. In scripture, "dreams" are see as "God intervening events" and "God speaking to the person revealing things" -- and thus as "paranormal." The biblical stories of Joseph and Daniel are two examples of persons given by God the paranormal 'ability' to "interpret dreams." Dreams are proof God has the ability to author (write, draw) apparent 'experiences' and apparent 'conversations' that a plainly not part of "free-will," nor can they be "simulated free-will." Dreams are animated false 'experiences' while you sleep! We do not see them as the "real person" doing those action in dreams. It cannot be your hardware nor software "memory time." It is not "you." As I discuss in more detail in a later chapter, God is the one making each "dream." God is the actor; God is the talker in "dreams." We are asleep. And on New Earth there will be no "dreams" while you sleep. There will be no miracles, no paranormal, nothing contrary to your "real natural law designed nature." On new earth each night you will fall asleep and wake up in the morning having had no "dreams." Most of us have experience pleasant nights like that -- when we sleep without having any "dreams." You will have that as your nature on new earth.
Chapter 7: Maximizing Your Real Memories
Now I return to the proof with which I started at the outset, namely as we have been discussing that God cannot allow you to have "memories" of sin on the New Earth. Hence, all sin is a waste of time. It will not be remembered, and it cannot be your real "self." It is not your real "data." As a result, I said, sin is "cartoon time," something fictional, and cannot be really your designed nature hardware or software "person." If you then will not remember any sins, why be lured to fail "tests" and 'sin'? If you want to "maximize your real memories" and at all times be in design as "your real person," you should with "all your mind, body, and strength never dare to sin." You would obey always your intelligent design for your body and mind. This is why I pray daily a short prayer, maybe you can better understand as you read this text: "God, please author me right side up natural law intelligent design name shape healthy." Maybe you do not understand the phrases in my prayer yet, but you will if you ask God to "teach" you.
As examples of "maximizing" your "real memories" we discussed the issue of 'eating meat' compared to your designed nature to eat as vegetarians, as it will be on new earth. If you want to maximize your "real memories" now, and thus to build lasting real time "memories shared with God, that you can share with God also on new earth," you would become vegetarian, as best as you can. But I think of another example that is easy, and that is the issue of "drug use." There will be no drug use (no druggies) on new earth. Therefore, God cannot allow a person to have in their memories on new earth anything about the 'experience of how drugs felt;' nothing that might lure a person toward drugs, etc. If then you will not have drug use as 'memories,' it is a waste of your time to use drugs now. To "maximize your real memories" now you should with all your heart, mind, body, and strength never dare use drugs. You can think of many other examples, and I will discuss some in later chapters. The point is if you stay away from sin, if you stay away from what cannot be memories on new earth, you will have more memories on that new earth. That equates to more of an honest relationship (real-ationship) with God now and later. I discuss that "honest relationship" more in the chapter on "true prayer."
Chapter 8: On "Tests" By God
Now about "tests." I have written about how God "tests" to "determine if you will really obey God's laws with all your heart, body, mind, and strength." A computer "artificial intelligence" programmer may be able to author (write) "tests" for a robot he created. But God animates each decision of His creatures. The only way God can create is, as we said, to author only what is consistent with a creature's intelligent design software and hardware. Anything authored (drawn, written) contrary to (different than) the creature's intelligent design we said "cannot be the creature's real moments." They are not its "real data." When God authors a "test" and authors that a creature 'fails that test and sins,' God has authored what is contrary to the specific design God made for that creature. Why does God draw "tests"? I do not really know. But what I do know is that on new earth there will be no more "tests," and no more "temptations" therefore. The fact is, however, that God now does in this world author "tests" of each 'person.' Such "tests" are to see if the creature would dare do something against its God designed nature, and thus against natural law. In example, to see if the creature would dare turn "womb" from its intelligent designed nature to "welcome and nurture new life into the world," to instead turn it into a "killing machine" that "does not welcome, does not nurture each new life, but aborts (murders) life." The main purpose of what makes a "woman" (womb-man) special and unique, her specific intelligent design, is to "become pregnant and give birth." God "tests" a woman with such sins as contraceptives, or abortion (abortifacients); acts contrary to the very nature of marriage and her designed "person." Now I speak to you of something horrible, and horrible fact, that when a woman fails such "tests" it cannot be her real person, and will not be among her memories on new earth, but yet the murder of the child is real. If it is not the woman's real time, it is hoax time, a cartoon; yet the aborted child is real. A real murder.
A second, and similar example, is the fact that "God made man and woman to have intercourse and procreate children." The obvious "test" about that also then includes whether a creature, man or woman, would dare lay with a 'person' of their same gender! Homosexuality is a mortal sin, contrary to the intelligent design of the body (hardware) and mind (software) of the person, as are contraceptives and abortion. Homosexuality is expressly forbidden by God in Leviticus 18:22 and Leviticus 20:13, among other scripture texts as Genesis 19:4-5, 13-25, when God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah because of those homosexual 'men' in that text who wanted to have 'sexual intercourse' with the "men" visiting Lot's house to "test" that city of Sodom (sodomy, sodomites). Obviously, homosexuality cannot be your real designed "person." Not your "real self." It is a cartoon against intelligent design. It is against the very nature of the specie. On new earth they will not remember any homosexual acts or thoughts. Nothing at all about such a horror will be in their mind. As as sins, it is a waste of time. A cartoon.
Chapter 9: The Issue Of Free-Will Revisited
This chapter briefly looks further into the issue of "free-will." As we said, a computer robot "intelligent life" creator cannot really invent "free-will" for its robot. It has a script, software design with inputs of "if ...then" programmed option sequences which in their totality give the computer robot "life" creature some semblance of being autonomous "thinkers" -- when they are not. There is a lot of programming work that went into designing such a computer robot to make it function "as if it thinks for itself." If, however, the programmer inserted as an "if ... then" sequence the 'choice' of something against the robot's designed nature, thus to 'sin,' that programmer would not be creating, as we said. He would be cartooning. God certainly had to invent such software intellects for each creature, and man is the most complex of his earthly creatures. Yet still it is harder for God to create than the programmer, in this specific way, namely that God has to author (animate) each detail of the hardware and software He designs for the creature. Even the robot designed by a software programmer, God must animate daily its hardware and software also -- as specific designed by the software programmer. But in our case, God is our designer; our software programmer.
We said that for God or a programmer to "create" they must invent math body and a math mind with sufficient variable details that it is not merely "remote control" by the author. There has to be sufficient designed body and mind to give it "simulated free-will," or it is not "other," we said. God is the best software intelligent life "programmer," and when God does it right we have sufficiently designed body, sufficiently designed brain, sufficiently designed ability to "learn and to adapt," that God animating all that gives us the appearance and feel of thinking rationally for ourselves. Yet make no mistake, it is God doing the real work, animating each variable that comprises the creature into existence constantly. "I know, Lord, that no one chooses their way, nor determines their course nor directs their own step." Jeremiah 10:23. "The Lord said to him: Who gives one person speech? Who makes another mute or deaf; seeing or blind? Is it not I, the Lord?" Exodus 4:11-12. No one does anything really on their own, not even a robot, except for God. God alone exists, all else is authored by God. We "exist" because God designs us and animates those designs. As I said earlier, if God stopped animating us into existence, we would vanish. If God stopped animating only our software, we would "die." Only God has truly "free-will." No one else does, as all our thoughts and actions, our very existence, is dependent upon God. Our every breath is known by God because God is animating our every breath.
Chapter 10: The Issue Of "Witness" Memories
This chapter examines who can have "memories" of event that would not otherwise be "real memories," and thus is about historical "witnesses" of events who did not actually 'experience' them. A person who can have "memories" about sin are not those persons with 'feels,' or 'experience,' of those sins. Not the sinner; nor the victim. Rather, those who can have "memories" of such 'events' are those who observe from a distance, who have knowledge about it to tell on it -- to document what was drawn (what was authored) against the nature of those persons. I give you these examples: (1) A 'person' who was drawn (authored) a drug addict or alcoholic cannot be allowed to have 'memories' of that drug or alcohol consumption nor its effects. But other people who watched and knew about that person using drugs or alcohol excessively -- who witnessed it -- can have memories as a historian to tell on what was drawn. (2) A 'person' who was drawn (authored) to 'experience' premarital 'sex' or adulterous non-marital 'sex' cannot be allowed to have memories of that 'sex.' But other persons who knew about those sinful 'events' will have enough memories about it as historians to tell on what was drawn against the nature of those persons. Finally, (3) A 'person' who was involved in an evil cult cannot have 'memories' of that cult and its 'experiences.' But other people who knew about that cult from a distance will have memories as historians (witnesses) to tell on what was drawn in those cults.
The point is again that the 'sinner' will not have 'memories' about that sin. But others will have sufficient memory details to document what was done, as witnesses of those 'events.' This is to have some historical record on new earth of what happened during this earth. In that way, it is to hold God accountable, and to document the differences between now and the new earth.
Chapter 11: On Victims Or Mystics
There is an obvious and inconvenient fact about paranormal 'victims' and thus 'mystics' which we have been discussing -- they will also not have 'memories' of any sufferings God authored. On math new earth God cannot allow 'memories' of tortures or sufferings, nor any 'memories' that might terrorize a person. The fact is God does author 'mystical experiences' that are contrary to the designed nature of the "person." Often those sufferings are intense. And terrorizing. Something to fear God about. Often they are made to appear as if 'spiritual' sufferings, or from a 'spirit realm.' I will discuss the issue of 'spiritual' in later chapter. But here the point is that when God creates the New Earth, He cannot allow in the mind of any person 'memories' that would cause fear, nor 'memories' that could not be that "real person's memory data." His or her "real time." I like to say it this way, all paranormal mystical time is hoax time. A cartoon. It is not your lowly human nature. It is something different that will not exist on math earth (new earth). On math earth there will not be any "paranormal." None. And because it will not exist there, but God will faithfully author at all hours your real designed hardware (body) and software (mind), God will delete all alleged 'memories' of paranormal sufferings. There are not 'victims' on new earth. Those 'persons' who 'experienced' mystical sufferings will not remember them, but others who witnessed them as historians will be able to tell on what was drawn.
Hence, seek to obey your intelligent natural law design at all hours. Do not seek paranormal 'experiences.' In that way you will please God. And want an honest relationship with the Creator. What many throughout this world and its centuries have called 'saints' are mostly not possibly the "real memories" of that person. Thus they have canonized fake moments that God will delete on the new earth. What cannot possibly be the "real person's time" should not be canonized. A "saint" to me must be the "actual real person" having therefore real memories that will exist on new earth. A "saint" is a person authored by God to obey their natural law intelligent design and who is authored by God to help others do so also. We should be canonizing real "human nature" as designed by the Creator, and not 'moments' or 'experiences' of paranormal. To do the later is vanity. God warned there would be many 'mystics' and 'prophets' with 'signs and wonders,' and that 'we are not to listen to them,' but to obey our natural law design and the laws of God. See Deuteronomy 13:24; and Ezekiel 14:9.
Chapter 12: Dreams Revisited And Events Of Grace
I return to "dreams," and then by analogy to "grace" events. "Dreams," we said, are the antithesis of free-will, and the opposite of also "simulated free-will." Dreams do not remotely resemble free-will events. Dreams are not the creature thinking for itself according to its software cognitive alert design. Rather, who looks like they are doing all the thinking and actions in "dreams"? It is God, the author of every "dream." You might try to argue that "dreams" are "memories" because God 'uses them as with Joseph and Daniel' to bring about other people's conversions. But the fact is that those 'other persons' will not remember those dreams when God re-creates those persons on new earth. Joseph and Daniel might not even have memories of 'interpreting those dreams' of other 'persons.' They may have some memories about it, only as historians, witnesses to what God authored during those people's sleep. Joseph and Daniel will certainly not remember any of the dreams God authored during their own sleep in this life. The point is that when you are asleep, we can all agree that it is not really you "thinking or acting" in any "dreams." In that sense, all dreams are paranormal, we said. I use this as an interlude to the subject of "grace." We can define "grace" as 'events' when God overrides your intelligent designed nature to author in its place a superhuman -- or better than your actual learned -- abilities. There are numerous examples of "grace" events in scripture, including for example Sampson who slew thousands of Philistines with a jawbone and tore down the pillars holding up a building to which he was chained. Such superhuman strength is a clear example of "grace." And Sampson will not have "memories" on new earth of being 'superhuman strength,' nor of killing Philistines (because God cannot allow memories of killing another human being); but he will be normal strength on new earth and will only remember himself as such. Others who witnessed it will remember the story of Sampson and what God authored, to tell on it as historians.
We do no attribute "grace" events to the "person," but instead recognize it is God intervening, God's actions. As a personal example, I once came inches close to getting into a serious car accident, but suddenly I had 'superhuman reflexes' to avoid hitting to cars. I knew that instant it was God who authored those reflexes. God intervened to save my life from the accident. I did not thank myself for those reflexes; I thanked God. It was God's Person doing those reflexes, not my "person." God overrode my nature, to instead act with God's abilities. The same is true for Sampson, or any other person who has had God intervene to act on their behalf, as if it was them doing it. On new earth that will be clear, that those 'moments' were not our "person." They were God doing it.
Chapter 13: Nightmares And Terrors
If you are struggling with the conclusion there "will be no dreams on new earth" and thus "dreams are not memories," think of what we said about "terrors," "pains," "sufferings." The same is true of "dreams" we call "nightmares." We all can agree that "nightmares" and "terrors" are against the dignity of the specific design of the "person," or at least we can agree that "God will remove all memories of nightmares and terrors when God re-creates the new earth." A woman who "dreams" she killed her baby will certainly not have that nightmare as "memories" then. A child who "dreams" that he or she is nightly terrorized by a 'devil in the room' will not have that as memories on new earth. Equally, a man or woman who "dreams" they 'died and went to heaven and then returned' will certainly not have that as memories on new earth, at the time of your real bodily re-creation. Some people are so terrorized by nightmares that they do not at night want to fall asleep. I assure them on new earth there will be no nightmares, no terrors, and they will there sleep well each night.
Chapter 14: Demonic Possession And Free-Will
There is a common repetition in the prior chapters, that any time God overrides the designed nature of the person -- overrides his or her simulated free-will -- it cannot be the person's actions, nor his or her "memories." Let us look now at the paranormal 'experiences' often called 'demonic possession.' Many denominations believe in 'devil possession,' as they teach that at such moments "the person does not have their free-will, but the devil is acting for and through them." I do not agree with that. But the point is that God does draw "tests," and that God does draw at times that a 'person' is apparently 'demonic possessed,' not having the faculties of their own free-will. The denominations that believe it is a devil "overriding the free-will of that person" have it only partly correct, the part that someone, namely God in disguise as a 'devil' is testing and has overridden that person's simulated free-will program. God is doing the acting then in those cases. The only being that can animated and override another person is the Creator. A 'devil' or 'angel' could not animate (author) any actions of a person. None. You are a machine creature designed by God, not a toy of some 'devil.' A 'devil' could not talk through a person, nor move their mouth, nor move their arms or legs, not anything through that person. I see 'demonic possession' as what it is, a hoax. A "test" contrary to logical thought conclusions about the nature of "person," and the ability of God to create "others." I see all 'spirits,' 'ghosts,' 'angels,' and 'devils' as God in disguises "testing" humanity; hoaxes that God warned about in scripture. See Meditation On "Monotheism." The fact is there will be no such 'events' on new earth.
Chapter 15: Tongues, Talents, And Prodigies
On clear example in scripture of God overriding the software and hardware (mind and body) of a person is "speaking in tongues." That is when God speaks foreign languages through a person, animating their mouth and words, with dialects that that 'person' never studied. It is documents paranormal and is believed in by many denominations. Tongues is another example of a "grace" event; or of a 'demonic' event, because "tongues" can come from God, or from evil cults also who experience 'demonic tongues' (a hoax, as we just discussed). We can prove and all can agree that when foreign languages come out of the mouth of someone who does not understand nor speak that language, it is God doing it, not the "person." It is God overriding the designed system of the creature, to put in its mouth dialects that person cannot speak. There will be no "tongues" on new earth; no paranormal. Why then does God author "foreign tongues through people"? To "test" them; or instead to prove that God is the Author of all creation, that God is the author of your mouth, and God animates. You do not actually have real free-will, and "tongues" proves that fact. You have "simulated free-will" only in so far as God respectfully authors (animates) your specific designed human nature daily. But when God want to prove you have no actual free-will, God proves it! That is how I see "grace," and that is how I see "tongues," and how I see most all "paranormal;" it is God proving that God exists, and that you are not your own person, but belong to God.
The same is true of paranormal "talents," such as a boy who never studies piano but suddenly sits at a piano and performs a complex piano piece. Or as in the movies when an 'autistic' man sees a box of matches spilled on the floor and is 'able' instantly to tell you how many matches are scattered on the floor. It is hoax. It is paranormal, not normal natural law specific designed self "abilities." It is proof God exists, and animates. For it to be the "person," God must obey the nature of the creature -- "other" -- who must first study and learn a language, or study and learn the piano first, before ever being able to speak a foreign language or to perform piano music. The better prayer, then, is not 'God, make me able to speak foreign languages and to play piano.' It is to pray, "God, please teach me a foreign language, or please teach me how to play piano. Please help me study and learn them." When you learn something, instead of sudden ability by 'grace,' it is you really speaking and you really playing piano. It is your built memories shared with God now that you will have as real memories to share with God on new earth. The same is true about athletes. They must practice and rehearse a given sport to improve their athletic ability in that sport. You cannot expect to walk onto the field and be able to play well a sport you do not practice and rehearse. Sampson might have done so -- but that was 'grace,' and not his real person nor memories. Yet you see stories or rumors of 'athletes' who 'made a deal with the devil to put the ball into the net' or to 'hit home runs.' That is a "test," and they failed it. God then authors them to have above normal, or superhuman, abilities to score, or to hit home runs. It is God authoring it, and it cannot be their real "person," and will not be their "memories" on new earth. I do not call it "talent," because it is not their natural law design doing those 'athletic achievements.' They will not be remembered as 'athletes' on new earth.
I should here mention briefly and generally about evil paranormal called 'witchcraft' or 'sorcery' and also 'consulting ghosts or spirits' -- which is also a "test." God directly forbids those actions in Exodus 22:17 (against witchcraft and sorcery), and Leviticus 19:31 and 20:6 (against ghosts and spirits), and Deuteronomy 18:10-14 (against all of those activities). God forbids seeking or practicing such evil paranormal. And whenever God forbids something, God will invent "tests" about that thing. They are mortal sins; but they are "tests" authored by God. I give you this example, because it also relates to "tongues." A woman I went on a date with many years ago, on that first date she showed me a 'witchcraft' book on her shelf she said her mother gave to her. She said that "when she was a child her mother heard a 'man's voice' come out of her mouth." I immediately went the next day to some "prayer warriors" to have them pray for that woman. It is a 'demonic' hoax, similar to 'tongues.' It was not a 'devil,' nor a 'ghost,' but instead a "test" authored by God. I discuss the fact there cannot really be any 'witchcraft' nor 'sorcery,' nor 'ghosts' nor 'spirits' in the text Meditation On "Monotheism." Here the point is that there will be no such things on new earth; nor any memories of doing them. It is an evil waste of time to seek or to practice such sins.
Chapter 16: Infused Knowledge And Mind Reading
A commonly documented paranormal among some 'mystics' or alleged 'saints' is the apparent ability to 'know facts about other persons, often their sins, in apparent 'reading of hearts,' or 'mind reading.' It is not them doing it. The only one who knows facts about people you have never met is God. It is not 'mind reading.' God authors (dictates, writes, speaks) so the 'mystic' learns from God the 'sins' of the other person who they never met. It is similar to tongues, but instead of merely speaking through the 'mystic' in foreign languages, God speak to the 'mystic' telling on the other person; or God can speak through the 'mystic' -- and not to the 'mystic' -- the sins of the other person to them. The 'revealing of sins' is a common phenomena in Christian denominations. This is also often called 'infused knowledge.' But the same paranormal occurs in evil cults, which is wrongly attributed to the 'devil.' The problem with that, we said, is God alone authors (animates, writes draws) the motion and thoughts of each person. Not a 'devil,' which could not, if they existed, animate anything; nothing at all. On real new earth there will be no such paranormal. It will not have been your "real person" doing such things, nor your memories. Obviously, it is not "witness memories" because it was 'learned unlawfully,' in a way contrary to your designed nature, as it was paranormal, not normal learning process.
I want to make another point here, which is tangential to this chapter, but important to state, and that is the myth that the afterlife -- Paradise (New Earth) -- will be some sort of 'paranormal filled spiritual realm' is a hoax. There can exist only the New Earth, and not some alternative 'spiritual heaven.' Both cannot co-exist. It is either one or the other, but cannot be both. Also on logic we can prove there cannot exist a 'spiritual afterlife.' You will exist bodily re-authored (re-created, resurrected) on New Earth. That is your only future for which to prepare now.
Chapter 17: Paranormal Alterations To Body
This chapter looks at when God authors 'alterations to body,' including but not limited to 'stigmata, 'shape or phase-shifting,' 'metamorphous,' as compared to when God restores (re-authors) a limb (leg or arm) that was amputated. God draws many paranormal "tests," as we have discussed, some good, and many are evil. Any alterations to your body (hardware) cannot be your real "person," unless it will exist on New Earth. The only paranormal alterations to body I can think of that will be memories then are surgical corrections by God to body, as when God heals a crippled foot, or redraws a person who has one arm to have two healthy arms. And, of course, the re-creation of us on new earth with our youthful bodily "self." Another example is when God heals a person with cancer, or a blood disease, etc. Those will be memories. All other paranormal alterations are not the restoration of hardware (body) healthy design; they are instead alterations contrary to the intelligent design of the specie. Those will not exist on new earth. But that is not to say that God now does not author alterations to body as "tests." He does. There are many documented cases of 'stigmata.' There are many alleged cases of 'shape-shifting' in evil cults. Some people see those each as 'demonic possession.' Yet it cannot be. Only God has the ability to re-draw your body shape, to override your hardware design. As to 'stigmata,' it is a painful suffering 'experience,' some often report. Such paranormal sufferings, we proved, cannot be in your memories on New Earth. They were not according to your original intelligent designed human nature body and bodily senses.
To conclude this chapter and to lead into the next chapter discussion, it is worth stating here that the exact shape of your body designed by God is sacred. You should not fall for the temptation ("test") to want to be any other shape, nor any other gender than God originally designed you to be. It is those who fail that "test" who wind up in evil cults and its hoax paranormal "traps." They want you to hate the way God made you, so they can sell you the evil paranormal offered in disguise by God "testing them" as 'devil.'
Chapter 18: Surgical Mutilations And Transgenders
As we said, only those who fail the "test" about your intelligent designed body (hardware) would dare seek to alter their body surgically to pretend they are 'becoming a different sexual gender.' It is a hoax, and none of those surgical alterations will remain on New Earth. There will be no memories of it. Obviously, God cannot have a person remembering wanting to be a different gender than God made them to be now and on new earth. The whole thing is mutilation; not surgery. It is mortal sin.
Chapter 19: Non-Surgical Alteration: Obesity
On new earth there will be no sickness, including no obesity. All will be authored their youthful self, thin and in shape. There may not be memories then of having been obese. It is different than "memories of growing old," because growing old is a natural law designed process. Obesity is contrary to the intelligent design of the creature; it is a sin. On new earth there will be no aging, no hormonal changes, no cravings excessively for foods, and all will eat a healthy vegetarian diet. It is something to which to look forward.
Chapter 20: Tattoos And Other Alterations To Body
In Leviticus 19:28, God forbid other alterations by man or woman of their skin (body), including "lacerations for the dead," and also "tattoos." "Do not lacerate your bodies for the dead, and do not tattoo yourselves. I am the Lord." Leviticus 19:28. Such actions are not consistent with your God designed body nature, your body dignity of your person. All tattoos are sin; as are all lacerations and body piercing. Today's generation has badly failed those "tests." There will be no tattoos, nor body piercing, on new earth; they will all be removed from your body when God re-authors you at that time. You were not being your 'authentic self' doing such things. It was a desecration of your body to God. It was not body "art" to God. I also mention here those who do not like the skin color God designed you to have. They either try to bleach their skin, or to color it darker, or to engage in harmful excessive tanning. Those also will not exist on new earth, and will be removed from your skin. You should love and accept the color God intelligently designed you to be.
Chapter 21: Prayer And Fasting
Real "prayer" is honest conversation (relationship) with God the Creator of your intelligent designed body and mind. It is a relationship (real-ationship) between God "Person" and you "person". I call this "Real to real," not "Fake to fake," nor "Cartoon to cartoon." It requires honesty -- honest love -- on both sides, both you and God. It does not tolerate "tests" from God, but resists them with all your hear, mind, body, and strength. In doing so, true "prayer" is therefore respecting and worshipping God as God truly is, also. God's true Nature, not a false-nature, or an idol. "You shall not have other gods beside me. You shall not make for yourself an idol." Exodus 20:3-4. As I wrote in the introduction to Animation Theology (Intelligent Design With Animation), "It is important that we honor and worship the true nature of God, not a strange and idolatrous false nature of God. As example, God animates (authors, writes, scripts, draws) all motion and thought. When that is understood, true doctrine comes into real focus." Honesty to honesty. True "prayer" therefore wants to learn and know God as He truly is, and does not tolerate any hoaxes, nor illusion, nor false 'doctrines.' Scripture warns not to let God 'deceive' you. See Deuteronomy 13:2-4, and Ezekiel 14:9.
Lying to God is not prayer. Scripture warns there also that God will test your honesty with Him. "Toward the faithful you are faithful; to the honest you are honest; Toward the sincere you are sincere; but to the perverse (to the dishonest) you are devious." 2 Samuel 22:26-27. God wants you to think and reason to learn and accept God's true Nature, how God "creates." And about what your future will be on New Earth, not in some 'spiritual realm.' A real bodily future. With that in mind, true "prayer" is not 'litanies' of illusions and false attributes. Nor, as we have seen, is "prayer" the seeking of paranormal nor of 'mystical experiences.' True "prayer" is lowly, it accepts how God designs the earth, and how God designs each of you.
Now I discuss the companion to "prayer," which is "fasting." When I was in school I heard from a 'prayer' group that "God wants us to fast on bread and water several times a week, as atonement for our sins and those of the world." I had never fasted before, and I was determined to prove to God I could fast on bread and water several times a week. I did it for about a month, and I did it also overzealous about trying to 'pray' litanies and rosaries and scripture and novenas. I was going to be God's 'prayer' warrior. And I did all that while sacrificing my school work and classes. I nearly failed a class my last semester of school because of it. I had a good GPA before that semester. All for what? The point is I was not "praying," nor "fasting," as I was not respecting the dignity of my personal nutritional needs and of my daily coursework and duties. First due your duties, and respect your nutritional needs to be healthy, then you are beginning to truly "pray" and "fast." As for "fasting," try instead giving up something you want for a plainer meal. That way your are giving up something, but not sacrificing your health.
Chapter 22: Music, Memories, And Books
Not all 'music' or 'books' you listen to or read now will be in your "memories" on new earth. I ask the question in an earlier text, "What songs will radio persons have as memories?" "On the New Earth you will have no memories of sin. Explain what musical memories you each will have." We all know the answer of what kind of music and books and also movies God will allow us to remember when God raises us re-created on that new earth. Today, there are many 'music' groups who hate God's laws. They thus hate God. Do you think that God will allow you to have memories of those 'groups' on new earth when you are resurrected? Or those trashy books you may have read, do you think God will allow you to have memories of their content? Or the movies you may have watched? Be real. You were wasting your time with such evil trash. Whether they were 'popular,' or not, does not make them rightful memories. God wants you to obey God when popular and when unpopular to do so. And to those who wrote such trashy fictions and fake 'music,' you too were wasting your lives and time with such evil. Instead you should have written for God, about His real existence, and about His beautiful intelligent design for our human nature. Look at your book shelf, and at your 'music' collection, and see if it conforms to that requirement to be real memories. Think of your real "self." All those moments you wasted with the trash on your bookshelf could have instead been spent with God developing true memories that will exist on new earth.
Chapter 23: Closing Summary
A closing paradigm about God, who is a giant round Body Mind who exists alone. If there existed other objects or beings outside of God's Body Mind existence, God could not see, nor hear, nor know anything about them. God sees and hears and knows only what God authors (animates, produces) in Mental Imagery in God's Mind; and thus knows all (is omniscient) of those details God Himself authors. All God's creation. Yet on logic God can reason that there are no other worlds, no other universes, no other objects, no other beings outside of God. He is alone; the lone Creator. God wanted to create "others." To do so God had to Mental Image electrons, molecules, earth, and then design and author each creature. All 'grace' or paranormal events prove not only that God exists, but they prove how God makes us -- by animation (authoring in God's Mind). If you were a creature who existed apart from God needing to animate your thoughts and body movements, God would not then be able to override your own thoughts and actions with "grace," "paranormal," "supernatural," "tongues," "stigmata," nor "dreams." God can only mentally manipulate what God is authoring, what God is animating. If you existed as a solid form separate from God's Mind, if you were not mental imagery of the Creator, then there could be no "grace," nor "tongues," etc. All those paranormal events are proof that this is not a solid word separate from God's Mind, but an animated reality. But if you were separate from God's Mind animating you, then the only way God could interact with you is by "teaching," and "talking" with you. On new earth, God will respect that difference more, and will there only "teach" and "talk" with each person; no paranormal.
There also will be no 'spiritual realm' afterlife, no 'spiritualized heaven.' 'Spiritual soul' cannot exist because it cannot have sufficient designed machine body (hardware) and software (mind) math variable to be the creation by God of "other." A "person." Your body is your definite designed sole (soul) proprietary copyright existence made for new earth. Sometimes it is helpful also to read the roots of words, to decipher the history of human understanding as taught by God. "Earth" has the word "art" in it, and says "God's art." The words "Father" and "Mother" have the word "other" in it, and says "God, the creator of others," or "God who is other than ourselves." You can say either "Father" or "Mother" to God because God has no gender, and is not male nor female. Those are analogies. Yet I prefer now saying "Mother," because it emphasized "other" better and appeals to God's maternal instincts. It reminds God to create "others" (creature time), not hoax 'moments' or 'tests.'
"Sin" is when we as the robots in the examples I gave are "hacked" and our hardware (body) or software (mind) is "overridden" to do what is contrary to our God designed nature. Those sin 'moments' cannot be your "real person data," and thus are not your real "self." On new earth you will be re-created bodily without sin, and without 'memories' of sin. For now, on this earth, you should daily strive to do and think only what can be your true memories on new earth, to maximize those memories now. In the metaphysics of "real memories," sin is always an evil waste of your time. It will be deleted when God makes new earth. I close with this prayer: "Mother of the universe, please author the earth and worlds right side up intelligent designed natural law name shape healthy (sinless)." On Abominations Booklet.pdf
Note: Somehow in the text there were a few alterations I noticed. Section 1 "let it be say that God ..." should read "let it be said that God ..."
Section 2 the Ezekiel quote should read "Ezekiel 20:13-38" not "2013-38". Section 6 should read "then as you have seen," not "the as you have seen."
Section 7 should read "caused surgically," not "cause surgically." Section 11 should read "according to your beliefs" not "you beliefs."
And Section 11 should read "turn back to God" and not "turn by to God." On Monotheism.pdf
Typos found, Section 1 should read: "not trying to alter," and "look at Thesauruses."
Section 6 should read: "not consult," "the dead," "then kill Saul's sons," "entire event was God"
Section 8 should read: "seems not logical" and Section 10 should read: "not as some 'spirit'" On Ten Commandments.pdf
Typos or alterations noticed when proof reading:
Introduction should read "no less than" (not "then")
Section 2 "if you are not planning" (not "is"). Section 3 "does not mean"
Section 6 "is easier than" (not "if"). Section 10 "honest labor." Commandments Meditation.pdf
Typos or alterations I noticed proof reading the text:
Introduction: "at the" not "as"; 18th: "defiled" not "defiles"; 21st: "temple" not "temples"; 26th: "they had seen" not "has"
28th: "but they" not "the"; 31st: "meal" not "mean"; 33rd: "commandment of" not "or"
35th: "intend" not "intent"; 36th: "for scribes to"; Closing Thoughts: "And" not "Ad"
Prior CDs:
Radio Volumes: Best Of (16 Songs, 4 from each) Volumes Best Of.htm
Radio Volume 4th: Volume 4th.htm
AMERICAN FABRIC at this link: Fabric.htm
RADIO VOLUME 3rd is started, songs will be posted at this link: Volume 3rd.htm
Songs and lyrics and CD Booklet are posted at this page link: Volume 2nd.htm
RADIO VOLUME 1 Volume 1.htm
PDF CD Booklet: Volume 1 CD Booklet.pdf Enough (Master).m4a More Lies (Master).m4a Troved (Master).m4a Vision (Master).m4a Old Photographs (Master).m4a Salt Shakers (Master).m4a Tomorrow (Master).m4a About You (Master) 1.m4a (Master) 1.m4a Wheel (Master).m4a (Master).m4a Weeps (Master).m4a
These two links go together. One is on prayer, and the other is brief notes (often daily) on current affairs,
law, scripture, and music written in prayer. I pray daily, but I do not always write notes that day. Links.htm And Meditations.htm Meditations.htm And Notes.htm